RFP Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services i' � I I , CITY OF SPO�ANE �ALLEY � � REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR � STREET AND STORIVJ[WATER MAII�T�NAl�tCE AND REPAIR i SERVICES � � RFP NO. 07-00� I � i -- � i ��T�� ��� � _ � ---��� � � , � I � � _ � - I i � � � PROPOSALS DUE DATE: M�rch Z0, 240'� ; PROP�SAL DITE TIME: 4:00 p.�n. ; ' 1`TO'�'�: R_IE�VIS�� I)A7C]E ! PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE DATE: March d, 2Q07 � City Council Chaiizbers ��d P•�• City of Spokane Valley � 11707 E Sprague, Suite 1Q6 ; Spokane Valley, WA 99206 � ; I I I i, i i I � TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1 .1 Minimum qualifications for consideration ..............................................................................1 � 1.2 One General Contractor ............................................................ ....................................1 1 .3 Right to Award ........................................................................................................................... � 1.4 Rejection of Proposals ......................................................... ..................................................2 I 1.5 Proposal Evaluation ................................................................................................................... 1 .6 Questions ..................................................................................................................................... 1.7 Ezamination Of Work Site & Proposal Documents ...............................................................3 1 .8 Pre-Proposal Conference ........................................................................................................... I 1.9 Preparation Costs ....................................................................................................................... i 1.10 Postponement of Proposal Due Date ........................................................................................ i j 1.11 Contract ............................ ........4 .................................................................................................. � 1.11.1 Contract Term ................................................... ...........4 ..................................................................... 1.11.2 Prevailing wages ...................................................................... ..........4 ............................................... 1.11.3 Compensation ................................................................................................................................... 1.12 Severability ................................................................................................................................. I 2 Submitta� ................................................................................................................................ i � 2.1 Submittal Documents ..................... ••�•••••• ................................................................................... 2.2 Work Plan ................................................................................................................................... � 2.3 Cost Proposal .............................................................................................................................. . 2.4 Bonds ..........................:................................................................................................................ ', 3 Street and Stormwater maintenance and repair Services ..................................................... 9 � 3.1 City Direction ............................................................................................................................. � � 3.2 Service Specifications ................... , .............................................................................................. ' 3.2.1 Asphalt Repair — Pavement Removal and Replacement, Qverlays .....................................................10 3.2.2 Asphalt Repair — Pothole Patch ....................................................................:...................................... ' 323 Shoulder Repair and Grading .............................................................................................................. i0 ' 3.2.4 Gravel Road Grading ........................................................................................................................... � 3.2.5 Crack Seal ............................................................................................................................................ l l 32.6 Sidewalk and Path Repair ................................................................................................................... 11 3.2.7 �Guardrail Repair .................................................................................................................................. � 3.2.8 Fencing Repair ........................... ........................................................................................................ 11 3.2.9 Drainage Structure Repair and Installation .......................................................................................... l l j 3.2.10 Swale and Ditch Grading ................................................................................................................12 j 3.2.11 Curb, Gutter, and Inlet Repair and Installation ...............................................................................12 3.2.12 Bridge Inspection and Repair ................................................................................................... ....... . � 3.2.13 Miscellaneous Services ................................................................................................................... � 3.3 Materials Specifications ........................................................................................................... 3 3.1 Hot Mixed Asphalt .............................................................................................................................. ! 3.3.2 Crushed Surfacing Base Course 5/8" ..................................................................................................13 I , i " Page i , i I 7 � � 333 Quariy Spalls .......................................................................................................................................13 33.4 Crack Sealant .......................................................................................................................................13 I 33.5 Portland Cement Concrete ...................................................................................................................13 I 3.3.6 Guardrail ..............................................................................................................................................13 3.3.7 Chain link and Wire Fencing ............................................................................................................... ] 3 3.3.8 Drywells ..............................................................................................................................................14 I � 33.9 Catchbasins ..........................................................................................................................................14 � 3.3.10 Pipe Sumps .....................................................................................................................................14 33.11 Storm Pipe ......................................................................................................................................14 I 3.3.12 Drain Rock ......................................................................................................................................15 I 33.13 Filter Fabric .............................................................................................. ......................................15 3.3.14 Seeding, Mulching, and Fertilizing .................................................................................................15 � 3.4 Disposal of Ezcavated Materials .............................................................................................15 3.5 Reporting ..................................................................................................................................16 , 9 Equipment & Support Materials .........................................................................................17 � ; � 4.1 SupportFacilities ....................................................................................... ..........17 .................... 4.2 Equipment List .........................................................................................................................17 i i 4.3 Equipment Requirements .............................:.....................................:...................................17 � 4.4 Services Schedule .....................................................................................................................18 i 4.4.1 Holidays ...............................................................................................................................................18 � 4.5 Water and Dust Abatement ..................... ...18 ............................................................................ , 4.6 Traffic and access .....................................................................................................................19 j 4.7 Preservation of Property .........................................................................................................19 4.8 Contractor's Employees .................................................................:........................................19 � 4.8.1 Conduct ...............................................................................................................................................19 � ' 4.8.2 Safety Standards and Accident Prevention ..........................................................................................19 4.83 Supervision and Communication .........................................................................................................19 4 .9 Complaints And Requests For Service ...................................................................................20 � 4.9.1 Handling of Deficiencies .....................................................................................................................20 I j APPENDICES � APPENDIX A - Sample Contract , APPENDIX B - Prevailing Wages APPENDIX C— Supplemental to Wage Rates APPENDIX D— Special Provisions, Division 5, S and 9 i RFP PACKET � ATTACHMENT A— PART 1& 2 I ATTACHMENT B— EVALUATION CRITERIA AND WEIGHTS ATTAHCMENT C — COST PROPOSAL � � ATTACFIMENT D— BOND FORMS ; ATTAHCMENT E — SIGNATURE PAGE i I Page ii I i . I � � i I � 1 1 OVERVIEW . I The Ci of S okane Valle Ci Public Works De artment is re uestin ro osals to tY P Y�.�Y) P q g P P � provide Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services. These services will be � performed on a regulaz scheduled basis to the satisfaction of the City and sha11 meet all local, state, and federal standards and regulations. The City has a population of 87,000 residents and covers a geographic area of over 35 square miles. The City was incorporated in March 2003. The City has approximately 425 centerline miles including approximately 50 miles of principal arterials, 43 miles of minor arterial, 36 miles of collector arterials an.d 296 miles of local access roads. Centerline miles are defined as the number of miles, as measured along the centerline of the road. � 1.1 QUALIFICATIONS FOR CONSIDERATION ! Proposals not meeting the min;mum mandatory requirements below or otherwise deemed � non-compliant by the committee will be eliminated from further consideration. � ■ Contractors must demonstrate knowledge and compliance of applicable federal, � state and local standards and regulations; � The successful Contractor will be required to obtain a City of Spokane Valley C business license; � ■ Contractor must have been in business at least five years with no interruption; ■ Submission of a complete proposal as outlined in tivs request. � Desired Minimum Ezperience: Contractors should have a minimum of 5 years of service/experience performing street and stormwater maintenance and repair services. � Proposals, from Contractors not having the minimum experience, will be considered and ' will be evaluated as described in Section 13. � 1.2 ONE GElV�RAL CONTRACTOR i The City's intent is to award this contract to one general Contractor. The Contractor shall � neither subcontract nor assign any obligation or interest in this a�reement without tlie ' prior written approval of the City. All subcontracted work will remain the sole responsibility of the general Contractor and the general Contractor will rema.in. the sole i contact with owner. Contractor represents and warrants to City that it has all licenses, permits, qualifications, insurance and approvals of whafsoever nature which are legally required of Contractor to ', practice its profession. Contractor represents and warrants to City that Contractor shall, ' at its sole cost and expense, keep in effect or obtain at all ti.mes during the term of this • Agreement, any licenses, permits, insurance and approvals which are legally required of • i Contractor to practice its profession. Contractor shall maintain a City of Spokane Va11ey � business license. � i ; Page 1 ; � (: 1.3 RIGHT TO AWARD I The City reserves the right to accept or reject any �and all submittals and to withdraw or revise the Request for Proposal (RFP) process at any time. The City sha11 be the sole , judge in deternLn�g the successful Contractor. Unauthorized conditions, limitations, or provisions attached to a proposal will render it I non-compliant and may cause its rejection. The completed proposal forms shall be without interlineations, alterations, or erasures. Alternative proposals will not be , considered unless specifically requested. f The City may waive any informality in proposals received, when such waiver is I determined to be in the best interest of the City. Informalities in proposals are matters of I form rather than substance evident from the proposal, or insignificant mistakes that can be waived or corrected without prejudice to other Proponents; that is, the effect on price, quantity, quality, delivery, or contractual conditions are negligible, and waiver of the . I informality does not grant the Proponent a competitive advantage. After formal declaration of the most highly qualified Proponent, a sta.tement of work and price for services will be negotiated between the City and the firm. If an agreement I cannot be reached with the selected firm, negotiations will be terminated and the ne� most qualified Proponent will be contacted for coniract negotiations. 1.4 REJECTION OF PROPOSALS . � The City may reject: � ■ Proposals not accompanied by the required bond; ■ Incomplete, irregular, altered, or modified proposals; ■ Proposals from a firm that has previously failed to perform properly or complete I on time contracts or has previously defaulted on any coniract; or, ■ Proposals from a firm that is not, in the opinion of the City, in a position to ( perform the contract. 1.5 PROPOSAL EVALUATION I The City reserves the right to rank all proposals, along with reference checks, inspection of representa.tive work and other information as may be determined and select "finalists" I in a manner deemed in the best interest of the City. This includes but is not limited to a combination of experience, qualifications, quality of submittals, proposed work program, cost proposals, and other components of the proposal. " I The Crty will evaluate proposals and select the firm based upon the criteria specified in Attachment B. The selection process will be comprised of the following components: ■ Evaluate Qualifications and Proposa.ls. . � � ■ Interview Finalists (optionalj ■ Fina1 Selection I Page 2 i � . � 1.6 QUESTIONS i The City acknowledges that this RFP is comprehensive. Questions or requests for � information shall be directed to: � Ti.m Klein. Street Maintenance Superintendent � City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague, Suite 106 Spokane Va11ey, WA 99206 Questions �will be noted and the answers will be distributed to all Proponents in possession of the RFP. Parties downloading the proposal from the Internet must notify � the City in order to receive written answers and addendums. .. � Oral explanafions, inshuctions, and iriterpretation given to the Proponents prior to award of contract will not be binding. The City intends to provide all Proponents equal opporhznity to access and acquire all available pertinent information necessary to i formulate a responsive proposal. Any information, specification, plan, data or � interpretations which the City discovers is lacking and may be important to all Proponents will be furnished in the form of an addendum. ' Each proposal shall include specific acknowledgment of receipt of a11 addenda issued, if any. Failure to acknowledge receipt may result in proposals being rejected as not responsive. Space is provided in proposals to make such acknowledgment. i 1.7 EXAMINATION OF WORK SITE & PROPOSAL DOCUMENTS , Each Proponent shall visit the proposed work areas and become fully acquainted with site �' conditions to understand the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending the � execution of the work under the contract. Proponents shall thoroughly examine and be i familiar with this entire document. The failure or omission of any Proponent to receive or examine any form, instrument, or other documents, or to visit the site and get � acquainted with conditions there existing, shall in no way relieve any Proponent from obli ation with res ect to his ro osal or to the contract. The submission of a ro osal ; g P P P P P � will be taken as prima facie evidence of compliance with this section. ; 1.8 PRE-PROPOSAL CONFERENCE I All Proponents axe encouraged to attend a pre-proposal conference. The conference will be held at the time, date, and place shown in the RFP cover. Proponents will have an opportunity to ask questions or make requests for information as may be needed to i provide an accurate submittal. j 1.9 PREPARATION COSTS All costs incurred in the preparation and presentation of this proposal shall be wholly ' absorbed by the Proponent. ' I � � � i Page 3 I I, 1.10 POSTPONEMENT OF PROPOSAL DUE DATE I The City reserves the right to postpone the date and time for the due date of proposals by announcing such postponement at any ti.me prior to the date and time announced in these ( documents. 1.11 CONTRACT f The City's proposed contract, with the terms and conditions, is attached to this RFP as Appendix A. The City expects all submitting firms to consent to the City contract, terms I and conditions and does not anticipate agreeing to any modifications or exceptions. Any exceptions or modifications to the contract proposed by a firm must be noted in the proposal submittal. The City reserves the right to revise the sta.ted contract terms and I conditions prior to �contract signature. . By submitti.ng this proposal, the Contractor acknowledges that it has read and understands the insurance requirements for this contract. The Contractor understands that � the evidence of required insurance shall be submitted within ten working days following notification of proposals being accepted. I 1.11.1 Contract Term The contract term shall be for a period of one (1) year with seven (7) one-year I renewal terms which may be exercised at the option of the contract manager. The � contract manager for the City shall be the City 1Vlanager or his designee. The contract shall commence on or about April l, 2007, or as directed by the City. r Renewals shall coincide with the calendar year. � 1.11.2 Prevailing wages + i Labor and benefit rates will be no less than the applicable prevailing wages (See Appendix B). The Proponent shall comply with all state and federal laws relating I to the employment of labor and wage rates to be paid. The hourly wages and � benefits of laborers, workers, or mechanics shall not be less than the prevailing rate of wage for an hour's work and benefits in t]ie same trade or occupation in I Spokane County. No payment will be made until the Contractor has submitted a"Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages." No fmal payment or release of any bond will be I made on a Contract Term until the Contractor has submitted an "�davit of Wages Paid". These documents must be certified by. the industrial statistician of the Department of Labor and Industries and the "owners" copy shall be in the I possession of the City. 1.11.3 Compensation Payment will be based on the Contractors cost of the work plus a fee for overhead and profit. The City will negotiate unit rates with the Contractor prior to I fmalizing a contract. Site work, change order pricing, and billing will be based upon the negotiated hourly rates. The unit rates plus the Contractors fee shall include everything necessary for completion of the contract including, but not I Page 4 I 1 � � limited to labor, furnishing materia�s, supplies, equipment, tools, freight charges, facilities, fuel, water fees, management, mobilization, superintendent, insurance, � � bonds, except as noted otherwise in the contract documents. The unit prices include a11 appurtenances necessary to complete the work which shall conform to the best practice known to the trade in design, quality, material, and workmanship and be subject to the specifications in fu11. i Payments shall be made after review, approval, and authorization by the City. � Payment authorization shall be conditioned upon the submittal of an invoice I setting forth a breakdown of the costs for work and services that have been � provided. ' Prices shall remain firm for the duration of the contract. If annual contract � renewal options are exercised, the Contractor may request an adjustment of the unit rates annually by January 1 for the following 12 months. Such prices shall be � negotiated by the City and contractor. The prices include all costs of servici.ng of the account, all contractual ; requirements during the contract period, and are subject to the specifications in �, full. � � 1.12 SEVERABILITY � If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this RFP shall be held to be invalid, such determination shall not a.ffect the validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase � of this RFP. i . i � � i I ; � , ,I i Page 5 � i , 2 SUBMITTAL � � � All proposals become a matter of public record with the exception of those parts of each proposal which are defined by the Proponent as business or irade secrets, and plainly marked i as Trade Secret, Confidential, or Proprietary. � i All information submitted is subject to verification by the City. Proposals are due at the time and date specified in the cover sheet of ttus RFP. Proposals 1 will not be opened publicly. Proposals submitted by facsi.mile or by other telecoinmunication or electronic means will be not bei.ng accepted. Proposals may be withdrawn anytime prior to the end of due date/time. ! Late proposals are proposals received after the time and date set for receipt of th.e City. Any proposal received after the due ti.me will not be considered, but will be held unopened in the � project file, unless other disposition is requested or agreed to by the Proponent. Other � disposition will not take place until after award. � 2.1 SUSMITTAL DOCUMENTS � Proponents are invited to propose creative work plans that will meet the objectives and standards of the RFP in the most cost effective manner. ; Provide five copies of proposals and all addendums issued by the City. Proposals shall be signed by the Proponent or a representative of the Proponent that has the legal ', authoriiy to commit the firm to a contracival agreement. I Proposals sha11 be submitted in a sealed.envelope addressed to City of Spokane Valley, � attn: Carolyn George, Public Works, 11707 East Sprague, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, � I WA 99206. All sealed envelopes shall also be clearly marked "Street and Stormwater � ' Maintenance and Repa.ir Proposal". Proposals will not be considered if the following documents andlor attaclunents are not ; completely filled out, in the condition indicated, or submitted with the proposal: � 1. Cover letter (optional but not required) ; 2. Company information using Attachment A � 3. Company experience using Atta.chment B as the presentation outline. I 4. Provide a work plan that meets the requirements specified in. Section 2.2 and Attachment B. . 5. Provide a cost proposal per Section 2.3 and Attachment B. 6. Submit an equipment list per Sections 4.2 and 43. ' 7. Cashiers, certified check or bond per Section 2.4 and using Attachment D. � 8. Signature forni using Attachment E. ! 2.2 WORK PLAN I The Contractor shall prepare a work plan and shall address each of the following: � � � � Page 6 , �. � ■ A preliminary schedule for performing services per Section 4.4. Discuss hours of � ' operation and working days per week. Discuss how contracts with others with i.mpact the contract with the City in terms of availabiliiy of equipment, staff I resources, etc. . ■ Discuss how work requirements will be accomplished. I ■ Discuss the age, quality, quantity, and type of equipment to be used for this � contract in conformance with Sections 4.2 and 4.3. ■ Communication/feedback processes with the City, include frequency and method � of day to day communication with the City (See Section 4.8.3). ■ A review of all guarantees that your Company is willing to offer in regard to work I quality, adherence to schedule, budget, and customer service. � ■ Discuss the challenges, problems, risks, concerns that you m'ight foresee if ( awarded this contract. I ■ Discuss preventative measures dealing with essential work not included in the scope of work, both temporary and ongoing; and, I ■ Discuss how record keeping requirements per Section 3.5 will be accomplished. 2.3 COST PROPOSAL i The Contractor shall prepare a cost proposal and shall address each of the following: a. Unit rates for services for each of the work items listed in Attachment C. I b. Materials costs for each item as listed in Attachment C. . . c. Identify the Contractor's fee for overhead and profit. I d. Describe how the City will benefit from cost savings by accepting the proposal. ( 2.4 BONDS Contractor should be advised that a Performance and Payment Bond will be required. All � proposals shall be accompanied by a cashier's or certified check in the amount of five percent of the total maxunum cost proposal payable without recourse to the City, or a Bond in the same amount from a surety company authorized to issue surety bonds in the I State of Washington, as a guarantee that the Proponent will enter into a contract and execute a Performance Bond within ten days after written notice of award of contract. If . the Proponent to whom the contract is awarded fails to enter into the contract and furnish I the contractor's bond as required within ten days after notice of the award, exclusive of the day of notice, the amount of the bid deposit shall be forfeited to the City and th� contract awarded to the next lowest and best Proponent. I � If the deposit is "cash" and is in the form of a postal money order, cashier's check, or certified check the checks are to be made payable to the City of Spokane Valley. Cash bid deposits are to be accompanied by a completed Bid Deposit Form (Attachment D). I Cash bid deposits of a11 unsuccessful Proponents shall be returned after the cQntract is � f Page 7 . � I 1 � , awarded and the required contractor's bond and proof of insurance given by the successful Proponent is accepted by the City of Spokane Va11ey. ; If the bid deposit is in the form of a surety bond it must be of a corporate surety � . licensed to do business in the State of Washington accompanied by a completed Bid � Deposit Surety Bond Form (Attachment D). If the Proponent submits a surety ; bond, it is strongly recommended the use of the City Bid Form contained in the Proponent's Package. Otherwise, the Proponent is cautioned to take special care in ; assuring that the language of the bond form used does not materially alter, qualify, � or conflict with the terms and conditions set forth in the City Bond Form. The failure to furnish a bond in compliance with the City Bond Form shall make I proposals non-responsive and shall cause proposals to be rejected by the City. Upon award of the contract, the successful Proponent shall furnish a surety bond in an amount equal to one hundxed percent of the contract price as security for the faithful I performance of this contract. The aforesaid bond shall be in the form contained in the ' contract documents. The bond shall be in effect for one year from January 1 to � December 31 and shall be renewed on an annual basis on January 1 of each year. i All surety bonding companies shall be admitted to do business in the Sta.te of Washington, be authorized to transact surety insurance in the State of Washington, and � must also have assets which exceed their liabilities in an amount equal to or in excess of ; the amount of the bond. I i � � �' ; , ; - � I , Page 8 , l . � � 3 STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AND j REPAIR SERVICES � � The following is a list of services to be performed under this RFP and the corresponding � � anticipated 2007 Budget amount for each service which includes labor, equipment, � � materials, and tax: I • Maintenance or Repair Service Esti.mated 2007 Budget Amount � Asphalt Repair — Pavement Removal and $448,802 Replacement, Overlays � � ' Asphalt Repair — Pothole Cutout and Patch $200,563 Shoulder Repair $73,933 ' Gravel Road Grading $27,641 I � Crack Seal $137,529 + Sidewalk and Path Repair $2,247 ' Guardrail Repair � $13,708 ; Fencing Repair $2,921 � Swale or Ditch Grading $6307 I Drainage Structure Repair and Installation $40,126 I Curb Gutter and Inlet Repair $18,279 � Bridge Inspection and Repair $18,876 I Miscellaneous Services $184,190 ' Tota12007 Sudget $1,175,119 � I � 3.1 CITY DIR.ECTION � The City sha11 oversee and direct repair operations as deemed to be in the best interest of the City. The City reserves the right to approve the number of personnel and type of , equipment to be used at any time. � The City does not expressly or by implication agree that the actual amount of work will be as exactly shown on the above table. The City reserves the right to increase or decrease the amount of work as may be deemed necessary without a change to the negotiated hourly rates. � '; 3.2 SERVICE SPECIFICATIONS � I � The costs listed in Section 3 are representative of the level of effort required per year but � i are subject to change based upon actual needs and budgetary constrai.nts of the City. The � Page 9 � I, � i � I Cost Proposal sha11 identify the Contractor's actual cost of each service and material. The � Contractor's fee for overhead and profit shall be identified separate from the unit rates. Services � and materials provide by the Contractor shall be in conformance with the I negotiated contract and with the 2006 WSDOT Standard Specifications, the adopted City construction standards, the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, the Spokane Regional Utility Cut Policy, and any other Sta.te or Federal requirements. I 3.2.1 Asphalt Repair — Pavement Removal and Replacement, Overlays The work includes traffic control, mobilization, excavating, and disposal of up to I 4" +/- of existing pavement, preparation for new pavement, and placement and compaction of up to 4" +/- of HMA per Division 5 of the 2006 WSDOT Standard I Specifications, the Spokane Regional Pavement Cut Policy, and the Special Provisions to this RFP included as Appendix D. This intent is to match e�sting pavement by repairi.ng larger problem areas identified by City personnel. � Contractor must provide a paving crew that has the capability of saw cutting, removing a.nd replacing asphalt areas of up to, but not limited to, 10' x 100' (Appro�mate}. Shouldering roadways without curbs will also be required after I the asphalti repair is complete. Width, length and depth of shouldered areas will vary. I 3.2.2 Asphalt Repair — Pothole Patch . � The work includes full compensation for traffic control, mobilization, excavating, � disposal, preparation for new pavement, and placement and compaction of up to I 4" +/- of HMA per Division 5 of the 2006 WSDOT Standard Specifications, the Spokane Regional Pavement Cut Policy, and the Special Provisions to this RFP � in�luded as Appendix D. The intent is to match existing pavement by repairing I smaller asphalt problems such as potholes which have been identified by City personnel. Contractor must have the means to provide a small paving crew that has the capability of saw cutting, removing, replacing, and compacting new A/C � for pothole repair ranging in size from 2'�' up to 10'x10'. 3.2.3 Shoulder Repair and Grading � The work consists of grading the gravel portion of the roadway adjacent to the . pavement on streets without curbing. Vehicles regularly sfray from the pavement I on streets without curbing. This results in rutting and potholes on the side of the � street. These problems underrrune the pavement and cause failures of the pavement edge and base materials. General shoulder repair requires the use of a I motor grader for excavating and grading the shoulders, dump truck for hauling off excavated debris and delivering additional crushed gravel materials if needed, roller for compacting the placed materials, and a 3000 gallon muumwn water truck for providing dust control if performeci outside of the wet season. Street I . sweeping will be required after shouldering to clean any remauiing materials from the traveled surfaces. I ' ' I Page 10 I J � . � 3.2.4 Gravel Road Grading ; The work consists of grading of the�unpaved streets in the City. Traffc creates � ruts, potholes, and washboards on gravel surfaces. This activity requires a motor grader and a 3000 gallon minimum water truck. Tr�c control may be required in. � .these areas. This servi�e is required to prepare the surface of gravel and dirt roads ! for applications of dust oil which is paid for by the residents on the specific street. The gravel or dirt street must be crowned and graded to a 2% cross slope to I remove potholes and ruts prior to the application of the oil. This activity can be i accomplished with a motor grader and 3000 minimum gallon water truck. � � 3.2.5 Crack Seal � The work consists of crack sealing activities on City arterials and local access streets. Proper methods and techniques shall be utilized for Crack Sealing � procedures. Grazing and cleaning the cracks with compressed air shall be utilized ' ' in the preparation prior to filling. Crack seal material shall be of a high quality, � premium grade of rubberized asphalt conforming to the 2006 WSDOT Standard � Specifications. i - � 3.2.6 Sidewalk and Path Repair � The work consists of the removal and replacement of danlaged or displaced � Portland cement concrete sidewalks and asphalt pathway segments. Work performed in this service shall coiiform to Division 8-14 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. � ! 3.2.7 Guardrail Repair The work consists of the repair or replacement o� existing guardrail damaged by accidents occurring within the City. Work performed in this service shall conform ! to Division 8-11 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. i , � 3.2.8 Fencing Repair �i The work consists of the repair or replacement of e�cisting chain link fencing damaged by accidents occurring witiv.n. the Cify. Work performed in this service shall conform to Division 8-12 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. � � 3.2.9 Drainage Structure Repair and Installation 'The work includes full compensation for trafFc control, mobilization, installation i and repair of drainage structures, excavation and disposal of material. I7ra.inage struciures include but are not limited to catchbasins, drainage pipe, culverts, sump ; drains, and drywells. Repair of drywells shall also include sawcutting existing � pavement, removal and replacement of drainrock. ,, I �I i � Page 11 � � i I 3.2.10 Swale and Ditch Grading � The work includes full compensation for traffic control, mobilization, excavating, I grading swales or ditches, culvert installation, disposing excess material, and li.ni.ng the facility with vegeta.tion or quany spalls. The swales and'ditch will be vegetated with sod, dryland grass, or quarry spalls as I requested by the City. 3.2.11 Curb, Gutter, and Inlet Repair and Installation � I The work consists of the removal and replacement of damaged or displaced curbs, � gutter, and drainage inlets. The services performed shall conform to Divisions 8 of the WSDOT Staudard Specifications. f 3.2.12 Bridge Inspection and Repair � The work consists of the inspection of reinforced concrete bridges owned by the • City. The scope of bridge repairs will be deternuned by yearly inspections performed by the Contractor andlor City staff. Work performed in this service I shall conform to the WSDOT' Standard Specifications. � 3.2.13 Miscellaneous Services , I The work consists of miscellaneous street and .stormwater maintenance repair services needed to maintain the City street systems. The City from time to time requires miscellaneous services such as for accidental spills, vehicle spills, storm ( event cleanup, or other miscellaneous needs. These miscellaneous services will be billed at the negotiated hourly rates for the crew and equipment involved. � The Contractor shall be required to respond within two hours to any inquiries, telephone calls, and emergency siivations originating from the City. Should the Contractor fail to respond to emergency situations within two hours, the City will, I at its sole discretion, correct or have the emergency corrected by another service � provider at the expense of the Contractor. Special work will not be initiated without written authorization, except in l . emergency call situation.s. The City will solely define spec�c emergency situations. The City will issue a work request for such extra work to be performed. � I If the callout rate assumes a minimum number of hours, the cost proposal shall indicate the minimum number of hours. If no minimum is listed, the City will � assume a r�inimum of ONE HOUR. . 3.3 MATERIALS SPECIFICATIONS i Materials utilized under this RPF shall conform to the 2006 WSDOT Standard ' Specifications, the adopted City construcfion standards, and the Special Provisions included in this RFP as Appendix D. Contractor will provide City with weigh tickets for I all rock and F�VIA needed to repair City streets and stormwater facilities as directed by I I Page 12 � i i � • ' City personnel. Payment to the Contractor will be made only for the actual quantities of , materials provided and accepted in conformance with the contract. � 3.3.1 Hot Mized Asphalt �� HMA materials shall conform to Divisions 5 and 9 of the WSDOT Standard � Specifications. HMA Class %2" shall be�utilized for all repairs excluding overlays. HMA Class 3/8" shall be used for overlays. The unit price shall be by the ton, in place. i 3.3.2 Crushed Surfacing Sase Course 5/8" � CSBS materials sha11 conform to Division 9-03 of the WSDOT Standard + Specifications. The unit price shall be by the ton, in place. i 3.3.3 Quarry Spalls Quarry spa11s shall consist of broken stone and shall be hard, sound and durable. It shall be free from segregation, seams, cracks, and other defects tending to destroy � its resistance to �weather. It shall also meet the following requirements: The � following grading requirements shall also be met: � Sieve Size Percent Passing 8 " sieve 100 percent 4" sieve 40 percent max �� 3 /<" sieve � 10 percent max �, Quarry spalls shall be measured by the ton, in place. Weight tickets are required ! for payment. � 3.3.4 Crack Sealant � Crack sealant materials shall conform to Division 9-04 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. The unit price shall be by the pound. i , 3.3.5 Portland Cement Concrete PCC materials shall conform to Divisions 5, 6, and 9 of the WSDOT Standard ' . Specifications. The unit price for PCC materials shall be by the cubic yard, in place. 3.3.6 Guardrail Guardrail materials sha11 conform to Division 9-16 of the WSDOT Standard � Specifications. The unit price shall be by the linear foot of completed guardrail. � 3.3.7 Chain link and Wire Fencing . Chain link and wire fencing materials shall conform to Division 9-16 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. Contractor shall include cost proposals for six I , Page 13 , � (6) and eight (8) foot high standard chai.n link fencing. The unit price shall be by I the linear foot of completed fencing along the ground line. 3.3.8 Drywells � ( The materials unit price for each of the "Drywells Located in the Road Prism" shall be full pay for furn.ishing the drywell barrel, rings, cone, drainrock, backfill � for drywell, frame and grate, concrete cap, and filter fabric, disposal of native material, and any other materials incidental to complete the work. Drywells Located in. the Road Prism shall be in accordance with Spokane County ` � Standard Plan B 1 and B 15. Drywells shall have a metal frame Type 4 and solid cover. . ( The unit price for each of the "Drywells Located in a Swale" sha11 be full pay for � fizrnishing the drywell barrel, rings, frame and grate, cone, drainrock backfill for drywell, disposal of native material and filter fabric, and any other materials I incidental to complete the work. Drywells Located in Swales shall be in accordance with Spokane County I Standard Plan B1A and B15. Drywells shall have a metal frame Type 4 and Grate Type 4. 3.3.9 Catchbasins I The unit price for each of the "Catchbasin Type 1" shall be full pay for fiarnishing the catchbasin, sand collars, mortar, bricks, frame and grates, disposal of native , material, and any other materials incidental to complete the work. � Catchbasins Type 1, shall be in accordance with Spokane County Standard Plan I B-1 and B-12 or B-14. Cathbasins Type 1 with Oil Water Separator, shall be per Standard Plan B-1 and B-12 or B-14 with a removable tee insert. I 3.3.10 Pipe Sumps The unit price for each of the "Pipe Sumps" shall be full pay for furnishing the I CMP pipe, rings, cone, drainrock backfill, frame and grate, concrete cap, and filter fabric, disposal of native material, and any other materials incidental to I complete the work. Pipe sumps shall be in accordance with the Pipe Sump Detail included in the Supplemental Standard Plan section. I 3.3.11 Storm Pipe The unit price per linear foot for storm pipe of the kind and size specified shall be f . full pay for funushing the pipe, backfill material, disposal of native material, pipe , bedding material, sand collars, etc. Trench excavation safety shall be considered I incidental to all trench work. The size and type of storm pipe required shall be as � follows: I I Page 14 I i 1 I ; . �, 10" SDR-35 PVC Pipe � � 12" SDR-35 PVC Pipe � 12" CMP � 12" RCP Storm Sewer Pipe � 3.3.12 Drain Rock Drainrock for drywells, shall consist of washed gravel graded from 1" to 3" with a� I maximum of 5% passing the No. 200 screen, as measured by weight. A maximum of 10% of the aggregate, as measured by weight, may be crushed or � fractured rock. The remainiug 90% shall be naturally occurring unfractured � material. The unit price shall be per cubic yard. Weight tickets are required for i payment. 3.3.13 Filter Fabric � The unit price per square yard for filter fabric is applicable for replacement of � I drain rock for a failing drywell or ditch lining. Filter fabric shall conform to the '� requirements of Division 9-33 of the WSDOT Standard Specifications. � 3.3.14 Seeding, Mulching; and Fertilizing ' The unit price shall be per square feet for seeding with mulching, and fertilizing. � Hydro-seed applications shall include a minimum of 1,SOO lbs per acre of mulch � with 3 percent tackifier. Mulch and taekifier shall be installed per ma.nufacturer's � recommendations. Any seeded areas that fail to esta.blish at least 90 percent cover ' shall be reseeded at the contractor's expense. ! The following seed mix shall be used: Rough and Tough Grass Seed Mix by � Wilbur Ellis or approved equal. The seeding rate shall be per manufacturer's recommendations. ; The seed sha11 be fertilized with a starter fertilizer such as Wil-Gro Pro Balance 16-16-16 or approved equal. � 3.4 DISPO5AL OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS The Contractor shall be responsible for unmediately handli.ng and transporting all excavated asphalt and gravel materials. Handling and transporting means transporting ; the materials from the City to an approved disposal location. The Contractor is responsible for providing all documentation for proper reimbursement. Disposal shall be in accordance with all applicable laws. i The following landfills are located m the Spokane Area: ! l. Chester landfill (owned by Inland Asphalt), located at 44th and Sands, Spokane � Valley, .Washington. This landfill does not accept pine needles or leaves. , � Page 15 i � 2. Graham Road Landfill located at 1820 S. Graham Road, Medical Lake, WA � 99022. ' 3.5 REPORTING I The Contractor shall prepare daily production reports and submit the records to the City I on a weekly basis. The production report must be organized by page number and must include: � ■ Services performed; � �■ Crew hours for each service performed; ■ Equipment hours for each service performed; I � Materials used for each service; � ■ Disposal records including disposal location; � ( ■ Number of complaints received for the week and location of complaint. ( Su.ininarize complaints and describe how they were handled; I Failure in submitting weekly reports will be grounds for penalties as described in Section 4.9. Monthly billing shall include crew hours for each work item perforrned and materials used. � I I I . � . , . I .. � . 1 � . � I Page 16 ( i i ; � . � � 4 EQUIPMENT & SUPPORT MATERIALS I � 4.1 SUPPORT FACILITIES , The City will not provide equipment storage, shop facilities, work space or office space � as part of this contract. The Proponent will be responsible for providing all support facilities at their own location. ! The Coritractor shall mai.ntain an o�ce at some fixed place and shall maintain a � telephone there, listed in the telephone directory under the Contractors name. The Contractor shall designate a superintendent to take the necessary action regarding all j� inquiries and complaants that may be received from the City during normal worki.ng ; hours. The Contractor shall furnish at his/her own expense storage and/or repair facilities for ' street repair equipment. The Contractor will not be required to locate such facilities � within the City of Spokane Valley, but proximity shall be such that repair operations will � begin accordin.g to the anticipated schedule. Mobilization shall be included in the I Contractor's fee for overhead and profit. � � 4.2 EQUIPMENT LIST j The Contractor is required to submit a detailed list of equipment to the Ciiy in the work plan including the type and number of available equipment. The list sha11 include make, i model, year, mileage, and any other pertinent information. The equipment list shall include a description of the condition of the equipment. The Contractor is required to � resubmit this detailed equipment list within one month following the award. The '; Contractor shall notify the City of any additions or deletions. � Vehicles used for this contract shall be listed on the daily records. ' 4.3 EQUIPMENT REQUIltEMENTS I The following are the m;nimum equipment requirements: ■ At any time during the life of the contra�t, all equipment shall be available for inspection by the Ciiy upon 24-hotzr notification to the Contracfor. ■ Equipment must conform to all federal, state and local regulations. ■ The machinery and equipment sha11 be modern, clean, and maintained in proper working condition at all times consistent with the current standard of the industry and subject to the approval of the City. ■ Equipment used by the Contractor shall not exceed five years of age, unless certification is presented by the Contractor and approved by the City that the equipment has been completely overhauled andlor rebuilt; ■ The quantity of equipment used by the Contractor shall be sufficient to perform � the work required herein. ■ All vehicles used by the Contractor must be clearly identified with the name of the company. i ; Page 17 i-� 4.4 SERVICES SCHEDULE I � Followi.ng the execution of the contract, a schedule for the 2007 maintenance and repair season shall be prepared in consulta.tion with the City. The schedule shall cover all the items of work within this proposal and the appro�mate dates of when the Contractor is available to perform the work. The schedule � should take into , consideration City recognized holidays. The Contractor sha11 schedule the hours of operation to avoid peak I tr�c hours. This schedule shall be the basis for monthly billing and is subject to verification and � approval by the City. The City reserves the right to approve an alternate schedule and I changes if requested by the Contractor due to events beyond the control of the Contractor. I . � 4.4.1 Holidays . No work should be performed on weekend or Cify recognized holidays in � residential streets without written City approvaL � The City recognizes `the following holidays: Memorial Day Last Monday in May l Independence Day July 4 Labor Day First Monday in September I Veteran's Day November 11 or Friday or Monday if holiday on weekend Thanksgiving Holiday Fourth Thursday and Friday i.n November . Chrisfmas Day December 25, or Friday or Monday if holiday on I weekend New Year's Day January 1 or Friday or Monday if holiday on I weekend 4.5 WATER AND DUST ABATEMENT � Repair activities shall be performed in a manner that control dust to the maximum extent practicable. A water tru.ck may be required on certain activities such as shoulder repair. The Contractor shall make all necessary arran.gements through any applicable water � district to obtain and pay for water necessary for the operation. � The Contractor shall furnish all labor, equipment, and means required and shall carry out effective measures wherever and as often as necessary to prevent his operation from I producing dust in amounts damaging to properly, cultivated vegetation, or domestic animals or causing a nuisance to persons living or occupying buildings in the vicinity. .� - The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage resulting from any dust originatiug + from his operations. The dust abatement measures shall be continued until the Contractor is relieved of further respon.sibility by the City. � � I Page 18 I I � � � � 4.6 TRAFFIC AND ACCESS � i Traffic control must follow Part 6 of the � Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices � � (MUTCD). The most recent MUTCD version adopted by the Sta.te of Washington sha11 � be used. � I 4.7 PRESERVATION OF PROPERTY The Contractor shall exercise due care to .avoid injury to existing i.mprovements, ' � structures, utility facilities, adjacent properly, trees, and shrubbery, and motor vehicles. I In the event of properly damage, the Contractor sha11 notify the property owners and City within 24 hours of the time of occurrence. If such objects are injured or damaged by I reason of the Contractor's operation, they sha11 be repaired at the Contractor's expense to � a condition as good as when the Contractor entered upon the work. � Repairs to damaged property by the responsible parfy shall be made within 48 hours, except utility lines which shall be repaired immediately and in accordance with the appropriate building code under permits issued by the City. In an emergency affecting i the safety of life or property, including adjoining property, the Contractor, without � special instructions or authorizations, is authorized to act at his discretion to prevent such threatened loss or injury, and shall so act as instructed by the City. i Special attention is drawn to sprinkler systems in public and private property and the � � need to avoid damage or repair damage as soon as possible. ! 4.8 CONTRACTOR'S EMPLOYEES � 4.8.1 Conduct � � Contractor's employees, officers and representatives shall identify themselves as being contractors for the City. Employees shall conduct themselves in such a manner as to avoid embarrassment to the City. Drivers shall be cou.rteous and . �� .� conscientious when driving to, at, and fro�n work sites. The City retains the right � to require a particulax operator be removed from working on this contract. , 4.8.2 Safefy Standards and Accident Prevention The Contractor shall be solely responsible for initiating, maintaining and i supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. The confractor shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations relating to.the , safety and protection of persons and property. 4.8.3 Supervision and Communication The Contractor shall design.ate a compefent supervisor for the work. The ; supervisor shall have the authority to represent and act for the Contractor. The ' supervisor shall have the authority to approve a change order, coordinate the work ; and make other deci§ions pertinent to the contract. ; The supervisor shall have a Contractor furnished beeper and a cell phone at all times during field operations. The supervisor shall be required to report a.ny and � � . i Page 19 _ f a11 equipment breakdown and repairs to the City irnmediately. The information . I shall also be reported on the daily route sheets. The supervisor shall be responsible for insuring that the field operation remai.ns in � compliance with this contract and the requirements of the City. At the end of . each week the supervisor shall make contact with the City's representative for the � purpose of exchanging information about the work week, including production � and deficiency reports. The Contractor's supervisory personnel shall meet with the City as needed to i insure proper coordination of the City's repair and maintenance program: 4.9 COMPLAINTS AND REQUESTS FOR SERVICE I All complaints shall be abated as soon as possible after notification, to the satisfaction of the City. The City will notify the Contractor by telephone and/or in writing of each contract complaint reported. City inspection reports of unsatisfactory performance will include description of the deficiency and location. The Contractor shall be required to respond within two hours to any inquiries, telephone I calls, and emergency situations originating from City staff. Should the Contractor fail to respond to emergency situations within two hours, the City I will, at its sole discretion, have the emergency corrected by in-house personnel or altemate service providers. The Contractor will be respbnsible for any costs associated with the emergency. I 4.9.1 Handling of Deficiencies The Contractor sha11 conect deficiencies within twenfy four hours of receipt of a I deficiency notice from the City unless otherwise approved by the City. The City � will not pay for work considered to be unsatisfactory by the City or does not meet the requirements of this RFP. City shall notify Contractor of any deficiencies I upon discovery, and Contractor shall rework the repairs at Contractor's cost. Failure to consistently maintain quality of work levels may result in termination � of any contract resulting from this solicitation. I I � I . � j � � Page 20 I ;� ' x � � �t� � , � � ' � i .E� a � �� ,� � . . .` . �� � , APPENDIX A - SAMPLE CONTRACT ,�� �� A-�� � �. � :�� � _ ����� ,., ���, � � �E � �r �� .�, �.. �,$ �,� e�� 4 � �� i �� i4 � L i��. " �, y . . � � ���`4 . . . ' _ `v b " �'^ Gr „ Lk _ q p S* f f=n e� k ,,Ty a 7 . . � t. ,4 : rs � x � ��} .,� r , , u, , . �j I� � ;� ,, 2x+ r ; . � , ., ,:: r ,=t �� ;>� � 't` yf rt �` i � � n.Y .£i � . . .� . I ."- 4� � � n ',',q ��i" : t . . �, �'h Y' b . . . � � 3 � f =� � � `"��� f � �� , , �.< � _� °_���.�� � � ��;?�� � � { r �' � Y:'? t C f' � . . �� � �`,{ . . � 'x°-Aq � r � • �,�' x .. . . . . S '�"�b� g c ' . � M 5� a � w � � � . . . . ��.} M1 I '.. • `F? "� � " .f "h !s � ��' �. ��,« . k � �,�u ' �t, q *� r � . � s^ � ; e , - � � ' � i� +� _€'ti'� $ . . . . ' � } . Page 21 s �, i „ S ; a-d k � i $ * F+� ,' � r F 4 ������� �£� � . .. �� `�� � �� * i :w !.Wl.✓ a .. v . . . . I AGREEMENT FOR SERVICES � [Name of Contractor] � i THIS AGREEMENT is made by and between the City of Spokane Valley, a code City of the I � State of Waslungton, hereinafter "City" and � hereinafter "Contractor," jointly referred to as "parties." i IN CONSIDERATION of the terms and conditions conta.ined herein the parties agree as follows: 1. Work to Se Performed The Contractor shall do all work and fumish all labor, tools, materials, supplies and equipment for the Slreet and Stormwater Maintenance and Renair Services I (hereinafter "work") in accordance with, and as described. iri Exhibit 1(Scope of Work), and 2006 Standard Specifications for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction of the Washington Sta.te ' Department of Transporta.tion, which are by this reference incorporated herein and made part hereof ("Contract Documents"), and shall perform any changes in the work in accord with the Contract Documents. I The CONTRACTOR shall, for the amount set forth in the Contractor's bid proposal attached hereto, assume and be responsible for the cost and expense � of all work required for consixucting and ' completing the work and related activities provided for in the Contract Plans aud Contract Documents, except those items mentioned therein to be fumished by the City of Spokane Valley. � The City Manager, or designee, shall administer and be the primary contact for Contractor. Prior ' to commencement of work, Contractor shall exercise best efforts to conta.ct the City Manager or designee to review the scope of work, schedule, and time of completion. Upon notice from the City, Contractor � shall promptly commence work, complete the same in a timely manner, and cure any failure in I performance under this agreement. Unless otherwise directed by the City, all work shall be performed in conformance with the ' Contract Plans, Contract Documents, City and Sta.te standards. Contractor acknowledges review of the Contract Plans and Contract Documents and accepts the same. Contractor shall exercise best efforts, ; including the selection of the highest quality materials, so that�all work performed shall be in compliance , with current related industry standards. . � I � 2. Term of Contract. This agreement shall be in full force and effect upon execution and i shall remain in effect until December 31. 2007. The City may terminate this agreement by ten (10) days' written notice to the other party. In the � event of such termination, the City shall pay the Contractor for all work previously authorized and ' satisfactorily performed prior to the termination date. j 3. Comnensation. The City agrees to pay the Contractor for the Cost of the Work plus the Contractor's fee for overhead and profit as defined in Schedule A. . I ' A. The Contractor's Fee for Costs of the Work as defined in Schedule A.1.1 Direct Costs will be a percentage of the Cost of the Work and shall be: % I � � i . i . B. The Contractor's Fee for Costs of the Work as defined in Schedule A.1.2 I Subcontractor Costs will be a percentage of the Cost of the Work plus the Overhead Rate and shall be: % C. The sum of the Cost of the Work plus the Contractor's Fee shall not exceed I Dollars ($ ), subject to additions and deductions by Change Order. • I 4. Pavment. The Contractor may elect to be paid in monthly installments, upon presentation of an invoice to the City, or in a lump sum, upon completion of the work. Applications for I payment shall be sent to the City Clerk at the below-stated address. The City reserves the right to withhold payment under.this agreement which is determined, in the I reasonable judgment of the City Manager, to be noncompliant with the Contract Plans, Contract Documents, or City or State standards. 5. Notice. Notice shall be given in writing as follows: ( TO THE CITY: TO THE CONTRACTOR: ( Name: Christine Bainbridge, City Clerk Name: Phone Number: (509) 921-1000 Phone Number: Address: 11707 East Sprague Ave., Suite 106 Mobil: I Spokane Valley, WA 99206 Address: 6. Applicable Laws and Standards. The parties, in the performance of this agreement, I agree to comply with all applicable Federal, State and local laws, and City ordinances and regulations. 7. Prevailin� Wages on Public Works. Unless otherwise required by law, if this contxact I is for a"public work" which is defined as "work, construction, alteration, repair or improvement other than ordinary maintenance executed at the cost of the City," the following provision applies: This agreement provides for the construction of a public work and a payment of , prevailing wages according to Washington law. All workers, laborers or mechanics shall be paid a prevailing rate of wage that is set forth in an E�ibit to this agreement. I Before any payment may be made to Conixactor a"Statement of Intent to Pay Prevailing Wages" must be submitted to the City. Following final acceptance of the public works project, the Contractor and each subcontractor shall submit an "�davit of Wages Paid" before retained funds will be released to the Contractor. The affidavit must be certified by the industrial sta.tistician of the Deparlxnent of Labor and Industries. 8. Relationshin of the Parties. It is hereby understood, agreed and declared that the Contractor shall be an independent Contractor and not the agent or employee of the City, that the City is interested in only the results to be achieved, and that the right to control the particular manner, method I and means of the work is solely within the discretion of the Contractor. Any and all employees who provide services to the City under this agreement shall be deemed employees of the Contractor. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the conduct and actions of all employees under this agreement and any liability that may atta.ch thereto. ' I I i � 9. Ownership� of Documents. All drawings, plans, specifications, and other related documents prepared by the Contractor under this agreement are and shall be the property of the City, and may be subject to disclosure pursuant to RCW 42.56 or other applicable public record laws. � 14. Records. The City or State Auditor or any of their representatives shall have full access ' to and the right to examine during normal business hours a11 of the Contrac�or's records with respect to all . � matters covered in this contract. Such representatives shall be permitted to audit, examine and make i excerpts or transcripts from such records and to make audits of all conlracts, invoices, materials, payrolls and record of matters covered by this contract for a period of three years from the date final payment is made hereunder. � . � � 11. Warrantv. Unless provided otherwise in the Contract Plans or Contract Documents, Contractor warrants all work and materials performed or installed under this contract are free from defect � or failure for a period of one year following final acceptance by the City, unless, a supplier or I manufacturer has a warraniy for a greater period, which warranty shall be assigned to the City. In the event a defect or failure occurs in work or materials, the Contractor shall within the warranty period � remedy the same at no cost or expense to the City. I 12. Contractor to Be Licensed And Bonded. The Contractor shall be duly licensed and i bonded by the State of Washington at all times this agreement is in effect. � 13. Insurance. The Contractor shall procure and maintain for the duration of the' Agreement, insurance agai.nst claims for injuries to persons or damage to property which may arise from ' or in connection with the performance of the work hereunder by the Contractor, their agents, I representatives, employees or subcontractors. . ; No Limitation. Contractor's maintenance of insurance as required by the agreement shall not be ' construed to limit the liability of the Contractor to the coverage provided by such insurance, or otherwise limit the City's recourse to any remedy available at law or in equity. I ; A. Minimum Scope of Insurance. Contractor shall obtain insurance of the types described below: � � 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance covering all owned, non-owned, hired and ' leased vehicles. Coverage shall be written on Insurance Services Office (ISO) from CA 00 O1 or a substitute form providing equivalent liability coverage. If I necessary, the policy shall be endorsecl to provide contractual liability coverage. 2. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written on ISO occurrence form CG 00 O1 and . shall cover liability arising from premises, operations, ! independent contractors, products-completed operations, stop gap liabiliiy, personal injury and advertising injury, and liability assumed under an msured � contract. The Commercial General Liability insurance shall be endorsed to � provide the Aggregate Per Project Endorsement ISO form CG 25 03 11 85. There shall be no endorsement or modification of the Commercial General Liability insurance for liability arising from explosion, collapse or underground �' properiy daxnage. The City shall be named as an insured under the Contractor's Commercial General Liabiliiy insurance policy zvith respect to the work performed for the City using ISO Additional Insured endorsement CG 20 10 10 ' O1 and Additional Insured-Completed Operations endorsement CG 20 37 10 O1 or substitute endorsements providing equivalent coverage. 1 �I ! . i 3. Workers' Com�ensation coverage as required by the Industrial Insurance laws I of the Sta.te of Washi.ngton. B. Minimum Amounts of Insurance. Contractor shall maintain the following I insurance limits: 1. Automobile Liabilitv insurance with a minimum combined single limit for ( bodily injury and property damage of $1,000,000 per accident. 2. Commercial General Liabilitv insurance shall be written with limits no less I that $1,000,000 each occurrence, $2,000,000 general aggregate and a$2,000,000 products-completed operations aggregate limit. C. Other Insurance Provisions. The insurance policies are to contain, or be � endorsed to contain, the following provisions for Automobile Liability and Commercial � General Liability insurance: 1. The Contractor's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respect the I City. Any Insurance, self-inswance, or insurance pool coverage maintained by the City shall be excess of the Contractor's insurance and shall not contribute with it. 2. The Contractor's insurance shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not f be cancelled by either parly, except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by I cert�ed mail, return rece�pf requested, has been given to the CiTy. D. Acceptability of Insurers. Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a cunent � A.M. Best rating of not less than A:VII. E. Yerification of Coverage. Coniractor shall furnish the City with original I certificates and a copy of the amendatory endorsements, including but not necessarily � limited to the additional insured endorsement, evidencing the insurance requirements of the Contractor before commencement of the work. ( 14. Indemnification and Hold Harmless. The Contractor shall defend, indemnify and hold the City, its officers, officials, employees and volunteers harmless from any and all claims, injuries, I damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or in connection with the performance of this agreement, except for injuries and damages caused by the sole negligence of the City. � Should a court of com}�etent jurisdiction determine that this Agreement is subject to RCW I 4.24.115, then, in the event of liability for daxnages arising out of bodily injury to persons or damages to properly caused by or resulting from the concurrent negligence of the Contractor and the City, its officers, officials, employees, and volunteers, the Contractor's liability hereunder shall be only to the extent of the ( Contractor's negligence. It is further spec�cally and. expressly understood that the indemnification provided herein constitutes the Contractor's waiver of immunity under Indusirial Insurance, Title 51 RCW, solely for the purposes of this indemnification. This waiver has been mutually negotiated by the I parties. The provisions of this section shall survive the expiration or termination of tlie agreement. 15. Waiver. No officer, employee, agent, or other individual acting on behalf of either party, I has the power, right, or authority to waive any of the conditions or provisions of this agreement. No waiver in one instance shall be held to be waiver of any other subsequent breach or nonperformance. All remedies afforded in this agreement, or by law, shall be taken and construed as cumulative, and in � addition to every other remedy provided herein or by law. Failure of either party to enforce, at any time, � � � i � any of the provisions of this agreement, or to require, at any time, performance by the other party of any i provision hereof, shall in no way be construed to be a waiver of such provisions, nor shall it affect the validity of this agreement, or any part thereof. 16. Assi�nment and Dele�ation. I�either party shall assign, transfer, or delegate any or all ' of the responsibilities of this agreement, or the benefits received hereunder, without first obta.ining the , written cons$nt of the other party. i � 17. Jurisdiction and Venue. This agreement is entered into in Spokane County, ; Washi.ngton. Venue shall be in Spokane County, State of Washington. � 18. Arbitration. All disputes arising under this agreement shall be resolved through � arbitration pursuant to State law. Rules for arbitration shall be those prescribed by the American i Association of Arbitration. 19. Entire Agreement. This written agreement constitutes the entire and complete � agreement between the parties, and supercedes any prior oral or written agreements. This agreement may ; not be changed, modified, or altered, except in writing and signed by the parties hereto. 20. Anti-ldckback. No officer or employee of the City, having the power or duty to �� perform an o�cial act or action related to this agreement, shall have, or acquire, any interest in this agreement, or have solicited, accepted, or granted, a present or future gift, favor, service, or other thing of � value from any person with an interest in this agreement. � ' 21. Business Re�istration. Prior to commencement of work, Contractor shall register with , the City as a business. � 22. 5everabilitv. If any section, sentence, clause or phrase of this agreement should be held to be invalid for any reason by a court of competent jurisdiction, such invalidity sha.11 not affect the � validity of any other section, sentence, clause or phrase of this agreement. 23. Eghibits. Exhibits attached and incorporated into this agreement are: l. Scope of services; 2. Insurance Certificates. �. �� �Q � IN WITNESS WI�REOF, the parties have executed this agreement this day of , 2007. CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY: CONTRACTOR: ; City Manager Owner � Tax I.D. No.: , ATTEST: APPROVED AS TO FORM: ' City Clerk/Deputy City Clerk Office of the City Attorney � � 1 Schedule "A" � I 1. Cost of the Work. Cost of the Work means the sum of costs incurred and pa.id by f Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Costs shall be in amounts no higher than � those preva.iling in the locality of the Project, and shall include only the following items: 1.1 Direct Costs I � . 1.1.1 Payroll Costs. Charges for Payroll Costs will be limited to actual costs of ( Contractor's construction personnel stationed in the field while working at the site � or while transporting materials to and from the site. Additionally, the direct costs shall include the Contxactor's superintendent while in the City working on this ( � contract. Payroll costs sha11 include, but not be lim.ited to, salaries and wages plus �-- the cost of fringe benefits, which may include social security contributions, unem- ' ployment, excise, and payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement I benefits. Expenses incurred for perfornling work outside of regular workurg hours must have prior approval of the Ciiy.�e City and Contractor agree that the positions listed in Schedule B represent e maxi.mum authorized personnel ! and rates which will be considered reim.bursable under the terms of this contract � unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a formal change order to the Contract. --� I 1.1.2 Equipment Costs. Charges for Equipment Costs used by the contract to complete the work in the field. The City and Contractor agree that the equipment list in Schedule B represent the maximum authorized equipment types and unit rates � which will be considered reimbursable under the terms of this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a forma.l change order to the Contract. I 1.1.3 Material Costs. Charges for Material Costs furnished by the Contractor and incorporated in the Work. The City and Contractor agree that materials listed I under Schedule B represent the maximum authorized types of materials and unit rates which will be considered reimbursable under the terms of the this contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a formal change I order to the Contract. 1.2 Subcontractor Costs I � 1.2.1 Payments made by the Contractor to Subcontractors;will be based on unit rates for Payroll, Equipment and Materials as defined in Section 1.1 above. The unit I prices shall include the subcontractor's fee for overhead and profi#. The Ciiy and Contractor agree�that the Suboontractors and their rates listed under Schedule C represent the maximum authorized types of unit rates which will be 1 considered reimbursable. under the terms of the this contract for a Subcontractor � u.nless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a formal change order to th� Contract. I 1.2.2 Payments made by the Contractor for other Subcontract work not listed on the schedule may be based on a lump sum price from the Subcontractor. If � � ( 1 i • � reqlured by the City, the Contractor shall obtain competitive bids from I � subcontractors acceptable to the City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to the City, who will then determine which bids, if any, will be accepta.ble. 1 2 Contractor's Fee. Contractor's fee means a percentage of the work that includes the contractor's overhead and profit. , i ; 2.1 Overhead i 2.1.1 The contractor's Fee shall include the contractor's overhead and profit. � Overhead costs includes, but are not li.mited to, the cost of the contractor's offices and office personnel, cost of mobiliza.tion to and from the construction I site, insurance, bonds and any other overhead and operating expenses not ; specifically include in the Cost of the Work as defined in Section 1 above. ; . � � i � ;_ i � � i ; � • � � I I , � � . x g � �SCi ' A .� y[� E\ �� "���� � �' . . �� a y %`�i �fi` S . t � . . ak s" r'3.� . � �� � � � ; P "��'k ��..7� di .� , . ., R ,�E"'"ts ��' � � . ���� � , . � . ��; _ ��' � a� �` APPENDIX B— PREVAILING WAGE . ;. $�{ � � 3 � i . �" . •� � � �Y,� �� �� �� �,�y�F �Y��'fi }�R "�: �' � . ^X � � $�� � �Y � �� � YY r il �'�f'� h$'�"�� y'�� e � . ���� "�,-.��,�, Y �, z ���� � t ° �'���� ,, 4fi' � � � n ��� ��� f � } � � � '� ±��� � . �� � �.� � ,�� � t st ���� �� �� � . . � �,1-nfkt��.�z�.a�7 1' y ' . y x � z (�`' k �'�- ` � °t Ar 5.�� "� � ° , i ���� � � �' � .s . . � . � #+i f ��`�'�a ; � . . �!��" � 5 ', `' . . . } � �� S � ; 't-{7 � '° # .` , . . � 4 ( 5� *°�� el '� � - . '��� ��� � . . �a # ,��'•�`is� �` � . . . ����,�� � Y + � �: � '� ���}� �� � ,? ��� , � ,�3�*Y��� a an � � � �.� .� �*�� y' .� �' 't a a ;�r "�' ��s�� .� . �� �x t`'` ° - x� k �'� :a� , F ��.� � z � b k �,�f 1 .; a� � s' ; � ���sF�" _` N;��� � r ^ � '����� q � � ..�, K�. �� � . : �'af'"t . "-a�� i ,� � "��{ �d` : � F i � . . . i,,'4 w t .�;�� � ..'• a '" . �� � , h '�y � y . � { � t "�, � ?���,y„}�, ,� X - . r �7Y K?" �,'���� i ,�. ,` F� � k � � zF` 5. S `'' t . � � 9'..r'� 15� � "� �� � � 5 ` p � ��,� r d 11 � +�$� p �" �,` .. , �'�"- � �� I a � �,���y , ..� -.. , . �, � a ', i - �k V � . �� • ��'��;; � � ' ..�� _;.: i �� _� �� � �'�'�,� .:_: �� �s . �a�a'�,t���' ' � . i' . . �'t �, . . . . . . � State of Washington DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES � Prevailing Wage Section - Telephone (360) 902-5335 I PO Box 44540, Olympia, WA 98504 Washington State Prevailing Wage Rates For Public Works Contracts The PREVAILING WAGES listed here include both the hourly wage rate and the hourly �ate of fringe benefits. � On public works projects, workers' wage and benefit rates must add to not less than this total. A brief description of overtime calculation requirements is provided on the Benefit Code Key. I . SPOKANE COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 � � (See Benefit Code Key) i Over PREVAILING Tme Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code � ASBESTOS ABATEMENT WORKERS � JOURNEY LEVEL $28.01 1M 5D BOILERMAKERS . JOURNEY LEVEL $47.47 1C 5N i BRICK AND MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $35.37 1M 5A ' CABINET MAKERS (IN SHOP) JOURNEY LEVEL $14.75 1 ; CARPENTERS f CARPENTER $32.76 1B 5A 8N MILLWRIGHT AND MACHINE ERECTORS $34.01 18 5A 8N PILEDRIVER/CARPENTER $32.76 1B 5A 8N PILEDRNER/DRIVING, PULLING, CUTTING, PLACING COLLARS, $33.02 16 5A 8N SETTING, WELDING, OR CREOSOTE TREATED MATERIAL ON ALL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $31.46 1N 5D I DIVERS 8� TENDERS DNER $68.57 1B 5A 8A DIVER TENDER $36.85 16 5A DIVING MASTER $43.30 16 5A SURFACE RCV � ROV OPERATOR $36.85 1B 5A SURFACE RCV � ROV OPERATOR TENDER $34.64 1 B 5A i DREDGE WORKERS ASSISTANT ENGINEER $42.02 1 N� 5D 8D ASSISTANT MATE (DECKHAND) $41.51 1 N 5D 8D BOATMEN $42.02 1N 5D 8D '� ENGINEER WELDER $42.07 1N 5D 8D LEVERMAN,HYDRAULIC $43.64 1N 5D 8D MAINTENANCE $41.64 1 N 5D 8D MATE5 $42.02 1 N 5D SD I OILER $41.64. 1N 5D 8D DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $29.44 1 P 5A ELECTRICAL FIXTURE MAINTENANCE WORKERS JOURNEY LEVEL $30.89 1 ELECTRICIANS - INSIDE ' JOURNEYLEVEL $37.44 1E", 51 ELECTRICIANS - MOTOR SHOP I CRAFTSMAN $15.37 2A 6C JOURNEY LEVEL $14.69 2A 6C ELECTRICIANS - POWERLINE CONSTRUCTION CABLE SPLICER $55.40 4A 5A ! Page 1 � I SPOKANE COUNTY � Effective 03-03-07 *�*�,t�**��*�,r�,�t��x��*�x,�t�t��rr,k,t,Et�rit�rr�t�*�t,t�t*,tit��rir,t,t*�r*��t�r (See Benefrt Code Key) � Over � PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code ` CERTIFIED LINE WELDER $49.64 4A 5A I GROUNDPERSON $35.92 4A 5A HEAD GROUNDPERSON $37.88 4A 5A HEAVY LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $49.64 4A 5A I JACKHAMMER OPERATOR $37.88 4A 5A I JOURNEY LEVEL LINEPERSON $49.64 4A 5A LINE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR ' $42.26 4A 5A POLE SPRAYER $49.64 4A 5A ( POWDERPERSON $37.88 4A 5A I ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS ELECTRONIC TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $18.75 1 ELEVATOR CONSTRUCTORS � MECHANIC $57.88 4A 6Q MECHANIC IN CHARGE $63.45 4A 6Q FABRICATED PRECAST CONCREfE PRODUCTS • ALL CLASSIFICATIONS , $20.23 1 FENCE ERECTORS � FENCE ERECTOR $12.80 1 I FLAGGERS JOURNEY LEVEL $25.91 1 M 5D GLAZIERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $20.08 1 + HEAT � FROST INSUTATORS AND ASBESTOS WORKERS MECHANIC $20.09 1 HEATING EQUIPMENT MECHANICS ( MECHANIC $18.45 1 HOD CARRIERS & MASON TENDERS JOURNEYLEVEL $29.80 1M 5D _ INDUSTRIAL ENGINE AND MACHINE MECHANICS I MECHANIC $15.65 1 INDUSTRIAL POWER VACUUM CLEANER JOURNEY LEVEL $9.10 1 INSPECTION/CLEANING/SEALING OF SEWER � WATER SYSTEMS BY REMOTE CONTROL I CLEANER OPERATOR, FOAMER OPERATOR $9.73 1 . GROUT TRUCK OPERATOR $11.48 1 HEAD OPERATOR $12.78 1 TECHNICIAN $7.93 1 I N TRUCK OPERATOR $10.53 1 I INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $14.86 1 IRONWORKERS � JOURNEY LEVEL $42.55 1 O 5A � LABORERS ASPHALT RAKER $28.55 1 M 5D ASPHALT ROLLER, WALKING . $28.28 1M 5D I BRUSH HOG FEEDER $28.01 1 M 5D BRUSH MACHINE • $28.55 1M 5D CARPENTER TENDER $28.01 1 M 5D CASSION WORKER $28.55 1 M 5D � CEMENT FINISHER TENDER $2828 1 M 5D I CEMENT HANDLER $28.01 1 M 5D Page 2 i I i � I i I i I SPOKANE COUNTY , � Effective 03-03-07 -�-�-��*,�*���***�*��� � �*,►�**�x�,r,r,�r�*����***��****���x*�****�,k,ti�*�x « (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note - �i WAGE Code Code Code f Class_ ification $28.55 1M 5D CHAIN SAW OPERATOR AND FALLER $28 p� 1M 5D I CLEAN-UP LABORER $28 01 �M 5D CONCRETE CREWMAN $28 28 �M 5D I CONCRETE SAW. WALKING $28_01 iM 5D CONCRETE SIGNALMAN � $28 55 �M 5D CONCRETE STACK $28 p� � M 5D ! CRUSHER FEEDER $28 p� 1M 5D � DEMOLITION 1 M 5D $28.28 DEMOLITION TORCH $28 28 � M 5D DOPE POT FIREMAN $28_28 1 M 5D j DRILL HELPER, WHEN REQUIRED TO MOVE AND POSITON $28 83 � M 5D L DRILL WITH DUAL MASTS $28 55 � M 5D DRILL, AIR TRACT $28,28 1 M 5D DRILLS, WAGON $28 1M 5D !i DUMPMAN $28.01 1 M 5D I EROSION CONTROL WORKER 2 5 y� � M 5D FINAL DETAIL CLE4NUP (i.e., dusting, vacuuming, window cleaning; NOT � construction debris cleanup) $28.01 1 M 5D � FIRE WATCH $28 1 M 5D I FORM CLEANING MACHINE FEEDER, STACKER � 28 1 M 5D � FORM SETTER, PAVING $28 �� �M 5D GENERALLABORER $28 iM 5D � !, GRADE CHECKER USING LEVEL, OPTIONAL $28 �� 1 M 5D � GROUT MACHINE HEADERTENDER $28 01 1M 5D ' GUARDRAIL ERECTOR �Z8 55 � M 5D GUNITE NOZZLEMAN $28 1 M 5D Hp,ZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL A $28 55 � M 5D � HA7ARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL B $28 28 1 M 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL C $28 �� 1 M 5D HAZARDOUS WASTE WORKER LEVEL D $2$ 55 � M 5D H1GH SCALER $28 Zg � M 5D ' JACKHAMMER $2g 55 � M 5D LASER BEAM OPERATOR �Zg p� 1 M 5D MINER, CLASS "A" . $28 28 1M 5D � MINER,CIASS"B" $28.55 �M 5D , MINER, CIASS "C" . $28 1 M 5D ' MINER, CLASS "D" MONITOR OPERATOR, AIR TRACK, OR SIMILAR $28.55 '1 M 5D MORTAR MIXER $28.55 1 M 5D NIPPER $28.01 1M 5D N071LEMAN, TO INCLUDE JET BLASTING $28.55 1 M 5D NOZZLEMAN, TO INCLUDE SQUEEZE AND FLOW-CRETE $28.28 1M 5D � NOZZLEMAN, WATER, AIR OR STEAM $28.28 1 M 5D PAVEMENT BREAKER, 90 LBS � OVER $28.55 1 M 5D PAVEMENT BREAKER, UNDER 90 LBS $2828 1 M 5D PIPE, WATER LINER $28.28 1M 5D PIPELAYER, CORRUGATED METAL CULVERT $28.28 1 M 5D PIPEIAYER, MULTI PLATE $28.28 1 M 5D ' PIPEIAYER, TO INCLUDE WORKING TOPMAN $28.55 1 M 5D PIPEVVRAPPER $28.55 1 M 5D PLASTERER TENDER $28.55 • 1 M 5D POT TENDER $28-28 1 M 5D Page 3 I il i t SPOKANE COUNTY � Effective 03-03-07 ,r�r*�rr�t�,r���***,��,r�r,ir��t�r,r�xir,rx****tx***�r�,r**,�r�*,r��,t��*�t�,�t*,r�r***�ayt,kt��t�t,�,���,t,�rnt�,t�,t�x*� I (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code � POWDERMAN $30.20 1M 5D � POWDERMAN HELPER $28.28 1M 5D ' POWER BUGGY OPERATOR $2828 1 M 5D POWER TOOL OPERATOR (GAS, ELECTRIC OR PNEUMATIC) $28.28 1 M 5D I RAILROAD POWER SPIKER OR PULLER, DUAL MOBILE $28.28 1 M 5D � RIPRAP PERSON $28.01 1 M 5D RODDER & SPREADER $28.28 1 M 5D � SCAFFOLD ERECTOR, WOOD OR STEEL $28.01 1 M 5D STAKE JUMPER $28.01 1 M 5D STRUCTURALMOVER $28.01 1M 5D TAILHOSEMAN, SANDBLAST $28.01 1M 5D TAILHOSEMAN, WATER NOZZLE $28.01 1M 5D � TAMPER $28.28 1M 5D TIMBER BUCKER 8� FALLER (BY HAND) $28.01 1M 5D TRACKLABORER $28.01 1M 5D ' � TRENCHER,SHAWNEE $2828 1M 5D ( TRUCK LOADER $28.01 1M 5D I TUGGER OPERATOR $2828 1 M 5D VIBRATOR $28.55 1M 5D WELDER (ELECTRIC, MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC) $28.83 1 M 5D I WELL-POINT MAN $28.01 1 M 5D � WHEELBARROW, POWER DRIVEN $28.28 1M 5D LABORERS - UNDERGROUND SEWER & WATER GENERAL LABORER $28.01 1 M 5D � PIPE LAYER $28.28 1M 5D � LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION IRRIGATION OR LAWN SPRINKLER INSTALLERS $7.93 1 LANDSCAPE EQUIPMENT OPERATORS OR TRUCK DRIVERS $7.93 1 I LANDSCAPING OR PLANTING LABORERS $7.93 1 LATHERS JOURNEY LEVEL $32:76 1B 5A 8N METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) I FITTER $12.59 1 ' LABORER $7.98 1 � MACHINE OPERATOR $1326 1 PAINTER $10.27 1 I WELDER $10.80 1 PAINTERS � JOURNEY LEVEL $26.97 1 W 5A PLASTERERS JOURNEY LEVEL _ $16.79 1 � PLAYGROUND & PARK EQUIPMENT INSTALLERS . JOURNEY LEVEL $7.93 1 PLUMBERS � PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $41.90 1J 5A J POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS A-FRAME TRUCK (2 OR MORE DRUMS) $31.84 1 M 5D SD � A-FRAME TRUCK (51NGLE DRUM) $31.23 1M 5D 8D ASPHALT PLANT OPERATOR $32.44 1 M 5D 8D I ASSISTANT PLANT FIREMAN OR PUGMIXER $31.23 1M 5D 8D ASSISTANT REFRIGERATION PLANT & CHILLER (OVER 1000 TONS) $31.84 1 M 5D 8D I ASSISTANT REFRIGERATION PLANT (UNDER 1000 TON) $31.23 1 M 5D 8D Page 4 � • � I � I I � i � SPOKAN�E COUNTY l , . Effective 03-03-07 � � (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note � Classification WAGE Code Code Code � $32,44 1 M 5D 8D AUTOMATIC SUBGRADER (DITCHES 8� TRIMMERS) $31.84 1 M 5D 8D BACKFILLERS (CLEVELAND 8 SIMILAR) I BACIdiOE & HOE RAM ( UNDER 3!4 YARD) $32.16 1 M 5D 8D BACKHOE 8� HOE RAM (3/4 - 3 YD) $32.44 1 M 5D 8D � BACKHOE (45,000 GW � UNDER) $32.16 1 M 5D 8D BACKHOE (45,000 GW TO 110,000 GV1� $32.44 1 M 5D 8D I BACKHOE (OVER 110,000 GV1� $32.71 1.M 5D SD i $32.71 1 M 5D 8D BACfa10E, (3 YD � OVER) BATCH 8� WET MIX (MULTIPLE UNITS) $32.44 1M 5D 8D BATCH PLANT 8� WEf MIX (SINGLE UNII� $31.84 1 M 5D 8D BATCH PLANT (OVER 4 UNITS) $32.44 1 M 5D 8D � BELT FINISHING MACHINE $31.23 1 M 5D 8D BELT-CRETE CONVEYORS 1MTH POWER PACK $31.84 1 M 5D 8D BENDING MACHINE $31.84 iM 5D 8D BITGFtINDERS $30.91 1M 5D 8D , BIADE (FINISH � BLUETOP) (AUTOMATIC, CMI, ABC) $32.71 1 M 5D 8D � BLADE (FINISH ATHEY & HUBER) $32.71 1 M 5D 8D BLADE (MOTOR PATROL 8 ATTACHMENTS) $32.44 1 M 5D 8� : BLOWER OPERATOR (CEMEN� $31.23 1 M 5D 8D BOAT OPERATORS $30.36 1 M 5D 8D ,� BOBCAT(SKIDSTEER)' $31.84 1M 5D 8D BOLTTHREADINGMACHINE $30.91 1M 5D 8D �� BOOM CATS (SID� $32.44 1M 5D 8D ! BORING MACHINE (EARTH) $31.84 1 M 5D SD � BORING MACHINE (ROCi� $31.84 1 M 5D BD BUMP CUTTER (WAYNE, SAGINAU OR SIMILAR) $31.84 1M 5D 8D . CABLEWAY CONTROLLER (DISPATCHER ) $32.44 1 M 5D 8D CABLEWAY OPERATORS $32.71 1M 5D 8D ' CANAL UNING MACHINE (CONCRET� $31.84 1M 5D 8D CARRYDECK � BOOM TRUCK $32.16 1 M 5D 8D CEMENTHOG $31.23 1M 5D 8D CHIPPER (WITHOUT CRAN� $31.84 1 M 5D 8D ' CLEANING 8 DOPING MACHINE (PIPELIN� $31.84 1 M 5D 8D COMPACTOR, SELF PROPELLED WITH BiADE $32.44 1M 5D 8D COMPRESSORS (OVER 2000 CFM, 2 OR MOR� $3123 1 M 5D 8D COMPRESSORS (UNDER 2D00 CFM, GAS, DIESEL) $30.91 1M 5D 8D CONCRETE CLFANING/DECONTAMINATION MACHINE OPERATOR $32.71 1M 5D 8D CONCREfE PUMP BOOM TRUCK $32.44 1 M 5D 8D CONCRETE PUMPS (SQUEEZE-CRE7E, FLOW-CRET� $32.00 1M 5D 8D CONCRETE SAW (MULTIPLE CUn $31.23 1 M 5D 8D CONCRETE SLIP FORM PAVER $32.44 1 M 5D 8D CRANES, 25 TON 8� UNDER $32.16 1 M 5D SD CRANES, OVER 25 TON, TO � INCLUDING 45 TON, ALL ATTACHMENTS $32.44 1 M 5D 8D ' INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE CRANES, OVER 25 TON, TO & INCLUDING 45 TON, ALL ATTACHMEN7S $32.74 1 M 5D 8D INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE (180' TO 250' BOOM) . CRANES, OVER 25 TON, TO & INCLUDING 45 TON, ALL ATTACHMENTS $33.04 1 M 5D 8D INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE (OVER 250' BOOM) CRANES, OVER 45 TON, TO 8� INCLUDING 85 TON, ALL ATTACHMENTS $32.71 1 M 5D 8D INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE CRANES, OVER 45 TON, TO 8� INCLUDING 85 TON, ALL ATTACHMENTS $33.01 1 M 5D 8D INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE (180' TO 250' BOOM) CRANES, OVER 45 TON, TO 8� INCLUDING 85 TON, ALL ATTACHMENTS $33.31 1 M 5D 8D INCL CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE (OVER 250' BOOIV� Page 5 I � i I SPOKANE COUNTY . � Effective 03-03-07 ,�,�**��*��,����****��**��**�***,�,�*�*,�,�,�,�*��**�������,�,��****��*�*** � (See Benefit Code Key) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Ciassification . WAGE Code Code Code � CRANES, 85 TON 8� OVER AND ALL CLIMBING, OVERHEAD, RAIL � $33.81 � 1M 5D 8D I TOWER, ALL ATTACHMENTS INCL CLAMSHELL?JVD DRAGLINE CRANES, 85 TON & OVER AND ALL CLIMBING, OVERHEAD, RAIL � $34.11 1 M 5D 8D TOWER, ALL ATTACHMENTS INCL. CLAMSHELL AND DRAGLINE (180' TO I 250' BOOM) I CRANES, 85 TON � OVER AND ALL CLIMBING, OVERHEAD, RAIL & $34.41 1 M 5D 8D TOWER, ALLATTACHMENTS INCL. CLAMSHELLAND DRAGLINE (OVER 250' BOOM) I CRUSHER FEEDERMAN $30.36 1M 5D 8D CRUSHER, GRIZZLE � SCREENING PLANT $32.44 1M 5D � BD DECKENGINEER , $31.84 1M 5D 8D DECKHAND $30.91 1M 5D 8D I DERRICKS $ STIFFLEGS ( UNDER 65 TON) $32.16 1 M 5D SD r DERRICKS & 3TIFFLEGS (65 TON 8� OVER) $32.71 1 M 5D 80 DISTRIBUTOR LEVERMAN $31.23 1M 5D 8D DITCH 1MTCH OR SIMILAR $31.23 1M 5D 8D � DOPE POTS (POWER AGITATED) $31.23 1 M 5D 8D DOZER, 834 R!f 8� SIMILAR $32.44 1 M 5D SD DOZER, MULTIPLE UNITS WITH SINGLE BLADE $32.44 . 1M 5D 8D DRILLDOCTOR $32.44 1M 5D 8D I DRILLERS HELPER $30.91 1 M 5D 8D DRILLING EQUIPMENT (8 INCH BIT & OVER) $32.16 1 M 5D 8D DRILLS (CHURN, CORE, CALYX OR DIAMOND) $32.00 1M 5D 8D ELEVATING BELT (HOLLAND 7YPE� $32.71 1 M 5D 8D I ELEVATOR HOISTING MATERIALS $31.23 1M 5D 8D EQUIPMENT SERVICEMAN, GREASER AND OILER $32.00 1 M 5D 8D � FIREMAN � HEATER TENDER $30.91 1 M 5D 8D FORK LIFT OR LUMBER STACKER, HYDRA-LIFT $31.23 1M 5D SD I GENERATOR PLANT ENGINEERS (DIESEL, ELECTRIC) $31.84 1M 5D BD GIN TRUCKS (PIPELIN� $31.23 1 M 5D 8D GRADECHECKER $30.91 1M 5D 8D GUNITE COMBINATION MIXER & COMPRESSOR $31.84 1M 5D 8D I H.D. MECHANIC $32.44 1M 5D 8D H.D. WELDER $32.44 1 M 5D 8D � HEAVY EQUIPMENT ROBOTICS OPERATOR $32.71 1 M 5D 8D HELICOPTER PILOT . $33.81 1M 5D 8D I HELPER, OF H.D. MECHANIC 8 H.D. WELDER $30.36 1M 5D SD HOE RAM $32.16 1 M 5D 8D HOIST (2 OR MORE DRUMS OR TOWER HOIS� $32.00 1 M 5D 8D HOIST (SINGLE-DRUM) $31.23 1M 5D 8D I HYDRO SEEDER, MULCHER, NOZZLEMAN $30.91 1 M 5D 8D I LOADER (360 DEGREES REVOLVING KOEHRING) $32.71 iM 5D 8D � LOADER, BELT (KOCAL OR SIMILAR) $31.84 1 M 5D 8D � LOADER, ELEVATING BELT-NPE (EUCLID, BARBER) $31.84 1M 5D 8D I LOADER, ELEVATING GRADER TYPE (DUMOR, ADAMS) $31.84 1 M 5D 8D LOADERS (BUCKET, ELEVATOR � CONVEYORS) $31.23 1 M 5D 8D LOADERS, OVERHEAD/FRONT=END ( UNDER 4 YD) $32.00 1 M 5D SD LOADERS, OVERHEAD/FRONT-END ( 4- 8 YD) $32.44 1 M 5D 8D LOADERS, OVERHEAD/FRONT-END ( 8- 10 YD) $32.71 1 M 5D 8D � LOADERS, OVERHEADlFRONT-END (10 YD 8 OVER) $33.81 1 M 5D 8D LOCOMOTIVE ENGINEER $31.84 1M 5D SD LONGITUDINALFLOAT $31.23 1M 5D 8D MASTER ENVIRONMENTAL MAINTENANCE TECHNICIAN $32.71 1M 5D SD I Page 6 I I I � I ,' SPOKANE COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 � ��r����**����**,�x*���***�*�**����**����****�*�����x***�x�*���x*�� � (See Benefit Code Key) Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note � Classification WAGE Code Code Code � MIXER (PORTABLE-CONCR�TE� $31.23 1M 5D 8D MIXERMOBILE $31.84 1M 5D 8D I MUCKING MACHINE $31.84 1M 5D 8D OILER . $30.36 1 M 5D 8D OILER DRIVER 8� CABLE TENDER, MUCKING MACHINE $30.91 1 M 5D 8D PAVE OR CURB IXTRUDER ASPHALT 8� CONCREfE $32.00 1 M 5D 8D � PAVEMENT BREAKER, HYDRAHAMMER & SIMILAR $31.23 1 M 5D 8D PAVING (DUAL DRUM) $32.16 1M 5D SD PAVING MACHINE (ASPHALT OR CONCRET� $32.44 1 M 5D 8D PILEDRIVING ENGINEERS $32.16 1M 5D 8D � POSTHOLE AUGER OR PUNCH $31.84 1 M 5D 8D POWERBROOM $31.23 iM 5D 8D � PROBETENDER(ROTaMfLL) $31.23 1M 5D 8D PUMP (GROUT OR JE� $31.84 1 M 5D 8D � PUMP OPERATOR (WATER) $30.91, 1 M 5D 8D �� QUAD-TRACK OR SIMILAR EQUIPMENT $32.44 1 M 5D 8D y RAILROAD BALLAST REGULATION SELF-PROPELLED $31.23 1 M 5D 8D RAILROAD POWER TAMPER (SELF-PROPELLED) $31.23 1 M 5D 8D � RAILROAD POWER TAMPER JACK (SELF-PROPELLED) $31.23 1 M 5D SD ! RAILROAD TRACK LINER OPERA70R (SELF-PROPELLED) $32.16 1 M 5D 8D REFRIGERATION PLANT ENGINEER (1000 TONS 8� OVER) $32.16 1 M 5D 8D REFRIGERATION PLANT ENGINEERS (UNDER 1000 TONS) $32.00 1 M 5D 8D � ROLLER OPERATOR (FINISHING PAVEMENn $32.44 1 M 5D 8D � ROLLERS, ALL TYPES ON SUBGRADE (FARM TYPE) $30.91 1 M 5D 8D i R070-MILL PAVEMENT PROFILER $32.44 1M 5D 8D SCRAPER, BAGLEY OR STATIONARY $31.23 1 M 5D 8D SCRAPERS, ALL, RUBBER-TIRED $32.44 1 M 5D 8D SCRAPERS, RUBBER TIRED (MULTI-ENGINE WITH 3 OR MORE $32.71 1 M 5D 8D SCRAPERS) SCREED OPERATOR $32.44 1M 5D 8D SHOVELS, (3 YD � OVER) $32.71 1 M 5D 8D SHOVELS, (UNDER 3 YD) $32.44 1 M 5D 8D SIGNALMEN (V\MIRLEYS, HIGHLINE, HAMMERHEADS) $32.16 1M 5D 8D SKIDDER, RUBBER-TIRED (RlT, WITH OR WITHOUT ATTACHMENTS) $32.00 1 M 5D 8D SOIL STABILIZER (P � H OR SIMILAR) $31.84 1M 5D 8D SPRAYCURINGMACHINE-CONCRETE $31.23 1M 5D 8D SPREADER BOX (SELF-PROPELLED) $31.23 1 M 5D 8D SPREADERMACHINE $31.84 1M 5D SD STEAM CLEANER $30.36 1M 5D 8D STRADDLE BUGGY (ROSS & SIMILAR) $31.23 1M 5D 8D SURFACE HEATER $ PLANNER MACHINE $32.00 1 M 5D 8D � TRACTOR, FARM-TYPE R!T WITH ATTACHMENTS $31.23 1 M 5D 8D TRACTOR, TO D-6 OR EQUIVALENT � OVER $32.44 1 M 5D 8D TRACTOR, TO D-6 OR EQUIVALENT � TRAXCAVATOR $31.84 1 M 5D 8D TRAVERSE FINISHING MACHINE $31.84 1M . 5D 8D TRENCHING MACHINES (7 Ff DEPTH � OVER} $32.44 1 M 5D 8D TRENCHING MACHINES (UNDER 7 FT DEPTH) $32.00 1M 5D 8D TUG BOAT OPERATOR $32.44 1 M 5D 8D � TUGGER OPERATOR $31.23 1M 5D 8D TURNHEAD (1MTH RE-SCREENING) $32.00 1M 5D 8D TURNHEAD OPERATOR $31.84 1 M 5D 8D Page 7 ' � SPOKANE COUNTY Effective 03-03-07 ,�x,�*�r****��,���,����*���*�*,�,��*�x,����*���x*�,�***����*����*,�,��******* (See Benefrt Code Key) Over � PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Ciassification WAGE Code Code Code - - - i ULTRA HIGH PRESSURE WATERJET CUTTING TOOL SYSTEM $32.71 1 M 5D 8D � OPERATOR (30,000 PSI) VACTOR GUZZLER, SUPER SUCKER $32.44 1 M 5D 8D VACUUM BLASTING MACHINE OPERATpR $32.71 1 M 5D 8D � VACUUM DRILL (REVERSE CIRCULATION DRILL) $32.00 1M 5D ' 8D I WELDING MACHINES $30.91 1M 5D 8D � WHIRLEYS & HAMMERHEADS, ALL $32.71 1M 5D 8D POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS- UNDERGROUND SEWER � (SEE POWER EQUIPMENT OPERATORS) POWER LINE CLEARANCE TREE TRIMMERS , ' JOURNEY LEVEL IN CHARGE • $35.62 4A 5A . SPRAY PERSON $33.82 4A 5A � TREE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR $34.27 4A 5A TREE TRIMMER $31.88 4A 5A TREETRIMMERGROUNDPERSON $24.03 4A 5A REFRIGERATION 8� AIR CONDITIONING MECHANICS � MECHANIC $41.90 1J 5A RESIDENTIAL BRICK 8� MARBLE MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $35.37 1 M 5A RESIDENTIAL CARPENTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $20.80 1 I RESIDENTIAL CEMENT MASONS JOURNEY LEVEL $23.67 1 RESIDENTIAL DRYWALL TAPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $10.00 1 I RESIDENTIAL ELECTRICIANS f JOURNEY LEVEL $23.62 16 51 RESIDENTIAL GLAZIERS JOURNEY LEVE� $19.79 1 I RESIDENTIAL INSULATION APPLICATORS JOURNEY LEVEL $7.93 1 RESIDENTIAL LABORERS JOURNEY LEVEL $16.04 1 RESIDENTIAL PAINTERS i JOURNEY LEVEL $13.05 1 � RESIDENTIAL PLUMBERS 8� PIPEFITTERS JOURNEY LEVEL $27.05 1J 5A RESIDENTIAL SHEET METAL WORKERS I JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) $11.84 1. RESIDENTIAL SOFf FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEY LEVEL $15.27 1 RESIDENTIAL SPRINKLER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) � JOURNEY LEVEL $10.64 1 � RESIDENTIAL TERRAZZOlfILE FINISHERS I JOURNEY LEVEL $19.80 1 RESIDENTIAL TERRA710/TILE SETTERS • JOURNEY LEVEL $15.95 1 I ROOFERS JOURNEYLEVEL $29.79 1M 51 USING IRRITABLE BITUMINOUS MATERIALS $31.79 1M 51 SHEET MEfAL WORKERS � JOURNEY LEVEL (FIELD OR SHOP) , $36.59 1 B 5A � Page 8 . I I , i . � I � i i � SPOKANE COUNTY � Effective 03-03-07 � ,� � (See Benefrt Code Key) Over . PREVAILING Time Hofiday Note '� Classification WAGE Code Code Code � SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (ELECTRICAL) JOURNEY LEl/EL $13.91 1 i SIGN MAKERS & INSTALLERS (NON-ELECTRICAL) � JOURNEY LEVEL $8.00 1 SOFT FLOOR LAYERS JOURNEYLEVEL $23.11 1N 5A � SOLAR CONTROLS FOR WINDOWS � JOURNEY LEVEL $ � I SPRINI�ER FITTERS (FIRE PROTECTION) JOURNEYLEVEL $41.70 1R 5Q STAGE RIGGING MECHANICS (NON STRUCTURAL) � JOURNEY LEVEL $13.23 1 1 SURVEYORS CHAIN PERSON $925 � INSTRUMENT PERSON ' $12.05 1 � PARTY CHIEF • • $15.05 1 � TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS TELECOMMUNICATION TECHNICIANS JOURNEY LEVEL $19.00 1 TELEPHONE LINE CONSTRUCTION - OUTSIDE j CABLE SPLICER $29.89 26 5A � HOLE DIGGER/GROUND PERSON $16.81 26 5A � INSTALLER (REPAIRER) $28.68 2B 5A JOURNEY LEVEL TELEPHONE LINEPERSON $27.82 26 5A I SPECIALAPPARATUS INSTALLER I $29.89 2B 5A ' SPECIAL APPARATUS INSTALLER II $29.30 2B 5A � TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (HEAVI� $29.89 2B 5A TELEPHONE EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (LIGH� $27.82 2B 5A TELEVISION GROUND PERSON $15.96 2B 5A � TELEVISION LINEPERSON/INSTALLER $21.17 2B 5A TELEVISION SYSTEM TECHNICIAN $25.15 2B 5A TELEVISION TECHNICIAN $22.64 2B 5A i TREE TRIMMER $27.82 2B 5A TERRAZZO WORKERS � TILE SETTERS � JOURNEY LEVEL $27.57 2M 5A TILE, MARBLE � TERRAZZO FINISHERS FINISHER $24.36 1 TRAFFIC CONTROL STRIPERS JOURNEY LEVEL $34.90 1 K 5A TRUCK DRIVERS ASPHALT MIX ( TO 20 YARDS) $32.08 1 N 5D 8M ASPHALT MIX (OVER 20 YARDS) $32.25 1 N 5D 8M DUMP TRUCK $32.08 1N 5D 8M DUMP TRUCK 8� TRAILER $32.25 1 N 5D 8M OTHERTRUCKS $31.97 1N 5D 8M TRANSIT MIXER $23.42 2G 61 . WELL DRILLERS & IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLERS ' IRRIGATION PUMP INSTALLER $11.15 1 OILER � � � WELL DRILLER $17.68 1 Page 9 . I ; �� SENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-3-07 � #�***.:.*�**:*«����*���*�.:***�:.*«:#***:«*�:«**.***::*�:.:�:**�*�«�**�*�:.�:�**..*�.**«::**:****�:**:**:�*::*:**:**:«�* OVERTIIViE CODES I OVERTIIVIE CALCULATIONS ARE BASED ON THE HOURLY RATE ACTUALLY PAID TO THE WORKER ON PUBLIC WORKS PROJECTS, THE HOURLY RATE MIJST BE NOT LESS THAN THE PREVAILING RATE OF VVAGE MINUS THE HOURLY RATE OF THE COST OF FRINGE BENEFlTS AGTUALLY PROVIDED FOR THE WORKER 1. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE � AND ONE-HALF TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL ALSO BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI.F TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. Tf� FIItST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND Tf� FIItST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHAI.L BE PAID AT �NE AND ONE-HAI,F TIIvIES Tf� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL O'I'f�R OVERTIIvIE HOURS WORKED SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. D. Tf� FIRST TWO (2) HOUR3 BEFORE OR AFTER A FIVE - EIGHT (8) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY OR A FOUR - TEN (10) HOUR WORKWEEK DAY AND TI-IE FIR3T EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED THE NEXT DAY AFTER EITHER WORKWEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL ADDITIONAL HOURS WORKED AND ALL WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE TfiE HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. I i E. Tf� F1RST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY TfiROUGH FRIDAY AND TF� FII2ST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATCJRDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TTMES TEIE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTf�R HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND I HOLIDAYS SHAI,L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. F. TI� FIltST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND Tf� FIRST TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TiMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL I OTf�R OVERTIIvIE HOURS WORKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tt� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT'IT�tEE TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I G. Tf� FIItST TEN (10) HOUI2.S WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND THE FIRST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON A FIFTH CALENDAR WEEKDAY IN A FOUR - TEN HOUR SCHEDULE, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TA�IES 'I'f� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) I�OURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SA'I'�TRDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID •AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATHER i CONDITTONS OR EQUIPMENT BREAKDOWI� SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY �VER TWELVE (12) HOURS AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I J. Tf� FIItST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (S) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THItOUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIILST TEN � (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID "AT ONE ANA ONE-HALF TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TEN (10) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE � PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I K ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE TI-IE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. I L. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf-� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. M. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF WORK IS LOST DUE TO INCLEMENT WEATT-lER i CONDITIONS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI.F TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY R.ATE OF WAGE. N. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES i Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAY3 SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tt-� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. O. TI� FIItST TEN (10) HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES Tf� HOURLY I RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS, HOLIDAYS AND AFTER TWELVE (12) HOURS, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND AFTER TEN (10) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS (EXCEPT MAKEUP DAYS IF CIItCUMSTANCES WARRANT) AND SUNDAYS i SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES Tf� HOLJRLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS VJORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. 1 � I f BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFEC'I'IVE 03-03-07 - 2 - � 1, Q, 'PI� FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MOND?iY THROUGH FRIDAY AND UP TO TEN (10) � HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIlvIES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF TEN (10) HOURS PER DAY MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS � WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT CHRISTMAS DA� SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY i � RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIlvIES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. i R ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. 1 I S. Tf� FIRST TWO (2) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY AND THE FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SAT[TRDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI.F TIMES Tf� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL OTI-�R OVERTIME HOURS WOItKED, EXCEPT LABOR DAY, SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE THE HOURLY RATE OF � • WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE. PAID AT'THItEE TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. � T. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS, SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-IiAI.F TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED AF'I'ER 6:OOPM SATURDAY TO 6:OOAM MONDAY AND ON � HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. � U. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF T1MES "i'f� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAI� SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES � Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT THREE TDviES Tf� j HOURLYRATE OF WAGE. ' V. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT' THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DA� SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES 'I'HE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON i THANKSGIVII�TG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE'I'f� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. I W, ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS (EXCEPT MAKE-UP DAYS DUE TO CONDTTIONS BEYOND Tf� CONTROL OF THE EMPLOYER)) SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI,F TIMES TT� HOURI.Y RATE OF WAGE. ALL I HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. � X. TFIE FIltST FOUR (4) HOURS AFTER EIGHT (8) REGULAR HOURS MONDAY THItOUGH FRIDAY AND Tf� FIl2ST TWELVE (12) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI,F TIMES TI� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. i ALL HOURS WORKED OVER TWELVE (12) HOURS MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL SE PAID AT DOUBLE TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. WHEN HOLIDAY FALLS ON SATURDAY OR SUNDAY, Tf� DAY BEFORE SATURDAY, FRIDAY, AND THE DAY AFTER SUNDAY, MONDAY, SHALL BE CONSIDERED Tf� HOLIDAY AND ALL WORK PERFORMED SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE: ; 2. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8� HOUR3 PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT ONE i AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. A. Tf� FIRST SIX (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAiD AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIlvIES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS VJORKED IN EXCESS OF S1X (6) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. B. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. C. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES T'f� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT TWO TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. D. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI.F TIIvIES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. Tf� FIILST EIGHT (8) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT STR.AIGHT TIIvIE IN ADDITION TO Tf� HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE • PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. E. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS OR HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DA� SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- ; HALF 'TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS OR ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. � F. Tf� FIlLST EIGHT (S) HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT Tf� STRAIGHT HOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDTTION TO 'I'HE HOLIDAY PAY. ALL I�OURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE'I'I� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ' G. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE_ ALL HOURS � WORKED ON PAID FiOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HAI.F TIMES Tf-� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE � INCLUDING HOLIDAY PAY. H. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAY SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIlvIES TF� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. i BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 j -3- 2. I. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATCJRDAYS AND HOLIDAYS (EXCEPT LABOR DAI� SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE- i HAI,g TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND ON LABOR DAY SHALL BE i PAID AT TWO TIIvIES Tf� IiOURLY RATE OF WAGE. J. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES THE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON PAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO AND ONE-HALF TIIvIES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE, . INCLUDING 'I'f� HOLIDAY PAY. ALL HOURS WORKED ON UNPAID HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIMES 'Tf� � HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ' K ALL HOURS WORKED ON HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIIvIES Tf� FiOURLY RATE OF WAGE IN ADDITION TO � Tf� HOLIDAY PAY. � M. ALL HOURS WOFtKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHAI.L BE PAID AT DOUBLE Tf� HOURI,Y RATE � OF WAGE. I O. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HAI.F TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. P. TI� FIRST EIGHT (8) HOURS ON SATURDAY SHALL BE PAID AT ONE AND ONE-HALF TIMES Tf� HOURLY RATE OF � WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT 8) HOURS ON SATURDAY AND ALL HOURS WORKED ON SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT TWO TIIvIES Tf� HOiJRLY RATE OF WAGE. 4A. ALL HOURS WORKED IN EXCESS OF EIGHT (8) HOURS PER DAY OR FORTY (40) HOURS PER WEEK SHALL BE PAID AT � DOUBLE Tf� HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. ALL HOURS WORKED ON SATURDAYS, SUNDAY3 AND HOLIDAYS SHALL BE PAID AT DOUBLE TEIE HOURLY RATE OF WAGE. , � I HOLIDAY CODES 5. A. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY � AFT'ER TfiANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY ('�. � B. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AF'IER THANI�SGIVING DAY, Tt� DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). I C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIA7. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TF� FRIDAY AFTER THANK3GIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). D. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). E. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, PRESIDENTIAL I ELECTION DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). � F. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTHER KING JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (11). � I G. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVII�TG DAY, Tf� � LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). H. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE DAY AFTER THANKSGNING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS (6). I. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, TI-IANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (6). i J. HOLIDAYS: NER' YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). , N. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' I DAY, THANKSGNING DAY, T'HE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). P. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI, DAY, II�DEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY � AND 3ATURDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). I Q, PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (�. i R PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGNING DAY, ONE-HALF DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY. (71/2). I i' � � BENEFTT CODE KEY - EFFECTIVE 03-03-07 -4- I � i � 5. S. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAi. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, • THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). I T. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, WASHINGTON'S BIRTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR j DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND THE DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS (10). � � V. PAID HOLIDAYS: SIX (� PAID HOLIDAYS. ! W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NINE (9) PAID HOLIDAYS. I X HOLIDAYS: AFTER 520 HOURS - NEW YEAR'S DAY, THANKSGNING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY. AFTER 2080 ! HOURS - NEW YEARS DAY, WASHINGTONS BIItTHDAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, i THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY AND A FLOATING HOLIDAY (8). i Y. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, PRESIDENTTAL ELECTTON i DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, TI� FRIDAY FOLLOWING THANK3GIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). Z. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR D.4Y, VETERANS DAY, � THANKSGIVING DAY, TF� FRIDAY AF'I�R THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). � I 6. A. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAI, DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANICSGNING DAY, Tf� FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). I B. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S EVE DAY, NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, � TfiANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� FRIDAY AFTER T'HANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE'S DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). C. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, � THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� DAY AFTER TfiANKSGIVING DAY, T'f� LAST WORK DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND i CHRISTMAS DAY (9)- D. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, TI-lE DAY BEFORE OR THE DAY I AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY (9). F, PA1D HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MARTIN LUTf�R K1NG JR DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAI. DAY, � ' INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS' DAY, THANKSGNING DAY, TEIE DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, i AND CHRISTMAS DAY (l I). I I. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (7). �, L. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORLAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, � TI-� FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, Tf� LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTTv1AS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY. (8) � ! Q. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, VETERANS DAY THANKSGNING DAY, 'I�IE DAY AFTER Tf-IANKSGIVII�TG DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY (8). UNPAID HOLIDAY_ PRFSIDENTS' DAY. �. T. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS' DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR ! DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, T'f� LAST WORKING DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, AND CHRISTMAS DAY (9). U. HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, ' LABOR DAY, THANKSGNING DAY, THE FRIDAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, : Tf� DAY BEFORE CHRISTMAS DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY (9). '� V. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGNING DAY, CHRISTMAS EVE DAY, CHRISTMAS DAY, AND ONE DAY OF Tf� EMPLOYEE'S CHOICE (9). ' • i W. PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, ! INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AFTER THANKSGIVING DAY, CHRISTMAS � DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRI3TMAS DAY (10). X PAID HOLIDAYS: NEW YEAR'S DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER NEW YEAR'S DAY, PRESIDENTS DAY, i MEMORiAI. DAY, INDEPENDENCE DAY, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY, DAY AF'TER THANKSGIVING I DAY, CHRIS"TMAS DAY, DAY BEFORE OR AFTER CHRISTMAS DAY, EMPLOYEE'S BIRTHDAY (11). �, • BENEFIT CODE KEY - EFFEC'I'IVE 03-03-07 � �i -5- NOTE CODES i 8. A. Tf� STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHALL BE ONE-HALF T1MES THE DNERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDTTION TO '• � Tf� HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, THE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEPTHS OF F1FTY �EET OR MORE: I � OVER 50' TO 100' -$1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET I I OVER 100' TO 175' -$2.25 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET OVER 175' TO 250' -$5.50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 175 FEET OVER 250' - DIVERS MAY NAME THE1R OWN PRICE, PROVIDED TT IS NO LESS THAN THE SCALE LISTED � I FOR 250 FEET ; I I C. THE STANDBY RATE OF PAY FOR DIVERS SHAI.L BE ONE-HALF TIMES 'I�IE DIVERS RATE OF PAY. IN ADDITION TO I� 'TI-� HOURLY WAGE AND FRINGE BENEFITS, TFIE FOLLOWING DEPTH PREMIUMS APPLY TO DEP'THS OF FIFTY FEET I OR MORE: OVER 50' TO 100' -$1.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 50 FEET I OVER 100' TO 150' -$1.50 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 100 FEET I OVER 150' TO 200' -$2.00 PER FOOT FOR EACH FOOT OVER 150 FEET OVER 200' - DIVERS MAY NAME THEIR OWN PRICE D. R'ORKERS WORKING WITH SUPPLIED AIR ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE AN ADDTiTONAL $1.00 PER HOUR. I L. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PRO7ECTS RECEIVE ADDTTIONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $0.75, LEVEL B: $0.50, AND LEVEL C: $0.25. I M. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDITIONAL HOURLY PREMNMS AS FOLLOWS: LEVELS A& B: $1.00, � LEVELS C & D: $0.50. N. WORKERS ON HAZMAT PROJECTS RECEIVE ADDTITONAL HOURLY PREMIUMS AS FOLLOWS - LEVEL A: $1.00, j LEVEL B: $0.75, LEVEL C: $0.50, AND LEVEL D: $0.25. • I 9. A. SHIF"T DIFFERENTTAL: SWII�iG FROM 4:30 PM TO 1 AM IS WAGE PLUS 173% GRAVEYARD FROM 12:30 AM TO 9:00 AM IS WAGE PLUS 31.4% B. SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL: SWING FROM 4:30 PM TO 12:30 AM IS WAGE PLUS 10°/a FOR 7'/� HOURS WORKED I GRAVEYARD FROM 12:30 AM TO 9:00 AM IS WAGE PLUS 15% 7 HOURS WORKED C. � ' I . I I I 1 i , � � ; � � � ��i��.E f . . � ��� ��� � � 3 `.s � �� . }G fi d K i '$ �d� L f : ' � ; ���� i : ������.� _�,� � APPENDIX C- SUPPLEMENTAL TO WAGE RATES ' ����� *�* �, ¢ s �'�,, �' � y� k,. �e�."s;� �yr . � _ �G��.�` � � �. ±�'" *�� � . , � � ��� "` �t �; . b' Y�a� '� F'� . . • �' x. �•'�t'�; z � $R - ��� 4"4c r :� � _ � . a 7 � � � . � � � ?�$, �*+ r 0.4 h� j� � . � t � � j � W �i4� i M1.�..'" b � . � f ; �`t �"k s ��.x i ��� � Yn' � � , . r��<2� w � y�"a...4 k .��'� � '���e t^! " .. � . { `�2 �.•� � � � ��� �: � � � -� fi' � �, ��� { � rv4x �{ ��� f � � � � � �k €t � b � � (' , `�:5 i P k �+ 4 ` � � � � �A � - � � p �� A ���' . . . rt y;.'�i�''�xv' ������ S,�, y�� S �. . , . F �- �� �� x � Y ' g�k��' y , 9 .. . �� ����� ��� � . , � �:, �,�s . r tr � ';..� �;; { , �� � ��� � f �� � � -:2 � �� � i � � ? �> r k S � � i ` + f � 4 e �` ���"� �'� G ��. . . � *,�;�P � S� ..ar y � . k , yr ) S . +� � y { } ,; `�"'' �"� �`;�,�� �` � �- � � �� �� ; �����t� � x `�yM 'e �i'��, �+ � r � � � . kA f�� ��} hu � . . ����� � `�� . . s �� y '� +} � . 4 � $� � � t ,� . �� �, � A" � . � � HW ,. . � t � � �� �� z�� ,�}! � a�^&+� - - a� � � ��+'#'� ,�` ""�`�'' � # ��� �r � er! F �; �� y � � � � . 3� .�Y ti '� F i fi 5::- I � � 7=. � '�*�.� � �� . �eb:�r�.�.:, . . . . �F�e�,.. :�.. . . � I I I � Washington State.Department of Labor and Industries Policy Statement (Regarding the Production of "Standard" or "Non-standard" Items) Below is the department's (State L&I's) list of criteria to be used in determining whether a prefabricated item is "standard" or "non-standard". For items not appearing on WSDOT's predetermined list, these criteria shall be used by the Contractor (and the Contractor's subcontractors, agents to subcontraciors, suppliers, manufacturers, and fabricaiors) to � determine coverage under RCW 39.12. The production, in the State of Washington, of non- � standard items is covered by RCW 39.12, and the production of standard items is not. The production of any item outside the State of Washington is not covered by RCW 39.12. 1. Is the item fabricated for a public works project? If not, it is not subject to RCW 39.12. If it is, go to question 2. � 2. Is the item fabricated on the public works jobsite? If it is, the work is covered under � RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 3. I 3. Is the item fabricated in an assembly/fabrication plant set up for, and dedicated I primarily to, the public works project? If it is, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If not, go to question 4. ' � 4. Does the item require any assembly, cutting, modification or other fabrication by the � supplier? If not, the work is not covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 5. � 5. Is the prefabricated �tem intended for the public works project typically an inventory item i which could reasonably be sold on the general market? If not, the work is covered by RCW 39.12. If yes, go to question 6. i j 6. Does the specific prefabricated item, generally defined as standard, have any unusual characteristics such as shape, type of material, strength requirements, finish, etc? If � yes, the work is covered under RCW 39.12. i ' Any firm with questions regarding the policy, WSDOT's Predetermined List, or for determinations of covered and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) � 902-5330. � � I � � �I I � Supplemental To Wage Rates ' Page 1 � i. i , I . WSDOT s Predetermined List for I Suppliers - Manufacturers - Fabricators Below is a list of potentially prefabricated items, originally furnished by WSDOT to Washingtor� State Department of Labor and Industries, that may be considered non-standard and therefor� • covered by the prevailing wage law, RCW 39.12. Items marked with an X in the "YES" column should be considered to be non-standard and therefore covered by RCW 39.12. Items marke� with an X in ihe "NO" column should be considered to be standard and therefore not covered. Of course, exceptions to this general list may occur, and in that case shall be evaluated according to the criteria described in State and L8�1's policy statement. � ITEM DESCRIPTION YES NO � ' I 1. Manhole Rin & Cover - manhole � g type1,2,3,and4. X For use with Catch Basin type 2. i The casting to meet AASHTO-M-105, class 30 gray I iron casting. See Std. Plan B-30.10, B-30.70, B-30.80, and E-S. I I 2. Frame & Grate - frame and Grate for Catch Basin type • X � 1, 1 L, 1 P, 2, and Concrete Inlets. Cast frame � may be grade 70-36 steel, class 30 gray cast iron or � grade 80-55-06 ductile iron. The cast grate may be grade 70-36 steel or grade 80-55-06 ductile iron. I See Std. Plan B-25.20, B-30.20, B-30.30, B-30.40, and B-30.50. � I 3. Grate Inlet & Drop Inlet Frame & Grate - Frame and X Grate for Grate Inlets Type 1 or 2 or Drop Inlets Type 1 � I or 2. Angle iron frame to be cast into top of inlet. See Std. Plan B-35.20, B-40.20, B-40.40, and B-50.20. ' 4. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced X concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes smaller than 60 inch diameter. i . i 5. Concrete Pipe - Plain Concrete pipe and reinforced X � concrete pipe Class 2 to 5 sizes larger than 60 inch diameter. i i I Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 2 j 1 i YES NO I � ' 6. Corrugated Steel Pipe - Steel lock seam corrugated X pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be I treated, 1 thru 5. i I � 7. Corrugated Aluminum Pipe - Aluminum lock seam X I corrugated pipe for culverts and storm sewers, sizes 30 inch to 120 inches in diameter. May also be ( treated, #5. F . � 8. Anchor Bolts & Nuts - Anchor Bolts and Nuts, for X � mounting sign structures, luminaries and other items, shall be made from commercial bolt stock. � See Contract Plans and Std. Plans for size and ; material type. I . � 9. Aluminum Pedestrian Handrail - Pedestrian handrail X conforming to the type and material specifications set , forth in the contract plans. Welding of aluminum ' shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). � ! i 10. Major Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of X major steel items such as trusses, beams, girders, etc., � for bridges. . ,' � 11. Minor Structural Steel Fabrication - Fabrication of X� ' minor steel items such as special hangers, brackets, access doors for structures, access ladders for irrigation boxes, bridge expansion joint systems, ! etc., involving welding, cuttmg, punching and/or . boring of holes. See Contact Pians for item description and shop drawings. i ' I � � 12. Aluminum Bridge Railing Type BP - Metal bridge railing X conforming to the type and material specifications set forth �' in the Contract Plans. Welding of aluminum shall be in accordance with Section 9-28.14(3). , i I Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 3 YES NO I I 13. Concrete Piling--Precast-Prestressed concrete piling for X use as 55 and 70 ton concrete piling. Concrete to conform to I Section 9-19.1 of Std. Spec.. Shop drawing's for approval shall be provided per Section 6-05.3(3) of the Std. Spec. See Std. Plans E-4 and E-4a I 14. Manhole Type 1, 2, 3 and 4- Precast Manholes with risers X and flat top slab and/or cones. See Std. Plans B-15.20, B-15.40, and B-15.60. � 15. Drywell - Drywell as specified in Section 9-12.7 . of the Std. Sec. See Std. Plan B-20.20, B-20.40, I and B-20.60. X � �� 16. Catch Basin - Catch Basin type 1, 1 L, 1 P, and 2, X including risers, frames maybe cast into riser. See , Std. Plans B-5.20, B-5.40, B-5.60, B-10.20, B-10.40, I and B-10.60. 17. Precast Concrete Inlet - Concrete Inlet with risers, X frames may be cast into risers. See Std. Plan B-25.60. I � 18. Drop Inlet Type 1- Drop Inlet Type 1 with support X I angles and grate. See Std. Plans B-45.20. + 19. Drop Inlet Type 2- Drop Inlet type 2 with support X I angles and grate. See Std. Plans B-45.40. I 20. Grate Inlet Type 2- Grate Inlet Type 2 with risers and X top unit with bearing angles. See Std. Plans B-35.40. i � 21. Precast Concrete Utility Vaults - Precast Concrete . X I utility vaults of various sizes. Used for in ground � storage of utility facilities and controls. See Contract , � Plans for size and construction requirements. Shop drawings I are to be provided for approval prior to casting. � I Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 4 1 YES NO I � , 22. Vault Risers - For use with Valve Vauits and Utilities X � Vaults. I � � j - 23. Valve Vault - For use with underground utilities. X � See Contract Plans for details. 24. Precast Concrete Barrier - Precast Concrete Barrier for X , use as new barrier or may also be used as Temporary Concrete i Barrier. Only new state approved barrier may be used as � permanent barrier. { � . i � 25. Reinforced Earth Wall Panels - Reinforced X � Earth Wall Panels in size and shape as shown in � the Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for � methods and materials to be used. See Shop Drawing. Fabrication at other locations may be approved, after facilities inspection, contact HQ. Lab. � . i � 26. Precast Concrete Walls - Precast Concrete Walls - X � tilt-up wall panel in size and shape as shown in Plans. Fabrication plant has annual approval for methods and ; materials to be used. � ; 27. Precast Railroad Crossings - Concrete Crossing Structure X� Slabs. � I 28. 12, 18 and 26 inch Standard Precast Prestressed X Girder - Standard Precast Prestressed Girder for use in � structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of methods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. i I I i Supplemental To Wage Rates i Page 5 • YES NO I 29. Prestressed Concrete Girder Series 4-14 - X I � Prestressed Concrete Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of inethods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. I 30. Prestressed Tri-Beam Girder - Prestressed Tri-Beam X ( Girders for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of inethods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. I_ 31. Prestressed Precast Hollow-Core Slab - Precast X � Prestressed Hollow-core slab for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of inethods and I materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for . approval prior to casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(25)c. I 32. Prestressed-Bulb Tee Girder - Bulb Tee Prestressed X � Girder for use in structures. Fabricator plant has annual approval of inethods and materials to be used. Shop Drawing to be provided for approval prior to ,. casting girders. See Std. Spec. Section 6-02.3(26)A. 33. Monument Case and Cover - To meet AASHTO-M-105 class X 30 gray iron casting. See Std. Plan H-7. 34. Cantilever Sign Structure - Cantilever Sign Structure X fabricated from steel tubing meeting AASHTO-M-183. See Std. i Plans G-3, G-3a, G-3b, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. I I 35. Mono-tube Sign Structures - Mono-tube Sign Bridge X fabricated to details shown in the Plans. Shop drawings for approval are required prior to fabrication. Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 6 I i i YES NO I I 36. Steei Sign Bridges - Steel Sign Bridges fabricated X '' from steei tubing meeting AASHTO-M-138 for Aluminum Alloys. See Std. Plans G-2, G2a, and Contract Plans for details. The steel structure shall be galvanized after , fabrication in accordance with AASHTO-M-111. ' i i ' � i 37. Steel Sign Post - Fabricated steel sign posts as detailed X ; in Std. Plan G-8a, G-8b, G-8c, G-8d, G-8e, G-8f, and G-8g. Shop drawings for approval are to be provided prior io fabrication. i �_ � 38. Light Standard-Prestressed - Spun, prestressed, hollow, X ; concrete poles. i . '� 39. Light Standards - Lighting Standards for use X ' on highway illumination systems, poles to be fabricated to conform with methods and materials as specified on Std. � ' Plan J-1 a. See Special Provisions for � pre-approved drawings. ' 40. Traffic Signal Standards - Traffic Signal Standards for X d or street si nal s stems. Standards use on hi hwa an / Y g Y ' to be fab g ated to conform with methods and material as ;' specified on Std. Plans J-7a and J-7c. See Special Provisions for pre-approved drawings. i � I 41. Traffic Curb, Type A or C Precast - Type A or C X ' Precast traffic curb, for use in construction ' of raised channelization, and other tra�c delineation uses such as parking lots, rest areas, etc. NOTE: Acceptance based on inspection of Fabrication Plant and an advance sample of curb section to be submitted for approval by Engineer. � , Supplemental To Wage Rates ; Page 7 YES NO I 42. Traffic Signs - Prior to approval of a Fabricator X X I • of Traffic Signs, the sources of the following customstd. material� must be submitted and approved . msg msg ' � for reflective sheeting, legend material, and aluminum sheeting. NOTE: *** Fabrication inspection required. Only signs tagged "Fabrication Approved" by WSDOT Sign I. . Fabrication Inspector to be installed. I 43. Cutting & bending reinforcing steel X � 44. Guardrail components X X custorn standard I � end sect. sect. I 45. Aggregates/Concrete mixes Covered by I WAC 296-127-018 . I 46. Asphalt Covered by WAC 296-127-018 - I 47. Fiber fabrics X 48. Electrical wiring/components X I 49. treated or untreated timber piles X � I 50. Girder pads (elastomeric bearing) X I Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 8 I i � � ' YES NO � � 51. Standard Dimension lumber X � i � � 52. Irrigation components X i � ; 53. Fencing materials X � I ! 54. Guide Posts . X � � 55. Raised Pavement Markers X ; � ;' . 56. Epoxy X ' � 57. Cribbing X ' 58. Water distribution materials X i '� 59. Steel "H" piles X , ' 60. Steel pipe for concrete pile casings X 61. Steel pile tips, standard X 62. Steel pile tips, custom X � i . I � Su lemental To Wage Rates pp ' Page 9 . i. W SHING O ST TE P V I I A T N A RE AIL NG WAGE RATES - EFFECTIVE 03/03/06 METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) I Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code I' Counties Covered: Adams, Asotin, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield I Kittitas, Lincoln, Okanogan Pend Oreille; Stevens, Walla Walla and Whitman � Fitter ' 12.76 1 Welder 12.76 1 � Machine Operator • 12.66 1 Painter 10.20 1 Laborer 8.13 1 Counties Covered: Benton I Welder 16.70 1 Machine Operator 1�.53 1 I Painter 9.76 1 Counties Covered: I Chelan Fitter 15.04 1 Welder 12.24 1 I Machine Operator 9.71 1 Painter 9.93 1 • Laborer 9.10 1 I Counties Covered: Clallam, Grays Harbor, Island, JefFerson, I Lewis, Mason, Pacific, San Juan and Skagit Fitter 15.16 1 Welder 15.16 1 I . Machine Operator 10.66 1 Painter 11.41 1 Laborer 11.13 1 I I � f Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 10 I i i i � METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) 031o3/os I � Over PREVAILING �Time Holiday Note � Classification WAGE Code Code Code � Counties Covered: Clark I t � Layerout 27.16 1 J 6B � Fitter 26.75 1J 6B Welder 26.14 1J 6B, � Painter 23.24 1J 6B Machine Operator 20.32 1 J 6B Laborer , 19.70 1 J, 66 1 . ; Counties Covered: Snohomish I Fitter 15.38 1 � Welder 15.38 1 Machine Operator 8.84 1 ; Painter 9.98 1 � Laborer 9 � ; Counties Covered: ' Spokane � I Fitter - � 12.59 1 i Welder 10.80 1 � Machine Operator 13.26 1 Painter 10.27 1 �. Laborer 7.98 1 Counties Covered: , � Thurston i I � Layerout 25.98 1 R 6T Fitter 23.90 1 R 6T : Weider 21.83 1R 6T Machine Operator 18.72 1 R 6.T Laborer 15.61 1 R 6T I � Counties Covered: � Whatcom FitterlWelder 13.81 1 Machine Operator 13.81 1 Laborer 9.00 1 . I I Supplemental To Wage Rates . Page 11 I I . I METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) o3io3/os � Over � PREVAILING Time Holiday Note � Classification WAGE Code Code Code Counties Covered: I Yakima Fitter 12.00 1 I Welder 11.32 1 Machine Operator 11.32 1 Painter 12.00 1 I Laborer 10.31 1 Counties Covered: I Cowlitz Fitter 23.65 1 B 6V Welder 23.65 1 B 6V � Machine Operator 23.65 1 B 6V Counties Covered: I Grant Fitter 10.79 1 I Welder 10.79 1 Painter 7.63 1 Counties Covered: King Fitter 15.86 1 I Welder 15.48 1 Machine Operator 13.04 1 Painter 11.10 1 I Laborer 9.78 1 . Counties Covered: Kitsap I Fitter 26.96 1 Welder 13.83 1 I Machine Operator 13.83 1 Laborer 7.63 1 . ' I 1 � � I Supplemental To Wage Rates I Page 12 1 I i t METAL FABRICATION (IN SHOP) 03/03/06 � Over PREVAILING Time Holiday Note I � Classification WAGE Code Code Code � � Counties Covered: Klickitat, Skamania and Wahkiakum I ! Fitter/Welder 16.99 1 � Machine Operator 17.21 1 I Painter 17.03 1 r Laborer 10.44 1 Counfies Covered: � Pierce I Fitter 15.25 1 � Welder 13.98 1 ! Machine Operator 13.98 1 Laborer ' 9 � I i. I � I � � i I I i � � i � Supplemental To Wage Rates ; Page 13 i i . . i � WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES - EFFECTIVE 03/03l06 FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS � Over I PREVAILING Time Holiday Note Classification � WAGE Code Code Code Counties Covered: I Adams, Asotin, Benton, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Garfield, Grant, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Stevens, Walla Walla, and Whitman All Classifications 9.96 1 I Counties Covered: Franklin All Classifications 11.50 1 � Counties Covered: � King � All Ciassificafions 12.30 2K 5B I Counties Covered: I Pierce Ail Ciassifications 9.28 1 I Counties Covered: Chelan, Kittitas, Klickitat and Skamania � I All Classifications 8.61 1 Counties Covered: I Clallam, Clark,-Cowlitz, Grays Harbor, Island, JefFerson, Kitsap, Lewis, Mason, Pacific, San Juan, Skagit, Snohomish, Thurston, I Wahkiakum All Classifications 13.50 1 I � � � � � � Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 14 � i � 1 i WASHINGTON STATE PREVAILING WAGE RATES - EFFECTIVE 03/03/06 I FABRICATED PRECAST CONCRETE PRODUCTS � I Over PREVAILING Time Hofiday Note Classification WAGE Code Code Code I Counties Covered: � Spokane i All Classifications 20.23 1 � i Counties Covered: � Yakima . ; Craftsman 8.65 1 • � Laborer 7.63 1 ( , . Counties Covered: � W hatcom i ' All Classifications 13.67 1 � • • , I ; i � I ; Suppiemental To Wage Rates I Page 15 i . i � Washington State Department of Labor and Industries � Policy Statements (Regarding Production and Delivery of Gravel, Concrete, Asphalt, etc.) I The following two letters from the State Department of Labor and Industries (State L&I) I dated August 18, 1992 and June 18 1999, clarify the intent and establish policy for administrating the provisions of WAC 296-127-018 COVERAGE AND EXEMPTIONS OF WORKERS INVOLVED IN THE PRODUCTION AND DELIVERY OF GRAVEL, CONCRETE, I ASPHALT, OR SIMILAR MATERIALS. Any firm with questions regarding the palicy, these letters, or for determinations of covered � and non-covered workers shall be directed to State L&I at (360) 902-5330. Effective September 1, 1993, minimum prevailing wages for all work covered by WAC 296- I 127-018 for tlie production and/or delivery of materials to a public works contract will be found under the regular classification of work for Teamsters, Power Equipment Operators, etc. f i I i � � I i � I . ( I I I ., ,' I ; Supplemental To Wage Rates Page 16 � 1 ( I ESAC DIVISION - TELEPHONE (206) 586-6887 � - PO BOX 4454Q, OLYMPIA, WASHINGTON 98504-4540 � i August 18, 1992 � TO: All Interested Parties � FROM: Jim P. Christensen Acting Industrial Statistician SUBJECT: Materials Suppliers - WAC 296-127-018 I � This memo is intended to provide greater clarity regarding the application of WAC 296-127- 018 to awarding agencies, contractors, subcontractors, material suppliers and .other , interested parties. The information contained herein should not be construed to cover all � possible scenarios which might require the payment of prevailing wage. The absence of a � particular activity under the heading "PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR" does not mean that the activiiy is not covered. ` Separate Material Supplier Equipment Operator rates have been eliminated. For those ' cases where a production facility is set up for the specific purpose of supplying materials to a public works construction site, prevailing wage rates for operators of equipment such as ; crushers and batch plants can be found under Power Equipment Operators. � PREVAILING WAGES ARE REQUIRED FOR: � 1. Hauling materials away from a public works project site, including excavated materials, demolished materials, etc. �. � 2. Delivery of materials to a public works project site using a method that involves incorporation of the defivered materials into the project sife, such as spreading, leveling, rolling, etc. 3. The production of materials at a facility that is established for the specific, but not ; necessarily exclusive, purpose of supplying materials for a public works project. 4. Delive of the materials mentioned in #3 above, re ardless of the method of delivery. , rY 9 PREVAILING WAGES ARE NOT REQUIRED FOR: 1. The production of materials by employees of an established materials supplier, in a { permanent facility, as well as the delivery of these materials, as long as delivery does not include incorporation of the materials into the job site. � 2. Delivery of materials by a common or contract carrier, as long as delivery does not ; include incorporation of the materials into the job site. � 3. Production of materials for unspecified future use. � . i • � , � Supplemental To Wage Rates � Page 17 . i� � .�� ° � . � � 7� T � I ��'< iee9 � °y � I I l STATE OF WASHINGTON � DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRIES ' June 18, 1999 I � TO: Kerry S. Radcliff, Editor I Washington State Register FROM: Gary Moore, Director L Department of Labor and Industties SUBJECT Notice re WAC 296-127-018, Coverage and exemptions of workers I involved in the production and delivery of gravel, concrete, asphalt, or similar materials i The department wishes to publish the following Notice in the next edition of the � Washington State Regisfer: I NOTICE ( Under the current material supplier regulations, WAC 296-127-018, the i department takes the position that prevailing wages do not apply to the delivery of wet concrete to public works sites, unless the drivers do something more than just deliver the concrete. Drivers delivering ; . concrete into a crane and bucket, hopper of a pump truck, or forms or � footings, are not entitled to prevailing wages unless they operate machinery or use tools that screed, float, or put a finish on the concrete. � This position applies only to the delivery of wet concrete. It does not I extend to the delivery of asphalt, sand, gravel, crushed rock, or ofher � � similar materials covered under WAC 296-127-018. The department's position applies only to this regulation. If you need additional information regarding this matter, please contact � Greg Mowat, Program Manager, Employment Standards, at � P.O. Box 44510, Olympia, WA 98504-4510, or call (360) 902-5310. � Please publish the above Notice in WSR 99-13. If you have questions or need � additional information, please call Selwyn Walters at 902-4206. Thank you. Cc: Selwyn Walters, Rules Coordinator , Patrick Woods, Assistant Director Greg Mowat, Program Manager � . �: � i Supplemental to Wage Rates 18 � I y x.� . t t •" ���`�M� '��'� �'.: ,��. : . � � ` � � � F }a . �7�''` `��n w � � . . . ' �_`� � ! a y ����� . >� � < � � � �: _ � x.r � ' �'���' �F .<i 't � �':�' ~ x ,^< � _ . .���� � APPENDIX D - SPECIAL PROVISIONS . , ���� , � . �. K�� ,;.. DIVISIONS 5, 8 AND 9 V ���. _ L � • � ,�d ,' R . 5 , w o�fi �; .. �� o ���: . . . - "¢9 � .y�.� �. . . . � j;:ry �'� �, � . �, �' � �£ 4 l� . _ � �j� r ti ' , ` r . :, � F ; d S �i r = � ' +,t'�p r . . � � � e � � S¢ 4l+' ti �Ey.�� S'�'�'d C . ���� ��� , . w'��3���'� �� � '' � . s i �'�°`" °� �" . ���� '.. � r w � ��, , . _ �� " �* � i F . � � �'��' *' ' i `' � . '��i�c��'' �, . �.S �'� � � a �'a �. � ���' ' ����� �� a ,„��,� � � x�zt� � � � �, - . Y ���'���'� ' k . Y_ y � i� i � Y^ �� z�-:'�.�' ds s: x�ac . . . FS .' "�"�7., „ - .. � J� � � ���il� x �� . �`. � "� n R5 3 . . � r h r� x c ' i`" , r � "���'u �,� z , � �^�;�i �#' �� + x fi � ` `� " a y y- �� � -, � �� � � �� � � ¢ t � � .�.�nv y 4ak� w4; '7` '�` ¢°r ��'� t.�-. " � , � � ;�" �� d 2� p, '.¢�'& �� , . F( F : �� 3i S Ff l � � �� $�` ���,,, . . � . � �<. � z� r ��ttZ t Y �`���� .��� �}x . b � � $"�,� .�.�t ' . �`'k�,. '`��.� � . , ��.� ����;�i x x r -.� k' :� , - � .. �aY ,�r +�'r c .. � ,� ; � t���. 5� rt �.' . � �s��`�t�, . . c � `���� � ' �� �,� s �.� . �t�. .;.��" �k a3:' , i :.'� ��,�P` 4 t . . � . � ' Q x � ."' �cr '. � 4 ^•� � ti 2��C �,. . �.`� - �' �' 's + . i :y3� � - - v'x:.. :2' . k � � ' � 3sX{e �� �4i�`";y'g `* � ��� r . �a �� fi� � � °��- �:.� a y }�t �i. � F �� w i' .,� § ' i: ' . . i x+`` "`t��, , � .: � F r`� ;�� �,.�t,.. . . . 4 ``., :� ,. - �+�.... x>:. .�,g ; � ,�`� �ea�� : � kx�. k� _ t � . �n' �� je ♦ � ' City of Spokane Vailey — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP I � . i 1� DIVISION 5 ' 2 SURFACE TREATMENTS AND PAVEMENTS ' 3 � � 4 HOT MIX ASPHALT � � 5 � 6 Materials 7 , 8 Section 5-04.2 is supplemented with the following: . 9 10 The Contractor shall use PG 70-28 asphalt cement meeting the requirements of AASHTO I 11 MP1 in the production of hot mix asphalt (HMA) class 1/2' and 1" PG 70-28. i 12 ' 13 ' All materials for the manufacture of HMA will be fumishecl in whole by the Contractor. 14 . � � � 1 15 Joints � 16 Section 5-04.3(12) is supplemented with the following: 17 � 18 (January 5, 2004) ; 19 The HMA overlay shall be feathered to produce a smooth riding connection to the 20 existing pavement. ; 21 22 HMA utilized in the construction of the feathered connections shall be modified by 23 eliminating the coarse aggregate from the mix at the Contractor's plant or the , 24 commercial source or by raking the joint on the roadway, to the satisfaction of the � 25 Engineer. � 26 27 Surface Smoothness i. 2g � 29 (March 13, 1995) 30 Section 5-04.3(13) is supplemented with the following: �, 31 , 32 The completed surface of the emulsified asphalt pavement shall not vary more than 33 1/4 inch from the lower edge of a 10-foot straight edge placed on the surface parallel to 34 the center line. � 35 36 Measurement i 37 Section 5-04.4 is supplemented with the following: � 38 � . � 39 Payment for the installation of crushed rock and HMA will be made at the unit contract price � 40 based on the actual quantities measured in the field. 41 . 42 CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMENT 43 44 Construction Requirements 45 46 Concrete Mix Design for Paving 47 When combined aggregate concrete gradation is used, item 3 in Section 5-05.3(1) is � 48 revised to read as follows: 49 ; , SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 5 5 -1 I . . � City of Spokane Valiey — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP I 1 (Aprii 3, 2006) � 2 3. Mix Design Modifications. The Contractor may initiate minor adjustments to the 3 approved mix proportions. The combined aggregate gradation may be adjusted � I 4 provided it remains with the specifications limits detailed above. The mix design 5 will not be required to be resubmitted as long as the water cementitious ratio does 6 not change. I 7 8 Utilizing admixtures to accelerate the set or to increase workability will be � 9 permitted only when approved by the Engineer. Only non-chloride accelerating � 10 admixtures that meet the requirements of Section 9-23.6 Admixture for Concrete, 11 shall be used. � . �2 I 13 The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing of any proposed modification. A 14 new mix design will designate a new lot. 15 I � ` I I i � � . � � . . � � j � � SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 5 5- 2 � i City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP � I 1 2 DIVISION 8 i 3 EROSION CONTROL AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL � 4 i 5 GENERAL . � 6 i 7 . ; 8 ROADSIDE RESTORATION � g � 10 Materials 11 Section 8-02.2 is supplemented with the following: I 12 � ' 13 Topsoil Type A 9-14.1(1) (of these Speciaf Provisions) , 14 � 15 Construction Requirements 16 Section 8-02.3 is supplemented with the following: 17 �' 18 Seeded lawn or sod shall be installed in all areas with established lawns and that are ' 19 disturbed by roadway or storm drain construction, are shown on the plans or as directed by 20 the Engineer. ; 21 I 22 Erosion Control Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching 23 Section� 8-02.3(15) is supplemented with the following: � 24 ' 25 Preparation for Final Application 26 Section 8-02.3(15)A is supplemented with the following: � 27 j 28 Topsoil 29 Topsoil Type A shall be placed to a depth of four (4) inches in all areas required by the 30 Engineer before application of Seeding, Ferti(izing and Mulching. 31 � ' 32 Seeding and Fertilizing 33 Section 8-02.2(15)B is supplemented with the following: �, 34 ! 35 Seed � 36 � 37 As directed by the Engineer the following areas shall be seed with the specified mix. ' 38 39 1. All new cut and fill slopes not designated for Seeded Lawn Installation or Sod � 40 Installation. 41 2. Areas disturbed by construction activities and equipment. 42 3. The infiltrative swale and associated cut and fill banks. � 43 . - !, 44 Grass seed, of the following composition, proportion, and quality shall be app(ied at the � 45 rate of SIXTY pounds per acre on all areas requiring roadside seeding within the , 46 project. � 47 �' 48 � � 49 � , SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 8 8- � Ci of S okane Valle — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP ( � tY P Y � I ed in Mixture % b Minimum % Minimum % I Kmd 8, Variety of Se y Wei ht Pure Seed Germination "Blue Bunch° Wheat rass 35 33.5 80 � "Durar Hard" fescue 30 28.75 85 � "Sherman bi biue rass 35 31.75 75 Weed Seed 0.25 (max I Inert and Other Cro 5.75 (max 100.0 1 � 2 Mulching � 3 Section 8-02.3(15)D is supplemented with the following: 4 5 Wood cellulose fiber mulch shall be fumished hauled. and evenly applied at a rate of ( 6 2500 pounds per acre. � 7 Temporary mulch shall be hay or straw and applied at the rate of 2000 pounds per 8 acre. � g I 10 Soil Binder or Tacking Agent 11 Section 8-02.3(15)E is revised to read: t 12 � 13 A mulch tackifier shall be used to die down all mulch. The tackifier shall be Type nA� 14 and applied at the rates as specified in Section 9-14.4(7), whichever is greater. The � 15 tackifier shall be sprayed on the mulch after it is in place on the slopes or it shall be 16 introduced into the mulch slurry and hydrate with water and readily blend with other 17 slurry materials. No other method of application will be permitted. All costs for tackifier 18 used in this contract shall be included in the unit contract price per acre for °Seeding, I 19 Fertilizing and Mulching°, and no separate payment shall be made. 20 21 Dates for Application of Final Seed, Fertilizer and Mulch I 22 Section 8-02.3(15)F is supplemented with the following: 23 � 24 All roadway excavation and embankment slopes which are completed, partially { 25 completed or on which work has been suspended, shall be prepared and seeding, � 26 fertilizing and mulching perFormed according to the following schedule. Seeding • 27 fertilizing, and mulching within fourteen (14) calendar days, August 15 to November 15. I 28 Temporary Mulching within fourteen (14) calendar days, May 1 to August 15, 29 Temporary Mulching within seven (7) calendar days November 15 to April 30. 30 I 31 The Contractor shall restore eroded or bare mulched areas as directed by the 32 Engineer. Restoration of mulched areas shall be performed at no additional cost to the 33 Contracting Agency. 34 I I � � I SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 8 $' 2 I � _ City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP 1 I 1 Measurement , 2 The first paragraph in Section 8-02.4 is revised to read: i 3 . 4 No separete payment will be made for the placement of topsoil. All costs associated with i 5 this item of work shall be included within "Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching". 6 � . � � 8 Payment 9 Section 8-02.5 is supplemented with the following: ; 10 � 11 Payment for fertilizer and soil binder or tacking agent will be included in the unit contract I 12 price per "Seeding, Fertilizing and Mulching". � j 13 . 14 Water will be included 'in other contract items, and no payment will be made. 15 , . . � . � 16 Sod, shrubs, and/or vegetation unnecessarily damaged by the Contractor's operation, in ' 17 the opinion of the Engineer, shall be replaced by the Contractor at no additional cost to the I 18 Contract. i 19 . i� ; , . i i I I I I � SPECIFICATIONS DNISION 8 8- 3 i i � City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP � I 1 2 DIVISION 9 . � 3 MATERIALS . 4 � 5 AGGREGATES I � 6 . 7 (January 5, 2004) . � 8 HMA Test Requirements 9 Section 9-03.8(2) is supplemented with the following: 10 11 ESAL's i 12 The number of ESAL's for the design and acceptance of the HMA shall be 4 million. 13 � 14 EROSION CONTROL AND ROADSIDE PLANTING � 15 � 16 Topsoil Type A 17 Section 9-14.1(1) is supplemented with the following: � 18 � 19 Topsoil Type A shall meet the following requirements: 20 � 21 Topsoil shall be friable surface soil from the horizon as determined by the United ; 22 States Agriculture Soil Conservation Service Soil Survey. Topsoil shall be free from 23 materials toxic to plant growth, noxious weed seeds, rhizomes, roots, subsoil, stones ; 24 and other debris. � I 25 � 26 One hundred (100) percent of topsoil .shall pass through a one-inch sieve. Topsoil 27 shall consist of a sandy loam, loam, or silt loam soil. � 2g 29 STANDARD PLANS � 30 January 3, 2006 . . ' . 31 The State of Washington Standard Plans for Road, Bridge and Municipal Construction M21-01 32 transmitted under Publications Transmittal No. PT 06-001, effective January 3, 2006 is made a , 33 part of this contract. . � 34 35 The Standard Plans are revised as follows: �36 � ' 37 All Standard Plans 38 All references in the Standard Plans to "Asphalt Concrete Pavement" shall be revised to 39 read "Hot Mix Asphalt". j 40 � 41 All references in the Standard Plans to the abbreviation "ACP" shall be revised to read 42 "HMA". � 43 44 C-1 Sheet 2 45 The SNOW LOAD RAIL WASHER dimensions are revised to 1 3/4" from 2", and to 7/8" � 46 from 1 ". � 47 48 C-11 b Sheets 1 and 2 I SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 9 9 -1 City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Re air Services RFP I P 1 In the PRECAST FOOTING, ELEVATION view (Sheet 1) and in the CAST IN-PCACE � 2 FOOTING, ELEVATION view (Sheet 2), COMMERCIAL CONCRETE is revised to 3 CONCRETE CLASS 4000. I 4 5 In the BREAKAWAY ANCHOR ANGLE, ELEVATION view (Sheet 2}, the welding symbols 6 are revised to indicate that the 1/4" Inside Gussets have 1/4" fillet weld joints,� and the 1/2" j 7 End Gussets have 1/2" fillet weld joints. � 8 9 C-14h � • I 10 In the TABLE, in column "B": 3'- 0", 3'- 2%4", and 3'- 4'/° are revised to 2'- 0", 2'- 2'/", and 11 2'- 4 %" respectively. 12 In the TABLE, in column �CA: 2'- 4", 2'- 6%4", and 2'- 8'/" are revised to 3'- 4", 3'- 6%", and � 13 �3'- 8 %° respectively. I 14 15 G-8c� Sheet 1 16 In the ELEVATION views, in the labels LOWER SIGN FOST SUPPORT: the parenthetical I 17 specification °12 GAGEA is revised to "7 GAGE". 18 19 K-1 throuqh K 27 . + 20 These plans shall not be used on projects administered by WSDOT. � 21 � 22 The following are the Standard Plan numbers applicable at the time this project was advertised. f 23 The date shown with each plan number is the publication approval date shown in the lower � � 24 right-hand corner of that plan. Standard Plans showing different dates shall not be used in this 25 contract. . I 26 27 A-1 .....................5/13/02 A-4....................3/07/97 A-7...............10/04/05 28 A-2 .....................5/09/02 A-5....................2/24/03 f 29 A-3 .....................5/30/02 A-6....................2/24/03 I 30 � 31 B-1 ....................11 /08/05 B-4h .................. 5/09/97 B-21 a............. 7/13/05 � 32 B-1 a ..................11 /08/05 B-7 .................. 11/23/04 B-22 ............... 7/21 /03 I 33 B-1 b ..................11 /08/05 B-7a .................. 2/09/05 B-22a ............. 8/01 /97 34 B-1 e ................... 5/20/04 B-8 .................... 6/23/04 B-23a ............. 2/25/05 35 B-1 z ................... 6/23/04 B-8a .................. 6/23/04 B-23b ............. 2/25/05 I 36 B-2 ..................... 2/25/05 B-9.................. 11/23/04 B-23c ............. 5/20/04 � 37 B-2a ................... 2/25/05 B-9a ....:........... 11 /23/04 B-23d ............. 5/09/97 38 B-2b ................... 6/17/02 B-9b ................ 11 /23/04 B-25 ............... 6/30/04 ( 39 B-2c ................... 6/17/02 B-9c ................ 11 /23/04 B-25a ............11 /08/05 � 40 B-2d ................... 6/17/02 B-9d ................ 11 /23/04 B-26 ..............11 /08/05 41 B-2e ................... 2/25/04 B-11 .................. 2J25/05 B-27 ..............11 /08/05 I 42 B-3 .....................1/28/02 B-13..................2/25/05 B-27a............11/08/05 . 43 B-3a ................... 5/09/97 B-18 .................. 2/25/05 B-27b ............11 /08/05 � 44 . B-4b ................... 2/09/05 B-18a ................ 7/13/05 B-28 ..............11 /08/05 � 45 B-4c ................... 2/09/05 B-18b ................ 7/13/05 B-29 ..............11 /08/05 � I 46 B-4d ................... 9/16/02 B-19 .................. 5/30/97 B-30 ..............11 /08/05 47 B-4f ....................5/09/97 B-20d................6/30/04 B-34:..............3/03/05 , � 48 B-4g ................... 7/18/97 B-21.................. 7/13/05 � � 49 � ' 50 C-1 ................... 10/31 /03 C-2t................... 3l03/05 C-8d ..............11 /08/05 I SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 9 9- 2 � �. . I I � City of Spokane Vailey — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP 1 C-1 a ....... ............ 7/31 /98 C-3 ..................10/04/05 C-8e ..............11 /08/05 2 C-1b .................10/31/03 C-3a................10/04/05 G8f................6/30/04 I 3 C-1c ...................5/30/97 C-3b................10/04/05 C-10...............7/31/98 .4 C-1d .................10/31/03 C-3c................10/04/05 C-11...............5/20/04 5 C-2 ...........:.........1/06/00 C-3d..................3/03/05 C-11a.............5/20/04 6 C-2a ................... 7/17/98 C-4....:............... 7/13/01 C-11 b............. 5/20/04 7 C-2b ...................6/12/98 C-4a.......,..........2/25/05 C-12...............7/27/01 8 G2c ...................2/20/03 C-4b..................6/23/00 C-13...............4/16/99 9 G2d ...................5/22/98 C-4e..................2/20/03 C-13a.............4/16/99 10 G2e ...................3/07/97 C-4f...................6/30/04 C-13b............:4/16/99 � 11 C-2f .................... 3/14/97 G5..................10/31 /03 C-14a ............. 7/26/02 12 G2g ...................7/27/01 � C-6....................5/30/97 C-14b.............7/26/02 13 G2h ........:..........3/28/97 C-6a..................3/14/97 C-14c.............7/26/02 14 C-2i .................... 3/28/97 C-6c ..................1 /06/00 C-14d ............. 7/26/02 15 . C-2j .................... 6/12/98 C-6d.................. 5/30/97 C-14e ............. 7/26/02 � 16 C-2k ...................7/27/01 C-6f...................7/25/97 C-14f..............9/02/05 17 C-2n ...................7/27/01 C-7..................10/31/03 C-14g.............9/OZ/05 , 18 C-2o ...................7/13/01 C-7a................10/31/03 C-14h...........12/02J03 � 19 C-2p .................10/31/03 C-8....................4/27/04 C-14i............12/02/03 ' 20 C-2q ................... 3/03/05 C-8a.................. 7/25/97 C-14j ............12/02/03 � 21 C-2r ....................3103/05 C-8b..................7/17/98 C-16a............11/08/05 � 22 G2s ................... 3/03/05 C-Sc ................ 11 /08/05 C-16b ............11 /08/05 � 23 . � 24 D-1a ...................1/23/02 D-2.30-00........11/10/05 D-2.80-00......11/10/05 25 D-1 b ................. 10/06/99 D-2.32-00........ 11 /10/05 D-2.82-00 ......11 /10/05 26 D-1c .................10/06/99 D-2.34-00........11/10/05 D-2.84-00......11/10/05 � 27 D-1d .................10/06/99 D-2.36-00........11/10/05 D-2.86-00......11/10/05 ; 28 D-1 e ................... 1/23/02 D-2.38-00........ 11 /10/05 D-2.88-00 ......11 /10/05 ; 29 D-1f ..................10/06/99 D-2.40-00........11/10/05 D-2.92-00......11l10/05 30 D-2.02-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.42-00........ 11 /10/05 D-3 ................. 7/13/05 � 31 D-2.04-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.44-00........ 11 /10/05 D-3a ............... 6/30/04 � 32 D-2.06-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.46-00........ 11 /10/05 D-3b ............... 6/30/04 � 33 D-2.08-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.48-00........ 11 /10/05 D-3c ............... 6/30/04 , 34 D-2.10-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.60-00........ 11 /10/05 D-4 ................12/11 /98 i 35 D-2.12-00..........11/10/05 D-2.62-00........11110/05 D-6 .................6/19/98 � � 36 D-2.14-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.64-00.:...... 11 /10/05 D-7 ............... 10/06/99 37 D-2.16-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.66=00........ 11 /10/05 D-7a ............. 10/06/99 38 D-2.18-00..........11 /10/05 D-2.68-00........ 11 /10/05 D-9 ................12/11 /98 � � 39 D-2.20-00..........11/10/05 D-2.78-00........11/10/05 40 � i 41 E-1 .....................7/25/97 E-4....................8/27/03 E-5.................5/29/98 � 42 E-2 ..................... 5/29/98 E-4a .................. 8/27/03 43 � 44 F-1 ................... 12/17/02 F-2c ...----........... 6/23/04 F-3c..............:. 2109/05 �i 45 F-1 a ................. 12/17/02 F-2d .................. 6/23/04 F-3d ............... 2/09I05 � 46 F-2 ..................... 8/27/99 F-3....................1/13/03 F-3e ............... 2/09/05 , 47 F-2a ................... 6/23/04 F-3a .................. 2/09/05 F-4 ................. 1/13/03 ' 48 F-2b ................... 2/09/05 F-3b .................. 9/02/05 � 49 . I 50 G-1 ....................9/1?J01 G-6....................8/27/03 G-8e...............8118/04 �� � I . � SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 9 9- 3 I City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP I � 1 G-2 6/04/02 G-6a ..................8/27/03 G-8f...............11/09/05 I .................... 2 � G-2a ...................6/Q4/02 G-6b..................8/27/03 G-8g..............11/09/05 � 3 G-3 ...................11/09/05 G-7....................7/18/97 G-9a...............6/25/02 I 4 G-3a ..................11/09/05 G-8a................12/15/04 G-9b...............2/09/05 5 G-3b ..................11/09/05 G8b................11/09/05 G-9c.......:......11/23104 . 6 G-4a ..................11/09/05 G-8c..................8/18/04 G-9d...............2/09/05 I 7 G-4b ...................6/30/04 G-8d................12/15/04 8 ' � 9 H-1 .....................1/10/02 H-4....:....---.--......8/18/04 H-10...........:...5/29/98 10 H-1a .................:.4/14/00 H-4a..................2/25/05 H-12...............2/25/05 . I 11 H-1b ...................3/04/05 H-4b................:.2/25/05 H-12a.............2/25/05 12 H-1c ...........:.......3/04/05 H-6..................10/29/03 H-126............:'2/25/05 • � 13 H-1d ...................1/10/02 H-7....................8/10/98 H-13...............2/25/05 j 14 H-1e .................:.4/14/00 H-8....................9/'18/98 H-13a.............2/25/05 15 H-2 .....................3/04/05 H-9....................4/18/97 H-14...............2/09/05 16 ` . � 17 I-1 ...................... 7/18/97 I-6 ..................... 7/17/03 I-11..................9/11 /03 . 4/23/99 I-7 7/17/03 I-12 ................. 7/17103 8 I-2 ..................... ..................... 19 I-3 ...................... 8/20/99 I-8 .................:... 7/17/03 I-�13................. 7/17/03 + 20 I-4 7/17/03 I-9 7/17/03 I-14 ................. 7117/03 � ...................... ..................... 21 I-5 ...................... 7/17/03 I-10 ---.............:.. 7/17/03 I-15................. 7/13/05 22 . I 23 J-1 b .................. 10/08/99 J-6g.................12/12/02 J-11 a.............. 9/02/05 24 J-1 c .................... .4/24/98 J-6h................... 4/24/98 J-11 b.:............ 9/02/05 � 25 J-1 e .................... 8/01 /97 J-7a.................. 9/12/01 J-11 c.............. 9/02/05 26 J-1f .................... 6/23/00 J-7c.................. 6/19/98 J-12...............11/08/05 I 27 J-3 .....................8/01/97 J-7d...................4/24/98 J-15a............10/04/05 28 J-3b ....................3/04/05 J-8a...................5/20/04 J-15b............10/04/05 I 29 J-3c ....................6/24/02 J-8b...................5/20/04 J-16a..............3/04/05 � � 30 J-3d ...................11/05/03 J-8c...................5/20J04 J-16b..............9/02/05 31 J-5 .....................8/01/97 J-8d...................5/20/04 J-18................9/02/05 I 32 J-6c ....................4/24/98 J-9a..................:4/24198 J-19................9/02/05 33 J-6f 4/24/98 J-10 ...............:...7/18/97 J-20................9/02/05 ' .................... 34 � 35 K-1 ...................12/20/02 K-10................12/20/02 K-19.............12/20/02 36 K-2 ...................12/20/02 K-11................12/20/02 K-20.............12/20/02 I 37 K-3 ...................12/20/02 K-12................12/20/02 K-21...:.........12/20/02 38 K=4 .................•.12/20/02 K-13..........,.....12/20/02 K-22.............12/20/02 39 K-5 ...................12/20/02 K-14................12/20/02 K-23.............12/20/02 l 40 K-6 ...................12/20l02 K-15`:...............12/20/02 K-24.............12/20/02 41 K-7 ...................12/20/02 K-16:::.............12/20/02 K-25.............12/20/02 � 42 K-8 ...................12/20/02 K-17................12/20/02 K-26...........:.12/20/02 � 43 K-9 ...................12/20/02 K-18.......:........12/20/02 K-27....:........12/20/02 44 . 45 L-1 .....................7/18/97 L-3....................7/18/97 L-5a;...............7/31/98 I 46 L-2 7/18/97 L-5 ..7/31/98 L-6 ..................7/25/97 ' ..................... .................. 47 .2/25/05 M-3.30-00.......1 48 M-1.2Q-00......... 2/15/04 M-20.10-00...:.3/04/05 � 49 M-1.40-00..........2/25/05 M-3.40-00.......12/15/04 M-20.20-00.....3/04/05 50 M-1.60-00..........2/25/05 M-3.50-00.......12/15/04 M-20.30-00.....3/04/05 I � SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 9 9- 4 City of Spokane Valley — Street and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services RFP � 1 M-1.80-00..........2/25/05 M-5.10-00.......12/15/04 M-20.40-00.....3/04/05 2 M-2.2Q-00..........2J25/05 M-7.50-00.........3/04/05 M-20.50-00.....3/04/05 3 M-2.40-00..........2/25/05 M-9.50-00.........3/Q4/05 M-24.20-00.....3/04/05 � ' 4 M-2.60-00..........2J25/05 M-11.10-00........3/04/05 M-24.40-00.....3/04/05 5 M-3.10-00........12/15/04 M-15.10-Q0.......2125/05 M-24.60-00.....3/04/05 � 6 M-3.20-00........12/15/04 M-17.10-00:......3/04/05 7 i � i � I . . I � � i ; ; ; , i i i I i i. �, � I SPECIFICATIONS DNISION 9 9- 5 I J � ��11� . � � ��.11t',� March� 16, 2007 � ATTENTION: All Bidders and Planholders ADDENDUM NO.1 Bid No. 07-008 Street and Stormwater 1Vlaintenance and Repair Services The following clarif cations/modifications are hereby made a part of the Contract � Docuxnents. All bidders are required to base their bid upon the information furnished in this addendum; and acknowledge receipt of this addendum as required in the Contract Documents. ' Cover Sheet . Proposals are due by March 22, 2007 at 3 p.m. Sections 3.2.1, 3.2.2, 3.2.9, and 3.2.10 � These sections are modified to remove mobilization and traffic control. Mobilization will be handled separately by specifying the hourly rate of the driver an on the Contractor's Payroll � Cost form and a delivery equipment on the Contractor's Equipment Cost form included in Attachment C. Traffic control will be handled separately by specifying the labor rate (s) and equipment rate (s) on the Contractor's Equipment Cost form included in Attachment C. Section 3.2.12 Bridge Inspection and Renair • . The scope of the bridge repairs will be determined by yearly inspections performed by the City. The rest of this section remains unchanged. � Section 3.2.13 MisceIlaneous Services � The scope of the bridge repairs will be determined by yearly inspections perforrned by the City. The rest of this section remains unchanged. Special Provisions — Division 5, Section 5-02: The contractor sha11 use PG 64-28 asphalt cement meeting the requirements of AASHTO MP1 in the production of hot mix asphalt (�IMA), class %2" and 3/8" PG 64=28. The rest of this section remains unchanged. ADDENDUM NO. 1 � CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLBY STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES . , Supplemental Standard Plan Sections. - Standard Plan for Pipe Sump is attached. Section 3.3.10 incorreetly stated that a detail for a . pipe sump is in included in the supplemental standard plan section: Apuendig A— Schedule A(Agreement for Servicesl � A revised Schedule A is included. The rest of Append.ix A remains unchanged. BIDDERS PACKET — ATTACI�VIENT B- EVALUATION CRITERIA AND WEIGHTS � Note the changes the.Item 3. The rest of Attachment B remains unchanged. 3. COST PROPOSAL a. List hourly rate for the staff and equipment anticipated to be used for the services specified in Section 3.2 in. Attachment B— Part 2 and 3 in accordance with Schedule A. The labor rates shall meet prevailing wage requirements. In addition to operator and equipment rates include a unit rate for traff c control and mobilization. The labor and equipment hourly rate shall be actual costs, excluding overhead and profit. All assumptions sha11 be listed. b. Material costs for eaeh item as in Aitachment C— Part 4 c. Identify contractors fee for overhead and profit for contractors cost — Item 1 in Attachment C — Part 1 d. Identify contractors fee for overhead and profit for subcontractors cost — Item 2 in Attachment C — Part 1 e. Discuss discounts for early payment . f. Describe how the City will benefit from cost saving by accepting this proposal SIDDERS PACKET — ATTACHMENT C- COST PROPOSAL A revised Attachment C is included. PRE-BID CONFERENCE MEETING OUESTIONS: The attached docunient has the questions/answers addressed at the March 8, 2007 pre-bid conference meeting. 9 na�es total (including coverl END OF ADDENDUM NO.1 ADDENDUM NO. 1 . CTTY OF SPOKANE VALLEY � STREET AND STORMWATER MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR SERVICES . City of Spokane Valley . RFP 07-008 Sixeet' and Stormwater Maintenance and Repair Services � March 8, 2007 Pre-conference Meeting Questions a.nd Responses Section 3.2.12 (Page 12) — Clarify the Bridge Work. The current section indicates that the scope of work will be determined by inspections performed by the Contractor and/or City staff. This addendum clarifies that the inspections will be performed by the Ciiy andlor a City hired consultant outside of this RFP effort. Section 3.2.13 (Page 12) — Clarify the response time for Miscellaneous Description. The Miscellaneous Services are for handling unauticipated repairs and will also be used as a contingency item. The two hour response time applies to the initial telephone contact with the Contractor and does not mean the work needs to be accomplished within this timeframe. To clarify, the City maintains the contract items with Spokane County for responding to emergency sifuations like storm. damage, flooding, accident cleanup, etc. How is mobilization included in the hourly rates? Mobilization will be handled separately by specifying the hourly rate of the driver an on the � Contractor's Payroll Cost form and a delivery equipment on the Conixactor's Equipment Cost form included in Attachment C. � See the revisions to Sections 3.2.1 -3.2.2 and 3.2.9 -3.2.10. Can PG 64-28 grade oil� be use instead of the specified PG 70-28? Yes, see the revisions to Special Provisions, Division 5, Section 5-02. Schedule "A" 1. Cost of the Work. Cost of the Work means the sum of costs incurred and paid by Contractor in the proper performance of the Work. Costs shall be in amounts no higher than those prevailing in the locality of the Project, and shall include only the following items: 1.1 Direct Costs l.l.l Payroll Costs. Charges for Payroll Costs will be limited to acfual costs of � Contractor's construction personnel stationed in the field. Payroll costs shall include, but not be limited to, salaries and wages plus the cost of fringe benefits, which shall include social security contributions, unemployment, excise, and � payroll taxes, workers' compensation, health and retirement benefits. The expenses of performing Work outside of regular working hours, on Saturday, Sunday, or legal holidays, shall be i.ncluded in the above to the extent authorized by Owner. The labor rates shall be included in Attachment C— Part 2. 1.1.2 Equipment Costs. Charges for Equipment Costs used by the contract to complete � the work in the field. The equipmeiit rates shall be included in. Attachment C— Part 3. . . 1.1.3 Material Costs. Charges for Material Costs furnished by the Contractor and incorporated in the Work. The City and Contractor agree that materials listed under Schedul� B represent the maximum authorized types of materials and unit - rates which will be considered reimbursable under the terms of the tlus contract unless subsequently changed for reasons approved by the City by a formal change order to the Contract. Material rates shall be in accordance with the material types shown in Attachment C— Part 4. 1.2 Subcontractor Costs 1.2.1 Include in Attachment C— Part 5 a list of all subcontractors expected to work for you under this contract. If required by the City, the Contractor shall obtain � competitive bids from subcontractors acceptable to the City and Contractor and shall deliver such bids to the City, who will then determine which bids, if any, will be acceptable. � 1.2.2 Payments made by the Conixactor to Subcont�acts may be based on a lump s»m price from the Subcontractor. 2 Overhead and Profit. Contractor's fee means a percentage over the direct costs (Items 1.1 and 1.2 above) to account for the contractor's overhead and profit. 2.1 Fee for overhead and Profit for the Project cots is a percentage over the direct cost (Item 1.1 above) that i.ncludes the overhead and profit for the coniractor over work executed by the contractor. Overhead costs includes, but are not limited to, the cost . of the contractor's offices and office personnel, insurance, bonds, and any other . overhead and operating expenses not specifically included in the Cost of the Work as defined in Section� 1.1 above. . 2.2 Fee for overhead and profit for subcontractor's cost is a percentage over the cost � charged by the subcontractor to the contractor (Item 1.2 above). The overhead and profit for the operation of the subcontractor is already included in the subcontractor cost charged by the subcontractor to the contractor. ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL � Contractors Overhead and Profit � . � ATTACHMENT C — PART 1 Item Description Overhead and Profit �%� 1 Contractors Fee for Overhead and Profit for Project Costs 2 Contractors Fee for Overhead and Profit for Subcontractor Costs � ATTACHMENT C - COST PROPOSAL Contractor's Payroll Cost ATTACffiV�NT C — PART 2 Contractor to list all ersonnel eg ected to work within the Ci Personnel Classification and Description Hourly Rate . Superintendent — Pri.mary City contact, organizes, schedules, and manages contractors work ATTACHIV�NT C - COST PROPOSAL Materials Costs - ATTACHIV�NT C— PART 4 Item Description Unit Unit Cost 1 HMA Ton � . 2 CSBS Ton 3 Quarry Spa11s Ton 4 Crack Sealant Pound 5 PCC Cubic Yard 6 Guardrail LF 7 6`Chain link Fencing LF 8 8`Chain link Fencing LF 9 Type A Drywell In Road Prism EA 10 Type B Drywell In Road Prism EA � 11 Type A Drywell In Swale EA 12 Type B Drywell In Swale EA 13 Catchbasin Type 1 EA 14 Catchbasin Type 1 w/ Oil Water Separator EA 15 Pipe Sumps EA 16 10 " SDR PVC Pipe LF 17 12" SDR 35 PVC Pipe LF 18 . 12" CMP LF 19 12" RCP � LF 20 Drai.n Rock Cubic Yds � 21 Filter Fabric Sq Yds 22 Seeding, Mulching & Fertilizing Sq Ft • • � 23 Sod Sq Ft ATTACHMENT C - COS� PROPOSAL SUBCONTRACTOR LIST — ATTACffi1�NT C— PART 5 � Contractor to list all subcontractors eg ected to work within the Ci � Subcontractors — Contractor to provide a list of all subcontractors anticipated to be used for performing the described services. Contractor to list the overhead and profit on subcontractors in Item 2, Part 1 of Attachment C.