Minutes - 01/12/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave January 12, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER Commissioner Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commission, audience, and staff recited the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Commissioner Beaulac — Present Commissioner Kogle — Present Commissioner Blum — Present Ian Robertson — Absent, excused - ill Commissioner John G. Carroll — Present Marcia Sands - Present David Crosby — Present APPROVAL OF AGENDA �����° � �� � ����� �l�', � ��� �� ��1�n�. ��nv��i��' ���ru� �n� � ��. ��nt� ��'l ��n�i��� IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carroll has a question in regard to the public comments made by Mr. Bouge. Mr. Bouge has made a presentation to both the Planning Commission and the City Council. There has been no direction from Council; there is still a UR-1 zoning and moratorium in effect and soon to be placed for e�ension on the agenda. The Comprehensive Plan is still not finished, and the flood plain maps have not been released yet. However this is an issue that should be handled by the City Council and the Planning Commission should not get involved in determining minimum lot sizes. Commissioner Blum noted a correction that needed to be made in the te� of the wording on page 3, paragraph 3. �there being no other nominations, voting by consensus to approve Commissioner Blum as Vice Chairman. !Y� �� n� ���i��n�n° �l� �n�'l � �n�n�i��ne��° � �� � n�i�� � � nv��� � �'��, �n�n�i� �n��., ., � � �� �� �� . E��� ��n�i��� VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No Public Comment January 12, 2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Crosby only reports that he is happy to have returned to his previous seating position. Commissioner Blum reported that he attended the City Council meeting and that it was a 5-1 vote to support a resource officer at the East Valley School District. The Spokane County Commissioners have agreed they will pay for the program for one year and after that funding will fall to the city. Commissioner Kogle welcomed Commissioner Sands to the Planning Commission. Commissioner Sands reported that she is an associate board member of the Conservation Committee and that she attended a Conservation District meeting. They are working to a long range plan and a tree sale. Commissioner Kogle reported she attended a Light Rail meeting and that the Light Rail Committee has issued its draft Environmental Impact Study for review. It has been suggested that the citizens have an opportunity to vote on the system. Commissioner Carroll asked what the vote would be about, voting for the project, for funding it, or options. Commissioner Kogle said it would be a vote to approve a raise in the sales tax to fund the project. No matter what you think about the Light Rail project, the need for mass transit of some kind will be there. Commissioners Beaulac and Carroll had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup reported that at the last City Council meeting of 2005 the Council approved the issuance of a request for proposal for a study to revitalize the Sprague/Appleway Corridor. She also stated there was a meeting on 1-18-06 in order for consultant to come in and ask questions about the project. The City hopes to have a short list sometime in February. The City Manager has asked that he hopes that two of the Planning Commissioners will sit on the interview panel for this RFP selection panel. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. NEW BUSINESS: Discussion: Amending the Use Matrix to allow injection molding in a B-2 zone. Director Sukup said that she had done some research on this subject and that things in small injection molding businesses are done much differently now than they were years ago. Discussion followed as to where the plastic injection molding is now allowed, what the NAICS codes are for it, what kind of storage would be required, what chemicals are involved in the process and how much noise is generated by the January 12, 2006 Planning Commission Page 2 of 4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes machinery. A public hearing on this subject is coming before the Commission on February 9, 2006. B. OLD BUSINESS: Discussion: Revising the Airport Overlay Zone. Director Sukup has updated the maps to show different changes based on WSDOT requirements including the e�ension of the runway by 500 feet. Also included was an update on the LDN (Day/Night Noise Levels) calculations and what id acceptable. FAA gets worried when the level reaches 65 LDN. The public hearing for this amendment is scheduled for February 9, 2006. Discussion: Definitions and Permitted uses. Need to look at the Dwelling, accessory units (granny flats) at this time they are not allowed. They have been permitted in the past for dependant relative on a temporary use permit. However in many instances they have not left the property when the initial use had ended. Commissioner Crosby stated that there was a bill in the state house that would be addressing this issue and that maybe we should wait to address this since state law could supersede the Commissions recommendation. Is relinquishment not the same as abandonment? No it is not, related to two different subjects. Essential Public Facilities are hard to define, but will research and try and pull them all together and define them the way the statutes do, will come back to this discussion. Are the only critical materials we concerned about going to effect just the aquifer? Do not some chemicals affect the air? Commissioner Sands has offered to look over the list of critical materials and determine if the list does include items that would contaminate the air as well as the water. Page 3, are we going to allow miniature horses Page 12, bottom, is a kindergarten in a daycare a school? Kindergarten is defined as a school. An accredited daycare that is also an accredited kindergarten is a school under this definition, is it one, the other or both. Believe it to be both. Page 14, Dwelling Unit — rewrite Dwelling Unit definition as ��One (1) or more rooms designed, occupied or intended for occupancy as separate living quarters, with individual entrance, cooking, sleeping and sanitary facilities provided for the exclusive use of one family maintaining a household within one dwelling unit." Page 15, family home limits are stated by state statues and we abide by those numbers. Change definition to read from 2 to 6 people. If we are abiding by state laws and numbers why do we not state the RCW in the definitions instead? Would not be user friendly then to have to refer to another book with stiffer language. January 12, 2006 Planning Commission Page 3 of 4 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes You can not have 2 front yards Page 18, fix punctuation? Definition of home occupation reads now ��An occupation, profession or craft, excluding an adult retail use establishment, adult bookstore or adult entertainment establishment, and incidental to the residential use of the." Page 21, remove the word sole, change loading berth to loading zone Page 23 light industrial zoning district, heavy industrial zoning district, everything is listed alphabetical. These are listed in the middle of the ��M's" decision to move all zoning to the ��Z" and then list behind the word zoning the type of zoning also alphabetical. Page 39, Temporary food vendor — do we need a definition for this, has been stricken completely, yes it needs to be defined, but not put a time limit it on it, that would be part of the regulations. X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Kogle asked the Commissioners to look at the schedule of meetings for this year included in the packet and consider adopting it. Discussion over whether it is too soon to adopt a schedule not knowing future needs of the year. Comments about the problems of knowing what the schedule will be in or to place things on the agenda, the problems with the holidays, which happens every year. Commissioner Crosby, seconded by Commissioner Beaulac, moves that the Planning Commission official rules of procedure be changed to reflect deleting the meetings on the 4 Thursdays in the months of November and December. Motion passed unanimous. Commissioner Blum expressed that he was disappointed that the City Council had to schedule some of their deliberation meetings on the same nights as the Planning Commission, since he does like to attend those meetings also. Commissioner Crosby congratulated Commissioner Kogle on a well run first meeting. XI. ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Crosby motioned for adjournment, seconded by Commissioner Sands to adjourn at 9:00 pm. Passed SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson January 12, 2006 Planning Commission Page 4 of 4