Minutes - 06/14/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission ApprovedMinutes Council Chambers–City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave. June 14, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairwomanKoglecalled the meeting to order at 6:00pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle,Blum, Beaulac, Robertsonand Sandswere present. CommissionerCrosbyarrived at 6:06 and Commissioner Carroll arrived at 06:17 PM. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director, Planning Manager Greg McCormick, Assistant Planner, Karen Kendall,Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by CommissionerRobertsonsecondedby Commissioner Blum,and unanimously agreed to accept theJune 14, 2007agenda as presented. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to be approved. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was offered. VII.COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson stated that he had attended the Central Valley School District Facilities Options Committee have done some research regarding public private partnerships and believes this will be the wave of the future. Commissioner Blum attended a City Council study session which they discussed the Sprague/Appleway Revitalization Plan. Commissioners Sands, Beaulac and Kogle had nothing to report. VIII.AMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup stated that she had nothing to report but thanked the Commissioner for their support through the years IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business–Public Hearing STV-02-07, Street Vacation for a portion of Shannon Avenue. Chairwoman Kogle opened the public hearing at 6:05 pm. Assistant PlannerKaren Kendall made a presentation to the Commission regarding the street vacation, locations, pictures of the site. Staff recommends a specific easement for the residence, if it remains on the property, to be accessed from Mansfield Rd. No objection from Public Works, Fire District #1 stated it was concerned about access to the residence but would be satisfied with the decision of access from Mansfield if stated in conditions. Staff recommends a conditional approval. 06/14/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 3 Commissioners asked questions, there would be no development on the property until Mansfield Rd. were extended and completely connected from east to west. This would be a condition of approval. rd Jay Bonnett, 803 E. 3Ave. JR Bonnett Engineering. Mr. Bonnett stated he represents the owner of the property Mr. Hamilton. Mr. Bonnett stated that Mr. Hamilton understands that the property can not be developed until Mansfield is connected and that the house on the property is slated to be destroyed. Commissioner Carroll asked if there was any access to Indiana from the property, no was the answer. He also wanted to know how many units could be built in the area if fullydeveloped. He was told that although no one has made the determinationthat the whole of the property will be developed in multifamily housing it could consist of approx. 400 units. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to recommend approval,based on thefindings and conclusions of staff, to the City Council subject to a record of survey which includes reservation of all utility easements, execution by the City of a Quit Claim deed to entitle property owners, and placement of monuments in accordance with the Spokane County Standards for Roadand Sewer Construction. Commissioner Crosby seconded. Discussion Commissioner Carroll would like to see the condition added to include an access to Indiana to the south. Mr. Bonnett stepped to the microphone with permission and stated that he was involved in phase one of the development and that the Public Works department was not interested in extending Houk or any other road across the railroad tracks south to Indiana. Commissioner Sands stated that she agreed with idea of a south access to Indiana. Planning Manager McCormick stated that if Public Works was interested in having an access south there would be an opportunity later when the property begins to develop to ask for such access. Vote is six to one in favor. Commissioner Carroll is the dissenting vote, stating only to bring to light his concern over congestion. Old Business: Deliberation of Title 22, Landscaping –Mr. Clyde Haase, who assisted in drafting much of this chapter of the title,has come to assist inansweringany questions as the Commissioners have as they deliberate. Discussion covered Clearview Triangles, electric fences, landscape architect must design the plan and will certify that it has been installed correctly, point system for the vegetation planted in these new areas.Point system working well in Oklahoma City. Commissioners asking for more points for keeping existing trees. the listing of trees, shrubs and plants has been moved out of the Title and into Appendix 22-A, what if there is a plant that the landscape architect wants to use that isn’t on this list? This is just a suggested list of planting and not a complete list, the landscape architect should know what will and will not work in this area. Extra points are givenfor Xeriscape, low water usage. These requirements apply to MF-2 and all Commercial zoning districts, not SFR. 06/14/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 3 More points for larger trees, cost more, more points for larger establishment of trees Aesthetic corridors-require 10% more points and 60% of those points must be used in front and side yards. Gravel, change l. to read therequirement, not thisrequirement Street trees need a control devise so that the roots will grown down before spreading out. Page 33, if construction, does not read right Commissioner Blum made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:15 pm, second by Commissioner Sands. Passed unanimous. Commissioners agree to increasing the points by 15% for keeping existing trees. Concern was stated over having to hire a landscape architect for every project. X.GOOD OF THE ORDER XI.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjournedat 9:17pm SUBMITTED:APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson 06/14/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 3of 3