Minutes - 04/27/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall 11707 E. Sprague Ave April 27, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, Staff and Audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III. ROLL CALL Commissioner Beaulac — Present Commissioner Kogle — Present Commissioner Blum — Absent, excused Ian Robertson — Present Commissioner John G. Carroll — Present Marcia Sands — Absent, excused David Crosby — Absent Staff attending the meeting: Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the April 27, 2006 agenda be approved with the following amendment, moving old business to a meeting when all Commission members could be in attendance. Second by Commissioner Beaulac. Motion passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Chairman Robertson stated that Lynn Hour — last name is Lauer and is the Program Coordinator for East Valley School District. Commissioner Beaulac moved that the April 14, 2006 minutes be approved as amended. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Loyd Petersen, 3001 N. Joel Ct. Mr. Petersen stated he had a petition signed by all the neighbors in the Coach Light Estates and Meadowlark neighborhoods who are against the proposed e�ension of Fairview Ave into their cul-de-sac. The neighbors object to having this traffic directed through their quite neighborhood when there are already three entrances into this neighboring development. The proposed project will bring more traffic, children and crime to our neighborhood. All current neighbors are elderly. Developer does not want this because it will take one of his lots that he could sell and he will have to pay to develop the road and cost him money. Please leave our road the way it is. Mr. McCormick stated that this matter would not come before the Planning Commission but April 27, 2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 2 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Minutes would be heard only in front of the Hearing Examiner. There is a street vacation also involved in this development which would come before the Commission. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Beaulac stated he attended the Tuesday night Council meeting where the Comprehensive Plan was adopted. It passed with a unanimous vote. Also the plastic injection molding and bus bench ordinances. Commissioners Robertson, Carroll and Kogle had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning Manager McCormick stated that the City Council did indeed pass the Comprehensive Plan Tuesday night along with the Cross-Over Matrix, Master Parks Plan, Plastic Injection Molding, 2006 TIP, Bus Bench sign ordinance, set a date for a street vacation hearing, and forwarded the off-road vehicle ordinance to a second reading. There was some discussion about expanding the off-road vehicles to business and industrial areas but council directed that this ordinance not be held up and that staff look into the other areas as an amendment later. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Discussion — Wireless Communication Development Standards. Mr. McCormick discussed with the Commissioners some of the cell tower standards, stealth technology, use matrix and allowed zones. Mr. McCormick also had a PowerPoint presentation that had examples of stealth technology. Discussion of permits required, notifications, FCC rules. OLD BUSINESS: None X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Chairman Kogle asked again if there would be any joint Planning Commission meetings with the City of Spokane and Spokane County, Mr. McCormick stated he would check with those jurisdictions and try to have an answer by the ne,xt meeting. XI. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:16 pm SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson April 27, 2006 Planning Commission Page 2 of 2