12-058-028 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box#12-058-028 #125 �reen ta�. Woodio Hei�hts—Tract 298 of Opportunitv; 7/1952 S �/z Sect. 8, T25N., R44E. W. M. #156�reen ta�. Piat of Baumann's Subdivision; 6/12/1953 West�/z of Tract 186 and the east�/z of Tract 187 of Opportunity in the S �/z of the N.W. '/4 of Section 22, TWP. 25N. RGE. 44E.W.M. #142 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Burcheli Subdivision of Part of Tract 185 of Opportunitv; 5/1953 Located in NW'/4, Sec. 22-T25N-R44 E.W.M. #136�reen ta�. Finai Piat Broadwav Terrace; 5/1952 Subdivision of part of Tract 79, Opportunity 15-25-44 #140 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Park Road ls`Addition; 4/1953 Part of Government Lot 1 Sec.18, T25N., R.44E.W.M. #118 �reen ta�. McDonaid Tracts; 9/1952 Subdivision of Part of Tract 126 &McCabe's Home Tracts of Vera #168 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Guthrie's Valiev View Addition; Piat#1273; 11/4/1953 Being the S �/z NW'/4 NE'/4 SW'/4 Section 21, T. 25N.R.44 E.W.M #112 �reen ta�. Piat of West Valiev Addition No. 4; 5/15/1952 Being the NE'/4 of the NE'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 18, TWP. 25N RGE 44 E.W.M #109A�reen ta�. Finai Piat of Manifoid Homes Addition to Greenacres, Piat# 1193 Being a subdivision of Tracts 1,2 and the East 1083 feet of Tract 3, Block 25 of Corbin Addition to Greenacres situated in the NE'/4 of the NW'/4 section 19 t25N.R. 45E.W.M. #106�reen ta�. Piat of Rawiin�s Subdivision of Tract 102 of Opportunitv; 2/15/1952 Being in the SW'/4 of Section 17, TWP25N.Rge.44E.W.M. #108 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Zie�lers Subdivision; 3/1952 Of the East 253.6 Feet of the West 653.6 Feet of the North 687.5 Feet of the South 767.5 Feet of the SW'/4 SW'/4, Sec. 14, T25N, 44 E.W.M. #114 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Messin�er's 2°a Addition to Opprotunitv; 5/16/1952 Being part of the Tract 47 in Opportunity in the SW'/4 of the NE'/4 of Section 16, TWp 25 N. RGE. 44 E.W.M. #145 �reen ta�. Piat of Hubbard Addition to Greenacres; BK 2 P� 65 Piat#1239; 6/8/1953 Being a prt of the SW'/4 of the SE'/4 of the SE'/4 of Section 18, T25N.R45E.W.M. #138 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Vista Grardens; 5/1953 Subdivision of the W �/z Block 8 of Santa Rosa Park #96 tan ta�. Finai Piat McCabe's Home Tracts Subdivision; 8/10/1951 W �/z of Block 125 and of Block 128 of Vera #110 �reen ta�. Piat of Swisher's Addition; 3/24/1952 The North 165.0 Feet of Tract 51, of Vera, Except the West 140 Feet thereof in the NW'/4 of the SE'/4 of Section 14 T25N. R.44 EWM #102 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Sorensen's Subdivision; 8/1951 Part of Tract 196—Opportunity #101 �reen ta�. Finai Piat West Valiev Addition No. 3; 4/1951 NW'/4 of the NE'/4 of the NW'/4 of sec 18, T25N., R.44E., W.M. #99 tan ta�. Finai Piat Opportunitv Suburbs; 10/16/1950 The East 690.0 Feet of the NW'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 28, TWP 25 N. RGE. 44 EWM #097 tan ta�. Piot Pian of Chester Hilis Addition; Bk 1 P�92 Piat# 1166; 11/10/1951 The east�/z of the NE'/4 except the North 30 ft thereof, and that portion of the North�/z of the SE'/4 Lying East of the Dishman Mica Road, All in section 29, T25 N R. 44 EWM #109 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Peckenpau�ht's Subdivision; 3/1952 Of Part of Tract 93 —Opportunity #115 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Burcheli Addition; 7/1952 Located in NE'/4 Section 22-T25N-R44EWM #111 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Mrubach's Subdivision; 3/1952 Part of Tract 49 of Vera #117 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of White Addition; 9/1952 Located in NE 1.4, Section 14-T25N-R44EWM #100 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Subdivision of Part of the East One-Third of Tract 121, Opportunitv; 11/1951; Bk 1 P�99 Piat#1173 #131 �reen ta�. Piat of Veradale Homes Subdivision of Tract 61,Vera; 10/31/1952 Bk 2 P�41 Piatt#1215 Being Part of SW'/4 of the SW'/4 of the SE'/4 of Section 14, TWP. 25N.RGE44EWM #126�reen ta�. Finai Piat Ferrei's Subdivision; 5/16/1952 Of the East�/z of Tract 115 of Vera #119 �reen ta�. Finai Piat ARA—boone Addition#2; 6/1952 Subdivision of Part of Tract 59, Opportunity #113 �reen ta�. Parkers Subivision; Bk 2 P� 17 Piat#1191; 6/19/1952 Of West�/z of Tract 'S7 & East�/z of Tract 58, Opportunity #92 white ta�. Finai Piat Stevick Addition; 4/1951 Part of the SE'/4 of the NW'/4 of Sesc. 3, T. 25N., R. 44E., W.M. #169 �reen ta�. Piat of Birkett's Subdivision; 8/16/1953 Of the North�/z of Tract 130 of Vera; Being part of the SE'/4 of the SE'/4 of Section 15, TWP. 25N.RGE. 44 E.W.M. #95 tan ta�. Finai Piat ARA—Boone Addition Part of Tract 17, T25N.R.44 E.W.M. #105 �reen ta�. Piat of Bascetta's Addition; Bk 2 P� 2 Piat#1176; 2/25/1952 Being the S �/z of the NE'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 18, T25N.R44E.W.M #103 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Veradale Hei�hts; Bk 1 P� 100 Piat#1174 Located in W �/z, section 14-T25N-R44EWM #150 �reen ta�. Piat of Fiorelii Addition; Bk 2 P� 15 Piat#1249; 7/10/1953 Being that part of the S �/z of the NW'/4 of the SE'/4 of the NW'/4 of section 18 T25NR44E., Except the southerly 25 feet thereof. #139 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Smilev Subdivision; 5/1953 Part of Tract 30 of Trentwood Orchards #162 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Second Addition to Veradale Hei�hts; Bk 2 P�91 Piat#1265; 9/1953 Located in SW'/4 Sec. 14 T25N-R44EEWM #166 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Gioia Subdivision; Bk 2 P� 97 Piat#1271; 8/1953 Block 3 of Tract 67 of Opportunity Located in NE'/4, Sec. 17-T25n-R44EWM #127 A&B �reen ta�s. Piat of West Valiev Addition #5; Bk 2 P�38 Piat#1212 dated 2/6/1953 &Bk 2 P�246 Piat #1220 dated 3/30/53 Being Part of the N. �/z of the SW'/4 Section 7, TWP25N RGE 44EWM #135 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Park—Nora Subdivision; 4/1953 Part of Block 3, Santa Rosa Park #94 tan ta�. Finai Piat of Graham's Subdivision, 8/1951 Of Parts of Tracts 25 & 26, Opportunity #137 �reen ta�. Piat of Veradale Homes ls`Addition; 4/20/1953 Being Part of SE'/4 of the SE'/4 of the SW'/4 of Section 14, TWP 25N RGE 44EWM #130 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of lst Addition to Veradale Hei�hts; 1/1953 Located in SW'/4 Section 14—T25N-R44EWM #134 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Silas Johnson's Addition; 7/8/1952 Being a subdivision of Tract 58 of Trentwood Orchards, in the SW'/4 of the NE'/4 of Section 3, TWP25N RGE 44EWM #93 tan ta�. Finai Piat of Messin�er Addition to Opportunitv; 8/18/1951 Being part of Tract 47 in Opportunity in the SW'/4 of the NE'/4 of Section 16. TWP. 25 N.RGE. 44EWM #153 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Le��e Subdivision of Part of Tract 116 of Piat No. 4 of West Farms Irri�ated Tracts; 7/1953 Located in SE'/4 Section 34 T26N-R44EWM #149 �reen ta�. Hitchcock's Subdivision; 6/30/1953 In the S �/z of Tract 128 of Opportunity #143 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Feits Road Subdivision; Bk 2 P� 62 Piat#1236; 5/22/1953 Of part of Tract 54 of Opportunity #163 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Repiat of Biock 1 of Messin�er's 2°a Addition; 10/1953 Also Part of Tract 47 of Opportunity Located in NE'/4 Section 16—T25N-R44EWM #151 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Tart's Subdivision, 6/1953 A subdivision of Part of Tract 127 of Vera #164 �reen ta�. Svmons Addition; 10/1953 Empire Heights, Appleway Heights, Woodlawn Park