PC APPROVED Minutes 03-10-11.pdf Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. March 10, 2011 L CALL TO ORDER Chair Carroll called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance IIL ROLL CALL Commissioners Bates, Carroll, Hall, Mann, Stoy and Woodard were present. Commissioner Sands was absent. Staff attending the meeting: Kathy McClung, Community Development Director; Cary Driskell, Acting City Attorney; Scott Kuhta, Planner Manager, Mike Basinger, Senior Planner; Lori Barlow, Associate Planner; Karen Kendall, Assistant Planner; Dean Grafos, Councilmember; Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Woodard made a motion to approve the March 10, 2011 agenda as presented. This motion was seconded and passed unanimously. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES There were no minutes to approve. VL PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. VIL COMMISSION REPORTS Commissioner Carroll and Commissioner Woodard stated they had attended the City Council meetings. VIIL ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS Director McClung reported there would not be a meeting on March 24, however at the April 14 and April 28 meetings staff would be providing training for the Commissioners which will be open to the public. IX. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. Old Business: Continued Public Hearing on the City's Annual Comprehensive Plan Amendments, Senior Planner Mike Basinger: Chair Carroll confirmed that Commissioner Stoy had listened to the recording from the February 24, 2011 meeting. Chair Carroll stated the public hearing, which had been continued from the February 24, 2011 meeting, would continue after a staff report from the Senior Planner, Mike Basinger. 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 11 Mr. Basinger gave a brief staff report on each of the proposed Comprehensive Plan amendments: CPA-01-11: This amendment is a privately initiated site-specific map amendment located at Sprague and Progress. The request is to change the Comprehensive Plan designation to Neighborhood Commercial. Staff has also recommended adding two parcels which are adjacent to these in order to not leave pockets of alternatively zoned land surrounded by another zoning district. This amendment however will not be necessary if CPA-03-11 were to be moved forward as requested. CPA-02-11: This is a privately initiated site specific map amendment located at 503 N Walnut Road. This amendment is being proposed by St. John Vianney Catholic Parish. This parcel is currently a parking lot serving the church. The request is to change this parcel from low density residential to medium density residentiaL Mr Basinger stated that at the last meeting when the question came up as to whether or not Valleyway would have to be developed to become a through street. Mr. Basinger stated that after a discussion with Development Engineering at the time of development the property owner would be required to dedicate an easement to the City for future development; however, it would require redevelopment of the property to the south in order for a complete street to be put in. CPA-03-11: This amendment is council initiated to remove the Sprague and Appleway Corridors Subarea Plan. This proposed amendment is remove the area in the Subarea Plan from the Comprehensive Plan and the Development Code. All areas will be returned to the Comprehensive Plan and zoning designations as they were at the time the plan was adopted in October of 2007. CPA-04-11: This is a staff initiated amendment, Chapter 2— Land Use: Table 2.1, Spokane Valley UGA Land Capacity Analysis, will reflect new population numbers within the City of Spokane Valley. Map 2.1, Land Use, will display land use designation changes approved through the 2011 amendment process. CPA-OS-11: This is a staff initiated amendment, Chapter 3— Transportation: Map 3.2, Bike and Pedestrian System, will display newly developed bike and pedestrian infrastructure. CPA-06-11: This is a staff initiated amendment, Chapter 4— Capital Facilities and Public Services: Amendments will incorporate changes in the 6-year Transportation Improvement Plan (TIP) into the Capital Facilities Plan to ensure consistency. Amendments will update special purpose district's and other city service provider's facility and service data. Capital projects such as city hall, parks, and public works storage facility will be included for the use of REET funding. Maps 4.1, 4.2, and 4.5 will display updates to reflect the latest capital facilities and public services. Amendments will also update the growth assumptions to reflect population allocation numbers approved by the Spokane County Board of Commissioners. Mr. Basinger pointed out that if projects are not included in the Comprehensive Plan then the REET funds cannot be used for them. 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 11 CPA-07-11: This is a staff initiated amendment, Chapter 7— Economic Development: Map 7.1 will display new building permits and land use actions in the 2010 development cycle. CPA-08-11: This is the last amendment and also staff initiated, Chapter 8— Natural Environment: Map 8.3 will display the field inventory work done in conjunction with DNR to update stream typing in Spokane Valley. Map 8.4 was also updated to reflect the new FEMA Flood Insurance Rate Maps. Director McClung introduced Acting City Attorney Cary Driskell who would be explaining a memo the Commissioners received regarding laws which affect religious facilities. Mr. Driskell stated the memo was addressing if the City had authority to deny a religious institution's request for a rezone if the institution wishes to build a multifamily housing near its own facility for low-income and senior living in order to fulfill its religious mission. Mr. Driskell stated there was a Federal law called the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) which prohibits land use and zoning laws where it substantially burdens the religious exercise of churches and other religious assemblies or institutions, unless the implementation of that is the least restrictive means of doing so. In simple terms the City would look to see if the requested action was within the mission statement of the religious facility and if it is then that would be the answer to the question if the City would be able to deny the action. Mr. Driskell went on to state that the courts have looked at this subject and ruled that assisting the needy is within the mission statements of the churches. Mr Driskell also stated that in Washington, the Court has held that the Constitutional protections for free exercise of religion are not limited to houses of worship, but extend to church facilities intimately associated with the church's religious mission. As such, it is likely that a religious institution could establish that prohibiting the religious institution from building housing for low-income and senior citizens would present a substantial burden on its religious exercise. In short Mr. Driskell stated that if it is in the church's mission statement then the local authority does not have the right to deny a rezone, such as the one that has been requested. Commissioners asked questions of the Acting City Attorney regarding the strength of the law, rights of neighbors, whether it was a' can't prohibit' or a`shouldn't prohibit'. Mr. Driskell stated that the laws did not give more rights to the church just gr�anted different rights to religious institutions and that the City shouldn't deny the requested action. Karla Kaley, 10516 E Main: Ms. Kaley stated she was speaking against the removal of Subarea Plan, CPA-03-1L Ms. Kaley stated she had lived in other communities and had seen what short sighted planning can da Ms. Kaley stated she hoped to encourage and inspire the Commission to do the right thing. Ms. Kaley stated that this area is ripe for growth and development. By the year 2013 and Federal government standards, this area could become the 4th the largest metropolitan area in the country. This metro area should be in line for new money, the Subarea Plan is currently the only vehicle to direct our growth, Ms. Kaley stated. Ms. Kaley said it is a cultural and an economic plan. Ms. Kaley shared that in 2003 the citizens of this area thought they could do a better job than the county, so they incorporated and became a city. Citizens must have enough energy and stay 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 11 the course, she shared. The Subarea Plan is not responsible for the economy and decline of this area. Ms. Kaley stated that she felt that indecision, lack of planning, and ineffective leadership were the problems. Ms. Kaley also shared in times like these it is important to remember there have always been times like these. Ms. Kaley said please do not let fear mongering drive this decision, this is alarmist and unnecessarily paralyzing. Ms. Kaley said that doing the right thing does not always mean you always win, get recognized or even cut off your feet in the end and throw out your had work, but sometimes it means going on the record trying to do the right thing supporting having a planning effort. There is no other plan there is no other road map or direction for our city to grow. The general mixed use zoning is not the answer said Ms. Kaley. Please consider to move forward with a concerted coordinated planning effort, maybe provide a modified recommendation, or suggest some alternatives, but to throw the plan out is irresponsible and reckless especially in the absence of a substitute. Please do the right thing Ms. Kaley requested. Diana Wilhite, PO Box 14932: Ms. Wilhite is speaking in favor of the Subarea Plan. Ms. Wilhite stated that she thought everyone was aware that she worked on the Subarea Plan. Ms. Wilhite stated that in hindsight maybe the council had bit off more than it could chew. Ms. Wilhite also stated she did not feel that throwing the entire Subarea Plan out was the best thing to do. She said there are some good elements of it, it should be looked at, move forward with those. She also said she understood that once the City gets rid of plan, there is no plan for growth and economic development. Ms. Wilhite wanted to clarify that during the time the Council was adopting the Subarea Plan people thought we were talking about a 42 million dollar plan. She said people thought the City was going to go out and spend $42 million right away. Ms. Wilhite stated she was a small business owner and she understood making priorities and spending $42 million right off the get go was not part of the plan. But we did have a plan and what we asked for in that plan was if we did everything in the plan, how much would it cost. Council did think that was quite a bit of money, and they never expect to pay that right away. One of the things Council did discuss doing soon was turning Sprague back to two-way. Ms. Wilhite stated that it was estimated to cost $2.7 million to turn Sprague back to a two-way street from University to Argonne. Ms. Wilhite stated she has talked to other small business owners, like herself, and they have told her the one-way street has impacted their businesses. Ms. Wilhite said that she understands that people compare Ruby and Division couplet. She said you have to think about that couplet, that couplet has streets every block. We don't have that, we have few cross streets. Ms. Wilhite said we need to think about helping our business. Ms. Wilhite said, she understood that $2.7 million was a lot of money, but that she knew the staff and they would work to be able to come up with it. She said she knew the City could change it back with signals and striping. Ms. Wilhite said she had heard people say they did not want to make Appleway a two-way street but you cannot have one one- way street, unless you have a corresponding street going the other way. It could be possible to make Appleway a two-way street possibly with a higher speed limit to make the people who wanted to get home faster happier. There are less egresses into the road now, leave the businesses to develop on Sprague. Ms. Wilhite stated that a business, like Trader Joe's will not build on a one-way street like ours. Ms. 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 4 of 11 Wilhite also stated that a national site selector was recently in the City and stated he would not locate on Sprague because there are too many vacant buildings, traffic flow is only going one-way, they needed two-way traffic. Ms. Wilhite asked that if it was necessary to eliminate the plan, what pieces of it could be retained, like the two-way so it can be discussed and see how it can help the businesses. Susan Scott, 205 S Evergreen: Ms. Scott is spoke in favor of the elimination of the Subarea Plan. Ms. Scott stated that the need for the Subarea Plan had been based on county zoning from 2003. Ms. Scott said that the Comprehensive Plan and the 2007 zoning addressed the retail surplus and introduced the Mixed Use zone concept. Ms. Scott said she did not think that this zoning was given a chance to work before the Subarea Plan meetings were begun. Ms. Scott stated that the Subarea Plan was written to underwrite the deficits in the location of the city center, without a city center, Ms. Scott feels the City doesn't need the Subarea Plan. Ms. Scott feels the corridor has been in an upheaval for too long for many reasons, one of them being the Subarea Plan. Ms. Scott asked to have the Plan revoked and for the City to return to the 2007 zoning. Philip Rudy, 5647 N Fruithill Dr, 720 N Argonne: Dr. Rudy spoke in favor of retaining the Subarea Plan. Dr. Rudy stated he would like to see Sprague and Appleway be turned to two-way all the way from freeway, for environmental, economic and neighborhood reasons. Dr. Rudy stated that two way helps retail, if you have one-way and the cars are all going past the businesses and if you miss your turn you cannot get back due to the absence of cross streets. Dr Rudy explained that one-way roads impact neighborhoods, using Winco and Farr road as an example. If a motorist misses the turn off for Winco, they travel to University and back down 4 th Ave, a small quiet neighborhood to get back to the store, or got to Argonne, Broadway or Valleyway and down Farr, though the neighborhood. Dr. Rudy also talked about how the old zoning would have made a problem for him when he wanted to build on property he owned on Sprague Ave and how it would not have been allowed then but the Subarea Plan would have allowed his wishes. Dr Rudy stated he thought the City should consider allowing people to have Subarea Plan zoning if they would want to. Dr. Rudy stated the most important issue is the two-way. Chuck Simpson, 9003 E Cataldo, 9 N Argonne: Mr. Simpson stated he was speaking as a citizen in support of keeping the Subarea Plan. Mr. Simpson stated that the City needed to get Sprague involved and to become active. Mr. Simpson also stated he felt the need for a focus point, library, community center, or a city hall, but it needed something to identify the area. Mr. Simpson stated that the Subarea Plan should only be a block or two. As an engineer, Mr. Simpson feels the type of building and location should be determined by site topography and the developer. Mr. Simpson stated it is difficult to get around on the one way streets. Mr. Simpson stated he has heard that maj or firms will not build on a one-way, if this is true then consideration should be given to changing the roads so that we can get more businesses back on Sprague. Eldonna Shaw, 13805 E 28 Ms. Shaw stated that although she might normally be speaking for a group, however this evening she is speaking as a citizen, a 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 5 of 11 residential property owner. Ms. Shaw stated she was concerned about the community growing and property values holding. Ms. Shaw said the City is no longer the 7 th largest city but the lO could it be because we are not the community of choice, this is also a concern. Ms Shaw stated that our community is not the most attractive and the area between University and the freeway west bound. Ms. Shaw stated that this is not going to stop being an urban community, not going to stop being a city. Ms. Shaw explained if the business community was not able to maintain the tax base, it would fall on the residential property owners. Ms. Shaw stated that the residents of this City can't wear blinders, and the City cannot continue to grow with no plan. She said that what you see on Sprague Ave. now had been developed without a plan. Ms. Shaw stated we need to think about the future, we need a plan. We need a city we can be proud o£ We need the core of our city to be healthy, a place where people want to invest money. Ms. Shaw said the City needs progressive thinking about our future. Richard Behm, 9405 E Sprague Ave: Mr. Behm spoke in favor of keeping the Subarea Plan. Mr Behm stated businesses are having a hard time surviving the one- way street. Mr. Behm said he was glad when the Council re-visited each of the zones made changes to accommodate. Mr. Behm said if the Subarea Plan is eliminated, Sprague will continue decline. Mr. Behm stated he felt that the present council and a few other people have driven this request. Mr. Behm asked that the City survey the citizens. He said many citizens do not understand what is actually going on. Many citizens think the Subarea Plan only has to do with the one-way two-way issue. Mr. Behm feels that having a plan in place and modifying it, is better than no plan at a1L Mr. Behn suggested that it could be possible for Appleway to become an expressway, with limited access. Mr. Behm said that promises from the County were not kept, regarding how the one-way road came to be, this lead to the business supporting the incorporation the City. The Spokane Valley Business Associate had a study done by Gonzaga to show the decline of the corridor since the installation of the one-way system. He said big businesses will not locate on one-way streets. Mr. Behm said that the City needs a long range plan, if not the Subarea Plan, then what. Mike King, 9300 E. Sprague: Mr. King was speaking in favor of keeping the Subarea Plan. Mr. King stated that the Subarea Plan is designed around the city center, a core, it should be a place for families and a place the City can be proud of, without a City Center there is no heart, and no soul. Mr. King said that some business did not like the Plan, he thought the City could find places to could change instead of throwing out. The Plan is pliable and be molded with the climate. He said the City should not eliminate it, it is a plan, with no other plan, you start eliminating business. He said when you begin to eliminate businesses you eliminate the tax base, and government has to be fed. Mr. King added without the business the residents will have to pay the difference. Mr. King also feels that the one-way kiss of death for businesses. Mr. King said he did a comprehensive study a year ago of the area between University and Argonne, and found there was 100 years of vacancies on this part of the corridor since the one-way was put in, as a way to funnel traffic around the freeway. Mr. King shared that in the last two weeks he had been made aware of 2 major business will not move into the valley because of 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 6 of 11 the one-way on Sprague and the decline of the corridor. Without a plan, Sprague will continue to decline, taxes will decline to the benefit of people who want to get some place faster and want the two-way. Mr. King said we need a plan, we can change it mold it but don't just give it up. Marie Raschko-Soko, 2010 S Sunrise Rd: Ms Raschko-Soko was speaking in favor of CPA-02-11. Ms. Raschko-Soko said that the church was a good neighbor, the auditorium was built in 1949 and the church and school was built in 1953, the new church was built in 1988. Ms Raschko-Soko stated she felt that the church has a good history in the neighborhood. She also shared some sales information of the homes on Walnut and Farr, stating that 60% residents had moved in since 2000. Ms. Raschko-Soko said that the church is concerned about the neighborhood, it wants to partner with the neighbors. Ms. Raschko-Soko stated that she felt that a mistake the church made was it did not provide good community education. The church wants to provide senior housing, it is a part of the church's mission as a catholic church to provide services to the elderly, the frail and vulnerable. Ms. Raschko-Soko said that the elderly is the fastest growing population in the nation today, most are living in senior housing. Many thought that they would not be in these circumstances to require they type of housing. It is our belief as a parish, that a residential neighborhood is an ideal place for senior housing, it will also provide inter-generationalized activities with the school, which they are already doing but leaving the property to do now. Patricia Wardian, 12022 E 4 th Ave: Ms. Wardian spoke favor of CPA-02-11. Ms. Wardian stated she has been member since it was founded. She feels that this project would be a benefit to the neighborhood and to the children. Mavourneen Daspit, 505 n Farr Rd.: Ms. Daspit spoke in favor of CPA-02-11. Ms. Daspit stated she and her husband are members of the neighborhood and church, and she works at the church. Ms. Daspit stated that the church has a policy of helping the needy whether they are catholic or not. The church has distributed more than 2 tons of food per year, $50,000 electrical bills, medical bills. Ms. Daspit stated that because of the assistance program, she sees the need in the neighborhood that this housing could provide. Shelly Stevens, 312 N Walnut Rd.: Ms. Stevens spoke against CPA-02-1L Ms Stevens said she held a neighborhood meeting, felt democracy was taking place. Ms. Stevens based on the law recently has come forward, they feel they are out of luck anyway. Ms. Stevens said if my children went to school at the church I would not want them playing with a low income renter in the apartment complex. She said she is proud to live in the neighborhood. Rob McCann, 4012 S Dearborn St, Exec. Director Catholic Charities: Mr. McCann spoke in favor of CPA-02-11. Mr. McCann stated he wanted to speak to how Catholic Charities builds many housing types, one of the things they are good at is housing that is beautiful. He said Catholic Charities is very good at how we interact with our neighbors. Mr McCann also stated that there are times neighbors have had fears and concerns but in the end the projects have made the neighborhood better. Mr. McCann stated they care about traffic impact and community impact, 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 7 of 11 always willing to work with the neighbors. All residents, employees and caregivers are given a background check Mr McCann stated it is important to maintain safety. Mr. McCann stated he believed the proj ect would benefit the neighborhood. Bill Zimmer, 622 N Farr Rd.: Mr. Zimmer spoke in favor of CPA-02-1 L Mr. Zimmer stated he has been a member of the parish for about 45 years. Mr. Zimmer stated that one way to describe this development 40-50 unit apartment complex. However, it is so much more than that. It is a significant part of the church mission to provide for the needy, the needy in this case are the low-income elderly. Mr. Zimmer feels this will be more, it will be well built and a well regulated facility and an asset to the community. Tim Bieber 312 N Farr Rd: Mr. Bieber spoke against CPA-02-1 L Mr. Bieber stated he has concerns for the neighborhood. He feels the traffic from Winco and the one-way are already too much. Mr. Bieber stated he knew the church, felt the mission was good and the intent is good, but 40 units was too much. He said he knew the elderly needed a place to stay, but they have children who would visit, which would be more traffic, employees would be more traffic. Mr. Bieber said the neighborhood is a thing of beauty. Mr. Bieber stated he did not want his neighborhood turned into felony flats. Joe. McGrath, 9320 E Montgomery Rd: Mr. McGrath spoke in favor of CPA- 02-11. Mr. McGrath stated he lives in one of `those' places. Mr. McGrath said that someone comes every day cleans the yard, the grass is done, they shovel the snow. Mr. McGrath said the inside is clean, someone comes to check the elements and appliances. Mr. McGrath stated that it is kept up by the nice people, it is a nice clean place, and he has nice neighbors and it is nice to help his neighbors out. Chris Carr, 322 N Walnut Rd.: Mr. Carr stated he has a question, the picture of the proposed change is a parking lot for the church, if this is the case then where would all the parking go? Staff clarified that would be determined at the time a project was presented. Janeen Rilea, 9808 E Valleyway. Ms. Rilea spoke against CPA-02-1 L Ms. Riala stated that although she might be a few years shy of needing a place to similar to the proposed, she wondered why with so many eye sores that are empty it was necessary to build new and not reuse already existing building. She said she thought that it could be put in so many areas but not in our neighborhood. She also stated she was concerned about Valleyway being put through. She said we have a lot of traffic because of Winca Ms. Rilea said she knew we need to take care of the elderly but don't know if she wanted to look at a building on Walnut. Sandra Holder, 9814 E Valleyway: Ms. Holder spoke against CPA-02-1 L Ms. Holder stated traffic since Winco had increased. She didn't want a 2-3 story building in her neighborhood.. Ms. Holder stated she understood what the church was trying to do, but do it someplace else. She wanted to know why do you have to put it up in our neighborhood, she said there are other properties. Ms Holder stated she felt that not one of these are in a residential area, there might be residential by them but not in them. She made the suggestion move to the 8.2 acres at the end of the street. Ms. Holder said that the project will increase traffic, people going to 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 8 of 11 doctor's appointments, grocery stores, relatives visiting limited staff coming and going. Ms. Holders stated she has a deaf child and is concerned about her rights. She shared she didn't want a building there. Karen Strauss 302 N Walnut. Ms. Strauss spoke against CPA-02-1 L Ms. Strauss said she was disappointed the church wanted to do this in our neighborhood. Ms. Strauss stated that parents late for school go over 30 mph. She shared she will not let her kids walk or ride bikes to school because of the traffic. Ms. Strauss was concerned about the design of the project. Ms. Strauss wondered if a three-way stop could be installed at Valleyway and Farr and Valleyway and Walnut as well as lowering the speed limit to 20 MPH. Ms. Strauss stated that if people wanted to walk there are no sidewalks for people to be safe. Ed Shiftner, 11310 E 30th Ave: Mr. Shiftner said that there is a complex between Sprague and Farr. Mr. Shiftner stated that he felt it was very pristine for having this type of complex and I plan on being a resident there. Jerry Richardson 320 N Herald: Mr. Richardson spoke against CPA-02-1 L Mr. Richardson was concerned about the lack of information from the church about what is going on. Jeff Westensee, 9820 E Valleway: Mr. Westensee spoke against CPA-02-1 L Mr. Westensee said he would like to know if the sewer and water pressure will be like if this is approved. He stated he was concerned about the traffic on the dead end he lives on which he said was busy already. Mr. Westensee said he was disappointed there was not more communication from the church. Seeing no one else that wished to testify, the chair closed the public hearing at 7:37 p.m. The commission took a break at 7:37 and returned at 7:50 p.m. The Commission began its deliberations of the Comprehensive Plan amendments. Commissioner Mann made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-01-11. This motion was seconded. Vote on this motion was 6 in favor, 0 against, motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-02-11. Commissioner Woodard stated he felt that there was a need for this type of housing that a project was not the issue. Commissioner Stoy said he drove by the location and felt that this was the wrong time, wrong place. Commissioner Bates, shared that Catholic Charities have long term contracts, if not in neighborhoods near churches, where are they to go, they must carry long term 40 yr contracts and they do not sell the properties. Commissioner Mann stated this was a difficult issue. He had concerns about a big building in single family neighborhood, the traffic and speed concerns. Commissioner Hall stated he wondered how types of mitigation could be used to help ease the impacts of any proj ect. Staff reminded the Commissioners that this is a land use issue not a project issue and to consider uses that could be allowed based on the Comprehensive land use change. Staff also reminded the Commissioners there will be development standards to help to mitigate issues at the time there is an actual project submitted. 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 9 of 11 Vote on the motion is 2 in favor and 4 against, Commissioners Carroll, Hall, Mann and Stoy dissenting. Motion fails. Commissioner Mann made a motion to recommend denial of CPA-02-11 to the City Council. This motion was seconded. Vote on this motion was 4 in favor and 2 against, Commissioners Bates and Woodard dissenting. Motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-04-11 which was seconded. The vote on this motion was unanimous in favor, motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion which was seconded to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-OS-11. Commissioner Bates had a question about the proposed bike paths which was discussed. Staff explained that they are located where they might be appropriate and had been developed through a community process. Staff also explained the reason for the need to have the proposed information in the Comprehensive Plan. Vote is unanimous in favor, motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-07-11, vote is unanimous in favor. Motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded to recommend approval to the City Council of CPA-08-11, vote is unanimous in favor. Motion passes. Commissioner Stoy made a motion to recommend approval of CPA-06-11 to the City Council. This motion was seconded. Commissioner Woodard had questions for staff regarding the level of service for parks. Vote on this motion was unanimous in favor, motion passes. Commissioner Woodard made a motion, which was seconded, to recommend approval of CPA-03-11 to the City Council. Commissioner Woodard stated he felt that uncertainty is a killer, the plan was too big, the Subarea Plan placed development standards on people in areas we cannot enforce. Commissioner Woodard is in favor of elimination. Commissioner Bates stated he felt the Subarea Plan was confusing it imposes regulations which are hurting businesses. Commissioner Mann stated he felt it was unfortunate that the plan had become such a target. He said he had gone to the Subarea Plan meetings. It is a plan, we hardly allowed it to get implemented and we do not have another plan. Mr. Mann said we need to figure out what do we stand for, we currently have no identity. Commissioner Mann said he would keep the Subarea Plan in place and modify it. Commissioner Stoy stated he felt the Subarea Plan had a point, but did need modifications. He said he agreed with Commissioner Mann suggestion to take it a bit at a time and relax the requirements. Commissioner Hall stated he had felt encouraged the City Council decided to drill down into the Plan and look at it zone by zone. Commissioner Hall said he would like to see a survey as to what the citizens really want, what direction they want to the city to ga Mr. Hall also said that he does not remember any study saying the City should get rid of the plan. 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 10 of 11 Commissioner Hall said that the City should not confuse an election with a statistical survey. Both Commissioners Mann and Hall stated that the Council cannot blame the Plan for what has been years in the making of Sprague Ave. Commissioner Hall asked if the City wanted a quality community or a cheap community. Commissioner Hall would like to not see the Plan thrown out. Commissioner Carroll stated that a city is about providing access to goods and services for its citizens. He said the County solved a regional transportation problem they had with our city streets. Mr. Carroll said they paid for it with the businesses west of University. He said we created a city to get out from under the County's thumb, and the couplet is a leftover problem from the County. The City created a plan to help take the couplet weight off of our citizens. Commissioner Carroll stated the City made a commitment to those businesses to help them, if we eliminate the Plan then we are abandoning those businesses. Commissioner Carroll stated no one wants to locate on the one-way streets. If we eliminate this Plan we are ignoring them, they will not be paying any taxes because they will be gone. Commissioner Carroll said if we eliminate the plan we will be telling the businesses west of University we don't care about your problems. The chair called for the vote, the vote is 2 in favor and 4 against. Commissioners Carroll, Hall, Mann and Stoy dissenting. Commissioner Mann made a motion to recommend retaining the subarea plan to the City Council. This motion was seconded. Commissioner Hall made an amendment to the motion requesting to add `continue to study the Plan'. This amendment was seconded. Commissioner Hall stated that he felt that there needed to be more input and investigation of the greater public of what is in the plan and how they feel about it. Vote on the amendment is 4 in favor and 2 against, Commissioners Bates and Woodard dissenting. Amendment passes. The amended motion is recommend retaining the Subarea Plan with continued study of the Plan. Vote on the amended motion is 4 in favor, 2 against, with Commissioners Bates and Woodard dissenting. Motion passes B. New Business: There was no new business X. GOOD OF THE ORDER There was nothing for the good of the order XL ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 8:57 p.m. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant John G. Carroll, Chairperson 03-10-11 Planning Commission Minutes Page 11 of 11