Minutes - 10/25/2007 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers – City Hall, 1707 E. Sprague Ave. October 25, 2007 I.CALL TO ORDER ChairmanKogle called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II.PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The Commissioners, Staff and Audience stood and recited the Pledge of Allegiance III.ROLL CALL Commissioners Kogle, Blum, Beaulac, Carroll, Crosby, and were present. Commissioner Sandswas absent and excused. Staff attending the meeting: Kathy McClung, Director of Community Development, Greg McCormick, Planning Manager, Scott Kuhta, Long Range Senior Planner, Mike Basinger, Associate Planner, Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV.APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Crosbymoved the Oct. 25, 2007agenda be approvedas presented. Second by CommissionerBeaulac. Motion passed unanimously. V.APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Crosby stated that the minutes for 8-23-07 incorrectly stated he was absent, not excused. Mr. Crosby said he had informed staff that he would not be present at that meeting. Commissioner Beaulac made a motion to approvethe minutes from August 23, 2007, September 27, 2007 and October 11, 2007 be approved as amended. Commissioner Crosby seconded the motion which was passed unanimously. VI.PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII.COMMISSION REPORTS rd Commissioner Blum stated that he attended the City Council meeting on Oct. 23, 2007. He reported on theCouncil’s decision regarding street vacation of Sipple and First. All other Commissioners had nothing to report. VIII.ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS There was nothing for the administrative report. IX.COMMISSION BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS: Public Hearing regarding Comprehensive Plan amendments. Below is the list of the Comprehensive Plan Map amendments. Two chapters of the Comprehensive Plan, Transportation and Capital Facilities are being updated. COMP PLAN ZONING FILE NO.PARCEL NO.LOCATIONCHANGECHANGEAPPLICANT Sullivan and CPA-01-0745261.040716th AveLDR to NCR-2 to NCNW Renovators Broadway and CPA-02-0745151.9010McDonaldPQP to MDRCF to MF-1City of Spokane Valley 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 7 COMP PLAN ZONING FILE NO.PARCEL NO.LOCATIONCHANGECHANGEAPPLICANT 45151.9012 Pines and CPA-03-0745284.203032nd AveNC to HDRNC to MF-2City of Spokane Valley 45284.2013 Pines and Mansfield CPA-04-0745103.0261RoadHDR to OMF-2 to OCity of Spokane Valley 45103.0262 45103.0263 45102.9057 45102.9074 Barker and CPA-05-0755083.6401MissionLDR to NCR-4 to NCCity of Spokane Valley Sprague and CPA-06-0745154.1717McDonaldLDR to CMUR-3 to CMUCity of Spokane Valley Broadway and CPA-07-0745184.0116ArgonneO to HDRGO to MF-2City of Spokane Valley 45184.0101 Cataldo and CPA-08-0745181.1224ArgonneO to HDRGO to MF-2City of Spokane Valley Pines and CPA-09-0745153.1715OliveO to HDRO to MF-2Cityof Spokane Valley Barker/I-90 CPA-10-07-InterchangeTo RCTo RCCity of Spokane Valley The Commissioners discussed and agreed to proceed with one amendment at a time and allow public comment on each item separately. th CPA-01-07 – 16and Sullivan. Amendment request by the owners, NW Renovators. Change from Low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Donna Duree, 1512 S Century Rd. – Ms. Dupree stated that she is opposed to this change. She statedshe hadspoken totheowner and consider they stated it wasnot safe for a single family residence. Ms. Duree said she felt that a commercial use would destroyher quality of lifeand my family life. She pointed out that the area is over saturated with traffic, kids, school buses and STAbuses. Ms. Duree is asking for a use that will generate the least amount of traffic. Nils Wagenhals, 2719 S. Cheryl Court. – Mr. Wagenhalsstated the area isvery busy with traffic. He stated a personcan't see up Sullivan with the fence. Mr. Wagenhals stated he is against thischange, he isafraid of having more commercial on Sullivan. Roger Southrn, 1705 S Newer Lane, - Mr. Sothern stated he is opposed to this change. He stated there is too muchtraffic and change. He pointed out that peopletrying to access4th and Sullivan and there are manychildren from middle school and high schoolin the area. He stated he would anticipate disastrous results. Mr. Southrn stated this corner does not lend itself to any commercial development. Michael Lee, PO box 885, Liberty Lake – Mr. Leeis a proponentfor the change. Mr. Lee stated that approximately430 vehicles per hourgo by this corneron th ; there is three times this amount, on Sullivan. He said he feels it is not a 16 safe place for a single familyhome. Mr.Lee said he is in favorof wanting to 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 7 change for the safety aspect, wants itto be a better use. He said they wantto put something on the propertyto serve that neighborhood. Mr. Lee said larger commercial is not needed there, but single family residential is not good there either. Mr. Lee also stated that the surrounding property will benothing but gravel, and transformers. nd Vicki Sienknecht, 15314 E. 22 – Ms. Sienknecht stated that she doesn’thave an answer for single familyto be on this lot, butdoes not feel that commercial is right either. People walk the neighborhood at both 16th and Sullivan. Ms. Sienknecht said it was hard, but there is astop light now. Ms. Sienknecht has concerns about fitting something that close tothecorner, but doesn’t feel commercial is a good answer. Doug Gore, PO Box 885, Liberty Lake – Mr. Gore is an owner and proponentof the change. Mr.Gore stated that they are looking at a low impact use on the property. Mr. Gore said that they are aware that this is on aschool bus route, but that a single family residence is not appropriate. Mr. Gore said that Vera Water and Power own the land thatsurrounds property,and he believes they are going to put a power substation on their property. Mr. Gore stated that he will do whatever theycan to work with the neighbors. st Brady Peterson15511 S. 21 – Mr. Peterson stated that he was anopponentto the change. Mr. Peterson pointedout thelot size, 11654 sf, andthat access is gong to be a problem. Mr. Peterson stated that he pulled out the Comprehensive Plan regardingneighborhood commercial.Mr. Peterson stated that business should be in clusters, this property would bean island by itself, which is not what a Neighborhood Commercialis meant to be. Alan Meyers, 2124S Newer Ct,Mr. Meyers stated that he had prepared aletter, but others have articulatedhis same thoughts in their testimony. Mr. Meyers feels that any traffic business createswould be bad for the neighborhood, there isno potential for developmenton this property. , Jeremy Drager, 2011 S Early Dawn. – Mr. Drager stated that he was a proponent for this change. He said that Sullivan is a 4 lane road,there is too much traffic for it to be a residence.Mr. Drager stated that anything is going to make it busy on that corner. The danger factor is high but single family is notthe right thing to put there. Mr.Drager stated he was in favor of the safest, best use of the property and he believes owners are trying to work that. Patricia Price, 15307 E 15th Ave. – Ms Price stated she was one of the neighbors that fought for astreet light. Ms. Price is opposed to this change. She also stated that she has pickedup kids who hit by cars. Sonja Bakonyi, 1520 S Century Rd. – Ms. Bakonyi stated that she runs an in- home daycare. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that she had spoken with VeraWater and Power who assured her that if commercialgoes on the property, they will put asubstation there. Ms. Bakonyi also stated that Vera also said they would listen to the neighbors. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she runs a daycarein her home and that it is very busy for parents to get intoherhomeand pick the kids up. Ms. Bakonyi stated that she has concerns about the increase in cars because she takeskids for walks and could not feel comfortabledoing that if traffic increased. Doug Slato, 15311 15th Ave. – Mr. Slato said when there was no light there, his wife was in an accident,now there is a light there. He stated that he turns on 14th to avoid light. If you add a commercial use the kids will cut thecorner. Mr. Slato stated he felt there was plenty of commercial if someone needed it they 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 7 th could travel to 32nd and Pines or 4and Sullivan. Mr. Slato said he felt the City needed more homes not more commercial. Michael Godek, 15121 E 15th –Mr. Godek stated he felt a SCOPEofficewouldbe great, but the neighborhood already had lots of kids jumpingfences, lots of speeding.Mr. Godek said that he thought nothing too crazy should be allowed there. Mr. Godek said he is opposed to the change. Commissioner Robertson made a motion to recommend denial of CPA-01-07 to the City Council, second by Commissioner Blum. – Commissioners had an extensive discussion of the proposal. Concerns raised were if residential is not a good designation then what would be better considering what Vera W&P are going to do with the surrounding land. Commissioners feltit is not a good place for residential however, are concerned as to what designation would be appropriate on the ground. Discussion turned to what the allowed uses would be, staff reminded the Commissioner that what the owners plan to do with the property is not part of the proposal, they need to make a determination on what is the best use for the property based on land use designations. The voteon the motion is three to three, motion fails. Commissioner Carroll moved to recommend approvalof the proposal to the City Council. After more discussion the vote on the motion is three to three, motion fails for tie. At this time the Commission forwards amendment CPA-01-07with no recommendation. CPA-02-07has been withdrawn. CPA-03-07 - This property is located at Pines and 32nd. It is currently apartments,the proposedchange isfrom Neighborhood Commercial to High Density Residential. Henry Bell, 12009 E 30th - Mr. Bell stated that helives near this property and there is already toomuch noise. Mr. Bell wanted to know how many more peoplewould be put in on it. Staff explained that there will be no change on the property. Commissioner Beaulacmade a motion to recommend approval of CPA-03-07to the City Council,secondby Commissioner Blum, motion passesunanimously. CPA-04-07 – These properties are on the east side of Pinesand north of Mansfield, The proposal is to change from High Density Residential to Office. After discussion Commissioner Carroll made a motion to recommend approvalof CPA-04-07to the City Council. Motion is seconded by Commissioner Blum and approved Unanimous. CPA-05-07 - This property is located at the corner of Barker Rd. and Mission Ave., and is part of the Riverwalk subdivision. Change isfrom R-4Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. Commissioner Carroll asked for confirmation that this is a map correction, for prior to incorporation, was zoned to B-1. Staff did confirmthat the property had been B-1, and thenit was change to residential, Elaine Weese, 18617 E. Montgomery – Ms. Weesestated that the property was originally commercial, before the development. Ms Weese stated that there was too much traffic for anything more than commercial. AnitaPurdie, 18716 E Baldwin Ct. – Ms Purdie stated that she has been told that there have been several different designationson the property. Ms. Purdie stated she felt thata park of some kindwould be better than something commercial. She said that there is abus stoplocated in this area and houses back onto this parcel. Ms. Purdie said she felt that the low turn out of 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 7 neighborhood was due to no notice,she also said it is too hard to stop and read sign. She stated she was troubled as to what will go there and what effect it will have on the children and the school. Commissioner Blum made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-05-07to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson seconded the motion which was passed unanimous. CPA-06-07 – This property is just off the corner of Spragueand McDonald. Change is from Low Density Residential to Corridor Mixed Use. Staff reminded the Planning Commission during the Comprehensive Plan deliberations this property was discussed and voted to approve, however itdid not get changed on the map. Lillian Enman, 101 N Clinton Rd. – Ms. Enman lives behind the propertyin this CPA. Ms. Enman stated she wantedto know what is going to go there. Ms. Enman stated that she had been told it was offices however she was concerned about the amount of noise that would be generated by the change. Commissioner Robertson moved to recommend approval of CPA-06-07to the City Council. Commissioner Beaulac secondsthe motion which was passed unanimous. CPA-07-07 - This property is located at the corner of Broadway and Argonne. The proposal is to changefrom Office to High Density Residential, which is the current use on the property. Marie Fruin, 706 NMargarite – Ms. Fruin stated she wanted to ask for consideration as far as the proposalwas concerned. Ms. Fruinstated when she bought property it had aneasement on the back access. She stated she no longer has access and would like to have her access back or to have a fence put up to protect her from the surrounding property. Staff explained to Ms. Fruin that the City can't require improvements as part of a Comprehensive Planamendment. Ed Krienke, 922 S Mariam – Mr. Krienke stated that he believed what theCity hasdone istargetedapartments.The City is considering reverse spot zoning, which he feels is against the greater good as well as the Growth Management Act. Mr. Krienke stated that if the property were vacant, no one would build an apartment complexon it. He is against this change. Commissioner Carroll made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-07-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson second, the vote is all in favor. CPA-08-07 – The property is located at Cataldo and Argonne, the proposed changeis from Office to High Density Residential. Ed Krienke, 922 S Mariam – Mr. Krienke stated that it is unreasonableto say that zoning should be different than what is already zoned up and down Argonne. Mr. Krienke stated no one could give him a good reason for the change.Mr. Krienke stated that this change would affecthispocketbook. He also stated that if there was afireno one would want to put apartments back on the property. Mr. Krienke stated that the Comprehensive Plan is about changing and making a choice. Staff explained the change on the property. The City added Office and multi- family zoning which did not exist in the past.Commissioner Beaulac made the motion to recommend approval to the City Council. Commissioner Carroll 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 7 seconded the motion. Commissioners had discussion regarding the property, regarding the non-conforming use and if the owner was aware of the change. Commissioner’s voteon the motion is3 to 3,motion fails. The suggestion was made to move it forward without a recommendation from the Commission. There was more discussion of the consequencesof the change and staff’s comments regarding approval. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-08-07to the City Council, Commissioner Robertson second the motion which was passed with a vote of four to two. CPA-09-07 - This property is located at Pines and Olive. These apartments are HUD housing for seniors. Staff pointed out that this is an example of where funding would be a problem if it isnon-conforming. Commissioner Crosby moved to recommendapproval of CPA-09-07 to the City Council. Commissioner Robertson seconded, thevote is unanimous. CPA-10-07 – Staff explained that this proposal is located off the Barker Rd. interchange. Most of this property in this area is currentlyzoned Corridor Mixed Use, but that staff feels that with the interchangethere it should be Regional Commercial. Bonnie Owens, 421 N Greenacres Rd. – Ms. Owens stated she was against this change. She stated no one notified her of the change. Ms. Owens stated the neighbors don't wantto be sandwichedbetween commercial uses. Lisa Thompson, 506 N Greenacres Rd. – Ms. Thompson stated that she is not opposed to the area on Broadwaybeing changed however she feelsstaff istoo greedywith where they want to put the change. Ms Thompson stated the change isimpactingthe residential neighborhoods.She also stated that neighbors were concerned Huber Trailer employees are speeding through the neighborhood now along with people trying to avoid the Barker light. Ms. Thompson stated the area around Alki is mostly residential, she wanted to know if the City wantedto buy themout. Sharon Shawo, 18112 E Alki. – Ms. Shawo stated she was against this change. She stated that the area between Broadway and Alki is all residences. Ms. Shawo stated she felt the City was destroyingthe neighborhood, there were new houses. Why zonecommercialwhen it has alwaysbeen residential? Nathan Smith, 422 W Riverside – Mr. Smith stated he was representing the Corner Stone Church. He stated that the church would like to include the church and adjacent property on the ComprehensivePlan amendment. Mr. Smith stated that Regional Commercial would bemore appropriatethan residential, which the property is currently classified, which would develop Broadway Diane Savish, 511 N. GreenacresRd. Ms. Savishstated she would trade Mr. Smith the church for the residences. Greg Hicks, 18511 E. Alki. – Mr. Hicks stated he was against the change. Mr. Hicks stated that he felt the only people in favor of this rezone don't live here. Wes Beck, 19105 E Alki - Mr. Beck stated he was against the change. Mr. Beck wanted to know what happens to the houses when they are non-conforming? Earlier you said things need to be conforming. Eric Hattamer, 217N Flora Rd. – Mr. Hattamer stated this is long rangeplan. Barker will be four lanes instead of two in the future, as the traffic has changed so far. He stated that you anticipate that as things go forward, people need to think long range not short range. 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 7 Mark Taylor, 18606 E Alki – Mr. Taylor wanted to know what happens if the properties are made non-conforming. He stated he had a concern if residences try torefinance and they are non-conforming. Mr.Taylor stated he felt the I-90 corridor is Broadway not on Alki. At this time Commissioner Crosby made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:15 pm. Motion is seconded and passed to extend Lisa Thompson returned to the podium to ask the designation at the Valley Mall. Tracy Carver, 18316 E. Broadway – Ms. Carver stated she was against this change and that all around there is residentialin the area with exception of HuberTrailer Sales, please move the line back. Gene Colbert, 19205 E Broadway – Mr. Colbert wanted to know what are the differences in the allowed uses. Mr. Colbert also wantedto know what is gong tohappen with theAppleway Corridor. Mr. Colbert stated that the change does not affect hisbusinessbut, but he said his logic is that there is plenty of commercialalong the Sprague Ave., so is more needed? Commissioners and staff discuss why the designation was chosen, how regional commercial develops at interchanges. Commissioner Carroll asked would it be appropriate to extend the church property. Commissioner Crosby made a motion to extend the meeting to 9:30pm. Motion passes with a vote of5 to 1. Staff suggested they could look at a series of alternativesfor this area. Barker will be widenedin the future;staffdoesn't know what will be needed for more than right-of-wayparcels. Staff stated that under Corridor Mixed UseHigh Density Residential would be allowed and this is not something the City would want at the interchange. th Commissioner Carroll made a motion tocontinue the public hearing to Nov. 8 with an instruction to staff to research including the church request andhow CPA-10-07 could be reworked. Staff stated they could develop a couple of alternatives. Commissioner Beaulacseconded, motion passed unanimously. OLD BUSINESS:There was no old business X.FOR THE GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order XI.ADJOURNMENT There being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 9:22pm. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: _________________________________ __________________________ Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Gail Kogle, Chairperson 10-25-07 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 7