Minutes - 04/26/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission ApprovedMinutes Council Chambers–City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave. April 26, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairwomanKoglecalled the meeting to order at 6:02pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle,Beaulac, Blum, Carroll, Robertsonand Sandswere present. Commissioner Crosby was absent and excused. Staff attending the meeting: Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by CommissionerBlumsecondedby Commissioner Robertson,and unanimously agreed to accept the April 26, 2007agenda as presented. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT The was no public comment VII.COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson stated he has continued to attend public input regarding the Facilities Options Committee for the Central Valley School District. Commissioners Kogle,Beaulac,Blum, Sands and Carroll had nothing to report. VIII.AMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning Manager McCormick reported that the City Council approved a budget amendment for funding new positions in Community Development and Public Works; a street maintenance contract also. IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS Deliberations of Title 19, Zoning Regulations continued. 19.50.060 #1 -Reasonable walking distance–staff will determine what a reasonable walking distance is and attempt to reword the statement to sound more specific. Commissioners have a question for staff as to what a reasonable time is for a detention pond to empty in order to be considered part of the open space. Secondary use limitations -#10, d-at a previous meeting this item had been removed from the code. After discussion a vote was taken to return this to the regulations. Vote was 3 in favor, 2 against with Commissioner Sands abstaining. Garden Office: Use Matrix does not match listed uses in chapter,change #2 to say non-residential uses insteadof offices, 04/26/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 2 Want a discussion over the 16 foot alleyissue. Need to wait to forDirector Sukupfor justification. Commissioner Beaulac stated 16 feet not wide enough to allow anyone to pass arounda truck block path, Commissioner Carroll asked if it would be considered an alley for public transportation also. Several comments in comment matrix reference this issue. Commissioners will hold this subject discussion for all zones until later date. Office: states all uses in GO allowed in Office, Use Matrix does not reflect that, not all are appropriate. Strike #1. Neighborhood Commercial: discussion of service alley deferred until later Community Commercial: Discussion of Kennels results in changing the statement to read:Kennels associated with a veterinarian clinic provided that:, change use matrix to allow as an accessory use only, defer discussion of service alley, Regional Commercial: defer alley discussion Mixed Use Corridor: #c. change the word money to feeregarding the trade of open space in a mixed use area, reword for better statement, defer alley discussion Corridor Mixed Use: change wording in #f to match new language in Mixed Use Corridor #c City Center: Why regulations here if waiting for corridor study, no mention of service alley in this section, change #c. to read the same as new language for mixed use corridor #c. Community Facilities: defer service alley discussion New Business–No new Business X.GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Beaulac will not be attending the May 10 meeting. XI.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjournedat 8:47pm SUBMITTED:APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson 04/26/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 2