2003, 04-01 Special Meeting Minutes City of Spokane Valley • City Council Minutes Special Meeting April 1, 2003 Mayor Michael DeVleming called the special meeting of the Spokane Valley City Council to order at 6:00 p.m. Councilmembers present: Mayor Michael Devleming, Deputy Mayor Diana Wilhite, Councilmembers Dick Denenny, Mike Flanigan, Richard Munson, Gary Schimmels and Steve Taylor. Staff present: Interim Manager Lee Walton, Interim Deputy Manager Stan McNutt, Interim Finance Director Robert Noack, Interim Building Official Robert Ely, interim Public Works Director Richard Warren, Interim City Engineer Dick Thiel, and interim City Clerk Ruth Muller. Invocation: Councilmember Munson gave the invocation. Pledge of Allegiance: Councilmember Taylor led the pledge of allegiance. Introduction of Special Guests and Presentations: Mayor DeVleming proclaimed the week of April 6-12, 2003 as "Washington State University/Spokane County Master Gardneners' Week" and presented the proclamation to representatives of Master Gardeners who extended an invitation to the mayor and councilmembers to the April 12 open house and 30th anniversary celebration. Approval of Agenda: Deputy Mayor Wilhite moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that the agenda be approved. The motion carried unanimously. Council Reports: Councilmember Munson reported that he spoke to the Spokane Sunrise Rotary Club, giving an update on our Spokane Valley incorporation and the members were enthusiastic about the new City. Deputy Mayor Wilhite reported that the American Red Cross will be conducting a mock disaster scenario for community participation. Councilmembers concurred that there should be a committee appointed for development of a disaster plan for Spokane Valley. Councilmember Schimmels reported that he attended the Public Facilities District meeting today, and even though there are problems to be solved, there is some progress towards resolving issues surrounding Mirabeau Point. Mayor DeVleming expressed his appreciation and of all councilmembers to the community for its support during the City's incorporation celebration events. Council Minutes,April I,2003 Approved by Council May 13,2003 Agenda Bill No. 2003-097, Waive Objection to Preston Gates & Ellis engagement by Spokane Public Facility District as bond counsel: Councilmember Munson moved and Councilmember Denenny seconded that Spokane Valley Council waive objection to Preston Gates & Ellis engagement by Spokane Public Facility District as bond counsel. Kevin Twohig, Executive Director of the Spokane Public Facilities District said that the District needs a firm that is experienced to represent them for the issuance of bonds. Twohig summarized the process that the District has followed to make bond counsel selection, noting that the bond issues are similar for the District and the City, and that the District is requesting that Spokane Valley waive objection to the legal firm's Seattle office representation of the District on this bond issue. • Councilmember Munson said that he cannot support this motion as the City should not allow an appearance of any conflict on this issue. Councilmember Taylor said that even though Spokane Valley's interests are directly in line with the County's interests, there is an issue of ownership. The City has needed to hire special counsel to represent its interests on this issue because of potential conflict of interest, and he cannot support this motion. Councilmember Flanigan said that he supported obtaining special counsel for the City because of potential conflict and cannot support this motion without contradicting his position that there be no conflicts of interest on this issue. Councilmember Denenny said that there likely are enough fire walls to protect each party's interest if the firm's offices are in two different locations. Councilmember Schimmels said that this is a very complicated and sensitive issue and Spokane Valley needs its own representation. Deputy Mayor Wilhite said that even though the County and City interests are the same, Spokane Valley council.members have concurred that the City should have its own counsel. The motion to waive objection to Preston Gates & Ellis engagement by Spokane Public Facility District failed with aye votes—0: and nay votes— 7. Agenda Bill No. 2003-096, Amend Master Fee Schedule Resolution: Councilmember Munson moved and Deputy Mayor Wilhite seconded that Resolution No. 03-021-Al Amending Resolution No. 03-021. Master Fee Schedule be adopted. interim Manager Walton said that Council has directed that the City's fees be the same or lower than the existing County fees, but we have ascertained during our initial start-up process that there needs to be some adjustment to the plan check fees and land use fees, as the County administratively did some adjusting and waiving of these particular fees. Staff recommends that the fee schedule be amended to more accurately reflect what has been charged by the County. There was discussion with staff about some of the differences in lees, the 22% County surcharge, that Spokane Valley will not provide a method for fast tracking permits, the need to resolve fees for roadway obstruction permits, and administration fee for handling County files that have been transferred to Spokane Valley. Council concurred that staff prepare a comparison of fees with Spokane County and City of Spokane for review at a study session in approximately 30 days. Jim Farrell, 4110 South Olive Court, said that he was surprised at the dollar value assigned for construction of a shop building on his property that was much higher than Council Minutes,April 1,2003 2 Approved by Council May 13,2003 the actual cost for building. Mr. Farrell was advised that the value was determined with use of the County valuation schedule, and these building valuations are based on square footage value and used for permits and not for property assessed value that is done by the County Assessor office. Tony Lazanis, 1048 Trent Avenue, said that there is still confusion about the need to go to the County for permitting, when Spokane Valley has its own permit center. Mr. Lazanis was advised that applicants still need to secure electrical permits and Health Department permits from dowx ntown. The motion to adopt Resolution No. 03-021-Al carried unanimously. City Manager and Staff Reports: interim Manager Walton reported that staff is still working with the County Health Department, Department of Labor and Industries, and County Utilities to attempt to secure cooperation for permit assistance at the City's permit center, but do not yet have any agreement with these agencies. Public Comments: Bill Gothmann, 10010 East 48th Avenue, said that the County Health Department does not have a Spokane Valley representative on its Board and the City should request that it have a representative position on this Board. Cary Driskell, 11014 East 21s1 Avenue, said that he has been sworn in as a member of the United States Supreme Court, and is the first and only lawyer in Spokane Valley serving in this capacity. Annette Remshard, McMillan Lane. thanks the Council for the vote not to waive the conflict of interest on bond counsel for the Public Facilities District. New Business: Councilmembers Munson and Taylor reported on proposed state legislation that would increase the number of seats on a Public Facilities District Board providing that cities having 15% of the County population have representation on the Board. Council concurred that they support this legislation and that the mayor send a letter from the City requesting passage of this bill. Adjournment: Councilmember Flamean moved and Councilmember Munson seconded that the meeting adjourn. The motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m. to Study Session following a ten-minute recess. ATTEST: APPROVED: Ruth Muller, interim City Clerk Michael DeVleming, Mayer Council Minutes,April 1,2003 3 Approved by Council May 13,2003