Minutes - 10/12/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. October 12, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Chairwoman Kogle led the Pledge of Allegiance. III. ROLL CALL Commissioner Fred Beaulac — Present Commissioner Gail Kogle — Present Commissioner Bob Blum — Present Commissioner Ian Robertson — Absent Commissioner John G. Carroll — Present Commissioner Marcia Sands — Present Commissioner David Crosby — Present, arrived 6:10 p.m. Staff attending the meeting: Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner; Mike Basinger, Associate Planner; Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner Sands, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the October 12, 2006 agenda as presented. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES The minutes were not available for review. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT Gail Stiltner, 10119 E. 44th Avenue — Commented on the population projections for Spokane Valley. She is concerned the higher the projection, more urban growth areas are necessitated translating to more development opportunities. Ms. Stiltner would like the Planning Commission, City Council and employees to take a strong stand on the population projections and provide more community education on the subject. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Blum attended the Pines/Mansfield meeting and commented that he drove through the area and the traffic flow east of Mansfield is quite 10/12/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 interesting and they have nothing planned to remedy the situation. He also attended the Ad-hoc Sign committee meeting and the City Council meeting where the UDC and I-933 were discussed. Commissioner Beaulac reported that he attended the Sprague/Appleway meeting and commented it was well attended. Commissioner Sands reported that while in the Bay area she took pictures relating to building a city core and she will present the pictures and a report to the Planning Commission on October 26, 2006. Commissioner Carroll had nothing to report but asked when the Planning Commission will have discussion on I-933. Senior Planner Kuhta will provide information and materials that were presented to City Council by City Attorney Connelly in the October 26, 2006 agenda packet. Commissioner Crosbv attended the Ad-hoc Sign committee meeting and commented he foresees changes being made to prohibitive and temporary sign policies. The committee will be meeting with auto dealers to determine signage best suited to their needs. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Senior Planner Kuhta discussed the Sprague/Appleway Corridor meeting that took place on Wednesday, October 11, 2006. He indicated the meeting was well attended and the focus was Sprague Avenue from Argonne/Mullen to the Sullivan area. The ne� meeting will be on Thursday, November 30, 2006 and will be a��hands-on" workshop with the participants broken into different groups to discuss the project. He also indicated that for anyone interested, the presentation given at the meeting can be viewed on the web at www. sprag uea ppleway. com IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing Proposed Urban Growth Areas (UGA) Senior Planner Kuhta reviewed the background information for the proposed UGA. He indicated the county is responsible for coordinating the planning activities and the urban growth areas. The UGAs must be sized to accommodate the projected 20-year population growth. The first step in planning the UGA is to adopt a 20-year projection. He detailed the population allocations county-wide, totaling 197,639, of which 33,100 is allocated to Spokane Valley. Mr. Kuhta explained that staff still needs to do some research and provide more information to the commission on the study areas indicated to allow the commission to make a solid recommendation to City Council for the UGA proposal. He recommends the Planning Commission continues the Public Hearing on UGAs to October 26, 2006 to allow time to gather more information. Commissioner Sands inquired about the allocation of 66,073 to the County and how that affects Spokane Valley, if at all. Mr. Kuhta explained that County-wide, the population allocation is 197,639, of which 66,073 is dedicated 10/12/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 directly to Spokane County. The remainder is dispersed over the other municipalities. Spokane Valley and the other cities need to work very closely with the County to ensure each proposed UGA is not in conflict with another city's proposal for a UGA. X. PUBLIC HEARING: Proposed Urban Growth Areas Chairwoman Kogle opened the Public Hearing at 6:28 p.m. F.J. Dullantx, 422 W. Riverside Avenue — Spoke in favor of the UGA on behalf of his clients who have written letters and applied to be included in the City's proposal, all of which meet the criteria for a UGA and are requesting 3.5 zoning — single family residential. His clients include Bud Morrison who has a 236 acre parcel of land near Saltese; the Sizov property at Henry and 16th, near the Morrison property; Ward Leland with approximately 1100 acres which is classified as rural but is ne� to the highlands; Jack Kestell with Highland Estates near the Leland property platted with over 400 lots with characterization for urban growth; Alsaker property currently being recommended for inclusion. Mr. Dullanty cautioned that when looking at the population allocation the commission needs to keep in mind not every inch of land will have a house on it and asks that when making it's recommendation it not err on being too conservative. Stan Schultz, 425 S. Alpine Drive — Spoke in favor of the UGA on behalf of the Ruddell's at 14th and Barker whose property is currently proposed for inclusion and surrounded by urban density. He pointed out approximately 35 acres of their 80 acre parcel has been deeded to Valley Christian for a school development. He also spoke on behalf of the Summerfield subdivision near Progress Road, immediately adjacent to present city limits, that would also like to be included in the UGA for Spokane Valley. He indicated that due to UGA requirements, raw land prices have risen dramatically and asks the Planning Commission be mindful in designating more land for urban growth than they expect to occupy so as not to drive the prices for land up. Gail Stiltner, 10119 E. 44th — Spoke in favor of current study areas for the UGA in that the Ponderosa is not included within the boundaries. Ms. Stiltner pointed out the safety issues for traffic entry to and exit from the neighborhood, the rural infrastructure, lack of sidewalks and water pressure problems that affect the current residents. She asks if anything around the Ponderosa is proposed to be included in the UGA, the Planning Commission consider safety and the wildlife of the area. Peter Hiaains, 20221 E. 8th — Spoke in favor of urban growth in incorporated areas but he doesn't think it makes sense to start new growth beyond the urban growth boundary. He lives in one of the urban reserve areas east of Hodges and west of Liberty Lake. Most of his neighbors would like to remain as a part of the county and be left undesignated by both Spokane Valley and Liberty Lake. Judv Bellis, 8803 E. 44th — Spoke in opposition to UGAs proposed in rural conservation districts. Ms. Bellis said UGAs shouldn't be designated based on population projections and that Spokane County has grown at a rate of less 10/12/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 than 2% over the last ten years according to the Office of Financial Management. Chairwoman Kogle closed the Public Testimony at 6:50 p.m. It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac, seconded, and unanimously agreed to continue the Public Hearing on October 26, 2006. XI. FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Senior Planner Kuhta informed the Planning Commission the e�ra materials handed out are information packets on the ne� chapters of the UDC to be reviewed by the Commission as well as a map of the shoreline designations. XII. ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 6:55 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Carrie Acosta, Deputy City Clerk Gail Kogle, Chairperson 10/12/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4