Minutes - 12/14/2006 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. December 14, 2006 I. CALL TO ORDER Chairwoman Kogle called the meeting to order at 6:05 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance ROLL CALL Commissioner Fred Beaulac — Present Commissioner Gail Kogle —Present Commissioner Bob Blum — Absent, excused Commissioner Ian Robertson —Present Commissioner John G. Carroll — Present Commissioner Marcia Sands — Present*arrived at 6:14 Commissioner David Crosby — Present* Staff attending the meeting: Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Senior Planner, Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac, seconded, and unanimously agreed to approve the December 14, 2006 agenda as presented. IV. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Beaulac stated that he would like the minutes of the Nov. 9th meeting to show that it was Commissioners Beaulac and Sands that voted against the proposed staff recommended UGA area. They had voted earlier to amend a portion of the UGA boundary. It was moved by Commissioner Crosby to approve the minutes as amended. It was seconded and passed unanimously. V. PUBLIC COMMENT No public comments were offered VI. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Crosby stated that he attended a sign committee meeting and that he felt that the committee was only 2 meetings away from being finished and should be able to have a recommended draft after the first of the year. Commissioners Carroll, Sands, Robertson, Beaulac and Kogle had nothing to report. VII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Mr. McCormick stated that Senior Planner Scott Kuhta would give an update on the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. Senior Planner Kuhta stated that the project was moving forward well and on schedule. He also reported that the Nov. 30 Community workshop had been a success. Consultants Michael Freedman and Troy Russ had given great presentations and the hands on portion of the workshop had about 90 people in it. There was a picture review, discussion of current circulation, 12/14/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 future visions. The ne� meeting is scheduled for January 16 Commissioners asked when the ne� joint meeting would be. It will be schedule for sometime in March. VIII. COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing Street Vacation STV-03-06: Chair Kogle opened the public hearing at 6:14 Assistant Planner Karen Kendall made a presentation to the Commission regarding the location, properties involved, current uses and existing conditions. Assistant Planner Kendall also explained that she had received comments from Public Works that they do not support this vacation because they feel the street is needed for the street system. The staff recommendation, at this time, based on Public works comments, would be denial. AP Kendall reminded the Commission and the applicant that, even if the recommendation is denial, the vacation still had to follow a process and continue on to City Council. Frank Ide, Project Planner 106 W. Mission, Spokane, 99201: Mr. Ide is a planner working for Penske on this project. Mr. Ide stated that Penske has been working on this project since June of this year, has had two pre-application meetings and states that during none of these meetings has there been any indication that there would be a recommendation of denial. We are here to ask for a continuation today in order to talk to the Director of Public Works as to why they had made this recommendation. Mr. Ide explains that there is virtually no public traffic on this street. Ed Cress, Project Facility Manager, Penske, 1541 W. Bell Demar Dr., Tempe AZ, Mr. Cress hands out drawings of the proposal to bring the two pieces of properties together, which they own on either side of the street. Rental and Leasing facility with safety work, oil changes on their own fleet. Penske has out grown the current property and they need the street in order to bring the properties together, make a bigger facility and not have to run back and forth across the street and we need the extra parking space. Nothing will be built into the ROW, just gated on each end. Felt better safety for employees to not have to cross a public street. Dan Fredrickson, 2209 W. Chadwick, Spokane WA, Mr. Fredrickson had made comments in between Mr. Cress' comments about the project. Customers will walk across the street with the employees to pick up or drop off trucks. Frank Ide — This right of way will be used exclusively by Penske, why would the City want to maintain a right of way that will be used only by Penske. Maintaining a grid pattern, vacating roads have occurred over 100 years. We asked for Mr. Kersten to be here this evening to discuss why, at this late date, they have suggested denial of this vacation. Both Lake and Dyer are through streets, there is no reason for anyone to be using this street as a through street. Mr. Ide shows a map of other street vacations in the area, shares map with Commission. Commissioner Sands asked why Public Works made the recommendation for denial, Planning Manager McCormick stated that generally cities do not vacate whole improved right of ways. The street vacation process is usually used for small portions of streets, left over pieces that don't make sense to keep. It is part of the street grid system and once you give it away you will never get it back. Commissioners asking questions, was there ever a street through from Eastern to Desmet. Staff can not verify that Eastern did connect to Desmet. Commissioner Robertson asked if there had been any objection from any neighbors, all adjacent neighbors have been noticed and at this time no comments had been received. Commissioner Sands asked if there were any utility easements in the streets, yes and easements would need to be allowed the entire length, Qwest and Avista. 12/14/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 Chair Kogle closed the public comment at 6:50. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to recommend approval of STV-03-06 to the City Council, second by Commissioner Robertson. Commissioner Crosby asked could it be continued one to allow Penske to talk to Public Works and allow Public Works to come to speak to us? Let's think down the road and see what might happen to the property, this is 13,000 sq ft that we would be handing to a private property owner just because it looks like it isn't being used. Commissioner Robertson stated if Public Works were more concerned they would have been here, if their only objection is the grid system, this is not a residential neighborhood, then it is not much of an objection. If staff has an objection they can do it at the City Council level. Commissioner Sands stated she is for approval but wants to allow the continuance for Public Works to get with Penske and come to the hearing, Commissioner Carroll is in favor of approval now, sees no reason to put off the decision, Commissioner Beaulac being in the trucking business stated that trucks damage the road way, why would the City want to maintain the road way, if Penske is going to damage it let them maintain it. Vote on motion to recommend approval, was a tie, three to three. Motion fails Commissioner Crosby makes a motion to continue the public hearing to January 11, 2007, second by Commissioner Sands. Vote is 4 to 2, motion passes. New Business: Public Hearing SN-04-06, portion of right-of-way along 15 Avenue located approximately 43 feet west of Carnahan Road in the vicinity of 15 Avenue cul-de-sac and a portion 23 feet east of 15 Avenue cul-de-sac adjacent to Carnahan Road. Assistant Planner Karen Kendall makes a presentation to the Commission regarding the existing conditions, location, photos, Public Works recommendation is that these are left over pieces of right of way that will never be used as road and approves this vacation. Staff's recommendation is conditional approval. The Commissioners asked questions about the conditions, required easements for utilities, surveying, and the ability of City Council to require compensation for any parcel being vacated. Chair Kogle opened the public hearing at 7:08 pm. Kenneth Burtleson, USKH project engineer — Mr. Burtelson stated he was here to answer any questions that the Commissioners might have about the vacation request. There were no questions, Chairperson Kogle closed the public hearing at 7:09 pm. Commissioner Sands made a motion to recommend approval with conditions of STV- 04-06 to the City Council. Second by Commissioner Crosby, vote all in favor. Motion passed. Old Business: Review of Uniform Development(UDC) Code Title 21, Environmental Controls, - Planning Manager McCormick reviewed with the Commission all the parts of this section of the UDC. Review of SEPA, Shoreline management, Critical areas, flood plains and the standard forms that are needed to go along with the SEPA requirements. Election of Officers - Annual Election of Officers. Chairperson Kogle stated that she would like to continue to be chair. Commissioner Blum, although, absent, had sent word that he would like to be considered for Chair also. Commissioner Robertson nominated Gail Kogle as Chairperson of the Planning Commission for the year 2007. Second by Commissioner Beaulac, vote was unanimous in favor. 12/14/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 Commissioner Carroll nominated Bob Blum as Vice Chair of the Planning Commission for 2007. Second by Commissioner Crosby, vote was unanimous in favor. IX. GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Robertson asked to be excused from the January 11, 2007 and February 8 2007 meetings. Commissioner Kogle stated he would be excused. Commissioner Crosby stated congratulations to the three returning members of the Commission that were reappointed at the Council meeting Tuesday Dec. 12, 2006. Commissioners Robertson, Sands and Carroll. X. AD70URNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:34 pm SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson 12/14/2006 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4