2005, 02-22 Special Meeting MinutesMINUTES City of Spokane Valley City Council Special Meeting February 22, 2004 8:00 a.m. Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 8:00 a.m. Attendance: Cuuncilmernhers: Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Schimmels Councilmember Taylor Councilmember Denenny Councilmember DeVleming Absent: Deputy Mayor Munson Councilmember Flanigan StatT: Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Others: Mike Huffman, Valley News Herald TOPIC: To consider a motion to authorize the City Manager or designee, to sign a letter to the Department of Ecology relating to terms under which the City would agree to withdraw the Use Attainability Analysis Petition. Mayor Wilhite announced that this morning's meeting concerns the Use Attainability Analysis. In response to a motion request from Mayor Wilhite, it Iva moved by Coanrcihnember Taylor, seconded by Councilmember Denenny, and unanimously agreed upon to excuse Deputy Mayor Munson and Councilmember Flanigan from this meeting as they were unable to attend. ROIL CALL: City Clerk Bainbridge called roll; all present except. excused Deputy Mayor Munson and Councilmember Flanigan. In regard to the Use Attainability Study, it was moved by Mayor Wilhite and seconded by Cotutcilmember Schimmels to authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a letter to the Deportment of Ecology relating to the terms under which the City would agree to withdraw the Use Attainability Analysis Petition without prejudice. Deputy City Manager Regor explained the background of the petition, and stated that there has been further activity including a regional meeting last Wednesday afternoon; that at that meeting, approximately 50 people and interested parties went through the terms of a draft letter that itemized the conditions under which the regional dischargers would agree to voluntarily withdraw the UAA (Use Attainability Analysis) petition without prejudice, pending negotiations of load levels within the draft TMDL (total maximum daily load) report, and the development of a comprehensive Use Attainability Analysis report; she said Council now has before it a draft letter which is due to go out at noon today. Ms. Regor said that originally this matter was scheduled for this evening's regular council meeting which was based upon the deadline the dischargers agreed to withdraw the petition, which is February 25; that in the process of negotiating and discussing the conditions under which the dischargers and the DOE (Department of Ecology) could agree to the voluntary withdraw, it became evident that the withdraw would need to take place the day prior to the deadline or by 5:00 p.m. February 24, 2005; and backing Council Minutes: 2 -22 -05 Page I of 3 Approved by Council: 03-08-05 into that timeline, the deadline for sending this letter out is noon today. Ms. Regor explained some of the terms and mentioned that there have been some minor changes and she proceeded to outline the conditions contained in the letter; and explained that "without prejudice" means that if as part of this whole process, we determine it is still in our best interests to re- institute the petition, we have the right to do SO. Ms. Regor mentioned there were also a few changes in the February 18, 2005 letter: 1. page 2, third bullet regarding the Use Attainability Analysis — that has been broken out into a separate number rather than a sub - bullet of #3; 2. page one in the introductory section, bottom of paragraph one addressing the topic of the Spokane River segments not being on the 303(d) list of "impaired waters" for dissolved oxygen — that sentence has been removed from the final version that they propose sending. Ms. Regor said that the EPA representative at last Wednesday's afternoon meeting indicated that he did not see the connection between being on the 303(d) list since we were already there, and tying that in to the negotiation of the TMDL. and the UA.A for future use of the River. Ms. Regor then asked if Deputy City Attorney Driskell could clarify the motion, and asked if the motion implied that the City Manager or designee is authorized to actually sign the withdraw authorization if the conditions are met. Deputy City Attorney Driskell stated that he feels that would be implied by authorizing the City Manager or designee to sign the letter, but for clarity's sake, it might be better to modify the motion to state that the notion would authorize the City Manager or designee to sign the letter outlining the conditions upon which the petition would be withdrawn. Mr. Driskell also suggested Council consider authorizing the City Manager or designee to actually sign the withdraw of the petition if all of these conditions are substantially met. Councilmember DeVleming asked how this limits us on what we can do in the future as the bullet on page two states that "limitations based on the County constructing and operating a final effluent filtration wastewater treatment plant for at least 20 years" — and asked if that locks us in with the County's time period. Attorney Driskell stated that regarding assumption, that would not keep us from assuming. Councilmember DeVleming also asked how this would affect the loan that DOE. was promising the County. Ms. Regor said that the loan was not mentioned in this process and staff does not have those details. Councilmember Denenny stated that the loan itself was withdrawn and is back up for bids, so we would have to re -apply because of the time frame. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote on motion to authorize the City Manager or designee to sign a letter to the Department of Ecology relating to terms under which the City would agree to withdraw the Use Attainability Analysis petition without prejudice: Vote h_v Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: !None. Abstentions: None. Motion curried It was moved by Councihnernber Denenny and seconded by Councihnember Taylor to authorize the City Manager or designee to authorize signing of the withdraw petition if all conditions as set forth in the prior approved letter are substantially met. Councilmember DeVleming asked how the word "substantially" would be defined. Deputy City Manager Regor said that given the timeframe, staff can return to Council if there are substantial changes. Deputy City Attorney Driskell added that he can anticipate that not everything will be exactly as set forth in the letter, but will be close and everyone will be able to recognize substantial changes if there are any, and if Council does not feel comfortable with that; we could set up a second council meeting. Councilmember Denenny said regarding the word "substantial," one should examine the intent of the letter, which is to allow a window of opportunity for negotiations to occur; a schedule for implementation that allows for Council Minutes: 2 -22 -05 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 03 -08 -05 financing long enough and other than word- smithing, to allow the intent to move along through negotiations with implementation. Mayor Wilhite added that we want to ensure that the River continues toward clean -up; and one of the big pieces is that we want to be able to get a waste load allocation so that we can move forward with the process of building the wastewater treatment plant; and that in regard to the word "substantial that Council and staff would rely upon Councilmember Denenny to monitor the process. Councilmember Denenny mentioned that if there were substantial changes in this or changes which altered the intent, notification of Council would be made and if strong enough changes, the issue would need to be re- visited. Ms. Regor said that if the items listed in the letter are not addressed in some form, that would be considered a substantial difference, especially when examining the bulleted items under the current 43. Councilmember Denenny said that changes will occur as other jurisdictions examine this; and as they come back he doubts if anyone who has been involved in this will do anything other then try to strengthen this. Ms. Regor said if we are to agree to the withdraw from the petition, that withdraw needs to be accomplished by 5:00 p.m. Thursday; and once DOE has received this letter, they have 24 hours to decide how they will respond; which we foresee occurring Wednesday. Councilmember Denenny added that it appears there is a timefi in place that if there are substantial changes it would be forwarded back to Council for additional review; that this letter must be in by noon today and all the remaining elements must be accomplished by 'Thursday. Mayor Wilhite said that DOE has stated that they would slake a determination by Friday; and if they should not agree to one of the provisions, this issue can be put: back on Council's agenda for Tuesday. Ms. Regor stated that they have agreed to this tight timefrarne in which to respond and will respond within 24 hours of receipt of this letter, and staff will inform Council by the end of the day tomorrow what, if any, response was received from DOE. Councilmember Taylor stated that if there is any change, that according to 41 on the letter "the UAA petition can be resubmitted by an individual Petitioner or all of the Petitioners at any time without additional data or analysis." Vote on /lotion to authorize the City Manager or designee to authorize signing of the UAA withdraw petition if all conditions cis set forth in the letter are substantially met. Vote by Acclamation: ht Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. It was moved, seconded, and unanimously agreed upon to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:25 a.m. AT ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk Council Minutes: 2 - 22 - 05 Approved by Council: 03 -08 -05 0- l.o,tt W6i7oL Diana Wilhite, Mayor Page 3 of 3 SFOxa�E Dear Mr. Peeler: Sl f.JO e50504535•V1 EICALSTilliko 444.41446719181129 Mr. David Peeler Water Quality Manager Washington State Department of Ecology P.O. Box 47600 Olympia, WA 98504 Fax: (360) 407 - 6426 Email: dpee461@ecy.wa.gov Spokane ®'Oral ley February 22, 2005 VIA EMAIL AND FACSIMILE - ORIGINAL TO BE ]MAILED f POSt I'i, 11:; 'l.91gc:a (any f.;.' w.wa a... a... 0 Thank you for your recent communication with us regarding the petition for adoption, repeal and /or amendment of administrative regulations WAC 173 -201 A -600 and WAC 173 - 201A 602 (the "UAA Petition "). We understand the deadline for the Department to take action with regard to the UAA Petition is February 25, 2005. Ecology has proposed that the Sponsors of the UAA (the "Petitioners ") and Ecology agree to a course of action that will facilitate negotiations between the Petitioners and Ecology to resolve the Petitioners' concerns with draft Submittal Report for the Spokane River Dissolved Oxygen Total Maximum Daily Load dated October, 2004 ("Draft TMDL"). The Petitioners are prepared to voluntarily withdraw the UAA Petition, provided that on or before February 24. 2005, the Department and the Petitioners reach written agreement that contains the following terms: 1. The Petitioners' will voluntarily withdraw the U.AA Petition by 5 p.m., February 24, 2005, "without prejudice." The UAA Petition can be resubmitted by any individual Petitioner or all of the Petitioners at any time without additional data or analysis. The UAA Report will remain as part of the administrative record for both the TMDL and the UAA. 2 . Upon receipt of a letter from all Petitioners voluntarily withdrawing, without prejudice, the UAA Petition, Ecology will voluntarily hold the Draft TMDL in abeyance during the negotiations so long as the UAA Petition remains withdrawn. Ecology shall provide written confirmation of the abeyance of the Draft TMDL to the Petitioners, via email or fax communication to John Spencer, at (spence2@CM2M.com, or FAX 425 -08- 3:100. 3. 'Following withdrawal of the UAA Petition and abeyance of the Draft TMDL , the Washington Department of Ecology Water Quality Program Manager, or the Director of the Department of Ecology, and the Petitioners will negotiate, in good faith, a TMDL implementation plan that will achieve the following objectives: Mr. David Peeler Page 2 February 22, 2005 • Provide a waste load allocation in the Spokane River for Spokane County's new sewage treatment plant, with waste load allocations and NPDES permit effluent limitations based on the County constructing and operating a final effluent filtration wastewater treatment plant for at least 20 years. • Provide implementation schedules for each municipal and industrial Petitioner that allows sufficient time for reasonable capital debt redemption for Petitioners to implement final filtration or equivalent technology. • Develop a joint agreement to implement a watershed based phosphorus non -point source control program. • Cooperate in the development of other phosphorus reduction opportunities including but not limited to water re -use and conservation strategies. Ecology will proceed in a timely manner to reissue or administratively extend all expired and expiring NPDES permits to authorize continuing municipal and industrial discharges by the Petitioners based on existing permit conditions and technologies pending the adoption of a final TWA.. 5. Ecology will collaborate with Petitioners to develop a comprehensive Use Attainability Analysis for the Spokane River by August 31, 2005, and, if appropriate, Ecology wilt initiate the rulernaking process by December 31, 2005. The UAA Petitioners welcome the Department of Ecology's interest in constructive discussions to achieve significant and meaningful improvements to the Spokane River water quality. We are prepared to commit to aggressive and good .faith negotiations to expeditiously resolve the pending UAA and TMDL issues. We look forward to hearing from you quickly. In the interest in facilitating communications, please direct fur ther communications to John Spencer at Ispence2@CH2M.com, or FAX 425 -468 -3160 who will provide your response to the Petitioners. 4. UAA Sponsors and Petitioners: [Signatures Here] Sincerely, cc: Gov. Christine Gregoire (via email and facsimile) Tom Fitzsimmons, Chief of Staff (via email and facsimile) Linda Hoffman, Director of Ecology (via email and facsimile) Jay Manning, Incoming Director of Ecology (via email and facsimile) Ronald Lavigne, Assistant Attorney General (via email and facsimile) 2 Mr. David Peeler Page 3 February 72.2005 'City m es E. qet� y \ 0 an Fat Blau, KaaeA k nui Sid Fredriqsson, City of Co d'Alene 112.V I . wz Kent H mer, F-Inyclen Area RegiorW Sewer Board < 2 n g r, D 'tv Man C ty of Spokane V le} �� y _ 6 e Liberty Lake Sewer and Water District Phil 1ari,Co r / iL-g-1 ƒ and Empire Paper i tQ& Clay Larkiii, Mayor, C ttP �. «u� � Spokane GoyaIty /4 |, C Sponsors of the Spokane River ILIAA fiCfREfe u R 3