08-124.00 WSDOT: Appleway ITS ProjectLOCAL AGENCY AGRE~.MEv`}' FUR S`I'A'1'IJ A1:) A1T1:) A~i~ARD AG>E2E}~ML+ 1VT NU~~I13}alt, C:CA SH50 This Agreement is made and entered into between the STATE OF ~VASI-IING"I'UN, nepartment of Transportation, hereafter the "STATTE,''' and City of Spokane Valley1 hereinafter the "LOCAL AGEi~1CY." VvI-iFRLAS, the LOCAL AGCi~CY lacks the o~pertise and resources to advertise, award, execute; and administer the construction of an l+itelligent "1'raftic System (hereinafter, Project) within the LOCAL AGEI~'CY's +'oad~ways; and W-1-ILR6AS; the LOCAL AGENCY pre~~ioutily requested that the STATE provide a complete. set of plans. specifications, and cost estimate (T'S~E) for the Project using Yq3 Earmark funds provided by the LOCAL AGENCY, and ~1~HEREAS, the STATE has provided to the LOCAL AG1/NCY a complete set of the Project YS~.E; and WI-IFREAS, the STF1"fE and the LOCAL AGENCY agree. that ali costs associated with Contingencies and Construction Administration for the Project will be charged against the remaining Yq3 Earmark funds, and ~b~H:F1~LAS, the LOCAL AGENCY has requested that the STATE advertise, award, execute and administer the construction ofi~the Project, and ~~~HE[ZEAS, the STATE, has agreed to perform the requested worl: on behalf i~f the LOCAL AGENCY, N0~~1~, TI-IEKEFORF; pursuant to R.C~V 47.25.140 and inconsideration of the provisions, covenants; terms, conditions and performance contained herein or attached and incorporated and made part hereof, I"C lS bIUTUALLY AGRL.I~I~ AS I~OLL:OVI~S: Ternr of A~rcemenf 1.1 Unless otherlvise provided herein, the term of this Agreement shall commence as of the date this Agreement is entered into sand shall continue until the Project is accepted by the LOCAL, AGENCY pursuant to Section 9. 2 Design 2.1 The I:OCAL AGI:.NCY will review and approve the Project PSRE prior to contract advertisement for bid. C08-124 2.2 The Project PS& E ~uas prepared by the S-I'ATC in accordance with the current State of Washington Standard Specifications for Road,l3ridge and iVlunic.ipal Construction (Standard Specifications), and amendments thereto and adopted design standards, unless other°e~°ise noted herein. 2.3 1'he STATE has obtained all necessar~~ permits. 2.4 The STATE will prepare. the contract documents. 3 Project Acl and Award 3.1 The STATE will advertise the Projcci f'or construction bids in accordance with the STA"1'E's Standard Specifications and/or amendments thereto. 3.2 The Project cost estimate for construction is sho«~n in Exhibit A, attached hereto and by this reference made a part oI'this Agreement. 3.3 Upon bid opening, the STA"l'C shall submit a List of~bid tabulations and bid results to the. LOCAL AGLNC~' prior to a~~~ard of the Project. 3.4 In the event bids exceed the Project cost estimate, the STATE shall request written concurrence; in contract award or rejection from the LOCAL AGE\~CY. The LOCAL AGENCI' shall provide written concurrence in contract award within 15 4vorking days ofreceipt of the ST.ATE's written request for concurrence. If the LOCAL AGES+C1' does not notify the STATE within fif7een (15) ~~~orking days, or as mutually extended in ~~friting; the S"TATS will reject all bids. 'The LOCAL AGENCY shall be responsible Ior all costs incurred by the STATE,. including design costs, up to and including costs associated with rejection of bids. 3.S If the Project is to be re-advertised, the provisions of this Agreement shall still apply behveen the LOCAL AGE\CY and the STATE. A11 additional costs for re-advertisement of the Project shall he the FOCAL AGENC`Y's obligation and will be charged against the. remaining x'03 earmark fwtds. 4 C,'onstruction I 4.1 The STATE will be the LOCAL AGENCY's representative during construction and will act as lead agency in the administration of the ~ construction Project. A description of the work to be accomplished on the I'rojeet and location of the Project is sho4vn in Exhibit [3, attached hereto and i~ by ihis reference made a part of this Agreement. The Project Contract Plans and Speciticat.ions are by this reference. made a pail of this Agreement as if fully attached herein. The STATE has designated a ST•!~1 E Project Engineer to provide all necessary services and tools, including but not limited to construction administration, inspection, materials testing, and the. representation necessary to administer and manage the construction contract for the Project to ensw•e that the work is constructed in accordance with the Contract Plans anal Specifications. 4.2 The LOCAL AGENCY may consult with and inquire of the STATE Project engineer, attend all meetings, and have access to all documentation as to all matters concerning the Project. "fhe LOCAL AGENCI' shall not provide direction, directly or indirectly to the contractor. All formal contacts between the LOCAL, AGENCY and the STAT~.'s contractor shall be through the S1`ATC's representative:. 4.3 1`he S1'A'11: ~ari[1 prepare the final construction documentation in general conformance with the S1'A"1'L-. Construction ~~tanual. The S`CATE will maintain one set of plans as the offcia[ "as-built" set. then make notations in either red ink or red pencil of all plan revisions typically recorded per standard S1:A1`L practices, as directed by the Construction ~~ianual. Unce final acceptance oi'the. Project has occurred, the S'I`ATL will submit one. reproducible set of as-built plans to the LOCAL AGENC,'1' ~~ritlun 45 working days. 5 Termination S.1 This Agreement shall terminate upon completion of the work and acceptance of the Project pursuant to Sectii~n 9, or if the 1'artics deten»ine that Project continuation is no longer feasible. pursuant to Section $.g. 5.2 The Giwernor or Secretary of Transpot~ation (Secretaryy) may lern~inaie this Agreement without liability in whole, or from tin~~e to time in part; for public comrenience, whenever: 5.2.1 The STAT•L is prevented from proceeding ~~lith the work as a direct result ot'an E,recutive Order of the Tresident of the United States of America (President) with respect to the prosecution of war or in the interest of national defense, or an Executive Order of the President or Governor of the State of Washington with respect to the preservation of energy resources. i I 5.2.2 The STATL or STAT'E'S contractor is prevented from proceeding with the ~~~ork by reason of a preliminary, special, or permanent I restraining order of a court of competent jw•isdiction where the issuance '', of such order is prirnarily caused by the acts or omissions of persons or agencies other than the STATE or STATC's contractor. ;~ 5.2.3 The Governor or Secretary determines that such termination is in the best interests of the S"fA"fE. 5.3 If this Aarcernent is terminated, any claim by the STATE'S contractor for costs assoc-fated with the termination shall be processed and resolved pursuant to Section 10. 6 Payment and Records 6.1 The LOCA1_ AGLNC~', inconsideration of the faithful performance of the construction administration work to be done by the STATE, agrees to reimburse the STATE for ali of the S"CATE's actual direct labor and related direct non-tabor costs associated with the Project construction administration work, said cost obligation shall continence on the day of bid advertisement. 1~urther, t:he LOCAL. AGENCY, in consideration of the faithful performance of the construction work. to be perforn~ed b}r the STA"1'E's contractor, agrees to reimburse the STATE all construction asst, including all costs associated with change orders and change ordered work. The Parties agree that the Project Construction Engineering and Contingencies shall bi. charged against the remaining Y03 Ean~~ark Funds and that the LOCAL AGENCY shall be obligated to pay any such costs; if any, in excess of the 1'Q a Earmark Funds. 6.2 An itemized cost estimate for construction of~ the 1'rc~ject is set forth in Exhibit A. The cost of the construction includes items set forth in the bid documents. Construction contingencies of 4% shall be used for cost increases, including any change orders. Construction engineering oi~ 12% shall include all STATE costs incurred in advertising, awarding and administering thi; Project construction. Construction contingencies of 4°/u and Construction engineering of 12"/o shall be paid using x'03 Larmark funds and are shown as a below the. line payment ite,~r in Exhibit A; LOCAL AGENCY shall be obligated to pa_y any such Costs, if any, in excess of the Y03 Earmark. funds.. 6.3 The S"FATE will hold progre-ss cost estimate review meetings with the contractrn' as needed. The STATE will im~ite the LOCAL AGENCY to participate in these reviews. The LOCAI~ AGENCI' may audit the STA"CF's payment applications and all costs in conncetion with the Project. ST'ATF's overhead cost recovery rate wilt not be charged pursuant to the Reciprocating Agreement for Overhead Charges agreement OI-I OQ270; executed on August ?~, zoos. 6.4 The SPATE shat( invoice the I_OCA[: AGF'i\rCY for STA"1'E costs and construction work. The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to make payment to the STA"I`L to cover the Cosis incurred within thirty (~0) days after invoice receipt, except for the f nal invoice. Invoices and payments are not to he more. frequent than one (1) per month. 6.5 Payments made by the LOCAL AGC\rCY shall not constitute the LOCAL AGLNCY's acceptance of the appropriateness ofany cost item. At the time of final invoice, all required adjustments will be made and reflected in the final payment. 6.~ Records: During the progress of the work, the STATE shall keep all Project records. Upon LOCAL AGFNCY's acceptance of the Project, the ST'ATE' shall provide the LOCAL AGENCY with all Project Records, and the L;OCAI_ AGENCY agrees to maintain the Project records for a period of not less than three (3) years from the date of receipt. The records and accounts pertaining to the work. and accounting lhere.of are to be kept available for inspection and audit by the LOCAL AGENCI' and copies of all records,. accounts, docun•~ents, or other data pertaining to the work will be furnished upon request. If any litigation, claim, or audit is commenced, the. records and accounts along with supporting documentation shall be retained anti! alt litigation, claim, or audit finding has been resolved even though such litigation, claim, or audit continues past the three-year retention period. 6.7 The LOCAL AGFNCI' agrees to provide. CI\~1AQ funds (CM-3840 (007)) for use by STAT>r for construction. 6.8 The LOCAL AGENCY agrees to pay Loca[ Match on CMAQ funds. 6.9 The LOCAL AGEi\~CY agrees that if payment f'or the, work is not made within ninety (~0) days after receipt of a S1`ATE invoice, the S1"AT L, ma_y deduct and expend any monies to which the LOCAL AGT'NCY is entitled to receive from the Motor Vehicle Fund, as provided by RC~~' 47.24.00; until full payment for the. work is received b~l the STATE. 6.10 The LOCAL .AG1/\~CY agrees that it shall be solely liable for all construction contractor cost, and shall bold harmless the STA7'lu from the payment of any of said costs. Further; the LOCAL .AGL\CY agrees that it shall be liable. for all Sl"AT'1=. costs incun•ed, including reasonable attorneys fees, should the LOCAT_ AGEi~lCY fail to pay construction contractor costs. 7 Increased C,'osts 7.1 In the event unforeseen conditions require an increase in costs over the. contract award amount (including sales tax) by more. than 25 percent, the LOCAL AGENCY agrees to amend this Agreement to cover said increase. $ Change (7rders 8.1. Changes to the contract will be documented by change order as defined in the current edition of the Standard Specifications, and amendments thereto. 8.2 Required change orders involve such changes in quantities or alterations in the work as are necessary to satisfactorily complete the i'roject as determined by the STATE. All other change orders shall he considered elective. The. STATE shall process all required change orders in the manner as set forth in subsection 1-2.4C(3), Approval. of Changes, STA"fE Construction Manual, cu~~rent Edition. ~ 8.~ The LOCAL AGC\~CY hereby authorizes the. STATE to initiate, negotiate, document and execute. all required change orders. 8.4 The S`CAl"E will advise. the. LOCAL AGENCY of any proposed required change order and provide it with an opportunity, if tii~~e permits, to review the change order before exee.ution. The STATE will determine the length of the review time based upon the need to expedite the change ord~.r to avoid delay to the Project. 8.~ Any elective change order shall require the written approval of the. LOCI\L, AG1/NCY. A decision to execute an elective change order shall be. made by mutual agreement of the STA"CE and LOCAL AGENCY. 8.(ii 1'he LOCI\I~ t\~;CNCY may request additions to the contract (elective change orders) through the STATE. The STA`I'C will comply with the requested change provided that the change complies with the Standard Specifications, Project permits; state arul/or federal taw and applicable rules and/ar regulations and/ar design policies. 8.7 The S"I't\T'E will make available. to the 110CAL AGENCY ail change order documentation. 8.8 In the event it is determined that the LOCAL AGENCI' does not have sufficient. funds to complete the Project.; the STt\"1'F and the LOCAL AGENCY shall negotiate to determine the future of the Project. If' it is determined that the Project cannot proceed, the Project shall be brought to a level that is safe for public use and the STA`1'E will terminate the construction contract. In the event the contract is terminat~.d wider this section, Section 9 shall apply for that portion of the Project up to the time of ter~Yiination. All casts associated with construction contract tet7nination will be the responsibility of the LOCAL t\GENCY. 9 Project Acceptance. 9.1 Prior to Project acceptance, the. STA`I'L anci LOCAL t\GF\iCY will perform a joint Tina! inspection. The LOCI\L AGI~NCY agreES, upon satisfactory completion of the work involved and receipt. of :~loticc of i'hysical Completion, as determined by the ST/~`CE, to deliver a letter of acceptance which Shall include a release. of the S1"ATE from all future claims or demands of any nature resulting from the performance of the STAB"E's work and the construction work under this Agreement, subject to any contractor claims for the construction ~~°c)rk ar contractor claims caused by the negligent acts or omissions of the STATE in administering the Project pursuant to Section 10.1. 9.2 If a letter of acceptance is not received by the ST'ATC within 9U days follotiving i\fotice of Fhysicat Completion of the Project work, tha STA"I'E's work and the construction work shall be considered accepted by the LOCAL AGENCY and shall release the STA'L'L and contractor from all future claims and demands of any nature resulting from the. performance of the STATF's work and construction work, subject to any contractor claims for the construction work or contractor claims cause-d by the negligent acta or omissions of the STATE in administering the. Project pursuant to Section 10.1. 9.3 The LOCAL AGENCI' may withhold its acceptance of the STA1"E's work and/or construction work h.' submitting written notification to the STATE within 90 days following \rotice oi~ Physical Completion of the ~,vork. This notification shall include the reason(s) for withholding the acceptance. l.0 Claims 1.0.1 Claims for Additir~nal Payrner~t 10.1.1 In ihe. event the contractor males a claim for additional payment, the STATE' will immediately notify the LOCAL AGENCY of such claims. Such claims shall be madE in the manner and form as provided for in the Standard Specifications. l 0.1.2 The LOCAL AGC,NCY shall have the right to review and discuss the settlement of all claims. `i~he ultimate decision to pay a claim will he by nnrtual agreement of~the LOCAL AGENCY and the STATE. 1n the event such claims are not resolved, the LOCAL AGENCY s}~all defend such claims at its own cost and shall pay any court judgment or arbitration award resulting from such claims,. provided that the LOCAL AGE\CY shall not bc. obligated to pay such claims or the cost of defense to the extent that the claims are caused by the negligent acts or omissions ofthe ST~A1"1/ in administrating the construction contract. The STATE will cooperate with the -LOCAL AGLNCI' in the LOCAL AGLNC~"s defense i~f the claim(s). 1'Mc LOCAL AGCNGY shall reimburse any STAT"!? costs incurred in providing such assistance. 1U.2 Claims for Uarna~es ! 0.2.1 After Project acceptance: in the event of claims For damages or loss attributable ro bodily injury; sickness, death; or injury to or destruction of property that occurs within the Project limits, the LOCAL AGLNCI' shall defend such claims and hold the S~`A1'L harmless therefrom and the STA"fE shall not be obligated to pay any such claim or the cost of defense. Nothing in this suction, ho~~~cver, shall remove from the S1'A1'L any responsibilities defined by the current laws oi'the State of Washington or from any liabilities for damages caused by the S"I'ATE's a~vn negligent acts or omissions independent of the ~~~orl: performed under this Agreement. ll UiSnutes l 1.1 In the event thai a dispute arises under this Agree.mcnt, it shall br resolved as follows: 11..2 The STATE and the T OCAL AGENCY shall each appoint a member to a disputes board, these t~~lo members shall select a third member not affiliated with either Party. "1'he three-member board shall conduct a dispute resolution hearing that shall be informal and unrecorded. ~1n attempt at such dispute resolution in compliance with aforesaid process shall be a prerequisite to the filing o1'any litigation concerning the dispute. "Che cost of the. third memba• will be. paid by the LOCAL AGENCY; however, each Party shall be responsible for its own costs and fees. l2 General Prm'isions 12.1 Right of Ilntrr' and O~~'nership of the Project 12.1.1 The LOCAI~ AGENCY hereby grants to the STATE a right of entry upon all land in which the LOCAL AGENCY has an interest For the purpose of constructing the Project and, if necessary, maintaining the improvements prior to Project acceptance. 12.1.2 Upon completion of the Project; ownership of all improvement: and facilities located pn the LOCAL AGENCY's right of way shall be the LUCf11.: AGENCY'S and all Futw-e operation and maintenance of the LOCAL AGEvCY's irrrprovements and facilities shall he at the sole cost of the LOCAL AGENCY and without expense to the STATE. 12.2 Nloditication 12.2.1 1\ro modification of this Agreement is valid unless evidenced in writing by amendrnent to this Agreement and signed by both Parties. No verbal. agreement may supersede, replace or amend this Agreement. 1.2.3 Assignment 12.3.1 Neither Party to this Agreement shall transfer or assign any right or delegate any obligation hereunder without the prior written consent of the other Party. 12.4 Se~~erabilih' 12.4. I Should any section; teen or provision of this Agreement be determined to be invalid, the remainder of this Agreement shall not be affected and the same shall continue in full force and effect. 1.2.5 Leal Relations 12.5.1 The Parties shall protect, defend, indemnify; and hold harmless each other and their employees, authorized agents, and/or contractors, :. while acting within the scope of their employment as such; from any and al] costs, claims; judgments, and/or awards of damages (both to persons and/or property), arising out. of, or in any way resulting from, each Party's obligations to be performed pwsuant to the provisions of this Agrecanent. The PaCIIEs shall not be required to indemnify, defend, or save harmless the other Party if die claim, suit; or action For injuries, death, or dama~,es (both to persons and/or propert}°) is caused by the negligence of the other Party; Provided that, if such claims, suits, or actions result from the cor-current negligence of (a) the S"1~A'TT', its employees; authorized agents, or contractors and (b) the LOCAL ~1GFNC1', its employees or authorized agents, or involves those actions covered by RCW 4.24.1 i ~, the indernniry provisions provided herein shall be valid and enforceable only to the extent of the negligence of each Party, its employees, authorized agents, and/or contractors. 12.5.2 The LOCAT., AGI~\C1' agrees that its obligations under this section extend to any claim, demand and/or cause of action brought by, or on behalf of, any of its employees or agents. For this purpose; the LOC!~L AGENCY, by mutual negotiation, hereby waives with respect to the STS"T'E~ only, any immunity that would otherwise be available against such claims under the Indusu•ial Insurance provisions of chapter 51.12 1ZC«~. 12.5.3 This inderrrnil~ication and waiver shall survive. the termination of this t~greemcnt. 12.5.4 In the. event that either Part} deems it necessary to institute. legal action or proceedings to enforce an_y right ar obligation under this Agreement, the Parties agree that an_y such action or proceedings shall be brought in Thurston County superior court. Further; the Parties agree that each will be solely responsible for pityment of their oevn attorneys fees, witness fees, and costs. Il~r ~~~1TNl/SS `~iT-1ERFOf, the Parties hereto have executed this Elgreemcnt as of the Party's date signed last below. CITY OF SPOKA~I~ VALLEY ~I.OCAI_ AGE\'C\' ____~_J ~v J C'~E/Z Print. Marne S~Ttahire - -~/~i _ , "I"itle '/J'/J Uate WASt-III~~G"I'ON S`rATG uFPARTn~1cT~T OF TRAI\'St'ORTATIOV Regional Administrator 3 -C~8 Date. APPROVt^ AS TO FORn~i 13y: Assistant Attorne~~ General I'_~v~a~ Date GCA 5850 Exhibit A Appleway ITS Project -Work by State Actual Cost Mobilization L.S. 560.000 Communication Cablos and TnterfacES L.S. 51.02,000 Video & Data 'T'ransmission and~Distribution L.S. S69,675 CC'T'V Systoms L.S. S100.000 Sprague & T-90 Detection System L.S. 5.35,000 Project Temporary Tr.aff.ic Control L,S. 580.000 Shoring or Extra Excavation Class B S.F. 51.]00 Bollards EACH $1,000 Minor Change CALC -S1 SPCC Plan L.S. S700 Subtotal S999.279 Tax (8.696) 538,208 Total Ylorlc Cost 5482,982 CMAQ Port3.ort ( from S12TC) 86.5095 5917,397 City Match 13.50 565.235 Agreement Total $65,135 The following costs will be charged under th0 Y03 Earmar.ic funds: Contingencies 996 S19,299.26 Engineering 129a 5.49. 2i 3 .7n Total Y03 Earmark Costs 579.512.96 ~0~'~7 QG~ ~p©G~Q~t~ bGJddL~l IN57d4 C it Ce A N +PP!EYar s uRl•r~RS1 rY PO+EP :ERVICC N15141E va91a81E vE554GE SIGv UTILITY twOaEAn CLECfp1U IvwSl SPRe0.( aYE VavEq SERCICE IRST+LL CI TI Caugp4 1tl llt if IeYl5f61 APP EM'AY 6 al Snw4u•wlCe PGYCR iE RS'ICE utILITr IenSinl END PROJECT tRSteu YIFELE55 SIGVeI p BOWDISH 8~ UNIVERSITY COrruuvi Ce7laR SrSi(w l.9 4 1 ~ gngaDwer evE ~ ,_,~, I i BEGIN PROJECT ~ ~ ° a ~ Q E. 5200 SPRAGUE AVE. a ~ - a }_ ~ ~ r .r ^^ a LL ~ am „_ ~ o ~~ ~ ••••. -.••~ ..••••••••L i- I (f~ E~TJ I~P,tR T nt. tv5161L - L~Y ~~~ • lfvae- U:/h'ERoiiY I-90- _ _ ~~-n al ay \~e?PEE ar 9L VD otli aYE iauln eSt CaRY/SR I-90 a r .~_ ` MP 285.53 ~~ ~ a s1N A''E ~ IpSUII C1/Y C+w£qA OECIR FIaEA TAV.vr, InStelL ~' aP7LEvaY 8 vAAV, AYPLEvar ~PaRr POYCF ;ERYfCE SCIUTIeYFSi CIIR.VER ~~ i 21 U11L 177 IaviSTAr o 0 O. T! a.s ~ / tvSial! vlpElE55 Si Cwel. Sc+Lt Iv utlES ~ CUVLt:INiCaT10~ SrSTF.w L~GE1:D F laER COeRECTlvt it trlf0 Slae'LL Cea 1 A'G I5. • CITY TRATCiC SIaK6L LUCATICLYS v;E AE v'ORa vlll BE vERFOgwFa ~~=•• ^~ HATE 66'1Vp1 ~' ^•^ FED.aM vqw ~O. '9. ..~ • ~ ~ AP?IEbVAY TRUNXl.INE • ITS PtiASE 2 ~~~ v4orren m ,v„~ _ _ w NA RS 2 D D ~ ' Y ~ GCA6850 ararcueo yr Eq_Jt4RFIC ~ 0 b2) - 3( L f'~D Er~eaw a a. spnwClE D$Z010 ~"; y.~;,c ,~f • Waahlnalon Sialo ..n accnco or ~7cW'v ....,.,, w.. .. `.,~~`f Qopa rtmont O! TnnEparUUon d eY+pl. EVnw. N~ARfR P.E. NCR1CItdL daw. J{, 1lEiCAIF ? C. R!VlLgV 6atL AY __ _ _ ... ~ __ _.._ _. e.^ EXHI9R 8 ~ '• . ,. ..,- C:C,A 5850 Echihit B Apple~~~ay Trunkline - CfS Phase 2 Project Description: "this Project provides a communications backbone slang Applcwa}~ Boulevard from Park lload to University 12oad tying into the S"1'A Park-and-Ride, with an additional connection to Spokane Vallev City ]-]all and to trr~iffic. signals located slang nishman livlica Rd. up to 16th Ave. The ('roject will also install a Variable vlessage Sign (VMSj sand CCTV cameras on Apple~vay F31vd. and Sprague Ave. ',This Project expands on and c-omplements work completed previously by other projects and efforts to create a regional, coordinated Transportation Management System. "The existing Spokane Valley traffic signal systems will be intercannected and linked to Spokane Valley City Hall and the SRT1\~IC to imprave regional freeway management, traffic signal control; and incident response. Fiber optic gables swill be pulled through osisting conduit from the Park R.d. Office to the. S1".~ Park-and-Ttide on University, connecting into trai~7c signal systems along the way. Conduit and 1~iber will be installed along Iaishman Mica Rd to connect to traffic signal systems up to 16th Ave. 2 of 2