Minutes - 06/21/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission ApprovedMinutes Council Chambers–City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave. June 21, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairwomanBlumcalled the meeting to order at 6:04pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III.ROLL CALL CommissionersBlum, Beaulac, Crosby, Robertsonand Sandswere present. CommissionerKoglearrived at 7:37 pmand Commissioner Carroll was excused absent. Staff attending the meeting: Marina Sukup, Community Development Director, Planning Manager Greg McCormick, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by CommissionerRobertsonsecondedby Commissioner Sands,and unanimously agreed to accept theJune 21, 2007agenda as presented. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Commissioner Sands, second by Commissioner Robertson to accept the May 24 minutes as presented. Passed by unanimous vote VI.PUBLIC COMMENT No public comment was offered. VII.COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioners had nothing to report VIII.AMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director Sukup stated that Mr. McCormick had been named as the Acting Community Development Director. A tentative date for a study session on the zoning map has thth been schedule for July 12with a public hearing schedule for July 26, if the Commission can finish deliberations on Title 22. IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS New Business–There was no new business Old Business: Discussion of rezone criteria for Title 19: Change sewer to wastewater Make item C item A, must connect to a wastewater treatment make A as item B, must be next to a parcel of desired zone change it to read transit or Community Commercial zone. Write A to say property shall be served by an organized wastewater collection system. 06/21/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 3 It was moved by Commissioner Sands and seconded to add the language to Title 19, section 19.30.030, #2 Rezone Criteria: To be eligible for a change in a low density residential zoning classification to allow smaller lots or more dense development, the following criteria shall be used to evaluate the rezone request: a.Property shall be served by an existing organized wastewater collection system; b.Property is adjacent and contiguous to property of the same zoning classification requested prior to the application. c.Property shall be within ¼ mile of an established transit route, or; d.Property shall be within ¼ mile of a Community Commercial zoning district. Vote is 4 to 1, motion passes. Commissioner Crosby is the dissenting Commissioner Crosby made a motion to forward Appendix 19-A, Schedule of Permitted Uses to City Council. It was seconded by Commissioner Sands. Motion passed unanimously. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to forward Title 19, Zoning as currently amended to the City Council. Second by Commissioner Sands. Vote is four to one, Commissioner Beaulac being the dissenting vote, stating he is uncomfortable forwarding the Title without the zoning map. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to forward the Appendix A, Definitions forward to the City Council. Second by Commissioner Sands. Motion passed unanimous. Deliberation of Title 22, The Commissioners had asked for Mr. Clyde Haase write maintenance items for the landscaping chapter. Mr. Haase proposes a.Tree guards are to be used around the base of each tree in lawn areas to prevent damage to trees caused by mowers and or string trimmers. b.Trees are to be planted a minimum of four (4) feet from any curb stop when ever possible. Discussion of the sign regulations 22.110 Off premise signs, discussion of what is an off premise sign. .060 –Fire Department asked that language be added #9 No sign shall block the view of fire protection equipment from approach Need to add a definition for point of purchase Add institutional signs to subdivision. .090 discussion of setbacks –currently set a five feet from the right of way. Commissioners discuss making it ten feet from the right of way. Commissioner Crosby moved and it was seconded to leave item 22.110.100, #3 set back from the right of way at five feet. Vote is four to two, motion passes. Make a reference in 22.110.100 to refer to the table 22.110-1 for minimum and maximum sign Change the formula in #4 b. to read correctly (Area A + Area B…) Discussion of definitions of abandoned sign and abandoned sign structure. Did have both definitions at one time, want them added back in because they are two different things that should be handled differently. 06/21/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 3 Commissioner Crosby made a motion to withdraw the motion to forward Appendix A, the Definitions to City Council. Second by Commissioner Sands, passed unanimously. Commissioners want an updated copy. X.GOOD OF THE ORDER Director Sukup said her good byes to the Commission. XI.ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjournedat 9:02pm SUBMITTED:APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson 06/21/2007 Planning Commission MinutesPage 3of 3