2005, 05-31 Special Joint Council/BOCC Meeting Minutes1 MINUTES Joint City Council/ Spokane County Commission Meeting Tuesday, May 31. 2005 3:30 p.m. — 5:30 p.m. Spokane Valley Council Chambers 11707 E. Sprague Avenue, Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Attendance: City of Spokane Valley Mayor Diana Wilhite Deputy' Mayor Rich Munson Councilmember Dick Denenny Councilmember Mike DeVleming Councilmember Mike Flanigan Councilmember Gary Schin Councilmember Steve Taylor (arrived 5:15 p.m.) DISCUSSION ITEMS: Spokane County Commissioner Phil Harris Commissioner Mark Richard Commissioner Todd Miclke Chief Executive Officer Marshall Farnell Director Engineering & Roads Ross Kelley Director Utilities Bruce Rawls Deputy Prosecutor Jim Ernacio City Manager Dave Mercier Deputy City Manager Nina Regor Deputy City Attorney Cary Driskell Public Works Director Neil Kersten Police Chief Cal Walker Building Official Tom Scholtens Mayor Wilhite welcomed everyone to the meeting and announced that she received a bottle of water from CH2M Hill where they work on reverse osmosis, and although no one took her offer, Mayor Wilhite offered some of the water to anyone interested. Y Transfer of all county -owned parcels adjacent to Spokane Valley roads, said parcels appear on thc County inventory and are noted as surplus roads or for future road use. As historical background, Mr. Ross Kelly explained that when Spokane Valley incorporated, the public roads were automatically transferred: that Spokane County does own property in thc valley as them was some extra property left over when some jobs were done as right - - way projects: and mentioned there are other properties under the general property category. He stated that there are about 70 remnant properties and stated that if there is property we want to use. that we should identify it and their Hoard will decide how to transfer it and deal with any back tax or other property - related issues. Mr. Kelly also explained that during several meetings, this larger list of about 70 properties was refined to about 35 properties as a more manageable list of properties. He suggested going through the list, or perhaps having a group of people who understand about the parcels to go through the list, and bring those back to allow both groups (City of Spokane Valley Council and the BOCC) to decide how to do the transfer. Mr. Kelly said today's discussion is more of an update of where we are and perhaps over the next three weeks or so, staff should be able to get to the details. as it was discovered that some mineral rights under the Milwaukee Railroad were not transferred: and that by going through the stack of documents for each parcel. that action will allow staff to generate a list of parcels to bring before both boards to decide best how to address a transfer issue. Other discussion included the suggestion of having Jim Emacio and Cary Driskell get together to review some of the verbiage of the deed to address the sentence "for transportation only" as the area could be Minutes of Joint Meeting: 05-31-05 Page 1 of 3 Approved by Council: 06 -14-05 cleaned up and used as a bike and /or hiking trail. Light trail was also discussed and Mr. Richard mentioned that the Light Rail Steering Committee voted not to make a transfer until STA votes on corridor alternative; while Councilmember Munson stated that we can't assume we won't use that corridor for light rail, and such decision would likely be based on whether people are willing to pay for it. Councilmember Dencnny mentioned he felt it is irrelevant as to what alternate is chosen; that people said they want a reserved condor for future use and want some kind of guarantee so as not to be like Seattle to continually work to purchase property with no decision; that whatever decision is made, if we save the corridor for transportation it will be there for future use. Mr. Mielke said in relation to the property transfers, he was trying to understand if there are specific parcels we are interested in; that some are tax title surpluses: and he had some questions whether the County would be giving preferential treatment to the Valley as everyone should have an equal say in those parcels as they are for the benefit of taxpayers and as such, the County will try to get the highest amounts; and that he would like to discuss any specific needs the Valley has, but he is not interested in a blanket transfer of all properties. Further discussion continued concerning traffic congestion, suggestions to by -pass traffic, the Comprehensive Plan, light rail and projected ridership. It was determined that Mr. Emacio and Mr. Driskell will review the language in the document and bring the matter up again before both entities. ' County -wide Radio Communication Systems upgrade proposals. Police Chief Walker explained that he has attended meetings of law enforcement and firefighter executives, and that he has no proposals but can give an update. He explained that not only is there a local inoperability issue but a state -wide issue as well; that there is a need to correct the situation as the current system is in serious disrepair and something needs to be done; and the end result was to recornrnend spending about $25 million and stay with some analogue with some digital to allow change; that by the year 2013, he feels there will be a Federal mandate to go to with narrow -band communication. Chief Walker mentioned possible future grant funds they are pursuing with the hope of acquiring two to three million dollars in grant monies; that the application deadline is July 15. Discussion included the need to upgrade, digital versus analogue systems, systems becoming obsolete, use of satellite systems; the Valley starting its own law enforcement; the overall need for funding a regional system; continuing changing technology and the need to move with those changes; the current system and its needs for upgrading; costs to implement; creating a task force to identify stakeholders and bring them into the discussion; the need to be briefed on all aspects of the proposed system; dedicated funds for radio infrastructures; the 1 /10 of 1% sales tax; transition plans; the possibility of combining with STA; that the City of Spokane is not participating; and cost recovery. Chief Walker stated that he will bring further information to the County and Valley to ensure both entities have a better understanding of what it would take to make a multi jurisdictional system succeed. Chief Walker reiterated that today is not a request for a proposal but is an update of the situation; that there are new partners on the list not previously identified; and once we get to the point of those big dollars, everyone will have to contribute and devise a formula to determine and justify contributions; that the process will start within the next two to four weeks; but the consultation to formulate a true plan will take months. It was determined that Chief 1Vaiker will update everyone again toward the end of the year. r Wastewater issues: activities designed to resolve draft TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load); UAA (Use Attainability Analysis) issues and the status of regional Governance Committee discussions. It was mentioned that the dischargers have put together a use analysis assessment request for formal rule changing. but that the Department of Ecology (DOE) asked that be pulled from the table as there may he other solutions; that the DOE prepares the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) study to address river Minutes of Joint Meeting: 05 -31 -05 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council. 06.14 -05 dissolved oxygen levels: that the TMDI. and the Use Attainability Analysis (UAA) ss ill be reviewed; that the focus is to identify specific phosphorous reduction methods; the issue of time; non -point sources and what enters the wastestream (such as dish soaps, fertilizers, etc); and that they want a clean plan regarding stormwater, wastewater dischargers (municipal) and industrial dischargers. It was stated that the purpose of the work groups is to work together to Lind resolution in each arca; that the goal is to negotiate a resolution for the region by October 1, then continue with the public process and the rule making under DOE. The question was raised of a timeline concerning building the plant (about a year out); meeting the TMDL standards; growth issues; and of shat can be controlled and what is technologically viable. It was also mentioned that if there is a joint operation, one issue to consider is the goal to strive to have the best service with the lowest possible rate to the subscribers. [Steve Taylor arrived at 5:15 p.m.] Regional Animal Control. Mayor Wilhite asked about the status of the regional plan, which led to discussion of the Calgary plan and whether or not that is successful: that the City of Spokane is not participating; multi jurisdictional disagreements; legislative actions to help defray costs; the suggestion of requiring all who sell pets to license them before selling; the goals of a regional plan including Icvcl of service; the facility desired; fines and enforcement of a program; senior citizen assistance; licensing of animals other than cats and dogs; thc owner paying for pet issues and not non -pet owners; identifying all aspects of the service being paid for and possible adjustments; and of the comparison with Spoke- animal. Commissioner flarris indicated that the time is 5:30 p.m., and for the record, the meeting has ended as advertised, although informal discussion can continue. Costs and contracts were discussed including that the role of County government is not as a permanent contractor, and that this topic is a good topic for continued discussion at a later meeting. There being no further business, thc meeting adjourned at 5:47 p.m. 'pristine Bainbridge, City Clerk .(_bAtue. Waiuiv., Diana Wilhite, Mayor Minutes of Joint Meeting: 05 -31 -05 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council 06 -14-05 •-rt=atmr.t • t ftekra raw: 615 . 23.67131 IS 01.1E111 351116131 n mkt _ 551221E36 131.61134 31324.034.1 '33Z6.21M4 /034141[11 116 311341. 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