Minutes - 06/28/2007
Spokane Valley Planning Commission
Council Chambers–City Hall,11707 E. Sprague Ave.
June 28, 2007
ChairwomanKoglecalled the meeting to order at 6:00pm.
Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance
Commissioners Kogle,Blum, Beaulac andSands were present.Commissioner
Robertson was excused. Commissioner Carroll arrived at 06:22PM, and Commissioner
Crosby arrived at 6:39 PM.
Staff attending the meeting: Greg McCormick, Acting Community Development
Director, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant.
OldBusiness–Title 22 Deliberations
Landscaping–finish review:
Everyone received the new page to include new maintenance items, trees
must have maintenance ring, trees must be planted within a 4 feet, when
ever possible from a curb stop.
Abandoned property and noxious weeds fall under nuisance codes.
Page 29, what does ‘sealed’ mean, a licensed landscape architect registered
with the State of Washington.
Change pictures to say bark mulch or other specified material
Signs–finish review:
There proceeded to be considerable discussion of billboards, which is where
this subject was left off. Billboards on Pines, what are WSDOT standards for
signs on a state highway? Discussion of billboard size of copy area, height –
do want to be taller than surrounding buildings?
Commissioner Sands made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Blum
that a billboard height could not exceed the heightrestrictions in the underlying
zones, not to exceed 50 feet. Vote is five to one with Commissioner Crosby
being the dissenting vote.
Commissioners next discussed spacing along the roads. On the same sides
of the street and opposite sides. Expand from 1000 on same side to 2000
feet, opposite side 500 feet.
Commissioner Crosby made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Carroll
to leave the spacing for the billboards at 1000 feet on the same sides of the
streets and 250 feet on opposing sides. Voteis three to three, Commissioners
Blum, Beaulac and Sands against.
Discussion of spacing of the billboards continues
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Commissioner Blum made a motion which was seconded by Commissioner Sands
to change the spacing requirements for billboards to 2000 feet on the same sides
of the street and 500 feet on opposing sides. The vote was three to three,
Commissioners Crosby, Carroll and Kogle against.
Commissioner Beaulac feels that 5 years is too long to hold a demo permit
for a billboard and that they should be replaced sooner and the time line
should be shortened for the expiration date. Argument comes that it takes a
long time to find a new place to lease, negotiatea contract and then erect
the structure.
Commissioner Beaulac made a motion that was seconded by Commissioner Blum
to change the time length for a demo permit for a billboard from 60 months to
36 months. Vote was three to three, Commissioners Crosby, Carroll and Kogle
Wireless –reviewed and good as written.
Streets, sidewalks –
City Engineer will be replaced with what other wording?
Cut pavement policy, how can you enforce it, ACD McCormick
explained to the Commission that the City does it every day.
Street Vacations –
Commissioner Blum felt that the notice policy was not adequate
enough. Policy follows state guidelines. Discussion of how it could or
could not be increased.
Stormwater regulations –
Remove the definitions and place them with the definitions appendix,
to be in line with the rest of the code.
Feel there should be a mention of temp erosion controls here in this
sections. ACDD McCormick stated that he was sure that the temp
arrangements were listed in the grading part of the code.
Commissioner Sands said that she felt it should be restated here.
Commissioner Blum wants to revisit the landscaping section. Commissioner Carroll
stated that he felt it needed more review as to how it would be applied. There was
discussion for the need to go back over this section or not. Commissioner Blum made
a motion to revisit thelandscaping section of Title 22. There was no second for this
motion. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to accept the landscaping section as it
has been currently amended, second by Commissioner Beaulac. Vote is five to one
with Commissioner Blum beingthe dissenting vote.
There is no meeting on the 5of July, next regular meeting is July 12, which will
. The public hearing for the
push the study session for the zoning map out to July 26
zoning map will then be held on Aug 9
The meeting was adjournedat 8:40pm
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Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson
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