2005, 06-11 Special Retreat MinutesAttendance: Councilmembcrs Diana Wilhite, Mayor Rich Munson, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Mike DeVleming, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Steve Taylor, Councilmember WORKSHOP NOTES SPECIAL MEETING RETREAT SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL June 11, 2005 9:00 a.m. -3:00 p.rn. Staff Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Mgr Marina Sukup, Comm. Dev. Dir. Ken Thompson, Finance Director. Cary Driskell, Deputy City Attorney Neil Kersten, Public Works Director Mike Jackson, Parks & Recreation Director Tom Scholtens, Building Official Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk Mayor Wilhite opened the workshop at 9:10 a.m., and thanked Councilmember Denenny for allowing use of his cabin for the retreat. 1. Council Budget Goals for 2006 City Manager Mercier recapped the results of the recent voting activity to identify the top budget goals for 2006, and asked for validation as to preferred verbiage. The following represents the final budget goal decisions for 2006: 1..,S.tt~on Definition of a Street Mastcrplan, includjng funding. Discussion of this topic: is a street masterplan the same as pavement management; a street masterplan includes preservation of existing roads and plans for how to build new infrastructure, arterials, etc; funding question of one -half million dollars in assets; the desire to identify some finance alternates; that we can draft a masterplan in order to determine needed funding and revise if necessary after the first quarter; the- funding priority should be in implementing the plan; begin building resources and put the plan into those available resources; and staff perspective of what would be involved in keeping accurate records /history. It was mentioned that a masterplan means as we adopt the Comprehensive Plan and its 20 -year capital facilities, we have to make a series of notations on arterials and other major projects that will come up over the next 20 years, and reduce that to a rational Six - year Transportation Improvement Plan; the idea of putting on the plan those things we think are reasonable to fund; that pavement management would require inventory of all streets in the community and that such data was not keep current by the County. The importance of inventory, the time necessary to perform such inventory, and the need for additional full -time staff and/or summer temps; along with the idea of hiring a consultant to do the initial inventory then give the process to staff to maintain; was also discussed. It was suggested that a plan be defined then implemented to determine how to fund the program, what staff will be needed, and what would be necessary to implement the program and perform the inventory, and hold discussions with the County about their data, use of GPS, and perhaps have the completion of the inventory as a 2006 goal. It was also mentioned that we should try to get a sense of what the public might want and how receptive it might be. Further discussion included separating out the City part of the streets from the County as the streets don't stop at city limits; contracting with the County versus our own internal rates; and having staff to perform the inventory. Tt was determined that staff will work with those ideas and return to Council as the draft process continues. Meeting: 06 -1 1-05 Page 1 of 5 Council Approved: 07 -12 -05 Z, thg std base_,Lxexitalizatia ith_tlie S__nrague—Corridor specifically in the auto row area. to bring in a consultant to design a plan, and work with the area businesses between Knixetsit, end tlte_freeway to enhance the area for economic development. (This combines goals #2 and # 3 as voted upon previously.) Discussion of this topic: What is feasible to accomplish next year regarding the corridor; develop a City Center and have it part of the Comp Plan; the need to determine what we are going to do; to have centers and corridors, city center, and /or modify existing conditions; the need to determine the most efficient place for the centers; to examine the north/south feeders into the area and look at the zoning along the corridors; to take the Comp Plan and begin folding the method of what we can do on the corridor into that Plan; the idea of approaching the developers to engage them in dialogue; funding concerns for the study of the project and the project itself; contributions from Auto Row; the City of Spokane Valley, and others; and the need for clear definition of what we want accomplished before getting groups involved. The question was asked of what decisions can be made now, what can wait, what are the financial concerns, how will the public react to any of this; have all alternatives been examined, and the question of whether this process can be determined prior to finalization of the Comp plan process. Other discussion included the idea of working toward the entire Sprague concept with auto row being the first step; and that other area businesses might be interested. 3. Continue_to_nonitox_tlte_ :aslewater issue -and look for areas to continue to educate selves; and pit rsucavenues_that best serve_citizen for capacity_ rates an.d overall costs. Discussion of this topic: that the new problem of TMDL (total maximum daily load) group almost prevents entering into this now; to wait until the TIVIDI.: is resolved to have this item as a goal; the unresolved component: in the 2005 goal to analyze and takeover the plan; the permitting process to get a new plant by November; keep the goal as a working goal in 2006; how to deal with staff resources as in terms of governance, any wastewater system will require continued partnership with many jurisdictions; is the issue of die TMDL, so all- consuming as to prevent attention to other wastewater issues; responsibility, authority, liability of a plant or system; vested rights in a system; and assumption of the infrastructure. It was mentioned that governance concerns the operation of the plant. Further discussion included the benefits of having a system now or later, the desire to provide quality service with the best rates; that the Board of County Commissioners has adopted a philosophy of management and ownership of the enterprise and whether they want to retain that service; and that there are a series of issues to consider concerning conveyance of ownership, only one of which is what happens to current. reserves. The question was raised concerning how many employees would be needed to run such a plant, and Public Works Director Kcrsten estimated at least 50 people would be necessary. Continued discussion focused on the plant's ownership, whether the County would be interested in a plant construction if they did not own the plant; a regional governance model with several owners; the lack of a strong voice from the community on this issue; further financial components of the issue including bonding and the benefits of ownership and possible future reserves; and to keep this as a goal to let the citizens know there are many unknowns yet to examine; but it is important to keep the issue at the forefront and attend the many wastewater meetings to keep abreast of the quarterly reports and constant updates. 4. Strong Emphasis on Internal and FxternaLC.otnulunicatiou Discussion of this topic: Mr. Mercier mentioned he feels this goal addresses the desire to continue the good lines of communications with council, community, and customers, and to stay in harmony with what council wants to accomplish, and for Council to stay in harmony with what citizens want council to undertake. ideas expressed included tactics to accomplish this goal, such as hiring a public information officer, the use of the webpage as a tool to communicate with the community, making the website easier to navigate, public hearings, and use of the website as a type of "blog." it was determined that the topic of the public information officer and website suggestions would be a good study session topic.; and that the goal as stated above will remain as written. ,Meeting: 06 -11 -05 Page 2 of 5 Council Approved: 07 -12 -05 4..xplore the infrastructure with reg,ard to telecoinmunicatio.ns, i.e.. the Hot Zone and the Mpnet_agdrnter , Discussion of the topic: explore the idea of how to provide these services within our community; the use of satellite coverage; partnerships with local providers; special funding; and of the desire to keep (or become) a high tech area.; the idea of having a workshop with involved parties to brainstorm on how to get this to develop a plan, and determine the role of our City. Other discussion included how to get industry to examine our area; and where to concentrate a hot zone (perhaps Mirabeau). 2. Revised Council 2005 Goal on Wastewater Mr. Mercier brought Council's attention to the Fiscal Year 2005 Goal #5 and the suggested change to that goal as per the excerpt from the May 17, 2005 study session meeting minutes. After discussion of that issue, it was Council consensus to proceed with the change. 3. Status of Current Employee Recruitments Deputy City Manager Regor reported that with Council authorization last February of several new positions, along with handling other vacancies, the Human Resource duties are close to being a full time job. Ms. Regor went over the status of the various positions as per her June 11, 2005 Background information memorandum. Ms. Regor stated that for a city of approximately sixty employees, human resources tasks are large and that investing in human resources, is investing in employees; that there is a need for assistance as there are many facets of human resources such as training, guidance counseling, the FMLA and FLSA laws and rules and changes that occur, Americans with Disabilities Act, administrative policies and procedures and keeping those current with laws, recruitment and recruitment monitoring; and other facets pointing to the need for a dedicated full time, human resource person. Ms. Regor stated she will draft a job description and that will come before council for further consideration at a future meeting, adding that that position has been previously funded. Discussion followed on use of temporary employees to assist in areas of engineering, records management, and planning. 4. Updated Financial Forecast; 5. Full -Width Paving; and 6. Stormwater Program Finance Director Thompson went over the highlights of his handouts. Those highlights included mention of a larger estimate for sales tax; that property taxes are one - percent over what we would have levied without the library; estimated new growth which might be a little high; the idea of keeping estimates conservative to account for any slump in the economy; that budgets for next year in several departments arc corning in higher than he expected; that the legislative line factors in a salary change for Council if that measure receives ballot approval; that future years still indicate we will have trouble in the street fund although the figures show a surplus in 06 and 07, and those figures will be pumped back in in 08 and 09 to help pay for street costs; an increase of 6% in operating costs for the departments which includes a 4% increase in salaries, 20% increase in medical insurance, and 6% for dental and vision. Mr. Thompson indicated that the street fund is in a different format and the ending fund balance rolls over into the beginning fund balance of the next year; and brought Council attention to the two million dollars from the general fund. Concerning stormwater, Mr. Thompson stated that we increased that equivalent residential fee last year, and with the projections of what that fee should be over a period of years, that provides an additional $400,000 (although the figures show $350,000, the correct figure is $400,000); and he also mentioned the two different six -year stormwater projections: one beginning with the rate of $17, then increasing to $24 through 2010; and the other projection showing the $17 amount moving up annually to $20, $21, $26 for 08 and 09; and $27 for 2010. Mr. Kersten stated that he would like to see a decision early regarding paveback on next year's budget, as it would expedite and better coordinate planning and contracts with the County. Further discussion included the need to have revenues in place to assure future years can support paveback; full paveback versus grinding and overlay, especially on Sprague; and that all that information will be gathered well in advance of presenting the balanced budget to Council August 23, 2005; that Council previously Meeting: 06 -11 -05 Page 3 of 5 Council Approved: 07 -12 -05 determined that it was fiscally logical to allocate stormwater funds to the STEP systems since the road would already be torn up; the need to take a street inventory; and the estimated cost for paveback. in returning to the rates for stormwater, Councilmembers DeVleming and Taylor indicated their preference to stay the same as the County's schedule. Mayor Wilhite suggested having a $5.00 increase now and keeping that over the next several years. Mr. Mercier added that these projections are in advance of inventory completion. Mr. Thompson, in an overview of Problem Statements 1, 2, and 3, said that if the deficits are not rectified, it may become necessary to go back earlier and reduce the transfer from the general to the capital fund which could then flow to the different funds, but that any such change would wait a year or more to determine if such change is needed. Mr. Thompson also stated that the projections show that the deficits will shrink over time. Everyone took a break for lunch at noon; and reconvened the workshop at 12:45 p.m. 7. Elements of Customer Service Mr. Mercier said that he has questioned several municipalities, and can find no formal customer service program; and that if no well- packaged program exists, perhaps a start would be to examine the elements of what we all want in a customer service program, such as reporting customer service feedback; employee training on customer service elements such as how to handle difficult people; and any other elements thought appropriate. Discussion included mention that customer service is a mind -set; that our employees all understand they are working for the people on the other side of the counter; the City of Spokane's slogan "getting to yes;" and using the City of Spokane as a benchmark; whether we are getting complaints from the public on specifics; that many tinges there are different expectations resulting in a perceived lack of customer service, e.g. such as developers walk in, and not knowing the process, want things done immediately; that sometimes the answer is no; that additional employees will make a difference in terms of access; complaining about some things that are not in employee control — Iikc lack of parks and recreation programs or some programs only being seasonal; plan review; projects and permits and that some customers believe they should have permits issued immediately; unrealistic expectations; and exploring on -line permitting. Further discussion included logging in and tracking all calls; types of complaints; reporting inspections live from the field; being pro- active in creating a program; turnaround time for returning phone calls; solving vendor problems quickly; and ensuring that all areas are customer service friendly. It was mentioned that with t:hc flowchart staff is working on, they hope to solve some miscommunication issues and come up with a plan to try to reduce anxiety associated with any customer's problem. Additional ideas discussed included a coordinated effort to measure customer satisfaction; citizens completing a survey; ways to sample the market and report findings back to Council; staff keeping in contact with the citizens they work with; the current Friday training sessions to familiarize employees with ne,v ordinances, procedures, etc.; when confronted with complaints, encouraging Councilmembcrs to ask for specifics; whether problems are due to lack of staff or lack of good attitude; creating a matrix to show when we pay bills, and a philosophy on returning phone calls and /or answering inquires; that the Project Coordinator position will be of immense help in areas of customer service; and that to get customers to cornply ;staff should consider use of courtesy reminders. It was felt some of these issues will be resolved as our staff numbers increase over time. As an additional item, Deputy City Attorney Driskell mentioned the upcoming appeal of the Hearing Examiner decision, that this is the first closed record hearing before Council, and in preparation for the hearing, Mr. Driskell suggested Council familiarize themselves with the Appeal Notebook, especially the first part of the appeals, the Hearing Examiner decision, and each party's brief; that during the hearing, the parties will give oral arguments, and Council can take the matter under advisement for a future meeting, or stark: deliberations at the meeting. Meeting: 06-1 I -05 Council Approved: 07 -12-05 Page 4 of 5 8. 2005 Workplan Status Ms. Regor mentioned that the workplan shows changes to the timeline in green; and the last page shows some highlighted items. She also mentioned that there have been some changes to the capital improvement projects which changed due to comp plan timelines. The meeting ended at 2:15 p.m. A1TES1': Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk ( 64-540. WOJAktcL, Diana Wilhite, Mayor Meeting: 06 -11-05 Page 5 of 5 Council Approved: 07 -12-05