12-058-029 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box #12-058-029 # No-Taq,Vallev Qualitv Homes Roadwav Improvements, Flora Ave, 10/15/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98114 #K-1 beiqe taq, Vallev Fourth Memorial Church, 24th & Bowdish, 9/17/1996 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B96045 #K-2, beiqe taq, Skipworth Sonrise Place Manufactured Home Park, Industrial Park, 12/3/1997 M H P-0003-97 #K-6 beiqe taq, Farr Industrial Park, 9708 E Montqomerv, NE 1/4 of Section 8, T25N, R44E WM, 6/4/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98010 #K-7 beiqe taq, Mitchell Storaqe Buildinq, Flora Road, 6/5/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98040 #K-8 beiqe taq, Lvdiq Construction Office, 11001 E Montqomerv, 10/8/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98078 #K-10 beiqe taq, Spokane Teachers Credit Union Vallev Branch, E 13501 Spraque, 6/24/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B97193 #K-17 beiqe taq, Comfort Inn Road Improvements, Dver and Mallon. Sec 13, T25N, R43E WM, 9/29/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98003 #K-20 beiqe taq, Vallev Qualitv Homes Manufacturinq Site Plans, Flora Ave, 10/27/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98114 K-21 beiqe taq, Woodland Terrace Addition, 6/25/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#F-0045 #K-22 beiqe taq, Gazelle Truck Terminal, 111 N Ella (Spear Road Cul-de-Sac) "208 Seed Mix", 4/13/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98050 #K-23 beiqe taq, Mirabeau Point Parkwav and Discoverv Place (c� Mansfield Avenue, 12/3/1998 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#F0070 #K-24 beiqe taq, Berinqer Place Proiect, 111 N Locust Road, SW 1/4 of Section 17, T25N, R44E WM, 1/15/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98231 #K-28 beiqe taq, Medical Clinic for Chiropractor, 8921 E Alki w/o Arqonne, 3/9/1999 Street and Storm Drainage Improvement Plan: Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98099 #K-29 beiqe taq, Everqreen Vallev Retirement Center(Ameracare), 1309 N Everqreen, 2/23/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B97168 #K-30 beiqe taq, Tunetech Auto Repair Shop, 422 N Pines and Olive, SW 1/4 of Section 15, T25N, R44E WM, 2/26/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98201 #K-34 beiqe taq, Mullan Spec Office Buildinq, N 930 Mullan, Sec 17, T25N, R44E WM, 5/14/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99075 #K-35 beiqe taq, Mission (c� Barker, Courchaine, Temporarv Sidewalk Detail, 7/19/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#ZE-18-84 Page 1 of 3 #K-36 beiqe taq, Latus Motors Buildinq Remodel Proiect, Dora Rd (a�7001 E Trent, 4/1/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98210 #K-38 beiqe taq, Orchard Crest Retirement Communitv, 222 N Everqreen Rd, Fourth Ave Wideninq, 8/30/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98159 #L-4, qreen taq, Baker Spec Retail Bldq Road & Drainaqe, 4808 E Spraque, 10/7/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99060 #L-9, qreen taq,Velis Dental Office, 820 S Pines, Sidewalk &Street, 11/4/1999 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99080 #L-15, International Gatewav Corporate Park, Phase I, Parrot Mechanical Office, 10020 E Knox Ave, S '/2 of Section 8, T25N, R44E WM, 9/18/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99125 #F-17, Gull Gas Station Replace Station, 13819 E Trent, 6/9/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#GULL0002 #L-19, E 9818 Montqomerv Dr, SW 1/4, Section 8, T25N, R44E WM, 7/31/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B00084 #L-20, qreen taq, Manufactured Home Park Picket Fences on Universitv, 7/14/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#MHP-4-97 #L-22, qreen taq, Latus Motors Bldq, 6815 E Trent, 5/29/01 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99111 #L-29, qreen taq, Mirabeau Meadows Median Reconstruction, Mirabeau Parkwav, 6/18/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01119 #L-30, qreen taq, Decker Office/VVholesale Dist Center(Sheepskin Products), 1140 E Jackson, 5/1/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01035 & BSP0077 #L-33, qreen taq, East Vallev Senior Housinq, 16110 E Vallevwav, 10/23/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01115 #L-35, qreen taq, Brown Office Wholesale Woodruff Business Park, 11/19/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01023 #L-37, qreen taq, 14815 E Trent, Burns Road Improvement, 12/10/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01195 #M-7, beiqe taq, N 410 Fancher(Vallevwav Wideninq), Tire Distribution Svstem, Tire Shop Office Dist Center, 6/10/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01029 #M-8, beiqe taq, Spokane Rock Products, 4418 S 8th Ave, NW 1/4 SW 1/4 of Section 23, T25N, R43E WM, 6/3/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01182 #M-9, beiqe taq, Hanson Center East&Office 2 Storv Bldq W/Res Section 13, T25N, R44E WM, 7/22/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01190/PE1504B #M-14, white taq, Central Vallev School District,Adams Elem Add Rd/Drainaqe, 8th &Adams, 8/13/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01206 #M-15, beiqe taq, LB Stone Propertv, Fancher Road Approach/Drainaqe, SW 1/4 of Section 13, T25N, R43E WM, 8/19/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#F0083 Page 2 of 3 #M-17, beiqe taq, Bascetta 2 Wholesale Tenant Road Drainaqe, 4110 S Bowdish Rd, 9/12/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B02033 #M-18, white taq, Black's Mini Storaqe, 12009 E Empire Ave Road Drainaqe, SE 1/4 of Section 4, T25N, R44E WM, 11/7/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B02107 #M-19, qreen taq, Familian NW Interior Remodel Proiect, 2304 N Dollar Rd, 12/16/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B02093 #M-21, beiqe taq, Maple Grove Development Apartments Street and Drainaqe Construction Plans, SE 1/4, Section 16, T25N, R44E, WM, 11/6/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B02007 Page 3 of 3