08-133.00 Knife River: Appleway Ave ReconstructionWashington State Department of Transportation Change Order 10 Date October 23. 2008 Paae 1 ~ of Contract Number TA-2922 Federal Aid Number STPUL-3842 (002) Contract Title Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project Change Order Number 10 Prime Contractor Knlfe River by Engineer under the terms of Section 1-04.4 of the Standard Specifications ^ Proposed by Contractor Endorsed B rA. ~i~.-~4~ l~ Sara Contractor Pte, Date Surety Consent Attamey of Fact Date Original Contract Amount ~ $ 4,565,859.95 Current Contract Amount $ 4,783,276.44 Estimated Net Change This Change $ 46,291.25 Estimated Contract Total After Change $ 4,829,567.69 Approval Required Region ^ Olympia Service Center Local Agency If the amount authorized in the Local Agency Agreement is exceeded and federal funds are not available for this change, the Local Agency will assume the total cost of this Change Order. X App o I Recommended Approved Approved Project Engineer ~D/23 /08 Approving Authori r C.A. Agreement ~ Date Date ^ Approval Recommended Approved Approved By Approving Authority per C.A. Agreement Date Date C08-1.33 CHANGE ORAER Contract No: TA-2922 This Contract is revised as follows: Description of Work Page 2 of 4 Change Order No. 10 The Contractor shall supply and install 2" caliper street trees in the linear swales and planter strip along the Appleway Avenue Reconstruction Project. Materials The Materials shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications sections 8-02 Roadside Restoration and 9-14 Erosion Control and Roadside Planting. ~. ~ Construction .Requirements Work shall meet the requirements of the 2006 Standard Specifications. Installation shall include the removal and disposal of sod, backfill mix, bark mulch, tree stakes, fertilizer tablets, water in after planting and planting. Measurement "Street Trees" will be measured per each. "Install Trees" will be measured per each. Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1-04.1. "Street Trees" will be measured per each. "Install Trees" will be measured per each. CHAI~TGE ORDER Page 3 of 4 Contract No: TA-2922 Change Order No. 10 Item No. Item Description Unit Unit Price Est., Qty. Est. Amt. Measure Change Change NIA STREET TREES (2" CALIPER) EA $105.11 195 $ 20,498.45 INSTALL TREES EA $110.70 195 $ 21,586.50 SUBTOTAL $ 42,082.95 CONTRACTOR MARKUP (10%) S 4,208.30 TOTAL S 46,291.25 Contract No: TA-2922 CHAi~TGE ORDER Page 4 of 4 Change Order No. 10 FtoorioJ®='Tti~q:~.• ~-~tcib~la ~~~,~~,•.~~*' .'r• • ~:~~.~a ' Urpft UnStln; ly~i+K4lF}I:,=,~~6~~ .- •hjut•Gh Ri~4:• •rrjinlmuirt ' •-•,. ; • ,p~~, ~ i ~Y^~-'toi~iCti<t:: ~f~ d~ 9jora`'~-3••` trtZ`r~-.:th,~, Ed~~t• O'~=•~I't~ ~•f .badL, • `~oirq~>3rt~:'bi~o$ -to' . ~' r ~1..•€~pnt.~rriri~,y~~iold.'~St.:TSrCa~~ ip .i'Tllp{sriu'rri.~a,c{o9tabFq'•at%~rjcJcid to1'.i?Y.1FA,~.A_'.na'ric~R+!''J~.coc~olio~ :oT; tJur,'%tg4^ijeen,~:lu~ioi~bin".Sta~l~a :~lor,~Ni~eryl.yloctfi,':fd.l~•'.Yfi,~+}.~'I.•-~~•~fi1~fih;!_,C 49zi~,,~iJa~a6zacl.'•q~:'~'~ . ~~'~ 4$~~~Q e~ (e~4lis~g~d~~.19~~o6dt~fa'~~+~m~i';~~~ia~b~}P~nt~o~4'~~i~r~tGP'i~~~'~IIi`oo~• fEe~(-i,~ajra~d~;~. ovgrn~sa~ u111t1~ IErn4`-'. .... _ ... .. ~ ). ;3 ~naii"~ o~,y brA{~~tt gr ~don~aS~d;ur.4+'i,:t~o;t. •'.. ... ii6, QQoo •nb! ap p,ty t'ar1UP:c~ of Umo ;pi';i?Ip>lt~q~.. . 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Qf Rfrp.'r~•.'+~jl:~q!fe?d~p~l+fQ~ atcer+~6.:tr~•'I11t~; e.f!•9)1JQ ,~'. 1-~1y11'•.©fi:?IIyFi ~.1$ •'9~JN~Qf~ ,l~P fii~jo aNlt~ •,®11.@rrtA.~ q to.~a`+YOj+, ~Ratno^vo- a~gs.'c3::_nd Ibds•~~35 n 'o~p ~•ea~r. • ~ :~ • , , ~. ~ R - . 1.4• j~"~,`~"1~,~~a~~r. ~>•t~}TO (dbos~ ~ ~bilo~ o o1,k~oto'P l>to; •Gflltlser~tlnsh}.uTCTg~.ilte ~ itr~'ir'~ ~~oi»Cr-p43aa ons;'.o1 '~ii<tinp .aCrt9ds •oi -~r~Np~t: -'riC a loco rviby'. neck ~ itv.'.fo `i~oevent rlb~orL'18. ~. 'fJ. f . ~~ - ~.~. • l .i :1 p :~t~O~'~?: '•finis;~i~ grail e; ~~ 1:: i ~~ ,~forr}Pq'~Q!-~}' raJ,~ot~ ~iri~4.:4f~ ~ NELSON LANDSCAPE SERVI_ CE,_ INC. _ ~~~• 4109 E. VNootard Road, Colbert, WA 99005 PHONE: bd9-238.682 FAX: SR9-23t3.Za0~ NE-t.S-0l-S3~5N0 nls~wlndwireless•nat v]<S October 21 ~ 20Ot3 LCnire River Re: Streel Trees for Applew~y ' Altr: Bill Olson i~'elson f.andscapc to supply the foilotivin~ T'recs FOB job site i 0 - Ginko Princeton Sentry 1'/ - 2" 47 - Columnar Hornbeam ~ 2" 43 ., Cimcrron Grccn 11sh 2". 95 -Autumn Purple Ash 2" 't'otal X20,496.00 - Includes Frci~t & Unloading F,xc:ludes: Tax From ; . Gary Sander ~ ~ ' I•'d LSOZ 8~Z t305 L ue f ~ b Z!• 80 ~Z ~ N_E_L_SON LANDS_CAPE_ SERV_ I_CE, INC_ . s 4109 E.1Noolanf Road, Colbert, WA 99005 e RHONE:608-238.4662 FAX: 508.238-2067 NE-IS-O1~S375N0 nts~vrin~vrlretess.nct NLS October 21, 200$ Knifc~River Re: Street Trees Installation for Apple~~ay Attn: 1~i110lson Nelson Landscape to install 195 Street Trees X15 per planting detail - I~lobili~ation Lump Sum $ 1,000.00 Instill l95 Trees - Remove Sod & Dispose of Back f 11 Mix Sark Mulch Tree Stakes I~crtilizcr TabI~ts LVntcr in after planting Planting Lump Sure S2U.Sti6.00 Total SZ1,58b.00 Excludes: Tax From: Crary Sander Z•d L00Z 9£Z 605 6 u=(' ~l~Z6 8th lZ p0