Minutes - 04/12/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission ApprovedMinutes Council Chambers–City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave. April 12, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairwomanKoglecalled the meeting to order at 6:00pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle,Beaulac, Blum, Carroll, Crosby, Robertsonand Sandswere present. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Director Community Development, Mary Kate Martin, Building Official, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by CommissionerCrosbysecondedby Commissioner Beaulac,and unanimously agreed to accept the April 12, 2007agenda as presented. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT The was no public comment VII.COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson stated he has been asked to sit on the Facilities Options Committee for the Central Valley School District. Commissioner Beaulac stated he attended a community meeting for the Central Valley School District. He stated the District is looking at 2008 capacity and looking to the community for solutions. Commissioner Kogle stated she attended the State of the City address give by the Mayor. Commissioners Crosby, Blum, Sands and Carroll had nothing to report. VIII.AMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup reported that she had discussed with the representative from the Department of Ecology, Doug Pineo, regarding the Shoreline Master Programand an upcoming grant opportunity. IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS Commissioner Kogle reviewed the rules of procedure for the conduct during the public hearings. OldBusiness: Public Hearing Uniform Development Code Title 24, Building codes: Commissioner Kogle reopened the public hearing at 6:05pm. Seeing no one wishing to testify, Commissioner Kogle closed the public hearing at 6:07 pm. 04/12/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 3 Discussion of this title began. Commissioner Sands noted that in Title 19, driveways had been changed to include pavers, Grasscrete, other pervious surfaces, would like to see those added to this title also in the area of grading, 24.50.060, #6 –e. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to recommend approval of title 24, Building Codes, with the change in section 24.50.060, #6, e for the driveway materials to City Council. Director Sukup asked to also have the notation for the 10% slope removed from the same section. Commissioner Beaulac agreed to amend his motion to include the removal of the 10% slope notation in the same section. Motion is second by Commissioner Sands, passed unanimously. Old Business: Title 19 Zoning Code Deliberations: After considerable discussion, the Commission voted six to one in favor of keeping R-1 zone at 40,000 sq. ft. for min. lot size. Discussion over having a zone between the current listed R-1 at 40,000 sq. ft and 7,500 proposed for R-2. Commissioners vote four to three in favor ofchangingR-2 to 10,000 sq ft min. lot size. R-3 would then become 7,500 sq ft, and an R-4 zone would be added to accommodate the 6,000 sq ft lot. Detached accessory dwelling units –it was discussed and agreed by all that detached accessory dwelling units should have utilities and power connected and running through the principal structure. Home Professions –Discussion of requirements, displays, regulations. Director Sukup discusses and recommended to the Commission no longer requiring a permit for home professions. Allow code compliance to be able to regulate what could happen on the property. Commissioners asked staff to come back with a written recommendation for no longer requiring a permit,how the home profession would be regulated, how to make a recommendation to the Council. Animal keeping –Pot bellied pigs will be excluded along with all other swine. Discussion of bee keeping as a hobby, Commissioners discussion lead to a vote of four to three in favor of keeping 25 bee keeping hives as the limit and only on 40,000 sq ft. min lot size. Commission had discussion of Planned Residential Developments. Allowing the Hearing Examiner to increase density by 25%, would like to cut it to 10%. New Business–No new Business X.GOOD OF THE ORDER th meeting. Commissioner Commissioner Crosby will not be able to attend the April 26 th Beaulac will not be able to attend the May 10meeting. Commissioner Sands stated she would agree to assist Director Sukup with the Shoreline Master Program Grant if she needed it. XI.ADJOURNMENT Commissioner Blum made a motion to continue the meeting past 9:00 pm, it was seconded, the vote was three to four, motion failed. The meeting was adjournedat 9:00pm SUBMITTED:APPROVED: 04/12/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 3 ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson 04/12/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 3of 3