2005, 04-19 Special Joint Council/Planning Commission Meeting Minutes NOTES SPECIAL JOINT WORKSHOP MEETING SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL AND SPOKANE.VALLEY PLANNING COMMISSION April 19, 2005, 6:00 p.m. Attendance: Councilmembers Staff Planning Commissioners Diana Wilhite,Mayor Dave Mercier, City Manager David Crosby, Chair Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Nina Regor, Deputy City Mgr Fred 13eaulac - Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Greg McCormick, Long Range Planning Mgr Bob Blum Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Scott Kuhta, Long Range Planner John Carroll Gary Schimmels,Councilmember Mike Basinger,Associate Planner Bill Gothmann Steve Taylor, Councilmember Greg"Bing"Bingaman, IT Specialist Gail Kogle Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Ian Robertson Absent: Dick Denenny,Councilmember Mayor Wilhite welcomed everyone to the meeting, and explained that there are two issues to discuss: community values, and the land use draft map. Mayor Wilhite announced that Councilmember Denenny is unable to attend this meeting and asked for and received Council consensus to excuse him. COMMUNITY VALUES-Nina Regor Deputy City Manager Regor explained that Council and the Planning Commission had previously worked together to draft a vision statement (February 1, 2005), and this would be a similar task: to provide a forum for deciding the next: steps in creating a draft values statement. Ms. Regor went through her PowerPoint presentation explaining the definition of values, the outcome of the voting from the February I, 2005 joint meeting regarding prioritizing community values, how the core values provide the context for addressing policy issues and provide a framework for how to conduct business, and the results of a values tabulation taken at the April 13 community meeting. She then asked Councilmembers and Commissioners their preference for the next step: work in small groups, large group brainstorming, forming a subcommittee, or other ideas. Discussion followed on preferred tactics to use and it was determined that this issue cannot be decided tonight; therefore a subsequent joint meeting dedicated to this topic alone will be scheduled. Mayor . Wilhite suggested a list be distributed of proposed action items to decide upon prior to the next meeting, that the next meeting will include breaking into small groups to share thoughts, and then discussing the issues as a whole in a collaborative, cooperative spirit. [David Crosby arrived at 6:20 p.m.] Terms were then discussed, including the importance of precise definitions. Deputy City Manager Regor stated she will send out information containing the breakdown of how she came up with the terms and which items were combined to make one topic — such as all the various issues that fall into the category of "neighborhood." Ms. Regor stated that she will schedule a follow-up meeting and send out the requested information prior to the meeting. It was noted that there is another joint meeting set for May 17 but the topic is the comprehensive plan. COMPREHENSIVE PLAN: LAND USE DRAFT MAP—Greg McCormick and Scott Kuhta Long Range Planning Manager McCormick introduced the Draft Land Use Map and brought attention to the current maps on display in the room. He explained that the Community Development Department has been developing a Draft Comprehensive Plan Land Use Map as part of the Spokane Valley's first Comprehensive Plan; that the map will provide guidance for future development within the City for the next 20 years, and April 19,2005 Joint Meeting Council&Planning Commission—Notes Page I oft Approved by Council: 5-10-05 works in tandem with land use descriptions and policies within the Land Use Element of the Plan. Mr. McCormick further stated that the purpose of today's meeting is to present an overview of the land use concepts prior to issuing a Draft Plan, which Plan will then be the subject of public review and hearings. Mr. McCormick said that the Comprehensive Plan consists of two major urban activity centers: the area around the Fairgrounds, and the center of the City around Sprague and University; that those areas were designated as major stops along the corridor and are suitable activity centers. He then gave brief descriptions of the various sections of the City and their current designations, such as the northeast portion as traditionally industrial; a brief overview of existing interim comp plan map lay outs, followed by an overview of the basic underlying principles of the new draft plan map, including mention of some of the new category names such as"office"and"quasi-public." After a brief discussion of some zoning issues, (hospital or automotive district), which will be implemented through a series of amendments and new zoning districts, Mr. McCormick went over some of the underlying principles used in the map development: 1. Create a city center within the city; which was discussed in the values section earlier; this will require input from community to identify a city center perhaps running from Farr Road on the west to just east of University and then from Valleyway down to 4` . 2. Preserve existing neighborhoods; the majority of the area is still low density residential, although some areas are being examined as higher density residential. 3. Focus retail at major cross-roads; shrink the areas designated as commercial to more of the major intersections of arterials,and concentrate regional commercial at major interchanges. 4. Create office designation; these are mostly around the medical campus area around the Hospital and Pines Road, with some along the MullanlArgonne Road couplet. 5. Encourage redevelopment along the strict corridors into office/residential development; collapse the commercial areas into major intersections with the concept not to zone things out of existence, but to add incentives to develop things like office and/or residential. (Incentives were described as perhaps allowing additional height,different parking requirements, etc.) 6. identify mix use centers; such as areas around Mirabeau Point which is developing in that fashion now, and the area north of Trent from the Spokane River west to the city limits of Millwood. Discussion then included the need to define a city center; getting public feedback; inducements to developers; the various map designations; designating the schools in green on the map; wetlands, critical areas (which will be a separate map); plans for gathering public (citizens and businesses) input including upcoming meetings/open houses/workshops; and having a database of all public comments. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:25 p.m. A Mgrs, Diana Wilhite,Mayor it ristine Bainbridge, City Clerk April 19,2005 Joint Meeting Council& Planning Commission—Notes Page 2 of 2 Approved by Council: 5-10-05