11-184.00 CH2M Hill: Sullivan West Bridge ReplacementSupplemental Agreement Number 1 Organization and Address CH2M HILL, INC. 717 West Sprague, Avenue, Suite 800 Spokane, WA 99201 -3911 Phone: (209) 747 -2000 Original Agreement Number Sullivan Road W Bridge Replacement #0155 Project Number BRM 4103 007 Execution Date 11/8/2011 Completion Date 1 12/31/2011 Project Title SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE New Maximum Amount Payable $ 569,411.00 Description of Work Professional services to support and provide preliminary design, including environmental permitting for geotechnical services, and geotechnical investigations and recommendations. The Local Agency of City of Spokane Valley, Washington desires to supplement the agreement entered into with CH2M HILL, INC. and executed on 11/8/2011 and identified as Agreement No. 01 All provisions in the basic agreement remain in effect except as expressly modified by this supplement. The changes to the agreement are described as follows: Section 1, SCOPE OF WORK, is hereby changed to read: S ee Fxhihit A -1, attached Section IV, TIME FOR BEGINNING AND COMPLETION, is amended to change the number of calendar days for completion of the work to read: The comp letion date is herehI4 changed to 12/31 /7011_ Section V, PAYMENT, shall be amended as follows: as set forth in the attached Exhibit A, and by this reference made a part of this supplement. If you concur with this supplement and agree to the changes as stated above, please sign in the appropriate spaces below and return to this office for final action. By: Rnger W Flint By: Consultant Signature p oving Authority Signature f atP DOT Form 140 -063 EF Revised 9/2005 (�, SCI EXHIBIT A -1 Scope of Work for Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement — Preliminary Design City of Spokane Valley, Washington FHWA Project No. BRM 4103(007) December 2011 1.0 Introduction The purpose of this scope of work is to establish the specific scope of CH2M HILL's professional engineering services and compensation for the Preliminary Design phase of the Sullivan Road West Bridge Replacement project. The City of Spokane Valley (Spokane Valley) may make or approve changes within the general scope of this agreement. If such changes affect CH2M HILL's cost of, or time required for, performance of the services, an equitable adjustment will be made through an amendment to this agreement. Prior to performing the work, CH2M HILL will notify Spokane Valley in writing of the occurrence of a change and an estimate of the cost impact. Spokane Valley will review, and if approved, will provide written approval of the change. A ten percent contingency fund has been established for minor changes to the Scope of Work. Use of the contingency fund requires written authorization from Spokane Valley, prior to performing the work. Spokane Valley reserves the right to expand the scope of CH2M HILL's work on this project to include final design, environmental documentation, permitting, stakeholder coordination and public outreach, right -of -way acquisition, bid phase support, construction inspection, and construction management engineering services. These additional services are not included in this Scope of Work but may be added to the Agreement at a later date by written amendment. 2.0 Purpose The purpose of the Preliminary Design phase is to perform sufficient technical analysis and related studies to define the project in sufficient detail to enable Spokane Valley to move ahead with final design, right -of -way acquisition, environmental documentation, permitting, and construction. The ultimate purpose of the project is to replace the existing 2 -lane bridge structure with a wider 4 -lane bridge structure, which also includes a sidewalk and bicycle lane. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 1 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 3.0 Scope of Work CH2M HILL will perform the Preliminary Design services and provide project documentation in accordance with: • City of Spokane Valley Street Standards • Washington Department of Transportation Local Agency Guidelines Manual • Washington Department of Transportation Bridge Design Manual • AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Highway Bridges, Fifth Edition • Spokane Regional Stormwater Manual This scope of work includes the following main tasks: Task 1: Surveying and Mapping Task 2: Project Management Task 3: Client Coordination and Consultation Services Task 4: Stakeholder Coordination and Public Outreach Task 5: Environmental Considerations Task 6: Geotechnical Services Task 7: Preliminary River Water Surface Elevations Task 8: Approach Roadways, Drainage, and Utilities Task 9: Bridges and Structures Task 10: Constructability Review and Estimating CH2M HILL will provide the following specific services: Task 1: Surveying and Mapping This task is accomplished as Task 1 of the original agreement, dated November 8, 2011. No additional work is anticipated in this scope of work. Task 2: Project Management Provide overall project management and coordination with Spokane Valley. A total time of four months is assumed to be the duration for this work. Project management services include: • Staff and subconsultant management • Quality management plan • Control budget and schedule • Monthly progress reports and invoices (The progress report /invoice will identify the work performed for that period, major decisions, schedule, and budget status. Deliverables: Quality management plan, progress reports and invoices. Task 3: Client Coordination and Consultation Services Provide coordination and correspondence with Spokane Valley management and staff to support project progress and communications, including: SPKISULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 2 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 • Bi- weekly project coordination meetings (to be held at the City Hall) • Regular telephone and electronic mail correspondence • Overall project guidance, decision - making assistance and /or recommendations • Action items review Deliverables: Meeting agendas and notes, running action items listing. Task 4: Stakeholder Coordination and Public Outreach 4.1 Key Stakeholder Coordination Coordinate with Spokane Valley to establish a list of key stakeholder groups that are directly impacted by this project and that will be important to communicate with throughout the project. Coordinate with Spokane Valley to conduct two coordination meetings, to include: Stakeholder/Public Open House #1- Project Kickoff: Purpose of this meeting is to communicate the project goals and objectives, and solicit initial input and concerns from key stakeholder groups and the interested general public, prior to development of bridge replacement alternatives. Stakeholder/Public Open House #2 - Draft Recommendations: Purpose of this meeting is to communicate the draft recommendations from the preliminary design process, and solicit input from key stakeholder groups and the interested general public, prior to finalizing preliminary design. It is anticipated that CH2M HILL's project manager and lead civil engineer will attend these meetings. Deliverables: Stakeholder list, coordination meeting agenda, notes, and exhibits. 4.2 Project Communication Services (Optional Services) Upon written authorization from Spokane Valley, CH2M HILL will provide project communications services to support Spokane Valley staff, including: Stakeholder coordination meeting logistics, including invitations, RSVPs, location procurement, setup, take -down, agendas, notes, refreshments Project communication consultation, including public relations, press- releases, interviews Task 5: Environmental Considerations Spokane Valley is proposing the replacement of the Sullivan Road West Bridge with a new federally funded bridge. The permitting for this project will be conducted in two phases: • Phase I: Preliminary and final design geotechnical investigations (drilling and borings). Permitting for this Phase is included in this Scope of Work. Phase II: Sullivan Road West bridge replacement construction. Permitting for this Phase is not included in this Scope of Work. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 3 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Assumptions: Geotechnical investigations for Phase I are assumed to be conducted from the decks Of existing bridges (Sullivan Road West or East Bridges) and along the shorelines of the Spokane River. Shoreline investigations will be conducted above the ordinary high water mark (OHWM). If a bridge alternative is selected in the preliminary design phase that requires supplemental geotechnical investigations, a scope of work and budget will be prepared and submitted for the additional Phase I permitting work to be performed under a separate authorization by Supplemental Agreement. Task 5.1 SEPA for Geotechnical Investigations CH2M HILL will prepare a SEPA Environmental Checklist to evaluate environmental concerns, determine environmental impacts (if any), and suggest design mitigations to address identified impacts (if necessary). A draft and final Environmental Checklist will be submitted to Spokane Valley for review. Assumptions: • Only the consultation and permits described in this scope of work will be required to obtain National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) approval and a SEPA approval. • There will be no need for an Environmental Assessment (EA) or an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS). • A Determination of Non - significance is anticipated for the geotechnical investigations. • Cultural resource (historical and archaeological) investigations will consist of a DAHP online database search to identify resources to be avoided during geotechnical investigations. • The following environmental field work and/or studies will not be included in. Phase I permitting: — Air quality — Wetlands delineation or a wetlands mitigation plan — Biological Assessment (BA) — Hazardous materials or problem wastes — Cultural resources (historical and archeological) field surveys and reporting — Stormwater pollution prevention plan — Recreational and historical properties [Section 4(f) and Section 6(f)) — Noise — Visual Quality — Transportation — Environmental justice Deliverables: Draft and final SEPA Checklist SPKISULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 4 OF 15 SCOPE OFWORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Task 5.2 JARPA for Geotechnical Investigations CH2M HILL will prepare the Joint Aquatic Resources Permit Application (DARPA) for the bridge geotechnical investigations. The bridge geotechnical investigations will focus on the borings that will be located within the Spokane River channel below the OHWM. Information that will need to be provided are number of borings, type of drilling, volume of materials to be retrieved from excavation, volume of any fills that might occur, location of drilling rig, method of collecting samples, and how spill controls will be managed. The drawings that are submitted with the JARPA form will be schematic and focus on the boring operations. As part of the JARPA submittal, drawings will be prepared for the geotechnical investigations to accompany the JARPA forms as follows: • Vicinity map • Plan view of proposed geotechnical investigations • Sectional or cross - section view of proposed geotechnical investigations A draft and final JARPA will be submitted to Spokane Valley for review and revised if needed. A final JARPA will be submitted to the appropriate agencies. Also, CH2M HILL will coordinate with the JARPA agencies in respect to permit requirements and provide information to the agencies as needed so that permits can be issued in a timely manner. Assumptions: • It is assumed that only a Hydraulic Project Approval (HPA) and a DNR "right -of- entry" will be required. • Delays resulting from prolonged agency actions or review of documents will result in adjusting the schedule accordingly. • The determination of the OHWM for the project will be performed under Task 7 of this scope of work. Deliverables: Draft and final JARPA for bridge geotechnical investigations. Task 5.3 DNR "Right -of- Entry" Authorization CH2M HILL will assist Spokane Valley in the preparation of DNR's application for "right - of- entry ". Application preparation will include: • Brief Summary of Project narrative. • DNR's "Three Guiding Principles ": — Explain how natural resource will be managed sustainably, so future generations continue to benefit from them. — Show that project is in the public's best interest with public knowledge. — Show that project uses sound science to guide decision making. Plan of Operations - Describe existing conditions at the site including a listing of facilities, if any. Also, the use or activity that Spokane Valley proposes will be described. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 5 O 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Assumptions: • No sediment or vegetation sampling of riverbed will be required by DNR. • The DNR Aquatic Easement and DNR survey of the bridge location will be performed at a future date, under a separate scope of work. Deliverables: Draft and final DNR application Task 5.4 Agency Pre - Application Meeting for Geotechnical JARPA Coordinate, schedule, and conduct an informational meeting with the environmental regulatory agencies (assume that all will participate in a joint meeting): • Washington State Fish & Wildlife (WDFW) - Hydraulics Project Approval • United States Fish & Wildlife Service (USFW) - Endangered Species Act (ESA) • Washington State Department of Ecology (Ecology) - Water Quality Certification (Section 401 Permit), shorelines, wetlands • U.S. Corps of Engineers (USCOE) - Section 404 Permit [wetlands and work within the ordinary high water mark (OHWM)] • City of Spokane Valley (Spokane Valley) - Shorelines Permit, Floodplain Management Permit, Critical Areas Ordinance • Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) - Right -of -Entry Authorization In addition, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and the Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) will be invited to attend this permitting meeting. The project description and background information will be provided to assist the agencies that review JARPA submittals. Anticipated permitting difficulties will be discussed. All agencies will be invited to participate at the same meeting. However, if that arrangement cannot be coordinated, individual discussions will take place with those agencies that are not represented at the meeting. This task includes one project site visit. Deliverables: Agenda and minutes of the agency preliminary application meeting and written summaries of individual agency discussions. Task 5.5 Preliminary Design Phase Agency Coordination CH2M HILL will provide early agency coordination with: • DNR regarding compliance and issuance of a "right -of- entry" for the bridge construction. • Spokane Valley Parks Department and Washington State Parks and Recreation (State Parks) regarding compliance with Section 4(f) for permitting of the bridge project. • WDFW and USFW regarding compliance with the ESA and obtaining a letter of no affect for the bridge project. • Spokane Valley Planning Department and USACOE regarding compliance with wetland and shoreline regulations for the bridge project. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 6OF15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Coordination during Preliminary Design phase permitting will include a joint meeting with Spokane Valley and State Parks and a joint meeting with WDFW and USFW. These meetings are budgeted with 8 hours per meeting (including preparation, attendance, and meeting summary) and include CH2M HILL's project manager and permitting task lead. In addition, four (4) meetings have been budgeted for CH2M HILL's project manager to attend local meetings for park, river and trail advocacy groups with Spokane Valley's project manager. These meetings are budgeted with 4 hours per meeting. Assumptions: It is assumed that Spokane Valley will coordinate and schedule all meetings with the government agencies and with the local park, river and trail stakeholders unless directed otherwise. Four hours are provided in the budget for coordination and scheduling purposes. Deliverables: Meeting agendas and notes, master list of issues /concerns. Task 5.6 Preliminary Design Alternatives Environmental Evaluation CH2M HILL will evaluate bridge replacement alternatives identified in the Preliminary Design phase and compare them from an environmental perspective. This environmental evaluation will be presented in the Preliminary Design Report and will: • Identify key environmental considerations/ issues • Summarize environmental issues and considerations that may impact the design, construction or permitting of the new bridge • Describe differences between alternatives, highlight permitting difficulties • Summarize anticipated environmental reports and permits needed. • Prepare recommendations for environmental and permitting activities to be performed in subsequent phases of the project. Deliverable: Environmental evaluation presentation in Preliminary Design Report. Task 6: Geotechnical Services This scope of work covers only those activities through completion of the alternative evaluation and provides design recommendations for the final Sullivan Road West Bridge design. Geotechnical explorations for bridge structures offset to the east or west of the proposed replacement bridge structure, as may be identified during the preliminary design to maintain traffic, are not included in this scope of work, but may be added by Supplemental Agreement. 6.1 Field Explorations and Laboratory Testing The work will include drilling and inspection of borings, and laboratory testing to produce information for geotechnical design of bridge abutments, pier foundations, retaining walls, and geotechnical design recommendations for bridge and retaining wall construction. CH2M HILL, or its authorized subcontractors, will: SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 7OF15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN RO AD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 • Work under right -of -entry agreements and street use permits obtained prior to performing any work, and will contact One -Call for utility locates. Advance geotechnical borings at each abutment at the existing Sullivan Road West Bridge. The two abutment borings will extend approximately 150 feet below existing grade, for a total of 300 lineal feet of drilling. Equipment and labor to locate the test borings, drill the borings, and restore the site upon completion will be provided by CH2M HILL or its authorized subcontractors. CH2M HILL will provide vehicular traffic control as needed during drilling operations. During the drilling program, Standard Penetration Tests (SPTs) will be conducted at intervals of 5 feet in the upper 60 feet, 10 feet below the 60 -foot depth, and at stratigraphic changes in soil. SPT sampling may be omitted in lieu of sampling only if the penetration resistance is consistently greater than 50 blows per foot. Advance geotechnical borings at each proposed pier line for the Sullivan Road West Bridge, based on the alignment of the three in -river pier lines of the existing Sullivan Road East Bridge. The subsurface exploration will consist of one rotosonic boring at each of the three proposed interior pier locations. The borings will be drilled through the existing bridge deck and a temporary casing will be installed from the bridge deck to an elevation approximately 2 feet below the mudline. The drill rig will collect Standard Penetration Test (SPT) samples at approximately 10 -foot intervals and continuous rotosonic core will be collected between SPT samples. The borings will extend to a depth 120 feet below the mudline. Advance three geotechnical borings for support for retaining wall design. The expansion of the south -bound lanes will require investigation for design recommendations and construction methods of retaining wall placement. In consideration of reducing surface disturbances to Sullivan Park, located west and adjacent to Sullivan Road, borings will be advanced instead of excavation test pits. Three investigation locations will be identified based on the current road expansion and related retaining wall locations. Investigation depths will target up to 20 feet below ground surface (bgs) of existing grade, for an anticipated total of 60 lineal feet of drilling. The target borehole depths assume limited ground surface removal and prep for the placement of backfill for the road expansion, and would necessitate increasing borehole investigation depths if more than five feet of excavation is expected for construction. SPT samples will be collected at 5 -foot intervals during bore hole advancement and blow counts will be recorded. Additional SPT samples may be required to achieve necessary sample volume required for laboratory testing. Selected soil samples will be submitted for laboratory materials analysis. • Prepare and submit an application for a Street Obstruction permit and a traffic control plan to Spokane Valley for approval for the abutment borings. Require a lane closure for the borings located on the existing bridge. Equipment and labor to drill the borings and patch the bridge upon completion will be provided by CH2M HILL's authorized subcontractors. CH2M HILL will be responsible for vehicular traffic control as needed during drilling operations. CH2M HILL will prepare and submit an application for a Street Obstruction permit and a traffic control plan to Spokane Valley for approval. SPKISULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A•1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 8OF15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 The purposes of these test borings will be to establish the geotechnical engineering properties suitable for final bridge foundation design and to provide information about the composition, and especially, fines content of the subsurface strata. Accurate information about the strata composition will determine the limitations on equipment used for drilling the shafts. A geotechnical engineer or engineering geologist will be onsite during test borings to: • Coordinate the program and enforce CH2M HILL mandated safety plans • Visually classify soils according to ASTM methods • Record drilling observations, including blow counts during SPTs on logs • Collect soil samples for laboratory analysis and classification The boring logs will include relevant observations made by drilling crews during drilling. Test borings will be abandoned at the completion of drilling as required by Washington State law. Laboratory tests will be conducted on selected soil samples to determine gradation (American Society for Testing and Materials [ASTM] method D422), standard moisture density (ASTM D698), direct shear (ASTM D3080), gradation of fines - hydrometer (ASTM D422), and possibly Atterberg Limits (ASTM D4318). For this scope of work, it is assumed that the laboratory testing program will consist of the following tests: • Up to 3 Direct shear tests • Up to 3 Standard moisture density tests • Up to 62 gradations • Up to 12 Atterberg Limits • Up to 12 hydrometers The results of the geotechnical subsurface investigation will be summarized in a technical memorandum as discussed in section 6.3 below. Assumptions: • No dewatering analysis will be performed. • Proposed boring locations will be reviewed by a structural engineer and Spokane Valley for approval prior to initiating the work. 6.2 Bridge Foundation Recommendations Bridge abutment, pier foundation, and retaining wall support calculations and design recommendations will be performed under this subtask. The objective of these analyses will be to identify and select appropriate foundation support types for abutments, piers, and retaining walls, support alternatives evaluation and recommendations for exploration if necessary, and recommendations for final design. The objective of these analyses will be to refine the depth and diameter of assumed drilled shafts for foundation support. Calculations and recommendations developed from this task will be summarized and presented in the geotechnical design recommendations Technical Memorandum under Subtask 6.4 below. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A•1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 9OF15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WE ST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 6.3 Geotechnical Data Report CH2M HILL will prepare a geotechnical exploration data report that will summarize the field exploration and laboratory testing performed and background geologic information to assist with permitting efforts. It is separated from the engineering calculations and design recommendations of subtask 6.4, to facilitate the report being distributed to construction contractors as part of the bid documents. The data report will present: • A summary of field exploration methods, results, and observations, including test boring logs, descriptions of soil conditions, and water levels encountered during drilling. • A summary of laboratory testing methods, data, and tabulated results. 6.4 Geotechnical Design Recommendations Technical Memorandum Geotechnical calculations and conceptual design recommendations for bridge abutments, pier foundations, and retaining walls will be presented in the design recommendations technical memorandum. Geotechnical design and construction recommendations will be provided based on the final design selected. General geotechnical recommendations for civil design features will be presented. Staging, constructability, and permit issues will also be identified. 6.5 Geotechnical QA/QC Review Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA /QC) reviews for the geotechnical engineering aspects of the project will be performed under this subtask. Deliverables: Geotechnical data report; Geotechnical design recommendations technical memorandum Task 7: Preliminary River Water Surface Elevations Identify preliminary water surface elevation data to support preparation of the bridge Preliminary Design report, including: Collect and review available existing water surface elevation data for the purpose of defining the minimum bridge soffit elevation to satisfy floodway freeboard requirements. Identify ordinary high water, 100 -year flood, and 500 -year flood water surface elevations. • Summarize subsequent hydraulics studies or evaluations needed to support subsequent phases of project development. Assumptions: • Minimum soffit height will not be controlled by flood elevations, and no hydraulic modeling is anticipated. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 10 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Task 8: Approach Roadways, Storm Drainage and Utilities This task involves concept -level and preliminary engineering of the horizontal alignment and vertical profile transitions for the roadway at each end of the bridge, preliminary identification of utilities to be installed on the bridge, and identification and siting of storm drainage facilities. 8.1 Data Collection CH2M HILL will assemble and review the data to perform the roadway approach conceptual and preliminary design work elements including: • Review project base map and existing right -of -way information. • Review existing reports, maps, utilities, plans, and other data pertinent to the roadways and utilities. • Meet with Spokane Valley staff to identify special conditions and to discuss requirements for project - specific design criteria for the interface between the bridge and adjacent roadway segments. • Review proposed alternative structure layouts and coordinate with the bridge structure tasks. • Perform a site visit to photograph the site and identify potential conflicts with existing features. 8.2 Approach Roadways Conceptual layouts of the roadway horizontal and vertical alignments will be developed in coordination with the three (maximum) construction phasing and sequencing alternatives developed in Task 9 - Bridges and Structures. The bridge approach roadway conceptual layouts will define the approximate requirements for horizontal and vertical alignments; lane, sidewalk and bicycle path widths; and channelization. Specific constraints related to right -of -way, the environment, and constructability will be identified and alignments adjusted to avoid or minimize the affects of those constraints. For the preferred bridge alternative, perform the following: • Develop preliminary options for maintaining traffic during the roadway and bridge construction including detours. • Define encroachments and impacts to private property caused by roadway widening, slope grading, storm drainage and /or utility relocations. • Develop layout plans to a preliminary level of design to be used as a basis for final design and permitting. Anticipated plan sheets include: - Roadway Cross - Sections - Roadway Plan & Profiles (showing right -of -way, drainage, and utilities) • Develop a preliminary cost estimate. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A•1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 11 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Deliverables: Roadway horizontal and vertical alignment concept drawings, preliminary design layouts, including storm drainage and utilities. 8.3 Storm Drainage For the preferred bridge alternative, identify and document structures to be adjusted, inventory existing drainage features including pipe size and depth, and document drainage problems. Calculate size and provide preliminary location for stormwater treatment facilities. Indicate preliminary stormwater piping alignments and pipe sizes. Deliverables: Storm drainage layouts (included with deliverables in Task 8.2) 8.4 Utilities Identify and coordinate with utility purveyors (sewer, water, gas, electric, telecommunications, cable TV) to understand the project, review progress, coordinate issues and alternatives regarding utility relocations / modifications required by the design and /or requested by the purveyors. Preliminary options for maintaining utilities during the roadway and bridge construction including detours will be identified. Assumptions: • Spokane Valley will prepare Utility Notification letters for the project. Spokane Valley will provide copies of the utility purveyor's responses to the Consultant regarding which purveyors plan to construct, relocate, and/or otherwise modify their facilities in conjunction with this project. • Two (2) coordination meetings with Spokane Valley and utility purveyors are assumed. These meetings are budgeted with 4 hours per meeting (including preparation, attendance, and meeting summary) and include CH2M HILL's project manager and utility coordination task lead. Deliverables: Utility coordination meeting exhibits, agendas and notes. Utility layouts (included with deliverables in Task 8.2) Task 9: Bridge and Structures This task involves preliminary structural engineering to develop a preliminary bridge design technical memorandum for replacement of the existing Sullivan Road West Bridge. This task includes the development and evaluation of alternative bridge layouts and structure types for the purpose of selecting the bridge structure concept to be carried forward into final design. Bridge and Structures Assumptions: • The new Sullivan Road West Bridge is anticipated to be a straight, multi -span girder bridge, approximately 63' wide with 4 travel lanes, bicycle lane, and a sidewalk. The new bridge will be approximately 440 feet long, matching the length of the existing northbound bridge. The bridge is anticipated to be supported by multi - column bents founded on either drilled shafts, driven piling, or spread footings as appropriate based on the assessment of existing subsurface conditions, constructability requirements, and project costs. The location of interior piers will likely match that of the existing Sullivan Road East Bridge. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 12 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 • The existing southbound Sullivan Road West Bridge will be demolished and replaced with a new bridge. Detailed analysis and/or design related to widening, strengthening, and/or seismically upgrading the existing southbound bridge is not included. The existing northbound Sullivan Road East Bridge will be left in place. • All calculations, analyses, design, plans, specifications, and other project work will be prepared in English units. • Final design, preparation of PS&E documents, and construction engineering services are not included and will be provided by supplemental agreement. • All drawings will be prepared in AutoCAD format in accordance with Spokane Valley drafting standards. • Bridge design will be performed in accordance with the WSDOT Bridge Design Manual (BDM) and AASHTO LRFD Bridge Design Specifications for Highway Bridges, Fifth Edition. The items of work to be performed under this task are as follows: 9.1 Data Collection /Review CH2M HILL will assemble and review the data needed to perform the structures work elements including: • Review available site survey and geotechnical data. • Review as -built plans for the existing bridges. • Review existing reports, maps, utilities, plans, and other pertinent data. • Review proposed alternative roadway alignments, profiles, and related roadway geometrics. • Perform up to two (2) site visits to photograph the site and identify potential conflicts with existing features. 9.2 Design Criteria CH2M HILL will prepare preliminary structural design criteria to be used for the bridge design and related structures in accordance with applicable AASHTO and WSDOT codes and standards. Deliverable: Bridge Design Criteria Memorandum. 9.3 Alternatives Evaluation Workshop CH2M HILL will hold a one -day workshop with the City of Spokane Valley, Spokane County, and key stakeholder agencies to brainstorm and evaluate bridge replacement alternatives. The intent of the workshop is to narrow the range of structure alternatives to a maximum of two, and narrow construction sequencing alternatives to a maximum of three for further analysis in Section 9.4. The workshop will be attended by five (5) CONSULTANT staff. This task will include the following activities: - Preparing the agenda. SPKISULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 13 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 - Preparing exhibits for construction sequencing alternatives. Exhibits will include schematic layouts of bridge and approach roadways, and typical sections. - Attending workshop. - Preparing meeting notes summarizing the workshop. It is assumed that the City will arrange for the meeting space, scheduling, and meeting logistics for attendees. Deliverable: Workshop agenda, workshop notes, and exhibits. 9.4 Preliminary Design CH2M HILL will perform structural studies and preliminary design to evaluate and recommend the preferred bridge type to be carried forward into final design. This work will consist of the following: • Evaluate up to three (3) construction phasing and sequencing alternatives for demolishing the existing bridge and constructing the new bridge. • Evaluate up to two (2) structure alternatives, including prestressed concrete girders and steel plate girders. • Identify advantages and disadvantages of each concept and potential constraints from a structural, constructability, and maintenance perspective. • Develop comparative -level costs for the major cost elements of each alternative. • For the preferred bridge alternative, perform the following: Define approximate geometric requirements, such as foundation sizes and locations, span lengths, wall lengths, and structure depths. Develop structure layouts to a preliminary level of design to be used as a basis for final design and permitting. Develop a preliminary structures cost estimate. Deliverable: Preliminary Bridge Design Technical Memorandum that documents the evaluation of alternatives and summarizes the selection of the preferred alternative. It is assumed that the memorandum will be up to ten (10) pages long and will include structures drawings of preliminary bridge layouts (including plan, elevation, and typical sections) and a preliminary structures cost estimate. 9.5 Discipline Coordination Coordinate development of the preliminary design with applicable disciplines as follows: Geotechnical Coordination. Coordinate with the geotechnical engineer for establishing preliminary design criteria for soil loads and foundations, identification of viable foundation types, and selection of preferred foundations types for the bridge. Hydraulics Coordination. Coordinate with the hydraulics engineer for establishing preliminary design Spokane River water surface elevations. Environmental Coordination. Coordinate with the environmental task lead to identify key environmental issues and related impacts to bridge design and construction. SPK/SULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 14 OF 15 SCOPE OF WORK FOR SULLIVAN ROAD WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT, CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY, DECEMBER, 2011 Roadway /Civil Coordination. Coordinate with the roadway and civil design engineers for establishing design criteria and constraints related to roadway geometry, drainage, construction staging, utilities, surveying and base mapping, and right -of -way impacts. 9.6 Agency Coordination Coordinate the preparation and review of the preliminary bridge design with Spokane Valley, Spokane County, WSDOT, and other review agencies as required. Submit the draft technical memorandum to the applicable review agencies for review and comment. Respond and adjudicate agency review comments pertaining to the draft memorandum and incorporate revisions as applicable into the final memorandum. 9.7 QA/QC Review Perform Quality Assurance/ Quality Control (QA /QC) reviews for the preliminary bridge design. Review project design criteria, geotechnical recommendations, and preliminary bridge layouts to assure conformity with the project requirements. Perform a structural calculations check, plans check, and constructability check on the concepts developed. Provide written review comments and coordinate resolution of review comments with the designer. Task 10: Constructability Review and Estimating This task involves performing constructability review and cost estimating to assist in the evaluation of construction phasing and sequencing alternatives performed in Task 9. This work will be performed by CH2M HILL's designated subconsultant, William Ott Associates. Specific tasks are as follows: • Review of construction phasing alternatives, considering contractor access, staging areas, equipment, and temporary structures needs. • Perform preliminary cost estimating of alternatives to include considerations of construction staging and sequencing. • Prepare for and attend up to 3 meetings with CH2M HILL and Spokane Valley staff to discuss constructability issues and findings of review. • Preparation of a technical memorandum summarizing results of the constructability review and cost estimating. Deliverable: Technical memorandum that includes summary of constructability review and preliminary cost estimates of construction phasing alternatives. 4.0 Project Delivery Schedule CH2M HILL will complete the work outlined in this Scope of Work within 4 months of receiving a Notice to Proceed from Spokane Valley. SPKISULLIVAN WEST BRIDGE REPLACEMENT PRELIMINARY DESIGN EXHIBIT A -1 SOW DRAFT REV 4.DOC 428859.SR 15 OF 15 DOCUMENTS EXEMPT FROM PUBLIC DISCLOSURE The page entitled " Exhibit E -1 / Direct Salary Cost contains confidential cost and rate data and is withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 23 USC 112(2)(F). Prenotification; confidentiality of data A recipient of funds requesting or using the cost and rate data shall notify any affected firm before such request or use. Such data shall be confidential and shall not be accessible or provided, in whole or in part, to another firm or to any government agency which is not part of the group of agencies sharing cost data under this paragraph, except by written permission of the audited firm. If prohibited by law, such cost and rate data shall not be disclosed under any circumstances. You may petition for a review of our findings pertaining to any redacted or withheld documents pursuant to Spokane Valley Municipal Code (SVMC) 2.75.080; and obtain judicial review pursuant to RCW 42.56.550.