Resolution 12-001 amends 2012 TIP CITY QI'$POI�AiN�VALLEY SPOI�AN� COUNTY,WASHINGTON RES�LUTION NO. 12-QUl A RESOLUTION AM�NDING TH� 2012 TRANSPQRTATI(}N IMFROVEM�NT PROGRAM FOR TH� CITY Or SPOKAN�VALL�Y. Wi�REAS, tlie Spo�Cane Valley City Cou��cil did adopt by Resolution No, 11-005, tfie 2012- 2017 Six-Year Transpo��tatioti I���pi•ovemeEit P►-og��am {Tlp) ��ith sucli prog�°am acting as a guide for tl�e caordinated de�elopinaiit of the City's trarispa�•tation syste�n; and WI�REAS, changes in certai��fu►idi�ig sources aiid project schedules have occ�irred; and V�HEREAS, the attac�ied AtY�eiided 2012 TIP �ncot•porate� said clfanges for yeae 2p 12; and WHEREAS, the amendments to th� 2012 TIl' aee consistejrt �vitli Spokaife Valley's aciopted Co�np�•ei�ensive Pla�a. NQW THEREFORE, be it resolved by tlte City Council of die City of SJ�akane Vatley, Spokatie County, Washij�gton, �s fallo��s: T1�e City Councii hereby adopts tl�e attaclied Amended 2012 TIP for tl�e City of Spokane Valley for the �ui-pose of guiding th� design, �evelopment anc� consti•uctio�i of lacal a»d z•egional transpartatiou improvements for the year 2p12. The City Cleck is directed to file the Amended 2{112 TIP tivith the Wasiiitlgton State Secreta�y of Transpartatia�i uot i;iore tl�an 30 days after adoption of khis Resolutzozl. �'rojects a�ic3 timeframes identified in �I�e TIP are to be conside7�ed estirnates only tltat may chatige {lli0 t0 c1 V`ell'lEly Of C1I'CliIIlStc�I1C�5, �►zd are not inte��cied by the City to be relied u�on by property o�vners or developecs in makia�g developn�e►it decisio�is, This Resolution sl�all be in fiill force aeici effect r►pon �e3optio�i. Adopted k}ais 27`�`clay of Marcli, 2012. - � � �� � Tliotnas E. To�vey, MayoM• ATTEST: `:% c, �� r �/ rr1 ,� � l- ///y/�/ � (. V�-... rV'+'� '+8. Cl�risti�je Baitibt•idge, ity CIerk A��proved a�to Form: 5 f�� �. . �� � � � ,��_ Office of th City Att����iey Resalution 12-{�01,Adoptiug Ame��deci 2012 TIP City of 5pokane Valley Department of Public Works Adopte[I 20i2 7ransportafic���Improvemant f'rogram Primary Cfty Tolai 2012 P�.# Project From Ta Source Amount Project Costs 1 0060 Argonne Road Corridar Impravements I-90 TrenS CMAQ S 79,OQ0 S 5ti2,00D 2 0061 Pines Corridor CTS Sprague Trenf GMAQ S 238,OQ0 S 1,775,0�0 3 UOS9 ?ark Road Project 2(RWICN flnly) Broadway Indiana STP(U) � Z0,000 S 150,000 4 0115 5prague Reconsiruction#2 Evergreen Sullivan STP(P) � 188,000 S 1,394,000 5 0123 Missian Av�Improvement Project(PEIRW On1y) Flora Barker STP(U) 5 96,000 S 7'i 1,Q00 6 0133 Spraguel5ullivan ITS McDonaldlSpeague Sullivanll-9D CMAL� � 34,000 �a 253,DOD 7 0145 Spokane Vailey-Millwood Trail(PE Only) 5CC Valley PJIa11 STP(E) $ - � 372,0€}0 8 0146 24th Avenue S�devralk Projecf Adams Sullivan TIB-USP � 132,Q04 $ 258,(IQQ 9 Oi48 Greenacres Trail(PE Only) Sullivan Hodges ��GBG $ - S 5d,Ofl(? i� 0149 Sideavalk Infill Prpjact Variaus lacations CMAQ $ 108,40� � 539,Ofl0 �1 0154 Sidewalk 8�Transit Stop Accessibility Various focakions FTA $ G3,4DD S 315,000 i2 0155 5ullivan Wesf�ridge#4508 Sullivan @5pokane f2iuer BR $ 226,400 $ 1,128,000 13 0156 Mansfield Ave Connection Project(PElRW flnly) Pines(SR 27) Houk St. C�v1AQ S 1fl0,0a0 $ 738,000 14 Q1$Q Universiiy Rdll-9D Overpass Study University I-9D CMAQ � 34,000 $ 250,OOD 15 Broadtivay Ave Improvemenis Fiora 8arker T18-UCP $ 151,000 $ 755,000 16 Sullivan Road Corridor Traffic Study I-90 Wellesl�y STP(U) � 27,000 � 2a0,000 17 Sullivan Rd1UPRl�Overpass Bridge Resurfacing Sullivan @t1PRR Overpass BR � 149,OOD $ 7G6,OOQ $ 1,&45,OOQ � 10,216,000 Funded Projects Added Projeets Pianned Projecls City oF Spokane Va11ey Department af PEiblic Works AMENDED 2012 Transpartation Impravement Progran� Resolutidn 12-001,(NSarch 27,2012) Primary Ciiy Tota12012 Proj.# Projeci From To Source Amaunt Projeci Cosis 1 OOD5 PineslMansfield Monlgamery Pines(Sft-27) City-303 S 463,�00 �a 463,fl00 2 0060 Argonne Road Corridor Improvemenfs I-90 Trent CMAQ S 145,400 �v 1,100,Ofl0 3 0081 Pines Corridor IYS Sprague Trent CMAQ $ 25t],Q00 �v 1,850,000 4 0115 5prague Reconstruction#2 Evergreen Sullivan TIB 5 858,0�0 $ 9,878,000 5 0123 Mission Ave Improv�ment Projecf(PE1RW Qnly) Flora Barker 5TP(U) 5 96,Q00 $ 711,000 6 U133 5praguelSullivan ITS Sprague Su4livanll-90 CMAQ S 104,000 S 456,pOp 7 U1�1 Suilivai�lEucfid PCC Inlerseclion(PEIRW only} Sullivan Eiiclid 5TP{U) $ 5,000 $ 40,000 8 01a2 t3roadway cx Arc�onne1Mu11an PCC Interseclions(PE1RW only} Broadtivay c�iArgonnelMull�rt 5TP{U) 5 37,3(}a $ 276,300 9 0145 Sppkane Valley-Miliwood Trail(PE Only) SCC Valley Mall STP(E) � - S 500,000 10 0146 24th Avenue Sidewalk Prajeci Adams Sullivan TIB-USP $ 132,000 S 258,000 11 0748 Greenacres Trail(PE Only)' Sullivan Hodges EECBG � - a 48,OD0 12 0149 Sidewalk Infill Projec9 Various locations CMAQ � 108,p00 �v 53�J,000 13 0150 Sullivan Bridge Drain Reirofd Sullivan Britlge southbounei OOE $ 79,100 $ 316,600 14 0151 ST�P Pavehack-Green H2ven proJect Various locations Cily-310 S 11t3,000 S 118,000 i5 0154 Sidewalk&�Transit Stap Accessibiliky Uarious Iocaiions FTA $ 37,D00 $ 215,Q00 t6 0155 5ull€van West Bridge#45aB Su�livan @Spokane River BR �a 22fa,000 � 1,'f28,000 17 0156 Mansfield Ave Connection Projec4(PEIRW pnly) Prnes(�R 27) Hauk St. CMAQ $ 100,000 � 738,�00 i S 0157 5ullivan Britlye Temporary Repairs Suilivan Bridye soulhbountl Ci1y-311 $ 200,000 S ?0�,000 19 �15�3 Universiiy Rdll-90 Qverpass St�Fdy University I-90 CMAQ $ 34,000 a 250,OOD 20 0160 F�vergreen�?oad Rehahilitafion 16kh 32iid City-101 S fii 1,000 $ 998,951 ?.1 Sprague Avenue curi�r�+m��s Fancher H�vana CDBG $ - S 195,410 22 WellesleyAvelAdamsRci.Sideti^ralkproject SullivanlTrenl IsenPiariNVellesley Sr�7S � 36,Q00 5 6Ji,0�0 a 3,603,400 � 14,890,1fi1 Pioje.ts and timeframes identified in ihe T�aze to 6a censidzced estimates ont}'that msy^thangz due ta a rariery oftircunzslances,and are not intendzd 6}•Ihe City to be reliel ugon bp p:apzrt}•onners ni de��eloprrs in malcing deszl�pment de:isiorts. Funded PtoJecCS Added ProjeGs 2011 Gerry 4ver ProJecls 'fvSay ba delay�d pendlnr�RQW Issues. C:1UserslcbainbrldgerAppDatalLaca11A+1iaosoitlWindo,vslTemporary Internel FileslContentOutlook1L711150GL4mended 2012 TIP 3129I2pi2