Minutes - 11/13/2008 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. November 13, 2008 I. CALL TO ORDER The Chairperson Robertson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL Commissioners Beaulac, Carroll, Eggleston, Kogle, Robertson, Sands and Sharpe were present. Staff attending the meeting: Greg McCormick, Planning Manager; Lori Barlow, Associate Planner; Henry Allen, Development Engineer; Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner Beaulac, seconded by Commissioner Sands, to approve the Nov. 13, 2008 agenda as presented. Motion carried unanimous. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Kogle motioned to approve the July 29, September 25, and October 9, 2008 minutes. It was seconded and approved unanimously. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There were no public comments. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Robertson stated he had made a pan handling presentation to the police department. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Planning manager Greg McCormick stated that at the next Commission meeting would have on the agenda the election of officers, the Airport Overlay Zone continued hearing, and the title 20 public hearing. Mr. McCormick also stated that the Staff was preparing a Local Planning Short Course one of two meetings in Jan. Commissioner Beaulac asked what the City Council decided on the corridor the transportation of the corridor. Mr. McCormick said that the Council decision was to convert Sprague and Appleway to two-way east of Dishman-Mica including any extension to Appleway, it would remain one-way west of Dishman-Mica. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. New Business — Study Session, Title 20 Subdivisions: Associate Planner Barlow made a presentation explaining the proposed changes in Title 20. Development Engineer Henry Allen assisted in answering any questions the Commissioners has throughout the presentation. A. Planner Barlow submitted 6 pages of changes, (attached) and covered these with the Commission. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER Commissioner Beaulac asked if increasing the density in the airport overlay zone would cause the City any legal liability after having regulations prohibiting it. Mr. McCormick stated he would make an inquiry to the City's legal staff for an answer. 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 8 XI. AD70URNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:15 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant Ian Robertson, Vice-Chairperson 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 8 Title 20 Update Explanation Table of Proposed Changes Planning Commission Study Session — November 13, 2008 ,r� ' i ' 'A• •, '° � - - 20.20 General Provisions Omits the word City as seen in 2020.030.A and Insert the word City so that it iniinics the Legal Lots 20.20.030.B language in the previous sections. 20.20.060 Correct the vertical datum reference. Change reference to North American Vertical Vertical Datum (NAVD) datum. 20.20.070 Due to the placement of concrete sidewalks and Clarify that monumentation is required by Monumentario curb, the requirement to place iron at the corner City construcrions standards and eliminate n. may be difficult to achieve. The quesrion of what the specific reference to using an iron rod consists of a permanent monument has also been a or iron pipe as the only method of point of argument. permanent monumentation. 20.20.090.B.1 Some sites may have conditions such as views or Create a flexible option that allows the side Side lot lines topography where it may make it desirable to lot lines to be less than perpendicular to the establish side lot lines other than perpendicular to street right-of-way. the right of way. However, lot lines that deviate from perpendicular to a great eatent can create access problems. 20.20.090.B2 LSAW has raised the issue and requested a larger Establish a standard for property lines at radius at the corner. Development Engineering is corner lots that addresses the intersection of concerned that improvements be located within the arterial streets, and the potenrial need for right of way or border easement. The border traffic light infrastructure or signage, with easement allows for a greater area to be included an arc rather than a straight line. See the within the lot, and also insures that the property is graphic in the ordinance. maintained. 20.20.090.B.2. The reference to low density residenrial Replace low density development language c development appears vague. The issue is that single with single and two-family reference to family and two-family corner lots need to be greater clarify when the width increase is required. in width to accommodate the two street frontage setbacks. 20.20.090.B.3. The average width calcularion is not defined, nor Provide average width calcularion in the c. Lot Depth how the average width is calculated when there is definirions appendix. an angle point in the side line of the lot? Lot width, average "Average lot width" means the sum of the length of the front and rear lot line divided by twa In the case of irregularly shaped lots having four or more sides, "average lot width" is the sum of the length of two lines, drawn perpendicular to one side line at the widest and narrowest portions of the lot, divided by two. 20.20.090C.1 The block length is inconsistent with the new street Insert language that requires consistency Block Length standards proposed. All standards should be in the with Street Standards. adopted Street Standards. 20.20.090.C.2. The language does not allow for the numbering of Replace "alphabetical" with numerical" Block the Blocks and lot numbering is not mentioned and include lots. Labeling. 20.20.090.C.3 The street alignment criteria does not reference the Insert Street Standards and Comprehensive 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 8 ,�° ' 1 , //� °+ /° � -- - Street adopted Street Standards or Comprehensive Plan as Plan as items to be considered in street Alignment design considerations. alignment. 20.20.090.D The code allows a"shadow" plat to be required if Insert language that notes that the drawing lots 1 acre or greater are being established, but does shall be binding to the ea� tent that future not identify to what eatent the drawing will be structures may not be placed within the binding. The issue is to insure that development setback area from the future right of way. does not preclude the ea�tension of streets planned for in the adopted arterial and local access street master plan. 20.20.090. Private driveways require an easement. Clarify teat to call out private driveway F Lot Access easement. Every lot shall have direct access to a paved public street, private street, or an easement for a private driveway � 20.20.090.G The code does not require alleys to be improved Insert alleys into the list of access Access prior to filing of the final plat as part of the access improvements required prior to plat Improvements improvements. recording. 20.20.090. The code omits border easements from the list of Include border easements as an area where M where underground urilities can be located. underground urilities may be located. 20.20.110 The code does not provide the method to subdivide Insert provisions that allow attached single (New section attached single-family dwellings unless they are family short plats and subdivisions as well proposed - part of a planned unit development with a minimum as alterations. Attached site size of 5 acres. single family subdivision) Preliminary Short Subdivisions, Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans Inconsistent with table 17.80-2 and section Create consistency by modifying the teat to 20.30.01 17.80.080.B Pre-applicarion Conference which require a pre-ap for a short plat or binding 0 requires applicant to schedule a pre-ap unless the site plan, similar to a subdivision, unless Applicat Director waives the requirement as allowed in the Director waives the requirement. ion 17.80.080. C. 1. 20.30.020.A.3 and 20.30.020.A.6 Spokane 1. Add language to reflect that the public 20.30.02 County Assessor's Map. Current practice is to notice packet include the assessor's map 0 request the map and public notice packet once the and title company's search current within Contents applicarion has been determined to be complete. 60 days of the application submittal date, of The process has been utilized to insure that the and norify the applicant that if it takes applicari applicant does not have to pay twice for the title longer than 60 days to receive a complete on. company's search if it takes longer than 30 days for applicarion, a new packet will be required. the application to be determined complete. 2. Include the legal description on the 2. 20.30.020..4 Legal Description. The legal preliminary plat. Remove teat from e�ibit descriprion does not need to be an e�iibit, but could section and require as item to be shown on be included on the plat. the plat. 3. Electronic file. Since this is a 3. Eliininate requirement to provide preliminary submittal, the information supplied may electronic files at the preliininary plat stage. be of little or no value to the City. Most developers and surveyors would be doing the minimum amount 4. Insert a requirement to provide a plat of work to get to the point of preliininary submittal. certificate at preliininary plat stage. Once approved they would then proceed with getting the complete and accurate informarion onto 5. Clarify that SEPA may be required for a the map. short plat under specific circumstances. 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 8 ,�° ' 1 , //� °+ /° � -- - 4. (New plat certificate is not required at the preliminary review stage. The plat certificate provides information to the reviewers at the preliininary stage that identifies issues that should be considered in determining conditions of approval. 5. SEPA review is required for a subdivision and BSP and sometimes required for a Short Plat if the grading, filling or excavation greater than 500 cubic yards occurs. 20.30.020- 1. 20.30.020.B.3 State law requires the section, L Insert "quarter-quarter " teat B. Preliminary township, range and quarter quarter of the section short information on all surveys. 2. Elimiiiate the teat from this section subdivision, and move to contents of applicarion section subdivision or 2. 20.30.020.B. * Written narrative. The written as a separate e�iibit. binding site narrative should not be shown on the plat, but a plan data (to separate e�iibit. 3. Clarify the scale and identify what is be included on to be shown. the 3. 20.30.020.B.5 Vicinity Map. The requirement preliminary does not stipulate a scale or eatent. 4. Include border easements in list of short plat, plat easements required to be shown on or binding site 4. 20.30.020.B.10 The code does not identify preliminary plat. plan). border easements as required to be shown at preliminary plat stage. Border easements are 5. Insert language that requires flood known prior to submittal and are useful to the hazard areas to be shown. review process in order to assess adequate buildable area of the lot. 6. Idenrify when contour information is to be shown and at what intervals, and 5. 20.30.020.B.12 The code does not require flood eliminate the requirement that a land hazard areas to be shown on the preliininary plat as surveyor must provide the data. part of the natural features required to be shown. 7. Eliininate repetirive language from 6. 20.30.020.B.14 Topographic informarion. This site data table and request only informarion seems to imply that there is a requirement for not shown elsewhere on the plat. topographic informarion (collected by a surveyor) on flat ground. Land surveyors have requested that 8. Eliininate Boundary Points and high other topography sources be allowed accuracy standard requirement at preliminary plat stage. 7. 20.30.020.B.15 Site Data Table. Some of the information requested (lot area and frontage) in this table is usually shown in the map portion of the preliminary plat and will be repeated here. 8. 20.30.020.B.16 Boundary points for corners. This paragraph appears to require that boundary determination and corners are set prior to preliminary submittal. Boundary corners and interior corners are typically not set until the final plat is submitted. Nearby buildings or large trees may prevent the use of GPS on the boundary corners. This paragraph will also prevent a surveyor that does not use GPS from submitting any 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 8 ,�° ' 1 , //� °+ /° � -- - work to the City. The accuracy standards sighted are very high and will require significant effort by the surveyor. These requirements may even be stricter than the GPS work done by Spokane County engineering Dept. prior to City incorporation. Final Short Subdivisions, Subdivisions and Binding Site Plans 20.40.010. National CAD standards will require a level of Add language that requires the electronic B.4 oversight by the City to ensure that they will be files to be provided as a pdf, tiff, or bitmap Electronic file getting what is required. These standards would at the time the mylars are provided, and submittal add another level of effort for most surveyors and eliminate the unnecessary references to would increase costs. It is believed that most CAD standards. electronic work is considered protected by copyright laws. This will also prevent a surveyor that does not use CAD from submitting any work to the City. Staff note: the electronic files have no value unril they are in the final form, and no further changes will be made. 20.40.010. C.8. The last line seems to contradict item 6 in that 20.40.010. C.8. Plat boundary and street Plat boundary segment and item 20.20.090-B.1 DEA suggests center � lines having curves and street adding the clarification language on the right. shall show radius, arc, central angle and monument tangent for each curve and radial bearings lines; where curve is intersected by a non- tangent line. Spiral curves shall show two suiral curve elements in addition to the chord bearing and length; 20.40.010.C.9 No requirement to show radial bearings for lot Insert language to require radial bearings Radial corners that are at the beginning or ending of a at lot corners. Bearings tangent curve. 20.40.010. C.1 Elevation bench mark It is unclear in this ritle when Eliininate the requirement for elevations to 1. Elevations permanent bench marks are required. be shown, or require that elevations only be shown on plats within the airport hazard DEA suggests eliminating the requirement for overlay zone. elevation benchmarks. However, there may be some value when the property is located in the airport hazard overlay zone. 20.40.010. C.1 Net area. How does this "net area for each platted Clarify that the net area must meet the 2. Net area lot exclusive of the right of way" affect lots that minimum lot area for that zoning district. have their ownership up to the centerline of a private This would require that a change also be driveway or private lane? Is there "right of way" for made within the residential development lots that own up to the centerline of a private lane? standards in 19.40. 20.40.O10.C.1 Boundary Points for corners. Similar comments Change the reference point to be the current 3. Boundary have been made above. As this information has control network as established by the points been asked for at the rime of the preliminary plat Spokane County GPS control project and submittal, this would appear to be redundant. What that coordinate system. The controlling requirements are thereof for the map of the control points used by this subdivision shall be system? An expert in GPS measurement may be indicated on the map needed to review to ensure that this requirement is being met. This paragraph will also prevent a Confirm with the county that this is surveyor that does not use GPS from submitting any auurouriate language work to the City. 20.40.020 The reference to city standards for road construction Eliminate city standards for road 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 8 ,�° ' 1 , //� °+ /° � -- - Contents of is unclear. All standards will be in the adopted construcrion and insert any applicable city final plat street standards, so the reference should be to all standards. applicable city standards. 20.40.020.B State law currently requires the section, township, Add quarter-quarter teat. range and quarter quarter of the section informarion on all surveys. Language in parenthesis is redundant Eliininate redundant language 20.40.020. G. 1 Block Numbers. This seems to contradict Clarify that block numbers or letters may be ayout, lot and 20.20.090.C.2 used. block numbers 20.40.020.M Notarized certificarion. currently titled as an 20.40.020.M A notarized certification, and Notarized "Acknowledgement" on the plat? If a dedicarion is acknowled�ement by the owner(s) and certification occurring to a benefactor other than the city, i.e. beneficiary if other than the city as shown open space, etc. an acknowledgement by the on a current plat certificate shall be benefactor of the property may be required. provided dedicaring streets, areas intended for other public use, and granting of easements for slope and utilities. 20.40.020N Land Surveyors have pointed out that the Insert teat which indicates the RCW. certification should be consistent with RCW 58.09. F Public works is not required to sign. Eliminate public works and replace with inal approval Development Services Senior Engineer; signatures Water purveyor and fire department are also not eliminate water district and fire department required to sign? as required signatures. Insert Add recordarion language to make applicant aware 20.40.035 Recordation. The department 20.40.035 that recording fees are required to be paid by shall record approved short plats, Recordation applicant. subdivisions, and binding site plans with the Spokane County auditor's office and submit copies of the recorded documents to the Spokane County assessor's office. All fees for such recording shall be paid by the applicant prior to recording. 20.40.040 Existing bond criteria is to constraining. Establish Insert additional language to allow bonding Bond in lieu more flexible criteria that would allow the developer if a commercial project is underway, of to bond prior to final plat approval. increase the rime limits from 12 months to construcrion 18 months and establish a bond amount. 20.40.050 The code does not allow phasing for a BSP, only for Include language that allows BSP to be Phasing a subdivision. phased. Final Plat and Short Plat Alterations 20.60.030 BSP's are not addressed in the alteration section. Add Binding Site Plan to the alterarion Final short process. BSP are a type II process so they plat are included with the provisions to alter a alterations short plat. Also make changes to title, and applicarion paragraph (20.60.010) 20.60.040 - Binding site plans are intended to be flexible Establish section 20.40.060 which allows a New section alternarives to platting. Since BSP's are processed record of survey to be used to create new the same as a short plat the city would like to lots within a binding site plan. The review establish a less rime constraining review process to and approval process would be categorized allow changes within the boundaries of a recorded as a Type I permit with a 30 day review and binding site plan. approval time limit. Item may need to be moved to the plat alterarion section for fee purposes. 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 8 ,�° ' 1 , //� °+ /° � -- - Title 17 should be amended to include BSP record of survey as a type I applicalion. Plat Vacation 20.70.020 The tea� t notes that a plat vacation is classified as a Title 17 should be amended to include plat Plat Vacation type III application. However, Title 17, table 17.80- vacation as a type III app&cation. Process 1 does not list a plat vacarion as a Type III process. Boundary Line Adjustments/Eliminations 20.80.030.B.4 It appears that proposed property lines are required Clarify that a proposed property line is only for both a BLA and Elimination. required if applicable, which it would be for a BLA. 20.80.030.F Record of survey. It now appears that a Record of Clarify that a record of survey is only Survey will be required for all Boundary Line required for a BLA in section 20.80.030.F Adjustments or Eliininarions. 11/13/2008 Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 8