Minutes - 10/26/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Approved Minutes
Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave.
October 26, 2006
Vice-Chair Blum called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm.
Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance
Commissioner Fred Beaulac — Present Commissioner Gail Kogle — Absent, Excused
Commissioner Bob Blum — Present Commissioner Ian Robertson — Present
Commissioner John G. Carroll — Present Commissioner Marcia Sands — Present
Commissioner David Crosby — Present
Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director of Community Development, Greg
McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate
Planner, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant.
It was moved by Commissioner Sands, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve
the October 26, 2006 agenda as presented.
It was moved by Commissioner Crosby, seconded and passed unanimously to approve
the minutes from the August 24 and August 31 meetings. Minutes were provided for
the Joint Meeting between the Planning Commission and City Council on Sept. 14, for
information only.
No public comments were offered
Commissioner Blum stated he had attended the Sign Committee meeting on Oct. 24.
Commissioners Carroll, Sands, Beaulac, Crosby and Robertson had nothing to report.
Director Sukup reported that the City Council has e�ended the deadline for
Comprehensive Plan amendments Dec. 29, 2006. The City will be holding two more
Open Houses for the Shoreline Master Program, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm before the ne�
two Planning Commission meetings, Nov. 9 and Dec. 14 The Commissioners have
copies of Title 21 of the Uniform Development Code, which will be discussed at the
ne� meeting. Parts of this Title include the Shoreline Master Program, the Critical
Areas regulations and the SEPA regulations. The staff has received some comments
back from different agencies and has updated the portion on Wetlands which was
handed out tonight.
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NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing Proposed Urban Growth Areas (UGA)
Senior Planner Kuhta reviewed the background information for the proposed UGA. He
indicated the county is responsible for coordinating the planning activities and the
urban growth areas. The UGAs must be sized to accommodate the projected 20-year
population growth. The first step in planning the UGA is to adopt a 20-year projection.
He detailed the population allocations county-wide, totaling 197,639, of which 33,100
is allocated to Spokane Valley. Mr. Kuhta also explained all the steps that are taken to
determine what areas, and how the areas have been reviewed and where the
population could be accommodated. Mr. Kuhta also stated that he had received three
more requests for inclusion in the UGA since the Commissioners received their packets
for review. Those requested were then handed out.
Commissioner Crosby made a motion that was seconded and passed unanimously to
re-open the public comment.
Vice-Chair Blum opened public comment at 6:20 p.m.
Pam Fredrick, parcel 45362.9172, - Ms. Fredrick is the owner of the parcel which is
approx. 30 acres. She would like the Commissioners to consider adding her parcel to
the UGA. It is a good area for growth, there is a shortage of land in the valley, we
need more land. This parcel is adjacent to another that is being considered.
Jim Cameron, 5022 N. Sunnyvale Dr. — Mr. Cameron stated he had received a letter
about someone wanting to build a road to get to the UGA 5 and take his land to do it.
He would like to know where roads are going to be put around his area.
Ron Caro, 16503 E. Welleslev — Mr. Caro stated that in his area the traffic on Trent is
making it difficult to get out onto the road now. Feels before we bring in more people
we should fix the traffic problems we have now. Mr. Caro asked a question as to how
the City/County process worked — who gets to make the decision. Mr. Kuhta explained
that the City makes a proposal then the County will take all the proposals from the
jurisdictions and make the final decision in the end.
Richard Priest, 4707 N. Larch — Mr. Priest stated that he shares the same views as Mr.
Caro, he is concerned about the infrastructure in the area. Why would you add density
without being able to handle the traffic you have now?
Stacev Biordahl, 422 W. Riverside — Attorney, representing several clients. Ms.
Bjordahl stated that she had some questions for staff in regard to the land quantity
analysis. Ms. Bjordahl stated that she had a question about covenants on certain
properties, stating that a recent Supreme Court ruling said that covenants trump
zoning and did staff look at the covenants on each parcel considered for inclusion in
the UGA? Staff explained the Regional process that the County uses to determine the
land quantity.
Elise Gumm, 16833 E. Herov Ave. — Neighbors have a considerable traffic problem now
with all the people and the traffic from the high school. Neighbors have to call the
cops to come and sit and to control the speed around the grade school. Hard to get
out at Flora and Trent. Ms. Gumm does not see the benefit to the area to add more
density when it will just make a hindrance. She stated she supports the other
neighbors' comments.
AI Komarek, 4916 N. Sunnwale Dr. - wants Planning Commission to talk to the road
engineers and ask them why when they build a road that the school district then builds
a school on it so that traffic can be slowed down. Mr. Blum stated that this was not
related to the public hearing, but he would pass it on.
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Sharon Faulk, 16309 E. Broad — Ms. Faulk stated she has two children one in high
school and one in middle school who could walk back and forth to school and activities
up and down Broad, however they do not let them walk because the traffic is so bad.
Adding more traffic to the area would be a nightmare, it would be too dangerous. Ms.
Faulk stated she was against this idea.
Larry McGuire, 1906 E. Pheasant — Mr. McGuire stated he was interested in the
Supreme Court ruling regarding the covenants and was it considered in the future
growth? Mr. Blum replied that subject would come up for discussion when the
Commission started their deliberations.
Ron Caro, 16503 E. Welleslev — Mr. Caro stated that he would like to go on the record
that there is a plot that has already been approved by the City that will bring in more
traffic to the area. Mr. Caro stated that he doesn't think that is a good decision and he
feels that it should be rethought. He stated that the Commission has heard all the
concerns from the neighbors about how bad the traffic is already in the area now.
Seeing no one else that wished to speak, Commissioner Blum closed the public
comment at 6:46.
Discussion — Mr. Kuhta asked if there were any general questions that the
Commissioners had, before they started discussion of the individual requests.
Commissioner Sands asked if the County had adopted a very high number. Not the
highest, but a very aggressive number.
Commissioner Crosby asked if the covenants had been taken into account.
Commissioner Robertson stated he would like more information about this issue. The
regional methodology takes approximately 50% of the land right off the top as
unusable. Staff explained that in order to look at the covenants it would require going
to the assessor's office and the examination the language on every parcel, and there is
not enough staff to be able to accomplish this task. Further, that the adopted regional
methodology does not include doing this level of research and the appropriate course
of action would be to approach the GMA Steering Committee with a suggested change
to the methodology - not for the City to independently include this level of analysis. In
order for the land to be considered developable it must be 5 times larger that its
current zoning. Anything developed in the past 5-10 years would not be able to be
sub-divided again. The City does not enforce covenants, only citizens can enforce
covenants. The County has build in safety factors to allow for these kinds of issues as
the jurisdictions look at their UGA areas.
Commissioner Beaulac stated that he had spoken with Dave Jackman from the Central
Valley School District about the bond issue that is on the ballot for Nov. 7tn
Commissioner Beaulac is concerned that pending the outcome of the bond issue that
CVSD will not be able to accommodate more growth in its school district if the bond
issue does not pass. Staff stated that no matter what, the property in the UGA areas
will be developed to at least the County standards which is 6 unites per acre. The act
of the City to define the UGA is the right to enter into joint planning with the county in
areas that are designated as our own UGA. If it is not in our UGA then we have no
rights to have any say in how the planning is done in those areas. The development
will happen either way, just who will plan it is what this is about. Staff stated they
have been in contact with the school districts and discussed how the growth will affect
them. Commissioner Beaulac is still not comfortable making a decision until after the
results of the vote.
Commissioner Carroll asked the Staff if they had a specific deadline that they had to
make for the County. Staff responded that originally the County wanted a response by
Dec. 1S t . The City has informed the County that there was too much to process to be
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able to produce a good recommendation by that time. The County is considering
trying to split its Comp Plan update from its UGA update and establish a time line but
the City has not had a response from them yet.
It was moved by Commissioner Sands to continue the public hearing for the Urban
Growth Areas until Nov. 9 2006. it was seconded and passed unanimously.
Staff requests any questions that the Commissioners have to get them in advance so
they can get answers before the ne� meeting. Commissioner Robertson requested a
copy of the recording from the last meeting. Commissioner Carroll asked if there were
any areas that the staff did not recommend or support being added to the UGA.
There was nothing for the good of the order
There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:10 p.m.
Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson
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