2005, 02-24 Special Joint Council/BOCC Meeting MinutesAttendance: Councilmembers: Mayor Wilhite Councilmember Denenny Councilmember Schimmels Councilmember Taylor Councilmember DcVleming Absent: Deputy Mayor Munson Councilmember Flanigan CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Notes Joint City Council/ Spokane County Commission Meeting Thursday, February 24, 2005 12:00 p.m. — 1:30 p.m. County Commissioners Phillip D. Harris, Chair Todd Mielke, Vice -Chair Mark Richard, Commissioner Staff Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Cal Walker, City Police Chief Mike Jackson, City Parks & Rec Director Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Marshall Farnell, Co. Chief Exc. Officer Bruce Rawls, Co. Utilities Director Ross Kelly, County Engineer Jim Emacio, County Attorney Mayor Wilhite called the meeting to order and welcomed the County Commissioners, staff and others to the meeting; she mentioned that this will be a working lunch meeting to discuss issues of shared interest. After introductions of Councilmembers and Commissioners, Mayor Wilhite announced that one of the goals of the City is to be represented on a number of boards and commissions of which we would have an interest in the outcomes and decisions, and then turned the floor to Commissioner Richard to begin discussion on the 911 Board position. 911 Board: Commissioner Richard indicated he had previous conversations with several Councilmembers concerning the 911 Board and of our interest in having a role on that board; he stated that they had a presentation from their staff regarding the 911 Board to get their and the Board's views on the current makeup and the possibility of having an additional board member to be filled by a City of Spokane Valley representative. Mr. Richard stated that the staff and board had concerns regarding the board composition, that although there is a position for small towns and cities other than the City of Spokane, there is no representation from any other municipality and in comments received by Commissioners, there is representation from the Fire District and a few citizen positions, one of who resides in the valley, so there is valley representation. Mr. Richard stated he feels the argument from the City of Spokane Valley in favor of having a board position is a favorable argument regarding the amount: of money which comes within the City's boundaries to fund the 911 program and services, and that. he feels the City's concerns are valid. Mr. Richard stated that he had conversations with Chief Walker regarding having a municipality on the board now and what would happen when Liberty Lake and Cheney also voice their desire to be on that board. Mr. Richard stated that it was considered to have the City of Spokane Valley Police Chief fill a new slot on the board. Commissioner Richard stated that his viewpoint is that with the amount of funds from the City of Spokane Valley and the population, that such population is much larger than the several smaller cities; and for those reasons and because the City desires to have greater representation, that he personally sees no harm in providing a board position for either the Police Chief for Spokane Valley, or a representative either from a citizen, Councilmember or elsewhere. Cornniissioner Mielke said that he too has re- visited this issue; that in looking at the original board composition, it was a board composed primarily of first responders such as fire and police; and in looking at 2005, 02 -24 Count City /County Meeting Page 1 of 4 that representation, there were some jurisdictions that have fire and police in -house — such as the City of Spokane; and since he assumed this was a board of first responders, and as the City of Spokane Valley contracts for those services, perhaps the representation should be there. Mr. Mielke said he is open to further consideration of the board's make -up. Commissioner Harris stated that the 911 Board is supported by phone tax — both landline and cell phone, and in looking at the number of the telephones in the City of Spokane Valley, those numbers far outweigh other places; that the Small 'Town Mayors' Association and the small towns would not feel slighted if there was a position on the 91 1 Board by the City because they only gathered together originally so that they would have some strength and a voice; and that will not change if the City of Spokane Valley were included. Commissioner Harris said that he feels all three commissioners are in agreement and there is no reason why the City should not have representation on that Board; that their original position was taken because the 911 Board was the entity which recommended it not be done; and while the County Commissioners do not control the Board, they can make the decision to allow a position on the Board. Mr. Harris said that this agenda was advertised in such a way that a decision can be made at this meeting and if two commissioners want to do so that can be accomplished. Mayor Wilhite added that today's purpose is to have dialogue and they did not want to suggest that a decision should be made on this or other issues. Mr. Richard asked if Council preferred to have a councilmember appointed or the Police Chief, or a citizen selected by the Councilmembers. Councilmembcr DeVleming stated that he felt the original intent was to have a councilmember as representative; other Councilmembers concurred, and stated the need for Council consensus on the representative. Commissioner Harris stated that if someone were to make a motion, it could be crafted to state that the City of Spokane Valley is recognized to have a position on the 911 Board; and the City Councilmembers could decide who that person would be. Commissioner Mielke asked whether the Commissioners have ultimate authority to establish that Board's membership. Attorney Emacio explained that the County Commissioners establish the Board and can determine the Board's composition. It was moved by Commissioner Richard to expand the current 911 Board to include a representative from the City of Spokane Valley at the majority of the Councils selection. Commissioner HC1rris stated that it is the ulalanilllous decision of the Board of County Commissioners that Spokane Valley be allocated a position as they designate, on the 911 Board. Radio Communication systems — update on status Mayor Wilhite stated that Police Chief Walker will give a report and update on the radio communication system. Commissioner Mielke stated that an issue on which he seeks clarification, is that they had a proposal which came to them after the passage of the criminal justice fundint;/public safety funding back in September, on a communication system, for approximately $12 million over five or seven years, and since then it seems there have been updates on the system, on perhaps separate efforts on part of the current system; and regarding the automobile communication system direct access, voice communication, and digital communication, he feels we should determine what kind of system we are trying to obtain, affix a dollar amount. to that, and then determine how to move forward. Chief Walker explained that a study was commissioned in 2002 and was conducted by Ad Com Engineering, and this report [notebook size document of the Engineer company's report] was distributed in 2003. Chief Walker explained that the report ends in proposing three recommendations as to procedure, and contains information on what works, what works in the automobiles with the MDC (Mobile Data Computer), and does the system work for fire, police, pagers, etc., and how all that works or is tied into the current infrastructure and how it all affects law enforcement, fire, roads, engineers, and all other safety aspects. Chief Walker stated that the study was commissioned because of the need for a system to handle a county regional system at the same time it handles a smaller system for the city. He mentioned that the County system has limped on for several years but is technologically behind; and if there were a disaster, how would 2005, 02 -24 Count City/County Meeting Page 2 of 4 it be handled; for example what steps would be taken if during a disaster all cell phones were busy, or if fire and police could not communicate, or responders could not get into a specific area; he stated that Ad Coni Engineering was asked to report on the current state of our infrastructure, which cumulates into the report:. From that report, Chief Walker explained, he gleaned three main choices or recommendations: 1) upgrade the analogue system: which is a three to five -year project, which could mean a S3 million influx for site improvements; $1.6 million influx of cash to upgrade failing microwaves, and approximately $.5 million each year to allocate for parts as analogue parts are now illegal and are no longer manufactured, which also takes into consideration associated FCC regulations. 2) trunk system similar to what is used in the Seattle area; the cost for such a system is approximately $44 rnillion; and to add new technology to the system for all ten sites, would be in excess ()1St million per site (keeping in mind these are 2002 figures). 3) rebuild and re- organize the existing VHF analogue system this option xvould include adding coverage to plug some `holes" in paging capabilities, and give some interoperability to the system, plus add channels; this would not be an "end -all result" but would be a viable plan which would cost about $25 million; since this plan could be phased in, this was the highly recommended plan. Chief Walker also lead discussion on bond options used, future bond consideration, Senate Bill 5887, general funding issues including use of Homeland Security funds; what should be updated, including the microwave system, towers, and pagers; total system improvement and individual cost of devices needed; cost allocation method to use between the County, the City, and other districts and jurisdictions; and of the need for a group or groups (perhaps headed by Sheriff Sterk) to form to articulate the need, the process, and the associated costs. Commissioner Richard mentioned the need to get the necessary group together to educate and communicate with all stakeholders, to determine the needed strategy, and determine how to fund the system; and asked if' Sheriff Sterk could guide such a group. Chief Walker indicated he would deliver that message to the Sheriff. Mayor Wilhite added that the Council looks forward to the Sheriff's scheduling a meeting and notifying all concerned. .grief conversation was held regarding the next joint ►sleeting of February 28, 2005, at 3:00 p.m. to discuss the wastewater issues. That meeting will be held in the Comity's Public Works Building, Conference Room 2B. Status of vacant land owned by the County within Spokane Valley Cite Limits - Property that may have been purchased with road tax funds Mayor Wilhite explained that there exists a piece of triangular land near Appleway, which has a County "for sale" sign; that it was her understanding that all the land was acquired when the City incorporated, and she asked for an update on that piece of property. County Engineer Kelly explained that there are two types of property that Spokane County owned prior to the City's incorporation and some the County currently owns: some of it is County general fund properties, which is not under discussion; but there are County road -fund properties, which include the County's maintenance yards, pits and quarries, road - related and non -road related stormwater facilities, non- established and unmaintained road rights-of-way, and established and maintained road rights -of -way, and also road project remainders which are properties where the County may have purchased the entire piece but took some footage out; and that triangular piece of property is a remnant, left -over piece of property after a road project came through. Mr. Kelly stated that when the City incorporated, by law the County gave all of the established and maintained road rights -of -way and all the accompanying facilities such as stormwater ponds, to the City of Spokane Valley. He explained that the rest of the property by law remains the property of the 2005, 02 -24 Count City /County Meeting Page 3 of 4 County, which includes the triangular piece in question, the piece south of the roadway consisting of about 1.75 acres, the property sold just to the north side of the triangle (where Starbucks is starting), and all the other pieces left over for the couplet which they constructed almost five years ago; those are road -fund owned properties; that the Commissioners can decide to donate or sell that property but it would require an official action to do so. Mr. Kelly explained that they purchased the Milwaukee right-of-way, used a portion of it to build the valley couplet, and they have an agreement that the Board of County Commissioners approved three or four months ago donating the remainder of the Chicago - Milwaukee right -of -way to the City of Spokane Valley; it was decided to donate that for transportation purposes; and if it is not used for those purposes by agreement the ownership would return to Spokane County. Discussion ensured regarding the use of Tight rail, how the property taxes are divided concerning these and all county roads, and methods of assessment. Mr. Mielke also mentioned that if there are any properties the City is interested in, to please mention those parcels to Ross Kelly. Mr. Mercier added that there is a list of several properties for which we would request clarification. Mr. Kelly said he and Mr. Ernacio will research those properties and report back to the City. Mayor Wilhite thanked everyone for attending, mentioned the 3:00 p.m. meeting Monday at the County, and adjourned the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 1:30 p.m. ATTEST AA. / iristine Bainbridge, ty Clerk 4LookkiM Ict Diana Wilhite, Mayor 2005, 02 -24 Count City /County Meeting Page 4 of 4