Minutes - 09/27/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers–City Hall,1707 E. Sprague Ave. September 27, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairmanKogle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, Staff and Audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle, Blum, Beaulac, Carroll, Robertson and Sands were present. Commissioner Crosby was absent and excused. Staff attending the meeting: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development, Scott Kuhta, Long Range Senior Planner,Mike Basinger, Associate Planner, Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA CommissionerBeaulacmoved the Sept. 27, 2007agenda be approvedas presented. Second by CommissionerBlum. Motion passed unanimously. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII.COMMISSION REPORTS None of the Commissioners had anything to report. Commissioner Carroll asked about comments he had read regarding the BoundaryReview Board and did it effect the City. Sr. Planner Kuhta responded the City is part of the process being discussed regarding growth outside of the City’s current boundaries. Mr. Kuhta also explained the City is discussing inter-local agreements with the County and other jurisdictions. He also told the Commission recently Councilmember Munson had asked the City Council to request our Urban Growth Areas be addressed as joint planning areas. The Council did approve the Mayor to send this letter. VIII.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Sr. Planner Kuhta introduced the new Community Development Director, Kathy McClung to the Planning Commission. Ms. McClung told the Commission about her past experience in Federal Way and having been with the City since it incorporated in 1990. Director McClung also informed the Commission the City Council had adopted th the Uniform Development Code at the Sept. 25meeting. She also mentioned it would be effective on Oct. 28, 2007. IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing STV-04-07, Street Vacation for a portion of Evergreen. Assistant Planner Karen Kendall gave a staff report and presentation to the Commission. Ms. Kendall explained the portion of Evergreen in question is 9 feet wideby 109 feet long and on the inside of the sidewalk. 9-27-07Planning Commission MinutesPage 1of 3 Findings are the road is not longer neededand staff recommends approval of the vacation. Bill Brooks, 108 N. Washington:Mr. Brooks explained this piece of road had been anticipated to be needed so Evergreen Rd. could be widened. However the building on the corner is too close to the road. The road was moved to the west to accommodate the building. Public testimony was closed at 6:16 pm Commissioner Carroll made a motion to recommend approval,with the stated conditions of STV-04-07 to the City Council. Second was made by Commissioner Beaulac. Commissioner Robertson asked what the conditions were, Ms. Kendall explained where the conditionswere on the staff report. Commissioner Sands asked if it was possible the road could be used as a bus turn-outs, Mr. Kuhta responded the Spokane Transit Authority is not in favor of bus turn-outs, it is too hard to get back into traffic. Vote is unanimous in favor. OLD BUSINESS: STV-03-07, Street vacation of Sipple and First. Associate Planner Basinger explained to the Commissioners he had rewritten the findings and conditions based on the public hearing the Planning Commission held. Mr. Basinger stated he also had noticed two other things whichneeded to be changed. In the findings, #10 states no objections have been received from any agency. He stated in fact staff had objected,so statement needed to be reworded. The Commissioners agreed. Commissioner Carroll also pointed out item#9 stated the Commission had not heard anyone object to the proposed vacation, which also needed to be changed since the Public Works department had objected to the vacation unless it was a conditioned approval. Commissioners agreed to end the sentence at ‘in favor of the street vacation.’ Commissioners agreed everything seemed correct now. Mr. Basinger stated he would make the corrections and get a copy for Ms. Kogle to sign so it could be forwarded to the City Council. STUDY SESSION: Associate Planner Mike Basinger begana slide presentation to explain the 17 different Comprehensive Plan map amendments whichare being proposedfor this year’s process. One is a citizen initiated proposal and the rest are staff proposed. Mr. Basinger explained the location, the land use designation change, the zoning changes and who the applicants are. FILE PARCEL COMP PLAN ZONING NO.NO.LOCATIONCHANGECHANGEAPPLICANT CPA-01-Sullivan and 16th 0745261.0407AveLDR to NCR-2 to NCNW Renovators CPA-02-Broadway and City of Spokane 0745151.9010McDonaldPQP to MDRCF to MF-1Valley 45151.9012 CPA-03-Pines and 32nd City of Spokane 0745284.2030AveNC to HDRNC to MF-2Valley 45284.2013 CPA-04-Pines and City of Spokane 0745103.0261Mansfield RoadHDR to OMF-2 to OValley 45103.0262 45103.0263 45102.9057 45102.9074 9-27-07Planning Commission MinutesPage 2of 3 FILE PARCEL COMP PLAN ZONING NO.NO.LOCATIONCHANGECHANGEAPPLICANT CPA-05-Barker and City of Spokane 0755083.6401MissionLDR to NCR-4 to NCValley CPA-06-Sprague and City ofSpokane 0745154.1717McDonaldLDR to CMUR-3 to CMUValley CPA-07-Broadway and City of Spokane 0745184.0116ArgonneO to HDRGO to MF-2Valley 45184.0101 CPA-08-Cataldo and City of Spokane 0745181.1224ArgonneO to HDRGO to MF-2Valley CPA-09-City of Spokane 0745153.1715Pines and OliveO to HDRO to MF-2Valley CPA-10-Barker/I-90City of Spokane 07-InterchangeTo RCTo RCValley CPA-11-City of Spokane 0735124.2504Nora and ParkPQP to LICF to LIValley 35124.2606 CPA-12-Broadway and City of Spokane 0745183.0405EllaHDR to OMF-2 to OValley CPA-13-Pinecroft and City of Spokane 0745033.9024PinesPQP to MUCF to MUCValley 45033.9042 CPA-14-Mission near City of Spokane 0745161.0246UnionPQP to OCF to GOValley CPA-15-McDonald and City of Spokane 0745223.921012th AvePQP to HDRCF to MF-2Valley CPA-16-Long Road and City of Spokane 0755182.0103MissionPQP to LDRCF to R-3Valley CPA-17-Pines and 10th City of Spokane 0745214.2531Ave.LDR to CMUR-2 to CMUValley X.FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER Mr. Basinger informed the Commissionof a series of web conferences the local APA is sponsoring;the next one is Oct. 3, at CenterPlace. Commissioner Robertson asked about organizing a joint planning meeting with the other jurisdictions in the area. Staff statedthey would look into contact the other cities. XI.ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:02 pm. SUBMITTED:APPROVED: ___________________________________________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative AssistantGail Kogle, Chairperson 9-27-07Planning Commission MinutesPage 3of 3