12-058-030 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box #12-058-030 #154 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Kelio��Park Subdivision, B 2 P� 85 Piat#1259; 6/1953 A subdivision ofpart of the SE'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 20, T25N. R.44E.W.M #116 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Aidorna Homes Addition; 6/1952 E �/z Tract 191 of Opportunity Section 21, T25N., R44EWM #167 �reen ta�. Piat of Giliin�ham's Subdivision; 9/18/1953 Being a subdivision of Tract 70 of Opportunity in the SW'/4 of the NW'/4 of Section 16m, TWP 25N. RGE 44 EWM #132 �reen ta�. Piat of West Valiev Addition No. 6; 1/1953 Being part of the North 8073 feet of the East�/z of Government Lot 1, Section 18 TWP 25N.RGE 44EWP #121 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Bert Addition, 10/1952 Located in SW'/4 Section 14—T25N-R44EWM #158 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Wickiand Subdivision; Bk 2 P� 86 Piat#1260; 8/1953 The South 350 Feet of Tract 9 of Opportunity #133 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Sheridan's Subdivision; Bk 2 P�44 Piat#1218; 2/1953 Part of Tract 59 of Vera #120 �reen ta�. Finai Piat South Point View Homes Subdivision; 3/1952 Of the E �/z of the SE'/4 NE'/4 SW'/4 Section 21, T25N,R44EWM #161 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Van Marter Subdivsion; Bk 2 P� 72 Piat#1246; 6/1953 Subdivision of Part of Tract 132, Opportunity #155 �reen ta�. Piat of Vera Vu Addition; 6/20/1953 Being a part of the SW'/4 of Section 14, TWP 25 N RGE 44 EWM #170 �reen ta�. Heniines Addition; Bk 3 P�2 Piat#1276; 12/1953 Knox Ave., Sargent Road, Montgomery Ave. Argonne # 141 �reen ta�. Piat of Scaramore Subdiviaion; 5/11/1952 Being part of the S �/z of Block 1 of Hutchinson's Addition, in the NE'/4 of the '/4 of the '/4 of Section 18, TWP 25N. RGE 44EWM #147 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Jones-Shafer Subdivision of Part of Tract 21 of Opportunitv; Bk 2 P� 61 Piat#1241; 6/1953 Located in NW'/4 Section 17—T25N-R44EWM #160 �reen ta�. Finai Piat of Ever�reen Subdivision of Part of Tract 115 of Piat No. 4 of West Farms Irri�ated Tracts; 8/1953 Located in SW'/4 Section 35 T26N-R44EWM #148 �reen ta�. Finai Piat Mission—Pines Subdivision; Bk2 P�20 Piat#1244; 5/9/1953 Being part of Block 5, all of Blocks 6 & 7 and the E �/z of Block 8, Opportunity, in the N �/z of the NE'/4 of Section 16 T25NR44EWM #F-24 tan ta�. Profile Grades NE Corner of Mont�omery&Locust; 5/23/1984 #F-31 tan ta�. Pian &Profile—6`�Avenue—Pines South side of street; 8/20/1986 Section 21. T25N., R.43EWM F-38 tan ta�. Street Improvement Pian—Biake Street; 3/10/1987 Sprague Ave. to 285 feet N of Sprague F-28 tan ta�. Valiev Center Shopko Spokane II; 6/25/1986 Sprague Ave. & Blake Rd. #F-23 tan ta�. Site Pian Lot 10—Moffitt's Subdivision; 10/11/1983 #f-20 tan ta�. 6`�—Farr to Woodruff/Farr—8`�to 4th; 1/1978 #F-16 tan ta�. Pinecroft ls`Addition; March 1907-09 #F-14 tan ta�. Street Profile—Cataido Ave.; 5/11/1979 Section 17, T25, R45 E.W.M #F-19 tan ta�. Draina�e and Pavin�Pian—E. 9305 Mission Ave.; 9/13/1982 #G-23 �reen ta�. Profile—Draina�e -Wainut Road; 6/24/1984 #G-21 �reen ta�. Time Oii Company—Revised�rade to eliminate fiat section of curb; 8/26/1983 Plan layout of Coleman Road South of Sprague #F-13 tan ta�. Street profile—Main Ave.—Houk Rd to East; 5/11/79 #H-25 red ta�. Pian profile of 12`�Ave. East of Pines Road; 10/4/1983 #I-9 tan ta�. Profile for curb �rade—11`b &Pierce Road; 6/13/1977 #I-7 tan ta�. Street Profile—Adams Road; 9/13/1977 #I-12 tan ta�. 40`� &41s`Avenue—Madison Ave. #I-10 tan ta�. Pian—Profile/Pines &Valievwav NE Corner; 11/11/1976 #I-11 tan ta�. Pian & Profile Baidwin Ave. East from Elia Rd.; 9/18/1973 #F-29 tan ta�. Girard Road Desi�n; 9/21/1984 #H-46 oran�e ta�. Street Profile-Pinecroft Addition/Site Pian for Spokane Valiev Eiks Lod�e; 5/3/1974 #I-40 powder biue ta�. Park Road (�a,Baidwin; 9/30/1991 #I-33 powder biue ta�. Street Pian—Profile/Desmet Avenue; 7/22/1986 #I-21 powder biue (faded) ta�. Street Pian—Profile/4`�Avenue; 4/1980 #I-46 powder biue ta�. Century Lane—Road Pian/Valievwav Court; 6/14/1994 #H-12 oran�e ta�. Street Pian—Profile/3ra Avenue and Pierce Road; 3/1979 #I-27 powder biue ta�. Street Pian—Profile Wiibur Road; 8/19/85 #I-26 powder biue ta�. Street Profiles Wiliow Road; 7/21/1981 #I-50 powder biue ta�. Street Pian Park Road& 6`�; Park Piace Retirement Center #I-34 powder biue ta�. Road Pian & Profile—Valievwav& Pines; 6/9/1987 #H-41 red ta�. Street Pian-Profile/Suliivan Road; 6/3/1992 #H-17 red ta�. Street Profiles/ ls`Ave—Elizabeth to Bradiev; Elizabeth- ls`Ave. to 2°a; Bradiev—ls`Ave—2°a Ave.; 8/7/1980 #H-14 red ta�. Pian & Profile/Fancher Road; 11/1979 NE 1/3, Sec 23 8,NW'/4, Sec 24 T25N., R. 43 E.W.M. #H-31 red ta�. Farr Road; 5/16/1988 STA 46+07.48 to Sprague Ave. #h-28 red ta�. Street Pian—Profile/6`�Ave.; 3/2/1987 #H-20 red ta�. Lyle Johnson Draina�e Pian; 5/15/1981 NW'/4 Section 18, t. 25N., R. 44E.W.M #H-15 red ta�. Robie- ls`Avenue; 6/1990 #H-43 red ta�. Pian—Profile/Riverside Avenue (Ken Tupper private road)West of McDonaid; 7/29/92 #I-49powder biue ta�. Spokane Industriai Park, South Curb Line Reali�nment #H-35 red ta�. Street Pian—Profile/Mansfieid Ave.Lots 21 &22 Pinecroft First Addition; 11/23/1988 SE'/4 Sec 9 T25N. R.44E #I-20 powder biue ta�. Street Pian—Profile/24`�Avenue; 1/1980 #I-42 cream ta�. Park Road Widenin�; 2/14/1992 #I-39 powder biue (faded) ta�.Valievwav Widenin�—Pizza Hut—N.323 Suliivan Road; 4/5/1990 S �/z Sec 14 T25N, R44EWM #H-29 red ta�. Piot Pian s. 16 Thierman Road; 3/16/1987