12-058-031 plats etc FILES RECEIVED FROM SPOKANE COUNTY Archive Box #12-058-031 #1621, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Ravmond Tullv Addition, Bannen Rd & 13th Avenue, beinq a Replat of the W 1/2 of Tract 172 of Vera located in the SW 1/4 of Section 23, T25N, R44E WM, 1991 Auditor's Certificate: Plat Book 19, Page 94 Plat#3029 #1634, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Shirlev's East Addition located in the SW 1/4 of Section 15, T25N, R44E WM, 1991 Auditor's Certificate: filed October, 1992, Plat Book 20, Page 83 Plat#3092 (921050215) #1637, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Guthrie Familv Tracts, Drainaqe & Ditch, beinq a subdivision of unplatted portions of Government Lot 9 &the NW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 4, T24N, R44E WM Auditor's Certificate: Plat Book 20, Page 86, Plat#3094 (9211040106) #1643, beiqe taq, Meadowlark Addition, Final Plat& Drainaqe Plans, beinq a part of Tract B, Spokane Co Short Plat No. 86-419, in the NW 1/4 of Section 8, T25N, R45E WM, 1992 Auditor's Certificate: Plat Book 20, Page 48, Plat#3069 (9204290557) #1644, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Meadowview Ranch Estates & Drainaqe Plans, beinq a part of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, T25N, R45E WM, 1993 Auditor's Certificate: filed 29 day of September, 1993, Plat Book 21, Page 58, Plat#3144 (9309290070) #1647, beiqe taq, Final Plat Willow Crest PUD & Drainaqe Plan, located in the SW 1/4 of Section 15, T25N, R44E WM, 1992 Auditor's Certificate, Plat Book 21, Page 1, Plat#3105 (9212170408) #1654, beiqe taq, Final Plat of H.A.V. Addition, Mariqold Road Cul-de-Sac located in the SE 1/4 of Section 23, T25N, R45E WM, 1995 Auditor's Certificate: filed 6 day of December, 1995, Book 23, Page 66, Plat#3283 (9512060079) #1655, beiqe taq, Manos Vallev Estates PUD, 1994 Plat#1655 #1657, beiqe taq, Pleasant Cove Addition, Sullivan Road and 26 Ct, Final Plat& Drainaqe/Pond Detail, beinq a Replat of a Portion of Tract 217 of Vera in the SE1/4 of Section 26, T25N, R44E WM, 1993 Auditor's Certificate: Book 21, Page 18 (9303270107) #1659, beiqe taq, Final Plat Ponderosa Ninth Addition, Ditch Plan and Drainaqe, located in the N 1/2 of Section 32, T25N, R44E WM, 1994 Auditor's Certificate: filed 14 day of April, 1994 in Book 22, Page 7, Plat#3177 (9404140498) #1668, beiqe taq, Liesl Subdivision 15-25-44, Section 15, T25N, R44E, WM, 1993 Auditor's Certificate: filed 16 of December, 1993 in Book 21, Page 75, Plat#3156 #1670, beiqe taq, Final Plat and Road & Drainaqe Plan of Hart's Crosswinds Addition, beinq a Replat of Part of Tract 206 of Vera in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 26, T25N, R44E WM, 1993 Auditor's Certificate: filed the 2 day of June, 1993 in Book 21 of Plats at Page 27. #1670A, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Hart's Crosswinds First Addition, Beinq a Replat of Part of Tract 206 of Vera in the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 26, T25N, R44E WM, 1994 Auditor's Certificate: filed the 3 of November, 1994, Book 22 of Plats at Page 79, PE 1670-92 #1679, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Armstronq Estates, located in the SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 13, T25N , R44E WM, 1994 Auditor's Certificate: filed 13 of September, 1994, Book 22, Page 64, Plat 3213 (9409130283) Page 1 of 2 #1680, beiqe taq, Final Plat of Scottish Glen Addition, Street& Utilitv Plan, Part of NW 1/4 of Section 22, T25N, R44E WM, 1993 Auditor's Certificate: filed 27 day of October, 1993, Book 21, Page 65, Plat#3151 (9310270542) #1712, blue taq, Final Plat PE-1712-93 and Roadwav and Drainaqe of Broadwav Subdivision, Section 18, T25N, R45E WM, 1994 Auditor's Certificate: filed 19 day of May, 1994, Book 22 of Plats at Page 13, Plat#3182 (9405190157) #1718 & 1722, blue taq, Final Plat and Drainaqe Plan for Canal Addition &Canal First Addition, beinq a Replat of Lot 3, Block 13, Corbin Addition to Green Acres, SE 1/4 of Section 18, T25N, R45E WM, 1994 Auditor's Certificate: filed 20 day of October, 1994, Book 22 of Plats, Page 71, Plat#3218 #1720, blue taq, Final Plat of Leisure Court, PUD, beinq an unplatted portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 15, T25N, R44E WM, 1995 Auditor's Certificate: filed 4 day of August, 1995, Book 23, Page 36, Plat#3263 #L-12, qreen taq, Episcopal Church of the Resurrection, 15319 E 8 Ave, Road and Drainaqe, 1/5/2000 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B99142 #L-18, qreen taq, Prinq &Tonani Commercial Bldq, Barker, Boone to Sharp, NE1/4 of Section 18, T25N, R45E, WM, 6/14/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B00015 #L-23, qreen taq, Spokane Vallev Mall, Sullivan Park Center, Plat 1504A, Sections 10, 11, 13 & 14, T25N, R44E, WM, Superseded bv 9/30/1996 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B95134 #L-32, qreen taq, Woodruff and Sixth Avenue, Road and Drainaqe, 9/6/2001 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B98190 #M-1, beiqe taq,Yokes (c�Arqonne Villaqe, 9329 E Montqomerv, Road and Drainaqe, 1/23/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B01191 #M-6, beiqe taq, Mission Meadows Manufactured Home Park 123 Units, Barker Road, Section 6, T25N, R45E WM, 1/8/2003 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#MHP0004-96 #M-10, beiqe taq, Broadwav Office Complex (SonRise Land), N Alki, S Broadwav,W Conklin, E Moore, Road and Drainaqe, 7/2/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#ZE-0013-00 #M-22, beiqe taq, Maple Grove Development Street and Drainaqe, Tshirlev Street Wideninq, SE 1/4 of Section 16, T25N, R44E,WM, 11/6/2002 Spokane Co Engineers Office Project#B02007 Page 2 of 2