12-058-027 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box# 12-058-027 #171 �reen ta�, Hoods Subdivision, 12/9/1953 Section 14, T25N, R44E #174 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Veradale Park Addition, December 1953 NE 1/4, Section 14, T25N, R44E, WM #176�reen ta�, Opportunitv Terrace Subdivision, 2/15/1954 A subdivision of part of the W 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of Section 27, T25N, R44E, WM #177 �reen ta�, Farr-Mission Subdivision, 2/23/1954 Of the W 1/2 of Tract 309, Section 8, T25N, R44E, WM #178 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Moore's Park Subdivision of Tract 154-Vera, 12/12/1953 Being a part of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 22, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #179 �reen ta�, Repiat of Biock 25 of Universitv Piace, 2/15/1954 SE 1/4 of Section 20, TWP 24N, R44E, WM #180 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Fiorence Subdivision of part of Tract 81 of Opportunitv, 2/23/1954. S 1/2, Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM #181 �reen ta�, Piat of Maxweli's Subdivision, 2/23/1954 Being part of the S 1/2 of Tract 12 of Opportunity, in the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 16, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #182 �reen ta�, Piat of Ebei's Subdivision bein� a subdivision of Tract 1 of Opportunitv, 2/26/1954. NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM #183 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Oid Orchard Subdivision, 2/23/54 Vol. 3,Page 11,Plat#1285 Located in Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #184 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Locust View Subdivision, 4/20/54 Subdivision of part of Tract 358, Opportunity Plat 2, Section 8, T25N, R44E, WM #185 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Guthrie's Valiev View 2°a Addition, 2/26/54 Being the S 1/2, S 1/2,NW 1/4,NE 1/4 Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM #186�reen ta�, Piat of Reeder's Addition, 4/6/54 Being the E 1/2 of the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #187 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Vista Gardens No 2,4/13/54 A subdivision of the W 190 feet of Block 7, Santa Rosa Park, Section 7, T25N, R44E, WM #188 �reen ta�, Finai Piat, Micheielii Subdivision, 4/6/54 Vol. 3,Page 23,Plat#1297.Part of Tract 72, Section 16, T25N, R44E, WM #189 �reen ta�, Piat of Earison Addition, 5/14/54 Being the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4, except the W 6 acres thereof and accept the W 321 ft, of that part of said SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the SW 1/4 lying E of the W 6 acres thereof, all in Section 21, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #190 �reen ta�, Newer Subdivision, 6/4/54 Subdivision of Part of Tract 72, Vera, Section 23, T25N, R44E, WM #192 �reen ta�, Finai Piat Mountain Valiev Subdivision, 6/25/54 Subdivision of Part of SW 1/4 Section 7, T25N, R44E,WM #193 �reen ta�, Easton Subdivision, a subdivision of the E 1/2 of Tract 111, Opportunitv, 7/9/54. Vol. 3,Page 36,Plat#1310 . A subdivision of the E 1/2 of Tract 111, Opportunity SW 1/4, Section 16, T25N, R44E, WM #194 �reen ta�, Finai Piat of Hovt-Iwata Addition, 7/9/54 Located in SW 1/4, Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #198 �reen ta�, Mountain View Section Addition, 7/20/54 Located in NE 1/4, Section 28, T25N, R44E, WM #199 �reen ta�, Finai Pian Guthrie's Valiev View 3ra Addition, 7/20/54 Vol. 3,Page 41,Plat#1315. Being the S 1/2,N 1/2,NW 1/4,NE 1/4, SW 1/4, Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #200 yeliow ta�, Piat of Maurer Subdivision, 7/13/54 Of Tract 1, of Santa Rosa Park, in the SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 7, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #201 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Broadwav View Addition, 7/27/54 Of part of Godt Lot 3 of Section 18, T25N, R44E, WM #202 yeliow ta�, First Addition to Opportunitv Terrace, 7/23/54 A subdivision of part of the E 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Section 27, T25N, R44E, WM #203 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat,Vista Gardens No. 3, 7/20/54 Vol. 3,Page 46,Plat#1320 A subdivision of part of Government Lot 3, Section 7, T25N, R44E, WM #204 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat, Evans Addition, 8/13/54 Vol. 3,Page 47,Plat#1321. Located in SW 1/4, Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM #205 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat, Burcheli First Addition, 8/13/54 Vol. 3,Page 48,Plat#1322. Located in NE 1/4, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #206 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat, Dahien Subdivision, 8/31/54 Vol. 3,Page 51,Plat#1325. A subdivision of part of Tract 188, Opportunity, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #207 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat, Feits Road First Addition, 7/8/49 Vol. 3,Page 49,Plat#1323. A subdivision of part of the S 1/2 of Tract 27, Opportunity, Section 17, T25N, R44E, WM #208 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat, Barmettier's First Addition, 8/31/54 Vol. 3,Page 52,Plat#1326. A subdivision of part of the NE 1/4 of Section 15, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #209 yeliow ta�, Piat of Dorn's Addition, 8/27/54 Vol. 3,Page 50,Plat#1324 Being the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 18, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #210 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Heistrom's Repiat of Bik 3 &Lots 14-15 & 16 Bik 4, Mission-Pines Subdivision, 8/26/54 Vol. 3,Page 56,Plat#1330. Lying in the NE 4 Section 16, T25N, R44E, WM and within Tracts 7 & 8 Opportunity #211 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Heistrom's Lamotte Subdivision, 9/10/54 Vol. 3,Page 55,Plat#1329. Located in Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #212 yeliow ta�, Fieidstad Subdivision, 9/17/54 Of Part of Tract 49 of Opportunity, Section 16, T25N,R44E, WM #213 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Renner Subdivision, 9/17/54 Vol. 3,Page 57,Plat#1331. A subdivision of part of S 1/2,NW 1/4,NW 1/4, Section 23, T25N, R44E, WM #214 yeliow ta�, Biakes Addition to Greenacres, 9/2/54 Vol. 3,Page 60,Plat#1334. Located in SW 1/4, SE 1/4, Section 18, T25N, R44E, WM #216 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Guthrie's Valiev View 4`�Addition, 10/22/54 A subdivision ofpart of SW 1/4,NE 1/4, Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM #217 yeliow ta�,Amended Piat of Twin-View Addition, 1/31/55 Vol. 3,Page 72,Plat#1346. A subdivision of part of the SE 1/4 of Section 21, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #221 yeliow ta�, Harmons Subdivision, 12/7/54 SW 1/4 of Tract 127, Opportunity, Lying in the SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 Section 16, T25N, R44E, WM #223 yeliow ta�, Sommer's Addition to Woodward Park Addition, 12/24/54 SE 1/4, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #225 yeliow ta�, Caroline Hood's Subdivision, 2/7/55 In Tract 113 of Opportunity, S 1/2, Section 16, T25N,R44E, WM #226 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of West Dishman, 3/1/55 Vol. 3,Page 77,Plat#1351. Being parts of the NE 1/4 and the NW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 19 and parts of the NW 1/4 and the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 20, all in Twp 25N, R44E, WM #227 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Madden Subdivision, 11/7/55 A subdivision of part of the N 1/2 of Tract 27 of Opportunity in Section 17, T25N, R44E, WM #228 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Grav Addition, 3/22/55 Located in NE 1/4, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #230 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Moore's Suburban Homes Addition, 3/22/55 Vol. 3,Page 83,Plat#1357. Located in NE 1/4, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #231 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Michielii Park, 3/22/55 A replat of Lots 7, 8 8 9 of Blk 6 of Hutchinson's Addition in the NE 1/4 of Section 18, T25N, R44E, WM #233 yeliow ta�, Piat of Owens Subdivision, 2/1/55 Vol. 3,Page 88,Plat#1362. Being part of the NE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 in Section 15, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #235 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of McIntire Addition, 5/6/55 Located in SE 1/4, Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #236 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Green Valiev Addition, 5/3/55 Vol. 3,Page 92,Plat#1366. Located in NW 1/4, Section 23, T25N, R44E, WM #237 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Grav First Addition, 5/3/55 Vol. 3,Page 94,Plat#1368. Located in NE 1/4, Section 22, T25N, R44E, WM #238 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Ever�reen Acres Addition, 4/25/55 Vol. 3,Page 91,Plat#1365. A subdivision of part of the W1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14, T25N, R44E, WM #239 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Second Addition to Opportunitv Terrace, 4/27/55 Vol. 3,Page 90,Plat#1364. A subdivision of that portion of the NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 lying N or SSH No3-H in Section 27, T25N, R44E, WM #241 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Oberiin Terrace Subdivision, 4/28/55 Vol. 3,Page 93,Plat#1367. A subdivision of a part of tract 53 of Opportunity in the N 1/2 of Section 17, T25N, R44E, WM #243 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Cherry Acres Subdivision, 5/6/55 Vol. 3,Page 97,Plat#1371. Located in S 1/2, Section 23, T25N, R44E, WM #246 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Bar-Mor Hei�hts Addition, 6/23/55 Vol. 4,Page 14,Plat#1388. Subdivision of part of the SE 1/4 of section 21, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #247 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Michener's Repiat, 6/14/55 Vol. 4,Page 13,Plat#1387. A replat of part of block four of Hutchinson's Add in Section 18, T25N, R44E, WM #248 yeliow ta�, Piat of Johnson's Subdivision, 10/4/57 Vol. 5,Page 76,Plat#1547. Being the N 310 feet of tract 235 of Opportunity, in the N 1/2 of Section 20, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #250 yeliow ta�, Kralik Subdivision, 7/19/55 Of part of tract 146 of Vera, S 1/2, Section 23, T25N, R44E, WM #252 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Third Addition to Veradale Hei�hts, 5/6/55 Located in NW 1/4, Section 14, T25N, R44E, WM #253 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Third Addition to Opportunitv Terrace, 5/24/55 A subdivision in the N 1/2 of Section 27, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #254 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat St. Mary Addition, 3/27/56 A subdivision in the NE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 23, TWP 25N, R44E, WM Vol. 4,Page 90,Plat#1462 #255 yeliow ta�, Piat of Ben's Subdivision, 2/24/56 Being a part of tract 175, of Vera in the SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 22, TWP 25N, R44E, WM #256 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Brockman's Addition, 5/20/55 Vol. 4,Page 8,Plat#1382. Being the N 237 ft. of the S 1092 ft. of the E 26325 ft. of the E 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Section 14, TWP 25N, R44E, WM except E 20 ft. thereof. #260 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Schmidt Subdivision of part of tract 25 of Trentwood Orchards, 6/23/55 Vol. 4,Page 15,Plat#1389. Located in NE 1/4, Section 2, T25N, R44E, WM #261 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat of Mountain View Third Addition, 7/8/55 Located in NE 1/4, Section 28, T25N, R44E, WM #262 yeliow ta�, Opportunitv Hei�hts Addition, 6/28/55 Vol. 4,Page 21,Plat#1395. Located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 21, T25N, R44E, WM #264 yeliow ta�, Mirabeau Ranch Addition, 6/28/55 Located in the N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 9, T25N,R44E, WM #265 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Alexander's Subdivision, 9/2/55 Of the W 1/2 of the W 1/2 of tract 114 of West Farms Irrigated Tract,Plat 4, Section 35, T26N, R44E, WM #267 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Krue�er's Addition, 10/4/55 A plat in the E 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of Section 2, T25N, R44E, WM #268 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Karie's Subdivision, 9/15/55 A subdivision of part of tracts 230 &231 of Opportunity in Section 20, T25N, R44E, WM #269 yeliow ta�, Finai Piat Karie's Subdivision, 9/15/55