Minutes - 06/08/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. June 8, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairman Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, Staff and Audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III. ROLL CALL Commissioner Fred Beaulac — Present Commissioner Gail Kogle — Present Commissioner Bob Blum — Present Commissioner Ian Robertson — Present Commissioner John G. Carroll — Absent Commissioner Marcia Sands — Present Commissioner David Crosby — Absent Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Tom Scholtens, Building Official, Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner, Christina Janssen, Permit Specialist, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Robertson moved that the June 8, 2006 agenda be approved as presented. It was seconded and passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Robertson moved that the May 25, 2006 minutes be approved as written. It was seconded and passed unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment offered VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Chairman Kogle attended the Freight Mobility Summit sponsored by the Valley Chamber that morning. Commissioners Robertson, Blum, Sands and Beaulac had nothing to report. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup stated she had nothing to report other than the agenda item. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing — Street Vacation STV-02-06, Associate Planner Mike Basinger made a presentation to the Commission in regards to this street vacation, the purpose, staff findings and recommendation. The public hearing opened at 6:17 pm Linda Rew, 10009 E. Buckeye, is against the proposed vacation. Plat design dumps traffic with the lights into her and neighbors homes. Ms. Rew feels it more prudent to keep kids from waiting for the bus away from the middle of the 06-08-06 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 block. She opposes the closing of McMillan since it is a good dirt road and neighbors use it to get to school, post office and store. It was closed by the people who were dumping things there, not the people who use it. Stan Schultz, 425 Alpine Dr., attorney for Lots n' Land, LLC, one of the applicants. Road has not been improved since 1911, does not meet present standards and is now not being used as a public right of way. Mr. Schultz points out that all abutting property owners are proponents of this vacation. Mr. Schultz also stated that the plat design is preliminary and that headlights can be dealt with mitigation measures when it becomes a finalized issue. Soi Hanson, 19119 E. Buckeye. She has lived at the corner of Buckeye and McMillan for 22 years. McMillan has never been used as a road, there have been many problems with people riding motorcycles, people dumping trash and stolen cars. Ms. Hanson stated she was in favor of having McMillan vacated. Public hearing was closed at 6:34 pm. Commissioners had discussion of concerns of the citizens and staff report recommendations. Commissioner Robertson moved to recommend to the City Council approve of street vacation STV-02-06, McMillan Rd. subject to the conditions identified by staff. It was seconded and the motion passed unanimously. Public Hearing, Amend SVMC Chapter 10.05 Article II, Construction Work and Activity within right-of-way. Building Official Tom Scholtens gave the Commission a brief overview of the changes proposed to the pavement cut policy. Changes will accept Washington Department of L&I performance bonds adequate for small pavement patches, establish a time frame for the duration of an Obstruction Permit, 30 days to have cuts patched and it also accounts for asphalt plant closures in the winter and substitutes standard language for the City's current method of enforcement for violations. Public Hearing was opened at 6:51 pm. Kevin Wells, Vera Water and Power. Mr. Wells stated he was for two items and against one in this proposal. He was against the proposed time line. He feels that 30 days is far too short considering the time that the asphalt plants are able to supply product and that some jobs are far too large to be able to complete in 30 days. Commissioners asked whether the 30 day time frame was unreasonable. Building Official Scholtens stated that he felt that 30 days was reasonable and that a majority of the work concerned were small patches. Applicants could apply for a 30 e�ension, at no charge, if something happened and they needed more time. He had investigated surrounding cities and that the City of Spokane only allows 15 days, which he felt was too short. Commissioner Sands' experience with project management of large projects leads her to believe that it might be difficult to meet the 30 day time line on such projects. Could not language be written to accommodate larger projects? Public hearing closed at 6: 59. Commissioner Beaulac moved to amend the recommendation that 30 days would be appropriate for smaller jobs under 300 sq. ft. but that projects over 300 sq. ft. would be allowed a longer timeline for completion. It was seconded and passed unanimously. 06-08-06 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 OLD BUSINESS: UCD discussion update - Director Sukup reviewed the public participation guidelines adopted by the City Council noting that they will be used in securing public involvement in the UDC discussions, development and approval process. An advanced discussion agenda for the Planning Commission will be posted with a schedule that it will be subject to change. As each title is ready for the Planning Commission to review, a copy will be posted to the web, the Planning Commission will have two discussion sessions for each title, then there will be a public hearing on that subject, which if needed could be continued. When that draft is completed it will be forwarded to the City Council, much like the Comprehensive Plan was. We will take extra time for subjects that we expect to be more controversial such as non-conforming uses, concurrency, detached accessory dwellings, off street parking, landscaping, UR-1 zoning. The UR-1 e�ension will be coming up again soon for review. Since an open house for the Sprague/Appleway corridor plan is scheduled on a regular meeting night in Sept., Director Sukup proposed replacing that meeting with a meeting on August 31, the 5 Thursday. Update — Sprague/Appleway Corridor sub-area Plan. Senior Planner Scott Kuhta gave the Commission an update on the progress of the Sub-Area Plan. The City Council signed a contract with consultants, Freedman, Tung and Bottomley, ECO Northwest, Glatting Jackson and Studio Cascade. Assembling background information for the consultants has already begun. Focus group meetings with the stakeholders for the corridor have been set for July 19 A meeting with the City's core team is scheduled on the 20 Community meetings are set for Sept. 14, Oct. 11, with a joint meeting of Council/Commission on Oct. 12, Nov. 30 and another joint meeting scheduled for January 2007. The first meeting of focus groups will consist of agencies with concern, businesses east and west of University Rd., U-City owners, developers and Auto-Row. Rules of Procedure — Annual Review — Commission stated they would rather wait for every one to be present however they are missing two members tonight and if they continue to wait, it might take quite a while before everyone was all together. Proposed discussions with members present now, continue to another meeting where others could be present. Commissioner Blum stated that most of the questions or changes he was interested in were discussed and addressed by Mr. Connelly and that he had no proposed changes at this time. Commissioner Beaulac stated that the rules say that the Commission is to have regular meetings with the Hearing Examiner and he does not remember that ever happening. Director Sukup stated that the Hearing Examiner had meet with Commission, although not often. she anticipates that meetings with the Hearing Examiner would be more frequent as new development regulations are discussed and implemented. Commissioner Beaulac would like to change the date for the election of officers from the second meeting in November to the first meeting in December. (Item 5, sub item A change from second regular meeting in the 11 calendar month to the first regular meeting in the 12 calendar month.) 06-08-06 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 X. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Blum thanked staff for the map assisting with the billboard distances. This subject will come back before the Commission some time later. Replaced signs would have to be the same size or smaller. The Sub-Area Plan will review signage on the corridor as part of the plan recommendation. XI. AD70URNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:20. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson 06-08-06 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4