08-125.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave ReconstructionN Washington State Department of Transportation Change Order 8 Date September 30, 2008 1 of 4 Contract Number TA-2922 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3842 (002) Contract Ttle Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Change Order Number 8 Prime Contractor Knife River Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-Q4.4 of the Standard Specifications ^ Proposed by Contractor Endorsed By Surety Consent ~.~- ~? Cantracto~ !~~~ Attorney of Fect ~, y ~u g ~~ Date Date Original Contract Amount $ 4,565,859.95 Current Contract Amount $ 4,781,364.73 Estimated Net Change This Change $ 1,351.71 Estimated Contract Total After Change $ 4,782,716.44 Approval Required Region ^ Olympia Service Center ('Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. X Appr I Recommen~dled Approved / 1, Approved Project Engineer 30 08 Approving Authority p C.A. Agreement 1~ ~~ l ~ ~ Date Date Approval Recommended Approved Approved By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date C08-125 CMAi~tG~ ORD:E~ Page 2 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work Change Order No. 8 Remove Paint Lines at the east end of the project. This work is located in the City Limits of Liberty Lake. The existing paint lines need to be removed to match the new configuration. Worn paint lines on the section of asphalt that remains also need to be removed to place new plastic striping. The contractor, City and Liberty Lake have negotiated a price for the removal of the existing paint lines. Materials The Materials shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications. Construction Requirements Work shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications. Measurement Paint Removal will be measured by the linear foot. Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1. "Remove Paint Lines", per linear foot. CHANGE ORDER Contract No: TA-2922 Page 3 of 4 Change Order No. 8 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est. Amt. Measure Change Change NIA REMOVE PAINT STRIPING LF $0,76 1,588 $1,2Q6.88 CONTRACTOR MARKUP (12%} $ 144.83 TOTAL $1,351.71 09/i0/2008 09: 46~~ -~ 5095343755 SH~PLINE IrIDUSTRIES PACE 02/02 SHARP-LJIVE ~ ~ 1lerfdiga a oericea .. ~. . ~USTRIES, WC. P.O. BOX 11971 SPOKANE, WASHINGTON 99211 P11XX0~1E; [S09J 535-4965 FAX: [S09J 534-37SS SHARPLI054C1 SIYARP-LINE &ei>3c S+pM, Nr:licing~ 8 Devkoo INDUSTRIES, WC. w~vw.sharp-line.com TO: KNIFE RIVER - CDA ATTN: DAVEY DATE: 918108 RE: APPLEWAY AVENUE j -- Zvg~-'7lvS-~v~3 TSCHIRLEY TO HODGES RD. ~~E® CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY ~ ~p ; ~~ ~,.,.,~ LOC: WASHINGTON BID DATE QUOTE FIRM FOR SHIPMENT F08 TERMS 9/8108 30 PAYS PER SCHEDULE J08SITE-INSTALLED PER SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT ITEM QTY UN1T9 DESCRIPTION UNIT pR TOTAL AAD 1,588 LF 4" PAINTED PAVEMENT MARKING 0.76 51,206.88 REMOVAL, 594-LF DOUBLE YELLOW AND 400-LF SKIP STRIPE EXCLUDES: 1) BOND 2) 1't7AFF1C CONTROL 3) SURFACE PREPARATION ANq 1 OR SWEEPING INCLUDES: 1) REMOVAL BY SURFACE GRINDING METHOD . NOTE: WORK MUST BE PERFORMED INCONJUNCTION WITH OUR OUR OTHER CONTRACTED ITEMS OF WORK ON THIS PROJECT TO AVOID ADDITIONAL MOBILIZATION FEE'S. PLEASE NOTIFY US OF YOUR ACCEPTANCE OF THIS QUOTATION SO WE MAY PROCEED WITH THIS WORK IF DESIRED. NOT RESPONS>~I,E FOR NON-DPL[v4'[tY Dtlt? TO crncvm+srnNCES SEY0~1'D OvR CONTROL SUBTOTAL $1,206.88 SF-LINE INDUS T`~S,1NC. SALES TAX 1•NCLUDED /l By:1~ tc.ti.s~-~t__._~„ FREIGHT n~TCLUDED Seven M. Adams, Vice-President TQTAL $1,206.88