08-131.00 Inland Asphalt: Pines-Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief AdMk Washington.. ,te Order - Minor Chan ~ Department of Transportation Change ge Contract Number Contract Title Federal Aid Number TA-2942 Pines - Mansfield Corridor Congestion Relief Project CM-9932(032) Change Order Number Change Description Date 3 Flasher Sign Oct 13, 2008 Region Project Engineer . Phone Number Eastern Region Steven M. Worley 509-688-0198 Prime Contractor / Design-Builder Inland Asnhalt Comnanv M Ordered by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications or the RFP ❑ Change proposed by Contractor / Design-Builder . Change Description The General Special Provisions for this project are supplemented as follows: ~ SECTION 8-20, ILLUMINATION, TR.AFFIC SIGNAL SYSTEMS, AND ELECTRICAL ' Description • The Contractor shall install the flashing warning sign in accordance with the Contract Plans:and the attached detail . sheet. . G ° . Payment The lump sum amount of $3441.76 shall be full pay for all labor, equipment, and materials1o.perform the work as speciried.' . All work, materials and measurements to be in accordance with the provisions of the Contract for the type of construction involved unless stated otherwise in this document. _ Original Contract Amount Current Contract Amount ' Est. Net Change This C.O. Est. Revised Contract Amount $ 3,061,916.95 $ 3,057,735.28 $ 3,441.76 $ 3,061,177.04 Prime Contractor / Design-Builder Date 10, .V-, ~ , 1~ ~ Signature or Method of Concurrence: Project Engineer's Signature for Execution: ~ Date Distribution: Copy w/Attachments - Steven M. Worley Page 1 Copy of page 1 only w/o Attachments - PrimeContractor / Design-Builder Copy w/o Attachments - ER Construction Office DOTForm 421-005A EF Original w/o Attachments - State Construction Office Revised 2/08 C08-131 CONSTRUCTION NOTES ' ~ ~ : . 2 ~ . r . ; ' 1 INSTALL All CONOUIT STRAPS AT 1' INTERVALS MAXIMUM. ~ INSTALL 8" TRAFFIC SINGLE-SECTION ASSEMBIY ' , , 2 WITH AMBER lED ANO CADET VISOR, SEE MOUNT[NC DETAILS. _ ~ ~ ia" ~nz 6" X 6'~ X 0" C TT R T P N T 3 l U E BOX WI H 0 E BO TOM ANO 2 ~UICK-DISCONNECT AS PER STD. SPEC. 9-29.7. . , - , ' (SEE DETAIU ATTACH BOX TO POST WITH 3/6" X 3~~ LAG BOLTS. . ' 4 4 • , ~/4 THROUGH CONOULET WITH GASKET ANO COVER. "T _ 5%q CONOULET WITH GASKET AND COVER. . 6~ Ia~~ EMT CONOUIT. STRAP W[THIN 4'~ OF CONDU[T ENDS. . wo•oooosP s~cN TTPICAL 4a" x 60" ~ 7 5 AMP FUSEO OUICK OISCONNECT AS PER STAND. SPEC. 9-29,7 ' , e UNFUSEO OUICK DISCONNECT AS PER STANO. SPEC. 9-29.7 ~ ~ 12" 9 GROUNOED ENO Sl15HING 5 ' ~ !0 BONDING JUMPER _ ' - , I1 1 RGS CONOU[T TO NEAREST J-80X. 2 . ~ 6 i2 TERMINAL CABINEr 8" X 16"' X 12" wiTH OuAL CiRCUIT Fl.aSHER. ~ ~ • 7, . ' 6" X 6"' W000 POSi 3 9 ~ . ORIL~ POST PER ~ - - . ~ WIRING/SCHEMATIC A RA DI G M ~ STaNDaRO Plati G-22.t0-00 0 , ~ , ~ , ~ ]0 . ' ' ; • . i~~K~'TFv.rrii.~..•a)~,Y~tr'r"ri`\•`ti.v~Et r~i ~l B ~ I ~ ' ~ IB" MIN. . l~~ • ~ ~ , .._r ~_r ; . ~ ~ , ~ y ~12 USE fT' 412 USE (TYPICAL) ISA BREAKER T81 . 120V~ ~ FLASHING BEACON FOR SIGN D TA . ~ ° E IL . ~ ~ , ~ ~ a , o . ~ , ' ~ ~ . oua~ o ~ CIRCUIT o 8"' FL~ ~ , FLASHER AMBER ~ J o Q o- . ~ ~ ' I • C t i~► . 0 3tt8 USE ~ ~ ~ ~ ' . , ~ ~ ~ . ~ N N ; Il I ~ I / ~ C ~ ll ~ I~ 1 I / v ~ ~ ~ G • ~ 1 FUSEO QUICK ' 1-PINNEO (UNFUSEDf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 . • ~ ~ ro~boo~ • OISCONNECT , QUICK DISCONNECT , ~ . GROUND BUSS FLOATING NEUTRAL BUSS TERMINATE CROUND TO ~ , ~ ~ METAL ENCLOSURE • FILE NAME C:\466001\Task Orders\SR 27\TA2942 - Spokane Valiey Pfnes IC Miti9otion\Siqnols_llluminotion\beocon.dgn ~ TIME 6:36:58 AM REGION sr.re ~.N~~ ~'AH~ , I I I Ho. I FEO.AIO PRO ~e ,9~, r~ . oaTE e~7~2ooe I . I I c~ PINES-MANSF(ELD . PLOTTEO BY sponglb I I• ~ ~ 10 WASH CORRIDOR CONGESTIO N DESI GNEO BY B. SPANGLE ~ ~ ~oa ~u~eea s ~ ~ o~ Washin to e RELIEF PROJECT ENTEREO BY B. SPANGLE e°o,atag6 g n Staf I I I ~a CHECKEO 8Y R, MoORHEAD P.E. ~ coNrR,cT Mu. ~ac~r~oN ~o. ~ONAL g Department of Transportation ~ ~ , PROJ. ENGR. H. WHITE P.E. ~ ~ ~ ~ TA2942 D►TE , DATE FIASHING BEACON DETAIL REG I ONAL ADM, K. A. METCALF P.E. ~ • REV15 f ON ~ OATE ~ BY • v.e. sruw eox v.E, sr~w eox . , ' PLOT1