Minutes - 02/26/2009 Spokane Valley Planning Commission Approved Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. February 26, 2009 I. CALL TO ORDER Chair Robertson called the meeting to order at 6:00 pm. II. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance III. ROLL CALL All Commissioners were present. Commissioner Sands arrived at 6:16 p.m. Staff attending the meeting: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director; Greg McCormick, Planning Manager; Mike Basinger, Senior Planner; Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner; Marty Palaniuk, Planning Technician; Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant. IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA It was moved by Commissioner Sands, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the agenda as presented. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Commissioner Carroll made a motion to approve the minutes from the October 23, November 13 and December 11, 2008. It was seconded and unanimously approved. VI. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VII. COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Towey stated he had attended the Short Course on Local Planning and the presentation of the Hillyard Revitalization given at the City of Spokane. Commissioner Robertson stated he also attended the Planning Short Course. VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director McClung introduced the Planning Commissioners to the Community Development monthly report, explained the Department's work plan for the upcoming year, and issues that the Planning Commission can expect to see coming up on their agenda in the future. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. New Business —Study Session, Batch of Code Amendments: Assistant Planner Christina Janssen made a presentation to the Commission explaining the proposed code amendments. Ms. Janssen stated that each of the following amendments were fairly minor but had either been over looked or needed minor modifications that had been discovered as staff had moved forward. As Ms. Janssen went through the list the Commissioners asked questions about various issues, which were responded to appropriately. Chapter 17.50.010, Staff is adding a requirement that all requests for Administrative Interpretations be submitted in writing. This is something at staff already requires, however, it was overlooked when 02/26/09 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 putting it in the code itself. As Ms. Janssen went through each item, Commissioners engaged Chapter 17.80.150- Correct the Distribution of Notice requirements to include the applicant, newspaper, city hall, and the main branch of the library. This amendment relates to text amendments and they are like an area wide rezone which does not require notification in a 400-foot radius, which is what the current reference is to. Table 17.80-1- Alphabetize table and add Alterations and Planned Residential Developments. Table 17.80-2-Update the table to make pre-application meetings Optional for Type II applications with the exception of Short Subdivision and Binding Site Plans and refer to Chapter 21.20.070(B)(2) for SEPA noticing requirements. Chapter 19.70.010-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Was this too burdensome on some business owners for the City to require this? This is a stormwater requirement, and also an air quality control issue as well. No, staff does not feel it is too burdensome and the City is already requiring it This would only be applied to new construction or redevelopment of a site. Chapter 19.70.020-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and outdoor storage areas shall be paved. Appendix 19-A-Allow Warehousing in areas zoned Community Commercial with conditions. This will allow adaptive reuse of existing buildings but not allow any new warehouses to be built. Chapter 22.50.020-Add a requirement that all parking, maneuvering and loading areas shall be paved and a stipulation that parking not provided on the same site as the use or structure shall not be separated from the use or building by a street designated as an arterial. Table 22.50-7-Remove Hotel/Motel from table. Not all Hotels or Motels require load spaces. If they need them there are other places in the code that would govern the requirement. Chapter 22.110.030-Change directional sign size requirements to be consistent with Table 22.110-1. These changes are Chapter 22.110.030, and remove copy area requirements for directional signs and name plates. B. New Business — Study Session Comprehensive Plan Amendments. Senior Planner Mike Basinger made a presentation to the Planning Commission regarding this year's amendments, the amendment process and team who would be handling the amendments this year. Assistant Planner Karen Kendall came forward to explain Comprehensive Plan Amendments CPA-01-09 and CPA-02-09. Ms Kendall explained that CPA-01-09 was located on the south side of 4 east of Sullivan Rd. The request consists of 8 parcels and is the only applicant initiated request. The current is Comprehensive Plan designation is Low Density Residential (LDR). The proposal is to change it to High Density Residential (HRD), along with the 02/26/09 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 Comprehensive Plan designation change it is also require a zoning change. The change on this property would be from R-3 zoning to MR-2. CPA-02-09, Ms. Kendall stated that this amendment was located on Sullivan just south of 4 th Ave. This is a City initiated amendment. Currently there are two multi-tenant buildings on each parcel. Currently the property is designated as High Density Residential, the proposal is to change it to neighborhood commercial. The current zoning is MF-2 and the proposed change is to neighborhood commercial. Question is what is the benefit in changing? Answer is the current uses are limited and the change makes the property conforming. Planning Technician Marty Palaniuk presented CPA-03-09, which is located between Argonne and Mullan, south of Sinto and Boone. The current Comprehensive Plan designation is office, the proposed change is to Community Commercial. Current zoning is office, the proposed change is to Community Commercial. Question is what uses are on the property? Currently Community Commercial, in the interim zoning it was zoned 8-3, trying not to make the non- conforming, CPA-04-09, Mr. Palaniuk presented this property is located east of progress and west of Sullivan, north of Sprague. It is located behind Yokes, and currently designated Community Commercial. The proposal is to LDR, zoning is Community Commercial, staff is proposing a change to R-4. Question is what is on the ground? It has been developed to housing, with one house having been built but two vacant lots currently. Senior Planner Mike Basinger returned to explain the text amendments being proposed. CPA-05-09, Chapter 2 Land Use, update Table 2.1 land capacity analysis table and the 2011 UGA, added annexation goals and policies. Staff has evaluated the public/quasi-public designation (community facility zoning) and determined that this is not an effective way to treat these properties. Staff recommends changing each of these parcels to the underlying designation/zoning and will bring each of the 464 parcels in small groups forward at the public hearing for approval to modify each parcel. Staff will also create a parks and open space designation/zoning to cover our parks and parcels along the river. CPA-06-09, Chapter 3 Transportation. Staff has added text for new bike classification; added bike lanes that are complete or will be by the end of the construction season to the map. CPA-07-09, Capital Facilities. Staff have updated the 6-year TIP, updated the water districts map, update the parks map, update the 6-year sewer maps and added annexation area level of service language. CPA-08-09 Chapter 8 Natural Resources. Staff have updated the Wetlands map, and updated Fish & Wildlife map. X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order. XI. ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:20 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant lan Robertson, Chairperson 02/26/09 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3