11-127.00 Acme Concrete Paving: Indiana Sullivan PCCP Intersection00 411, Valle CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT NO: 14 -043 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT: Indiana /Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project CONTRACT DATE: 7/11412011 CONTRACTOR: Acme Concrete Paving, Inc CHANGE ORDER NO: 3 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0113 BID NO.: 11 -013 ESCRIPTION OF CHANGES This Change Order allows substitution of grindings for up to 60% of the crushed surfacing road section In aocordance VAth the attached epaolfloatlons. Payment for the substitution will be by the ton for the type of crushed surfacing replaced calculated by the following: Crushed surfacing (ton) = (0.95) x (Max density of crushed surfacing Mod Proctor - #1CF) x (grindings neatilne vol. - CF) 12000# I tem No Description yaU Quantity Unl Prlca of 003.9 HMA GRINDING SUBSTITUTION LS 1 $0,00 IMP Total Amount of this Change Order(Incl, Tax): $0.00 SU13STANTIAL COMPLETION Originsi Date; 7/12/2019 Prior to this Change Order: 7/12/2091 Including this Change Order: 7/14/2011 Original Working Days: 30 Working Gays Added by this CO: 0 Working Days Including this CO: 30 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL. CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT 1,071,710,86 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMOUNT ,..�.,.., ,- 4,072,00 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANCE ORDER 9,076,762.65 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,076.762,66 CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: / The oontractor hereby accepts this adjustment u ,der Ore terms of the original contract for all work periomed. RECOMMENDED BY: APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: DATE: 7— Z. R— / DATE: 7 , 2 8 , f f DATE: U DATE: ATTACHMENTS: ll re rrrhuRnm ORIGINALS TO: Contmotor, City of Spokane Valley Clerk's Wee, PW Project File COPIES TO: PW Project Flle P:PualiowofkvPum'A! 0,011-12-77 Public Works Department Capital Improvement Program 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 ♦ Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 ♦ Fax: 509.921.1008 ♦ cityhati@spokanevaltey.org 40 • , • Date: July 28, 2011 To: Steve Worley, Neil Kersten From: Craig Aidworth Re: Change Order 3 for Indiana Sullivan PCCP Intersection Project, CIP 0113 Budget Account No. ,3o3.SV3. 6 i 3, 5` 3v,63,vc'4cme Concrete Paving Contract 11 -013 Change Order 3 provides for the recycling of asphalt grindings. The practice has been used by the City of Spokane for several years and is encouraged by funding agencies like TIB. The total estimated cost (incl. tax) for this Change Order work is $0.00 paid for by a 79.5% Spokane Transit Authority (STA) grant, a $100,000 WSDOT grant and the City of Spokane Valley. There are sufficient funds in the project budget to cover these costs. Original Contract amount = Previous Change Order Cost = Change Order 93 Cost = Project Cost including Change Order #3 = 15% of Original Contract amount = Max Public Works Director Contract authority = Change Order Cost to date = Remaining f g P.W. Director Contract Authority ft `-- Public Works Ir or Cc: City Manager Finance Department Proj $1,071,710.55 $4,072.00 $ 0.00 $1,075,782.55 $160,756.58 $75,000.00 $ 4,072.00 $70,928.00 Crushed cing ToR Course Base Course. A minimum of 2 inches of crushed surfacin top course shall be placed and compacted as the top lift of crushed rock beneath MA. Additional thickness of crushed surfacing top course may be used as follows: Total Crushed Section Depth Allowable thickness of Top Course 6 inches or more the to o% Less than -6 inches 100% Over as halt grindings the to o% 2 inches minimum • Asphalt grindings shall be crushed, screened or processed in place so that loo - percent of the in place, compacted material shall be 3 -inch minus. Any oversized material remaining in the grindings section shall be removed. • Asphalt grinding layers with a compacted depth of less than 3- inches shall meet the specifications listed in the following table. ■ If approved by the Engineer, asphalt grindings may be used as base material under sidewalks provided the grindings meet the specifications listed in the following table. Sieve Size Percentage by Weight PMLm Sieve 2 -inch 100 3/4 -inch 0-100 No. 4 20- o No. 200 0 -15 Compaction of asphalt grindings shall be to the relative standard density of the in place material as established by the Control Strip Method or to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Control Strip Method procedure to determine a relative standard density shall be as follows: 1. The Engineer will designate the location and the size of the control strip. 2. - Material shall be watered to maintain a moisture content of between 5 percent and 10 percent during compaction. 3. The Engineer will select 3 test locations with -in the control strip. The locations 'will be in the middle 1/3 of the control strip and at least 12- inches from the edge of the control strip. The locations will be marked in such a way as not to be lost during the compaction of the control strip, such as placing stakes at the edge of the control strip or painting actual test locations. 4. Care should be taken when preparing the test locations so that they are flat and the surface voids filled. If necessary, use a small quantity of fines to fill the voids. This layer will in no case be more than 1/8 -inch in depth. 5. A test will consist of the average of two 15 second (fast mode) wet density determinations in the same direction at each location. 6. After the first pass with compaction equipment, an initial density test is taken and recorded. Note 1: One pass of the roller will be defined as one roll over the location. ■ Asphalt grindings shall not be used in the top 2- inches of the crushed surfacing section. 7. After each subsequent pass, a test is taken at each location and recorded. 8. Continue the compaction and testing cycle until either of the following conditions are met: a. There is less than r lb /ft3 increase in the wet density of the averaged density tests for each location on two consecutive passes. b. There is less than x lb/ft-3 increase in the wet density of the average of all three locations for two consecutive passes. g. Select ten random locations on the completed control strip and test with a nuclear gage using two one minute counts. Average the results from the ten locations and this value will be the relative standard density for this material. Note a: It may be necessary to repeat-the procedure for additional roller types depending on the material to be tested and the requirements of sequencing for the finished grade. Note 3: It may be useful to record the moisture readings from the gauge for comparison with the acceptance tests. io. The compaction criteria will be 98 percent of the relative standard density determined in step g. ri. Additional control strips may be required if there are changes in the material or lift thickness. The Engineer may also accept compaction of the asphalt grindings material based on the specific roller pattern used to determine the relative standard density as described in 1 through 8 above. If for any reason the Engineer determines the asphalt grindings are unsuitable, the Contractor shall immediately remove the rejected material. Removal of the rejected material shall be at the Contractor's own expense unless otherwise specified. i