Minutes - 03/22/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers – City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 22, 2007 I.CALL TOORDER ChairwomanKogle called the meeting to order at 6:06 pm. II.PLEDGE OFALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle, Beaulac, Blum, Carroll, Crosby,Robertsonand Sands were present. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, DeannaGriffith, Administrative Assistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner Crosby seconded by Commissioner Blum, and unanimouslyagreed to amend the March 22, 2007 agenda to bring the public hearings to the front of the agenda before the rest of Commission business. V.COMMISSION BUSINESS Commissioner Kogle reviewed the rules of procedure for the conduct during the public hearings. Old Business: Public Hearing Uniform Development Code Title 19, Zoning codes:Commissioner Kogle opened the public hearing at 6:05 pm. Bill Brooks, 1066 S. Wall – Mr. Brooks’ concerns were: Shared access, when you have conflicting uses and one has more traffic than anotheruse.Not always compatible,believesthey can work, but not by simple line in the code.How willyou enforce it, whowill maintain it, questions must be agreed to buy property owners. 16 foot drive isle, thiswill have a severe impacton property, reduces developableproperty by 42%, UPS and FEDEX are not going to use a back door, owners and sales people will not leave showroom,heavy handed for City to say how to do it. Scheduleof Permitted Uses – Have property that iscurrently B-3, looking at the new matrix, now zoning would be Community Commercial, now can not have a warehouse use on property. This is wrong. th Paul Warfield, 5813 E. 4 – Mr. Warfield’s comments are: Happy to have more hearings,all that is missing now is which of the comments have been incorporated Would like ared line document,a matrix showing the changes and the rational for those changes. Chuck Hafner, 4710 S. Woodruff: After almost4 years and still asking to have Ponderosaand Rotchford Acres area zoned to 40,000 sq. ft. per home. Why changeR-1to 25,000 sq. ft.? staff owesan explanation for this change. Why not listening to public input? FJDullanty Jr.,422 W. Riverside: 03/22/2007 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 4 Non-conforming uses, had concerns but worked with staff to change codes and feels it is better than before. Has concerns about the shared access and will submit written commentssoon. th Gail Stiltner, 10119 E. 44: Feels that 25,000 sq ft. is a nice lot size but does not preserve the character of the Ponderosa neighborhood. Wants Ponderosato be one house per acre. Concerns that a separate dwelling unit goes beyond the concept of a granny flat, can and will be used for other than the intended purpose. Mary Pollard,17216 E. Baldwin: Does not feel that Essential Public Facilities, like a drug treatment facility,should be allowed in a residentialzone. Schedule of permitted uses - Wonders why an orchard is only allowed in an industrial zone, trees need open space and good air quality. Plan open spaces in new developmentnext to existing open space or contribute to park space. More planning with the schools, have a planner at the school district, coordinate the cost for concurrency. JohnMiller, 5817 E. Burnhill, Colbert: Owns Pinecroft Business Park. Concerned that the Schedule of PermittedUses is too restrictive.Have plenty of differentkinds of tenantsthat have very different typesof businesses. Can’t have a contractors yard for my headquarters, not zones for bio-tech but have one in the park now, be more open about uses. Kevin Rindlisbacher, 2710 N ShaleshanLane, 13418 E. Nora: Mr. Rindlisbacher owns the Steinway Pianos Gallery. New property for Gallery, land use comp plan is Office, right next to Regional Commercial. Do not understand classification or if business will be allowed on the property. Doesnot understand non-conforming use. Not a lot of optionsto be near I-90, concernedabout ability to conduct business near the freeway. Bob Boyle, 15807 E. Indiana: Has property in mixed-use area, workswell for us, as well regional commercial. Has submitted additional comments for consideration, hoping Planning Commission will takeit into review. DeannaHormann, 13919 S. Shamrock: She and her neighborsstill want the R-1 zoning to be 40,000 sq ft. Stated that the neighbors were not happy that it was changed to25,000 sq ft.. TomThacher, 17015 E. Valleyway: Concerned that zoning is fading agriculture out of the neighborhoods. Has had an apple orchard in the valley for generations. Feels the zoning should be less restrictive and let people make money off of their property. Dr. Philip Rudy, 5647 N. Fruit Hill: Table 22.40-2 concerning maximum building height. Suggests making it unlimited in the City Center. Concentrate people vertically in smaller land uses. Provide for mass transit. Bill Coyle, 1508 N. Fruit Hill Rd.: Nursery business is currently B-3, business future is secure with this zoning. Also fits his long range business plans New regulations make non-conforming and limits his ability to sell in the future and decreases his property value. Disturbed that businesses were not notified in writing, questioned the notification process. Seeing no one else who wished to testify Commissioner Kogle closed the public testimony. CommissionerCrosby made a motion to continue Title 19 to April 12, with 03/22/2007 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 4 th written comment to close on April 6. Commissioner Robertson seconded it. After discussion Commissioner Crosby amended his motion to close written public comment by nd theclose of business on April 2. Vote was unanimous in favor. Commissioners set a th deliberation meeting for March 29. Old Business: Public Hearing Uniform Development Code Title 22, Development Standards:Commissioner Kogle opened the public hearing at 7:00 pm. Don Skillingstad, 15xxx E.Mirabeau Parkway: Submitted written comment previously regarding the outdoor lighting formula. Concerned that the formula for the lighting standards will not work property. Submittedadiagram that illustrates how you cancontrol the light and lighting fixtures.Taller the pole isthe more light you can throw out. The way proposed formula is written, requires more light poles, does not properly allow for light in all areas, can create a security issue. Allow for property owners to share light. Feels measuring the foot candle, no more than .25 foot candlecan leave the property, which he equated to the same as a full moon. Would like to see the requirement for shielded lights removed.Will not allow for some more decorative fixtures. Kevin Miller, 10319 E. Sprague Ave., Fire Marshall: The fire department would like to request that to the sign regulations that no sign may block the view of fire protection equipment upon approach. Bob Boyle, Hanson Industries, 15807 E.Indiana: Submitted written comments regarding the Schedule of Permitted Uses, hopes the Commission will take into consideration. Concerned that the outdoor lighting formula will notserve businesses well. Allows for shorter poles instead of taller poles with better light. Not a cost issue, interferes with traffic. Current projectwould haveone 30’ pole now would be allowedsix 5’ poles. 16 foot drive isle behind buildings does not seem practical in most cases. vehicle parking, why do compact cars need to be segregated fromother typesof parking? Loading docks, less important for certainusers, different businesses need it in different places, notall in the back. Landscaping and buffering - Give the owner more flexibility. Vertical buffering over important, more credit for xeriscaping. Mary Pollard,17216 E. Baldwin: Requests that full buffering in residential neighborhoods be required. Outdoor lighting, please preserve the night sky, sent emails with websites that talk about how to accomplish this. 3 foot fence,is too short,needsomethingtaller, especially since her fenceis 30 inches belowthe grade of the road. FJDullanty Jr.,422 W. WallSt.: Mr. Dullanty suggests making a rule making process, for conditions on permits, so that things can not arbitrary, conditions will be consistent. Suggests additional language for Title 22, “whenever the City conditions any permit, or requires additional information in processingan application fora permit, it may do so as follows: 1. Conditionswith respect to permit or request for additional informationpursuant to an applicationfor a permit must be based upon written adopted standards. 2. Conditions required to mitigate a known environmental impact, which has been disclosed by some environmental documentsubmitted pursuant to the State Environmental Policy Act.” 03/22/2007 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 4 Concurrency,confusion in a section below must have a certificate of concurrency but from the agencies that can not dictate direct concurrency. Should not require a certificate if can not hold up a project because you have to have it. 22.40-1 requiring an additional 10% open space for multi family and not allowed to use the landscapedareas could become onerous to the developers Seeing no one else who wished to testify Commissioner Kogle closed the public testimony at 7:25. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to continue Title 22 to April 12, with written comment to close on April2nd. CommissionerRobertsonseconded it. CommissionerCrosby also requested staff bring back comments regarding some of the issues raisedregarding elementsof the title. Vote was unanimous in favor. New Business – No new Business VI.APPROVAL OF MINUTES nd Commissioner Crosby made a motion to approve the minutes from Feb. 22 as presented; it was seconded and passedunanimously.CommissionerBlum made a th motion to approve the minutes from March 8 as presented; it was also seconded and passed unanimously. VII.PUBLIC COMMENT The was no public comment VIII.COMMISSION REPORTS th Commissioner Blum reported that he attended the City Council meeting on March 20. Itemsthat were discussed was the Council going to a paperlessagendasystem and a sign code update. Commissioners Kogle, Crosby, Beaulac, Robertson, Sands and Carroll had nothing to report. IX.AMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup reported thatthe City Council was updated on the sign regulations; authorized a consultant to assist the City with the negotiations on the City Center property; discussed charging for street vacations; and discussed a proposed public records ordinance. X.GOOD OF THE ORDER th 5:00 pm on March 29 for a Study Session. XI.ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:10 pm SUBMITTED: APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle,Chairperson 03/22/2007 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 4