PC APPROVED Minutes 02-16-12.pdf Spokane Valley Planning Commission APPROVED Minutes Council Chambers — City Hall, 11707 E. Sprague Ave. February 16, 2012 L CALL TO ORDER Chairman Bates called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. IL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Commissioners, staff and audience stood for the pledge of allegiance IIL ROLL CALL Commissioners Bates, Carroll, Hall, Higgins, Sands, and Stoy were present. Commissioner Neill was absent. Commissioner Stoy made a motion to excuse Commissianer Neill'�from the meeting. Staff attending the meeting:, Scott Kuhta, Planning Manager; Mike Basinger, Senior Planner; Christina Janssen, Assistant Planner; Kelly Kc�nkright, Deputy City Attorney; Deanna Griffith, Administrative Assistant IV. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Commissioner Stoy made a mc�tian to approve the agenda as presented. This motion was passed unanimously. V. COMMISSION BUSINESS A. New Business:' Study Session 2012 Annual Comprehensive Plan amendments Study Session Senior Planner'�.Mike Basinger made a��''presentation to the Commissioners regarding the Comprehensive Plan, why it is needed, the purpose of the annual amendments, and how the amendments are processed. Mr. Basinger ''�� stated that there were seven privately initiated site specific map amendments, and four chapter text amendments. Mr. Basinger reminded the Commissioners����� that the determination for them would be if the request is appropriate in this area,����� not what could be proposed to be built there. Mr. Basinger shared that Asst. Planner Christina Janssen would be presenting four of the seven site specific map amendments, Mr. Basinger will be presenting the other three site specific map amendments'����and the four text amendments. Ms Janssen started with the site specific map amendments which are have been assigned to her: CPA-01-12 — Located at 12510/12512 E Olive. Request to change from Low Density Residential to Medium Density Residential. Commissioners asked about setbacks, other dwelling units in the area. CPA-02-12 — Located at 16913 E Mission. Request to change from Low Density Residential to Mixed Use Center. This parcel is located just north of Indiana extension. 02-16-12 Planning Commission Minutes Page 1 of 3 The parcel has a single family residence and a greenhouse operation on it currently. Commissioners asked as to what was on the east, which is a single family residence. CPA-04-12 — Located at 805 N Park Rd. Request to change from low Density Residential to Neighborhood Commercial. This is located off of Park and Broadway. The north and south east corners are both already zoned neighborhood commercial. CPA-06-12 — Located at 1114 N Vercler. Request to change from Low Density Residential to Office. This is located near the hospital and against another parcel which is also zoned Office. After Ms. Janssen completed her presentation and Mr. Basinger began his presentation of the amendments assigned to him. CPA-03-12 — Located at 15922/16002 E Broadway. ����� Request to change frc�m Office to Community Commercial. The applicant is asking for this change,_in order �for it to be more marketable. Sr. Planner Basinger said the area is changing and has been for years. Planning manager Kuhta added small parcels are difficult tc� develop along the edge of large commercial developments. Commissioners asked for the difference between community commercial and regional commercial. It was explained that it would be size and draw of the stores. Regional would be big parcels big box stores, like Walmart and Kohls, but it is not necessarily a zone'that one wc�uld want to�����have creep it into the residential areas, some of the uses allowed in���the regional����commercial that would be a concern to allow right next to residential zones.'�� CPA-05-12 — Located at 601 N Cc�nklin. Request to change from medium Density Residential to High Density Residential. This is ��'a large parcel located farther down Broadway. Utilities are a�ailable����� to the site. '��� Multi-family-2 is common in large open spaces. Commissioners asked about families along Moore. The property is surrounded on sides by low family residential�����. It is� an'�'�established neighborhood, however the area around it has been changing for years. It is difficult to find large parcels like this near services, however the'neighborhood will probably stay. CPA-07-12 — Located at �����15712 E Broadway. Request to change from Office to Garnmunity Cc�mmercial. Several owners came together to submit a request to change all of these parcels' to match the surrounding transitional area. Mr. Basinger stated there is a ch�rch on one parcel� and they plan to continue with the property just the way that it is, however they want to'change the designation to make the property more marketable. CPA-08-12 — Text amendment to Chapter 2, Land Use, and Staff have updated population �� estimates, updated figure 2.1 by land use designation, revised potential annexation area language, updated Map 2.1 to reflect the site-specific map requests if approved. Commissioners asked if parks level of service was behind, Mr. Basinger stated yes, however the population figures had been adjusted based on the 2010 census. There was a discussion regarding marketable land. CPA-09-12 — Text amendments to Chapter 3, Transportation. Staff have deleted all references to non-motorized transportation and referenced back to the newly adopted Chapter 11 Bike and Pedestrian Element of the Comprehensive Plan and have removed the non-motorized goals and policies as well and referenced them to Chapter 11 as well. Map 3.1 Arterial Street Plan has been updated. Map 3.2 the Pedestrian Map has been 02-16-12 Planning Commission Minutes Page 2 of 3 deleted and all the bike and pedestrian maps are now located in Chapter 11, and the rest of the maps have been renumbered. CPA-10-12 — Text amendments to Chapter 4, Capital Facilities updated the 6-year TIP, updated the population projections, facility and service data. Map 4.5 has been update to reflect the 6-year sewer proj ects. CPA-11-12 — Text amendments to Chapter 7, Economic Development, updated the entire chapter with employment status, wages, most of the statistics have been updated to reflect more current information. Map 7.1 has been updated to reflect current development activity, updated the goals and policies to reflect the current times. Commissioner Carroll stated he noticed the reference made on page 19 of 24 on the 9th line should say Spokane region or Spokane Valley, he felt that as it was currently written it only reflected a reference to the City of Spokane. VL ADJOURNMENT The being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 7:17 p'�,m��. SUBMITTED: APPROVED: ' Deanna Griffith, Secretary Bill Bates, Chairperson 02-16-12 Planning Commission Minutes Page 3 of 3