12-058-021 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY DECEMBER 2011: Box #2: ARCHIVE BOX #12-058-021 FOLLOWING F1NAL PLATS, MAPS, DRAWINGS,PLANS, ETC: #902 yeliow ta�, Paui Subdivision 27-25-44. Street profile: Collins Street. Plat book 11,page 80, Plat#2176 #911 yeliow ta�, 11`�Addition to Veradale Hei�hts 14-25-44. 1973.Plat Book 11, Page 61, Plat#2153 #915 yeliow ta�, Bartholomew Subdivision 2-25-44. A subdivision of Tract 13 of Trentwood Orchards. Plat Book 12,page 11, Plat#2216 #916 yeliow ta�,Appie Valiev Estates 2°a Addition Includes street profile: 5�'Avenue #918 yeliow ta�Myron Estates No. 3 4-24-44.Plat Book 11,page 82,Plat#2178 Includes map of Myron Estates No. 2 First Addition April 1974 #918A yeliow ta�, Myron Estates No. 4 4-24-44. Plat Book 11,Page 91,Plat#2191 #920 yeliow ta�, Gaii's Park Estates 27-25-44.Plat Book 11,page 65,Plat#2151 May 1975 ]Note: Plat#'s very difficult to read] #928 yeliow ta�, Rothford Acre Tracts 25-25-44. Plat Book 12,page 3,plat#2203. 1974. Shows 14�'Avenue #940 yeliow ta�. Aloha First Addition 33-25-44. Street profile: 35�'Avenue and Woodward Road Plat Book 11,page 87,Plat#2184 #951 yeliow ta�, Hilicrest Acres 7`�Addition 1975. 27-25-44.Plat Book 12,page 10, Plat#2215 Includes Street profile 27�'Avenue, Cherry Street #955 yeliow ta�.Veradale Hei�hts 12`�Addition #14-25-44.Plat book 12,page 8,plat#2213. [note:plat#'s very difficult to read] #959 yeliow ta�,Veradale Hei�hts, 13`�Addition 14-25-44.Plat book 12,plat#2222,Page 16. 1975 #961 yeliow ta�,Valiev View Hilis 5`�Addition 25-25-43.plat book 12,page 22,plat#2228. January 1975 Page 1 of 4 #961A yeliow ta�,Valiev View Hilis 6`�Addition Plat Book 12,page 29,Plat#2236. Sept 1975 Includes drainage control plan #967 yeliow ta�, Pondra Pines Addition 32-25-44. Pondra Drive—43rd Court. Includes street profile & Storm drainage plan for University Road—Raymond Court and Pondra Drive—Felts Court #968 yeliow ta�, Rid�emont Estates 25-25-44. mentions Renz Subdivision No. 1, Vera Crest Drive 1975. Ridgemont Estates utility easements #969 yeliow ta�, Forest Meadow Addition 33-25-44.Profile 49"'Darcy Estates Profile 43rd Avenue, Court, Cimmaron Drive, Forest Meadow Drive Forest Meadows Pond #973 yeliow ta�, Pierce Addition 21-25-44. 1975 Plat Book 12, Page 27, Plat#2234 #974 yeliow ta�Hennessev Subdivision 23-25-44.Plat Book 12,page 47,Plat#2253 #976 Yeliow ta�; Weliesiev Manor 3ra Addition #36-26-44. Plat Book 12,page 35, Plat#2243 #976 A Yeliow ta�,Weliesiev Manor 4`�Addition 36-26-44. Includes Street Profile Wabash Avenue & Isenhart Court 1980. #979 yeliow ta�. Eva Addition 3-28-44. Plat Book 12,Page 55,Plat#2261. #980 yeliow ta�, Lehi Subdivision 23-25-44. Street profile Bolivar Street. Includes water map.Plat Book 12,page 69, Plat#2296. #981,yeliow ta�, Southern's Mobile Park Addition Plat Book 15, Page 82, Plat#2599. 1979. #987 yeliow ta�, Forest Meadow ls`Addition 33-25-44. Street Profile. Plat Book 23, Page 63, Plat#2270 #988 yeliow ta�, Pondra East 33-25-44. 1976. #990 yeliow ta� Si's Subdivision #23-25-44.Plat book 13,page 2,plat#2309 #991 yeliow ta� Sherwood Forest 1976. 20-25-44. Road Profile: 8�'Avenue, Woodruff, Farr Road, 11"'Avenue, Robinhood Street, Crossbow Court, Littlejohn Court Page 2 of 4 Archery Avenue and 10`i'Ave. Mariam Street. Archery and 9`i'Avenue. #992 yeliow ta�,Aiki East 15-25-44. Includes street profile drainage map Virginia Court #993 yeliow ta�.Wiibur Addition 9-25-44. Shows street profile, drainage map for Nora Avenue and Wilbur Streets. Plat Book 12,page 76,Plat#2283 #994 yeliow ta�, Loita's Subdivision 15-25-44. 1976.Plat Book 12, Page 13, Plat#2280 #995 yeliow ta�, John Henry Subdivision 13-25-44. April 1976. Includes water map #996 yeliow ta�. Fairacres Repiat#2 9-25-44. #997 yeliow ta�, Best View Subdivision 14-25-44. Mission Avenue. Best Road to Adams Road #984 yeliow ta�Darcv Estates Includes map of Pondra East, Darcy Estates with street Profile Darcy Drive 1976. #985 yeliow ta�,Aloha 2°a Addition 33-25-44. Includes street profile Woodard Road #1104 yeliow ta�, South Ever�reen Addition 27-25-44. includes water plan. 1978. Plat Book 13, Page 91, Plat#2400 #1105 yeliow ta�, Siivev Subdivision #23-25-44. Includes street profiles 3rd Avenue and Best Road 1977 #1110 yeliow ta�, Moen Addition to Greenacres 19-25-45. 1977. #1130 yeliow ta�. Simpson Addition to Greenacres 7-25-45. 1978.Plat Book 14,Page 22,Plat#2432 #1132 yeliow ta�, Gentry Subdivision #14-25-44. 1977 #1137 yeliow ta�, Dorn First Addition Plat book 13,page 99,plat#2408. Dec 1977 #1138 yeliow ta�, Buriin�ton Northern Parkwater Industriai Park 13025-43. #1139 yeliow ta�, Kari's First Addition 20-25-44. 1977. Plat Book 13, Page 98, Plat#2407. #1160 yeliow ta�.Vera Crest Page 3 of 4 26-25-44. 1978. Includes street profile Burns Street and 23rd Court. Also Progress Road #1163 yeliow ta�, Meadows End 10-25-44. 1979. Shows Heater Wood PUD #1168 Yeliow ta�, Midilome First Addition Finai Piat 33-25-44.Plat book 15,page 35,plat#2554 Street Profiles 37�'Avenue, 36�'Avenue, 35�'Avenue, Fox Court and Fox Street. 1979 #1168 B yeliow ta�Midilome 2°a Addition 33-25-44. Final plat.NE quarter section 33, Township 25 N. Range 44. East/West Meridian #1168C veliow ta�. Midilome 3ra Addition 33-25-44. 1984. #1168 E yeliow ta�, Midilome 5`�Addition Plat Book 18,page 10,Plat#2941. 1989. #1168G veliow ta�Midilome 7`�Addition Street plan 40�'Avenue; Plat Book 20,page 92,Plat#3098 #1168H yeliow ta�, Midilome 8`�Addition 1993. Plat Book 21,page 54,Plat#3141 #1169 yeliow ta�Ber�e's Addition 22-25-44. 1978.Plat Book 14,Page 36.Plat#2448 #1188 yeliow ta�, Pace Addition 35-26-44.Plan and profile: Wabash Avenue. 1986 A replat of part of tract 115 of plat 4 west farms irrigated tracks Plat book 18,page 8,plat#2846 Shows Alexander's Subdivision #1194 yeliow ta�, Kissire Addition 23-25-43.Plat book 14,page 39, Plat#2451 #1196,yeliow ta�. Simpson's First Addition to Greenacres 1978 Plat book 14,page 79, Plat#2493. Includes water plan. #1435 C veliow ta�, Brentwood Forest 3ra Plat Book 21, page 30,plat#3126 Page 4 of 4