08-127.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave Reconstruction~t '~~~ Washington State Department of Transportation Change Order 9 Date October 2, 2008 Nave ~ of 4 Naae. Contract Number TA-2922 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3842 (002) Contract Title Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Change Order Number 9 Prime Contractor Knife River Q~Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications ^ Proposed by Contractor Endorsed By ~,~c_-+ Contractor ~o L.o-i? Date Surety Consent Attorney o! Fad Date Original Contract Amount $ 4,565,859.95 Current Contract Amount $ 4,782,716.44 Estimated Net Change This Change S 560.00 Estimated Contract Total After Change $ 4,783,276.44 Approval Required Region ^ Olympia Service Center ['Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. X Apgr va~m~ d ^Approved r Approved P oject Engineer Approving Authorit er C. .Agreement Date Date Approval Recommended ^Approved Approved By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date C)8-127 __ : i CHANGE 0~2DER Page 2 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work Change Order No. 9 The Contractor shall retrofit the existing cement sidewalk ramps at the northeast and southeast corners of Appleway and Corbin intersection by installing a detectable warning pattern having the truncated dome shape shown in the Standard Plans. The warning pattern shall be the width of the ramp (2'x4'). The truncated dome pattern shall be perpendicular to the long axis of the ramp. Materials The Materials shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications. Construction Requirements Work shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications. Measurement "Ramp Detectable Warning Retrofit" will be measured by the square foot. Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1. "Ramp Detectable Warning Retrofit", per square foot. .. ?j CHANGE ORDER Page 3 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 9 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est. Qty. Est.. Amt. Measure Change Chang® NIA RAMP DETECTABLE SF 531.25 16 ~ 500.00 WARNING RETROFIT S 60.00 CONTRACTOR MARKUP (12%) TOTAL S 560.00 •~ CHAi~'GE O:R:DER Page 4 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 9 -'- ~~- ~y / ~, (1 GV(,-, Y ~ _ eoTC sErT+c Tux AND aZll1NE itlCAno-r, •raE /~/ iR91 t7SSTiY.O Nf/Ltl4 06SACL R33CtR05 AND 1 t I ~~(Y~ O~ 1 i viarn LGCAnONS A4C fPo01U U11UTY t7MT'~RS 1 7~ A~RACY a LO~CAY01 ~ aoi ~SFONSa~.E rat !~ i _ eA.1 n~w,sawi e I u I 1 I ~~~ 1 1 \!i • ~ j 1 1 6"9 I Q i :11~_~tl i ~.~ man ate If \l SETA IiJa (PNNOpLP~ ~ •• pONNECT TO EXIST. 2 YANMIOIF. 5EE OETAlL 1p . IIAA4DOIk S+tNfDULf Ufd! TCSTING COORDOPAT {y W ADdpA M DOM ~p M, rl 1D W at YxC~D. mr Lllf GALL Al F-~ 267t01f~M 75~S7n w~~ GCCADC VIUI hln