2006, 06-06 Study Session MinutesMayor Wilhite called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m., and welcomed everyone to the meeting. Present: Councilmembcrs: Diana Wilhite, Mayor Steve Taylor, Deputy Mayor Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Bill Gothmann, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Absent: Dick Denenny, Councilmember Meeting Minutes: 06 -06 -06 Approved by Council: 6 -27 -06 MINUTES CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION Tuesday, June 6, 2006 Staff: Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Mike Connelly, City Attorney Ken Thompson, Finance Director Cal Walker, Police Chief Steve Worley, Senior Engineer- Capital Projects Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Inga Note, Senior Engineer - Traffic Tom Scholtens, Building Official Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director John F-lohman, Senior Engineer- Development Morgan Koudelka, Administrative Analyst Carolbelle Branch, Public Information officer Bing Bingaman, IT Specialist Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk It was moved by Councilmember Munson, seconded, and unanimously agreed to excuse Councilmember Denenny from tonight's meeting. Employee Introductions: City Attorney Connelly introduced legal interns Erik Lamb and Patrice Clemons. Public Works Director Kersten then introduced interns Ben Floyd and Dan Turner; followed by Parks and Recreation Director Jackson who introduced new CcnterPlace Administrative Assistant Courtney Slazinik. Councilmembers greeted and welcomed all the new employees. I. Motion Consideration: Precinct Purchase - Morgan Koudelka After Administrative Analyst Koudelka went through his PowerPoint presentation explaining the building's history, associated costs, and purchase details, it was moved by .Deputy Mayor Taylor and seconded, to approve the agreement for purchase of the Spokane Valley precinct building, and authorize the City Manager or designee to execute said agreement. Brief Council /staff discussion ensued and City Manager Mercier commented that the Board of County Commissioners approved this agreement during their afternoon meeting today. Mayor Wilhite invited public comment; no comments were offered. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Unanimous. Opposed: None. Abstentions: None. Motion carried. 2. Sewer Issues Update —Neil Kersten/Bruec Rawls Spokane County Utilities Director Bruce Rawls gave a PowerPoint presentation covering sewer utility rates outlook and rate options for low income seniors and disabled customers; including a historical overview, funding sources, Tong -term financial planning, revenue impacts, and policy decisions needed. Mr. Rawls stated the next steps include late during 2006 of having an updated financial analysis, and the development of an implementation strategy in early 2007; and that he anticipates coming to Council again in the next eight -to nine months with updated information. Concerning the current system, Mr. Rawls stated that some of the older parts are about 20 years old and arc beginning to wear out, so a replacement reserve fund must be available to address that upcoming need. Mr. Rawls also mentioned that there has been no Board of County Commissioners' decision yet concerning the implementation of senior and/or disabled persons' rates. In response to a question concerning the STEP program, (Septic Tank Page 1 of 3 Elimination Program), Mr. Rawls stated that the goal was completion in 2010, but it is likely that will be extended to 2011 as they work with local contractors and schedules to make sure all roads are not being worked on simultaneously. 3. Spokane Regional Transportation Council Regional Concurrency Study - Neil Kerstenl/Ed Hayes Ed Hayes of Spokane Regional Transportation Council (SRTC) explained that the purpose of the Concurrency study update is to develop an evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages to community stakeholders from implementation of a regional transportation concurrency system in Spokane County; and he briefed Council on the study tasks completed and those yet to be completed, as shown on his PowerPoint presentation. Mr. Hayes mentioned that a stakeholders' workshop is scheduled for June 14, at which time the work accomplished thus far will be reviewed, and SRTC will seek input on expectations and concerns. 4. Bigelow Gulch —Neil Kersten /Ross Kelly Spokane County Engineer Ross Kelly explained that County staff have been looking at this project for a long time, as the project has several purposes, such as improvement of roadway safety, improved transportation system linkage, better accommodation of freight traffic, and the need to allow for increased capacity. Mr. Kelly said that the environmental assessment was completed in January, but the comment period was extended twice to help some special interest groups get their comments in, adding they arc anxious to get the project moving. Mr. Kelly went through the project construction schedule with construction beginning in 2007, completion of the roadway up to Argonne in 2008, and added that they realize they are beyond capacity on that roadway. Mr. Kelly said they have factored in our approximate $60,000 for our participation of the improvement of Wellesley /Sullivan Road intersection. Deputy Mayor Taylor and Councilmember Munson both mentioned the importance of joint planning on projects such as this and of the need to develop interlocal agreements. Mayor Wilhite called for a recess at 7:30 p.m. and reconvened the meeting at 7:39 p.m. 5. Traffic, Traffic Lights, Speed Limits — Neil Kersten /John Hohman/inga Note Public Works Director Kersten explained that Council previously requested an overview of several traffic issues, including elements of the model traffic ordinance and standard manuals for traffic engineering, the process for establishing speed limits, the process used to coordinate traffic signals and current efforts to improve the coordination within the City, and the options for school speed zoning along with Central Valley's request to switch from "when children are present" to a time -of -day sign. Engineer Hohman began the PowerPoint presentation by mentioning the traffic laws and standards we must follow, the authorities of the traffic engineer and of the governing body, followed by Engineer Note's explanation of the speed limit process. Mr. Hohman mentioned that signal coordination takes the effort of all three jurisdictions (the City, the County, and WSDOT), and that some signals are owned and operated by WSDOT, with the County performing the actual signal maintenance. Discussion included the options of blinking yellow lights; efficient and safe pedestrian movement across streets; "no turn on red" on N Pines at the school when school is in session, and the feasibility of that being removed when school is not in session; and the school zone sign options of "when children are present," school days only, 7:00 a.m. — 5:00 p.m.; and of the desired to have this issue finalized with signs in place by next fall. Mayor Wilhite also mentioned a cross -walk in the South Pines Elementary area that ends up in a resident driveway. Further discussion included having signs posted during summer as the school playgrounds are often used as parks; the need for people to obey cross - walks; law enforcement and population education. Mr. Mercier stated that staff will contact all school districts to determine their preferences. 6. Broadway Re- Striping - Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten explained that after staff's previous presentation on this issue, Council requested additional information. Mr. K.ersten gave his PowerPoint presentation addressing things such as impact on concurrency; impact on emergency vehicles and schools; historical volumes on Mission, intersections that would benefit from traffic lights, split phasing to correct through -left collisions at Meeting Minutes: 06 -06 -06 Page 2 of 3 Approved by Council: 6 -27 -06 intersections, costs of signals, decline of level of service if no change, and of the support from the Central Valley School District and Spokane Valley Fire Department for the change. It was determined another presentation should be made to give the public additional opportunity for comment. The next presentation will be scheduled for the June 13 agenda as item 113. 7. Valley Corridor - Neil Kersten Public Works Director Kersten and Engineer Worley gave a presentation on Spokane County's railroad right -of -way from University Road to the east boundary of the City, and how that affects the Valley Corridor. After the presentation, it was mentioned that Mr. Kersten will also give this presentation to the Board of County Commissioners at tomorrow's joint County /City meeting, as there are many issues which need input from both jurisdictions, not the least of which is the location of the sewer near Tshirley. 8. Time Warner Franchise- Cary Driskell City Attorney Connelly, speaking for Deputy City Attorney Driskell, said that although this is a new franchise agreement, the basis of the agreement was from prior agreements, and the track- changes in the document show the changes from the template from the prior agreement, to this new agreement with Time Warner. Mr. Connelly then highlighted some of the changes as mentioned in the June 6, 2006 Request for Council Action form. In response to council question if other franchise agreements will need to be. amended to conform with this new agreement, Mr. Connelly stated it might not require immediate change, but he will research to determine what impact this agreement could have on prior franchise agreements, the issue of two or four dark fiber strands at any location, and Time Warner's proposed project. It was moved by Councilmember DeVleming, and seconded to extend the meeting ten minutes. Vote by Acclamation: In Favor: Mayor Wilhite, Cottncilntentbers Schinnnels, Munson, DeVleming, and Gotlrmann. Opposed: Deputy Mayor Taylor. Abstentions: None. Motion passed. 9. Advance Agenda Additions — Mayor Wilhite No changes were offered. 10. Information Only: Spokane County Memorandum of Understanding, Sewer Amendment 11. Council Check in — Mayor Wilhite Councilmember DeVleming stated his desire to have the agendas a little less full so that all items can be. addressed within the time restraint. Councilmember DeVleming also mentioned receiving information prior to the meeting makes it difficult for Council to have a full discussion on the topic as council would not have had time to review the materials which would give opportunity to consider appropriate questions. Mr. Mercier stated he would work with the management team to remove items from the agenda if all supporting information cannot be timely distributed to council. 12. City Manager Comments — Dave Mercier. Mr. Mercier had no comments. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. Ch`riitine : ainbridge, ty Clerk Diana Wilhite, Mayor (� oi,, a LoainA Meeting Minutes: 06 -06-06 Page 3 of 3 Approved by Council: 6 -27 -06 City Council Meeting Page 1 of 1 Paul Hess From: skylan calise [skylan @tandcauto.com] Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:08 PM To: paul@tandcauto.com Subject: City Council Meeting Commentary 6/6/2006 City Council Meeting 06/06/2006 1) % of people who did not know: 70% 2) % of people who did know: 30% 3) % of people who are for the change: 2% 4) % of people who are against the change: 86% 5) % of people undecided about the change: 12% * %'s based on area between Sullivan Avenue and Pines Road, including apartment complexes, Retirement Comununity•, churches and privately owned residences. Did the council give any consideration to what the public may feel about the changes to Broadway Avenue? It appears that if there was any consideration, if was after the fact, after the council had already decided to put through the changes and set a date for those changes to begin. It appears that the council has taken the stance that it was easier to ask the public's forgiveness rather than ask their permission to make any changes or give the public any of chance to rebut the changes or form an opinion or even express any proposals that they may have, to the changes. Does the council feel that they have handled this situation properly? Does the council feel that the public should have no say in deciding something that will affect them as much as this would? As a business owner in the location of the changes presented,' am appalled at the lack of consideration given to the effect on my business and of the business owners and residents on Broadway Avenue. Mrs. Barbara E. Tuttle 10610 E. Broadway Ave. Spokane Valley, WA 99206:. _IL/10,14- RECEIVELD JUN 0 5 2006 City of Spokane -Valle 4 " 2 - ) 14-Gt eZZA- S d—'1.•* ••• ° p `7 e-Aw 4 c= Z1t.t.-&-1&• 1/4 `7 6 " --- • -•1 a-•cLib • C: f 4 a•-•-/ ,e4.L44A-tJ •4 -/- p. 2.2L44/ 4I 4;dr ,t.4et• . 6/1 J% C Z4a44" - • .‘12:e4. 6Fr -- ru RA/ ARA° w s I tst44.k 0-er•di •121-1"t47---") e S-1-ivta L4) I tC , 4- E.FN 46..&42_,A/ 7 --et-lt),Ieze,1%) if 4' L. EP AR/Jaw ,24-e■ EF - r u (1-e. A I.) AI /1_6.1g_42__V_•/ -4--t- It) aA.77‘ ,C1.4!1J-t J'I 4 _,t , itAJ_ 614) ,/t ,0-) .,0c7,t) ra4.2 C3: 612- tio7u 1v A __,_, ,,t. , t42A , -t.o-' -7z417vkLv Ai ,--/e-t zee. ..te- = XL- )L .--141 . ,li-L --/2-4-t-eit ,24-Co9t4-4- - „,•__/t?- --9_,e2.-- dA-a-. , N o 44-A) .■4-12.0-;_elit-st Set-s--ie ■2 j/t4/t !`. /mow -- , a-AI n 1� ��, 1 �Gu-�� 4 / / pop - ./11-y_ ,:, cd.d_-tt._ --&) ,P-_.:1_.,„-ke_tet— Ad.-71 / 0.0,0 . g-dc-L• j 4.041j.z4 2 4: 14-evc_ _ • 2. .A. an4),t) _ • r /2 d -o-wy2a411.__ 14-e4, .4- le 4 _10,e ey40-uA /40‘40 f - ,so 9- -