11-136.00 Michael Terrell: Greenacres Park Ph 12nd AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT FOR GREENACRES PARK PHASE 1 PROJECT Adding Additional site visits, testing and construction administration to contract with Michael Terrell, Landscape Architect 5312 South Chapman Road, Greenacres, Washington 99016 THIS AMENDMENT is made to the Agreement for Greenacres Park Phase 1 Project contract dated September 24, 2010 by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the State of Washington, hereinafter "City" and Michael Terrell, Landscape Architect, hereinafter "Contractor" and jointly referred to as "Parties." Attached to this Amendment is a Scope of Services for additional design/inspections services to be added to the existing contract. The City agrees to pay the Contractor a not to exceed amount of $21,747. Original contract amount ........... ............................... $148,520 Amendment No 1. . $ 16,070 Amendment No 2.. ..$ 21,747 Amended Contract Amount ....... ............................... $186,337 The remainder of the Agreement will remain unchanged by this Amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement this �6 t ` day of September, 2011. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: so City er MICHAEL TERRELL: Michael Terre fl I:1 Bainbridge, City APPROVED AS TO FORM: , ?, Cary D i kell, Ci orney K l MEMO To: City of Spokane Valley Attention: Mike Stone From: Mike Terrell, ASLA Date: 8/31/11 Project: Greenacres Park Project No: 10 -022 Re: Additional Services CC: File Mike, Per our previous conversation regarding Construction Administration, I have prepared the following. 1. The MT -LA contract signed by the city did not include construction administration for Thomas, Dean and Hoskins. Their proposed construction administration amount was not accepted by the city. However, TD &H did participate in construction meetings related to the frontage improvements on Boone and Long. 2. The frontage improvements for Boone Avenue and Long Road were bid separately from the Greenacres Park project. Our contract addressed bidding one project. Bidding the project as two separate bid change order / bid packages resulted in additional work to coordinate and review proposal /bid amounts for the change order to MDM's contract under the Spokane County sewer project. The change order was reviewed twice and at least two meetings occurred to discuss the frontage improvements (5/3/11 and 6/6/11 park transformer locations). TDH covered those meetings under the original design contract. 3. Permitting for the project was not included in our scope of work. Our intent was to meet with appropriate staff to complete plans that meet the needs of the city from a parks and recreation standpoint. We completed one meeting with city staff on January 11, 2011 to identify issues that other city departments might have. We modified the drawings based on those comments. Our understanding was that the general contractor would take the construction document set and submit for permits. It became apparent to us that waiting until the contractor was selected and under contract to start the permitting process would result in significant delays construction. We discussed this concern with you and jointly determined that MT -LA would submit the plans for permitting. This process was far more arduous than previously thought and resulted in the expenditure of a significant M i c h a e l T e r r e I I ■ L a n d s c a p e Arch i t e c t 1 4 2 1 N. M e a d o w w o o d Lane, Suite 1 5 0 L i b e r t y L a k e, W a s h i n g t o n 9 9 0 1 9 (509) 922 -7449 w w w m t- I a. c o m M e m b e r A m e r i c a n S o c i e t y o f L a n d s c a p e A r c h i t e c t s August 31, 2011 amount of hours by MT -LA and TD &H (to a lesser extent) to process the building permits. MT -LA also processed the permit application for the water splash pad through Spokane County Regional Health District. 4. Construction Administration: MT -LA's contract includes provisions for construction administration and closeout. The Phase IV scope of work includes attendance at 7 meetings (1 pre- construction and 6 site visits). To date MT -LA has attended the following 10 meetings: a. Pre - Construction Meeting b. Mobilization Meeting c. Site meeting #1 d. Site meeting #2 e. Site meeting #3 f. Site meeting #4 g. Site meeting #5 h. Irrigation test #1 i. Irrigation test #2 j. Irrigation test #3 5. Geotechnical testing of the soils for the dry well installation is an expense that is the responsibility of the Owner and was not included in MT -LA's original scope of work. The dry well soils were tested as required by the city of Spokane Valley during installation. Based on the high level of coordination needed with the contractor on this project, we anticipate there will be at least 12 -16 more site visits /meetings. Additional Services Fee Total MT -LA Additional Meetings and Site Visits 16 $6,000.00 Permitting $3,000.00 Bidding Frontage Separately 2 000.00 Subtotal: $10 Budinger Testing of Drywells and field testing during construction $5,215.00 Mark-Up 15% $782.25 ( Budinger projected based on T &M) Subtotal: $5,997.25 TD &H Construction Administration $3,000.00 Bidding Frontage Separately 2 000.00 Mark-Up 15% 750.00 Subtotal: $5,750.00 Tota 1: $21 • Page 2 a a August 31, 2011 MT -LA and TD &H have enjoyed working with the City of Spokane Valley staff and look forward to seeing this project through to completion. We would appreciate consideration of this request for adjustment to our original contract in order to account for the Additional Services both MT -LA and TD &H have provided to the project. • Page 3 Michelle R. Rasmussen From: Mike Stone Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2011 3:39 PM To: Michelle R. Rasmussen Subject: Greenacres Funding Hi Michelle, Upon review of our Park & Recreation financial records for Greenacres Park, the current remaining fund balance is approximately $288,000. That is based upon an approved budget of $1,577,138 and expenditures to date of approximately $1,289,487. I do not anticipate much in the way of change orders from this date forward. I did discuss this issue with Mark Calhoun earlier today and he concurred. Finance would have more specific numbers if necessary. Please let me know if you need additional information. Thank you. Michael A Stone, CPRP Director of Parks and Recreation City of Spokane Valley 2426 N. Discovery Place Spokane Valley, Washington 99216 509 - 720 -5400 509 - 688 -0188 Fax mstone@spokanevalley.org