Resolution 11-010 Adopts Planning Commission Rules CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY
WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Spokane Valley Municipal Code, Section 18.10 states that
the Planning Commission shall adopt rules and procedures as are necessary for the conduct of business,
subject to the approval of the City Council; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted Rules of Procedure which were last updated February
9, 2010 and the rules call for updating every 2 years; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission revised their rules October 28, 2011 which provided
clarification and reflects current practice; and
WHEREAS, the City Council reviewed the Rules of Procedure at their November 15, 2011 regular
meeting, directing further changes to allow incoming Planning Commission members the ability to participate
in Officer elections in their first term.
NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane
County, Washington as follows:
Section 1. Adoption of Spokane Vallev Planning Commission Rules of Procedure. The City of
Spokane Valley hereby adopts the amended Spokane Valley Planning Commission Rules of Procedure, which
are attached hereto and made a part hereof.
Section 2. Effective Date. This Resolution shall be in full force and effect upon adoption.
Adopted this 29th day of November, 2011.
Thomas E. Towey, Mayor
AT Approved as to form: ,
/ ` .
istine Bainbridge, City Clerk Office of t City Attorney
Resolution 11-010, Adopting Planning Commission Rules Page 1 of 1
City of Spokane Valley
Planning Commission
Updated 06-22-2006
Updated 02-09-2010
U pdated 11-29-2011
We, the members of the Planning Commission of the City of Spokane Valley, State of Washington,
pursuant to the City of Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 18.10, do hereby adopt and publish the
following Rules of Procedure:
1. Name
A. The "City of Spokane Valley Planning Commission," hereinafter referred to as the "Commission"
is an advisory body created by the City Council for purposes consistent with SVMC 18.10.
2. Location
A. The Commission offices shall be the City Hall of the City of Spokane Valley.
3. Officers
Unless otherwise required by a vacancy in office, the Commission shall organize every year in
accardance with SVMC 18.10.
A. Officers of the Commission shall be elected from its membership; the officers shall be Chair,
Vice Chair, and other appropriate officers that the Commission may choose to approve and
appoint by majority vote.
B. Planning Commission members must have served at least one full calendar year to be eligible to
be elected as an Officer.
B. The Chair shall preside over the Commission and exercise all powers incidental to the office,
retaining however, the full right as a member of the Commission to propose motions, second
motions and have a vote recorded on all matters of the Commission.
C. The Vice-Chair shall, in the absence of the Chair from any meeting, perform all the duties
incumbent upon the Chair, and retain the full right as a member of the Commission in the same
manner as the Chair.
4. Secretary of the Commission
A. The Director of the Deparhnent of Community Development ar his/her designee shall serve as the
Secretary to the Commission.
B. The Secretary shall provide for a recording of all Commission meetings, including public
hearings and shall ensure that summary minutes of all public hearings are prepared and filed in
the public recard.
C. The Secretary will conduct and record a roll call of the Commission members at each meeting,
public hearing and study session.
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5. Election of Officers
A. Officers shall be elected at the first regular meeting in January of each year, by majority vote of
the membership of the Commission. Terms of office shall run from the first January meeting
until December 31 or until a successor has been elected. No Commission member shall serve
more than two full consecutive terms as Chair of the Commission. No member shall serve as
vice-chair for more than two full consecutive terms.
In the event that the Commission has no sitting Chair at the first regular meeting in January, the
Vice-Chair will preside over the Commission until officers are elected. If at the first regular
meeting in January, both the Chair and Vice-Chair are no longer Planning Commission members,
the Planning Commission Secretary will preside over the meeting until Officers are elected.
B. A vacancy in any office will be filled by a special election, to be held at a convenient time with a
majority present. In the event that the office of Chair is vacated, the vice-chair shall serve in that
capacity until the required special election is held. Any member of the Commission who has
served for at least one full calendar year, is eligible to fill the vacancy. However, no member can
hold two office positions.
6. Quorum
A. A quorum shall consist of four members of the Commission and no action can be taken in the
absence of a quorum except to adjourn the meeting to a subsequent date. A quorum must be
present for public hearings and study sessions.
7. Voting
A. The affirmative vote of a majority of those present shall be necessary for the adoption of any
motion or other general matter.
B. For the conduct of business dealing with matters which require adoption or changes to the City's
Comprehensive Plan and the election of officers, at least four affirmative votes must be cast.
Each member of the Commission is entitled to one vote but no proxy shall be allowed.
C. No member may participate or vote on a matter unless the member has been in attendance at all
public hearings regarding such matter or has listened to the taped recording of the public hearing
and reviewed the written record of the matter in question.
8. Meetings
A. There shall be at least one regular meeting each month with additional meetings scheduled as
necessary. Regular meetings shall be scheduled on the 2nd and 4"' Thursdays of the month,
commencing at 6:00 p.m. and ending not later than 9:00 p.m. Meeting ending time can be
extended by a majority vote of the commission. Meetings may be used for general planning
matters, study sessions or public hearings as described below.
1. Meetings on General Planning Matters. General planning matters to be reviewed by the
Commission will typically be preceded by a study session of the Commission to discuss the
issues with Community Development Department staff. Generally, no testimony from the
public shall be taken at a study session.
2. Public Hearin�? Meeting. A public hearing is a meeting wherein general business and public
hearing items, such as the Comprehensive Plan and development regulations are discussed
and decided.
3. Scheduled meetings may be canceled or convened at other times if deemed necessary by the
Chair or, in the absence of the Chair, by the Vice-Chair. Notice of cancellation shall be given
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personally to Commission Members and to the public by posting a notice at Commission
4. The recommended order of business for meetings is:
a. Call to order by Chair.
b. Pledge of Allegiance.
c. Roll call by recarding secretary.
d. Approval of Agenda.
e. Approval or amendment of minutes.
£ Public Comment.
g. Commission Members Report.
h. Administrative Report.
i. Commission Business.
i. Unfinished Business
ii. New Business
j. For the Good of the Order.
k. Adjournment.
B. Planning Commission meetings shall be held in accordance with the requirements of the Open
Meetings Act, RCW Chapter 4230.
C. Special meetings and study sessions may be called:
1. By the request of the Chair, ar, in the Chair's absence, by the Vice-Chair.
2. By the written request of three or more members of the Commission.
3. By agreed motion of the Commission.
9. Conduct of Hearings
A. Actions for a Planning Commission Public Hearing.
Prior to the start of the public hearing, the Chair may require that all persons wishing to be heard
shall sign in with the Secretary, giving their names and addresses, the agenda item, and whether
they wish to speak as proponent, opponent, or otherwise. Any person who fails to sign in shall
not be permitted to speak until all those who signed in have done so. At any public hearing,
persons who have signed in and wish to be heard shall be given an opportunity to be heard.. The
Chair, subject to concurrence by the majority of the Commission, may establish time limits and
otherwise control presentations. The Chair may change the order of speakers so that testimony is
heard in the most logical groupings, (i.e., proponents, opponents, adjacent owners, vested
interests, etc.)
B. The Chair introduces the agenda item, opens the public hearing, and announces the following
Rules of Order:
1. All comments by proponents, opponents, ar the public shall be made from the spe.aker's
rostrum, and any individual making comments shall first give his/her name and address. This
is required because an official recorded transcript of the public hearing is being made.
2. It is not necessary to be a proponent or opponent in order to speak.
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If you consider yourself neither a proponent nor opponent, please speak during the proponent
portion and identify yourself as neither a proponent nor an opponent.
3. No comments shall be made from any other location, and anyone making "out of order"
comments shall be subject to removal from the meeting.
4. Demonstrations, applause ar other audience participation during or at the conclusion of
anyone's presentation are prohibited. It is distracting to the Commission and persons
5. These rules are intended to promote an orderly system of holding a public hearing, to give
persons an opportunity to be heard and to ensure that individuals are not embarrassed by
exercising their right of free speech.
C. When the Commission conducts a hearing to which the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine applies,
the Chair (or in the case of a potential violation by that individual, the Vice Chair) will ask if any
Commission member knows of any reason which would require such member to excuse
themselves pursuant to the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine. The form of the announcement is as
All Commission members should now give consideration as to whether they have:
1. A demonstrated bias or prejudice for or against any party to the proceedings;
2. A direct or indirect financial interest in the outcome of the proceeding;
3. A prejudgment of the issue prior to hearing the facts on the record, or
4. Had ex parte contact with any individual, excluding administrative staff, with regard to an
issue prior to the hearing. Please refer to Section 15(B) for more specific information on how
to proceed where there has been an ex parte communication.
If any Commission member should answer in the affirmative, then the Commission members
should state the reason for his/her answer so that the Chair may inquire of administration as
to whether a violation of the Appearance of Fairness Doctrine exists.
a. The Chair announces the matter and opens the public hearing stating the date and
b. The Chair allows staff to describe the matter under consideration and place matters in
the public record.
c. The Chair inquires as to whether Commissioners have any questions of staf£ If any
Commission member has questions, the appropriate individual will be recalled.
d. The Chair allows proponents, opponents and the public to offer testimony and
evidence on the pending matter. The Chair may allow Commission members to ask
questions of any person at the conclusion of their testimony.
e. At the conclusion of the public testimony, the Chair asks staff if there is_any
additional information, testimony or evidence to submit for the record.
£ The Chair either closes or continues the public hearing. Additional testimony may
not be requested or considered after the closing of the public hearing, unless the
Chair declares the record open until a date certain for the purpose of receiving written
testimony or materials.
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g. The Chair inquires if there is a motion by any Commission member. If a motion is
made, it shall be in the form of an affirmative motion. Affirmative motion are
preferred to prevent "approval by default" of a failed negative motion. Following the
motion and its second, discussion occurs among Commission members.
h. The Chair inquires if there is any further discussion by the Commission members.
i. The Chair inquires if there are any final comments or recommendations from staff.
j. The Chair inquires of the Commission members if they are ready for the question.
k. The Chair calls for the vote on the motion
1. The Chair may direct staff to prepare findings for approval.
D. Pre-filing of testimony or evidence is encouraged and may be delivered to the Department of
Community Development in advance of a hearing.
10. Agenda, Staff Reports and Minutes for Regular Meetings.
A. Typically, a copy of the agenda for every regular meeting of the Planning Commission shall be
sent to each member up to seven (7) days prior to the date of the meeting.
B. If available, staff reports will be sent to Planning Commission members with the agenda. Agendas
and staff reports will be made available to applicants and the public at the same time.
11. Minutes and Communications with the City Council.
A Minutes of all meetings shall be kept and the complete files of proceedings and actions taken in
connection therewith shall be considered the public record and filed with the City Clerk.
The Secretary shall provide the Commission members with a set of minutes of the previous
meeting. These minutes shall be considered for approval by the Commission at a regularly
scheduled public meeting and upon approval shall become part of the official record of action of
the Commission. Minutes shall also be transmitted as correspondence to the City Council for
general information.
B The assigned City Council Liaison may attend meetings for the purposes of communications with
the Council as set forth in the "CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY GOVERNANCE
12. Recording of Meetings
Proceedings of all public hearings, meetings, study sessions and any special meetings shall be
recarded and retained.
13. Code of Conduct
A. Prohibited Acts. Members of the Commission are prohibited from:
1. Acting in a manner, which would result in neglect of duty, misfeasance or malfeasance in
2. Acting in a manner that intentionally disrupts Commission meetings.
3. Missing six (6) or more regularly scheduled meetings or study sessions in a 12-month period
without such absence being excused by the Commission.
4. Using his or her position to secure special privileges or exemptions for himself, herself, or
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5. Directly or indirectly giving or agreeing to receive compensation, gifts, rewards, or gratuities
from any source, except the City of Spokane Valley, for a matter connected with or related to
the services as a member of the Commission, unless otherwise provided by law.
6. Accepting employment or engaging in business or professional activities that he or she might
reasonably expect would require or induce said member to disclose confidential information
acquired by reason of inembership on the Commission.
7. Disclosing confidential information gained by reason of his or her membership on the
Planning Commission or using such information for his or her personal gain or benefit.
14. Conflict of Interest
A. Any Commission member having a direct or indirect interest in, or who would benefit from any
matter, shall disclose this interest and shall, if deemed appropriate by that commissioner or
required by law, refrain from participating or voting on the matter.
15. Appearance of Fairness
A. The Commission shall adhere to the applicable requirements of the appearance of fairness
doctrine, RCW Chapter 4236.
B. During the pendency of any quasi judicial proceeding, no Commission member may engage in ex
parte communications with proponents or opponents about a proposal involved in the pending
proceeding, unless the Commission member:
(1) places on the record the substance of such oral or written communications; and
(2) provided that a public announcement of the content of the communication and of the parties'
right to rebut the substance of the communication shall be made at each hearing where action
is taken or considered on the subject. This does not prohibit correspondence between a
citizen and Commission members if the correspondence is made part of the record, when it
pertains to the subject matter of a quasi judicial proceeding. (RCW 4236.060)
16. Review of These Rules of Procedure
The Planning Commission shall review these rules of procedure on the first anniversary of their
adoption and the odd numbered years thereafter. Any amendments identified by the Planning
Commission shall be forwarded to the City Council for review and ratification.
That the undersigned Secretary of the Spokane Valley Planning Commission does hereby certify that
upon review and majority vote the above and forgoing rules have been duly adopted by the members of
said Commission.
Secretary of the Commission
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