2002, 11-25 Special Retreat Minutes • / Notes from City Council Retreat November 25, 2002 Noon to 6 p.m. from: Stan McNutt, Interim Deputy City Manager e- Roll Call Present: Mike DeVleming, Dick Denenny, Diana Wilhite, Gary Schimmels, Mike Flanigan, Rich Munson, and Steve Taylor (arriving at 12:10 p.m.). Consensus: Appointed Greg Prothman of Prothman Company as chair and facilitator. Discussion: Mr. Prothman started an open forum for subjects of immediate concern or interest to Councilmembers. Open Forum Items: Status of Water Districts, agenda OK? Consensus: Prioritize time, otherwise OK. Prothman: Will need to bring in lower-level staff soon. Discussion and Consensus: To evaluate existing services regarding efficiency and effectiveness. Each consideration to compare these alternatives with private options. Emerging Concerns: Personal demands on Councilmembers' time (boards and commissions, etc.). Discussion: Interim Finance Director Noack then answered questions on finance. Need to spend a few hours in the near future on Parks and Recreation, especially Mirabeau maintenance and operations, negotiations, etc. Concern: Public Works Director Dick Warren discussed sewer projects -- so large and scope and dollars involved. Dick will examine alternatives and bring to a study session. C:\Stan\Ptotes from City Coundl Study Session-11-25-02.doc Page 1 of 3 City Manager Walton stated when we contact the County regarding police services; we should include the use of a coordinator as a contract administrator. Discussion: Councilmember Taylor discussed need for manual of procedures, information on communications (in governance policies), planning and zoning, etc. Interim Planning Director Jim Harris reported on short-term and long-term planning aspects. He said the interim County plan would apply until changed. City Attorney Stan Schwartz joined the group at 1:48 p.m. Councilmember Munson discussed negotiations for Sheriff contract - stated we should have our own Chief— the City is in a good position to negotiate — with some organization in-house (administration, planning, building division, etc.). Concerned that we establish immediately a positive attitude for all citizen service (customer service). He prefers a one-stop building permit service center using combined, easy-to-read checklists. Councilmember Flanigan wants organizations and agencies requesting fund dispensation from the City to demonstrate a "return on investment"to Spokane Valley in their request. Concerned that we capture all potential revenues coming to us, i.e. tax rolls, sales tax inventory, etc. Councilmember Schimmels expressed that we establish no complex business license (permit system or cost) beyond their necessity. Discussion: City name change is a strong issue — name change ballot issue in March — commented that the Spokane name brings a better bond rating. Councilmember Wilhite expressed a desire for planning, zoning, and building permits, etc., be in-house. Business permits (if any) be very minimal — no new taxes to be perceived. Concerned that businesses have the new tax code as soon as possible. Reported regarding City name a group that doesn't like "Spokane." We need a procedure to consider it (name change). Wants to see indemnification as soon as possible. Discussion: Name change can also affect websites, stationery, addresses, etc. Councilmember DeVleming expects incorporation date to be the end of March. Regarding lease, wants City facilities to be a visual illustration, with general public input on the community's culture. C:\,StanNtiotes from City Council Study Session-11-2S-02.doc Page 2 of 3 API Prothman: Discussion on negotiations for police services. Wants to bring on Bob Jean as Consulting Assistant, since he has extensive experience with police? City Attorney Schwartz reported on his working legislative matrix of City Council actions. Christmas Holidays: There is a consensus that Council meet December 19, then again on January 2, 2003. Council Meetings: Motion to meet Tuesdays at 6 p.m. for regular Council Meetings. Motion passed. Discussion: Using Interim Mayor until incorporation. Consensus against concept 1-7. Discussion: Sending a letter to the County from the Coundl with reference to the City expecting continued service through the interim period. Lee and Dick to do a draft for the Council, including a process for transfer of road tax money. Interim Planning Director Jim Harris recommended that the City use a hearing examiner. City Manager Walton expressed concern that he be able to make decisions on bringing in lower-level staff when needed. Council assent. Mr. Prothman will prepare a search contract to submit for City Manager as soon as possible. City Attorney Schwartz recommends the City eventually have an in-house City Attorney. Deputy City Manager McNutt made an overview of a possible orientation/governance coordination seminar. Council consensus was to proceed. Meeting adjourned by voice vote at 6 p.m. kb CAStan\JVotes from City Coundl Study Session-11-25-o2.doc Page 3 of 3