2002, 10-31 Candidates Meeting Minutes s- City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Redwood Plaza Thursday, October 31, 2002 - 6 p.m. The City Council Candidates Meeting was called to order by volunteer Facilitator, Stanley Schwartz, and commenced at 6:05 p.m. A quorum was present. All of the 14 of the City Council candidates were present: Diana Wilhite — Position 1 Gary Schimmels— Position 4 Deanna Hormann Position 1 Richard (Rich) Munson — Position 5 Ed Mertens— Position 2 Joan McCurdy— Position 5 Steve Taylor— Position 2 Janine Eldredge-Underdahl — Position 6 John G. Kailas — Position 3 Mike Flanigan — Position 6 Mike DeVieming — Position 3 Dick Denenny— Position 7 Dick Collins — Position 4 Louis Sims — Position 7 Meeting Topics of Discussjon: 1. Approval of the Minutes from October 17 and 24, 2002 A motion to approve the Minutes from the October 17 and 24 meetings was made by Rich Munson, seconded by John Kailas, and approved unanimously by all. 2. Interim City Hall Discussion: Diana Wilhite said she talked to the property manager of Gateway Corporate Center and that the office space we were to meet in (tonight) had no heat or adequate lighting; therefore, the meeting location was changed. The owners of the property would not make any leasehold improvements to the space unless we sign a multi-year lease. However, the property manager did some other office space that was available at Mirabeau Point for approximately $15 a square foot, triple net. The candidates agreed to dose all other options for temporary City Hall locations at this time and Rich Munson made a motion to accept the offer from WEB Properties for donated office space at Redwood Plaza until February 28, 2003. Dick Collins seconded the motion, with unanimous agreement by all. The property manager for Redwood Plaza, Rick Berthoif, said he would like to know the City's intentions for leasing this space by January 2003. It was decided that the seven elected City Council members will make decisions regarding a more long-term City Hall facility. CASpetkane VaReylMinutesV 4inutes from 10-31.O2.dx City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 31, 2002 Page 2 of 6 3. Continuing Interim City Management Services Discussion There was a discussion about the two proposals that have been received for contract services. It was decided that more information concerning administrative issues and financial information was needed. Dick Denenny offered to follow up on these questions with Waldron & Company and the Prothman Company in the next week and report back to the candidates. Consequently, no decisions were made as to which proposal will be chosen and also since the seven city council members have not been officially elected. This discussion will continue at the next meeting. Mr. Schwartz recommended asking the three consulting service groups about their proposed core management team, how the team would be expanded, and to provide a general estimate of fees for those individuals for the work anticipated. He pointed out that not all work can be fully anticipated and some room for leeway should be allowed, and that perhaps a flat-fee rate might be an alternative option. Deciding which proposal to accept based on the additional information to be provided (in the next week), it might be possible to narrow down which proposal might be the best choice; then perhaps and a handshake agreement might be put in place so they could start gearing up their personnel around the November 20th election certification. Steve Taylor mentioned that Dale Strom, a Valley City resident, had inquired at last week's meeting regarding a possible third proposal for contract services. Mr. Strom replied that he had prepared a general plan (which was distributed to the candidates) and is in the process of putting together a local team of professional consultants and will have more information to present at the next meeting. Dick Collins asked about the bonding of the interim consultants. It was discussed that the contracting companies would be required to include a bond for each consultant in their contract. Rich Munson agreed to contact the references on all three proposals. Mr. Munson also suggested forming various research committees shortly after the election. Rich Munson said he talked to Mike Voltz, who works for the County treasurer's office, and asked for a breakout of the county road tax, which for 2003 is estimated to be $6.7 million, and when it would be coming in by month and the approximate amount of money. At a breakfast meeting held at the Davenport Hotel earlier today, he asked Kate McCaslin if she would consider an advance road tax funds to the City for about $2 million. Her response was that she understands, would think about it, although she couldn't commit to it. Mr. Munson was encouraged by this information that the interim period could be financed. Further negotiations will be necessary after the election. C:GSpesane Vane winutesysmites from 1431-02.doc City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 31, 2002 Page 3 of 6 4. Continuing Discussions Concerning City Attorney Services Mr. Robert Leeds, from the law firm of Paine Hamblen, said his firm is interested in providing contract services as an addition to other attorney services. Jim Kaufman is interested in a flexible, full-time position down the road and would be available starting the end of this year. Jim Sloane and his associate, Rocky Treppiedi, from Perkins Coie would be interested in collaborating with whoever is chosen to provide the interim legal services. He also mentioned that Mr. Roy Kogan, would probably also be interested. These gentlemen would be available at the end of November. Steve Taylor asked Mr. Schwartz at what point the interim city attorney could be chosen. Mr. Swartz replied that not until the candidates have been sworn in, but that a handshake agreement could occur as early as the first part of November. Mr. Stan Schwartz expressed his interest for the interim city attorney position. He is the city attorney for the City of Airway Heights and, for the past year, is the contracted city attorney for the City of Liberty Lake. Rich Munson asked Mr. Schwartz for his views on the initial startup role of the city attorney and the time during the next two to three years. Mr. Schwartz replied that he sees the initial time as intense and would like to be retained as a consultant after the incorporation, and recommends that the City contract for special legal expertise from other firms or attorneys. Cary Driskell expressed his interest in the permanent city attorney position and has been involved in many incorporation efforts. Mr. Munson asked Mr. Driskell about whether he thought the city attorney would be a full or part-time position during the first year, and Mr. Driskell replied that there would be many long hours for the city attorney during the first year, as well as possibly contracting out for a paralegal and legal secretary. Mr. Driskell felt that one attorney could be dedicated to doing the job to the very best of their ability, because the first year will be extremely critical in setting up the growth management. Jim Sloane discussed his research on the staffing level of cities in our state of comparable size to our City. He estimates between the civil division and the City prosecutor, that eventually 10 to 12 lawyers will be needed with a budget of$1 million to $1.25 million per year. He further estimates that there will be between 5,000 and 6,000 misdemeanor prosecuted cases per year. Should it be decided to handle the CASpoknne velkylMxiuOay lhn es firm 10.31.02.doc City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 31, 2002 Page 4 of 6 cases in-house, it would probably involved three to four lawyers. Should the City choose to contract with the County, their rate is about $100 for each case, including the progression to Superior Court. Claims for personal injury would be approximately 125 per year and average rates for a tort litigator could run $150 to $200 an hour for a top-line contract attorney, however this expertise could be developed in-house for about $50 to $55 an hour. He said that it is important to understand that there will be a high volume of small claims and very few large claims and the City should always be ready to seek special council in the latter cases. He suggested identifying a plan as to which instances special counsel will be utilized for consulting attorney services. Mike Flanigan asked Mr. Schwartz (should he be chosen as the interim city attorney) if he would utilize the resources of other attorneys who have specific experience in other areas of law. Mr. Schwartz replied that due to the severe consequences of liability issues, he would make recommendations for other specialized lawyers (on a contractual basis) and coordinate the workflow with them. 5. Continuing Discussion on Banking Services Diana Wilhite asked for feedback regarding the various banks that are interested in providing banking services. She would like to get a consensus from the Candidates by writing down their opinions by the next meeting. Mr. Schwartz suggested that an RFP for banking services could be decided upon the first or second council meeting. A bank will be required for short-term issues such as office supplies or purchasing. Rich Munson commented that we must be careful and fair in the assessments and give them a chance to respond to the RFPs. Other Discussion Items Rich Munson said the press would like to know where the candidates plan to be on Tuesday night. Some will be at Players and Spectators, others at home. It was Mr. Munson's interpretation of a letter all candidates recently received from the County Auditor's office was that they should have a fairly good idea by Thursday of next week as how the votes stand and that the County is hoping to have 90% of the votes counted by Friday of next week. Mike DeVieming recommended the next meeting dates for November 12. At that point the Elections office should have a good idea as to who the top candidates are, then the City Council can decide on which dates to meet. Mr. Schwartz asked if the 14-person rule would be in effect for the meeting on November 12. It was decided there would be a 7-person rule for a quorum. C:LSpokane Va9ey`Minutes\Minutes from 10-31-62.doc } City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 31, 2002 Page 5 of 6 Mr. DeVleming noted that all candidates would still be invited to attend the meeting on the 12th due to the elections not being certified until November 20th. Mr. Schwartz recommended that for those candidates not elected to office, that they would be great resources for other committees or commissions and encouraged them to be actively involved in other aspects of the City. Mr. Munson commented that there will be some major committees at the County level to represent the new City, and couldn't think of anyone better to consider for these committees than the people who came in second. An immediate requirement would be choosing a member of the City Council or an appointee to attend bonding issue meetings with the County after November 20. Diana Wilhite said that Robin Palachuk, chair of the MIS/Facilities Subcommittee, has secured ten new Compaq computers free of charge for three months from Resource Computing in the Valley. Mike DeVleming inquired about a checklist for the first official City meeting after November 20, which would indude recordings. Diana mentioned that the City Administration Transition Committee has already looked into portable sound systems. Ed Mertens asked a question regarding Roberts Rules of Order. It was his understanding that out of the elected seven council members, the others would still meet should one council member be absent. Additionally, that a quorum would constitute four council members to hold a meeting. This information was confirmed. 7. New Business Gary Schimmels mentioned that Karin and he went to Telect yesterday to look around at surplussed office furnishings for sale. There are about 60 stackable chairs for roughly $30 each that we possibly could acquire and he would like approval to purchase them. Mr. Schwartz advised the candidates that until the elections are finalized, he recommends contacting Telect to express our interest but saying that we can't officially commit to the purchase of anything until the council has been formed. There are certain bidding laws that must be abided by and some exceptions could be worked around in cases where the cost of the equipment is substantially below market value. This could be accomplished through the passing of a resolution. A motion was made by Rich Munson and seconded by Mike DeVleming for Mr. Schimmels to contact Telect to express the City's interest in the acquisition of these chairs in about three weeks, and all approved the motion. C:\Spokaae Valley1141wterVanuta from 10.31.024oe City of Spokane Valley City Council Candidates Meeting Thursday, October 31, 2002 Page 6 of 6 8. Next Meeting Date and Time A motion was made by Rich Munson and seconded by Mike DeVleming that the next meeting be scheduled for November 12 at 6 p.m. at Redwood Plaza, with unanimous approval by all. 9. Adjournment Mr. Schwartz was thanked for serving as the volunteer facilitator. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Recording Secretary Approved on **************** Agenda Items for next meeting on Tuesday, November 12, 6 PM (Redwood Plaza): 1- Approval of the Meeting Minutes from October 31 2- Presentations regarding Office Equipment 3- Discussion on Interim City Attorney 4- Discussions and Presentations on Interim City Manager Proposals 5- Discussion on Banking Services 6- Swearing-In Ceremony - November 20 at 7 p.m., University High School Gymnasium C:LSpo&ane VafleyVelutesVMin¢tes frtm 10-3142.doc