2012, 01-17 Study Session AGENDA SPOKANE VALLEY CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION FORMAT Tuesday,January 17, 2012 6:00 p.m. CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 11707 East Sprague Avenue,First Floor (Please Silence Your Cell Phones During the Meeting) DISCUSSION LEADER SUBJECT/ACTIVITY GOAL ACTION ITEMS: 1.Mike Jackson Amended Legislative Agenda Motion Consideration [public comment] 2.Neil Kersten Snow Removal Plan Motion Consideration [public comment] NON-ACTION ITEMS: 3.Mary Kate McGee, International Fire Code Discussion/Information Kevin Miller,Fire Marshall 4.Mary Kate McGee Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA) Discussion/Information 5. Lori Barlow Shoreline Master Program Update Discussion/Information 6.Mike Stone Gateway Signs Discussion/Information 7.Mayor Towey Advance Agenda Discussion/Information 8. Information Only (will not be discussed or reported): (a)Spokane Valley's Ten-Year Anniversary (b) Traffic School Follow-up 9.Mayor Towey Council Check-in Discussion/Information 10.Mike Jackson City Manager Comments Discussion/Information ADJOURN Note: Unless otherwise noted above,there will be no public comments at Council Study Sessions. However, Council always reserves the right to request information from the public and staff as appropriate. During meetings held by the City of Spokane Valley Council,the Council reserves the right to take"action"on any item listed or subsequently added to the agenda. The term"action" means to deliberate,discuss,review,consider,evaluate,or make a collective positive or negative decision. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing, or other impairments,please contact the City Clerk at(509)921-1000 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. Study Session Agenda,January 17,2012 Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Amended Legislative Agenda GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Council discussed and adopted the legislative agenda October 26, 2010, which was amended by Council November 16, 2010; December 28, 2010; and October 25, 2011. BACKGROUND: OPTIONS: Approve the proposed amended agenda with or without further amendments. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the amended 2011-13 Legislative Agenda. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: Draft Amended Legislative Agenda for Jan 17, 2012 meeting Spokane Valley 2011-13 Legislative Agenda The following is the City of Spokane Valley's 2011-2013 legislative agenda, adopted by Council at their October 26, 2010 Council meeting, amended by Council Consensus at their November 16, 2010 meeting and again at the December 28,2010 meeting; and at the Council's October 25,2011 meeting: Principle Items of Interest: IBudget Requests: 1. Support Funding for Sullivan Bridge Replacement. Constructed in 1951, the Sullivan Bridge carries approximately 26,000 vehicles daily with a very high truck volume of about 24%. The Sullivan Road West Bridge is a part of a principal north/south transportation corridor in our City. Serving the southbound traffic as one of two bridges crossing the Spokane River at that location, the bridge links a primary industrial area with the City's major retail and commercial areas to the south, and provides critical access to I-90, the region's only Interstate highway. A 2010 inspection determined the bridge's Sufficiency Rating to be 24.14 out of a potential score of 100, and a subsequent load rating analysis rated the bridge as Structurally Deficient. A Notice of Funding Availability for TIGER Discretionary Grants (TIGER III) was published August 12, 2011. The City of Spokane Valley applied for but was not awarded any of these funds. The current estimated cost of the project is $19.7 million. Spokane Valley received $8 million in Federal BR(Bridge Replacement) funds, and another $2 million in state grant funds from FMSIB (Freight Mobility Strategic Investment Board), leaving a need of$9.7 million to complete the project. 24. Seek Funding to Acquire Park Land Adjacent to Park Road Pool and Centennial Middle School. The City of Spokane Valley has a population of 89,440 people, but only 172 acres of public parks— drastically below the 6.25-10.5 acres/1,000 population(559-938 acres) specified in the City Parks Master Plan. In the past, Spokane Valley has successfully partnered with the State Legislature to acquire and develop Greenacres Park, adjacent to Central Valley School District's future elementary school. A similar opportunity presents itself with Park Road Pool. The City requests $300,000 in funding to acquire land adjacent to Park Road Pool for a park near Centennial Middle School. Policy Requests: 1. Protect the state shared revenues the City receives. The City of Spokane Valley encourages the state to preserve local state-shared revenues. During the 2011 Legislative Session, these funds were cut 3.4%. Moving forward, the City requests that the funds remain intact. These funds include the Liquor Excise Tax Account, Liquor Revolving Account, Streamlined Sales Tax Mitigation, Municipal Criminal Justice Assistance Account, and City-County Assistance Account. 2. Additional Lien Authority to Recoup Code Enforcement Costs. The City of Spokane Valley seeks legislation to provide cities with additional tools to recoup costs for enforcing code compliance when a court order is issued and a city performs the abatement itself or through a contractor. This is anticipated to include enacting lien authority similar to a tax lien,including the authority to execute such a lien in the following year. Page 1 of 2 Draft Amended Legislative Agenda for Jan 17, 2012 meeting 3. State Environmental Policy Act—Amend Certain Requirements Imposed by State Law. The City supports amending SEPA requirements to make the process less duplicative. SEPA thresholds to consider: (1)Convert some discretionary SEPA exemptions to categorically exempt; (2) Raise the level of SEPA exemptions across the board; (3) Make most actions within UGAs categorically exempt with discretion given to cities; (4) Eliminate excessive costs associated with providing notice for every Determination of Non-significance and Mitigated Determination of Non-Significance application. 4. Support the Association of Washington Cities'legislative agenda items that serve the best interests of the City of Spokane Valley. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 City Manager Sign-off: Item: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ® new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Motion Consideration: Snow Plowing/Deicing Level of Service Plan GOVERNING LEGISLATION: PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Study Session on November 16, 2010, Approved by Consent agenda on December 14, 2010. BACKGROUND: Attached is the approved Snow Plowing/Deicing Level of Service Plan. I have made changes in the plan to reflect the Council discussion from December 27, 2011. OPTIONS: Discuss possible changes to the Level of Service Plan. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Move to approve the Revised Snow Plowing/Deicing Level of Service Plan. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: Neil Kersten ATTACHMENTS: Revised Snow Plowing/Deicing Level of Service, Costs for Plowing Residentials, Memo on Complaints Snow Plowing/Deicing Level of Service — Approve 12 41/ 0-1 Revised 1/17/2012 Priorities • Priority 1— Primary Arterials • Priority 2—Secondary Arterials • Priority 3— Hillside Residentials • Priority 4—Valley Floor Residentials Snow Plowing-Priorities 1, 2&3 • Limited operations for snow events ranging from 1 to 3 inches • Plowing performed as conditions warrant, focuses on problem areas and hillsides • Coordination occurs with Police Department on accident & problem areas • Full plowing activities for snow events exceeding a depth of 4 inches Snow Plowing—Priority 4 • Residential streets on the Valley floor will be considered for plowing when functional traffic flow is substantially inhibited. Deicing-Priorities 1, 2&3 • Liquid deicing activities begin prior to snow, ice or frost predictions • Liquid deicing is conducted on bridges, arterial intersections and hillsides • When snow begins to accumulate on the roadway solid granular deicer is use on bridges, arterial intersections and hillsides • Granular deicer may be used on arterial streets as conditions warrant Deicing—Priority 4 • Deicing and sanding will not be conducted on residential streets on the Valley floor except at controlled intersections & selected problem areas Priority 4 - Residential Plowing - On Call Road Graders Initial Starting Date MJM HRS SA Gonzales HRS Hansen HRS Sackett HRS T.Lariviere HRS Eller HRS MDM HRS Poe HRS Spo.Rock HRS Total Total Hrs 11/27/2010 $ 13,855 121 $ - $ 14,560 1os $ - $ 24,610 214 $ - $ - $ 10,030 71.5 $ - $ 63,055 514.5 12/2/2010 $ 8,680 76 $ 7,975 55 $ - $ 3,763 26.5 $ 10,810 94 $ 12,035 83 $ 4,375 35 $ 10,484 76.5 $ - $ 58,122 446 2/24/2011 $ - $ 4,785 33 $ - $ 1,207 8.5 $ 6,670 58 $ 12,543 56.5 $ 8,813 70.5 $ 5,795 36 $ 9,460 65 $ 49,272 357.5 Totals $ 22,535 197 $ 12,760 88 $ 14,560 1os $ 4,970 35 $ 42,090 366 $ 24,578 169.5 $ 13,188 105.5 $ 26,309 184 $ 9,460 $170,449 1318 S1jo1ane 4000 al le 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall@spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mike Jackson, City Manager From: Michelle Rasmussen, Administrative Assistant Date: January 17, 2012 Re: E-gov Data Concerning Winter Weather Related Citizen Service Requests You had requested data concerning citizens who had asked the City to not plow their streets. "No Plowing" requests were not identified or reported in the E-gov system; therefore, there is no data to report. 2010—2011 Winter The city's E-gov customer service request system was partially initiated during the 2010 — 2011 winter season. The city had just begun testing the system by placing only two types of requests for service on our website: A "General Request" or a "Snow/Plowing" request. We had not yet provided categories for citizens to enter a specific type of request. Being that citizens were not familiar with the online entry system, most of the entries during the first year of the system's use were made by staff. As citizen requests for plowing/deicing came to us by email, phone and fax, staff summarized the requests as closely as possible and entered the information into E-gov. Staff used E-gov to track problem areas as the system provided a map of all entries made. The entries indicated two major areas of concern: 1) Need Plowing and 2) Need Deicing, with the majority of the calls/messages requesting plowing. Any citizen who left a phone number was called. Through these calls, staff received great feedback concerning the city's plowing efforts. The information staff received identified that "Need Plowing" sometimes meant "Need Plowed Out" due to berms in driveways left by the plows. Staff used this information to create specific categories to become more effective in identifying and efficient in servicing the citizens' needs within the residential areas of our city. 2011—2012 Winter In September of 2011, staff created winter weather categories and posted them to our website: Snow Plowing for Priorities 1-2-3, Primary& Secondary Arterials, Hillside Residentials Snow Plowing for Priority 4 Valley Floors Residential Roadways Deicing for Priorities 1-2-3, Primary& Secondary Arterials, Hillside Residentials Deicing for Priority 4 Valley Floors Residential Roadways Snow Berms Conclusion During the 2010—2011 winter season, the E-gov system was not fully initiated. Staff entered 337 requests to be able to provide a map of the areas which needed attention throughout the city. The entries were summarized as "Need Plowing" or"Need Deicing." Staff did not enter requests for"No Plowing." Page 1 of 2 The 2011 — 2012 winter season marked the commencement of the E-gov system. This season would have provided accurate data concerning the snow plowing requests specified by categories from our citizens. Unfortunately, (and fortunately)the weather has been mild and there is not sufficient data. As we move forward and citizens use the online system, E-gov will be able to provide staff with accurate information to determine the citizens' requests and, further, help staff refine the categories needed to obtain specific data. Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17,2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑public hearing ❑ information ® admin.report ❑pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: International Fire Code GOVERNING LEGISLATION: International Fire Code,International Building Code PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None BACKGROUND: Fire Marshall Kevin Miller, will explain the history, background, adoption and enforcement of the International Fire Codes. He will also detail the enforcement and inspection practices f the Spokane Valley Fire Department. RECOMMENDED ACTION: None BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Kevin Miller,Fire Marshall, Mary Kate McGee,Building Official ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation Enforcement and Inspection Practices of the Spokane Valley Fire Department KEVIN MILLER FIRE MARSHAL WHAT EXACTLY IS THE FIRE CODE? The International Fire Code is the " maintenance" code of the International Building Code. WHY IS IT CALLED THE " INTERNATIONAL FIRE CODE? " o Prior to 2000, there were basically four different codes enforced throughout the U . S . o Prior to 2000, the Western United States used the "uniform " fire code. HOW DOES THE FIRE CODE GET ADOPTED IN THIS AREA? o Code cycles every three years. o Code is amended by the State of Washington in July of the following year. - Jurisdictions such as the City of Spokane Valley and Spokane County can have " local adoption . " CAN WE ONLY ENFORCE PORTIONS OF THE CODE THAT WE LIKE? rP The code is adopted by the state as a minimum standard . o Local jurisdiction can only ( by ordinance) make the code stricter. WHO ENFORCES THE FIRE CODE? o Fire Code Official is chosen by Local Jurisdiction . o Interlocal Agreement with the city appointed the Fire Department. o Fire Chief designated the Fire Marshal as Fire Code Official . o City Building Official and Fire Marshal meet weekly to discuss issues and information . FIRE MARSHAL' S OFFICE CONSISTS OF : o Fire Marshal o Fire Protection Engineer o Certified Fire Inspectors o Fire Investigators o Public Educator/ Information Officer FIRE MARSHAL' S OFFICE RESPONSIBILITIES : o Conduct over 5000 fire/ life safety inspections a year. o Plan Review - That portion of new construction that pertains to life safety systems and access. L Conducts all fire investigations to determine fire cause. o Educate the public on fire safety. PLAN REVIEW: o Performed by the Fire Protection Engineer ( FPE) o FPE attends all pre-construction meetings. o Plans are submitted to the city in the permit process. o Review turnaround time is ten business days . o Fees per adopted fee schedule which are less than half of other local jurisdictions. o FPE meets weekly with City Permit Technicians for progress/ status of each permit. MAJOR EVENTS THAT HAVE INFLUENCED THE FIRE CODE : The fire code is a " reactionary" standard . Major fires and large losses of life have had a great influence on the code . IROQUOIS THEATRE FIRE CHICAGO 1903 IROQUOIS THEATRE FIRE CHICAGO 1903 e 602 people perished o Advertised as "Absolutely Fire Proof. " o Currently, worst single structure fire in history. o Locked exits. o Doors that opened inward . o Unfinished fire exits. COCOANUT GROVE FIRE 1942 COCOANUT GROVE FIRE BOSTON 1942 L 492 people perished . o Deadliest night club fire in U . S . history. r 1000 occupants with a occupant load of 460 . o Buildings main door was a single revolving door. o Side doors welded shut. o Other doors opened inward . BEVERLY HILLS SUPPER CLUB KENTUCKY 1977 BEVERLY HILLS SUPPER CLUB KENTUCKY 1977 L 165 died , 200 injured . o Exits were blocked by people panicking to get out. o Additions to the building were done in piece meal fashion . o Occupant load did not have enough exits. o Unprotected spiral staircase allowed smoke and fire to extend to the upper floors. STATION NIGHT CLUB FIRE RHODE ISLAND 2003 o Shows how fast fire can spread . STATION NIGHT CLUB FIRE RHODE ISLAND 2003 c_ 100 people died , 200 injured . o Overcrowding . o Poorly marked and designed exits . This fire single- handedly changed both the Building and Fire Codes. Assembly occupancies over 100 must have fire sprinklers. OTHER BIG FIRES : 1871 - Great Chicago Fire (Fire Prevention Week) • Learned about combustible construction • Separations between buildings 1991 - Firestorm • Combustible roofs • Defensive Space • Evacuation planning 2008 - Valley View Fire • Two ways out of sub-divisions WHY LOOK AT HISTORY? If we don ' t learn from history, we are destined to repeat it. o These various life loss fires are responsible for the changes to codes to require safer construction . " I can train an Inspector; only history can make an Inspector. " SVFD INSPECTION PROGRAM o We conduct fire/ life safety inspections in the City of Spokane Valley, City of Liberty Lake, City of Millwood , and portions of unincorporated Spokane County through inter- local agreements. o Have approximately 5000 occupancies in our response area. o Each business is inspected every year. o Keeps points down for the Washington Survey and ratings Bureau . Keeps Insurance rates down . WHAT ARE INSPECTORS LOOKING FOR IN A FIRE INSPECTION ? ® Premises Identification • Obstructions to the building for access? Access to fire hydrants? Precautions - open fires, smoking, combustibles in mechanical rooms, etc. Storage arrangements - too close to ceilings, incompatible materials, etc. (, Fire protection systems ® Exits Fire Extinguishers • Electrical ® Key Boxes - Correct key, if required ® Hazard to Firefighters ENFORCEMENT Generally, we give 30 days notice to have hazards corrected . o Blocked exits - we will try and fix before we leave, if possible. o Fire Watch for Life Safety; Fire Protection Systems WHAT IF I ELECT NOT TO FIX CORRECTIONS FROM A FIRE INSPECTION ? o Work with building departments to gain compliance. • Occupants/ Building Owners are given notice. • If no compliance on re-inspection - we usually give them another ten days. • After ten days - we forward onto Building Department for enforcement. • Joint FD/ Building Department resolution . • May include a voluntary compliance agreement. SUMMARY: o Spokane Valley Fire Department enforces the fire code through Inter- local Agreement. o SVFD /City work together for compliance. o SVFD reviews plans through the city's permit system . o City Building Official and Fire Marshal meet weekly to stay on top of issues . CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: ADA Draft Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Report GOVERNING LEGISLATION: Americans with Disabilities Act; Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), section 35.105 (a) PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: None; project was presented as an information item at the May 25, 2010 council meeting. BACKGROUND: Over the last two years, the City of Spokane Valley staff conducted a self- evaluation of all City programs, policies and facilities for compliance with the American with Disabilities Act (ADA), specifically Title II, which relates to public programs and facilities. This completely in-house effort resulted in the draft self-evaluation report and draft transition plan found in the Council packet. Every public entity is required by this civil rights regulation, found in the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), section 35.105(a), to evaluate the public's access to programs and facilities and to bring that access into compliance with Federal standards. The project studied how the City makes its communications, programs, and facilities accessible to disabled citizens and whether our current level of access meets the federal requirements. Community input was provided at two points: one meeting in September 2010 to take input on the draft survey document, and a second meeting in December 2011 to take input on the draft self-evaluation report and transition plan. The draft report and transition plan can also be found on the City's website, at http://www.spokanevalley.orq/content/124/938/210/948/1216/1294.aspx This report is strictly for compliance with ADA Title II. It does not represent the whole of the City's commitment to serve all its citizens, nor does it define our customer service policies and procedures. The report identifies ADA specific training needs for improved service to persons with disabilities, but also supports our on-going commitment to improve customer service and efforts to accommodate all of the City's citizens. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: No action required. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: The survey and transition report were prepared with input from all City departments and the Spokane Valley Police Department. Recommended actions for staff training, policy modifications and any necessary improvements to facilities will mostly be incorporated into general city operations, therefore having negligible budget impact. In order to comply with the regulation, items that are anticipated to take more than one calendar year are included in the draft transition plan with anticipated costs, if identifiable at this time. Compliance with the Title II ADA requirements for public entities with regard to access to their programs, policies and facilities is enforced by the Department of Justice on a complaint basis. Intervention by the Department of Justice on behalf of complainants can lead to unanticipated budget impacts. STAFF CONTACT: Mary Kate McGee, Building Official; John Whitehead, City ADA Coordinator ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation. Draft Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan CITY COUNCIL STUDY SESSION JANUARY 17 , 2012 City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Federal Civil Rights legislation enacted in 1990. Title II of the act requires all public entities to provide access to communications, programs, and facilities to persons with disabilities Defines disabilities covered by the legislation . The relevant definition of disability under ADA for the purpose of applying Title II access requirements is : A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of the disabled person Examples of disabilities include mobility, hearing, vision or cognitive impairments. ADA Title II requires an assessment of access to public communications, programs ,and facilities and a plan for providing access. The assessment is a self-evaluation . The plan for providing access is a transition plan . City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Why do an ADA self-evaluation : The self-evaluation is an opportunity to identify how to best serve all of the City's citizens and customers . Self-evaluation is required by the ADA Title II for all public entities . A serious effort at self-assessment and consultation can diminish the threat of litigation and save resources by identifying the most efficient means of providing required access . City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan The Title II Self-evaluation includes : Only public communications, programs and facilities- no private facilities or programs . The Title II Transition Plan includes : Only those recommended changes that will take more than a year to implement or are on -going in nature . City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan What did the City do to comply with ADA Title II? Assembled an interdepartmental work group that developed a draft self-evaluation survey document; Legal review of survey document ; Noticed and held a community meeting for comment on the draft survey document ( September 2010) , finalized survey document ; Distributed survey to all City departments to be completed ; Compiled and analyzed department responses ; Identified areas for improvement; City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan What did the City do to comply with ADA Title II ? ( cont. ) Developed draft self- evaluation report and transition plan Noticed and held community meeting for comment on draft report and transition plan ( December 2011 ) • Presented draft report and transition plan for Council review (January 2012 ) City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Draft Report Findings: Programs, Procedures, Policies Generally compliant with the major goals of the ADA : Customer service Currently established customer service standards will generally provide compliant access to all customers including those with disabilities Improvement areas : Staff Training i Recognizing disabilities and providing appropriate assistance Better understanding of options o City Policy Consistent application of ADA access options throughout all City departments : notification of availability of accommodation ; notification of the availability of grievance procedures; departmental procedures and policies, etc. City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Draft Report Findings: Facilities Buildings and Parks o Generally compliant with the ADA with the exception of the pre- ADA constructed dance hall located on Sullivan Road . o New facility construction and remodels will be built to current ADA specifications. Public Right-of-Ways : Sidewalk Ramps J Most sidewalks on arterial streets are already constructed with crosswalk ramps. o Accessible crosswalk ramps are required in the design of newly constructed/rehabilitated public projects (City constructed ) and private development projects. City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Supporting documents found in appendices of the draft report : A. Current City ADA Policies B. Definitions C. Survey with Tabulated Summary of Results D. Community Participation Meetings/Documents E . ADA Compliance and Recommended Action F. Facility Survey with Tabulated Summary G . Curb Ramp Survey Maps City of Spokane Valley Draft ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Contacts : • John Whitehead , City ADA Coordinator Mary Kate McGee, Building Official Resources : http : //www. dbtacnorthwest. org http : //www. ada .gov/ City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 Draft City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Working Outline I. Introduction 1 a. Summary Statement b. Background c. Purpose d. City of Spokane Valley Information e. Prior ADA Self Evaluation f. Definitions II. Department Surveys and General Findings 3 a. Surveys b. General Findings: City-wide Programs, Procedures and Policies c. Action Items III. Facilities Findings and Recommendations 5 a. Surveys b. General Findings: Facilities c. Action Items 1V. Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Findings and Recommendations 6 a. Existing Improvements b. Action Items Appendices A. City of Spokane Valley ADA Grievance Procedure and Notice Requirements 7 B. Definitions 15 C. Survey of City Programs, Procedures and Policies, with Tabulated Summary 19 D. Community Participation Program Documents 59 E. Table 1 — Department ADA Compliance and Recommended Action 69 F. Facility Survey with Tabulated Summary 75 G. Curb Ramp Survey Maps 83 1. Introduction a. Summary Statement The City of Spokane has completed a self evaluation for compliance with federal requirements as contained in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The City is found to be compliant with the major goals of the Act and has identified action items regarding policy development and training, as described in this report. b. Background Access to civic life by people with disabilities is a fundamental goal of the ADA. The ADA was enacted on July 26, 1990 and provides comprehensive civil rights protections to persons with disabilities in the areas of employment, state and local government services, access to public accommodations, transportation, and communications. The ADA is divided into five parts. Title II: Public Services prohibits state and local governments from discriminating against persons with disabilities or from excluding participation in or denying benefits of programs, services, or activities to persons with disabilities. It is under this Title that this City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan has been prepared. c. Purpose The purpose of this City of Spokane Valley ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan is to document the results of the city's review to determine if there are any barriers to persons with disabilities posed by existing policies, procedures or facilities. It further details reasonable modifications to comply with the requirements of Title It where needed. This ADA Self- Evaluation also provides documentation of areas where the City of Spokane Valley has gone beyond the minimum requirements in order to provide a greater level of access for individuals with disabilities that use the city's programs, services and activities. d. City of Spokane Valley Information i. Statistics and Demographics The City of Spokane Valley incorporated on March 31 of 2003. As the tenth largest city in the state, Spokane Valley covers 38.1 square miles and has.a population of 89,927 (2010 census data). ii. ADA Coordinator A public entity is required to designate a person to be responsible for coordinating the implementation of ADA requirements, including the transition plan, and for investigating complaints of alleged City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 DRAFT noncompliance. The ADA Coordinator for the City of Spokane Valley is John Whitehead, Human Resource Director. iii. ADA Accommodation and Grievance A public entity that employs 50 or more persons is required by the ADA to adopt and publish grievance procedures. The procedures must establish a method for prompt and equitable resolution of complaints alleging any action prohibited by Title II. The city's grievance procedure, adopted as Policy No. 200.055 and contained in Appendix A to this study, generally provides for complaints to be made in writing or other method, review of the alleged action, preparation of an investigative report including recommendations and a notice of decision. The complainant may file further to the US Department of Justice. Policy No. 200.060, ADA Noticing Requirements, is also contained in Appendix A. e. Prior ADA Self Evaluation All existing city governments were required to complete a self-evaluation of their facilities, programs, policies, and practices by January 26, 1993. As a newly incorporated city in 2003, this is the first such report prepared for the City of Spokane Valley. f. Definitions A list of terms and phrases used in this report can be found in Appendix B. It is not meant to be exhaustive. Additional clarification of terms can be found online at the Northwest ADA Center (htto://dbtacnorthwest.or4 ) and at the ADA Home Page (http:/lwww,ada.gov ), 2 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 DRAFT IL Department Surveys and General Findings a. Surveys City departments completed a comprehensive questionnaire to identify barriers to accessing city programs or procedures. To gain public input, the city hosted a community meeting August 3, 2010 to present the project process and to gather comments on the structure and content of the questionnaire. The questionnaire with a tabulated summary of responses can be found in Appendix C to this report. The community participation program information is contained as Appendix D. b. General Findings: City-wide Programs, Procedures and Policies A summary of the specific programs and tasks that each department analyzed through the survey, whether or not the program was found compliant with the ADA and what type of modification is required in a Transition Plan, is contained in Table 1, Appendix E to this report. Through the self surveys, the city is found to be compliant with the major goals of the ADA. This is likely due to the fact that over time, the basic components of recognizing and accommodating the needs of those with disabilities have become standardized, common practice. Improvements in the areas of staff training and city policy, as discussed in the following section, are recommended. c. Action Items As stated above and detailed in Appendix E, the City is generally compliant with the ADA, mostly through customer service protocols practiced by employees. Departments will benefit from staff training and education. The overall process that an individual with disabilities goes through to express their needs and receive accommodation can be improved upon. It is the intent of the City to address these city-wide programmatic accessibility barriers by modifying the ADA policy to specifically outline the process and ensure staff training. Additionally, if a policy, program or procedure creates an accessibility barrier unique to a department or program, the City's ADA Coordinator will work with the department head or program manager to address the matter in a timely, reasonable and accommodating manner. Recommended Actions: • Modify the city's policies to develop a single, comprehensive guide regarding ADA compliance, to address noticing requirements, accommodations and grievance procedures consistent with Title II. • Implement regular staff training on ADA awareness and accommodations. • Continue to make appropriate modifications to regular practices to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities when providing customer service. 3 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 DRAFT • Develop a system for consistent public notification in city communications regarding alternate formats to address ADA accommodations. • 4 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 DRAFT Ill. Facilities Findings and Recommendations a. Surveys City departments completed a comprehensive questionnaire aimed at identifying physical barriers to accessing city facilities. The questionnaire with a tabulated summary of all responses can be found in Appendix F to this report. b. General Findings: Facilities Through the self surveys, city facilities are found to be compliant with the ADA with the exception of the much older dance hall located on Sullivan Drive. c. Action Items The ADA requires that when facilities are either newly constructed or are re-modeled, improvements be made to current code specifications. in addition, on a case-by-case basis, improvements may be made to facilities whether scheduled for maintenance and repair or not. Recommended Actions: • Develop city policy that requires new and/or modified facilities to include improvements consistent with current design standards for accessibility. • Continue to consider requests for changes to facilities to accommodate accessibility needs and make modifications as appropriate, 5 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan October 2011 DRAFT IV. Sidewalk and Curb Ramp Findings and Recommendations a. Existing Improvements During 2010 and 2011, city staff conducted a survey of sidewalk ramps. For the most part, corners on arterial streets are fitted with appropriate ramps. A summary of the curb ramp surveys can be found in Appendix G to this report. b. Action Items The ADA requires that when public improvements are either newly constructed or are re-constructed during street maintenance or upgrades, accessible curb ramps be installed to current accessibility standards. In addition, on a case-by-case basis, improvements may be made to existing curbs whether scheduled for maintenance and repair or not. Recommended Actions: • As new streets are designed and/or as intersections are modified, incorporate curb ramps consistent with current design standards to meet the needs of individuals with disabilities. • Continue to make appropriate modifications to curb infrastructure to accommodate the needs of individuals with disabilities. 6 Appendix A: City of Spokane Valley ADA Grievance Procedure and Notice Requirements S r,o° anise Administrative Policy&Procedure No,200.055 ►7��T �� Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)Grievance V y Procedure 1. Policy Pursuant to title If of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)and corresponding federal regulations,the City,in its services,programs,and activities,adopts grievance procedures for discrimination against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability. 2. References a) Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)oft 990,42 U.S.C,§ 12101 et, seq. b) 28 C.P.R.§35.107 3, Description and Implementation a) Overview.-These procedures cover complaints filed under the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,relating to any program,facility or activity managed by the City of Spokane Valley.The procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to file formal complaints with other state or federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination or unaccommodated barriers to access.Effort will be made to resolve complaints informally at the city leveL The option of informal mediation meeting(s)between the affected parties and a designated mediator may be utilized for resolution,Intimidation or retaliation of any kind is prohibited by law. Ti) Complaint Requirements, i) Who May File,Any individual,group of Individuals or entity that believes they have been discriminated against on the basis of disability or faced unaccommodated barriers to access as defined by the ADA may file a complaint, ii) Format and Content.The complaint must be in writing and contain information about the alleged discrimination such as name, address,phone number of complainant and location,date,and description of the problem.Upon request,alternative means of filing complaints,such as personal interviews or a tape recording of the complaint,will be made available for persons with disabilities. Ift When and where to File.The complaint should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation It must be submitted lo: Pollay No,200.055 ADA Grievance Procedure Page t of 3 Effec liver 8 John Whitehead,Citywide ADA Coordinator 1170713.Sprague Ave. Suite 103 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 c) Procedure after Complaint Is Received. i) Ensuring Complaint Jurisdiction and Sufficiency,-After receiving the written complaint,the Citywide ADA Coordinator,in consultation with other city offices,will determine its jurisdiction, acceptability,need for additional information and the investigative merit of the complaint.if the complaint is incomplete,the ADA Coordinator will promptly notify the complainant what most be done fbr a complete complaint, II) Providing Respondent Complaint Information.Once a complete complaint is received,the ADA Coordinator will provide the City department responsible and the respondent(subject of complaint)the complaint information within S calendar days. ill) Respondent's Opportunity to Respond.The city will provide the respondent with the opportunity to respond in writing to the allegations.The respondent will have 10 calendar days after receiving the notice of the complaint to furnish the city with a written response to the allegations. iv) Investigative Report.Within 60 days of receipt of the original, completed complaint,the ADA Coordinator will prepare a written investigative report for the appropriate department director,the Deputy City Manager,and the City Manager',The report shall include a narrative description of the incident,identification of persons interviewed,findings and recommendations for disposition.Tho recommendation shall be reviewed by the City Attorney's office,which may discuss the report and recommendations with the ADA Coordinator and other appropriate departmental staff.The report will be modified as needed and finalized for its release to the parties. v) Notification of Decision,Once the investigative report becomes final,briefings will be scheduled with each party within 15 days, I3oth the complainant and the respondent shall receive a cody of the report during the briefings and will be notified of their respective appeal rights. d) Filing n Complaint with the US Department of Justice,The complainant may file a complaint with the US Department of Justice."A complaint must be Bled not later than 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination,unless the time for filing is extended by the designated agency for good cause shown"28 C.P,R.§35.170(b),This is not an appeal,but a separate legal action available independent of the City's grievance procedures, e) Log of Complaints.The ADA Coordinator will maintain a log of complaints.This log wilt keep complaints for at least six years and will Palley No.200.055 ADA GYlevenceProcedarc Page 2 of Effective: 9 contain the following information for each complaint filed: i) The name and address of the person filing the complaint if) The date of the complaint Ill) The basis of the complaint iv) The disposition of the complaint v) The status of the complaint r Si City Man Mnn • . oputy City Mannger Policy No 200.055 ADA Grievance Procedure Page 3 of 3 Effective: 10 NOTICE OF GRIEVANCE PROCEDURES UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Aot of 1990("ADA"),the City of Spokane Valley provides grievance procedures for qualified individuals who believe that in the City's services,programs,or activities,they have been discrunlnated against on the basis of disability. Overview.These procedures cover complaints filed tinder the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990,relating to any program,facility or activity managed by the City of Spokane Valley.The procedures do not deny the right of the complainant to Me format complaints with other state or federal agencies or to seek private counsel for complaints alleging discrimination or unaccommodated barriers to access.effort will be made to resolve complaints informally at the city level,'The option of informal mediation meetings) between the affected parties and a designated mediator may be utilized for resolution. Intimidation or retaliation of any kind is prohibited by law. Any individual,group of individuals or entity that believes they have been discriminated against on the basis of disability or faced unaccommodated barriers to access as defined by the ADA may file a complaint,The complaint must be in writing curd contain Information about the alleged discrimination such as name,address,phone number of complainant and location,date,and description oldie problem.Upon request,alternative means of filing complaints,such as personal Interviews or a tape recording of the complaint,wilt be made available for persons with disabilities.The complaint should be submitted as soon as possible but no later than 60 calendar days after the alleged violation.It must be submitted to; John Whitehead,Citywide ADA Coordinator 11707 E.Sprague Ave. Suite 103 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 After Complain!Is Received,After receiving the written complaint,the Citywide ADA Coordinator,in consultation with other city offices,will determine its jurisdiction, acceptability,need for additional information and the investigative merit of the complaint.If the complaint is incomplete,the ADA Coordinator will promptly notify the complainant what must be done for a complete complaint.Once a complete complaint is received,the ADA Coordinator will provide the respondent the complaint information within 5 calendar days. Respondent's Opportunity to Respond.The city will provide the respondent with the opportunity ity to respond In writing to the allegations.The respondent will have 10 calendar days after receiving the notice of the complaint to furnish the city with a written response to the allegations. 11 Investigative Report. Within 60 days of receipt of the original,completed complaint,the ADA Coordinator will prepare a written investigative report for the appropriate department director,the Deputy City Manager,and the City Manager.The report shall include a narrative description of the incident,identification of persons interviewed, findings and recommendations for disposition.The recommendation shall be reviewed by the City Attorney's office,which may discuss the report and recommendations with the ADA Coordinator and other appropriate departmental staff,The report will be modified as needed and finalized for its release to the parties. Notification ofDecision,Once the investigative report becomes final,briefings will be scheduled with each,party within 15 days.Both the complainant and the respondent shall receive a copy of the report during the briefings and will be notified of their respective appeal rights. Filing a Complaint with the US Department ofJustice.The complainant may file a complaint with the US Department of Justice."A complaint must be filed not later titan 180 days from the date of the alleged discrimination,unless the time for filing is extended by the designated agency for good cause shown"28 C.F.R. §35,170(b).This is not an appeal,but a separate legal action available Independent of the City's grievance procedures. Log of Complaints.The ADA Coordinator will maintain a log of complaints.This log will keep complaints for at least six years and will contain the following information for each complaint filed: 1)the name and address of the person filing the complaint;2)the date of the complaint;3)the basis of the complaint;4)the disposition of the complaint;5) the status of the complaint. err O 'e Administrative Policy&Procedure No.200.060 e Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)Notice .000Valley Requirements Polley Pursuant to title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)and corresponding federal regulations,the City will give notice of ADA provisions and complaint procedures to all who interact or would potentially interact with the City. 2, References a) Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA)of 1990,42 U.S.C.§ 12101 et, seq, b) 28 C.P,R.§35,107 3. Description and Implementation a) Information required in notice.A summtuy of ADA provisions and complaint procedures should be given.For ADA provisions,the City Will use the US Department of Justice's model notice entitled"Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act."For complaint procedures,the City will use the information given in the City's ADA Grievance Procedures. b) Where information is to be posted.Both the summary of ADA provisions and complaint procedures will be posted on the City website,at the police precinct,at the City Permit Center,at the front desk at City Hall,and the CenterPlace reception area.This information will also be made accessible In other forms as deemed necessary to reach those who interact with or would potentially interact with the City. City ManQ:g/Deputy Sty Manager Polley No.200.060 ADA Notice ucqu from ents Pnge i oft Effective: 13 NOTICE UNDER THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT In accordance with the requirements of title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 ("ADA"),the City of Spokane Valley will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services,programs,or activities. Ernrploymenr:The City of Spokane Valley does not discriminate on the basis of disability in its hiring or employment practices and compiles with regulations promulgated by the U.S.Equal Employment Opporl unity Commission under title I of the ADA. Effecllve Communlcallon:The City of Spokane Valley will generally,upon request,provide appropriate aids and services leading to effective communication for qualified persons with disabilities so they can participate equally in The City of Spokane Valley's programs,services, and activities,Including qualified sign language interpreters,documents in Braille,and other ways of making information and communications accessible to people who have speech,bearing, or vision impairments. Modtj/calions to Policies and Procedures:The City of Spokane Valley will make reasonable modifications to policies and programs to ensure that people with disabilities have an equal opportunity to enjoy Its programs,services,and activities. For example,individuals with service -animals are welcomed in The City of Spokane Valley offices,even where pets are generally prohibited. Anyone who requires an auxiliary aid or service for effective communication,or a modification of policies or procedures to participate in a program,service,or activity of the City of Spokane Valley,should contact the office ofKen Thompson as soon as possible but no later than 48 hours before the scheduled event. The ADA does not require the City of Spokane Valley to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services,or impose an undue financial or adniinistrative burden. Complaints that a program,service,or activity of the City of Spokane Valley is not accessible to persons with disabilities should be directed to: John Whitehead 11707 B.Sprague Ave. Suite 103 Spokane Valley,WA 99206 The City of Spokane Valley will not place a surcharge on a particular individual with a disability or any group of individuals with disabilities to cover the cost of providing auxiliary aids/services or reasonable modifications of policy,such as retrieving Items from locations that are open to the public but are not accessible to persons who use wheelchairs. 14 Appendix B: Definitions 15 ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act as contained at 42 U.S.0 12101 et seq. ADAAG: Americans with Disabilities Act Access Guidelines, codified at Appendix A to 28 Code of Federal Regulations Part 36 and at Appendix A to 49 of Federal Regulations Part 37. "ADAAG Standards" means and refers to physical conditions that meet the new construction and/or alterations standards set forth in the ADAAG. Auxiliary Aids and Services: Qualified interpreters or other effective methods of making orally delivered materials available to individuals with hearing impairments; qualified readers, taped texts or other effective methods of making visually delivered materials available to individuals with visual impairments; and acquisition or modification of equipment or devices; and other similar services and actions. Compliant Curb Ramp; A curb ramp constructed to comply with state and/or federal law (whichever provides the higher access standard) in place at the time of construction. In the case of a location where it is Structurally Impracticable or Technically Infeasible to build a fully compliant curb ramp, or where construction of a fully compliant curb ramp would constitute a Fundamental Alteration of a service, program or activity of the City, or an Undue Burden on the City, a curb ramp that complies with access standards, or was constructed to the standards existing at the time of construction, or to the maximum extent feasible, will constitute a Compliant Curb Ramp as long as the requirements set forth in this Transition Plan for justifying the reasons for the City to avoid full compliance are met. Curb Ramp: A ramp cutting through a curb providing access from one elevation or surface to another elevation or surface. Detectable Warnings: A surface feature built in or applied to walking surfaces or other elements to warn of hazards on a pedestrian access path. Disability: With respect to an individual: 1) a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life activities of such individual; 2) a record of such an Impairment; or 3) being regarded as having such an impairment. Discrimination on the Basis of Disability: To limit, segregate or classify a citizen in a way that may adversely affect opportunities or status because of the person's disability; to participate in a contract that could subject a qualified citizen with a disability to discrimination; to use any standards, criteria or methods of administration that have the effect of discriminating on the basis of disability; to deny equal benefits because of a disability; to fail to make reasonable accommodations to known physical or mental limitations of an otherwise qualified Individual unless it can be shown that the accommodation would impose an Undue Burden on the City's operations. Fundamental Alteration: A change in a policy, program or procedure to accommodate a person with a disability such that the intent and purpose of the policy, program or procedure is modified or is no longer viable. Mental Impairment: Any mental or psychological disorder, such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and specific learning disabilities. Pedestrian Right-of-Way: Portion of land area owned by the city and provided by dedication for use by the public through walking, wheelchair or other non-automobile device. 16 Physical Impairment: A physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following body systems: neurological, musceloskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory (including speech organs), cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic or lymphatic, skin or endocrine. Reasonable Modification: An adjustment to rules policies or procedures to accommodate an individual whose disability makes it impossible to comply otherwise when such adjustment does not fundamentally alter the nature of the program, service or activity. Examples include: • Granting a zoning variance to allow a ramp to be built inside a set-back area, • Permitting a personal attendant to help a person with a disability to use a public restroom designated for the opposite gender. • Permitting a service animal in a place where animals are typically not allowed. Record of Impairment: With respect to protection under the ADA, a person with a history of a disability whether or not they are currently substantially limited in a major life activity. Meant to protect people with a history of cancer, heart disease or other debilitating illness, whose illness is either cured, controlled or in remission, as well as those with a history of mental illness. Regarded as Having a Disability: With respect to protection under the ADA, an individual is protected under this part of the definition of disability if he or she can show that they were discriminated against because of an actual or perceived impairment, regardless of whether the Impairment actually limits or is perceived to limit a major life activity. Substantial Limitations of Maior Life Activities: An impairment is a disability under the ADA only if it limits one or more major life activities. An individual must be unable to perform, or significantly limited in the ability to perform, an activity compared to an average person in the general population. The regulations provide three factors to consider when determining whether a person's impairment substantially limits a major life activity: 1. The nature and severity; 2. How long it will last or is expected to last; and 3. its permanent or long-term impact or expected impact. Technically Infeasible: With respect to an alteration of an existing element, that it has little likelihood of being accomplished because existing physical or site constraints prohibit modification or addition of elements, spaces, or features to bring the element into full and strict compliance with the minimum requirements for new construction and which are necessary to provide accessibility. Transition Plan: A jurisdiction's document to identify physical or structural modifications required to provide access to programs or services; details what actions the City has taken or will take to alter its facilities. Generally, the transition plan lists existing barriers in to City programs and in public rights-of-way under the City's jurisdiction, and it further schedules which barriers are to be removed to provide access for individuals with disabilities. Undue Burden: An action requiring significant difficulty or expense when considering the nature and cost of the accommodation in relation to the size, resources, and structure of the specific operation. 17 Appendix C: Survey of City Programs, Procedures and Policies, with Tabulated Summary 19 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self-Evaluation Survey Please list your department, division & program: Department: Division/Bureau: Program (as named on survey notice): To obtain a copy of this survey free of charge contact: City of Spokane Valley ADA Coordinator 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106, Spokane Valley, WA, 99206 P: (509) 688-0021 TTY: (XXX) XXX-XXXX F: (509) 921-1008 E:jwhitehead @spokanevalley.org Developed by Logan Hopper Associates, in conjunction with CCSF Mayor's Office Disability, 4/01. Co ri ht Cit and Count of San Francisco, Ma or's Office on Disabilit . 20 Survey Instructions The Self-Evaluation Survey is designed so that you have to answer only those questions that are relevant to your program. It is divided into six sections according to different types of services and activities, as follows: I. Program Background II. General Public Contact III. Intensive "Client" Contact IV. Contracting V. Purchasing t14 VI. Staff Training &Technical Assistance Start at Section I and continue from there. At the beginning of each section is an explanation of the types of programs that are covered by that section. Please, read each section description carefully to determine whether the questions in that section apply to your program. If your program does not fit the section description, you may skip to the next section. There is a space for comments at the end of every section, as well as at the end of the survey. Please keep in mind that the Survey is not a test. The survey is a tool that is being used to gather baseline data about the accessibility of city benefits and services. We hope to identify best practices as well as areas where Improvement is needed. The City will use the data gathered to determine where resources and training are needed to improve access across all programs. If you have any questions about the survey, please call 688-0021. 21 Frequently Asked Questions Shouldn't my Department's ADA Coordinator complete the survey? No. The survey should be completed by the manager to whom the survey notice was mailed. However, your ADA Coordinator may be a helpful resource. My Department has already evaluated the accessibility of our facilities. How does the Self-Evaluation Survey relate to that evaluation? The Self-Evaluation Survey is focused on programmatic and communication access. it does not address architectural issues, Even if your Department has already developed, or is in the process of developing a Transition Plan, you must complete the Self-Evaluation Survey. Is the survey asking about my Department's policies? No. The Survey is an evaluation of City programs, not Departments. While there may be some overlap with your department, the survey asks questions about the policies, procedures and practices of your individual program. In answering the questions, you should limit your responses to the service or cluster of services you oversee. How are you defining "program"?What about"program manager"? For the purposes of the Self-Evaluation: A 'program"is a service or cluster of services with a single purpose. Because Departments vary significantly in structure and type of service provided, programs within these Departments also vary. In some cases, smaller clusters of services were grouped together as one because they act as one program when developing and implementing policies, procedures and practices. A "program manager"is the person who Is responsible for the program. For the purpose of the Self-Evaluation, a program manager Is the responsible individual who is close enough to the day-to-day workings of the program to have a sense of the actual practices, and who has some authority over the program's policies and procedures. How are you defining disability? This survey uses the term disability as it is defined in the Americans with Disability Act: ua physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major life activity; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such an impairment.""Physical or mental impairment" includes, but is not limited to: visuOal, speech and hearing impairments, cerebral palsy, diabetes, mental retardation, emotional illness, HIV disease and drug addiction. Examples of "major life activities" include: caring for one's self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning and working. 22 I don't see a tot of"don't know" answer options. If I don't know the answer to a question, should I research the question or just answer"no"? If you don't immediately know the answer to a question, we prefer that you ask around to find an answer. If you can't get an answer after asking around, you should answer"no." 11111114L4111111111111111111111. 1P)r • 23 Section I. Program Background Who must complete this section?All programs must complete this section. 1. Total programs reporting: 22 2. Name of person completing this survey: See attached list 3. Primary Location of Program: Street Address: See attached list City: Spokane Valley State: WA Abi Zip: 99206 4. How man em'10 ees work In this program? Number of Response responses O'tion - 17 0—Ira f111111111111 d 11 —20 3 21 —50 2 over 50 5. What is the approximate total budget for this program? Number of Response Option responses under$500,000 { $500,000 - $1,000,000 $1,000,001 -$5,000,000 over$5,000,000 6. Does your program issue licenses or certifications (e.g., foster home, marriage, dog licenses, etc.)? # of Responses #of Responses Yes 18 No 7. In three sentences or less, please describe the contact your program has with the public (e.g., people come into our office for x, y, and z; no one ever comes to our office but we buy information kiosks that are used by the public; we do fieldwork and interact with members of the public in the field; we give grants to organizations that provide x, y and z services to the public; we have clients who must apply for our program and meet certain criteria for continuing to receive service from us; etc.)." 24 Section II. General Public Contact Who must complete this section? Complete this section if your program has any direct contact with the public. This includes programs that lead tours, recruit and hire members of the public, provide information, issue citations or licenses, host meetings, collect fees, provide job training, administer benefits, etc. This does not include programs that provide public service through contracted agencies,(see Section IV, below). If your program provides service through contracted agencies or does not have direct contact with the public (e.g., purchasing programs), you may skip this section. A. Population Information 1. Approximately how many members of the public receive service from your program each year? Number of Response Options responses 6 Under 1000 5 1,000—5,000 0 5,001 10,000 10 Over 10,000 2. Approximately what percentage of these individuals has disabilities? [Note: We understand that your program may not collect this data and do not expect you to do so. However, your best estimate of this percentage will give us a clearer picture of your program. In your estimate, please be sure to consider those people with hidden disabilities (e.g., psychiatric illness) as well as those with visible disabilities (e.g., visual impairment),] Number of Response Options responses 0 NONE 1011, 10 Under 10% _ 1 10% —25% 0 26% -50% 0 over 50% 10 Have no idea B. General Policies, Procedures & Practices 1. How do you inform members of the public about your program? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 13 Verbal outreach 10 Brochure 7 Flyer/notice in community 9 Advertisement in newspaper, bulletin, etc. 18 Website 12 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 25 2. Does our •ro.ram ever •rovide trans•art ation for its a..Iicants or .artici•ants? # of Responses #of Responses 2 Yes[GO TO 2.1] 19 No[GO TO 3] 2.1 if yes, what type? Number of responses Response Options 0 Mini-van 0 Ramp-taxi 0 Bus pass or tokens_ 2 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 2.2 Do you provide wheelchair accessible transportation for people who need it'? #of Responses # of Responses 2 Yes 0 No 3. Does your program or service have safety standards (e.g., applicants must be able to care for themselves, participants may not have a history of violent or criminal behavior)? #of Responses # of Responses 5 Yes[GO TO 3.1] No[GO TO 4] 3.1 If yes, please briefly describe the standards: 3.2 How do you determine whether an individual meets these standards? Number of Responses _ Response Options 4 Self-identification by individual 3 Staff observation 0 Staff interview 0 Testing_ 0 Records check 2 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 4. Does your program have any components or services that are exclusively for people with disabilities (e.g., a housing program designated for persons with disabilities, an alternate employment program, a different application process, special meeting times, etc.)? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 4.1] 21 No[GO TO SEC C] 26 4.1 If yes, please list these components or services: NIA 4.2 May people with disabilities also participate in the general program if they so choose? N/A Number of Response Options responses Yes, always Yes, under special circumstances No 4.2a If you answered "Yes, under special circumstances" or"No" please explain: NIA C. Communications 1. Does your program use an automated phone menu system to access staff and/or Information on services (I.e., push 1 for... push 2 for...)? # of Responses #of Responses 5 Yes[GO TO 1.1] 16 No[GO TO 2] 1.1 If yes, does the system offer a simple (1 step)way for a caller to bypass the menu and speak directly with a program representative? #of Responses #of Responses 4 Yes 1 No 2. Does your program have a TTY/TDD (text telephone for communicating with people with hearing and/or speech impairments)? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 211 21 No[GO TO 3] 2.1 If yes, do you have a dedicated phone line for the TTY/TTD? NIA #of Responses # of Responses Yes No 27 2.2 What is the TTY/TDD number? N/A 2.3 Where is the TTY/TDD number listed? (Check all that apply.) :1 Number of responses Response Options Brochure or other distributed written material _ Public phone directory Recorded message Website Other, please name: 2.4 Does the TTY/TTD have an answering machine that receives calls when a live person is not available (i.e., is your TTY/TTD functional 24 hours a day)? # of Responses # of Responses Yes No 2.5 Are members of your staff trained in how to use the TTY/TDD? N #of Responses #of Responses Yes[GO TO 2.5a] No[GO TO 3] 2.5a If yes, please briefly describe the training they receive: NIA 2.5b How frequently is this training provided? N/A • Number of responses Response Options _ At orientation On request Semi-annually Annually Other, please name: 3. Does your program provide phones for the public to use to make outgoing calls when needed (e.g., to call for transportation or to track down a required document)? # of Responses #of Responses ri Yes[GO TO 3.1] 1 No[GO TO 4] 3.1 If yes, is there a TTY/TTD available for making these calls? # of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes 10 No 28 4. Is your program staff trained in how to use the Washington State Relay Service? # of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes 21 No 5. Are people with disabilities portrayed in any of the materials used by your program (e.g, written descriptions, pictures, videos etc.)? ' #of Responses ' r#of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 5.1] 20 . 5.1 If yes, please describe briefly: See attached comments 6. Does your program notify the public about whether your program office(s) is/are architecturally accessible (e.g., whether or not it is accessible to people in wheelchairs, whether or not there are obstructions that would hinder people who are blind)? #of Responses #of Responses 4 Yes[GO TO 6.1] 7 No[GO TO 7] 6.1 If yes, please indicate the methods you use to communicate this information: (Check all that a..l . Number of responses _ Response Options 1 Verbal outreach Posted notice outside faciiity Brochure Flyer/notice in community Advertisement in newspaper, bulletin, etc. 2 Website Other, please name: 7. Do you ever provide information to the public through videos, movies or television broadcasts? #of Responses #of Responses 2 Yes[GO TO 7.1] 19 No[GO TO 8] 7.1 If yes, do these videos, movies, or broadcasts have captioning for individuals with visual impairments (i.e., is the verbal portion of the broadcast transcribed and displayed at the bottom of the screen)? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 2 No 29 7.2 Do these videos, movies or broadcasts have an audio narration option for individuals who have visual impairments? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 2 No 8. Does your program include exhibits and/or interpretive displays (e.g., art exhibits, historical displa s, information kiosks, etc.)? #of Responses #of Responses €2 Yes[GO TO 8.1] 9 No[GO TO 9] 8.1 If yes, is information in the exhibit/display provided in a variety of formats? Number of responses Response Options 10 Written 0 Audio 9 Graphic,/Pictorial 3 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 9. Does your program use any of the following alternative formats and/or auxiliary aids to make program materials and services accessible to people with disabilities (e.g., to make written materials accessible to people with visual impairments, to make interviews accessible to people who are deaf)? (Check all that apply.) Alternative Formats _ Number of responses Response Options 1 Audiotape 5 Enlarged print 0 Braille 9 Computer disk 17 Website 14 E-mail _ 5lSee attached comments) Other, please name: Auxiliary Aids Number of responses Response Options 3 Sign language interpreters 4 Assistive listening devices 0 Real-time captioning 3 Readers 30 8 Call-in/speakerphone capability Assistants (who perform tasks such as translating 1 for a person with speech impairment) 0 Other, please name: 9.1 Please briefly describe the procedure someone must follow to request materials in alternative formats and/or auxiliary aids: See attached comments 9.1a Is this procedure documented in written form? #of Responses # of Responses Yes 16 No 9.2 Do you notify the public that they may request alternative formats and/or aids if needed? #of Responses # of Responses 8 , Yes[GO TO 9.2a] 13 No[GO TO 9.3] 9.2a How are members of the public notified that they may request alternative formats and/or auxiliary aids if needed? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options _ 5 Verbal explanation at service window CI Posted notice program office 5 Brochure or other distributed written material I 0 Recorded message 7 Website 2 (See attached commentsl Other, Tease name: 9.3 What is the average length of time that someone must wait for approval of a re uest? Number of responses Response Options Less than 1 hour 10 1 hour—24 hours 4 25 hours— 72 hours 0 73 hours to 1 week (I over 1 week 9.4 Please list the firm(s) and/or organization(s) you use to access auxiliary aids (e.g., the firm you use to access ASL interpreters, etc.): See attached comments 31 10. Does your program hold public meetings, hearings or other events? _ # of Responses # of Responses r! Yes[GO TO 10.1] 11 No[GO TO 11] 10.1 If yes, does your program hold public meetings, hearings or other events regularly at specific locations (i.e., at locations other than your program locations listed in Section I)? #of Responses #of Responses 4 Yes[GO TO 10.1a] 6 No[GO TO 10.2] 10.1a if_yes, please list these specific locations: See attached comments 10.2 Does your program notify the public about whether or not the locations of public meetings, hearings or other events are architecturally accessible? #of Responses # of Responses No[GO TO 0 Yes[GO TO 10.2a] 10 10.3] 10.2a If yes, please indicate the methods you use to communicate this information: (Check all that apply.) :'? Number of responses Response Options Verbal outreach Written meeting notice Posted notice outside facility Flyer/notice in community Website Other, please name: 10.3 Do you use any of the following alternative formats and/or auxiliary aids to make public meetings, hearings or other events accessible to people with disabilities? Alternative Formats Number of responses Response Options 1 Audiotape 1 Enlarged print 0 Braille 5 Computer disk 6 Website 7 E-mail 3 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 32 Auxiliary Aids Number of responses Response Options 4 Sign language interpreters 4 Assistive listening devices 0 Real-time captioning 1 Readers 2 Call-in/speakerphone capability Assistants (who perform tasks such as translating 0 for a person with speech impairment) 1 (See attached comments) Other, please name: 10.3a If you answered yes to any of the above, is the procedure for requesting and receiving alternative formats and/or auxiliary aids for public meetings, hearings or other events different from the procedure for requesting these formats and aids for program services? #of Responses #of Responses G Yes[GO TO 10.3a1] No[GO TO 11] 10.3a1 If yes, please explain these differences. (Be sure to note any differences in the ways the public is notified, request procedure, length of request approval period, firms used, etc.): N/A 11. How does your program pay for costs incurred from accommodating people with disabilities (e.g,, paying for interpreters, alternative formats, individual staff assistance, etc.)? Number of responses Response Options 0 Fees from participants with disabilities 0 Fees from all participants 0 Specific budget line item 16 Flyer/notice in community 5 Included in general budget 0 _ Other, please name: D. Modification of Policies, Procedures & Practices 1. Does your program allow an individual to request a modification of program policies, procedures or practices to accommodate his/her disability (e.g., a waiver of an orientation requirement for someone who cannot attend at the required time due to a disability, a home visit for someone who is homebound and cannot come into the program office, assistance completing a required form for someone with a cognitive impairment, etc.)? 33 # of Responses #of Responses 10 Yes[GO TO 1.1] I No[GO TO 2] 1.1 If yes, please briefly describe the procedure for requesting and providing modifications: See attached comments 1.1a is this procedure documented in written form? # of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes 11 No 1.2 Do you notify the public that they may request such modifications when needed? #of Responses #of Responses 5 Yes[GO TO 1.2a] 6 No[GO TO 1.3 1.2a If yes, what does the notice include? Number of responses Response Options Notice of right to non-discrimination 1 Notice of right to reasonable modification of policies, procedures and practices 2 Information on how to request a modification 1 Phone number to call to request a modification 0 TTY number to call to request a modification 0 A form to complete to request a modification 0 An address at which to make the request in person 0 Contact information of an advocate or ombudsperson 4 See attached comments Other, please name: 1.2b How are members of the public notified they may request modifications if needed)? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 3 Verbal explanation at service window 1 Posted notice program office 1 Brochure or other distributed written material 0 Recorded message 2 Website 1 See attached comments Other, please name: 34 1.3 What is the average length of time that someone must wait for approval of a request? Number of Response Options responses 1 Less than 1 hour 9 1 hour—24 hours 1 25 hours—72 hours 0 73 hours to 1 week 0 over 1 week 1.4 How are staff(including receptionists, service window attendants, client service staff, etc.) informed about how to handle requests for modification? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 10 Word-of-Mouth/Experience 0 Employee Handbook 2 Other documented procedure 3 Training_ G Other, please name: 1.5 Approximately how frequently does your program receive requests for modification of policies, procedures or practices? Number of Response Options responses 4 Never 6 , 1 - 10xperyear 0 11 --25 x per year (1 25—50 x per year 1 More than 50 x per year 1.6 In the last year, has your program modified a policy, procedure and/or practice for a person with a: (Check all that aoply,) Number of responses Response Options 0 psychiatric disability? 0 _ learning or Cognitive disability? 0 speech impairment? O hearing impairment? 0 visual impairment? 0 mobility impairment? 0 immune disorder (such as HIV, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, etc.)? 35 1.6a Please give an example of a modification that was made for each "yes" checked: .!/. 1.7 Does your program provide alternatives to an individual whose request for modification is denied (e.g., instead of a home visit to fill out an application, you offer a phone interview and mail the application to be signed by the homebound individual)? #of Responses # of Responses 2 Yes[GO TO 1.7a] 9 No[GO TO 2] 1.7a If yes, please give an example of a situation in which an alternative to a requested modification was provided: See attached comments 2. Does your program require applicants or participants to wait in line at any time (e.g., at information window, to apoly for service, etc.)? #of Responses # of Responses 7 Yes[GO TO 2.1] 14 No[GO TO 3] 2.1 If yes, are there alternatives available for individuals whose physical or mental disabilities make it unduly difficult to stand or wait for an extended period of time (e.g., a means of holding someone's place in line, staff available to assist people with disabilities, etc.)? #of Responses # of Responses 3 Yes[GO TO 2.1a1 No[GO TO 3] 2.1a If yes, please briefly describe the alternatives: See attached comments 2.1 b Can any staff offer these alternatives or must a request be approved by a designated staff member? Number of responses Response Options 3 Arty staff may offer upon request 0 Request must be approved by designated staff member 0 Other, please name: 3. Does your program, and/or the facility In which the program is located, have a policy that restricts animals? 36 #of Responses # of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 3.1] 20 No[GO TO Section E] 3.1 If yes, may this policy be modified to allowfor service or companion animals used by people with disabilities (e.g., the guide dog of a person who is blind, or the cat of a person with post-traumatic stress syndrome)? #of Responses # of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 3.1a] 0 No[GO TO Section E] 3.1a May any staff modify this policy or must a request be approved by a designated staff member? Number of responses Response Options 1 Any staff may offer upon request 0 Request must be approved by designated staff member 0 Other, please name: E. Grievance Policies & Procedures 1. Does your program have a grievance procedure (i.e., a procedure for resolving complaints by the public alleging noncompliance with the ADA in any of your program's services, activities and/or benefits)? # of Responses #of Responses Yes[GO-TO 1.1] 11 No[GO TO Section F] L 1.1 If yes, please briefly describe this procedure: See attached comments 1.1a Is this procedure documented in written form? #of Responses #of Responses Yes G No 1.2 Do you notify the public of the grievance procedure? #of Responses #of Responses 10 Yes 0 No 37 1.2a If yes, what does the notice include? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 9 Information about how to file a grievance 5 Phone number to call to register the grievance TTY number to call to register the grievance 1 A form to complete to register the grievance 9 An address where to register the grievance in person 4 Contact information to an ombudsperson or advocate 1 Other, please name: 1.2b How are program applicants or participants notified of the grievance procedure? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses I Response Options 1 Verbal explanation at service window 5 Posted notice program office 1 Brochure or other distributed written material 0 Recorded message 9 _ Website p Other, please name: 1.3 Does your program modify the grievance procedure for individuals whose disabilities prevent them from meeting the requirements of the procedure (e.g., providing an alternative to completing a complaint form)? #of Responses i # of Responses Yes[GO TO 1.3a] 1 No[GO TO 1.4] 1.3a If yes, is the procedure for requesting a modification included in the public grievance notice? # of Responses # of Responses 6 Yes 3 No 1.4 Approximately how frequently is the grievance procedure used? Number of Response Options responses 6 Never 2 Once every couple of years 0 1 — 10 x per year 0 11 —25 x per year 1 25— 50 x per year 38 1.5 Do staff members who make decisions on grievances receive training in the requirements of federal and state disability rights laws? #of Responses #of Responses 5 Yes[GO TO 1.5a] 5 No[GO TO Section F] 1.5a If yes, please briefly describe the training provided: See attached comments 1.5b How frequently is this training provided? Number of responses Response Options 1 At orientation 0 Semi-annually 4 Annually 0 Bi-annually Other, please name: F. Emeraencv Policies, Procedures & Practices 1. Does the building or site that houses your program have emergency evacuation procedures? # of Responses #of Responses 16 Yes[GO TO 1.1] 5 No[GO TO 2] 1.1 If yes, please briefly describe these procedures: See attached comments 1.2 Are these procedures documented in written form? _ # of Responses #of Responses Yes 0 No 1.3 Do these evacuation procedures include specific provisions for evacuating people with disabilities? # of Responses 1 I #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 1.3a] 16 No[GO TO 1.4] 1.3a If yes, please describe these provisions: I 39 1,4 How are members of the public notified of the emergency evacuation procedures? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 1 Verbal explanation 1 Posted notice program office 1 Brochure or other distributed written material 0 Recorded message 7 Not notified 6 See attached comments Other, please name: 2. Is the building where your program is located equipped with visual emergency alarms (e.g., flashing lights) in addition to audio alarms? # of Responses #of Responses 7 Yes 14 No Comments for Section II: CD/All Divisions/Meetings and Hearings For the visually impaired, since meeting documents are available on the website, they can be enlarged to whatever scale an individual may need in order to read comfortably. 40 Section III. Intensive ("Client") Contact Who must complete this section? Complete this section if your program has intensive and/or ongoing contact with the public. This includes all programs that have applications and requirements for continued service such as mental health,job training or public benefits programs, etc. This section should be completed in addition to (not instead of) Section II. If your program does not have intensive, ongoing contact with the public, you may skip this section. A. Application Policies, Procedures & Practices 1. Does your program have eligibility requirements (e.g., evidence of particular skills, record of good tenancy, completion of a training program, etc.)? #of Responses # of Responses 2 Yes[GO TO 1.1] 12 No[GO TO 2] 1.1 If yes, may these eligibility requirements be modified to accommodate individuals whose disabilities prevent them from meeting them? #of Responses #of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 1.1a] 1 No[GO TO 2] 1.1a If yes, are members of the public notified before they are enrolled in the program that they may request modifications (i.e., are individuals who aren't already participants in your program notified of your program's modification procedures)? # of Responses #of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 1.1a1] 0 No[GO TO 2] 1.1a1 If yes, please briefly describe how these individuals are notified: See attached comments 2. Where is the application for your program available? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 11 Program office(s) 1 Community-based organization(s) 9 Website 3 See attached comments Other, please name: 41 3. How may a member of the public apply to your program? (Check all that apply) Number of responses Response Options 11 In person at program office ' 1 in person at community-based organization 4 By authorized representative 7 By mail 7 By phone 1 By TTY/TTD 7 Through website 2 Through home visit upon request 5 See attached comments Other, please name: 4. is a member of your staff available to help those individuals who may require assistance in completing an application? #of Responses # of Responses 12 Yes 2 No 5. Does your program require documentation (e.g. birth certificate, driver's license, medical records, etc.) in order for an individual to participate or receive services? # of Responses #of Responses 5 Yes[GO TO 5.1] a No[GO TO 6] 5.1 If yes, does your staff provide any of the following services to assist an individual in obtaining required documentation? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 4 Make phone calls to request/retrieve documentation 5 Makephotocopies of original documentation 2 Obtain documentation directly (with signed release) 2 See attached comments Other, please name: 5.1a If you answered yes to any of the above, please describe the circumstances under which these services would be provided: See attached comments 6. Does your program prohibit service to individuals based on their illegal use of drugs? #of Responses # of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 6.1] 13 No[GO TO Section B] 42 6.1 How do you determine whether an individual is currently using drugs illegally? Number of responses Response Options 1 Self-identification by individual 1 Staff observation 1 Staff interview _ C) Testing_ Records check (.a See attached comments Other, please name: B. General Service Policies. Procedures & Practices 1. Does your program have staffed drop-in hours for potential applicants or program participants who may not have an appointment? #of Responses #of Responses 1 Yes 3 No 2. Does your program have a waiting room? #of Responses # of Responses Yes[GO TO 2.1] 6 No[GO TO 3] 2.1 If yes, how are people who are waiting notified when it is.their turn? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options Verbal announcement by receptionist/other staff Loudspeaker announcement Notice board or other visual display Individual contact by receptionist/other staff See attached comments Other, please name: 3. If a participant in your program has a disability that requires a regular(as opposed to one time) modification of a policy, procedure or practice, is this Information recorded in his/her file or must he/she make a new request at each visit? Number of responses Response Options 2 Recorded in file 6 New request at each visit 6 See attached comments Other, please name: 43 4. Does your program have requirements that a person must meet in order to remain in the program/continue to receive service (e.g. submit forms, attend meetings, complete assignments)? # of Responses # of Responses 7 Yes[GO TO 4.1] 7 No[GO TO Section C] 4.1 If yes, may these requirements be modified to accommodate individuals whose disabilities prevent them from meeting these requirements? # of Responses # of Responses 4 Yes[GO TO 4.1a] 3 No[GO TO Section C] 4.1a If yes, please give one or two examples of recent modifications your program has made: See attached comments C. Service Termination Policies,`Procedures & Practices 1. Does your program have service termination criteria? #of Responses # of Responses 6 Yes[GO TO 1.1] 8 No[GO TO Section IV] 1.1 If yes, please list criteria: See attached comments 1.2 Does the termination process include an effort to determine whether the cause for termination is related to the participant's disability (e.g., client's failure to call or appear for appointment was result of psychiatric crisis)? # of Responses #of Responses 3 Yes[GO TO 1.2a] 3 No[GO TO1. 3] Yes [GO TO 1.2A] O No [GO TO 1.3] 1.2a If yes, please describe this effort: See attached comments 44 1.3 Are participants notified that their participation in the program/service is going to be terminated before actual termination? #of Responses # of Responses Yes[GO TO 1.3a] 1 No[GO T01. 4] 1.3a If yes, how are participants notified? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options_ 1 in-person at office 0 Home visit by staff 1 Mailed letter 1 Phone call See attached comments Other, please name: 1.4 Does your program have a process through which someone can appeal a service termination? #of Responses I # of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 1.4a] 5 No[GO TO Section IV] 1.4a If yes, is the appeal process explained in the termination notice? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 1.4a1] 1 No[GO TO Section IV] 1.4a1 If yes, what does the notice include? (Check all that apply.) Number of Response Options responses 0 Phone number to call to register the appeal 0 TTY number to call to register the appeal 0 A form to complete to register the appeal 0 An address at which to register the appeal in person 0 Contact information to an ombudsperson or advocate Comments for Section III: No comments for Section III. 45 Section IV. Facilities (FACILITIES CHECKLISTS WERE COMPILED SEPARATELY AND ARE CONTAINED AS APPENDIX F TO THIS REPORT) 46 Section V. Contracting Who must complete this section? Complete this section if your program awards and/or monitors contracts to agencies or organizations that provide services to the public. This Includes programs that contract work to community-based organizations through an RFP process. If your program does not award and/or monitor contracts, you may skip this section. 1. Does your Request for Proposal/Qualification process include any of the following criteria for evaluating proposals? 1.1 Potential contractor's history of providing service to people with disabilities? #of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 1.2 Training of potential contractor's staff in serving people with disabilities? # of Responses #of Responses • 0 Yes 9 No 1.3 Potential contractor's ability to modify services to accommodate people with disabilities (e.g., ability to provide additional time or assistance to participants with learning disabilities, established relationships with agencies that provide specialized services to people with disabilities, etc.)? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 1.4 Potential contractor's ability to provide written materials in alternative formats (e.g., braille, audiotape, large print, floppy disk, email, website, etc.)? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 1.5 Potential contractor's experience using auxiliary aids or services (e.g., sign language interpreters, captioning, readers, etc.)? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 47 1.6 Potential contractor's ability to provide transportation to people with disabilities (if aporopriate)? Number of Response responses Options 0 Yes 5 No 4 N/A 1.7 Whether or not a potential contractor has a written grievance procedure (i.e., a procedure for resolving complaints by the public alleging noncompliance with the ADA in any of the contractor's services, activities and/or benefits ? # of Responses #of Responses d Yes No 2. Are your Program Officers/Contract Monitors trained in recognizing programmatic and communication access problems? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO.2.1] 9 No[GO TO 3] 2.1 If yes, please briefly described training provided: i !r 2.2 _How frequently is training provided? Number of responses Response Options At orientation Semi-annually Annually Bi-annually Other,please name: 3. In their regular contract monitoring process, do your Program Officers/Contract Monitors monitor for any of the following criteria? 3.1 Whether contractor notifies the public about how to request modifications or accommodations? _ #of Responses #of Responses 0 ; Yes 9 No 48 3.1 Whether the contractor has a waiting list? #of Responses I I # of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 3.1a] 8 No[GO TO 3.2] 3.1a If yes, whether an individual can get on the waiting list through means other than standing in line (e.g., with a phone call, mail in form, etc.)?NIA 3.2 Training of contractor's staff in servingpeople with disabilities? # of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 3.3 Contractor's record of accommodating people with disabilities? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes No 3.4 Contractor's record of providing written materials in alternative formats (e.g., braille, audio tape, large print, floppy disk, em ail, website, etc.)? #of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes r 9 No 3.5 Contractor's record of using auxiliary aids and services (e.g., sign language interpreters, captionin., readers, etc.)? # of Responses # of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 3.6 Contractor's record of providing transportation to people with disabilities (when appropriate)? Number of Response responses Options C Yes No N/A 3.7 Whether contractor has a written grievance procedure? #of Responses # of Responses O Yes 9 No 49 3.8 Whether the contractor has designated staff who are trained in resolving grievances? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes 9 No 4. How frequently are programs monitored? Number o f responses Response Options 9 Never 0 Semi-annually 0 Annually 0 Bi-annual) rL 0 Other, please name: Comments for Section V: CD/All Divisions/Meetings and Hearings The city contracts for services of the Hearing Examiner. • 50 Section VI. Purchasing Who must complete this section? Complete this section if you oversee purchasing for your program or other programs. Purchasing includes purchasing of computer systems, equipment, etc. If you do not oversee purchasing for your own or other programs, you may skip this section. 1. Do you purchase computer equipment or applications for use by the public? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 1.1] 12 No[GO TO 2] 1.1 If yes, do you make an effort to research state of the art products that may provide greater accessibility for people with disabilities? r' :1 #of Responses #of Responses Yes[GO TO 1.1a] No[GO TO 2] 1.1a If yes, please describe this effort: 1.1b How frequently is the additional cost of accessible equipment or products a bar topurchasing them? of Response responses Options Never Occasionally Often 2. Do you purchase large systems or equipment (e.g. new crosswalk signals, voting machines, medical examining tables, kiosk information systems, computer workstations, etc.)for use by thepublic? # of Responses #of Responses 3 Yes[GO TO 2.1] 9 No[GO TO Section VII] 2.1 If yes, do you make an effort to research state of the art products that may provide greater accessibility for people with disabilities? #of Responses #of Responses 3 Yes[GO TO 2.1a] 9 No[GO TO 3] 51 2.1a If yes, please describe this effort: See attached comments 2.1b How frequently is the additional cost of accessible equipment or products a bar to purchasing them? Number of Response responses Options 3 Never 0 Occasionally 0 Often 3. Do you ever put equipment or large system purchases out to bid? #of Responses #of Responses 4 Yes[GO TO 3.1) 8 No[GO TO Section VII] 3.1 If yes, does your RFP/Q have a standard component about accessibility features (i.e., do you request vendors to show how their equipment may be used by people with disabilities, such as those with mobility impairments, or who are blind)? #of Responses #of Responses 0 Yes[GO TO 3.1a] No[GO TO Section VII] 3.1a if yes, please describe this standard component: vv.'', 3.1b How frequently is the additional cost of accessible equipment or products a bar to purchasing them? N/A Number of Response responses Options Never Occasionally Often Comments for Section VI: CD/All Divisions/Permitting Purchasing for Community Development Department involves only general office supplies for staff. CD/All Divisions/Written Communications Purchasing for Community Development Department involves only general office supplies for staff. CD/All Div/Inspections &Code Purchasing for Community Development Department involves only Compliance general office supplies for staff. CD/All Divisions/Meetings and Hearings Purchasing for Community Development Department involves only general office supplies for staff. 52 Section VII. Staff Training & Technical Assistance Who must complete this section? All programs must complete this section. Note: In these questions, the term "staff' refers to all full-time employees (including management/supervisory, client/customer service, clerical, etc.)who work for your program. 1. Do members of your staff receive information on any of the following? (Check all that apply.) Number of Response Options responses 12 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 4 Fair Housing Amendments Act 4 Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act 8 State Disability Laws 1.1 If yes, does this Information provide a general overview of the regulations, specific information on how the regulations relate to the services provided by the program, or both? Number of Response responses Options General Specific Both 1.2 How frequently is training provided? Number of responses Response Options 5 At orientation 3 - Semi-annually_ G _ Annually_ Q BI-annually _5 See attached comments Other, please name: 1.3 Do all members of your staff receive the above training or only staff at specific levels/classifications? Number of responses _ Response Options 9 All staff 0 _ Management/supervisory staff 0 Client contact/customer service staff Q _ Clerical/administrative support staff 3See attached comments _ Other, please name: 53 2. Do members of your staff receive training in working with people who have: (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 1 psychiatric disability? 1 learning or Cognitive disability? 0 speech impairment? 2 hearing impairment? 1 visual impairment? 1 mobility impairment? immune disorder (such as HIV, Multiple Chemical Sensitivities, etc.) 2.1 If yes, please briefly describe the training provided: See attached comments 2.2 How frequently is training provided? Number of responses Response Options 1 At orientation 4 Semi-annually D Annually 1 Bi-annually 5 See attached comments Other, please name: 2.3 Do all members of your staff receive the above training or only staff at specific levels/classifications? Number of responses Response Options 2 All staff 0 Management/supervisory staff _ 0 Client contact/customer service staff 0 Clerical/administrative support staff 3 See attached comments Other, please name: 3. Do members of your staff receive training In how to use auxiliary aids and services, (e.g., sign language interpreters, live computer captioning, audio narration devices, etc.)? #of Responses # of Responses 2 Yes[GO TO 3.1] 20 No[GO TO 4) 3.1 If yes, please briefly describe training provided: See attached comments 54 3.2 How frequently is training provided? Number of responses Response Options I 1 At orientation 0 Semi-annually 0 Annually 0 Bi-annually 1 See attached comments Other, please name: 3.3 Do all members of your staff receive the above training or only staff at specific levels/classifications Number of responses Response Options 1 All staff 0 Management/supervisory staff 0 Client contact/customer service staff 0 Clerical/administrative support staff 2 See attached comments Other, please name: 4. Does your program have an ADA Coordinator(s) (either dedicated to your program or shared with other programs in your department)? #of Responses ' #of Responses 16 Yes[GO TO 4.1] 6 No[GO TO 5] 4.1 If yes, please provide the following: Name: John Whitehead Title: Human Resources Manager Phone: 509-720-5111 Fax: E-mail: jhitehead@spokanevalley.org 4.1a For which of the following is this ADA Coordinator responsible? (Check all that apply.) Number of responses Response Options 15 Architectural access issues 16 Employment access issues 16 Communication access issues 16 Programmatic access issues Other, please name: 4.2 If you have more than one ADA Coordinator, please provide the following additional information for the second ADA Coordinator: Name: 55 4.2a If yes, for which of the following is this ADA Coordinator responsible? (Check all that apply.)Pir Number of responses Response Options Architectural access issues Employment access issues Communication access issues Programmatic access issues Other, please name: 5. Would your staff benefit from training and/or technical assistance in providing programmatic and communication access s? #of Responses #of Responses 15 Yes[GO TO 5.1] 7 No[GO TO 6] 5.1 If yes, what kind of training or technical assistance would be helpful? (Check all that are needed/of interest.) Number of responses Response Options 9 Assistance developing policies and procedures 13 Training in how to work w/ people with disabilities 9 Training in legal requirements 12 Training in providing accommodations 10 Resources for alternative formats & auxiliary aids 0 Other,_please name: 6. Does your program use the services of contract employees (e.g., security guards, janitors, etc.)? # of Responses # of Responses 12 Yes[GO TO 6.1] 10 No 6.1 If yes, does your program have a procedure that contract employees are to follow in assisting people with disabilities (e.g., contacting a member of your staff, providing certain accommodations, etc.)? _ # of Responses #of Responses 1 Yes[GO TO 6.1A] 11 No [GO TO 6.2] 6.1a If yes, please describe this procedure: See attached comments 56 6.2 Does the contract require that employees receive training in interacting with people with disabilities? #of Responses # of Responses 17 Yes 12 No Comments for Section VII: CD/All Divisions/Written Communications Contract employees include county GIS specialist and various consultants CD/AII Divisions/Meetings and Hearings The city contracts for services of the Hearing Examiner. Public Works/Capital Improvement The budget presentations are all done at council meetings or in Program council chambers, and these items should be covered in the survey for public meetings. Public Works/Stormwater The budget presentations are all done at council meetings or in council chambers, and these items should be covered in the survey for public meetings. Public Works/Maintenance The budget presentations are all done at council meetings or in council chambers, and these items shouldte covered in the survey for public meetings. Public Works/Traffic The budget presentations are all done at council meetings or in council chambers, and these Items should be covered in the survey for public meetings. 57 End of Survey Thank you for completing the ADA Self-Evaluation Survey, We would like to hear from you! Before you submit your survey, please write any comments here: Please send your survey to: ADA Coordinator City of Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Avenue, Suite 106 Spokane Valley, WA 99206 58 Appendix D: Community Participation Program Documents 59 City Asks for Community Participation in ADA Self-Evaluation SPOKANE VALLEY,WA---Providing City services and programs that are accessible to those with disabilities is the goal of the City of Spokane Valley's self-evaluation survey and transition plan. This project will bring the City into compliance with the requirements of Title II of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). As part of the process,community members are Invited to participate in a public meeting on Tuesday,August 3 from 8:00am to 9:30am in Council Chambers at City Hall to learn more about the evaluation and its purpose, including the process, schedule and how the results will be used. Community members will be asked to share their experiences, input and suggestions about the current level of access, for those with disabilities,to City programs and services. Barriers to access may include physical barriers,such as lack of parking and safe routes of travel to City facilities for mobility impaired persons, or the tools used to communicate with citizens, or may relate to the way the City conducts its business. For more information on this project, please call Mary May at 509-720-5320 or rnmay @spokanevalley.org or Mary Kate McGee at 509-720-5305 or mkmcgee( spokanevalley.org. Council Chambers are located in Suite 101 of City Hai', 11707 E.Sprague Avenue. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing or other impairments, please contact the Community Development Administrative Assistant at(509)720-5301 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. E-Mailed to: 'drtbrown@ msn.com';'gregb @spokaneJournal.com; 'suelani @madmitch.com'; 'Judy.cole@avistacorp.com'; 'Jennyc @madmitch.com'; 'ventrisn @aol.com';'sJurich @ymcaspokane.org'; 'Jemchugh@ hotmall.com'; 'ollvers @wsu.edu';'timothy @cu nnInghamm.com'; 'anne @spvv.com';'bsrnall @cvsd.com'; 'glenewinkelj @evsd,org; 'polly.crowley @wvsd.com;'joanpo@spokaneschools.org';'dickb@gu ildschool.org'; 'smildren@ shrinenet.org';'mtemte @shrinenet.org';`kathiev@ rmhspokane.org'; 'linda @cordwa.lnfo'; 'ejk @cordwa.info'; 'dianel @corwa.info'; 'slapointe @wa.easterseals.com'; 'kblas @smhca.org; 'char @ewcdhh.org';'amy @ewcdhh.org';'amandag @giin.org'; 'cherylm@ lilacbllnd.org'; 'Jwalker @sklls- kin.org'; 'patte @chs-wa.org';'hsiadich @visitspokane.com'; 'ftalbott @marchofdimes.com'; 'campfire@ campfireinc.org';'rdavenport@becspokanecounty.org'; 'Jworhtington @MDAUSA.org'; 'americanfineart@aol.com'; 'designsbybutterfly @yahoo.corn';'mmortz @gmail.com'; 60 'jdoherty@spokanecity.org'; 'sew2244 @Iive.com';'tony @cordwainfo';'barbgale @comcast.net'; 'sina @icehouse.nef; 'Chambers.Bob @gmail.com'; 'lawlorb @spoka neredcross.org'; 'cbarnes @spokanecounty.org'; 'ckhamilton @spokanepollce.org'; 'Imaginationman @msn.com'; 'J ord a n @ sna pwa.org'; 'dscott @spoka n ehous I ng.org'; 'dsome rvi I le @spoka nes h erlll.org'; 'ejkcordwa@ live.com';'hernanej@ fammedspokane.org';'LGAbrams @centurytel.net'; 'glomesser @dsb.wa.gov'; 'hlaspokane @gmaii.com'; 'hiramhillscadhh @yahoo.com'; 'LJameson@ spokanecounty.org'; 'jdobbs @smhca.org'; 'Julie @ewcdhh.org';'KerryW @community- minded.org'; 'laurle_manito @hotmail.com'; 'frontdesk @cordwa.info';'mdivalentino @comcast.net'; 'Ivandyke @smhca.org'; loss@ cordwa.lnfo;'louistanp @aol.com'; 'luanns @gmail.com'; 'BurkeLA@ dshs.wa.gov';'mvulcano@ spokanepolice.org';'mebma14 @hotmail.com'; 'hIIboMG @dshs.wa.gov'; 'mhoweliwa @comcast.net'; 'mshannon @spokanecounty.org; 'pama @spokanevalleyrnealsonwheels.corn'; 'rnartipl @comcast.net'; 'ems @spokanecounty.org'; 'TReed@ spokanecaounty.org'; 'rminarik @spokanecity.org;`rustyk @specia(mobility,org'; 'SVeitenheimer @slstart.com'; 'Sharongrant101 @hotmail.com'; 'shontl.ganguli @gmail.com'; 'scornweil @smhca.org';'tmattern@ spokanecounty.org';'VerGoodhouse @dsb.wa.gov'; 'MWheatleyBllleter@ spokanecounty.org';'ybuckley @spokanehousing.org';'kmikkelson @inlandpower.corn'; 'bcabildo @ahana.org';'longatthelake@ msn.com';'cemcmullen @omnicast.net'; 'debralong @icehouse.net'; 'kclark@ petvet.org';'tdingus @cvsd.org`; 'bsma II @cvsd.org'; 'mpederson @cawh.org'; 'againer @cityofcheney.org'; 'mayor @ci.deerpark.wa.us';'dsmith@ libertylakewa.gov'; 'city@medlcal- lake.org'; 'mverner @spokanecity.org';'glivingston@ ccs.spokane.edu';'TrlshK @dcla.net'; 'rdavenport@bgcspokanecounty.org'; 'campfire @campfireinc.org'; 'patte @chs-wa.org'; 'cclanton@ ymcaspokane.org';'dian1 @cordwa.info'; 'ejk @cordwa.info';'Sinei @evsd.org'; 'LunstrothK @evsd.org';'HarrisM @evsd.org'; 'JensenM@evsd.org';`TrainorR @evsd.org';'Thom @ecoplan.us'; 'drrudy @sbglobal.net';'el donna @spokanevalleychamber.org'; 'rhadley @greaterspokane.org'; 'nnelson @humanlx.com'; 'mpeters@ Intrade.org'; 'timothy@ cu nningham.com'; 'mbaker @mewco.corn'; 'bill.brannan @northwesterntrailways.com'; 'rnharves @sowa.org';'rnmcoy @sowa.org'; 'Jives @sowa.org'; 'bmager @spokanecounty.org'; 'rnrichard @spokanecounty.org'; 'tmleike @spokanecounty.org'; 'oknezovich@ spokanesheriff.org';'bwafkup @scfd8.org'; 'emlller @scld.org'; 'Jwhite @shba.com'; 'jwhlte @shba.com'; 'cclausen @spokanepfd.org'; 'ngreene @spokanepfd.org';'isoehren @spokanepfd.org'; 'ktwohig @spokanepfd,org'; 'mcowell @spokanepfd.org';'lcaudifl @thedavenporthotel.com'; 'hsladlch @visitspokane.com'; 'Jperry @cet.com'; 'thompsonm @spokanevalleyfire.com';'ceo @svpart.org'; 'townoffairfield @rezmail.com'; 'latah @palousenet.com';'cityofmillwood @ comcast.net'; 'spangietown @icehouse.net'; 'waverlytown @palousenet.com'; 'kevin @verawaterandpower.com'; 'LENZIJC @wsdot.wa.gov; bwentworth @spokaneclty.org'; 'shjorty5 @yahoo.com'; 'kimtheriverrat @comcast.com'; 'pmcleod @cet.com'; 'mdauction @yahoo.com'; 'polly.crowley @wvsd.com'; 'waaarp @aa rp.org'; 'wa06mail @davfrat.org';'sunshine @wlndwireless.net';'contact.srtc @srtc.org'; 'sschnelder @ymcaspokane.org';'ceo @svpart.org';'interpreterservices @gmail.com';'info @ewcdhh.org'; 'gfalk @arc-spokane.org';'Inlpp@ arc-Spokane,org'.;'info @community-minded.org'; 'info @spokanealliance.org'; 'tirnh@ unitedwayspokane.org';'amanda.currin @va.gov'; 'damharper@dsb.wa.gov; 'gdunlap@ prestigeeare.com'; 'rtalbot @extendacare;com'; 'info @spokanevalleychamber.org` 61 Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall®spokanevaliey.org For Information,contact: Carolbelle Branch, PIO City of Spokane Valley 11707 E.Sprague Ave.,Suite 106 Spokane,Valley,WA 99206 S09-720-5411 Fax 509-921-1008 Email: cbranch @spokanevalley.org MEDIA RELEASE For immediate release July 19,2010 City Asks for Community Participation in ADA Self-Evaluation SPOKANE VALLEY,WA--- Providing City services and programs that.are accessible to those with disabilities is the goal of the City of Spokane Valley's self-evaluation survey and transition plan. This project will bring the City into compliance with the requirements of Title II of the Federal Americans with Disabilities Act(ADA). As part of the process, community members are invited to participate In a public meeting on Tuesday,August 3 from 8:00am to 9:30am in Council Chambers at City Hall to learn more about the evaluation and its purpose, Including the process,schedule and how the results will be used. Community members will be asked to share their experiences, input and suggestions about the current level of access for those with disabilities to City programs and services. Barriers to access may include physical barriers, such as lack of parking and safe routes of travel to City facilities for mobility impaired persons, or the tools used to communicate with citizens,or may relate to the way the City conducts its business. For more information on this project, please call Mary May at 509-720-5320 or mmay@spokanevailey.org or Mary Kate McGee at 509-720-5305 or mkmcgee(Jspolcanevalley.org. Council Chambers are located in Suite 101 of City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Avenue. NOTICE: Individuals planning to attend the meeting who require special assistance to accommodate physical, hearing or other impairments, please contact the Community Development Administrative Assistant at (509) 720-5301 as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made. f1#ti 62 10/13/2011 City of Spokane Valley AD',' Self Evaluation and �a Transition Plan MZQ. ustan PUC11c I!1117NG J~ all GU%E a,2010 ��� 1'- f.alu GUOr,ina Ranellun P1ar, (i, � V•�' Al'+l5rii h�.•ii i,i, li .. Why the Project le being Conducted Why The Project is being Conducted The ADA self evaluation survey Is federally mandated. As stated in the Code of Federal .Intended to uncover barriers to access to City Repulalions(CFR),section 3S.t05(e) programs for people with disabititlee, ;a public amity�AsN,wINln see year of the ffactNe dare N s e2 ava uef5 iCe rredrh ervlaj Orlfr end W t end the effects BANeo;that Co na!or may not mea'C�equlremenrda/Ellapert an ro tla eareqt •First step Ina plan to mitigate such barriers mbdrflca Lien ofa avcA aelvl s,pa/Jes an�yfacffaa Jr to City programs and facilities, nett aryN rio sAa f p td(o make Che Cii•r n i�..:l.!,!E VF:n. , ' •' ..v,..,..nne. :. I. ,:1r.!FIsIlioii Plan What the Project Includes: What the Projeet Does NIOT Include: •Self evaluations of programs,policies and I . •The project does not address private facilities facilities for compliance with the American or programs. Disabilities Act(ADA). •The project does gel mean every thing will be •Development of a plan to make changes for 'fixed"or that the City will comply with all the conformance. detailed requirements at the end of the self evaluation. 1 63 10/13/2011 —I' C ty R f 51,ikailu VTI!.•,•.I.'.`Sell FM...L G,,aril,¶,arii�Ilnrl fill; [ly - II F:.7,11,1111:110,,6 Trant)llar.kl:+mm 1) Project History Process: Department Surveys •Comprehensive questionnaire developed for •Prior to incorporation,the County of Spokane I all City departments. completed a self-evaluation of their programs, •Thoroughly consider and assess the policies and facilities. accessibility of individual programs,policies, fadlltles and prccedures. •Thls self-evaluation is being prepared •Evaluates programs,communication, specifically for the City of Spokane Valley, architectural features,and employment throughout all City departments. r :,c V.rlcy•.us Stlf EvalwIlwr and Ransilfltrl HSn f:1, y Af7A Srlf eyaWatim 5Rd Tra1151IIv FISH 0 - Process: Sidewalk Ramp Surveys Process` Draft Report •Sidewalk ramp facilities are also being •Departments will complete Individual surveys Inventoried for compliance. and a comprehensive City report will be Compiled. •Being conducted by City Inspectors on a time availability basis, •Will include an opportunity for public comment. 1',.,•(MIA Cylr Fv.11unl.,,yrI .. I r Sr,kn,re VJllr y An{.Sall E4a:Ii ktmn a rseuNldn Plan 0 I Process;Draft Transition Plan Timing •Self Evaluation Surveys: September 2010 •Following completion of the surveys (Ndewblk ramp aurvrysmaybe reParteda.pararrlyj and report categorizing barriers,a •Draft Report:November 2010 transition plan will be drafted. •Draft Transition Plan:February 2011 •Public/Stakeholder Meeting:March 2011 •Will identify actions the City will take •Council Review and Consideration:May- to mitigate access barriers. • a 20 a1 9 •Re view and Updates: Annually 2 64 10/13/2011 f•,r . • AAA rS/III tvnlunr mu anal' !:rlr nun r�.- . - •I :A.•r: if r"ilpaq„p and Tranrlrrou 6tarr 0 Department Surveys: Categories Department Surveys: Sample Sub- Headings I. Program Background V Contracting 11. General Public Contact: 11. General Public Contact VI,Purchasing . Fopd:tion h(p.r nPio n General Po!ieles,Procedures 6.F'rrdlr.•:= M. Intensive"Client” VII. Staff Corernirrficellols Contact Training F. dll:ration or Fol.cla:,Prccedoreu R.pcactkrs &Technical - Grl•_Yancc rd95LCi 6 F,oceLurc N. Facilities Assistance r E111,71;;ency POI ties,Proc.unit P.Pg,rircec • • - - Cite■F S{rnkont Naffed non Stir EvAleail••r • I.. +,. •,-- +dy or•:••;ie Vale:/A..'` ..0 POLILir afxl rrar(laiorr 7(011 r I Sample ����xQuestion: 63y�uu��y(/ COMMENTS/COMMUNITY INPUT 1•yU(Ir,NtNd I/eVAl It iemNrlla�d it�w9gr•gtl/art "' I ( 7pp ^J DruDr�'^.tK.f' tw,.rm rr.f,,r,u w 1n 0J •Experiences (facilities,programs,etc.) tnn.�uirl .li=pmKiw"elgnAiror m rco roue NO/wro2F •Survey Questions I.1•1,5,,a` 1n, iotar,vtt pnj l .g.vel Wed i�r�rfY/ Or��.rn Yev peprJm Ma Irgrurf 1111 ey 0.1 01i •Verbal or Written y..rdo lo,,mr Ho NO 20 21 'Ill trin.Pam mrayenlrrba no.hie rJMSnafr+r+m41111: l � (ii•i of 5i:•tt,■■••V.1Ii...r An/,SrII r..' .. ..,1■...,.i ... . THANK YOU! I Contacts: • knn WrrIten tad,City AOA Coardtn arm 0 509.120-Slit; • Mary/lay il 509.920.5322;rrrcapOSu:ctncretY,919 • Nary Cult McGee at 509.120-5105; I Resources: I!stn;//L•S1f.fILIromcLbnoeit.0:O 3 65 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Community Input Form: August 3, 2010 The City of Spokane Valley is conducting a self evaluation survey in compliance with the American with Disabilities Act(ADA). The purpose is to Identify barriers to access as they relate to City programs, policies,services and practices. The evaluation will be followed up with a transition plan to identify measures that will be used to make facilities accessible over time. Please take a moment to let us know your experience. Alternative forms of providing input are available by calling Mary May at 509-720-5322 or e-mailing comments/questions to mmay @spokanvalley of . THANK YOU for taking the time to participate. Your input is important. 1. My comments are in regards to a ❑facility(i.e., sidewalk, parking lot, building, etc.) or a 0 program (i.e., communications, phones,forms, participation). 2. Have there been instances where your ability to attend or participate in a City program or event was not accommodated? 3. Are there programs, procedures or forms that are difficult to participate In or to complete? 4. What modifications do you feel are necessary to accommodate participation by all individuals in City programming? 5. Any other comments? 66 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self-Evaluation and Transition Plan Public Comment Date Name Comment 8-2-10 Dee Caputo Cannot attend but wish you the best and do want to share one thought that comes up a lot for a friend of mine who has a prosthetic leg: Ne says it is important to be sure to provide a smooth,non-slip,continuous surface to make it from Point A to Point B,preferably with a railing to grasp, if and when his typical mobility fails(which it has and can do on occasion).An example of one failure to achieve functional ADA status can be found in some of the(Moses Lake)parks we frequent,where the needed infrastructure described above does not extend fully to actual picnic table sites; it makes the net result of the attempt worthless. Walking over grass is simply not an option. Thanks for the e-message,and good luck! Dee 8-3-10 Margaret Regarding curb cuts: Metz In order to be in compliance with the law,curb cuts are required"When streets,roads,or highways are newly built or altered" It is my opinion than any restriping ort Sprague,Appleway,etc,must include ADA compliance in the funding. It is not optional.Any external funding must provide for ADA compliance or else it must come from city funds. I know that the city will follow the law,so I will contact the U.S.Dept.of Justice to verify whether restriping would trigger ADA requirements. The city has been very good in the past. http://www.ada,gov/taman2.html#11-5.3000 "II-6.0000 NEW CONSTRUCTION AND ALTERATIONS Regulatory references:28 CFR 35.151. 11-6.1000 General.All facilities designed,constructed,or altered by,on behalf of,or for the use of a public entity must be readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities, if the construction or alteration is begun after January 26, 1992." "I1-6.6000 Curb ramps. When streets,roads,or highways are newly built or altered,they must have ramps or sloped areas wherever there are curbs or other barriers to entry from a sidewalk or path. Likewise,when new sidewalks or paths are built or are altered,they must contain curb ramps or sloped areas ■ wherever they intersect with streets,roads,or highways, " 8/3/10 At public (still retrieving,..general consensus was that we do a pretty good job of things meeting but that we shouldn't aim for just the minimum requirements;we need to consider the sight impaired when developing the new web site) 67 Appendix E: Table 1 — Department ADA Compliance and Recommended Action •i 69 Table 1:City of Spokane Valley ADA Program Analysis and Transition Plan Summary Department Program Program Description ADA Action Compliant Operations Business The programs, policies and procedures Generally Staff training and and Admin. Licenses analyzed under this heading include compliant education receiving, processing and issuing business licenses. In addition, employees responsible for business licenses also assist the general public at the front counter at City Hall and over the phone. It is estimated that 1,000 to 5,000 contacts are made each year. Contracts The city enters into contracts with vendors for Generally Policy a variety of services including but not limited compliant modifications to to landscape maintenance, and design ensure engineering. The city is responsible for nondiscrimination ensuring that each vendor complies with the ADA. This is accomplished through the vendor's signature on the city contract. _ Public The programs, policies and procedures Generally Policy Information analyzed under this heading include compliant modifications to information released by the city's Public ensure Information Officer such as traffic alerts and nondiscrimination road obstructions, media releases, website updates, and community and employee newsletters: Admin.: Benefits The programs, policies and procedures Generally Policy Human Coordination analyzed under this heading include compliant modifications to Resources employee benefits, specifically when ensure associated with an active recruitment or nondiscrimination when benefit changes are approved by the City Council. Job When preparing job descriptions, the city is Generally Policy Descriptions responsible for identifying the tasks, roles and compliant modifications to responsibilities that a person might be ensure expected to perform in a particular position. nondiscrimination As documents used to recruit employees, the jobs descriptions prepared by Human Resources are one of the ways in which the city interacts with the public. Employment While mostly used internally, employee Generally Policy Policies policies are public documents and as such compliant modifications to may be reviewed by the public. The policies ensure themselves must be ADA compliant. nondiscrimination City-wide Training enables city employees to increase Generally Staff training and Training skills. instruction includes both technical, job- compliant education specific education as well as more generic training to increase staff's ability to provide quality service with each public contact. 70 Table 1: City of Spokane Valley ADA Program Analysis and Transition Plan Summary Department Program Program Description ADA Action Compliant Admin.: General Main responsibilities in general finance Generally Policy Finance Finance operations include the issuance of checks compliant modifications to Operations and the processing of accounts receivable. ensure Generally, public contact occurs through a nondiscrimination vendor or individual coming to city hall to pick up a check. Payroll Payroll processing does not include contact Compliant - with the public. However, as a major task administered by the Finance Department, the policies and procedures involved with payroll were assessed through the questionnaire, Budgeting Each individual department is responsible for Generally Policy preparing and implementing an annual compliant modifications to budget. The budget is subject to a number of ensure public hearings that normally occur at regular nondiscrimination council meetings in the city's council chambers. Comm. Public People come to City Hall to speak with Generally Staff training and Develop- Contact and Community Development, including the compliant education ment Written Planning, Development Engineering and Cornmunica- Building Divisions, for information regarding Policy tions development and/or use of their property. modifications to The Permit Center Serves as a first stop ensure information desk. Daily interaction with nondiscrimination members of the public is conducted at the office and in the field. Written communications is an integral part of the work conducted by the Department and includes documents such as permit applications, response letters, reports to Planning Commission and Council regarding development requests, and approval documents. Inspections ' City code and engineering inspectors visit Generally Staff training and and Code I commercial and residential development sites compliant education Compliance to inspect improvements for compliance with land use, building, grading and drainage requirements. The right-of-way inspector looks at work in the public right-of-way and code compliance inspectors visit existing, developed sites to assess code compliance issues and to help gain compliance as needed. Daily interaction with the public is conducted mostly in the field but at times in the city offices. Meetings and Internal staff meetings and meetings with Generally Staff training and Hearings applicants can be held daily. Planning compliant education 71 Table 1:City of Spokane Valley ADA Program Analysis and Transition Plan Summary Department Program Program Description ADA Action Compliant Commission and City Council meetings are held bi-weekly in the early evening. Hearing Policy Examiner meetings are scheduled on modifications to Thursday mornings on an as-needed basis. ensure Pre-application meetings are typically held nondiscrimination weekly during normal working hours. With the exception of internal staff meetings, all of the above would include members of the general public. Public Works Capital The Capital Improvement Program addresses Generally Policy Improvement city infrastructure such as streets (including compliant modifications to Program sidewalks and curb ramps), signals and ensure drainage facilities. Staff works with nondiscrimination consultants, contractors, other agencies and the general public during the funding, design, construction and maintenance phases,of improvements. Stormwater Stormwater staff address stormwater runoff Generally Staff training and needs and/or flooding concerns. Most public compliant education interaction occurs over the phone and in the field. Maintenance The maintenance department has contact Generally Staff training and with the public during daily field work. Also, compliant education citizen action requests can be completed by residents, processed by staff and addressed through communication from the office or in the field. Traffic Traffic engineers review development Generally Staff training and applications for traffic impacts and compliant education mitigations. In addition, the general public may contact staff with questions and requests in person, over the phone or through e-mail. Parks and KinderCamp KinderCamp is a summer program for Generally Staff training and Recreation and Lithe preschool aged children. Little Tykes is an compliant education Tykes indoor play program for children of crawling age through 3 years. Senior Center The senior center has over 1,000 members Generally Staff training and fifty years of age and older. Seniors come to compliant education the center to participate in activities and programs or take classes. Seniors and their families also request resources and referral information about services for seniors in and around the community. Free Park The summer"free" park program provides Generally Staff training and Programs onsite arts and crafts, games and activities compliant education for park goers Monday through Thursday during the summer. 72 Table 1:City of Spokane Valley ADA Program Analysis and Transition Plan Summary Department Program Program Description ADA Action Compliant Law - The Spokane Valley Police Department Generally Staff training and Enforcement provides law enforcement/public safety compliant education services to all citizens of Spokane Valley. Department employees provide proactive Policy services in the field and respond to calls modifications to received through 911 and Crime Check. The ensure general public is also assisted at a front desk nondiscrimination and over the phone. 73 Appendix F: Facility Survey and Tabulated Summary 75 City of Spokane Valley ADA Self Evaluation and Transition Plan Facilities Summary (l=meets standard; 0=does not meet standard in all instances) Facility Building Building Restrooms Personnel Comments Access Corridors Office Center Place 1 1 1 1 - Public Works 0 1 0 1 Areas of Concern: Facility • Accessible parking • Door thresholds>'A" high • Bathroom doors lacking lever handles • Soap dispensers and towels>48" from floor Dance Hall 1 1 0 0 Areas of Concern: • Bathroom doors lacking lever handles • Bathroom entrance doors and stall doors <32"wide • No grab bars in stalls • Sinks<30"high(cannot accommodate wheelchair to roil under) • Sink handles not easily reached • Soap dispensers and towels>48" from floor • Path of travel between furniture not wide enough for wheelchair travel Sheriff Office 1 0 0 1 Areas of Concern: • Floor surface not slip resistant • Bathroom doors lacking lever handles City Hall 1 1 1 1 - Permit Center 0 0 0 1 Areas of Concern: • No drop off zone at building entrance • Path of travel between furniture not consistently wide enough for wheelchair travel • Obstacles protrude>4" • Restrooms not located near building entrance or personnel office 76 1 ' c C9--ANk — ' .. S chow_.i acil1 tes' Who must complete this section?Comp ate this section it your Department has.facilities visited and/or used by the public, This Incl lde)City-owned facilities and rented facilities wherein City business is conducted. (Public streets,sidewalks and trails are addressed in separate surveys.) If your Department is not directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section. 0 A. "Quick Look"Barriers Checklist r , - This checklist is designed to give a quick appraisal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAG),stale or local- laws and regulations. -1 (- IV YES NO N/A Building Access •Are 96"wide parking spaces designated with a 60"access aisle? EV ❑ ❑ •Are parking spaces near main building entrance? ' 4f ❑ ' ❑ •Is(here a°drop oft'zone al the building entrance? Ell q ❑ •Is the gradient from parking to building entrance 1:12 or less? ED, ❑ ❑ •Does the entrance doorway have at least a 32'wide clearance? t3✓ O 0 •is the door threshold no more than 32'high? IN/ ❑ ❑ •Is the door handle easy to grasp? t' O ❑ •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.6 lbs. pressure,all Internal.doors 6 lbs.max.)? Ea/ ❑ ❑ •Are other than revolving doors available? G1/ ❑ ❑ Building Corridors •Is path of travel free of obstruction and at(east as wide? IS/ ❑ D •is floor surface firm and slip resistant? _") fy ❑ ❑ •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"? av ❑ CI C.' •Are elevator controls no higher than 48"? ElY Q ❑ •Are elevator markings in Braille? try 4❑ ❑ •Does elevator provide audible signals? ❑ 0 J •Elevator interior provides minimum 61°turning area for wheelchairs? Q, ❑ ❑ Restrooms I •Are restrooms near building entrance or personnel office? 13// ❑ 0 •Do doors have lever handles? ( ❑ ❑ •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? IB" Cl ❑ •Is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(61"minimum)? Cr 0 ❑ •Are stall doors at least 32°wide? ❑ ❑ .Are grab bars provided in toilet stags? 111" ❑ ❑ •Are sinks at feast 30°high with room for a wheelchair to roll under? ay' 0 ❑ •Are sink handles easily reached and used? t- ❑ ❑ •Are soap dispensers arid towels no more than 46"from the floor? EY ❑ ❑ Personnel Office •Do doors provide at least 32"wide clearance? fY ❑ ❑ •Is the door easy to open?(max.6 ibs,pressure) t3 ❑ ❑ •is the door threshold no more than 36"high? G✓ ❑ ❑ .is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? ❑ ❑ 21 Adapted from Original,Copyright City and County of San Francisco,Mayors Office on Dlsablity 77 1 ('Polo l IC- (�,o rte'-S E'µ,k�,e d. U''∎..•l-.(,r;i p i � I�1,(� t'.)1.4)( r....0 r+,I f i _ _ Section IV. Facilities Who must complete this section?Complete this section If your Department has facilities visited and/or used by the public. This includes Clly-owned facilities and rented facilities wherein City business Is conducted. (Public streets,sidewalks and trans are addressed In separate surveys.) If your Department Is not directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section, A. "quick Look"Barriers Checkiig This checklist Is designed to give a quick appraisal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAO),state or local laws and regulallons, YES NO iJIAt Building Access Nr� •Are 96"wide parking spaces designated with a 60"access aisle? i ❑ % ❑ •Are parking spaces near main building entrance? z Iii ❑ o •Is there a"drop off' at the building entrance? S ,Ai ❑ ❑ •is the gradient from parking to building entrance 1:12 or less? 4 ❑ ❑ •Does the entrance doorway have at least a 32"wide clearance? c. ❑ ❑ •Is the door threshold no more than W high? - tr ❑ Fff ❑ •is the door handle easy to grasp? 7 yir in ❑ sy% •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.6 lbs. ' ti pressure,all Internal doors 6 lbs.max.)? h ' ❑ ❑ \� •Are other than revolving doors available? Q ❑ O . ; ey 1 building Corridors •Is path of travel free of obstruction and at feast 36"wide? i ❑ 0 5 •Is floor surface firm and slip resistant? 2. ❑ Ci V �N\� •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"7 ❑ ❑ •Are elevator controls no higher than 48°7 ' ❑ ❑ •Are elevator markings In Braille? 17 ❑ ❑ •Does elevator provide audible signals? 4. Q CI Aa •Elevator Interior provides minimum 61"turning area forwheelchalrs? 7 ❑ ❑ Pa- Reatrooms •Are reslrooms near building entrance or personnel office? i .$( ❑ ❑ •Do doors have lever handles? r ❑ ($" ❑ •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? _:' g ❑ ❑ •Is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(61•minimum)? .t 0 D ❑ •Are stall doors at least 92°wide? ❑ ❑ •Are grab bars provided In tonat stalls? +r 0 ❑ ❑ •Are sinks at least 30"high with room for a wheelchair to roll under? '") 41' ❑ ❑ •Are sink handles easily reached and used? D ❑ •Are soap dispensers and towels no more than 48"from the floor? 4 p' )1( ❑ Personnel Office •Do doors provide at least 32"wide clearance? r R( ❑ ❑ •Is the door easy to open?(max.6 lbs.pressure) ❑ ❑ •Is the door threshold no more than S4"high? , CI ❑ •Is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? 4 )3 in ❑ Comments for Section IV: 78 'bAN Co--- N)a 11 \CAD) 0 SoW,s..N - (,cdc.t.o9 t- `f �dtt . iteirItlia 'Section IV. Facilities Who must complete this section?Complete this section If your Department has facilities visited end/or used by the public. This Inoludes City-owned facilities and rented facilittes wherein City business Is conducted.• (Public streets,sidewalks and trails are addressed in separate surveys.) If your Department is not directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section. A. "Quick Look"Barriers Checklist This checklist is designed to give a quick appraisal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAG),state or local laws and regylations. i v rya YES NO N/A Building Access •Are 96"wide parking spaces designated wlih a 60'access aisle? t l3r ❑ ❑ •Are parking spaces near main building entrance? 0 ❑ ❑ •is there a"drop off'zone at the building entrance? ® ❑ ❑ •Is the gradient from parking to building entrance 1:12 or lees? ! Of ❑ ❑ •Does the entrance doorway have at leas!a 32"wide clearance? ($ ❑ O •is the door threshold no more than W high? 'r Ll El ❑ •Is the door handle easy to grasp? i of ❑ 0 q'' •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.6 lbs, „..5 , r) pressure,all Internal doors 6 Ibs,max.)? f; Of ❑ ❑ .r •Are other than revolving doors available? '1 Q 0 ;"(\\ v-, Building Corridors dew Vt� •is path of travel free of obstruction and at feast 36"wide? l fil/ El ❑ ,,O e •is floor surface firm and slip resistant? P. t'� El \ •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"7 3 g ❑ ❑ *Are elevator controls no higher than 48"? A 0 ❑ •Are elevator markings In Braille? Ci ❑ El •Does elevator provide audible signals? (• ❑ ❑ •Elevator interior provides minimum 61"turning area for wheetohalrs? 'f ❑ ❑ Restrooms �.,/ •Are restrooms near building entrance or personnel office'? xF i ❑ ❑ •Do doors have lever handles? ? ❑ J 0 •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? ', 0 Pr ❑ •Is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(51"minimum)? '• ❑ ❑ •Are stall doors at least 32"wide? ' ❑ ❑ •Are grab bars provided in toilet stalls? G. ❑ ❑ •Are sinks at least 30"high with room for a wheelchair to roil under? ; ❑ igi ❑ •Are sink handles easily reached and used? ' ❑ ,j' 0 •Are soap dispensers and towels no more than 48"from the floor? t ❑ ,6" ❑ Personnel Office •Do doors provide at least 32"wide clearance? i X ❑ ❑ •Is the door easy to open?(max,6 lbs.pressure) 0 d •Is the door threshold no more than W high? •Is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? a' ❑ ,0' ❑ Comments for Section IV: 79 S1fE t`1^I . 0 qC.e._-.`( ` ,- ,tcf) ei,-. (_1.410 `t' I� ' Act-Li C, icv _— _ Section IV. Facilities- - ,too,; Who must complete this section?Complete this section if your Department has facilities v(siled and/or gsedw.� by the public. This includes City-owned,faellilles and rented facilities wherein City business Is conducted. (Public streets,Sidewalks and trails are addressed in separate surveys.) if your Department Is not directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section. A. "Quick Look"Barriers Checklist This checklist is designed to give a quick aopralsal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAG),state or focal laws and regulations. I d- YES NO IA Build[ng Access •Are 96"wide parking spaces designated with a 00"access aisle? I II ❑ ❑ •Are parking spaces near mein building entrance? 2 Sit ❑ ❑ ▪is there a"drop oft"zone at the building entrance? 3 RI ❑ Cl •is the gradient from parking to building entrance 1:12 or less? 4 0 ❑ ❑ •Does the entrance doorway have at least a 32"wide clearance? M ❑ ❑ .Is the door threshold no more then/A"high? p1 ❑ ❑ •Is the door handle easy to grasp? i 24 ❑ ❑ • l •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.5 lbs, • ti.■s pressure,all internal doors 5 lbs.max.)? S W Ll O i �e •Are other than revolving doors available? 'I ❑ ❑ ] iv. 0 c -y Building Corridors ``v~ tY •Is path of travel free of obstruction and at least 38"wide? I 64 ❑ ❑ .�\ •) •Is floor surface ftm and slip resistant? z ❑ Ell ❑ AV •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"? '!, ❑ ❑ ❑ 7" •Are elevator controls no higher than 48"? • A ❑ ❑ M •Are elevator markings In Braille? ❑ ❑ IQ •Does elevator provide audible signals? de ❑ ❑ to •Elevator Interior provides minimum 51°turning area for wheelchairs? '> ❑ ❑ RV Restrooms •Are restrooms near building entrance or personnel office? t vgi ❑ ❑ •Do doors have lever handles? z. ❑ Ili ❑ •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? 3 4 El 0 •is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(61"minimum)? 1 ® ❑ ❑ •Are stall doors at least 32°wide? _ r.. rrIT ❑ ❑ •Are grab bars provided in toilet stalls? i,- .11' ❑ ❑ •Are sinks at least 30"high with room for a wheelchair to roll under? i ❑ El •Are sink handles easily reached and used? ❑ ❑ •Ara soap dispensers and towels no more Ihan 48"from the floor? ) ' 13 ❑ Personnel Office •Do doors provide at least 32'wide clearance? I gf ❑ El Is the door easy to open?(max.5 lbs.pressure) $ ❑ El •Is the door threshold no more than W high? 3 lt ❑ ❑ •Is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? Jr X ❑ ❑ Comments for Section IV; 80 J . ✓ G/r 1 i1P4 l ' � a Gd u /rait-cAQl e:., l c, � real(; Section IV. Facilities . _ 4e4 c .iit/ll Who must complete this section?Complete this section If your Department has facilities visited and�r _sed(tl.r«i by the public. This Includes City-owned facilities and rented facliitles_wherein City business is conducted. (Public streets,sidewalks and trails are addressed in separate surveys.) If your Department Is not directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section, A. "Quick Look"Barriers Checklist This checklist is designed to give a quick appraisal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAG),slate or local laws and regulations. I p afa_ YES NO N/A \) Building Access •Are 98"wide parking spaces designated wilh a 80"access aisle? + ' El 4 .- ;�� t ' � 63 ' •Are parking spaces near main building entrance? a 1$ ❑ ❑ y '•i •Is there a"drop off'zone at the building entrance'? :a 53 0 ❑ 4 0' •Is the gradient from parking to bullding entrance 1:12 or less? 4 EJ ❑ ❑ i G`rf9 •Does the entrance doorway have at least a 32"wide clearance? '. '0 ❑ ❑ �' ,r\0' •is the door threshold no more than%'high? rr El ❑ O •is the door handle easy to grasp? ' `q ❑ 0 •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.6 lbs. pressure,all Internal doors 5 lbs.max.)? f Ei ❑ ❑ •Are other than revolving doors available? ) El ❑ 0 , Building Corridors •is path of travel free of obstruction and at least 36"wide? 1 El El O •is floor surface firm and slip resistant? a Q ❑ ❑ •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"? > ❑ 0 ID •Are elevator controls no higher than 48"? 4 l9 ❑ ❑ •Ace elevator markings in Braille? ,, &J ❑ l7 •Does elevator provide audible signals? (r 13. ❑ 0 •Elevator interior provides minimum 61"turning area for wheelchairs? •, Q ❑ ❑ Restroorns •Are restrooms near building entrance or personnel office? 1 ' l ❑ ❑ .Do doors have lever handles? 2 'El ❑ ❑ •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? ; tEk ❑ 0 •is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(61"minimum)? :l I]9 0 0 •Are stall doors at least 32°wide? '.; II ❑ 0 •Are grab bars provided in toilet stalls? (, la ❑ ❑ •Are sinks al least 30"high wilts room for a wheelchair to roll under? a 19. ❑ ❑ •Are sink handles easily reached and used? e ❑ ❑ Ls. •Are soap dispensers and towels no more than 48"from the floor? 'El ❑ ❑ Personnel Office .Do doors provide at least 32"wide clearance? I s 0 0 •is the door easy to open?(max.5 lbs.pressure) a m ❑ ❑ •is the door threshold no more than Y"high? 3 111 0 ❑ •is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? ,1 tt. a ❑ Comments for Section 111; 81 ( �r � ` -' . e -e..“(0 0,_ L. •tu) ,1'9 . CXJ f OV 6iv'7'oio-6/V (%thri, Section IV. Facilities ` Who must complete this section?Complete this section if yoyr Qepartment has facilities_visited and/or used bythe_pubiic. This includes City;owned facilities and rented facilities wherein City business is conducted, (Pubflo streets,sidewalks and trails are addressed in separate surveys.) if your Department Is riot directly responsible public facilities,you may skip this section. A. "Quick Look"Barriers Checklist This checklist is designed to give a quick appraisal of potential problem areas for accessibility.For detailed review standards,you may refer to federal ADA Accessibility Guidelines(ADAAG),slate or local laws and regulations, r 0 n4 YES NO N/A Building Access •Are 96"wide parking spaces designated with a 60"access aisle? i of Q ❑ •Are parking spaces near main building entrance? 2 24 ❑ ❑ •Is there a"drop off'zone at the building entrance? 3 ❑ A ❑ •la the gradient from parking to building entrance 1:12 or less? •n• ® 0 ❑ •Does the entrance doorway have at feast a 32"wide clearance? s pi 0 ❑ .Is the door threshold no more than W high? L. ❑ ❑ ❑ •Is the door handle easy to grasp? 7 Eil ❑ ❑ ^ •Are the doors easy to open(building entrance maximum 8.5 lbs. 1"' pressure,all internal doors 5 lbs,max)? 2 1Ri ❑ ❑ •Are other than revolving doors available? q p ❑ 1 " . V\\ IeS '),) S Building Corridors �y.)c •fs path of travel free of obstruction and at least 36"wide? I in i�' ❑ J �'��, •Is floor surface firm and slip resistant? a 1�' ❑ ❑ •Do obstacles(phones,fountains)protrude no more than 4"? i ❑ Fa. ❑ •Are elevator controls no higher than 48"? dt ❑ ❑ tta - •Are elevator markings In Braille? c ❑ ❑ al •Does elevator provide audible signals? 11 ❑ ❑ 1111 •Elevator Interior provides minimum 51"turning area for wheelchairs? 7 ❑ ❑ ,®i Restrooms •Are restrooms near building entrance or personnel office? I 0 ❑ •Do doors have laver handles? ❑ 0 •Do restroom entrance doors have at least 32"wide clearance? 4 1$4 0 ❑ •Is restroom large enough for wheelchair turnaround(61°minimum)? 't a ❑ 0 •Are stall doors at least 32°wide? ❑ ❑ •Are grab bars provided In toilet stalls? ' f$ ❑ ❑ •Are sinks at least 30"high with room for a wheelchair to roll under? 7 (s3 ❑ ❑ .Are sink handles easily reached and used? p fa ❑ ❑ •Are soap dispensers and towels no more than 48"from the floor? ri PJ ❑ ❑ Personnel Office •Do doors provide at least 32"wide clearance? 1 ❑ ❑ t$ is the door easy to open?(max.6 lbs,pressure) 2 ❑ ❑ l •Is the door threshold no more than Yl high? 0 ❑ Cif •is the path of travel between furniture wide enough for wheelchairs? g b ❑ Comments for Section IV: 82 Appendix G: Curb Ramp Survey Maps 83 Legend S-T-R: 342644 • Proposed Principal Arterial ._ Aids to Mobility • • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles !Illw J■iIl a Proposed Collector Ci Surface Height Change MUNIME■.■u aiL7_. Principal Arterial ■l .City of Spokane Valley ■■...M■.II Emma Minor Arterial ■il_MIIIM■ li Sections Collector =ma Immo am a State or Federal �7 Parks MEM • L 1 Lakes/Rivers gEN Sidewalks Page:53 332644 342644 52644 i a- gAP_ Z_'aJe!+!" '8J¢Wapfe. 9Ma!a— _.g gia� - - Evare m f a 2- n N R n q la u ` d 1—Queen n v Q @ oo Y g m-Oiympl ' o g it a } o j PI Wabash { a I o -Broad 1 o - - 1- WeUe3ley - — ▪ - - Wet •City ofSpokune-Yalley°`r Kati i _ wi i Heroy- ; -.Heroy- - —+�— Heroy— T ib i Longfellow- ■ I Lo'gfellow r • g"---- ..-----N.,\N"5.1,1 8 kr; . ' Rtch• Rich- Rich - z W co 1 1 I l o Rockwell -- %� / RbckWelt o ;City of Spokane Valley 4 .,.,e -73 ■ l a.ril \ : -Walton - �""-_�`-- rcat� _ ' N Nob.'meinf OrmaGonWI own onNh map la comp MT from vuleut ADA Serve 1 inch = 1 000 feet N aaurcea and If fuefeel to constant fawslan-TAO Ck y I o claim,otqUaTanleol about lna ace.uracy as tenancy of Nth map and onprosfly dlaclalma llabildy/of WPM City of Spokane Valley and)P71-1 Ilona In a,oonitlau To can firm.dOUney contact Date: 11/2/2011 tna City al$pot m a Val ley,PAM work,D op, at, (50$1)P71-1090. Community Development Legend S—T—R: 352644 Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles u 1114111a126111 illu • • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change E ■■■..1111 Principal Arterial u City of Spokane �..■.■■.■I 1-117)-_-.cu P Valley Minor Arterial ■NNI1.■■.111211 Sections �'Ji VI■ � � ' • -Collector Slate or Federal %;71 Parks ■ 1 Lakes/Rivers Sidewalks Page:54 1 r .41.1.-L.;,, g 262644 1 252644 y 14 1 T 01 qt 5 i 8 m ■ 1 1 342644 . , , 1 352544 yl i .i..+e�r�aanr.'kEftTlgi5T1'!wm 2 , 1 —Everelit— • Everett P !1 v I—Queen-�Well +t>1=+, v r.a..n..00aoa..ae. etaaDDO=IDAMMEEK 12/—Olymp•let I e `- 01y�1 ic— 4) Oiympic -- 1. j iNabash • ,- 4 city ofSpo.kane Valley ? -.� iR.merfeld I II 1 � 4 Brda • i 40—Broad 1 11 w m t I I m I 3— ---Hero $ E c't —Heroy-- Ice -Heroy3 cz-Hem co Y" y y I Longfellow, Longfellow I Longfellow- e I N Nonce TIM In'ormaa onIT OWAOnPkla'nap la mom piled Porn awloda ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet mu roar,and is subject to conflanI raNalen.The C■ty 1 maws no cIO log or qualeMi es about Ina accuracy ar j amen cy of aria map and ekpla%slyalstlalml'uDilAyfcrermn City of Spokane Valley and ern issfonI1n la coolon,x.To cannon accdracy weleet Date: '1'1/2/20'1'1 Ina ClryorSpekane Valley,Puo!io Works Oapanmeal 1509)827.1000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 362644 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility -r-°-' El min • Proposed Minor Arterial C] Obstacles NRIIIl ll111 • • , • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change alig. ■q Principal Arterial fi -ii City of Spokane Valley N■■■ on MinorArierial 11111141111 NSI Sections Collector =MI \ f—41--' -• State or Federal Parks L ] Lakes/Rivers h ii Sidewalks Page:55 i 1 g 1 . •s c E T 352644 362644 � 37245 le lo et % L remnlnoa■a(oname r ^a'3aalp'Ilk cpmsnaw2nzocipanaamsi ou Olynnptc a rbonooma>auan■mmooatie ■ n r -Wabash r _r_ 1 III J 1 Easllaed, 1 `I — �nr�iir+si�y r i '„ 1 M It • c `` ■ da V Heroy ■ •/..--Upland-• I y-Hero — City-of Spokane Valley t Lgfellow y dD lil h 09'".E.'='�ri g Rich t]625=r:� -4 7. --- iii 1-3-..,osse N None:7n0lMmmanenapown onlMa mop InCOM Pled nprn VII naue ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet %Marcos ana;e akin CI le<OnaWM eeuulon the Grey Y 1 �l manna no c4lmm arquee online'bout as accuracy on Inenay c:oonI map and 00 0niuydleclafmalieacey fee anon City of Spokane Valley lha ityofSpaInneValley, 'Mtenor.ecparacynI. cl Date: 11/2/2011 00 Liryeo Bpowne Volley,NON Yyor4+0eperOnae[ Community Development (5091921.1000. Legend S-T-R: 322645 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility gig _J I II Proposed Minor Arterial U Obstacles i r —— ° Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change ftttiR�fl�� 1-- El liall Principal Arterial i°�City of Spokane Valley t Minor Arterial .Pill■■ r Sections Collector Nil r—ri__ State or Federal Parks I Lakes/Rivers EN Sidewalks Page:50 a m I CresrWola x I. I 0 ■ rare 084 312645 322645 i 332645 1 Castor. 1 I Otenite mt c Cosa 0 1 x 1 e = f _.t.- _ Li i 1 8 z 0 ►� Q°F.aISSa_ t .Wellesley__ �y��w��ra r a>� r am — r r IL... 1 I 062545 45 042545 r, City of Spokane Valley 0 m ii ra ra n u N yms.and La say jp°pd to cown!1rea1on,Tne Cam'°°Own"r'°"' ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet / makes no cia:ma or guarantee,about me accu■acy or r currency el min map+aaaapreaalyaitclaim,Iaaaday/or anon City of Spokane Valley ono omlaei an,al es conteata.ro can A rrn aetimcy contact Date: 111212011 1 ~ a n Cay n4 Spokane Valmy,Public Woraa Delp l amta nc /'� J� I [$0r)1321-100D. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 012543 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles • r M�::IN •• Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change 1.. L 11■■■.■q • Principal Arterials_ _I-,L City of Spokane Valley ii■■■■■■■■n Minor Arterial Sections •1 �•■••e� Collector IM■■MEN'• • •_• State or Federal Parks 111711 1 Lakes/Rivers LI • •Sidewalks Page: 1 1 wirer South Riveryyay i 022543 Kleman— - I,r t t a Upriver .e lass_ — II P — -� 1 Llbert _ j,City of Spokane r_ftli Dalton 7...,"-7"----) .---,--' U o o 0 i o n th City of Spokane Valley a O- c Fairview. o I // ' E 1 Lr ro ///I/ C��j 1 • 9 =°��' m Ttj �r 1254.7 ± 122543 - o 072 fff m 4 Oil Marietta— .'• —— i $Olt �•. i _____LE J� ��gr 610 E 1 ro r ,--r.3.r 9 t 4r. ' N Norlod TAO I womuUt r thown on thIs mID Is o0n1Plrod from VA'k l ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet aaumea an9 Is suafect le con Slant revive TT City ) make.no a!a.m.or guars ale as Ieol+l lea accuracy ar eney ort is map and explea.ly disclaim.lab'ilyfrerrora City of Spokane Valley and 01.OnaJ artecanraM1la.7ocoharmacwracyeor.ua Date: 11/2/2011 ffie Cary of Spokane Valley,VUD!ic Wanly OaparlmenL Community Development f50B)82l•5000. Legend S-T-R: 062544 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobfifty II31 A Proposed Minor Arterial : . Obstacles 1, �..MU • Proposed Collector c Surface Height Change �6.- ■■.■11 •Principal Arterial Co: City of Spokane Valley N■■....■■p • Minor Arterial Sections •PME••■• SI • Collector L f' 1 �■.11 � State or Federal l Parks y■M -Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers 11E3 Page; 1 0 Ruby 1 Fraser 3c hC. r�cc,�� y e�•C+i 643 P4aphlre ! 3�r 64 N e - - 32264ir 1 fhje�y 1 1 , !Princeton a GaTer Northwood ' o- Stead ' \ k m - - - — - Wellesley - r---- -- - -------- \---,Wellesley Prince/on pence t v ' 0 g de n I `{g;41 0 Hoy i It tiero�i & y O ti I LongtelloW %. • Upriver Rich I RockkelI 4 Lmrmsse Whitman yc% e Lacrosse t 4 Mien 082544- 1 1 O52 4 So R kkenso N,_ K�emsn II, nnean90 City of Spokane �_ • Spulh R verWay . couftr rid South Riverway r �ridp-p-oriu...l t Bridgeport P' 0 °' Brdgeportt } er e g I` _ H+ Liberty I � � m City_of Spokane Valley . 1 1 '1 °a Dalton g City of Millwood Empire 1 I I 4 €udid D j... �- .wi� - 16 L1tid0��s30Q FrederG Frederick rederiek y i 2543 " {f;rr N o m 08;544______. n FalydeW- 5 z 3 i Grace g'- U �J 1 a u' N taOUae.Tile lnr armeEOnah own oc IN.map Is00mallehPromvarloua ADA Survey 1 inch = 4 000 feet 1410.1 and to wbleel to constant re.Ion.The tiry Y f rnakea rte claim.or guerente ea a caul the accuracy or CU tte n cy of 991,939 and eaproa.iy a1.xiims Y e a:,cry le a trim City of Spokane Valley end a castle name:Lenient. To caner,eau+raey contact Date: 11/2/2011 (50)921-Spo[eneVaky,PLa:iaWar'[aOepamnen[ Community Development 1509)821.1000. Legend S-T-R: 052544 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility . w.1 I MI Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles – • Proposed Collector [] Surface Height Change .' •- moms _ Principal Arterial �-i"". 'i;City of Spokene Valley 11111111.... 1111 — •Minor Arterial Sections .� �■■■ Oil Collector ll�r� MEIN.. --=• State or Federal 1 r f. Parks 1111111 Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers 2151 Page:8 i b m Homy fl Horoy Longfellow 1. Upriver 5 i Print HIO I 9 I f 'f, 1' err ; l atrosve a Whitman 1,.t2 c I 0 g — Garland I Garland 062544 1)42b44 Ma®"&o Maringo –- — 1 5 ------------------.7.---------------_______ ________ x I South RiVerWay lCANC/ta vwcx- [ Bridgeport °' Liberty I } o y oi∎oo O [siy I t m Dalton n I Dalton 1' 9 il Eucild I ,, coo �: City of Millwood -- Frederick AO--.. m Frederick c Fairview- ? m N Grace o o - W – -Grace – — u g an • . 0 .'544 e,, eve ' • . , • 1-092544 Cockeye 02.° 4i�r� _. - –g' ,_. s' City of Spokane Valley 3, ,,Marlena il m _feckson fil I t k N Nodes;The lnbrmeean shown on ink map Is compiled namva•looa ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet sources and le tu'ajoot le constant raislan The Cl > makes.no darma or a ea ra ma es about me accuracy or - currency arLeis map and eapresaly dl.Wlma habtlayro'erron City of Spokane Valley end emrsalene In u Co ntenra. I:ocean■epee cy caNKr Date: 11/2/2011 the dry or&paean*Valley,Public Welk.Departmens tsaa 921-l000 Community Development Legend $-T-R! 042544 • Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility ' Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles M �. i -�w • Proposed Collector C) Surface Height Change II- ■N Principal Arterial s ",'i.�City of Spokane Valley �■•.■■�.II _I_l_lu Minor Arterial Sections ■T����■■-nsii Collector "J mu• • = State or Federal Parks i■u Lakes/Rivers -Sidewalks Page:6 322644 i 33 644 342644 e x • LL - - - - - ___ - - - - - II WelesIey ,iii.\ rile re e ati X17 tea» -/ 40 4 /Ia«orse 1 io, \ r3aa,, .,r 0, / 052544 1 , )> l r RNO -- f 1 - _ CA`I°laR - it — � City of Spokane Valley I % Pia' . r - .0:,..,6x- 0 To To t N City of Millwood .ka6rd— ; 1 -- - — fa 44).... r —' t rm 4 rip'...(+.—(, " - — — rederlck — ]� N----- .4 - —f Frederick--1 t l�l= 1 — Fairview—� 0 e Faiiew- a 13cace- — S -orate -.(0.T NNotre:Tao IA,ormtdgnl'npyinentnle map Is complied tram varleua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet IV eoune•ano it eu bfe C.•m cc nstant re VHlon Trio coy 1 maker no claims o+g U Vs me ea about Me accuracy or losnoney of N..rnsp ant ekpleslly dl6o:eimr;shady kr okras City of Spokane Valley and omissions in R{a Wei MI,Ta co Mina secure ey c plaice Date: 11/2/2011 Pa CIq OSpokane Valley,PUhlIC Work Depar6eatt (5013)021-1000 Community Development Legend S-T-R: 032544 • Proposed Pri ncipal Arterial Aids to Mobility !-- .z. Proposed Minor Arterial (= Obstacles !AIM • Proposed Collector C) Surface Height Change NUE Principal Arterial r" to aim. P ®o�,®Ciiy of Spokane Valley •Minor Arterial 11111' 31 Sections Collector �� r- = State or Federal f• Parks tf i Lakes/Rivers Sidewalks Page:4 U I I ❑ a Q °�° Wabash g 332644 1 0 /42644 Y a5 'b44 eZ n -Broad M I 11 0 I u i . __7;4,1_ Wellesrey u - --..o- Wellesley =r— �) G - c T I .. Hgroy 3---H�y� �s o -Heroy--2 n y n-Longfelrow- ❑ ,i o Longfellow n �` 1 o m O -Rich �' G m— ... `m --Rich- i u -Rich-- - co R•akwell a. ( —Rowell m LrOSSe I Myrtle P 4?L, .\. ation a• N 0 8 FY g =-ate o a l 0 I ' ■rafA�meapa�� . _ .14 022544 U.,'x 544 — I _ .. ` r City of Spokane Valley I • i -Frederick- r �+ :' ti•0 ark I / � 7544 '10254! • `1,int ar 1 112544 am m --1---Grace-- 1 N fiePea-The l Mew aaan shaven eathla map la complied tram rarlaua ADA Survey 1 inch = 7 000 feet 4?Ulee1 aea 11 aUbJea le CCN f la PI i lea.lne Clry nukes no cle ins at Vausel ee a about Lh e amp aey as pp/ea Cy of tb■ mop and enlaasiy aitea lma libbbry fel wen City of Spokane Valley AM omlaatens In Its eon fen Le To conk nnapma ey canine ia Cary or Spokane Valley,vua:ti WO lka 0 O anon and Community Development Date: 1112/2011 af1D1 p21.10CD Legend S-T-R: 022544 • Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility ri -.. M Proposed Minor Arterial C Obstacles 1-1.• I l•j EMI- • Proposed Collector L; Surface Height Change MERI. 1 Mill Principal Medal 6-••"ii City of Spokane Valley 11uu•iuu■■u •Minor Medal •u*uuuuu u Sections •Collector 1125.4 i u■■IBIN State or Federal Parks u■I" 1 1 Lakes/Rivers IINI •Sidewalks Page: 3 Q •.abash gau Wabash t II a er - m 355.2644 • iymerfleld 3.1 1 • rs t B' 1 1 i .• 1 ' ,Broad- t z i tir ra Heroy•� - — m J } ��Heroy— c �ieroy� Heroy Upland -� -Longfellow- •_> f 9 1 ■ m Longfellow Longfey9w=- ---•I Lor•.gfeiiow i i F E I m r E R ch--- —s t Rich-°{ — —Rich— j - -Rich- i / I I rockwell •-Rockwell--th _Rockwell i C. -R all_ _ ua f1 - 032544 022544 1 072544 City of Spokane Valley 1\ L • --lne - - I ' 0. R •c 11 ) . T9 3 a c 1 ° o c m .1 — — — — — - - - -11,x•• - E... - .. 4! )?544 /r1.54.11! {� - Fairview- - N NetIOa'TRelnrermelOnsheene*this map IIeamplled NOM Val iOUa ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet %purees an b 'erasion.e Is sublet' eonelael'esion-The Cky Y 1 maKeacy al lh s map andaarpreasly maGalma Uabulry kr aaron aye amlaalcna in as con Ionia.TO COnnrm sew rap.'Corned City of Spokane Valley Date: 11!212011 ma Coy pl Spnyane Vsaley,P aha Work)Dapaanenl ISM B21-1404. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 012544 • Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility 1 _• `1• Proposed Minor Arterial _ Obstacles NAME i • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change MOSI■■ii• Principal Arterial City of Spokane Valley �■■■■■■■■� mo�Sections •P I■■■• n Minor Arterial Collector �� � State or Federal Parks 1 Lakes/Rivers d�1 •Sidewalks Page:2 abash - E 1 312645 3526r • -•• 8 EasU'and r .:. _ _,.,or ��r - a -1'_ ,ter,i.�.�� i7C.mcnala ecorworcem �r _ r� �. s f m 1 IA co N9roY— t c c L C c ---Upland-r. a` 3 c NeroY • \• -Longfellow Llongfello a I L gfello . E ' t ° Rich- S in Rich J c ca • - 'e' >— 11^- es -.Lacrosse- la. 022544 Industri i1 Park "` s — r i - I City of Spokane Valley P � eJ' -Ke"+: C - • =-} IndusUil Perk B- -1 a. r s 1 IA a II c --industrial Park C- - - a 0 C Industrial Park,D S l a Dalton-- --- • • 111 6ndustrial.Park R r 0 I r 112544 12254 072545 5)� —Fairview Y f.: ._:7. r_.7._'-i �e N Norm._ine Inrarmnhonallown on MI,map la compiled eomwdoua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 a 000 feet aaumes end IS.Alec/re con Hann rovfsren•Tao COI makes MC claims e'g UMW aaa oh our the accuracy or I anencyorN la map mad wpm.try 0idclaimaeah,:dyfererrors City of Spokane Valley anc emlaalona N rm as contents To eona accuracy ger red Date: 11/2/2011 Ina City or SOOkana valley.v�ollc Worts ro OapanenL (56g)971.1060. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 062545 Proposed Principal Arterial ,; Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial U Obstacles All MN IN "Li - • • Proposed Collector U Surface Height Change IllgiI.■■ 1 Principal Arterial �C7u �.■.■■■■•p �,J �,�City of Spokane Valley I Minor Arterial Sections •� �••■• 11 Collector 1 mmomm. - • , Slate or Federal € fl Parks �■� Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers it Page: 11 I 1I V Grando CI IL'Uf 4 32254!) o 1 ---. --- - -- --- , � 000 i • O. �.**. _ r r mffig.° r r � l- y r *0�* Y 1 so i .61141.6 rY„,. I $Ill I 1. f� tl II 012544 after a- r r – 1 1 1 City of Spokane Valley 1 Ir I W i t" — --'Fourliand—i oh os • _o X eAd9e9 Fl--/1- obeM m -Dalton 1 f_pal�on — — _ -- — --- Ln �+ a�•a Euolid� , .. .7-'"---.7.1 a. 122544 r$71=....-- 1f Q8 r45 7 _ -1-4'°A. -1Grace---- N Nailer The leb,mapon shown on thin map If COm etleapome.,l0u1 ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet s9WC GI aed is&Alec(re a 011113 et'avian..The CIA/ L makes ne clan.al g UM VIIoaa GUS:lee•COHI Cy Or apeeq er Nis map and exprecity OUClsims IlebAay far anon City of Spokane Valley 12001 021-1000.In Ateontenle.70 Cehnim a<CUney COnlecl Date: '11!212011 NC Clry or So Oa ne Valley,Public Worn Peparime/A ,goo,gsr-,pep- Community Development Legend S-T-R: 052545 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial C l Obstacles Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change N 111...11111I1# Principal Arterial �1°'®o Valley i■.■...■■. 4rrrf City of Spokane Valle •Minor Arterial i Sections •P�I■■••e� Collector _1 II:a , Slate or Federal Parks J Lakes/Rivers EN y---Sidewalks Page:9 ! ■ 1 de::___ #I645 .104 322645 — 332611" 1 I I I I I ~' -A`'� Ee Wdl>3si�y r CO Fal a. a r mot I` i - ., li 042545 662545 a I I City of Spokane Valley —,Courtland--1 of 'io _v .0n gem a I 0 0 Y O Llbe63 1 1 -;____ As1LO. .aa.– g t .r . ..r-m• — ---l:baeidd - — la.kid ` 1 >n 1 092545 ,2. ,5 I i riR 1 a n 1 I r1 I N:k '—___ - ! \ Grace l I { I N N0 1100;-rho Intarm.doo Shover,onln,l Map l.comp:ad from carioca ADA Suave 1 inch = 1,000 feet as Woo c nrrd It aubjan to constant tow Ion Tha Clty y nta060 no Velma 01 du i ra ntan.about Oa nccul.",Da dconey Of cola map and MrpottIy dllcralma looiUy r0F enOrS City of Spokane Valley ada 2I-T01Ais 000001 TOCOdllnnacct racy CDnlan Date: 11/2/2011 the Lly 0f 6p0kane V.Iley,iup110 LVoka 00pavnanL Community Development (56'3}9]I-TOO D. Legend S-T-R: 122543 - -- Proposed Principal Arterial .? Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles - 1INI::lin ▪ - , Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change .�� ■�ll....11 •Principal Arterial Fy uari City of Spokane Valley �-i■■■■.■q �-TU nu -Minor Arterial Sections •P_Mi•■■• U •Collector ~1 11.. 1 State or Federal Parks .■. 1 I Lakes/Rivers d3/1 — Sidewalks Page: 19 /f/ FTH 022543 012543 c Liberty-- +4 I a Dolton, 1 I 0 7--- --------- -8 W E City of f Spokane o° '19.f-Fairview - — - T -j' Ukar 1 0 N Mariana _ m f ■0 Carlisle- m - 11254 0 — 122543 Mor}tgorr?ery u Mart$feld- field- p -Mansfield--Z -0 ep m •--Mss x a /3 -, m City of f Spok ane Valley �• "—s'.- .._- rRa„roaa- m Pd ..-_ o , ' z W •- 40= I! "1- —A.* — --- - _- i v 1 'a u Indiana-4i I - ! —r• ••Baldwin— i —Baf dw}n—8 f LI IS 0 U i. rip I ■ r�. 11r�•'∎ ` c rA I - TT'°` '”- a T k i_ Into— 4 x fa N Notce"'Ike lalorrna9on Omen on Inn Tepl,Compiler from various ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet sour.,and Is suaJect to constant mWlan.The City , make,n0 daunt Or g a,onto e,ebeul Inc ecc0n0y et mnanay or MN may and expressly dre chi ms y•becy 10.neon City of Spokane Valley (600)03-)000. rtecen[<nl, iecOnamtaoaracyCOrUd Date: 11/2/2011 the Ciy ofSpdYane Val:ay,PuD'•c Wori3OaparlmenL Community Development (609)01r•10D0. Legend S-T-R: 072544 • Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility \--- Proposed Minor Arterial t..) Obstacles j "- • Proposed Collector C.5 Surface Height Change 2 ID I U • Principal Arterial ?-JU City of Spokane Valley ��--.a �o.u0 MinorArterial .P` 'Mill Sections =me IN Collector r State or Federal Parks MOM Lakes/Rivers Sidewalks Page: 12 ••7— Bridgeport &Idgeport 4 -- betty--.- -_• ft :liberty e I n }cd 1 12 ni c 1 0 1254 I. ti u °I nt m d 1 t' ..1 m oar.. -•r m Dalton u� g i Q Dacron €s 5 s EuEuclid Empire o ° . _ - _2:1__— _ wclliil - - -___ ___,_ --- e rniNMmE 1 Frederick c Frederick Frederick w a City of Millwood•Fal ew ew tf® e' e E ° Grace o R. oen E 2 =te E 0 m 55 Buckeye c onG n - -.— - Marietta - Marietta c', P s}s 0 & York a Jackson---- • Jackson •• • m t• au 1 ,Carlisle• I-Carlisle— L R e 1CL r . ,.• i:7 4 m �� ansfiield. 8 I E �{ �`�'� City of Spokane Valley 3 II i "IL ■� toad m i_° aci Rant 1 (Shannon m 0 0 II c rn LTA o a 1 --Mlchieill-g I -v v -1- ' i-°, - -Indiana w----iv `-Indiana —Baldwin--v i aR �II —8aLin• Baldwin 1 a c I — Nora 1 , .r -- illtr--- . ... ---".... c, Nora • ,,�l _ "`. : . Atr •5�a it 141 J1p� ,V 2 �UQUS(2 - •, 4 g , --.cv a� I —r M e14 E_Maxwell . cl __ m _—�� 3 - 1 $into-- -.m - Into ss I a I ` r �_c a\-, ird el w n 11. 1 ro� e , I .,- I i Sharp N Neer.:The[Maranon Mown anlhIt mop lrcomp:rea Nom vemou% ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet wo Lei meld 13 la ecl la con atom wean.n.The CO 1 makes no damn as guaranlee3 abam the aocoracy be aRM ay WWI mop Ana mrpzealy ells:Jaime re Dirty for anus City of Spokane Valley endl112i-na,eaaanrenli. ToaenM1rn9ccvracyeeelmU Date: 11/2/2011 ra«er5pakanaValroy.P�a:�Wart3oa�.�mene Community Development IeoBlB�f.100a, Legend S-T-R: 082544 - Proposed Principal Arterial a Aids to Mobility L-, to Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles �+\.,•� 11 . Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change ,%~c �l.. Principal Arterial "2o Cily of Spokane Valley I aaoo Minor Arterial Ali 1.E Sections - Collector _ lel 1-,i- • r State or Federal L../.'Parks •• Sidewalks L . j Lakes/Rivers Page: 14 Bridgeport - Liberty n, p x• 44 052544 Q'''� a � ` --.. Dalton m I` n Dalian u- s a Euclid i g EmpVre i n Frederick City of f Millwood E 1. Frederick - 'e m ' o m c To m § g ; —Fairview-- g �_ I Grace m rn i g --Grace- N r-Picket- v eyc Buckeye utac • • _- -Buckeye- - •�- -i� .• - --gyp W GJaarietta 1, n ....r m.. 1 1 _ Jackson- • - • • • t 4 i. 1 its t } :. [�t:: 7'r. i _ F r c 1 2,;:1.• o ta t �-� ��r4.Inµ;• 1 I . ,,.It, -- Knox- 1 ! City of Spokane Valley CO O. da 3 u- I •MiChlelll1 1 1 T I A& '.rl l 1 Nora .Nora. 3 m �V 5 c, 1 r, _ —Nor-- � � 1J -No+a-.. �� s Augusta ,. -Augusta 111 A 3 — 0 _ m ¢ O t 7 m vir f I wl o ` —1- : ! � r ;fi : .. I a I_Maxwe 442444_7 -- Sini., •y,„ � m • - -- ` m •i ViCtoi - I viol. —- o co - ito Sisio-+ N 1101107-The thlarmaeonanOWnanlnia Map l e compere 00MVaH011. ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet woes,end Fe wD!eel l0 cenalant reVc Ian,The Cary J 1 met..noellims or guarantees a DOul Ora aceur ley of City J 1 NReeeyplhi.Map MO axe fleetly dieablmahseIayre•er/a. i of Spokane Valley end lemleelena In r. OIln.P-Tc eonerm"curacy trotted Da te: 1 1 1212 0 1 1 the 1gofs9okeneyellay.PuDlkwark40eper9r+em, Community Development (5091 p71.10p0- Legend S-T-R: 092544, Proposed Principal Arterial i;', Aids to Mobility Ilifinirill PM • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles • Proposed Collector C f Surface Height Change NM • ,.•■111 Principal Arterial -Acoorlil City of Spokane Valley 11■■11=111.. Minor Arterial Sections 111111411.1•••• Collector 11 �� NI■■� a = Stale or Federal 1 Perks y■� -^ Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers NM Page: 16 ii `1 ,redo 0" yi ',...,................1004r _4062'116- :. _ 4411P '••_^Ii City lof Millwood - - X01 - -Frederick-- - - t�---; �' - Fredeick I i9 - -Fairdew--- - ao-- Fairview 'E -Grace - —-°-• - -�~i �� - -Grace-- .�� - - t s y- -—Buckeye -Picket- ° I -Buckeye -$•ci ye o - I d I Marietta •c L m o vacs 1 ^n– '� [el OP . .-,lac . it kal I a ii'' • 2 .Carlisle-_. 0 082544 cli-‘, U t 1 02544 City of Spokanep l ,adle — ,,a . - _ _ --Knox--- — `1, -1 Fc t ..—- - . 'wiry 0 o.- -Indiana•- eIuiib t_ rilltrfre 11 �� o pr '� t r —- !Nora- -... 1/. -11r11.7----- - Nara- Ci / c� c �i� ' 14l� ' 6/ /P# 1-Nora �� m -Augusta..-- : I 4_4 c r c 1 o ` r g Maxwell ._ /,f4,W,,,...,...._CMff J.; Maxwell- 7:;1. --Sinle SInlO- -Slnrq .0 Sinto vor -4 N Notice T he Informal:on anew.Cn(nil Map II complied nom va nou a ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet louse.and le tebje al le Ye natant revabn.The Clay I maeea MO Claim.or guarantee.WWII..aCCUraey OF a+he nq of Oils map ana e.Weaaly°lclalma x a orrty for errors City of Spokane Valley .t and Omit alma In ha o°nfame To Cenefm a cGrracy 0001101 Date: 11/2/2011 the City ef8pekine valley,p`°'p°"°rt'°°°°°en: Community Development (600)92(.(000 Legend S-T-R: 102544 r Proposed Principal Arterial () Aids to Mobility . • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles ttttR� DEEM MN • e r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change 21E� ■ ■`n • •Principal Arterial �c»� ...m .■u p ���a�City of Spokane Valley Minor Arterial Sections i.^� M■■■•e� Collector � �:�NS -- —r Slate or Federal ,..-- --! Parks Sidewalks I I Lakes/Rivers Page: 17 - t se_ 04254,. 022544 .Fr derick / _7. l �N o-r•■—Grace— ' :---04,._.. Buckeye • Fry } i /tu o •°a 44 6t ,41 1 : / 0,0" ' • e \ , g r.././ 092544 li 102544 I City of Spokane Valley tfsy.e,y Playground Hiri w _Mansfield- — `T I L� ,.rrt o � i _ ..1 .... .,4. s- - • • N ., ...:,... [N.v_[..(..�._ -., 1 S -- Maxwe:. .� �� ,.- z ;- I�IakWell ) { ! ea •i a m ar i o �1W _1• a Slnlo •so a 5. 4 Slnto--, I l I . ' . • N ;°V', .andllS,t,«la°; „e„`„n The°Mrya°°°mVr°°. ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet mMtea no°Saim.Cl Oual.lada about me accuracy or cunancy altos m ap and onpreasly died:rvnf nebldy far woes City of Spokane Valley and amhslens In rtscontents.7oc°nnm,?coereey connect pate: 11/2/2011 the 1;CH:4 1-10M" "",°°"k"'a'"'°.panma"` Community Development Ii00)9�,-,d°d- Legend S-T-R: 112544 • - Proposed Principal Arterial [.. Aids to Mobility J pm Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles `‘...�>1. jfl . - r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change RI h .q • Principal Arterial l:7�Q m..■ - J- III P �©=_�City of Spokane Valley Minor Arterial .PVI_.gli Sections ` a • Collector r—r-•= Stale or Federal Parks , Lakes/Rivers '. / Sidewalks Page: 18 I C a 0 D ! 1 • m 'C 1 i• —Fairview•I I 1 I � i 0 I rater Place -------■..'"-City of Spokane Valley - nlsr#st�eld, ► y i • } f ,� - {.111 V• I �r / . ,�. -ra P • 1 'v w a — / •• A.A 0 j� E 411111114 r4 i • .P ' o ,. ,....,.. • J.N ((ants:Th.Ili larmaoon.rhOwaOMthi i mop Itcamplrod boo,aanoua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet ea a,CAA and IL Th ublec(to con Aran(revialan" e thy 1,000 no Cl aim.Cr BUalanla ea about ma am,icy of + wn Oath al,nwp Ana actprw..ly alie:ala,A Iiah::ayfa-error. City of Spokane Valley and omu.on a in AB ca rata n la.7o c o norm a ca ra ry coraadl Date: 11/2/2011 MA GryoI b DOkaner Venay,Puolia Works DOP9,1976n1- Community Development (608)071-1000 Legend S-T-R: 122544 • Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility � u - Proposed Minor Arterial t) Obstacles MIlltiliMESII •• r , Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change SID- .-- .. Principal Arterial U`-1 ., a■■.- i P r,,.J.T_ -City of Spokane Valley •Minor Arterial .PM.-R. Sections Nicia mMEM Collector • r State or Federal Parks Alin ri Lakes/Rivers --r •Sidewalks Page:20 1 —Inaustda!Park-D -- at 2 1012544 .i U&2645 zo C C i Industrial Park-5 -r if, Dalton—--- !uu41d 441 - it ct- e. ts F I • Fairview.- - - y —_-, moii. —__ is — -- .--• I C 0. 0 m` w 5 C o ,a CL c 112544 122544 J— City of Spokane Palley • /7 vioryokt- Indiana• s iI �Oja pit 0-...,..mow il �1 ��- A l' . i . *` ,* + -- • Mission t -- .• iD e � } 132544 e 1824r - N- ....,--, ;), _ )---1'.'1- ) # N NouCe: Toe lntormaDOn shown onrhls MID nCOmpileano.venous ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 004 feet sources and Is subject la eamnnr reVII loo The City J t makers ne dawns or gukrenteef about bre accuracy or Currency errnls may and mcpmslty disclaims beb'ay far wren City of Spokane Valley and&metierNu ro coon anla ro co norm a Carey ea era Date: 11/2/2011 NeGryef Spokane Valley,Public Works Deportment, 160D1 971.1000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 072545 • Proposed Principal Arterial C) Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial fl Obstacles es- i ER ,__. r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change MIMI 0 ' t al Arterial Q07Ln - Princip • al ,u JU City of Spokane Valley ::: a1 Sections• '"� r -r Stale or Federal Parks ' ri Lakes/Rivers ' — Sidewalks Page: 13 t3 ``-1 i Lt �0�° >L____..+��0 052545 - - Dalton- - r.r - - -- .r.— — _-_ arts``e adl� - i r ,- i r ~ r JI fir- i l=airvl ' race a JckeYe �f/r � �J.Marietta 1- - 754 i r �oa�r ! n 1 te° City of Spokane Valley _ _------' — r � c i—rrr-rails _ � -- - -.14f:ia let lit 1...:".' .r.l•- - -- f T. L-Indiana- I s i t*f; —I dfan.a -- - -- - I _sr, I -"II.' C*� , lg i' -Baldwin 4{E. a I t Y i �,•''l . /-.,.� ,., -Augus / 1 A osla u ___„_° • / Ii fiat S. - - - MI n --_-- _ - < - a e-" - .,,-D�' Maxwell -e 732544 all j a— 1P �'4_M 745 — 1 172545-- m Sinlo• • sharp Gre fit' e Park '} N Norio=Tea In farm all ananown Ira Ulf map lioomrlred nom v arroua ADA Serve 1 inch - 1 000 feet Ieu re ea and LL IebJect to owned of review.The Crty Y f metres no earn,.or pua.lnleas Iba Ur the ACauraay or c.aMGy or pih map and eaorenaly ebclalml hatrdey for Wore City of Spokane Valley and omisdanskadecanrents-ToCOMrmaapvracycontact Date: 11/2/2011 the )1 30-6pokanaWiley,PunlleworkDeyenminL Community Development 1604)A�:-t4DD. Legend S-T-R: 082545 Proposed Principal Arterial (. Aids to Mobility r in • Proposed Minor Arterial (J Obstacles M Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change SION- iig Principal Arterial IF°°u p ��otav City of Spokane Valley 111 r� Minor Arterial — , Sections Collector r-ly--r) State or Federal Parks j.; Lakes/Rivers i Sidewalks Page: 15 PI _sjd9e�d —t L I iv 45 I 042545 Si ----C>41"11 rl U n) `r Euclid - -� - --- ---- - ---- —•Eudid- Is i Falrv} r ra ti } Fr'Cep a 1 ^� .bra o GBCe ❑ \ -Grace o Buckeye III _i V} -BUCkeyb G Burxey9 arietla n u i Valley ii S. A : ' Knox C+ r -at 1 .o.„ o ► ------Rive4"y?. Shannon = _ tp. Meyers IIIII v \ .,S•• — 44"-•—4 • Cr, Indiana °o I n` —Indiana —• i i . .1 •ra ,Baldwin Baldwin ,'y d o y A11:1_ _ �, a City of Liberty Lake Baldwin• I_ ' H Nora • ,' a°1i —Nora• $ G x a c Nom Ni o gusta § g [-August; C Augusta _ .t- .., _fi• _ VC, MI191.0 _!'7, ,ire_ • _ — a' _ Minion — m ° Maxwell - - —Maxwell • i — — = Q : - d 152545 —Sinto • re i J-8o°oe n N Ncllce'The I&ormaeon shown on this map lecempllod horn Venous ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet so woe.and Is subject to gentler.'MVi SIOn-The City 1 makes no ClAIme or guarantees about the accuracy at encyorNl smap and ogpfdasm4 lydisclaimsl,ab�I,ry for morn City of Spokane Valley dna osiens In Os ooMonly T m,own accuracy aoetad Date: 11/2/2011 die (SOGtyof100CL neVall ay,PubXOWaxaOepaNnen, Community Development (SOgI Bt1.t000- , Legend S-T-R: 142543 • Proposed Principal Arterial LJ Aids to Mobility IIMI Proposed Minor Arterial C} Obstacles 111E= -. • Proposed Collector �� Surface Height Change rw!����■■�� OBI■■■■■U ,� 1■■■■■■■n Principal Arterial FP _I J City of Spokane Valley Minor Arterial Sections L'r 11■■1Ma •Collector • State or Federal {Parks 111111/1 Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers dni Page:23 l f o 102543 ! 112543 922543 II I --- -T`-_-.._._ __. _ ._.-.__ R. Mission City of Spokane ��*wpm.°°°Aell' - . �� o ❑¢ASS®p60��01=rJ�~ CO C 1. Ap4AA�gb9 8harg — s��°.�Jp Boone- '��E r0:1- 1m •Done basin at— fn c Ca aldo m ____ ri m II � Mallon••- q • 152` .���e v r,�+.Tor>� ,5,�'- FsiEB�olsndsi ■�` City of Spokane Valley r -- Aiki I St 4.i --elreyway-- ■ ■ ii • 1 416 •V--Main— •■ I 01 •.1, ---- [ •_--_- _ •.!{ � - �- '--��.��=�. — ������*�_ ,. � - ��_�_-• • - -w ce_ 3 -E.-- -151 • m Tab— • c =1St— e 222543 _ ..■ L---I A.o 2nd- �ti c ;IF r N Haute the Into rmauon shown onuys map Iseamplfod from Van,eOa ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet aourcea and Is latscttoconalaet roy.UOn./no City t rake,no eta in or 9uaranlaea about the accuracy 0, - DJ n army orthis map aneeypta Illy elr0alfrlraaa Pry for errors City of Spokane Valley and o OM,'aIn Its confetti,.To cannon a Ca.cy ter!act Date: 11/2/2011 The City o•Spokana V.Iley,Public Weft Oepam+ent I609)921•s000 Community Development Legend S-T-R: 132543 • Proposed Principal Arterial (:• Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial :_i Obstacles .�S�E MIAMI 11q - • • Proposed Collector () Surface Height Change WI■■■■■ll Principal Arterial fii-D it City of Spokane Valley i ■��,.■.■.■ • Minor Arterial 11 Sections liMI■■■•e11 •Collector M..IM5 •• - •State or Federal I Parks NI.IIII Lakes/Rivers EMI •Sidewalks Page:21 01 4 p ,qq, T � - - - Nora I - - City 1 of Spokane 122543 k C m rap— .. 6 .pod a o b-•— Maxwell- 4-- -- B ix { �i — ---S1nto- m° -Boone £ `•-Sharp . i�.Done Boone I.„V,'" -Deem i- 0---1_ -Desmet III CO —D t -Cataido• ! L I ti r _Calla. i,Aal. D I n fy Yr. 1 W Par; t Pool I ! - - '0 40 0/ , .. .;.r-, City of Spokane-Valley 3r. . Ji ` .$e live-m fl Z J -'V • •- =11ayW y ' - -Valleywar-,••^ 11, -Nixon- /, .--Nixon- --! -Main ' - - -Main---S at M$ I---Riverside--E; aem l .i T �I —Of sill ..—dip-77:10r 13741141T- i— Ic:— rjr � � -- —1 f __1st � p ��I r - 4---061-4,. t . � - -1 _ 1 N $ureeaandllasuafenl'ee al nirreemlen,TheGyllooPUlnre,lou. ADA Survey j 1 inch = 1,000 feet nue na olaa of puvoeteea IboUl latonic),of — k !m cunLU Panty oflniemapandWpm]aalydledeimahaeMrtyler erg era City of Spokane Valley and&Milan,N Rs cdnleafl.To coe• aKU bcy coautl Date: 11/2/2011 Iho Cry of 6poka n e valley,Public Wc,ka 0 co arenaaL 150)971-I000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 182644 Proposed Principal Arterial Alds to Mobility - , Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles N EPP H • t Proposed Collector C; Surface Height Change _._ Principal Arterial II '4u 41 City of Spokane Valley II, I■ II Minor Arterial . x41 r-11 Sections 1 -Collector r-.- State or Federal I L�-.' Parks S Sidewalks . _I Lakes/Rivers '� d Page:29 I 10 + 'c g �V� �° y^ e m m Nore— r „,�} -Nora-- 1 e�•. 122543 = 07 544 -r..` . - °_ ;�la .r,l a, m , ° " fI 84 pagoda--- - — - I rT°; ml . I 0 ro_Maxwell I _,m—.Maxwell -I 6 m r ai - Into-- - —,'0_— `�, -- Sint°--.I— I �3 ...• s i _u _ _ __ -` -/She .a' Sharp- Ii sharp 1 ell - - - -.- - ° -- i • I1 a5mel � Desmel ° Calaldo- 0- -- ,Celafd --- - ter ^_v� 1Par . RpaitiPool 1 11 i/ c •c 1 City lof Spokane Valley I I l - A -AM- m 3 I__Nlxon— l ' -Maln- I -,r.,� • ain —f_ 3 5 di pa I I e i Is 0.0 OIL____ OW AA - -litiv- I :j" .-_ 1st-� • i t ■ ��r,j• 2nd • +H--. • { ��g X41 ® i n N Notice:The reformation Snoomcn Info map isoomplledPomwrloua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet courcos and 4 salad to cenpa el whiten.The City t ,Makes no elms ms ar ouaranteae about Ins aeco.aoy or currency of tnie map and ezpre!aiy dlitimma sow y for ewes City of Spokane Valley and omissions in es contents To wnIt,,n terse cooled Date: 11/2/2011 the C;ty a/Spokane Valley,Pans Wprk!OOpiNnen(, Community Development 009)021-14M Legend S-T-R: 172544 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial ya Obstacles Ian= A 111W. 12.1111/1 • • Proposed Collector CI Surface Height Change - e- ■.■■q Principal Medal City y of Spokane Valley ill .■■.a fb®mmD •Minor Arterial ■ ■■■NE Collector Sections 1=P-ill .\ ■■IIIMU State or Federal. ?arks III Sidewalks , Lakes/Rivers �ll Page:27 Y' •:.6 O ,i r Y,..• Nora ;ora 0 1_43 2y 11 Augusta -Augusta Augusts -Augusta j) .. O -... - - - -- - z { rMexwgn-l-- 1 ` f f 1-Mraxwe --Maxwell J - -(Sin -� -T , m-SInto --Victory Sinlo :� m° m c into— LL - . I -_sherp_i - Sharp O 2 i -- --�-- ne-+4..`--- ----Boone- 1 ° Boone- M Pr -:.-• 3 3 .Balfour ° _ c te Lb Jarnfe 'dasxnet- -� • ,II_. C7 -Gat I ido-- Cataldo q - Cataldo I Dean c- m t - -Mallon— n City of Valley _ 3 _Springfield- i Springfield- ° Springfield-Co. Aiki A. ,� I -- Alki— n--AIkl- _ Alki— - �Alkl a m •c c -011ve- m - - - :U,y.r'--,,I. -Q`aliairway =- Valle -) -Won 4 -Nixon- 41 — ---Mal - - t - Math— • - i��. �u}e' t - Iso -Harrtng�on I y Bal air �;iverslde Rive.11j1' ��r.i*i_ tr [.0.17•11.:l�.`� it i.-��. . 104 . r6.,.:,-. , 212544 . ws-mob 7 --11 ����� 1:,t.... - -� ;0 - N Notice TINIraermabo4anownonthis map I•complied tranY44000 ADA Survey 1 inch — 1 000 feet NNUmee and li auejact 1(a 004•1004t,v.Ioq the CIry J f 1+1140'I e0 claim(of q ue(ante as about me accuracy o. + currency orNla map and 01(44410 a1 1000 II etlyfa,erren City of Spokane Valley IMO emtaalanI m M14 V.IIay.N To contrail aetiiracy ccnteat Date. 11/2/2011 the C�tyaf byokane Vellay,PUbl.o lN:rkapapaM+enl' (509(901.1000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 162544 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility \-+ Proposed Minor Arterial Q Obstacles ltl� r, la�� • • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change ME Mill f11::�,:: _ III II �L - ■ten Principal Arterial [b0000 City of Spokane Valley Minor Arterial Sections ��"'� � Collector � ��M /� 'Parks State or Federal 1�� Sidewalks i ! Lakes/Rivers Page:26 Pr 03 1 v` fl_, - - - / f / rPr'- --' -- --.°-_ --'..- RI 8L •}4 -..*/ :r -/, .11 5d No,- i 4 ,..17x71 t frsy0 '-pr •A u8 usle rn.ra W Au Auguste- r i / c r a oc r IMP Aril I.0 - ae - IIq`-Maxwe .-Vxe - Ataxell� ---So-VI Gory- + I.r r.ya - Sinto i Sinto- i --Sint. Sint d ' 1 ° sly.,ID -Share c -1 71 • •Balfour- i c ° J D i " m Dimmest--a ° e a � .—Catalda — en v.ar a '• Cataldo- a § Deana ' r I g R�'eo_ m g ---Mallon—-- -.� I N o o c _�a�'C�'�.:•1! [y••-..;••,:,Q/. �, d/. 4 • -JO S:#• . ?. • - L L'lrlr7->7 -Ct -of-S--anane Valley -Springfield w> _a a ° -Alki• ; ' e - f') - -Alki +I a� r �j c9 m o -tOtive- 'II'1Iry�1 '_ • 4; I-A./alleyway.- - ,Ow ID I -Nixon ° •NIxon Q ,,. a Frar�l Main }o i 1 I �_ -MIn Me 4 I ----•.. it 1 ,� a iverside ° Riverside-e uI f n• r Park �-Iversids- ® $ I I s]�. / _ —� - • • /' .—•C: — -�i/• .--49-i -�- _ `-� (i• tr,- 1st S [ o_ii.II 3st q w r i• _ . o N Notice.Tha inbrm&don spawn on mla map is Compile/Prom varou. ADA Survey 5, 1 inch - 1,000 feet aulaal sne I:Wb+act to con hens reN>lan-The city :hakes no Claims or 9ua.anloos IDaut Me acculaay or I anency altllll map and aYpeeatl'ydlld>ims II sonny to,ft/OR City of Spokane Valley an a ernkilDnl In As 0.1.19 To CO Mm acaracy ca Alail Date: 11/2/2019 the Uy of S p o k a n e Valle-.:Public Work;OepsrUnan( (66 Community Development 9)421.10110. p Legend S-T-R: 152544 • Proposed Principal Arterial C) Aids to Mobility Proposed MinorArterial C Obstacles we� waN1::�1A •• • r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change EM rill Principal Arterial Eloo°o City of Spokane Valley 111..■ ■II Minor Arterial Secllons •Path el Collector E ����� • , State or Federal f'// Parks 1 Lakes/Rivers ihr. 1 -- • Sidewalks Page:25 .v P. II r , f 10 ,-§,,,!../ •S / 1 j —__ • �+ (rC+M --,, ps--r:,;�_q __I .��;L« : Y -Maxwell .. i raxwell W oe arm_ m 0 I.rr• • • ,4 o Sinlo � - I r-• Sinto- -Sharp - -Sharp Boone f as m` ..-�_ .. qBoone• e - E • .-Boone - w Desmet- t- -Deemet-- -m ! t I 3 De met — Craataldo 11`1 -Cataldo- _Cataido ; Catald y Ca Ido ia Manon- Mallon ll 1 !P,,„ Mallon 1I:AZ 4., •: - As_ ._ . - _ .1186-40- • --• - c +z� ee i ,:.1 1, 1 1 c--City of=Spokane Valley l SprIngfleld- a 2') -AM - -Ra 'SI-Alki 5 c •Alki i -P,Iki-Li d t c 4Li tire—! -� a m I .----Olive- i i i •Vaniay �" - -r- -Nixon--� t 1 t Nixes Nixon - V i m _I a n - l--Main - -o 3, -Mai 2 1 'ili , -Riverside---I rt 3 Riverside- Rive .: a I i 2• 0 f U Y i f co -{+__--. . _ 'mss axe—c -r 0 1st —I !I r x'32544 a -3rd a I ?n¢ 3 - .. . , 3Id _ a 3rd- N Haller The lhformYUOnsne`Nnen This moo Izoompflodnom vadeua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet faunae.and IT Wblect to eanarenr tevlalon.7 ne City 1 makes no clalms or eu N.nteos flout the accuracy or I cu,rancy WAIT map and eapre.slydisclaims hebddyrorarllri City of Spokane Valley and amlssicna In as ell,enla 7e eannrm searraey unlael Date: 11/2/2011 the City ef8pekene Valley.pobrIo Wcik.Department, I60A)675•.000 Community Development Legend S-T-R: 142544 - r Proposed Principal Arterial ;> Aids to Mobility r Proposed Minor Arterial C Obstacles ��1NA::IIn - e • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change anal.1M'■n Principal Arterial fro'"•'-'ii City of Spokane Valley ii■■.., ■ ,.0 Minor Arterial 11111►711 e� Sections le ED'S - Collector State or Federal-- ?Parks P111111 ` 1 Lakes/Rivers In 1 Sidewalks Page:24 -,T .rte„ f f// "41 —N63-7-1- �r f + . li s C �q r - i' ►; /1 •i; �* h "'j.`.....,--Z--- ritro...,� 1 c f 4� i I r i --Sharp c to ha xif l +5� 1 co Boons f O. '!i 2-- - beret ,. >v c� i 1 4 `car.- r-5— ,�`$�o J` ; I Cata{do--:.-- - -- Mallon ' 1 �° 111 I - �4allon� 1 Mel on - --Mallon-- �,.�►s.-r,.. - S ;s. _ �I - —0.- s+i-4._w ~ �.► l i ;e -Springfield- City of Spokane Valley _S. ..r-.,r./0 Alkl- . -- 1 Alki 1 -Alki--- d I Clive rn ! i ,-Vageru•ey P Valleyway - - `, VallaplIIy -a- -- - (i_$ o1 m b -Nixon-z m _ _ i+r Nixon ` Nixon ; m > it c i -veraIoe--c -Main--g o Ma{� c E t - �. U ! -Main i in to ol Riverside , r 3 ,° R: =raids" II o m Rlve: e _{ . 4i_..C N y6- co- . , `S : I 151-- . . 2nd- CD NI Nelxel The lhformabonshownonthlsmapls Cain pllad earn vermW ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet Seweea end u eUbleulo ceespnr resit Oen-TT,Clq r mews no elms ar guerentees AMA Na...racy el i currency of lhs map and expressly mschRrq Hs Nay rot snore City of Spokane Valley end emissions In Racontents ToeenShrnatcaracy comaU Date: 11/2/2011 theC;ey er 3 palm a Valley-Public Viols Pep e rt eat, (5133,0]1.1e130- Community Development Legend S-T-R: 132544 - ' Proposed Principal Arterial Alds to Mobility - + ' Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles 1IIMME■■�n ■ - , Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change Mill 'Min inn City ME . II •I Ili - Principal Arterial iSm*u� ty of Spokane Valley - Minor Arterial .P*I-Iii-fill Sections iI Collector - State or Federal 1'/:f Parks y� Sidewalks L-L Lakes/Rivers U13 i — Page:22 7 225rd4 Ti ti �tf2. 411 .v�oraPlt` � , -� usla r� r�� -�` ~� —- — t-Misslo - - --, s ,,WO: . ,1 . afail Ai, „ . 1 •..'t, `� . r �,-. Sh1:4 y 's Boone,_ - • - ® _ L-Desmet— b 1 yw tl Cara�o` f I1 -` ---Cataldo W ,UYr• • i- cs e� �, . .. _..'• City of Spokane Valley g • Ikl- z E I lkl I C g -Nixon- = =L m ea • Main-2- -Mai Fii f ii Riverside- i !, _s� l �YrT.,r,. 40 u 0.a 1t1=6— —-- {tf I1-0, r r r { I r r -1st- II _ r y } 2nd ' Ricela d " 2 "2nd I N Nonce andiISrmadon.co w ien1reision ,e emry�laemyarleu, ADA Survey 1 inch = 9 OQQ feet la Met and n ma ecne wncUnt revision ire CI , make,no clelms or gua'enroes about the recur Icy or I anencyor/Ns mop anasxveuryd:sc4ime,aeanylo enoo City of Spokane Valley andemeuane e,centents.ToeonAmr accuracy Cornen Date: 11/2/2011 ae I or5oe4anaVslley,Puea,c Works Deportment Community Development sao alt-roaa Legend S-T-R: 182545 —• Proposed Principal Arterial 1. Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial CJ Obstacles l • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change 111E11 .1_ � t Princlpal Arterial � = Ci ty of Spokane Valle y .. -i 11 � m°0 _ . Minor Arterial Sections `��� .—� Collector r—,,y` ,---- • State or Federal U_fA parks r1 Lakes/Rivers Sidewalks Page:30 r f J Att.P'�• ..t. -S -Baldwin... I _ 1, '�. �f .41. ._. ., 7 oil_ 7 0 Y A usta August. , — • � � - Miiorr- � — raxvVell � Maxwell -• Ma all— 's I Sinto m :___1Boone Geer ` rk 1•"'I Bo______.one - --Desrnel— d , l:..-' ,` D mot —Desrnet— y II '\ n ' Calaido $alaldo —Cataldo- _ a — -- U s —. s _ N �rosdwa —,•:s-,er.-, -1 r. r % City of Spokane Valley 1 + 8 --- — Alkl— - — 4 c da e e —011veA J9lleyway- c°> - 4a l • — l _G-0464 I =- __ • ! b---- f Mai I / Oor all erypaoy r fc xon a l I• • -_ m / [!r c -is! cps tta; __}�, w 202545 4 j 3rd- i N Bemu and IS [hovel en eom�ladM1OmVanoUe ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet e and 11 au Djeel to tend Oat aO'/lafpn,The CI ma><ee CIO wm;or gun•mode abaut me eccur•cy or mRency orma map end etpre ury diulefine eitglly rm anon City of Spokane Valley and Greta•la ni rn ee canton:..To a en Am,aecu racy[Weld Date: 11/2/2011 Ne City el Spa ken e Valley.FoOOIo Nbriie Daoer(men[ 1508)03t.t000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 172545 r Proposed Principal Arterial f. Aids to Mobility r Proposed Mlnor Arterial 0 Obstacles lamEN 11q • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change MEN..-! t • Principal Arterial ec'7u City of Spokane Valley NI■■...-, 11 •Minor Arterial ■11 I■. hal Sections M■. e� •Collector al • J Slate or Federal Parks PINE •Sidewalks El Lakes/Rivers Page:28 64 -Baldwin m i }� i ❑ m laaIawin y�_ i)_ OF3: Nora] a o ff '7 p},,, @ 1 C' a . mom Crr "�I�: i. R - — 2 1 092545 August. u u E Augusta a' I g Q 2 a - .. as—_,..._ 1 r_ '- (r.^rai lit) - —. t� .t.r- a Mission • I Et ai 5 Maxwell --Maxwell _ x I I cs — -Sinlo- •ly, / Sharp- r q `5 --'eoone—y��� t a." City of Liberty lake l ■ r, k o I Galaldo Cstald r' 190. _ - I sa O ■ \9o �F ��2g�+0 � � 162545 f `6 0 Oou n:iy Ml sta City of Spokane Valley a A4pI0µ3y {i -Alki -M u Fi- Ic a •Cowley Labet°3 N Arbor UDIIeyWHy� Wi- �atteyY N�°n •■ t • C- -Main' i €O {{ ± A rZtveraide- -m a I o o f x e e fat 192545 z 20 4; ,51 212545 -2nd t� -3rd- Ceci ce i Mlcavtew N Noll..The Inform anon chows on In.0,&p la CO 0,0110E0anhnoel ADA Survey 1 inch = 7 000 feet 1a0rut bee If W&Jett Id carsttrt wow).The City y ) make•no abbni pr 0Ygaealee01001111 p accuracy or OU(Miry of Kt map and Eyproatly disci sans he ba Ily fa.,apron end M City of Spokane Valley lir emlstlent 1n e1 canton..TO toen&county 00elbel Te CIy Eispokana Valley,PU&IIOWarne Depa,bnant. Date: 11/2/2011 1°°°1°21-100° Community Development Legend S-T-R: 232543 - . Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility NUMMI MIN Proposed Minor Arterial to Obstacles w.liwrEAM IIIII Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change DIER■■■■■q Principal Arterial ii1Q511 City of Spokane Valley .■■■■■■ ra3::i0 Minor Arterial !•Sections ,< ^;li■■■•m Collector IN.■EI� State or Federal r,-,7/1 Parks y`� Lakes/Rivers EN Sidewalks Page:37 5 1 Iov.,6 -Main- - 152543 " 142543 h - • e -- ast- k y E z -1st — (pp H C I o— �T ---2nd 7 It .----- W' '.1414 sy;__rer:. m - b a l l i j 2 6/ r U �S� c o t i o m (fi o ••--eth —e t3 co •�----.--1- Granite ��a5 222543 ' City of Spokane Valley a.. . Q`� +.r city of Spokane e • q 01 ta C.)---91h 9th u 1 1 . 10th .• -10th 1 r r n —11+ - r t qii I — 12th— T - —e.i�r} -- 1 .. �..-is,sT•��__...ar.��_ rc� 14th w 141h- a i9 160! .-15th / $ —15th 1_ 15th- z N s Gloria./ / 3 a 7 p _ _. -- �_ 1AIh- v g_ I 33 g. I 0 x o 3 l m i 1.5 2?25*3 I ':'- lil---1') 1 I N Nonce:The lnrdm:aOenshoWnOnlMe Map llcomOIled hem Va•IOUs wu ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet mea and II aunleer tO oonannt whale The Dlry 1 make'no claims e/B U'nntnea IDOUt Pa accUlaty or a hen Cy Of tnla map a nd e><d/m.1y el a dal ma SaaAry rn anon City of Spokane Valley - andomishen'Inlllaanlants To catmei.acwncycoNlcl Date: 11/2/2011 ae Glry o-Bpowne Valrey.Nblln Warta Daparcmeni Community Development (SOB)B71-'OOD Legend S-T-R: 242543 • Proposed Principal Arterial C Aids to Mobility • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles !� Ma::i� • Proposed Collector i=; Surface Height Change 11�M.■■.■p Principal Arterial c'l 1 Cliy of Spokane Valley .■■■■■u Minor Arterial t -� ••RU M Sections " 1 — Collector --' NU■■I/1M, • State or Federal I�i�i i Parks 111110 • Lakes/Rivers Eli Sidewalks Page:39 • law—Main aS Main. ? °I SPeet 142543 ' L Riverside L. � �;f4�i r; e 1. • zit 1'1 - 8 �_ _ 1 ..." - J— _2nd 1 - g. A ''. " ,r. -'10— - - ---arti8 - f w1 I m t� M [ +t . Ar 6 h . _•li • 2 r— -9 -6th• • • 4 Qg Vary City_of Spokane:Valley-- -„h. •Ed atk 1 —9t _ 2 { tap h 9th C F4 �8th..� — a CS m 10th -- Q 0th -m 1 w •lth 3 — — — ) • ��� 1 - 42th– - a;` \� - 121h----- 030,1�sds�aflasla�D�0^nppnoo3mt2ananztammatrwe,1 th/ Jr la II r • aMMMMM an m In E e -ar 14th e -14th - -14th. • - a n 6 c a j • f a iEilA2111m7N dam-DI - m C.. \15th - 5th au o ,----- - - -—:- — •I- - • - - - . \ 17111 — g ' D 26,2 ? m ��ey4'°w. 18th- '�J 302544 hi lath 7 18th m 0...... .��,1,1,1aeo ,z,,, a , N Notice Ins IhtormedanU awn ohIAlsmao it complied nomvyfaal ADA (�U� inch = +,000 feet ■oUrc es and Is SUDlecllo con steer resh OA.The City u ey inch f maker no o!aims or guaranteas stout Ole MCMVmay or arnenry or lhn map a nd noresrly analt MIS Ye oAry for anon City of Spokane Valley and amlrvonr U AS aohteaa. To aonnm:e■aUrsq COMIC' Date: 11/2/2011 Ma Ciy of 6p okaso Valley,Puol•c Works Dopy-67.d, Mei 0jl.e00() Community Development Legend S-T-R: 192544 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial C) Obstacles • Proposed Collector Li Surface Height Change SIUM •q Principal Arterial r J`'3 City of Spokane Valley 11,11.1111.1.1.M.111 Minor Arterial II! F4,w NM Sections •Collector r-1,r- State or Federal Parks J I-1 Lakes/Rivers -- Sidewalks Page: 31 N 01 _ i vary/ CD Ea 2, Main g- -Maln- 932543 � � my + , IVB ° �-- - '- --arty��ST • k� �-V71y - - ---� - aQ__- as —--,�I t.. rs� :r.,.-ir- -- 2nd- s� w $ ��. �0 6 '�! J DD 1 i� ,. 3rd— n p 0 \ \ Sth — ! $ r t { � TzkE-„,0,1 (NI \ 6tl1-- a —71h -I dg=c�1 .ark s � f - . ! ,4 . •... 192544 k�? ,, a frinh • str, c if Di { ti 1 -,E 10th- I in /growl 10th`- � 1 iilh - -- �' It � I lh 1 ) �PI f 79 , RM ak,, IP \le taaa=❑.L., cQ `--¢ � N C 1 16 a -.1404/..,..P --•-- - - ---�r - 252543 302544 wvIc 1iq lflth sG N Nonce.The l nlarm shoo Clown o.n MIA map Io cam pile]fromka,faua ADA Survey 1 inch 1 000 feet IOLYO.and Ie aubjact to come,.rcyleferi Tne Gry Y = f m...no cla'rns or yu I,eke a Ibo c!Cs eceu a ay or CU rrency of dug map and akpreaaly al...,liabllhy tar ercon City of Spokane Valley o no eminlena to As contenla To coo Arm accuracy contect ` Date: 11/2!2011 U.Clty o+9pnkane Valley,Public Works Dap ertmaM Community Development 160a)021-1000, y p Legend S-T-R: 202544 - • Proposed Principal Arterial : Aids to Mobility - -. In • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles lalMEMillil - • Proposed Collector C Surface Height Change ZION NI Principal Arterial E ' 'Ii)City of Spokane Valley il 1 _fl JooD Minor Arterial ■ ' N` j rill Sections • • •Collector f""� i.i! r-,f--• • • , State or Federal Parks rJ r I Lakes/Rivers �J f • - Sidewalks Page:33 4..„. ,.m c a lw —Main- In-,� a •K4 amn - Main- N ' 1,I S•. ' r 3 Ba1lo 1.r ar .,. r 162544 I Iye .-- —,— ��r_nom( o, ± ---=.1 -1'��a-•r - --=-E. — c —tea— —0 a, it o. and+ p \ ;"�v • © �B Fells � s n _ p •• d y _ m -6th- d z {t • L4 5th 2- 501 c S j 11 4 r elh Q r - - - . y- 7th CityY;of Spokane Valley m__ al 192 >f ` F r imp • • • M -Ara ery_--- {• 1'r ap, w r 9th 1 Nina • 9th R �. 0 •�` 10th- I fR�6t� _ o iofh 1 th ` 11th @- _f4 'filth— 1 th - n E a 1 E • • tr A y tL s Glenn O4.__. f ° ` ` 11WEroY 1 G04' y 1 is o`2� 1 o L c� v -a51tr r .--��Sth- G k q � Ir c 411 0 _ -.-_ - ~ ,rttir. bi d r, (•.- %1 6--[f-0._.C.,rr_.•(•-11- 1.11.-- -'l: • 3., 17th 41 • c9-17th- 1 3025 ■$ . ••. lath---1 I 2825,114 if I :'ItS a19th- .. • ,_- I. AO N 1101100:7noInformatonanownenlMamaplacOmdlle000.YarfDUi ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet wurt es and n WSISSI 10 cpaWnt revision.tits CIry 1 makaa 00 c+im.Or p usranteea about Na focUlacy or cur.on cy Cl US a map and evprta.Iy disclaim.(lordly fcr errors City of Spokane Valley sad orn10■10na In Is eenle nta.To eG nann a COlrrICy COWLS Date: 11/L/2011 Ins CI Of Spokane Way,PUDLn Wo,Xo peparbnon� 164e 02I.1000, Community Development Legend S-T-R: 212544 Proposed Principal Arterial Alois to Mobility Van - Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles wrilm�ta■■�� • •• . Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change NE .■■■■q Principal Arterial go»o City of Spokane Valley M■ t - , ■■■u Minor Arterial Sections nit } • 11111111111 Collector =an „I lima - - State or Federal I.%! Parks LI■N Lakes/Rivers 2 C' Sidewalks - Page:35 1 ' Fro t • Main - 2 c o lL n � R - — ° . 1 ain-- -S -� ' . f5"5 4 JIvrSide • (• (• •[i! + 01 r t �i - ors— „ •---- —• --� --�_•. cr z 1 1 7st- -• ) il I • g 1st —110 0 o cc I - -3rd- m a - ---- °n. i - - rd— 5.7 I to 1'¶ - , di-,--5111 o I i t -- m 16th-61 - ` -'5t ' I ° e g I � - - --te - _ ¢sow -o 6t - 3 7th 71h c 7.1)- E /aaiy 1 -�.9th-City-of-Spokane,�� - 911) — S-9th � - --9 Valley • I = I -10th lri 10th - - 5 - -- - ( m a 4 .1th_1Im_ 11t h 11th -• • I1) - L I I l - 4 2th c (* • - iv. i ti 70 qr 1, C ' •�• 13th d !` c€Iroy ` i ° - -14th- - LP) i —•14dtK ti...s41h 141 7 1 - -•-16th- e— 15th- 4. ° �—76lh-- - 15th ,t i 3 a --t1i•— .�is__.ii��.�s. ._.so•cr... Is i*•1._ -.. .404-- --( ii 1 � c -- 1711)- 17th-- I ° c - - t7th�..] �171h 9t?ar3 ° l M -181h-- , a '2 181h-- i tth - 18th --� �,� 1 .�cn_c 4811) ' 1 19th - 5 I: N NOhca Tha Worm aueaae own 0alpla map is compiled from varoCt ADA S 1 inch = 1 000 feet sources an .■aubfaer W cans b nt raNsba.Yha Uy Survey makes no crams olgwranlaaa eoo ut ha aoeamcy ar woeacy of mla map a na eap reply al scla,ma liebaay leo amore City of Spokane Valley /� and amnaiar.s In RI Coma MS To co MI na a mum*,contact Date: 11/2/2011 Pa pry 1.1000.neValhy Puolk W'aHW Deperlmah( Community Development (a0B)BYI.1000- Legend S-T-R; 222544 - -- Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Ili �� w -- - Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles 1limiliVINIIIIIq Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change �:1E:■■�fl Principal Arterial 5'-JThu City of Spokane Valley g MinorArterial 111.411 I fI r-II Sections Collector r—•f'in M Parks _. 1 State or Federal r Lakes/Rivers `,‘ I Sidewalks Page:36 so. I.1 - M� J- -Mairk- != 0 .,is �� -qgr in{'. '� Riverside- m ' !62544 5Riverside--x I r=_ .i•1. Q —i - ): 2 i �o rr ■ • (• • • I ���1. • •t C3, ... 1 i r W t ww o -_ rd_oi 1 i •i2nF1 sir—'• 3rd -3rd- - o. o. i• ii 8 i- -- 3rd— 3rd E 3 A w - 1E~ Y N { a 5th , - 6th — 11.1h- -6lh� �'~ m 1 - ,..ail. 6th 5._ —6th ----6th-� _•-6th 11 7111-____ rth 1 2 ra �_w - 3 5 -7th 7th I C vSlh- 1 t -th - City, of aSpokane Palley m 1 l E 1 -9th— m 10th Y I 3 101h - - ©— • 10.;; imp o I z o o. 1 — — ih t ii -- A al i 126,______ ._ ('i7— -i, -e- el f_?-. a - ' 13th m c ,n— r 13th 13!&1— 's$ D ?y I a 1 i 1414 140- II t.13th iia. 141+---0 -141h- 1 14th '31 1.4th- - c ' •. i1• _ 1511 rn 1 m ii.. -15th- -i 1 • -15th- - o I aPlh o Li 1.11-0 m .....,..._14,‘, . 1`3—. S i•• .,(•r_ •.,. ..-41.--w_.4.. l•.—...11.0. o :. 1�tt1 c3 > ) ° m m �7tn ; 7v, p s� 1t .. 1 1 1.-18th 1 181h- -18th - t w !I \`�1 •jok o ii -1611 8 _ Y •j- 191:1. N aadmeenandIslsueectlaca scanlnvl.iEAmectryle1homvadeu. ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet makes no clal'n.or G ua,anleeaatoul Ina accur cy or J Cynency of ads map and @Wanly d M1 CGlmf In DYay lea wort City of Spokane Valley and oml1-WO in M1a COMMA. n con Arm accuracy ppnUQ pate: 11/2/2011 Vie City of Spokane Val lay,Pcbl'w Works Depanmanl, Isopls2f-Aaoo- Community Development Legend S-T-R: 232544 Proposed Principal Arterial _, Aids to Mobility ll_ In Proposed MinorArterial 0 Obstacles IAIMEIZEMIll • • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change NEBI■.■■■II Principal Arterial v CEty of Spokane Valley 11..■■ ! I EMI a©m1 Minor Arterial ■P �■ ll R. em Sections Collector �■ I r-}a •• : State or Federal Parks PI■ , Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers yg Page:38 1 2 = � 'Riverside -M91n -Mai m I I ` ',Main-- • @ plvea}de. ,__ 132544 C a f Rive.- - A • ■ [• _ « •w =n's Via• ts. • 41 E 2 `• - -1st--- •---- • i • I j --2nd- rn 2nd- --�- 3rd •r► 3rd - . 3rd a E 12 c } c9i 3rd^� { M • - - - .Ira,-, I £ 9,- 1-5th V 5th_ Cryse�i 5th Z StF • V --8th --6 h — -6th • - -gttl 6th !I •-7th 1- th -I �`\e' ; �, re op- ! '6:1 tip - _ ' . :� .•. — U—OS 2424 I — c m City of Spokane Valley •• •. .91h— I°� I �101h-J —9th-- or 101 1QEh j • N 11tH c c i I 2 n i oo m 11th • ` l l th---- I i °t a o i a q m -U - c �1� h■ y — 1 - ? �. a_ I o •- m Q m 1 131h 13th U i L--13thi— 131h 1 ih - —• r kith } I i 44th_ a— - 14th -e L--1Sth c l m— 14th--1- r• o 15th- -3 j1 c E } m 6 1 Sih '� ci �1 -4∎0- _..� to -s- • �...._ (01 .+4• cs_._._ # ':(4 - _ 40 1 ) 171 • c --17th - -- --17th—- -- - _17th--— 17th--- t ' c i;` 1 , 1 18th=: . ..1 E 1 E ` 1 18th -181h- - `� D--18th- - E 1I A I '�.1? m -20Th 4911'1 -- .• • { -- 19th, I % u Notice :al;`.bet, n t p e.hemWne,e cl tulu seals inTheeCi� ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet Makes na deIms ar Daarahta of oheullhe accuracy Os I amencyof014mapandexpreshly disclaims liabie./fa,erran City of Spokane Valley end hm stems In es canlaas 10 cohnrm aauncy contact Date: 11/2/2011 tbq Crfy of Spokane Valtay,fay blie Wanks Department (iDa)82:-1000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 242544 Proposed Principal Arterial () Aids to Mobility r Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles 1•1165111111111111111 r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change INEN.■`�N Principal Arterial g_3,L City of Spokane Valley Minor Arterial !!*1u1 Sections JP-I-- • Collector �� r- r • Slate or Federal Parks 1 ! Lakes/Rivers EN - Sidewalks Page:40 I Mal Main 8_ i 1 ,Riverside-- 1 I ._ gy p ea.,, ,!IM -- op .,a Pike— ` - - - - Ve Ile . r - 1st- ±- '. K K w r r -Goy `' Ricela d I -_,.2nd m I In . E 2n 2 c,-Birch arch -3rd a z I r = l Spruce I 15 Ei r - 4th % 1 th�l ,`V 1-61h ` 1-6th Sth— 801 _ �7. `�� (.!l S aka Valley ; 1mmttit-utY f.-.,,e ve i - io" \.J" —4-92545-8th- II • IIfi —9u1- -i •y--,7 gth 1 j 11 C C 1-1(11 ,g S -t -11th ° C co m of to /A 1tJ- -4 12th ,o a 4- i 1.---.,...---2h•--- 4 I E I A R s -- --14th - g -14th 1 I i3 I1 r.r � -1SIh— 8 i! —6111-1111.011 . � II 17'11 c 17>h a, `11`-17th -ial;l #. .- '3 252544 *.,►� 1 302545 `yam e, M }'t IP" d Gin + 0 is 9- .'W \ N e.'� 0`w 1 a N Noka:Thalaformebon and.onfele map le complied Fane...11 ADA Survey 1 inch = 4 000 feet Ie U,Cea lnd 14 sut!nc110 conalantrnY31MR The t■ry • ) makes.o4Vna o,puaranlace about Na accuracy or currency or lnle map and wpreealy OreClalml nandly ror anon City of Spokane Valley (60 0ml.ar100,r it eanter.t. io cOnlrm aew,aay eOnlaal Date: 111212 011 PO Cary or Spokane Valley,ouolia MbHta Oapartmenr. Community Development (EOB)B1r-1000 Legend S-T-R: 192545 Proposed Principal Arterial , Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial (] Obstacles Ili M MN e Proposed Collector (..) Surface Height Change ��`��■■� Principal Arterial t -;City of Spokane Valley �■..■■■!� 1; _ Minor Arterial ■ PI III■■■,.,, r. Sections •� '`z°'''`z°'' �■■� I Collector State or Federal I Parks UM L I Lakes/Rivers NM Sidewalks Page:32 coot. 33044 VatleywaY r -Mali, • , I .. 132544 :. e 18 ` !issixon c 1 8 a ,• 0_aSpraguk � m r r l t — a .43 r I Q+rf.c P r-- 1 f L2md L — ,2nd- } a• 3rd- ! .9rd l 4th�,,, { -U�th- - - - = m U I a- P City of Spokane Valley blh / 8th- l stze f i a 242:5,4 -km - ' •=;.pg� 44- - __ • I n oc,„0._ r--1 i ' Crete", °°�'�e® gv�ti /r as0ilea t "c1=;53.,;1 4• 1 11Th c� -i 121h ' 12th 1;\ ;G7.^.2.G:iz.Z w�7..^.c'=Z:......^.7:='9—_=—..--,,..-..9C:C = • — — — —— _ — - -'��_ G afp 17th O 4 * ^52544 302545 292545 s ro U N Nolyd The infer mot on shown on;Mt mop 1,comollaY from Yarfoua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet aeafcea and n art Wee to canavent mothren.The clry MO.no dolma er gueianleer about the accWecy or currency of tilt meD and expo eely a ifelaime l.aaray for errors City of Spokane Valley a nd ern9 slam In At contents To cc,oi rm a eau n ry contact Date: 11/2/2011 "e`r21-100k°"e�IIoy,Pu In arts°e'°b° Community Development (5091 991.1000, Legend S-T-R: 202545 Proposed Pdnctpal Arterial .._.1 Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial Obstacles IIZZIRVIVINI—�� • •• • Proposed Collector (..? Surface Height Change �ii". I � •Principal Arterlal �r �.j City of Spokane Valley .;-i Minor Arterial Sections � �■■ a `'�_ —�-Collector q■■ � = State or Federal 1_,//1 Parks OEM I 1 1-likes/Rivers in Sidewalks Page:34 ,9 .. Vg4feY aY ' f �{ 1 152545 0 i Main z ;;� Cl of Liberty Lake '62645 • _ Riverside o a I o { U �� i7r —' Sprague i 'c e as 1st I 1.7 o 5sl I 41st i I. _:2nd I -3rd Cect 1 S44, Mkaview 1 City of Spokane Valley —3nlio 1 4th– — •4.� 1 4U, o �: 1• Cloverdale i 0 i ■ I Cloverdale 6th 5 i I i 91}a .3 ' Q4,, 11.40 1 _ r am 30.1711- 1 CO aeola'' - r_ ii b Aril 8th ... 1 a''i !oLl Wig\ Deb/S gJ 10th- - ■■■■ A �e�a.t 1Jt10111 a ■■/■■ 64/.4o a 11th m�+�+ n �ts` 7 LI I tip g 11th g a B c U 12Ui 12111 r A - - f- e ___ _-T- ..._________ 6 1 302545 292545 i ?P75 5 N r+eticm The larorma daa all OMaOnlhnmaplacompJ S leehamverleue ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet Noumea and is f ub eer l e eonaldnt nerl eon.The City make,no Ni m,Of guarantees aboUl IOC aec,l racy or currency or Mil map and erpree,ly dlaelNms u'bury far Wart City of Spokane Valley and amt 4000. :I,ooalenle Ii c•lace acmracy Banta et Date; 11/2/2011 DIM Cry ei Spokane Valley,Public Work,Da pan Tne of 1506,p„-,000. Community Development Legend S-T-R: 262543 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial C) Obstacles fiMa1 NM IIIKIIIMAMMIliilli • - • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change FION•..•■1111 Principal Arterial E. 0i.i City of Spokane Valley I— .■■..■.n •Minor Arterial .. * 11.■..e2 Sections ttti` M..�1111 Collector �� >_ t State or Federal E2Z Parks 11E11 • Sidewalks Lakes/Rivers In� Page:43 H • I- Su,• it 11 11 1 .. i —10th—. -10th n N n & n c,o -- 11 M M r)4 I — — 12th- I - .242 0 .-n1,,, Kehuna /1 - - n _ _—., rtCity'of'Spokane galley ,4th--- c 35th -15th il t 141th5_ H o `•. o w Gloria/ 1 c o II \ M U Fa m .. [ �17t j 17t,_ G g . o i I a I et, I 9 Aatt?r f i i' ACS r so [ ' 19th 11 3 City of Spokane - - 0 19th- 1 , .sf m i " °e 0 )11t itii EEO, C I 04� g 1 e i ec 54 f 282543 252543 211 210 • 5th I P c� 25th - 1 1 27th N No1Ke:TIIelrtlorm4noasm Own onleis maple compile/nom CV, wAOU• ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet N source,and ta IAiled to constant re laiaa The G mom no 4lalmr pr gave leer MOO tee aoW,ley er fncy OH.map and eaptaaalyMacalma liaoilysot emote City of Spokane Valley nd Gmiwona In ll aaetaela To cont m a000reay genteel Date: 11/2/2011 [ne City a.1000.ken e Valley.PuDila Wo.kaDspar en;• Community Development (509)9]1.1000. Legend S-T-R: 252543 • Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility 1-_ IM • Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles • • Proposed Collector J Surface Height Change Mill fir'' Principal Arterial '` City ii.1111.. .l1 p r�_.' _ C t� ilyolSpokaneVal(ey •Minor Arterial E ..111-e. Sections J �■.�N •Collector _ • - • State or Federal Parks Ell Lakes/Rivers • Sidewalks Page:41 } f 9th. 1 — 1 j 1 --10th E `—° e—- — 4Oth----e— l ° i.3 t4th- _3 co I (1) 1 -1-77. — ^S i I 12h__ 0 Ar� � J 7121h- o n000l3ga000nn00000n000aooaaEarrrrrrrw th ' }a 2: 254:a o ( If • / City of Spokane Valley N �, �, f 14th 14 —x. • D r e V. I c J I�rrrr L 3 al oy- ! 4 a — 17rF a CC o 1..§o tae o.... [ i In 1 /i J.4,, I -181h '" 1 4, 0 lath r'181hma 4.a �diiP4u1don.naEEA1 794 I 1 CQ 0 -19th 1 / m I { §b% s # 11. Ir r " I 1 1 262543 I QM 252543 302544 4 ii 1 0 1 cc i nu, NN Nana:The In farmahan shown on ale map larompliedM1omNrlaYa ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet \OUrcaI and II cUeieC Onl'anLnVribn The City 1 make,no elaimn er gua•ant to,ISO ul the ac curacy or currency cif Ns map WW1 erprouly el,,Llms a eb.ltty Iv won City of Spokane Valley eneemi„Ieea. e+co oleo„ To cenM1nn acne racy Cant+e Date: 11/2/2011 the Clry Orapekan+Valley.�ubne Nbalu Oeper'anenl Community Development tsoal e2 1-looa. Legend S-T-R: 292544 r Proposed PrincfpalArterial 0 Alds to Mobility �a i a MI Proposed MinorArterial a Obstacles � • Proposed Collector ci Surface Height Change ! l���■�� Principal Arterial ft a'i.i City of Spokane Valley �i�.i�i�ii Legend S-T-R: 282544 Proposed Principal Arterial _ Aids to Mobility — Proposed Minor Arterial C') Obstacles - -- Proposed Collector .C; � 1E111 Surface Height Change Principal Arterial IY t)City of Spokane Valley I `1 r Minor Arterial .ENP•1' c- Sections �,� I ■[ I r—4r- ' Collector • • . Slate or Federal Parks MI—111 Lakes/Rivers f Sidewalks Page:46 1(. c€Iroy i o 4 i ---14th -14th- 1 1dih. ��-14t b —2--15th -15th 8 1 151h = 45th-- — G g d I i \ ...., ) .1 171h—1 17Ith- g 47Th I it l7th C I 1 ` o0.i i ''3+4*, 1 • --18th- 180 # th =18th— `ai° f iSth —781h co`i -- •19th-- g —181h�.,. i / { 181h — --201h— T20th- ��. —21st 'f 3 list 218 Ey I I `U /215` 2nd -- 1'n �_"t-71:- --22nd 4 „/ 2 3t \') I y1` 28th �_�te 7.-,-..Ci o Spokan e-Y ley { o 4 OD ( 4: -40 it; -. ct 11 '- a a I o —25th * z 251h- /fo4 •26th- I - 13 r f �G„ leth c c t w- -- —271h- - — 27th S/ry� •27th--• °I --i---cc o I' 6 /e)v *4 ! 27th 281h-4. _c-- - - M o - �®no is —NI.. Il, _ 291h -Y 1 —Lenora---- 3lHtfOlh-- I —3 h :5!. 00 L_______ __31 _ • !i Oj irk I / —31ei- p _E-44?-.•.,_14) -y --SI - —114.-- - -r=-- --4.-----10.. -- - :,; K•- -�M•_--• .—e•�t ., N —33rd .0 rd o 3•)•),--i. d��� �4U1 1 r •y �44 • N__ .-- - 1 341 4544 A! a 1' N I Nobae The dn!atmallonI.Ciwn ON,map iAeamyildframverbor I ADA Survey 1 inch - 000 feet 100001 and Is weJ¢cl to eonstan!!e.+f!ee Tile Cary 1 makes no el=ms oi poa.nlem seoux me acewaey es rl` adirty pith t map ena.>m,a„lye„a,.,ac nrpuayont.,,on City of Spokane Valley and omn.isna in a contents,TO OOIElm accuracy nontact Na Ugofsocia. evalley,Publlcwo.ks OSpsrenent Community Development Date: 11/2/2011 (Spp)B7 t.t Ot]G. Legend S-T-R: 272544 • Proposed Principal Arterial r.-:: Aids lo Mobility - -- w Proposed Minor Arterial 0 Obstacles INKIIIMEtalEiln • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change lillEil. if Principal Arterial PIcoumonl7 puCity of Spokane Valley 111..111.1 111..111.1 la Minor Arterial r Sections �� Collector • = State or Federal Parks y ' _-1 L J Lakes/Rivers El Sidewalks Page:45 — ! 1 -4th 1a1h "iI_iAl 141h-r .6 141h• rir -44th °Z 22544 L 5 2;.:',..•J,� -,P...•.4+ .f 15th - - I O - 15th• - ea ev _40 - tor-116 • ' x' J, ! 5 o I o I 1 A j c Y . —171h 17th 0 7tt ,�_- i . -. i 8t - u IB._„ h 18th %h-43h• -- • \ ~--___ � m'nc4.' _ M '5 1 lath f IRr _ — —1 O --_ m s4ey-•y J." - °' '° ti -`-- - -20th — - -Sunnyside Q I ,20th "Yro • --___„.1....- r -21st - - -21a. i o �. �, Pj 7 —1-21st—r/ ' l 22nd -22nd- -•- co Ns \ \ -.+ 122nd-- . /-.2/ .a r / r 23 d -i 1 3rd Ter - e v:�arkfrP .11 C co i a Lily. of Spokane-Valley f f�;, co _2..1 .• -- w _ �• r st . ,oars; y :5th-- ` 26th -/5th- ■ L�- rdyr I ' } 1! m L y rr 6th- - J -m° (-26th j•6th— ►� l= tP,� ` 27th•i co c; —271h • V U �` 4 \ a° 27t a ' 41---1-271h- -- 28th- i ..- 1 26th :i' -281 4.._, Lut i: : ?9th y�mara -- edln 2 I 1' 30th c 47,11 ` 1'^ '' do ; m O� c c / -•30th-� I co ➢ ^' 1 I c cn o a 4 :LS 7 c D 2 . -°---31st-� i' 1 y i• o ; 7- 3 �i 1 ; 31 s1- - • 31 st -� i !f�J, -u-- 31st-o—J 1 l I -38rd o 1 ` .: -33rd I , 3 44L-3.4,4 1. . Ch,•• • 1 352544 6j;� a m a. 3 l e s I - n NNN.onct• Yh tin'Ormf tlOAPic."an MI*map laCamra led%OMNVIOYi ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet .o.mex and h subject to con Wet WSW%Iha Gd y 1,000 no derma or guarantees abeuz the accuracy or arreney or this map.nd eYenallly disclaim%:1.Di1.Sy roc amen City of Spokane Valley and om Ieltee.In Re cc me n la To mnerm ec.raoy contact Me Coy of Spoke n e Valley,Publie was..0 eparvnie nl Date: 11/2/2011 (50a)BT,AUS Community Development Legend S-T-R: 262544 Proposed Principal Arterial .: Aids to Mobility MI Proposed Minor Arterial ❑ Obstacles �II�EM:M r r Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change Eiglii■..■.n •Principal Arteriat ht-=i:-1 City of Spokane Valley •■.■■....a •Minor Arterial ,- ■it lin■r- nn I___ Sections Collector laMri. nn, ®J a = State or Federal 2'"1 Parks nn Sidewalks { -1 Lakes/Rivers EMI Page:44 1 14th 13th 8 13th - I._ 113th•ug ? m m -a-14th 4111 -- c .111.411. 15th--m y - 141h-t--g 2425 b a I 'rarayr•✓ O m y3-- —15th— -j 9 2 - •- I ` I co rn-15th a c r7- ttl— •t:[• •..� iii---Y4� [/ I` [� w1 lip A tit`' i� �i._. ... -171 { II m 17 h 17th-- 17[11 17th I m :i -181 _ E i 18th V - • 18th .b • j. - -18th-- • I ti I c t I '..,%g r! m I jc �a- a -�Ih �` re-111 w, Li l 18th. ! t`, a B 2 20th- �r. ` I 20th-I 2 th o_ 17 { S1' J'eke I\ i i - :21st- ..r a• • l - —1--21st- ../. >t ---City of Spokane Valley 1 �, —22nd— 22nd nd .sY• ti,�f I "2:— 2'7�ti . -. - ®23rd _23rd i •`1, 4 e View sa rk APoo - - I I -23rd I 4 m 1. ..L CO CO r CO .:X; 0-0- • •• a:►T•r1 c a �m 1 �/ —26th- �, 4 e ' Cl --26th— ' `m - -26th- $ 26th 5 .26th -;l ieeeeeeeeeet�Reeeee ■e!�eee* -28th ? ; \--%%1 C p Y i 1�Rw. wan 7th - i� 0 { 17th a a . I I 1 a 2.7t t r I '� I Ghee �� - - - —?8th-- f 8th-A c� I. sa+fe4 a MONElm" j ,: �� irk 1 nth- pp - _ _Q f 30th a I 30h c ,1 tir 1 1 1 Y n g • 151_1? - - -n.- ;3tat u, a_ 31:st i {3 3 I c 5 1 _ �e 'r• 111>rtlrtl+egelele 32r+d - -I - -- - e m 2 342544 1 362544 N Nate:Ina Intrnseeonen OWN ontnla mop peomplled Prom vedeu,and la ruDJera to co natant r ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 I 000 feet Lauren enuen Mt City malfei Pre craft,61 9uaranrees eeepr the acwracy or currency ertis map and&Ypreaarydiaclelinl IraDYCyrer errors City of Spokane Valley VC em,aalea.In Ra can/emit.r cone,?accuracy eerr,n Date: 11/2/2011 the dry al Spokane Valley.Pu DiIL Works Dapinm onf,6 {606) 71•r06d Community Development Legend S-T-R: 252544 - • Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility - -- w Proposed Minor Arterial n Obstacles IMIIIMIEMMIIIII • • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change ill�_�u Principal Arterial r';_ J City of Spokane Valley MEE q JLIr_iE Rai- 1 El Minor Arlerlal Collector Sections �� la c r- .,•- State or Federal 227,/Parks p, r-1 Lakes/Rivers a •Sidewalks Page:42 tc 1 1 Y I 1 Mh—- r:, J /-- f E ,�— —14th.- 2 1411;-,�.' - -F 1 --ii 2 2541 �. � 1s25,; C 151h--- 8 / _ 4*._ C����.; _ — 4 _.. - I 40 - _ --- �==-cezea-_'"=e-----e=='==c_ 17 a I X8 17th I 17th- - its ,�y / 2164 ,4 �\fieo a rerh -% er--e City ofSpokane Valley q/ d r7` m �� `� �en�/ (4,.- 2 n i tom o ��� e` .21.r•IF 10- 0th °a I a t ` { %-21St— �6. ' I �ow_-22r�1d cS r t ?4/ 2nd- �� �!*4eli 4Wf9 / ntl '22hd --% r • I O 41; a Jff �� -1 , 4. �23 d- rwV f a 00 r ,.t a f , „0 / / Wde -26th 1 V (/ ��®� ;; 26th' y % s I 261h m �n 0 H Cr Galaxy ❑n3af.ma ttt:aams.n7 T) ° I (1 II ‘,f- •so r:arnnrteraq„0yo� igy 2 �� t J f c. SecrBfarJal �' cY V .t a i 2 30Th o 1 %a b { Ft i 1 2. :32nd f° 32nd -- — - E E (7° 312545 L, s N Nance,Tnelere reel boa n thaw!onN,•mole&mppad from wren. ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet 1re We."VA Is lalsot le Connor reuielen T.City J 1 1 maker no clame er pu•r•nleas aeaut the accuracy Or currency of U'1l map and eMpgflly 111c:elm.11•n11ay lererroM1 City of Spokane Valley •nd omWmn•m rts cinte ma To c.eerne•candy ron•d Date: 11/2/2011 Ole C 1y of 6poka n e kJ/day,a ubl'q Works Oa pe rvnenr,gln (500 lopo Community Development Legend S-T-R: 302545 Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility INN • Proposed Minor Arterial (,) Obstacles LallE31 MItillErliallinilll •• • • Proposed Collector 0 i Surface Height Change ❑ �EM■■■�■u Principal Arterial �c °,City of Spokane Valley �■■.■■. .n❑ =ao Minor Arterial .1141 ■■■ , Sections Collector �:v ? . , Slate or Federal Parks Lakes/Rivers Ell Sidewalks Page:48 a a 12th rd 242544 7: 2O2545 i 0 r1 City of Spokane Valley aeaa___.•_.. :>; _____,��ae_s�n_-s�7���=_._____a__° - — — - �-- — - ��•• 171h e r8#5 % I i me 11 _ S'1 20th 0 a 9 �'ae Dayalar 17nclfic7.�7 c/ ye. -'^Daro I r \eat✓ a���� r g •City of,Spokane Valley *WOW i 302545 I 292545'36*e' %hire side i ®4 C i s c r £ a m y ¢�. ci•. Galaxy fn / I 1 1 27,,, e o 1 1 E. 1 sou, b { r- __ _I2Thi ._ .- 362544 I 312545 .s 322545 5 i N Horace.1he Inform ebon shown on chic maplo compiled from various ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet sources and Is suhJec110 Constant ta.slon.Ina City 1 make.no Claims 0r guarantees about the accuracy of currency 011011 map and aopao.,Iydlaaainu ash il(yfor aro'a City of Spokane Valley and e82.lona In 0.a Cantenta To conM1lm accuracy contact Date: 111212 011 the City of Spokane Va1!ay Publ:Works Oopana>ten,. Jsde�g�f.taoa Community Development Legend S-T-R: 322544 • Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility -^Mti I • • Proposed Minor Arterial U Obstacles lrRWATIMMIllilq L • Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change SISIIII■.■.q Principal Arterial ��_�2_ Cry of Spokane Valley •1111■ ■■.. ri,�7�'o Y P Y Minor Arterial Sections • '■■■•N Collector .��' State or Federal ' Parks 1 1111 Lakes(Rivers Sidewalks Page:49 0� f. c �„ l m -30th -- — 302544 a \ 4 I o d \ --_13151 a- -- -31ati- — _— _11-- - - i.,a�xcsxwsre r.=: - ' 6-fc, — _I.n V -r- u nL:1 rd— I } } 1341h- I g sway - •. --35th t - r e\ i 96th • 38 ra n o t 312544 ,A ti 332544 a r • City of Spokane Valley ) ...\ p��+ods' ..k'',, 1'''r Ppndra i _„, ,,,,, .., 0 rrt toinNadi i-•42nd- 3 ■� 43rd- v`s- or, 4,, ■i i t Af 43rd r g cc fl fi ,..1./...,” '9 -451h- 05 +'' r'7 / t Lri_' ? . 46th-- ,leth 1 N Hotbed The Information ahawnan ink map 15campIla dfromwdoaa ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet and Is auhjact ld eon au nt roNalol inn C: nukes no olai/na or gua•anteas%naut the acwracy or currency arihla map and a- ratty 011061ml liab:!M1y lm awls City of Spokane Valley and arnIaalona'+t pa t.nn tot.To pa nM1rm zaraay ca M1 act roil'', Va!lay;PUbllo kW rk.a Oea'arment, Community Development Date: 11/2/2011 '13GB)B2r-t 0110. Legend S-T-R: 332544 -• . Proposed Principal Arterial Aids to Mobility IMI Proposed Minor Arterial Obstacles MEER �1� ■�� Proposed Collector ) Surface Height Change � �■ • Principal Arterial u City of Spokane Valley •■■.■■■■.0 litraig>eo • Minor Arterial 4 11 s 11• 5 Sections •Collector • State or Federal Parks I J 1 Lakes/Rivers `, • - •Sidewalks Page:51 w' J I a� Lenora•- ` i -30th-m a 301h- re--- t U • —30N C 0— .—. y 4 13181 - - 31st- rA 1ei }}} =c. j l�� �r Yri I/ — 31st 1 T3rd-- -- 1 3xd a 1 N 33Id ix t b 7 - - - - - 4th t _ `qii - 341h r l �• 84th -35th - r- h�� 0 — c RR 1 m V O if- + 35th--1—-Aloha- -Hula-§ —- ./-t* .� I 8th- - - - 36th-- oc'':_1 ( ,. `<s -(-----37th- a. I, 1 { r - a 37th 3y @ �mfy R 01 X30 �f o --f , \� as 38th1 ' --38th 9th aDtn o ,e ---401h- M 'aim ikiligil City of Spokane Valley, 0 4) #� 41st `ki cirri,aron ( 1 i tt a 1 . 1 \._) o Pnndra _ 13$ ,. o o aim z 'or -4Zd m f p I I 43r5:1:9 ii 1 i r 1 a L I 46th i 1 52444 3 1` "j 444 032444 a. r 86th it Y L - N Notice:Tne Info/motion en own Onle la mop Itco MOO,eomwtuoe ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet source.end le mbJe c7 to constant ravidon,Tha city mevea no Llama or quuanlees.lout let accuracy OP 1 o,rreneyaflnb matt and e>,pte„tydl.ele�me,:abileyleeetro,a City of Spokane Valley end amiuiene in•1 on;enla Ta aena n„aeaney coatef, Date: 11/2)2011 V the City of Spokane Valley.Puhlla Wm.De paronent, (6091931.1000 Community Development Legend S-T-R: 342544 • Proposed Principal Arterial [.•: Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial C7 Obstacles �11MEM1::�11 • Proposed Collector C' Surface Height Change 11E11....• Principal Arterial h'E_IL'ii City of Spokane Valley iil■.■...■■ rInEinoSeclions .P■ ••.eE Minor Arterial Collector /' Parks +'� I r Slate or Federal . „ P1,•�� • Lakes/Rivers `,„,i ••- Sidewalks Page:52 — C,„,o/0 1 —Lenora S7W 1 U adllrt m r? e /�/ l ?8‘544 r .-:-_30th—( �G. 3 272544 C � 31st .• , rk 5 a1�t w. a- I %r'/ r �3 �31st- i —33n1.0 I • -33rd 1 cf_ .44 t .h I _34th ` I! ,�r .4,_,/... a = a m - 11 City of Spokane Valley-4. 14 37th 494 ' r 1 { a�F ° i 44. {° .o 4 I a � 4oth1 ( — Olh-- • / t 332544 . - • r17F!? Belle Terre 3 2544 'o , Usa Mk:hello S I N recc li 'I 4151 1 dist Il C e I k m 42nd tE . 8?r��y C'6a4 42nd %tieODhyq boo°rR7ver 0 IA 43rd si?,g `1 I i I ..1g".71114811-11:11'llrinj %l _ 022444 461h 1 4 I I r N NOeca.rnalnrorma0on shown on III li map is compiled from snriotra ADA Survey 1 inch = 1 000 feet FoUrces and ra lUbJecr to censllM rowlidn The dry I maps!ao[Alms of gualonlees Rohl Ws accuracy or ancyatismopand ekp^ealrydilclaJrnllieb:lOyrormen City of Spokane Valley nd 101.oal In as cpnlgaps•lc;harm aaW�dy mnraar Date: 11/2/2011 We City or Spokane Valley,RAW WOO!Department Community Development 16091 921•IGAG. Legend S-T-R: 052444 Proposed Principal Arterial 0 Aids to Mobility Proposed Minor Arterial Obstacles wwM� MI luWMEuuu -• r Proposed Collector di Surface Height Change uuu■■■■ u - Principal Arterial ',00s umu..m.0 u P %we City of Spokane Valley — •Minor Arterial — .111►!u.■■ u — i I Sections 13111111111§—- State or Federal r///1 Parks u — •Sidewalks C Lakes/Rivers E`. % Page:7 } r -� (-1 oar �. o Sry) p%s9 -P ndra / 7 :� P C�map�' 312544 p r l i j (42nd o7azimonEo -42nd G\ U. I 43 d t 'r 1 3rd n r 43rd j n 1 j e Ir, q o `n CO co tt i ° --451h- ,g u 131h 47 °n 481h lz 'City of Spokane Valley E-1 CC o n I u -48th 7th - 0 fooa7 2 A TX 1 c 5-Init110110 "1t11154MIAd. 4 D G I G II�� sath- .. a. -serial-Y � p`C1.0, —Ferret U Clf -If 062444 0524' %Emma alumna! 042444 9` • -,, 1.11 MillieEinn " 11 ' ri.1 n %g' de I o 5(eye I 121 U 0 ❑7r., Pia N Nonce The Ier ata,aoon Shown on this mepIsCamplted harm varteua ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet .and Is suhJee to constant ravrson,hie City moral no helms On g usrentse,aboed me scour say al DJ array armla map and e, To nIVr ac liee;dyaai of a" City of Spokane Valley BA 1921 100 N A Contents.Tn ConM1rm aauanrycan]aat me ay of Spekanevalloy,Puo:lc Wow Oopmrtmonl Date: 71/2/2011 (50319]1-LOGO Community Development Legend S-T-R: 042444 — - . Proposed Principal Arterial ._ Aids to Mobility MAIM MN - - i Proposed MinorArterial U Obstacles WIIMEra■.illi t. •• a Proposed Collector 0 Surface Height Change lillli■�■■■n Principal Arterial Fcs'U City of Spokane Valley ii■.■■ ■.■q 4oQOo � Minor Arterial ��►7111- .e21 Sections Collector q r-12' State or Federal 1/21 Parks -7,1▪ Sidewalks r. Lakes/Rivers 4 XI Page:5 - ?2544 I I f e J I :— 342544 t =— • I ( a p.45th . .. 1.Al J -,'��` _ • g /--,. ___,‘ g I • - -47th a (48lh— ) - -47th- - 1 ` '-ri i City of Spo a e Valley " p i c' Aunn(c r�.�.iair�.-■,r Henke n4---- n I mI Nez e• at- 4 CrPe I Ferrel" g0 —Ferret I g m l &ofh eV car; Gan 1 1 V - II"r-Terr i 032444• r1r2 r■ • �'� 042444 s .�imreck ) v sib flagstone i4 N • rr r>aq) Apache Pass 0 • Gertrude .rervade Sandstone e�F' 4) I ' O 0 Richar �."'/D ® n I Ia a ere ra . duoaasna5 loieke 1 Zuni 4" 1 I I Chester Creak I —I—Hellish — 082444 ,, — 09244 . 102444 N NohZo The lnrarm1110e SP OWd 041h li map Is co m plea hem rarlaup ADA Survey 1 inch = 1,000 feet sources and k sut)eel lc eonesaal'Mersa mi City > mates no Weans or Duleh',eCS stOU:010 accuraey of I ) (f` currency cd OrnkslOne map and etpressly moan ma Ire Tot errors City of Spokane Valley ____ ono omytloni N op sadenu.ToCeNlnnuweWel Tot err Date: 11/2/2011 He Cliy Of Spokona See Pay 7uolma Werke Department (509)621-1000. Community Development CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: Shoreline Master Program Update GOVERNING LEGISLATION: RCW 90.58 PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: Numerous discussions regarding local implementation of the Shoreline Management Act under RCW 90.58. BACKGROUND: An overview of the current Shoreline Master Program has been developed. The presentation will highlight the existing shoreline environment designations and regulations. Staff will discuss the information and answer questions from the Council. OPTIONS: N/A RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: None STAFF CONTACT: Lori Barlow, AICP, Senior Planner ATTACHMENTS: Shoreline Master Program Update Presentation City of Spokane Valley Current Shoreline Master Program Overview City Council Meeting January 17 , 2012 Whit is the shoreline Master Program ? Carries out the Policies of the SMA at the local level - Protect environment , promote water dependent / or oriented uses and promote public access opportunities ■ Regulates use and development of shorelines SMP includes Policies and Regulations based on state laws and rules tailored to our community inistrative Procedures for Permits ent Actions Background 2003 -Spokane Valley adopted County SMP as "Interim" Spokane County adopted SMP in 1974 Designations established based on 1970 ' s inventory 1 - Goals and Policies for Shoreline Elements 2 - Shoreline Management Areas (Desi nations) 3 - Policies �or Shoreline Use Activities 4 - Use Regulations (and Procedures) - Public Participation and Background Information 3 Section 1 Goals and Policies for Shoreline Elements 6 Elements Economic Development Public Access Element Recreation Element Shoreline Use Element Conservation Element Historical and Cultural Element Goals for Shorelines of Statewide Significance Section 2 Shoreline Management Areas 5 Distinct Designations Pastoral Conservancy .\/ Rural Natural Urban .\/ UPRIVER EN I"Immo pr Yi Only 3 designations are utilized in Spokane Valley Environmental designation CONSERVANCY RURAL NATURAL URBAN PASTORAL Pastoral Area T Provides for the preservation of open space and wildlife habitat Protects limited or undisturbed areas and preserves their natural quality as wildlife habitat and / or scenic beauty. Allows passive recreational and agricultural uses Typical characteristics Open spaces Shorelines that have physical limitations that preclude permanent structures (floodplains, steep slopes, etc.) Wildlife habitats/ecological systems intolerant of human disturbance Internet Example : Publicly owned recreational land 6 Conservancy Area Protects areas with recreational potential or areas with physical limitations . Preferred uses are those that will not affect the physical and biological resources of the area Typical characteristics Physical hazards / biophysical limitations , i .e. slopes , etc. Areas prone to flooding Areas w/ out water supply or sewer Use Examples All publicly owned parks and recreation areas Sullivan Shelter is designated as Conservancy Urban Area Intensely developed areas that include water- dependent / oriented commercial / industrial and residential uses Encourages multiple uses that enhance and maintain the shoreline Typical characteristics Land developed with urban uses (residential , commercial , industrial , streets , and community facilities) Section 3 policies for Shoreline Use Activities Contains policies for the local regulation of use - activities Each use is broadly defined Policies represent criteria upon which judgments of developments are based Provide the basis for development regulation of the uses 19 Policies for Activities / uses Identified Includes : Agricultural , aquaculture, forest management practices , commercial , marinas , mining , signs , residential , utilities , water related industry, solid waste disposal , roads , historical sites , recreation , landfill , dredging , bulkheads , docks , shoreline protection Section 4 Use Regulations Applicability: Applies to any proposed development , extension , or enlargement of any existing building or use in the shoreline area (200 ' from OHWM) No development allowed except that which is consistent with SMA, SMP and with a permit Contains general regulations that apply to all shoreline areas and use regulations specific to shoreline designation Permit Processing Procedures and Exemptions General Regulations Applicable to all Shoreline Management Arias f-w notable conditions Aesthetic quality of the shoreline considered a public resource ; views sh / b protected and enhanced No overwater structure allowed except those in the public interest (bridges , etc.) or specifically allowed in SMP (docks) No parking lots allowed Structure height limited to two stories or 35 ' No structures allowed w/ in 50 ' of OHWM exc . in the public interest. Adequate buffer areas of vegetation must be maintained to protect against erosion and runoff conditions Allowed Uses /Activities Agriculture Forest Manage /Clearing Commercial Develop't* Marinas Mining Signs /Outd ' r Advertising Residential Developm 't* Utilities Water Related Industry* Solid Waste Disposal Recreation Landfill Dredging Bulkheads* Piers and Docks* Shoreline Protection Natural I I I I Pastoral I I I I Conservancy I I I I Rural I I I I Urban I I I I 12 commercial Development Regs . Notable Regulations Conservancy and Rural Areas Only allowed if associated w/water dependent public use or private recreational development; other non water dependent uses must be 100' back; Not allowed w/ in 50' of the OHWM unless direct access required Adequate public access to, and along , the waterfront shall be provided Urban Area Shall not prevent or impair existing public access New development must consider visual quality including scenic views of, and from , the water 13 Residential Development Regs Notable Regulations Applies to any residential building , including MH Parks and subdivisions • New construction by home owner is exempt from Shoreline Permit, not shoreline policies • Natural , Pastoral and Conservancy Areas Subdivisions : requires that land within shoreline area be dedicated for recreational use or prohibits structures w/ i n shoreline area Existing Lots : Buildings , must be setback 50' from OHWM Rural & Urban Areas No buildings in flood hazard areas Aesthetics and natural character (views, soils and vegetation) must be preserved to the maximum extent possible 14 Water Related Industry Regs Notable Regulations Natural , Pastoral , and Conservancy Area: Industry Prohibited Rural Area and Urban Areas Must justify a need for location in shoreline area Only structures that are water dependent can locate w/ i n 50' of OHWM Existing public access must remain unobstructed Building coverage of 30- 40% maximum allowed in shoreline area Buildings required to be oriented perpendicular to the line of the OHWM _1E1E1=1 Bulkhead Regulations Notable Regulation Natural and Pastoral Area Allowed to protect water quality and aquatic life from erosion or siltation Rural , Conservancy and Urban Areas Allowed to provide public recreation areas Provide public access to waterfront (if no other alternative ) Protect upland areas from erosion Provide access to watercraft Preferred riprap construction Shall not extend landfills into the water Bulkheads adjacent to Spokane River 16 Piers and Docks Notable Regulations Private residential docks less than $ 10 ,000 . are allowed in all designations and are exempt from shoreline permit process Natural and Pastoral Area No docks allowed except private residential docks Conservancy and Rural Area Docks may be permitted for public recreational use Urban Area Piers and docks allowed for commercial / public use. Docks adjacent to the Spokane River Ad ml n istrative Procedures ■ 3 Processes Exemptions : Development exempt from permit process - not exempt from SMP regulations or policies Examples : Normal Maintenance or repair of structures Construction of bulkhead, emergency construction to protect property, barn or agricultural structure, single family home, docks, less than $ 10,000 Developments costing less than $ 5 ,000 ( $ 5 , 718. adjusted for inflation) Shoreline Substantial Development Permits Reviewed and approved by City; reviewed by DOE Conditional Uses and Variances Applies to development that can meet the policies of the SMA if conditions are applied or projects impacted by special circumstances that render the property unable to meet the regulations Reviewed by City, Approved by DOE; Problems and Opportunities Problems with Existing SMP Outdated Environment Designations Designations don 't relate to existing land uses or biological conditions � Regulations prohibit development w/ in shoreline area Buffer unnecessarily restrictive in some areas Opportunities with New SMP Updated Inventories Effectively protect resources More Accurate OHWM Save property owners time and money Update Regulations to address known issues Flexibility Buffers that relate to physical environment Questions ! CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ❑ information ® admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: West Entry Gateway Signage & Landscaping GOVERNING LEGISLATION: N/A PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: The City Council has reviewed several signage option concepts for potential entry signs. The Council asked that a citizen's survey be set up to solicit input from citizens on the various signage concepts. Recently the City Council narrowed the entry sign concepts to one and asked to have landscaped concepts for the west entry developed with costs. BACKGROUND: The City of Spokane Valley has been in existence since 2003. There is a growing interest in establishing a City of Spokane Valley identity recognizable by our citizens. The City Council is interested in exploring potential signage options for a variety of City uses. The Parks & Recreation Department presented several signage concepts for the City Council's review and comments along with input from a citizen's survey. Sign concepts have been narrowed by the City Council. Direction was given to develop signage/landscape concepts for the City's west entry. Recently concepts were revised to allow for the potential placement of a sculpture as a part of west entry gateway project. OPTIONS: Select entry development option OR provide additional direction to staff. RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: Council Direction BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: Once a development concept is selected, there will be a budget impact cost to construct, install and maintain the sign. STAFF CONTACT: Michael D. Stone, Director of Parks and Recreation ATTACHMENTS: PowerPoint Presentation S p iiikane/I , , Valle y® Y r MT■ LA LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE & PLANNING WWW.MT-LA.CO M WEST ENTRY GATEWAY SIGNAGE DEVELOPMENT CITY OF SPOKANE EY SITE LOCATION AND CONDITIONS ar E APPLEWAY BLVD. The site is located between E Appleway and E Sprague directly east of 1-90 Sprague exit. The site is currently a vacant lot with weeds and sparse grass. Currently, there is no water or electrical service to the site. Water service is available off site from Spokane County Water District 3 northwest of the site on the adjacent property. Electrical service is available at the south west corner along Appleway. 4 CONCEPT #1 SCULPTURE LOCATED IN CENTER OF PROPERTY SIGN CONCEPT EXISTING BUILDING �•r_■ a . ,u _ �._ 6 PERENNIAL • PLANTINGS 2 • „sees S THIERMAN RD. BOWHALL RED J 3_/ MAPLE GOW MNAR TULIP TREE ARNOLD SENTINEL APPLE WAY BOULEVARD CALLOUTS 1 CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN WITH LIGHT 2 ART LOCATION 3 NEW SIDEWALK 4 PROPERTY LINE,TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS 5 TRASH RECEPTACLE 6 IRRIGATED LAWN 7 EXISTING SIDEWALK 8 MOW CURB Concept #1 locates the art piece at the center of the site. The sign is located near the east property corner. The sign and sculpture are located on mounds to increase visibility. Columnar red maples border the streets and enclose rows of flowering crabapples reflecting the agricultural heritage of Appleway. CONCEPT #2 SCULPTURE LOCATED AT MID-POINT OF WEST PROPERTY LINE COLUMNAR TALI' TREE- ARNOLD SENTINEL CALLOUTS 1 CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN WITH LIGHT 2 ART LOCATION 3 NEW SIDEWALK 4 PROPERTY LINE,TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS 5 TRASH RECEPTACLE 6 IRRIGATED LAWN 7 EXISTING SIDEWALK 8 MOW CURB The city's sign is located on the east end of the site surrounded by perennial plantings and a backdrop of evergreen and deciduous trees. This concept incorporates the sculpture in its own setting on the west side of the site. The sculpture is on an elevated platform with perennial plantings. Flowering crabapple trees form the backdrop. CONCEPT #3 SCULPTURE LOCATED AT SOUTH WEST PROPERTY CORNER SIGN CONCEPT EXISTING BUILDING CENTURION-' CRABAPPLE COLUMNAR TULIP • TREE /_BRONS SIBERIAN PERENNIAL PLANTINGS SCARLET OAK PERENNIAL PLANTINGS I • COLUMNAR TULIP TREE . APPLEWAY BOULEVARD ARNOLD SENTINEL 4ST CALLOUTS CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN WITH LIGHT 2 ART LOCATION 3 NEW SIDEWALK 4 PROPERTY LINE,TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS 5 TRASH RECEPTACLE 6 IRRIGATED LAWN 7 EXISTING SIDEWALK 8 MOW CURB This concept features a sculpture location at south west corner of the site. The sculpture can be accessed from the new sidewalk on Appleway. Perennial plantings and evergreen trees frame the sculpture and create a sense of place. The sign would again be located at the east corner with rows of crabapple trees in the lawn. CONCEPT #4 ART LOCATED AT EAST PROPERTY CORNER SIGN CONCEPT CALLOUTS ECWI1ALL RED MAPL l: i EXISTING BUILDING CENTURION CRABAPPLE COLUMNAR TULIP TREE /-ARNOLD SENTINEL SCARLET OAK BOWHALL RED MAPLE APPLEWAY BOULEVARD 1 CITY IDENTIFICATION SIGN WITH LIGHT 2 ART LOCATION 3 NEW SIDEWALK 4 PROPERTY LINE,TRAFFIC CONTROL POSTS 5 TRASH RECEPTACLE 6 IRRIGATED LAWN 7 EXISTING SIDEWALK $ MOW CURB The final option locates the sculpture at the eastern most corner of the site. The sculpture would be in a plaza visible from the intersection. Plantings would separate the sign and sculpture, providing a back drop for both. Columnar deciduous trees would frame the flowering crabapples that screen the property to the west. CONCEPT ELEVATION AND PLANT MATERIAL This elevation depicts the West Entry sign framed with deciduous trees with three evergreen trees as a backdrop. A large deciduous tree accentuates the planting and further buffers the sign. Holiday lights could be installed on the evergreen trees. The trees shown at the bottom left represent examples of possible tree selections. CONCEPT COST ESTIMATES Option Number Total Total with Contingency Possible Additional Costs Option #1 $104,932.70 $115,425.97 $6,000.00 Option #2 $111,742.49 $122,916.74 $6,000.00 Option #3 $106,747.80 $117,422.58 $6,000.00 Option #4 $110,019.21 $121,021 .13 $6,000.00 DRAFT ADVANCE AGENDA For Planning Discussion Purposes Only as of January 12,2012; 8:30 a.m. Please note this is a work in progress; items are tentative To: Council & Staff From: City Clerk,by direction of City Manager Re: Draft Schedule for Upcoming Council Meetings January 24, 2012, NO MEETING (Councilmembers travel to Olympia for CLAC) January 25-26: CLAC(City Legislative Action Conference)-Olympia January 31,2012, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Jan 23] ACTION ITEM: 1.Motion Consideration: Senske Contract Renewal-Mike Stone (15 minutes) NON-ACTION ITEMS: 2.Andy Dunau, Spokane River Trail&Improvements (25 minutes) 3.Amendment to 2012 Budget(Sprague Stormwater,Quiet Zones,Gateway Signs)—Mark Calhoun (20 min) 4. Spokane Valley Municipal Code Miscellaneous Ordinance,Housekeeping Items—Cary Driskell(10 min) 5. Revisions to Title 24 Building Code —Doug Powell,John Hohman (20 minutes) 6. Economic Development Comp Plan Chapter—Scott Kuhta (20 minutes) 7. Potential Park Land Acquisition—Mike Jackson/Mike Stone (20 minutes) 8.Advance Agenda (5 minutes) 9.Info Only: (a) CDBG Update; (b)Dept. Reports; (c) UGA Update [*estimated meeting: 135 minutes] February 7,2012, Council/Staff Retreat,8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m.,Rm 213,CenterPlace [due Fri,Jan 27] Possible topics: Council Goals; Economic Development; Capital Projects; Citywide Survey; Parks & Rec. Master Plan; Special Events Permits/Charitable Solicitations;Potential Park Land Acquisition February 7,2012,Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Jan 30] 1. Spokane Regional Sports Commission(Sports Marketing&Its Impact in the Valley)—Eric Sawyer (20 min) 2.Fire Department Interlocal Agreement(fees)—Cary Driskell (15 minutes) 3. Corridor Mixed Use &Garden Office—Scott Kuhta (20 minutes) 4. Governance Manual Discussion—Chris Bainbridge (30 minutes) 5. Computer/Laptop Agenda Training—Greg Bingaman (30 minutes) 6.Advance Agenda [*estimated meeting: 115 minutes] February 14, 2012,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 6] 1. PUBLIC HEARING: Amended 2012 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 2. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 3.First Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2012 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 4.First Readings Proposed Ordinances Amending SVMC Housekeeping—Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 5.Admin Report: Lodging Tax—Round Two—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) [*estimated meeting: 65 minutes] February 21,2012, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [possible joint mtg w/SVPlanning Commission] [due Mon,Feb 13] Draft Advance Agenda 1/12/2012 2:32:24 PM Page 1 of 2 February 28, 2012,Formal Meeting Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Tues,Feb 21] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Second Reading Proposed Ordinance Amending 2012 Budget—Mark Calhoun (10 minutes) 3. Second Readings Proposed Ordinances Amending SVMC Housekeeping—Cary Driskell (20 minutes) 4.Motion Consideration: Approval of Fire Department Interlocal Agreement(fees)—C. Driskell (10 minutes) 5. Info Only: Dept Reports [*estimated meeting: minutes] March 6,2012,Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,Feb 27] 1.Advance Agenda NLC Congressional City Conference:March 10-14, 2012, Washington,D.C. March 13, 2012,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 5] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) 2.Motion: Lodging Tax Allocations—Mark Calhoun (20 minutes) March 20, 2012, Study Session Format, 6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 12] 1. Advance Agenda March 27,2012,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 19] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll minutes) (5 minutes) 2. Info Only: Dept Reports [*estimated meeting: minutes] April 3,2012, Study Session Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,March 26] 1.Advance Agenda April 10, 2012,Formal Meeting Format,6:00 p.m. [due Mon,April 2] 1. Consent Agenda(claims,payroll,minutes) (5 minutes) OTHER PENDING AND/OR UPCOMING ISSUES/MEETINGS: Bidding Contracts(SVMC 3.—bidding exceptions) Sidewalks Centennial Trail Agreement Speed Limits,(overall system) Contracts,Annual Renewals,histories,etc. Sprague Appleway Corridor Environ.Assessment Ending Fund Balance Street Preservation Governor's Budget Reduction Alts,Review of Graffiti,Code Enforcement,etc. *time for public or council comments not included Great Northern Railroad Right-of-way Investment Accounts Landscaping Code Amendments(K.Kendall) Law Enforcement Interlocal Amendment Manufactured Homes Mission Ave Design(Mission&Long ped. crossing) Prosecution Services Public Input Process for Capital Projects Revenue Policy,Cost Recovery Senior Housing Shoreline Draft Goals and Policies Draft Advance Agenda 1/12/2012 2:32:24 PM Page 2 of 2 CITY OF SPOKANE VALLEY Request for Council Action Meeting Date: January 17, 2012 Department Director Approval: Check all that apply: ❑ consent ❑ old business ❑ new business ❑ public hearing ® information ❑ admin. report ❑ pending legislation ❑ executive session AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2013 Ten Year Anniversary GOVERNING LEGISLATION: none PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION TAKEN: BACKGROUND: Since 2008, the annually updated Six Year Business Plan has included "Enhance community interest and involvement in City government" as a goal using a strategy to "Promote a unique, Spokane Valley identity especially for the celebration of the City's ten-year anniversary." On March 31, 2013, the City of Spokane Valley will mark its ten-year anniversary of incorporation. The occasion offers opportunities not only for commemorating the milestone, but also for promoting the city's identity, engaging and building positive relationships between the City and the community, and improving name recognition for economic development and tourism. As with the five-year anniversary, we propose organizing a community committee with representatives of key local organizations and entities to help plan the year-long, community- wide celebration. Types of events organized in collaboration with these entities and others may include developing a theme for the anniversary, an anniversary logo that can be used by organizations as part of their own anniversary events/commemorations/advertising, museum exhibits, a community "Anniversary Party," a designated "Spokane Valley Day" at the interstate fair, and others. Input and ideas from Councilmembers are welcomed. Staff will return in March with an administrative report for committee recruitment as well as timelines for committee meetings and informational follow-ups with the Council. OPTIONS: For information only RECOMMENDED ACTION OR MOTION: N/A — input and ideas from Councilmembers are welcome. BUDGET/FINANCIAL IMPACTS: STAFF CONTACT: ATTACHMENTS: Spokane Valley 11707 E Sprague Ave Suite 106 • Spokane Valley WA 99206 509.921.1000 • Fax: 509.921.1008 • cityhall®spokanevalley.org Memorandum To: Mike Jackson, City Manager Mayor Towey and Members of Council From: Morgan Koudelka, Senior Administrative Analyst Date: January 17, 2012 Re: Traffic School Follow-Up Questions from the January 10, Council meeting 1. Why aren't people who receive traffic tickets from the Washington State Patrol allowed to participate in the Traffic School? The traffic school is run by the Spokane County Sheriff's Office which does not have jurisdiction over state offenses. The parameters of participation in the traffic school are set according to the discretion of the Sheriff's Office, which only pertains to tickets issued by the Sheriff's Office. 2. Why isn't there an option for deferral listed on the back of the ticket? The format of the issued tickets is determined by the state and they have not included this option as allowable to be printed on the tickets. The deferral option is defined by the state and requires the receiver of the ticket to pay a $150 administrative fee but the charge is deferred, and if no other tickets are received in the following year, the original charge is dismissed. The receiver of the ticket may also be required to participate in the traffic school. If another ticket is received in the year's time, both the deferred charge and the new charge will go on the driver's record and both fines will be required. An individual may only utilize the deferral program once every seven years and participation is at the discretion of the judicial officer. In contrast, completion of the traffic school permanently eliminates the charge and participation is limited to once every eighteen months. The traffic school option also is not listed on the ticket but flyers are distributed by officers when issuing the ticket.