2011, 08-30 Study Session Minutes MINUTES SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING STUDY SESSION FORMAT Spokane Valley City Hall Council Chambers Spokane Valley, Washington August 30, 2011 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Tom Towey, Mayor Mike Jackson, City Manager Gary Schimmels, Deputy Mayor Cary Driskell, City Attorney Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Mark Calhoun, Finance Director Dean Grafos, Councilmember John Hohman Community Dev. Director Brenda Grassel, Councilmember Mike Stone, Parks & Recreation Director Chuck Hafner, Councilmember Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Arne Woodard, Councilmember Mike Basinger, Senior Planner Carolbelle Branch, Public Information Officer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Towey called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. 1. Library Services in Spokane Valle�ug Stumboueh Via his PowerPoint presentation, Branch Services Manager poug Stumbough gave an overview of the services of the Spokane County Library District. Mr. Stumbough explained the Library's service area, how it is governed and fmanced, the infrastructure of their ten branches and website, gave a use sampling and service history including history of the Valley Library building; spoke of their five-year trend and of the materials, programs and services they provide for the community; mentioned their 20-year facilities master plan, and of the recent needs assessment with the associated three phases of plan priorities improvements. 2, Social Service Outside Asency Funding Requests — Mark Calhoun Finance Director Calhoun briefly explained the process for receiving these requests for funding, and asked that councilmembers submit their recommendations to him no later than 4 p.m. September 14, after which time he will prepare combined information and allocation averages for Council as they consider the funding allocations at the September 27 council meeting. Councilmember Gothmann said the site selector was removed from the total, which reduced the amount by $15,000, and he therefore moved to set $1 S0, 000 as the total allocation for all outside agency requests. The motion was seconded, there was no public comment, and council voted unanimously in favor of the motion. At Mayor Towey's invitation, the following social service agencies made their presentation to council: (a) Big Brothers Big Sisters, (b) Coalition of the Responsible Disabled, (d) Greater Spokane Substance Abuse Council, (e) Project Access, ( fl Spokane Valley Partners, (g) Spokane Valley Veterans Forum, (h) Valley Meals on Wheels, and (i) YWCA. It was noted that staff received word from (c) Community Minded Television that they would not be able to attend tonight, but were still interested in receiving funding. Mayor Towey called for a recess at 7:23 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:36 p.m. 3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Pro�xam — Mike Basin�er Community Development Director Hohman explained that tonight is a working session to get the details of the plan, item by item, and that it is clear council needs to review those details and supply staff with edits. Director Hohman said a problem with the plan is that the Department did not give an administrative report to council in the beginning in order to get necessary feedback on what over-riding issues council would like to address; and said this is a change he'll institute, and to begin these processes, stafFis here to Council Study Session Minutes August 30, 2011 Page 1 of 5 Approved by Council: September 27, 2011 get in context of what council wants to see in the plan, and then process that back through the Planning Commission and hearings if necessary, or council could conduct public hearings. Director Hohman said there is a lot of information to present at once and he encouraged Council to ask questions as staff moves through the document. Senior Planner Basinger went through the PowerPoint presentation, which included an explanation of the purpose of the Bike and Pedestrian Master Program (BPMP). Discussion included comments from Mayor Towey that he feels the focus should be on sidewalks and bicycles equally, and Councilmember Woodard remarked that he feels sidewalks should have a higher priority. Councilmember Gothmann asked if the statistics suggest we have a pedestrian or bike problem, or both, and Mr. Basinger replied it seems to be a little of both, as many times the bike facility acts as a buffer to the pedestrian on the sidewalk. Councilmember Hafner mentioned the lack of sidewalks, especially for children walking to and from school and suggested that sidewalk safety for everyone should be first, with bike paths second; and Councilmember Woodard agreed we have a lack of sidewalks, especially in residential areas, and mentioned his preference for paving curb to curb with sidewalks. Councilmember Grafos ageed with the need for both sidewalks and bicycle paths, but to first focus on the plan, and suggested making edits to the goals and policies in order to have a more common sense approach; and mentioned he is not sure if this needs to be in the city's comprehensive plan, but does want a balanced bike plan to encourage families to come to our city. Councilmember Grassel suggested making changes so the document is more of a guide than a mandate, and to perhaps be more broad and general and not so detailed. Councilmember Woodard asked about ancillary facilities on page 18 of the plan, and Mr. Hohman said in order to address the details further, this topic will be rescheduled; and it was noted that not all councilmembers had their copy of the plan on hand. At approximately 9:00 p.m., it was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to extend the meeting for an hour. Councilmembers concurred with staff making the following suggested or similar edits, and to schedule a future meeting to discuss the entire document in track-change format: • To generally change the word "will" to "can" • Change directives such as "ensure" to "encourage," and "maintain" to "strive to maintain" Network and Facilities Goal & Policies � Goal BP-1 Provide a comprehensiv bikeway and pedestrian system connecting residential neighborhoods with parks, schools, commercial areas, trails, and employment areas within the City and to adjacent jurisdictions. Policies � BP-1.1 Encoura� bike lanes, shared use paths and sidewalks throughout the city. I BP-1.2 Encourase�s�e bicycle parking facilities a�e�s�i�e� at commercial and public facilities as well as places of employment. BP-1.3 Work with Spokane Transit Authority to develop safe, comfortable and secure pedestrian amenities and bicycle parking facilities at transit stops as well as bike racks on transit vehicles. � BP-1.4 Encourase� sidewalks, bicycle facilities and shared use paths as part of development where applicable. BP-1.5 Encourage , ', ' new streets, parking lots and other pedestrian activity zones to include trees, planting s�ps, bollards and other treahnents to create an effective safety and visual buffer between the sidewalk and the street. BP-1.6 Coordinate on regional non-motorized efforts in partnership with adjoining jurisdictions and with the Spokane Regional Transportation Council. Council Study Session Minutes August 30, 2011 Page 2 of 5 Approved by Council: September 27, 2011 I BP-1.7 Eee�e��pPursue joint funding applications for implementation that will expand the regional bikeway and pedestrian networks. � BP-1.8 Strive to �maintain pedestrian, bicycle�-a�vehicle �te�eec�e�, and emergency response access rights when street closure or vacation requests are processed. BP-1.9 Use technological advances as available to update and maintain the bicycle and pedestrian network, including but not limited to barcode scanning technology at I wayfmding stations, alternative paving options, ete. [asked to have this re-worded to include such thin�s as nedestrian safety crossing measuresl Safety and Accessibility Goal and Policies Goal BP-2 Reduce the number of bicycle and pedestrian injuries through development of safe and accessible routes for bicyclists and pedestrians of all ages and abilities. Policies: BP-2.1 Work to develon £�s�bicycle and pedestrian facilities that meet recognized design fnote: check with public works concernin� which reco�ized design standards aze being referred to herel standards for safety and accessibility. I BP-2.2 Strive to have �e-� bicycle routes and shared use paths ere properly signed and marked a�� to address personal safety. � BP-2.3 Work to develo safe bicycle and pedestrian crossings of major arterials, railroads, I-90 and the Spokane River through use of innovative treatment where appropriate. � BP-2.4 Encourase�ie�esse enforcement of pedestrian and bicycle safety rules on City streets and bikeways. � • , . Promotion and Education Goal and Policies Goal BP-3 Implement comprehensive education and encouragement programs targeted at all populations in the City. Policies: I BP-3.1 Continue to work and coordinate�rg with the Spokane Regional Health District, the Safe Routes to Schools program, the Sheriff Department, SCOPE, Commute Trip Reduction and other entities concerned with bicycle and pedestrian safety to create education programs focused on safe bicycle riding, walking and motorist activity. �-3-� > > � BP-3.23 Provide current and easily accessible information about pedestrian walkways, the bicycle network, bicycle programs and bicycle parking. Council Study Session Minutes August 30, 2011 Page 3 of 5 Approved by Council: September 27, 2011 Implementation, Funding and Maintenance Goal and Policies Goal BP-4 Seek funding from all available sources to implement and maintain bicycle and pedestrian facilities as well as ongoing education and enforcement. Policies: BP-4.1 Maintain a prioritized and phased implementation plan that takes into consideration the ( scope, cost and benefits of a facility;, the available funding opportunities, and the need for availabl°�''� staff. BP-4.2 Include facilities as described in this Bike and Pedestrian Element as part of the annual transportation improvement program (TIP) where feasible. BP-43 Review and monitor opportunities for multi-modal grant funding as they become available. Councilmember Grassel suggested we eventually develop a brochure of our city to place at hotels, motels, and other establishments; and suggested we include some coordination between road projects and bike plans, similar to the situation at Mission Trailhead. Director Hohman said he appreciates council's feedback and said staffwill examine the document to ensure we are not duplicating our directives. 4. Solid Waste Update — Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten said tonight he wanted to specifically review the alliance agreement, and he brought Council's attention to the included Comprehensive Plan Chapter 13, which he said is a resource document for council to review as it covers a lot of the history, participants, and issues, including how the system works as well as several alternatives addressed by the SWAC (Solid Waste Advisory Committee), including that committee's recommendations in section 13.6 on pages 13-29. Mr. Kersten said the intent is to extend the agreement for another three years, and Mr. Jackson added that we could convey that intent via a short letter; said there are other entities with agreements which don't expire until 2015 or 2016, and suggested extending our ageement would not be a problem. Mr. Jackson and Mr. Kersten both agreed tonight is a precursor for tomorrow's joint meeting on this topic with the Board of County Commissioners. Discussion included mention of the renegotiated contract Spokane City has with Wheelabrator; that an extension of three years would not prevent us from further discussing the agreement; and several aspects of the draft ageement including the voting process with the small cities having veto control over any action and the suggestion that they should not have majority control; budget shortfalls and the suggestion that members should not have to make up differences if they arise; that the system should be controlled and run by the tipping fee; that the capacity constraint section needs to be re- written as the obligation should be under the alliance if capacity issues arise as there is no way for Spokane Valley to develop a system to handle overflows; the issue of section 8.2.1 concerning withdrawing and that large cities should not be permitted to withdraw; and that the duration needs to be at least twenty years. Councilmember Woodard expressed his opinion that we not extend the contract. City Manager Jackson said there are other sections of the agreement to consider, that the previous summit stressed that the system be regional, and said it would be difficult to have a regional system without the City of Spokane; and said it needs to be financially sustainable and environmentally responsible, and said he feels Mr. Kersten's suggestions are excellent and he is hopeful the Alliance will pursue the study. 5. Advance Agenda — Ma,yor ToweX Mr. Jackson mentioned that the bike helmet discussion is scheduled for September 20; and that speed limits have been added to the list of pending items. 6. Council Check-in — Mavor Towey There were no council comments. Council Study Session Minutes August 30, 2011 Page 4 of 5 Approved by Council: September 27, 2011 7. City Manager Comments City Manager Jackson reminded council that he will present the Preliminary Budget at next week's council meeting, and that this year as opposed to previous years, staff is proposing to separate recurring expenses and nonrecurring expenses; and also to no longer appropriate the ending fund balance as a portion of the general fund, but to propose a 1% contingency of the total general fund that could be used in case of emergency or other circumstances that would cause us to dip into the ending fund balance; he said this process will protect the ending fund balance from being spent. Mr. Jackson said he will cover this in more detail next week. It was moved by Deputy Mayor Schimmels, seconded and unanimously agreed to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 9:45 p.m. � ATTEST• Thomas E. Towey, Mayor / ' hristine ainbndge, City Clerk Council Study Session Minutes August 30, 2011 Page 5 of 5 Approved by Council: September 27, 2011