2002, 11-19 Members-Elect Meeting City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Redwood Plaza Tuesday, November 19, 2002 - 6 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Council Member-Elect Richard Munson and commenced at 6 p.m. A quorum was present. Mr. Munson led the Pledge of Allegiance and Mike DeVleming gave the Invocation. The following Council Members-Elect were present: Diana Wilhite — Position 1 Richard (Rich) Munson — Position 5 Steve Taylor— Position 2 Mike Flanigan — Position 6 Mike DeVleming — Position 3 Dick Denenny — Position 7 Gary Schimmels — Position 4 Stanley Schwartz from the law firm of Witherspoon, Kelley, Davenport &Toole provided voluntary advisory attorney services. • Meeting Topics of Discussion: 1. Approval of the Minutes from November 14, 2002 A motion to approve the Minutes from the November 14 meeting was made by Diana Wilhite and seconded by Dick Denneny, and was unanimously approved. 2. Introductions of the Prothman Company Management Team and a discussion of the Initial Work Plan Greg Prothman introduced the Prothman Company management team of Bob Nowak, Lee Walton, Stan McNutt, Bob Ely, Dick Warren, Ruth Muller, Kathie Oeser, and Jim Harris. Mr. Prothman recommended a Council-Staff retreat in the near future. There was a motion to approve the Prothman Company contract from Gary Schimmels, seconded by Dick Denenny, and was unanimously approved. 3. Discussion of Rules of Procedure and Comments from Stanley Schwartz, Interim City Attorney Mr. Schwartz reviewed the Rules of Procedure. There was a brief discussion about the voting procedures for Mayor and Deputy Mayor. C:45pokane ValelApk ut&H1b ut:s from 11.1942.dcc / `, •� •mot City of Spokane Valley tv City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 2 of 6 Citizen Comments: Tony Lazanis had a question concerning super majority. Bill Goffman asked if the agenda is available to the public and suggested the Library receive copies. Bruce Rawls, Spokane County Public Works Department, looks forward to having a long and successful relationship with the City. Jim Haines, Spokane County Public Works Department, looks forward to working with the City. Bill Gothman publicly thanked Jim Haines and Mr. Roskelly for all their work with the Transition Committees. Mr. Denenny added that Bruce and Kevin Cook have provided a tremendous amount of information and was greatly appreciated. A motion to ask the City of Liberty Lake to consider a loan of$50,000 (with little or no interest) from the City of Liberty Lake was made by Mike Flanigan. Diana Wilhite seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved. 4. STA Presentation Alan Schweim, Executive Director of STA, introduced the chairman of the STA board, Amy Jo Sooy, Mayor of Cheney. He welcomed the Council's consideration to join the Spokane Transit Authority's board meetings. There are openings on the finance and planning committee; operations and customer service; and the light rail steering committee. Mr. Schweim was thanked for his presentation. 5. Discussion of a Telephone System/Local Service Provider Roy Olstad from Phones Plus and Jim Prussack from XO Communications discussed phone systems and.Internet connectivity. It was their recommendation to set up an initial account with Qwest due to the shortest turnaround time. Mr. Olstad gave the Council a phone system proposal. Ms. Wilhite noted that a second proposal was also received. C:LSpokan! 'ram 11-19-02.dx • City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 3 of 6 Dick Denenny made a motion to approach Qwest for eight (8) phone lines plus a fax line; Diana Wilhite seconded the motion and was unanimously approved. Lee Walton, Interim City Manager, will review the proposals received and have more information at the next Council meeting, scheduled for November 26. 6. Discussion of Administrative Functions It was decided that administrative decisions would be given to the Interim staff. 7. RFRs for Banking Services After a short discussion, a motion was made by Rich Munson to designate Farmers & Merchants bank by a Resolution for the City's checking account during the interim period. Mike Flanigan seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved. Steve Taylor made a motion that Mike Flanigan be elected to be the Council's designee and Dick Denenny as an alternate to sign all City checks up to $5,000. Diana Wilhite seconded the motion, and was unanimously approved. Additionally, it was agreed by the Council that all checks will require two signatures, one by Lee Walton, Interim City Manager, and the other from the Council (Mike Flanigan or Dick _ Denenny). • Diana Wilhite made a motion that the Council must approve expenses over $1,000 as well as any recurring cost obligations; Gary Schimmels seconded the motion, and the motion was unanimously approved. Interim City Attorney Stanley Schwartz will draft a RFP for all banking services occurring after incorporation. Citizen Comments: Tony Lazanis noted that there would be several bills coming in. • Jim Kaufman recommended a limit of$1,000; anything over that should be approved. Robin Palachuk inquired about the staff's need for cell phones. CAS;cicane Va'J-AhlnutesVlinutes from 11-19-03.dr_ City of Spokane Valley �- ' City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 • Page 4 of 6 8. Location and Time for City Council Meetings and first Official City Council Meeting on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 After a brief discussion, a motion was made by Mike DeVleming to hold the first City Council meeting at Trent Elementary, starting at 6 p.m. and was seconded by Dick Denenny. The motion passed with a vote of 4-3. Council Members-Elect voting against the motion were Steve Taylor, Rich Munson, and Gary Schirnmels. Public Comments,: Jessie Lang suggested asking the City Manager. Pastor Robertson commented about the location of the meeting in his church. Tom Ralph thought there wouldn't be a problem holding the meeting in a church, the citizens should understand the City is just getting started. Bill Goffrnan said the church community is comprised of the people and the facility would be a meeting place. Jack Stenchers encouraged the Council to make a decision. 9. Swearing-In Ceremony (Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m., University High School Gymnasium) The Swearing-In Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, November 20, at University. High School. 10. Other Discussion Items/Good of the Order Rich Munson requested a Strategic Planning Retreat be scheduled for the Council in the near future. A retreat for Rules of Procedure and other staff/Council matters will be scheduled for Monday, November 25, in the third floor conference room at Redwood Plaza, starting at noon until approximately 6 p.m. The Retreat would be open to the public. Dick Denenny suggested that Lee Walton take an inventory of what organizations the Council should participate in and provide his recommendations at the next meeting. C.'$;.oxane Valley\Min_!sV4inu-s kern 11-190?eoc . City of Spokane Valley City Council Members-Elect Meeting Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 5 of 6 Dick Denenny made a motion to authorize Lee Walton to procure cell phones from AT&T and Mike DeVleming seconded. The motion was unanimously passed. Rich Munson said that the County Commissioners will meet to discuss the seed money request. Mr. Munson asked if Mr. Schwartz would write up a letter concerning this matter for the Council's review. Rich Munson discussed the need to identify revenue sources, which would include inventorying Valley businesses. Diana Wilhite mentioned that the Council would be meeting with Transition Committees at Redwood Plaza in the near future. Citizen Comments: Cal Walker from the Valley Sheriff's Substation said they had some spare cell phones that they would be willing to loan the staff. Robin Palachuk mentioned he received an offer for a printer. Mr. Palachuk offered to volunteer his IT services after-hours and will look into finding used equipment. Jessie Lang suggested the City use a copier with printing capabilities. Tom Routt, a lifetime Valley resident and sales representative for VMI, presented the Council with a sound system proposal. Tony Lazanis asked about the starting time for future Council meetings. 11. Next Meeting Date and Time A motion was made by Mike Flanigan and seconded by Dick Denenny that the next Council meeting be scheduled for Tuesday, December 2, at 6 p.m., at Redwood Plaza, and the motion was unanimously approved. C AUpokane Ialky\Nnut s+,Mnutes from:1-19- 2dee City of Spokane Valley \ - City Council Members-Elect Meeting • Tuesday, November 19, 2002 Page 6 of 6 12. Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Bosworth Recording Secretary Approved on 1 ykFtmutesNiutes from U49-O24