2002, 11-12 Members-Elect Meeting City of Spokane Walley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Redwood Plaza Tuesday, November 12, 2002 - 6 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Council Member-Elect Steve Taylor and commenced at 6:03 p.m. A quorum was present. Mr. Taylor led the Pledge of Allegiance and Rich Munson gave the invocation. The following Council Members-Elect were present and introduced themselves: Diana Wilhite — Position 1 Richard (Rich) Munson — Position 5 Steve Taylor — Position 2 Mike Flanigan — Position 6 Mike DeVleming — Position 3 Dick Denenny — Position 7 Gary Schimmels— Position 4 Stanley Schwartz from the law firm of Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport &Toole provided voluntary advisory attorney services. Meeting Topics of Discussion: 1. Approval of the Minutes from October 31, 2002 A motion to approve the Minutes from the October 31 meeting was made by Rich Munson, seconded by Mike Flanigan, and unanimously approved. 2. Presentations on Office Equipment Representatives from H8,1-1 Business Systems (Yousif Kaddoura), Office Tech (Jannean Judy), and Imagistics (Steve Duvall) presented information on copiers they were willing to provide free of charge to the City. Mr. Munson indicated that a RFP would be sent to the vendors. Mr. Taylor said that a decision on which proposal was chosen would be made at a future meeting. 3. Discussion on Interim City Attorney Dick Denenny explained that all personnel matters would be discussed in Executive Session for the interim management team. Mr. Stanley Schwartz clarified that the Open Public Meeting Act covers an exemption for this by adding that discussion of personnel matters of public employment would be appropriate for an Executive Session, although the voting must be done in public. Larry Winner (a retired Spokane C:t cotane V3ileWd nc lint t 11.1:-02doe City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 2 of 5 City Attorney and licensed in the State of Washington) said he was also interested in providing interim attorney services at a rate of$4,000 a month. 4, Discussion and Presentation on Interim City Manager Proposal Spokane Valley resident Dale Strom presented a proposal for contract services. He has arranged a team of local professionals and introduced each person on his proposed management team; each gave a brief overview of their interest and background. Mr. Taylor thanked Mr. Strom for his presentation. 5. Discussion on Banking Services Diana Wilhite mentioned that RFPs would be welcomed from interested banks. Dick Denenny suggested that there could be more than one banking service chosen, perhaps for investment services and general banking services. Diana Wilhite said that all banks that made presentations at a prior meeting could provide the capability for warrant services. Mr. Munson suggested a money center bank and a local bank. Mike Flanigan said he prefers to use a local bank and the setup of a local line of credit. Rich Munson asked Spokane County Commissioner Kate McCaslin (who was in the audience) about the Commissioners possibly giving the City some seed money. Kate said that she is willing to talk about this issue with the other County Commissioners and present some options. Ms. McCaslin felt the best times to discuss this would be at their meetings on Tuesdays, either 9 a.m. or 4 or 5 p.m. Dick Denenny said he would talk to AWC and Metropolitan Research for RFP information specifications. It was Mike DeVieming's recommendation that subcommittees be formed. Mr. Denenny recommended asking for the expertise of Gregg Dohrn, a planner with Jones & Stokes. Ms. Wilhite summarized the discussion by saying that after the information has been gathered on the RFPs, everyone will have a chance to review the proposals, ask questions, and make decisions. 6. Swearing-In Ceremony (Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m.) Jessica Suiter from the Spokane Valley Chamber and Matt Gibson, Chairman of the Communications Transition Committee, presented information and asked a few questions regarding this ceremony, planned for November 20 at 7 p.m., to be held at the University High School Gymnasium. They have asked Judge Michael Padden, Spokane County District Court Judge, to conduct the swearing-in ceremony. Mr. Munson said he would like to have another judge present and that will be arranged. Ms. Suiter would like to receive information on details such as family bibles CASPe�ne Va!e".JlIn tes1Flin 11.12 0:.det City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 3 of 5 and the names of their escorts by noon on Friday. Her email address is: je icaaspokaulevalReycha ber.erq. Ms. Suiter was thanked for her time. 7. New Business Ms. Wilhite asked if there was a reason to have a Post Office box and said the mail will be delivered to the building; she has pricing information. A discussion on where to hold City Council meetings will need to take place in the near future. Rich Munson asked Stan Schwartz if the Council Members could socialize and was informed that it was Okay as long as City business was not discussed. Dick Denenny mentioned that the Spokane Regional Transportation Council and the Spokane Visitors Bureau (options for the hotel/motel tax) would like to make presentations at a future meeting. Ms. Wilhite asked the Council when they would like to start scheduling the transition team committee reports but Mr. Denenny would like to review the documents first. Rich Munson said he would like to discuss hiring the Recording Secretary for the interim staff in Executive Session. Mike DeVleming asked if everyone could write on their calendars dates of potential conflicts and proposed a meeting be held this Thursday (the 14th) and Rich Munson proposed a meeting for Thursday the 215. Dick Denenny felt that the Transition team should come forth with their recommendation as to meeting dates prior to the swearing-in ceremony. Mr. Taylor asked about recording equipment and other necessary items for the first official meeting; it was noted that these office equipment purchases will have to wait until after the monies are available. Other items for discussion include designating the official interim newspaper; choosing meeting locations, dates, and times; and banking services. Mr. Schwartz presented information to the Council Members-Elect on the legislative powers of the Council, the duties and responsibilities of the Mayor, and information on Adopting Council Rules of Procedure. Mr. Schwartz advised that the purpose for an Executive Session must be stated, the anticipated amount of time for the discussion, and what outcomes may be anticipated. No action may be taken and the voting must be done in public. Se Executive Session An Executive Session to discuss personnel matters and the selection of the Interim City Attorney began at 7:40 p.m. The meeting reconvened at 8:52 p.m. C:tSpek V tleyiP1trnrr4thvtcs :1-12.024;c • City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 4 of 5 Mr. Taylor announced that the following three items were decided upon: 1) Diana Wilhite made a motion to nominate Stanley Schwartz as the Interim City Attorney and Rich Munson seconded. The agreement would be on a handshake basis until November 20 and then he starts at a rate of$140 an hour. This motion was unanimously passed. 2) Rich Munson moved that Karin Bosworth be hired as the Interim Recording Secretary and Diana Wilhite seconded the motion. Her pay rate will be determined at a later date and her starting time would begin at tonight's meeting. The motion was unanimously passed. 3) Dick Denenny moved that Greg Prothman from the Prothman Company be invited to Thursday night's meeting to make a followup presentation and Mike DeVieming seconded. The motion was unanimously passed. 9, Other Discussion Items/good of the Order Rich Munson suggested that the Prothman Company make a followup presentation on the 14"' or the 19th, then a decision could be made for the interim contract services. Mike DeVieming recommended holding Council meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays. A RFP for an official interim newspaper will be needed soon. Mike Flanigan asked about the requirement for publishing meeting notices. Mr. Jim Sloane from Perkins Cole replied he would talk to Stanley Schwartz about the action list Mr. Schwartz has put together. Rich Munson asked about the process for making an unofficial selection for the position of Mayor. Mr. Taylor felt that this decision should be made with all council members present and decided after the 20th. Mr. Munson suggested that those Council Members who wish to be considered for Mayor express their interest at the meeting on the 14th or 19th. It was decided that this decision would be made at the Council Meeting on the 25th. Dick Denenny said the Mayor should be selected at the first Council Meeting. Mr. Munson asked Mr. Sloane if the discussion would be considered an Executive Session or public meeting and Mr. Sloane replied that evaluating the appointment of a council member to a public office would be considered Executive Session, although the decision as to who is appointed would be in an open session. Mr. DeVieming recommended continuing this discussion at the next meeting. C:S,Spekine VMI_ryuglntites'Js1Les 1112-02.6 c 4 C / City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 12, 2002 Page 5 of 5 10. Next Meeting Date and Time A motion was made by Mike DeVleming and seconded by Rich Munson that the next meeting be scheduled for Thursday, November 14, at 6 p.m., Redwood Plaza, and was unanimously approved. 11. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Recording Secretary Approved on Agenda Items for the next meeting on Thursday, November 14. 6 PM (Redwood Plaza): Opening Remarks 1- Approval of the Meeting Minutes from November 12 2- Proposal from the Liberty Lake Council by Mayor Steve Peterson 3- Discussion of Proposal from Prothman Company 4- Discussion of City Council meetings for date, time, and location 5- Discussion of RFP for banking services 6- Discussion of offers for free copier, need for PO Box and sound equipment 7- Swearing-In Ceremony - November 20, 7 p.m., University High School Gymnasium 8- Executive Session - New Business Good of the Order Adjournment CA-cratarst Van ikhantt Vl notes 11.12,32dcc