11-143.00 Spokane Rock Products: Indiana Ave Extension„;�VaHey- �.J f 0 -0 CHANGE ORDER TO CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT N0: 11- OU DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS PROJECT. Indiana Avenue Extension Project CONTRACT DATE: 411912011 CONTRACTOR: Spokane Rock Products, Ins CHANGE ORDER N0: 13 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO: 0112 BID NO: +4-812 rn.. nr 9 ,1:,.r DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES 'This Change Order pays for additional landscaping. The proposed landscaping Is In the roundabout Island at the Intersection of Misslon Avenue and Flora Road; In the triangular tract between Mission Parkway, Indiana Parkway and Steen Parkway surrounding S,vafe E; on the slope between back of curb and the bottom of Swale J In front or 1603 N. Flora; and around the &wale at the NE comer of Mission Ave, and Flora Rd. See attached Indiana Extension Plan CO 13 Plan Shoals 1 and 2, end Change Order 13 SpWflcallons It em No Pescrfotlon ,UUnl ua tl U In t Price Tom( CO 13 -1 LANDSCAPE MOBILIZATION LS 1 $3,167.31 $3,167.31 CO13 -2 LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION STAKING LS 1 $250.00 $260.00 CO 13-3 LANDSCAPE GRADING REVISIONS LS 1 $700.00 $700.00 0013 -4 EXTRUDED LANDSCAPE CURB LF 643 $15,00 $8,145.00 CO 13-5 TOPSOIL BY 377 $2.33 $878.41 0013.6 800 INSTALLATION SY 377 $3.87 $1,458.99 CONSTRUCTION GEOTEXTILE FOR PERMANENT EROSION CO 13.7 CONTROL SY 1,430 $200 $2,860.00 0013-8 RIVER COBBLE SY 1,430 $2.60 $3,676.00 C013-0 PLANT SELECTION - SNOW GOOSE FLOWERING CHERRY FA 9 $200.00 $1,800.00 0013 -10 PLANT SELECTION- AUTUMN BLAZE MAPLE EA 6 $195.00 $1,170.00 CO 13 -11 PLANT SELECTION - GREENSPIRE LITTLE LEAF LINDEN EA 1 $146.00 $148.00 CO 13 -12 PLANT SELECTION - BLUE OAT GRASS FAA 12 $17.50 $210.00 CO 13 -13 PLANT SELECTION - FRANKLY SCARLET DAYLILY EA 8 $17.50 $105.00 CO 13.14 PLANT SELECTION- BUTTER POPCORN DAYLILY EA 2 $17.50 $35,00 CO 13 -16 PLANT SELECTION - JUDITHDAYLILY EA 4 $17.50 $70.00 CO 13 -18 PLANT SELECTION - COMMONSNOWBERRY EA 32 $17.50 $560.00 CO 13 -17 PLANT SELECTION - NOOTKA ROSE EA 5 $17.60 $87.50 0013 -18 PLANT SELECTION - WESTERN SERVICE13ERRY EA 8 $17.60 $140.00 0013.19 PLANT SELECTION- LEW18 MOCK ORANGE EA 39 $17.50 $882.50 CO 13 -20 PLANT SELECTION - BLUE RUG JUNIPER EA 25 $17.50 $437.50 C013-21 SWALE E IRRIGATION MODIFICATIONS LS 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 CO 13 - 22 ROUNDABOUT SPRINKLER SYSTEM LS 1 $1,000.00 ,;1.000.00 Total Amount of this Change Order (Incl. Tax): $29,468.21 Original Date: 7/12/2011 Prior to this Change Order. 8!512011 Including this Change Order. 81512011 Cf!ginal Working Days: 50 Worldnc Days Added by Oils CO: D Worklno Days Indudlne th!s CO: 65 THESE CHANGES RESULT IN THE FOLLOWING ADJUSTMENTS OF TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE: ORIGINAL TOTAL CONTRACT AMO $ 1,04P,28220 TOTAL PRIOR CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER AMO S 113,678.13 TOTAL CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER $ 1,182,960,33 NET THIS CHANGE ORDER S 29,468.211 TOTAL CONTRACT AMOUNT INCLUDING THIS CHANGE ORDER S 1,192,420.54 I -,,-, CONTRACTOR ACCEPTANCE: t� &�C / I - -- The contractor hereby accepts IN* adustmenl under the terns of the original contract for all work perfomed. 4� r RECOMMENDED BY: � APPROVED BY: APPROVED BY: ORIGINALS TO: Contractor, City of Spokane Vaeey Clerks Office, PW Proled FP.e DATE: /0- - 7 - 16 DATE: r DATE: I C , _/6 0,0 1 I - IL43 1 -05.4 ROADWAY AND UTILITY SURVEYS "Landscape Construction Staking" shall not be measured. 1 -05.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1 -04.1 for: "Landscape Construction Staking ", per lump sum. The lump sum unit contract price for "Landscape Construction Staking ", shall include all costs for staking the landscape planting and curb locations for Change Order 13. 1 -09.7 MOBILIZATION Measurement "Landscape Mobilization" shall not be measured. Payment The lump sum contract price for "Landscape Mobilization" shall be for all overhead costs and prime contractor mark -ups for Change Order 13. 2 -03 ROADWAY EXCAVATION AND EMBANKMENT 2 -03.4 Measurement "Landscape Grading Revisions" shall not be measured. 2 -03.5 Payment Payment will be made in accordance with Section 1 -04.1 for: "Landscape Grading Revisions ", per lump sum. The lump sum unit contract price for "Landscape Grading Revisions ", shall include all costs for roundabout grading; removing the Swale E center island; excavate and remove subgrade material in Swale J to Elevation 93.92; and other miscellaneous grading required in Change Order 13 including: loading, haul and disposal of all excess swale excavation; furnishing, placing and compacting all embankment necessary for the work shown on Change Order 13 plans. Indiana Avenue Extension Project CO 13 Specifications 2 -12 CONSTRUCTION GEOSYNTHETIC 2 -12.2 Materials Delete the third paragraph and replace with the following: Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control shall be "High Survivability" and "Drainage Class A ". 2- 12.3(4) Permanent Erosion Control and Ditch Lining Delete the third paragraph and replace with the following: The laid Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control shall be completely covered by the River Cobble so that the underlying fabric shall not be visible from any direction. SECTION 8 -02 ROADSIDE RESTORATION 8 -02.2 Materials Add the following: River Cobble River Cobble shall consist of washed river cobbles with 100% passing the 3" square sieve and 0.5 % passing the 1 inch square sieve. 8 -02.3 Construction Requirements (August 1, 2008 COSV GSP) Add the following: After the Contractor has brought the swale and landscape areas to subgrade elevation, the Contractor shall stake plant locations. After the Engineer approves staked locations, the contractor shall install the drip irrigation system and place the portland cement concrete lawn curbing. The contractor shall locate and protect the new sprinkler irrigation system from damage prior to installing Construction Geotextile for Permanent Erosion Control. The Contractor shall cut 6 inch diameter holes in the geotextile at each shrub or grass planting location and 24 inch diameter holes in the geotextile at each tree planting location and and mark with a lath. The contractor shall then place the river cobble so that no geotextile is visible. The Contractor shall then plant all plants. 2 Indiana Avenue Extension Project CO 13 Specifications 8 -02.4 Measurement (August 1, 2008 COSY GSP) Add the following: "River Cobble" will be measured per square yard, in a layer at least four inches deep. 8 -02.5 Payment Add the following: "River Cobble ", per square yard. The unit Contract price per square yard for "River Cobble ", shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to furnish and install the River Cobble, a minimum of four inches deep. SECTION 8 -03 IRRIGATION SYSTEMS (May 14, 2010 COSV GSP) 8 -03.1 Description Add the following: The work for "Swale E Irrigation Modifications" shall consist of designing and installing a revised irrigation system based on the bid plans as modified by the attached CO 13 landscape plans. Swale E shall be served by one water service and one electrical service. Swale E shall have two zones that can operate independently of each other. Zone E1 shall consist of the sodded swale bottom (including sodded side - slopes to a height of one foot above the swale bottom) and other sodded areas that will be provided full coverage via sprinkler heads. Zone E2 shall consist of coverage provided by drip lines for the plantings on the side - slopes and top of bank, surrounded by river cobble. The work for "Roundabout Sprinkler System" shall consist of designing and installing a revision to the Swale I irrigation system that will provide a drip irrigation line to the planting areas in the roundabout island of the Mission Avenue and Flora Road intersection. 8 -03.2 Materials Add the following: 3 Indiana Avenue Extension Project CO 13 Specifications The Contractor shall add additional modules to the Hunter Pro -C Irrigation Controllers in Swale E and Swale I to accommodate the Change Order 13 additional sprinkler loads. 8 -03.4 Measurement Add the following: "Swale E Irrigation Modifications" shall be measured per each. "Roundabout Sprinkler System" shall be measured, per each. 8 -03.5 Payment "Swale E Irrigation Modifications" per each. The unit contract price per each for "Swale E Irrigation Modifications" shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to design, submit and reconfigure the Swale E sprinkler system to provide adequate irrigated water coverage to the plants shown in the base bid and Change Order 13. "Roundabout Sprinkler System ", per each. The unit contract price per each for "Roundabout Sprinkler System" shall be full pay for all costs necessary to furnish all labor, tools, equipment and materials to design, submit and install a sprinkler system in the roundabout planter areas in the intersection of Mission Avenue and Flora Road that will provide adequate irrigated water coverage to the plants shown in Change Order 13. SECTION 8 -04 CURBS, GUTTERS, AND SPILLWAYS 8 -04.3 Construction Requirements Add the following: Prior to placing the curb the Contractor shall excavate the alignment to a depth 4 inches below the finish grade of the River Cobble and compact the grade to 92% of maximum density as determined by the modified proctor procedure. The Extruded Landscape Curb concrete shall meet the requirements of a commercial concrete mix per WSDOT Specification 6- 02.39208. The Extruded Landscape Curb shall have '/2" Expansion Joint Material placed every 20 feet 4 Indiana Avenue Extension Project CO 13 Specifications and where the curbing meets HMA or other concrete structures. 8 -04.4 Measurement Add the following after the last paragraph: Extruded Landscape Curb shall be measured by the installed length in linear feet. 8 -04.5 Payment Add the following after the last paragraph: Extruded Landscape Curb shall be measured by the installed length in linear feet. "Extruded Landscape Curb ", per linear foot. The linear foot unit contract price for the above item shall be full payment for all labor, materials, tools and equipment, required to furnish and install the landscape curb where shown on the plans. 5 Indiana Avenue Extension Project CO 13 Specifications