2003, 07-10 Special Joint Council/BOCC Meeting Minutes- a' Mayor Michael DeVleming called the special joint meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. Attendance: Spokane Valley Michael DeVleming, Mayor Diana Wilhite, Deputy Mayor Dick Denenny, Councilmember Mike Flanigan, Councilmember Rich Munson, Councilmember Gary Schimmels, Councilmember Dave Mercier, City Manager Nina Regor, Deputy City Manager Stanley Schwartz, City Attorney Marina Sukup, Comm. Dev. Dir Dick Warren, interim Public Works Neil Kersten, Public Works Dir. Steve Worley, Sr. Engineer Dick Thiel, City Engineer Chris Bainbridge, City Clerk MINUTES SPECIAL JOINT MEETING SPOKANE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS And SPOKANE VALLEY CiTY COUNCIL July 10, 2003 Phillip Harris, Commissioner Chair Kate McCaslin, Commissioner John Roskelley, Commissioner James Emacio, Attorney Bruce Rawls, Utilities Director Kevin Cook Dir. Agenda: I. Sewer fund reserves 2. Financial modeling for wastewater improvements 3. Subsidies for sewer rates and charges 4. Options for adjusting future rates and charges Spokane County Others Tracey Dunlap, Financial Consul. Bill Gothmann, Planning Comm Bruce Rawls explained his PowerPoint presentation on "Wastewater Financing" (see attached). Interspersed through and after the presentation, there ensued much discussion about the topic including current and future rate calculations, projected expenditures to finish the septic elimination program and overall expenditures, debt service and rate of re- payment, new developments, cash to be used toward improvements, and reserves. Commissioner McCaslin discussed some of the options and said the county would like to get feedback on the City's preferences: charge the new customers and increase the GFC's by 55.00 and have the new customers bare the brunt of plant construction; or charge everyone for it, or have some type of blend. She stated from a policy standpoint that is what needs to be decided in the future. Commissioner McCaslin said she favors a blend of those alternatives, although she is not sure what that blend would precisely be; she also stated she has difficulty in raising monthly rates from $4.00 to 57.70 and is confident that were to occur, all those concerned with the policy making would get calls from numerous irate customers. Commissioner Roskelley stated he too prefers a blend and is also not sure what percentage to assign to whom. Commissioner Harris said the reason why we are all here is to work hard to protect and preserve the quality of the water, and that he hopes Spokane Valley and the County can have a plant together. Rawls said the decision needs to be made on how best to proceed and suggested the City deliberate and then send the County a letter of intention, or schedule another time to jointly meet again. Mayor DeVleming stated it is too early to make a decision on how best to deal with Council Minutes 07 -10 -03 Page 1 oft Approved by Council; 07- 22-03 this issue, and that there is a significant amount of information to digest, analyze, and then determine the next step. City Manager Mercier added that the City seeks clarity on proportionally issues on the sales tax and needs to understand that better, and that it would be helpful to have comparative scenarios that reflects lower cost, such as the 1.5% versus the 5.7% rate scenario, and that might help suggest which gaps need to be closed and how to balance a blend. Mayor DeVleming thanked all those for attending and thanked the County for their presentation. The meeting adjourned at 6:45 p.m. 'Ii istine Bainbridge, City Clerk Michael DeVleming, May 6r Council Minutes 07 -I0 -03 Pagc 2 of 2 Approved by Council: 07 -22 -03